HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070228Status report, petition for extension of time.pdf~ E eEl' : . BJl€~,S:QiNt & O!~yATTORNEYS AT LAW :r'D ,"1 'LJUz :0 !:, rll . v Molly O'Leary , - if i iJ(~:!~)~~l l\: ,,~ (' Ull'IIIL..,~v'..I",."I..,h.. Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 molly(i!) richardsonando leary, co O, Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 - 515 N, 27th St, Boise, ID 83702 28 February 2007 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 Via hand delivery RE: Case No. EAG-05- Dear Ms. Jewell: I am enclosing an original and seven (7) copies of EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC'S. STATUS REPORT and PETITION FOR EXTENSION TIME in the above case. Sincerely, Nina Curtis Richardson & O'leary, PLLC Molly O'Leary (ISB # 4996) Richardson & O'Leary, P.LLC. O. Box 7218 Boise , 1083707 Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 moll V(Q2rich ardsona nd oleary, com , ~"' ,, ,: : . " c, .. " .., i ' ~"'~" ' ::\ 7' ,,- LL~I ,-uc:. III ::.. -.J lj'i t L ! ;l;c:~J', i :\' ~SI Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION) OF LOW WATER PRESSURE IN A PORTION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S SERVICE AREA CASE NO. EAG-05- STATUS REPORT and PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME COMES NOW , Eagle Water Company, Inc. ("Eagle Water ), by and through undersigned counsel , and files this Status Report and Petition for Extension of Time. Eagle Water has been diligently pursuing the completion of a Final Engineering Report to meet the requirements set forth in the Commission s Order No. 29840 , as well as to meet the competing demands of a Consent Order entered into with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality in February of last year. See Exhibit , attached. EAGLE WATER STATUS REPORT and PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME - 1 To that end , Eagle Water has been working with Jim Rees, P., of MTC. Inc. here in Boise , and Chet A. Hovey, P., of Ward Engineering Group in Salt Lake City, Utah. A Final Engineering Report draft was submitted to DEQ for review on January 20 2007. DEQ completed its review of that draft report and sent Eagle Water a letter outlining 31 Action Items on February 13, 2007. Mr. Rees and Mr. Hovey have consulted with DEQ regarding the Action Items, and anticipate having a revised Final Engineering Report ready to submit to DEQ on March 15 2007. As previously noted in Eagle Water' Petition for Relief filed with the Commission on December 20 , 2006, the Engineering Report on Eagle Water system has undergone several iterations , in addition to the current revision. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2 is a current invoice from MTC for services rendered by it, to date , on the Engineering Report. In addition to MTC fees , Ward Engineering Group fees currently total approximately $53 000. A total of $129 624.61 has been collected through the surcharge as of February 28 2007. Of this amount, the expenditure of $112,414.00 has previously been authorized by this Commission , resulting in a difference of $17 210.00. Given the cost of the Engineering Report to date, apart from associated legal and accounting fees , it is unlikely that there will be an "over collection " of surcharge fees in the near future. For this reason , Eagle Water respectfully requests the Commission to: 1. Continue to allow Eagle Water to collect the current surcharge amount in accordance with the terms of the Commission s Order No. 302013; and 2. Extend the deadline for Eagle Water to file an application for financing the EAGLE WATER STATUS REPORT and PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME - 2 system improvements required by DEQ as a result of the Engineering Report to 30 days from the date Eagle Water gets a final acceptance of its Engineering Report from DEQ. ESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED this 28th day of February, 2007. EAGLE WATER STATUS REPORT and PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME - 3 EXH EAGLE WATER COMPANY , INC. STATUS REPORT and PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME -::=?,~~..:~,:: - J'"'" -- -~" --:.. - - STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY L~~~~J\~7 i;~~'ll ' '; , . i "-.:: : i i; ii' ii j; : L../ / :oJ '-' l.........-' , '.. .','" .---...--.----, -- "' ", _Um .. , ". -- --..".. ..- . u -,,-.. .. '-----------,._ Dirk Kempthorne, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director 1410 North Hilton. Boise, idaho 83706-1255 . (208) 373-0502 February 24, 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Robert V. Deshazo Jr. Eagle Water Company, Inc. 172 W. State Street Eagle, ID 83616 RE:Executed Consent Order for Eagle Water Company, Inc., PWS # 4010049 Dear Mr. Deshazo: Enclosed is a fully executed copy of the Consent Order (CO) signed by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality's Director , Toni Hardesty. The staff at the Boise regional office will be trackingcompliance with the deadlines set forth in the CO. Please send required communications to: TIffany Floyd, Regional Drinking Water Manager Department of Environmental Quality Boise Regional Office 1445 North Orchard Boise, Idaho 83706-2239 Thank you for working with the Department to resolve these issues. Sincerely, ( J~rri Henry lJrinking Water I"\ule/Enforcement Lead Enclosure cc:Stephanie Ebright, Deputy Attorney General Lance Nielsen, OW Program Manager Mike McGown, Boise Regional Office Tiffany Floyd, Boise Regional Office r 'I~ 1 iTmJtitlL"',~~(~.7i./~U"dson & O'Leary, 515 N. 27th St, Boise, ID 83702 File COF --.--.--. DAHO Dt;? ARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAl- QUAl!TY In the matIeref:CONSENT ORDER Idaho Code ~ 39-1 08Eagle Water Ccmpany 1. Pursua1'lt to tPe idaho E;nvircninentaJ Pr-QtectiOI1 and ~tM Act. idaho Code S~101 through 39-130 the!~ Departm,~nt of EnvirQn~1 Quality (D~partmem)~tsrs into th~ Consent Order With Eagle Water Compa,ny (Eagle), a Public UtilitiesCommission (PUC) regulated, community pubfic water sy~ Serving 2550connections and ~O jr,dw~s in !Ea91e, Ada Courn;y, I~ PW$ # 1D4C10049.2. By Notice of Vioi~Qn (NOV) da't$d August 1, 2005, the Department notified Eagle of vi~laoons of the for Pubij!:; Qrfnkino W ate! $~ms ! DAp- A 58,01.08. The NOV is incorporated by reference into this Cons~nt Oreer. The NOY provided EagIe an opPortunity for a compliance oonference !Q discuss the \'ioJationsand enter into a conSent order, A compliance conference wa$ heJ.d on August 162005. 3. !r. order to r~tum te'99mpJiant;:e With applicable ~e and fedel"9! Jaws, Eag.re .hereby agrees to P.f$rf9&n:th~fuRlp,wing;~etions~in:the:'time- periPds'setfa~;in wder todemonstrate OOmp~iaFlee'w1th.I~A~58-;O1.Q8:" ' . ,' "'" ., a. Eagi~ shall continue jq provide qUarterly public notice canGemi ng the.system s iQSS of pressure ar!dlor depressU~on events, an(i tt.~ Steps thesyst~m plans to take ~q return to compliance \Yim the prS$Sure reqlii~ments, inaccordance'ifJfth iDAPA 58.01.Ge, 15Qj to each reside~ on Uie system by mailor hand delivery. Eag!e shaH contin~e to provIde pubjj~ hof:ee to each r~eflceon a quarterty basis (every 3 mQnthSi) unul s~ tlrr1e as the Department provideswritten notice that quarte.tiy public nooncatkm is no !oliger required. b. ~gle shan provide tf;\e Department with proof of each quarterly notiftca"ticn via'.t1e :bt?part..m:ent's suppr~ notifica:ticn TOim and a copy ofeach quarterly oo ~'? a.iicn within 1en J~ 0) dayS Of completion, ~oh /0 )(1.,. 'YC. No iaterthan :=8hnj~~/24 , 2006, Eagle shafj submit for Departmentapproval a Preliminary Engineering Report. The Prefim!nary Engineering Report shaH delineate the steps that \i\rilf be taken to bring E~g!e into M! compliance with10APA 58.01.08 and shaH ind~d& Hie foIfovying: ReeommendatiQl1S fOf actions to b~ taken fOf Eaglet:! meet therequ'irement$ of ioAPA 58.01.08 including: additional sources or ~, system mx~ons as needed to mget the water quality, quantity aI:/G p~~re requiremen~for current 9Jid,future, cr~'Ife!ling unit$ 'arido#1eru~. " - CONSENT ORDER. i ,j, Q , " ~I 5. Department Re'i!ew and Approval Submittal Revj~v PrOcess. Unr~s otherv.'ise setfort, spe.cificaJiy h?rein, the following doC'.lmenf submittal and review proce$S ($ubrrJttaJReview Process) shall be followed regardjng $UPMittals required by this Consem Orderforwhich bepartrnern: approv~1 is required. - This prnc~ sP.a!! be fQUowed until theDepartment approves the document' or t~e review time frame has ?xpi!'ecLa. Within ts,irty (30) calendar day~ Qf receipt of E?g!e s subm1tta!, theDepartment shaH 1) notify Eagle in \,vritiflg the document is approv~; 2) notifyEagie in writing Qf any deficiencies in the docume~ or 3) f"otify Eagle of theDepartment's ext~jon of the Departtnenfs review and ~mmem: period for upto an ~itionaJ thirty (30) days. I! ~ O~e!1t nQtffies Eagle of deficienciesin the document. l;agre shall submit a reVised d~ument to i~ thosedeficiencies within thirty (30) e;;~lehdar days of receipt of the Department's notice.b. The Subrrmtai Review Proc9s$ shaH be ~ea~ until the DepartmentrJQtl1e$ Eagle the document is approVed. HQWever; the Submitta! must m;;et t~eDepartmenfs q.pproval within sixtY (60) day~ from the due date for the fit$!:, submittal of the document, uni~S$ tfle Departm~nt provides Eagle with a written extension of the sixty (60) Q~Y time fr-~. Eoag(e's failure to obtain Departmentapproval Of ~ submittal within suCh time frames shaH constitut~ a '.I16!ation of thisConsent Order. c. If the Oepa!1mer)t extends its review and comment period beyond th~initial thirty (30) d~y periOd descrtb?Q ~bove, the time fr~e$ within whichEagies documents shail meet requirements of ~js COnsent Order shan beextended by af1 etiuivalent number of days. Ol1Ge the Department e;pprovestf1ese doGtJments, they ~Ii be ineorporated h~reitJ and enfo~abIe as a part this COllser"1t Orrier. AU communiCations req~ireQ of Eagle by this Consent Order shaH be addressedto: Tiffany Floyd, Regional Drinking Wat.$f Manager Department of- ~nvironmentaI QtJ~(ity Boise Regional Office 1445 N. Orchard Boise, Idahe 83706 AJj notices, reports and submittals required of t~ Department by this ConsentOrder shaH be addressed to: Robert v. D~hazo Jr. Eag!e W?iter Company, Inc. 172 w, State Street Eagie !D 83616 CON$E:NT aRDEH - 3 EXH T 2 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC, STATUS REPORT and PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Feb 27 07 03: 04p Jim Rees 2083438967 p. 1 MTC, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, AND PLANNERS 707 N. 27th STREET BOISE, ID 83702208- 345-0780 fax 208 - 343-8967 FOR PORFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FEDERAL IN NO. 82-0398542 ACCOUT OF EAGLE WATER COMPo O BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 JOB NUMBER: 05-840 27-Feb-o7 JOB # 05-840 PUC STUDY FOR EAGLE WATER COMPANY AUGUST TO DECMEBER 2005 $44 741. JANUARY.. 2006 $13 165. FEBRUARY $12 714. MARCH $10 028. APRIL $10 131. MAY 928. JUNE 919. JULY 791. AUGUST 340 SEPTEMBER $890. OCTOBER $582. NOVEMBER $340. DECEMBER.. 2006 $680. JANUARY...... ...2007 printing 12 BOOKS 892. $381. FEBUARY $977. MARCH TOTAL $115,506.