HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070123Engineering Report Part I.pdfi:) C \1 r: I . . \ t- , .' '. 2001 J~N 19 Pii 4: 24 c" P. \ j' . ;.',; ; ;~ \ \ ., \ (., C V ' .' '\ . ,n . , -""' If :u.(c QJNr&(f))UTillT\Cj CO\",(\,j;:J0 ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW Molly 0' Leary Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 molly&Jri chardsonandoleary. com O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 - 515 N. 27th St. Boise, ID 83702 19 January 2007 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 RE: Case No. EAG-05-02 / eAG'- w- D 7-0 Hand Delivered Dear Ms. Jewell: Pursuant to Commission Order Nos. 29840 and 30213 , Eagle Water Company, Inc. ("Eagle Water") herewith submits its Final Preliminary Engineering Report for the Commission s review. Further pursuant to Commission Order No. 30213 , Eagle Water intends to submit an application for a rate increase on or before March 2007 following Commission review of the enclosed report and further discussions with Commission Staff. , PLLC TC. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, AND PLANNERS 707 N.27TH ST. BOISE, IDAHO 83702-3113 (208) 345-0780 FAX (208) 343-8967 FAb -w -05 -o~ '=-A G -lV-o ~ ~o Ms. Tiffany Floyd. Regional Drinking Water Manager Department of Environmental Quality Boise Regional Office 1445 N. Orchard St. Boise. ID 83706 19 January 2007 Project 05-840 Dear Ms. Floyd. Transmitted herewith are three copies oithe final draft of the Preliminary Engineering Report on the Eagle Water Company, Inc. water system as required by 1076/16RO Consent Order. We look forward to assisting you in any manner necessary during your review of this report. Please contact us directly if you have any questions. I'-" -, =. . :-:1 ~i: .-:, -, \.D "" -=" c~'-f".(r:: i"1 (") ;-rl ---; ....J TC.,NC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, AND PLANNERS 707 N. 27TH ST. BOISE, IDAHO 83702-3113 (208) 345-0780 FAX (208) 343-8967 Mr. Robert V. DeShazio, Jr. Eagle Water Company, Inc. O. Box 455 Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Mr. DeShazio, January 19,2007 Project 05-840 Transmitted herewith is the final draft of the Preliminary Engineering Report performed on the Eagle Water Company, Inc. water System. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project and we look forward to continue to serve you.. ------ ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION AND DECLARATION James M. Rees and Chet A. Hovey, hereby certify that they are Registered Professional Civil Engineer in the state ofldaho. They declare that this Preliminary Engineering Report was prepared under their direct supervision for Eagle Water Company, Inc., Ada County, Idaho. rJIut A ~ bfv~ Chet A. Hovey, P. E. Idaho Reg. 11861 11- Acknowledgements We wish to acknowledge the willing cooperation and assistance of the staff of Eagle Water Company and the City of Eagle. Particularly we acknowledge the efforts of Mrs. Betty Holt and Mrs. Toni Velie at Eagle Water Company in provide us with the meter records necessary to perform the consumption analysis. Your patience and forbearance were exemplary. We would also like to acknowledge the modeling efforts provided by Ward Engineering Group. Thank You. MTC, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, AND PLANNERS 707 N. 27TH ST. BOISE, IDAHO 83702-3113 (208) 345-0780 FAX (208) 343-8967 Mr. Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. Eagle Water Company, Inc. O. Box 455 Eagle, ill 83616 19 January 2007 Project 05-840 Dear Mr. Deshazio study: In the following Executive Summary are the main findings and recommendations of this Eagle Water Company serves 2924 residential accounts, 358 commercial accounts and 112 landscape irrigation accounts. Eagle Water Company s records for 2006 show an annual production of 815 mg/yr resulting in the following rates: . D.D. Max Day Demand System Max Day Demand Average Day System Demand 1.12 gpmID. 5.26 mg/d 23 mg/d The breakdown by use is approximately as follows: Residential 75%, Commercial 11 %, and Landscape Irrigation 14%. These figures are based on annual averages and will vary by season. Population growth shows few signs of slowing down. Growth in the Eagle Water Company s service area will be primarily by infill, densification, and/or service area expanSIOn. Water supply source is pumped groundwater from six wells (#1 , #2, #3 , #4, #6, and #7). 6. Recommended system improvement are: Description Cost Estimate New Water Source - Well #7 (Constructed and Online) .............................................. $620,000 Well #7 Interconnect (Constructed and Online) ...........................................................$146 000 Upgrade Pump in the Main Booster Pump Station ......................................................... $29 360 Install PRSV on Floating Feather Road.......................................................................... $25 000 Upgrade Pump in Booster Pump Station #2 .........................,......................................... $30 500 New Water Source """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""'" $785 000 Emergency Backup Power..........................................................,.......""""""""'" $ 160 000/site Install SCADA/Telemetry System....................................$23 OOO/site plus"$25 OOO/master site Recommended future system study elements are: Provide ongoing system model maintenance The recommended current system improvements based on 2006 price estimates is142000. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this projectand we look forward to continuing to serve you. Yours 1ruly, EAr; -w-O6':Z/ l=--AG-cl7 -() REPORT SUMMARY Authorization Pursuant to the contract agreement between the Engineers, MTC, Inc, (MTC) and Eagle Water Company, Inc, (EWC or "the Company ), MTC , Inc, has performed this water distribution system study on the Company s system. Purpose, Need, and Plan of Study The purpose of the investigation was 1) to identify current system pressure and supply deficiencies, if any 2) to identify and analyze potential remedial actions , and 3) to generate a model for the Company to use as tool in current and future planning, monitoring, and management. The scope of the investigation was system-wide. At the current time, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) has placed a development moratorium on the Company s certified service area until potential remedial actions are identified, The principle need for the study was to identify facility improvements , if any, needed to eliminate low pressures. The need for additional supply has long been recognized, In the early 1990', a well was proposed near State Highway 55 (SH-55) and Hill Road , however, access was a major obstacle and the well was never drilled, Well #4 was completed in 1992 near the South-central area of the service area, Well #61 was completed in 1996 near the West end of the service area, A connection was begun from Well #6 thence West on State Street and North on Ballantyne Road to Country Side Subdivision. The plan was to continue North on Ballantine Road then East to the existing Floating Feather mainline. The request for this as service area was denied by the IPUC so the connection was never made. Another possible routing through the proposed Covenant Hill Subdivision was also thwarted when the subdivision area was removed from the Company service area by the IPUC and included in the service area of United Water-Idaho. In the meantime, the City of Eagle has been in a significant growth pattern, Census and population estimates, as obtained from the Idaho State Department of Commerce and labor and other sources , are shown below: Historical Population Data 1990 577 1995 777 2000 11 ,085 2004 176 The 2006 population estimate by the City of Eagle is 20 130, 1 There is no Well #5. - 1 - The demographics group of COMPASS of IDAHO , a regional planning agency, provided the following population figures: Population Projects 2005 124 2010 227 2015 854 2020 216 2025 785 2030 043 The chart below shows historical data in conjunction with growth projections for the City of Eagle. City of Eagle Population History and 35000 30000 !:: 25000 :g 20000 g, 15000 c.. 1 0000 5000 1990 2000 2010 Years 2020 2030 Portions of this growth were by annexation and were outside the Company s service area, However, growth has occurred within the EWC service area as well through population growth residential infilling, and an expanding commercial base as shown by the increase in the number of residential and commercial accounts serviced. Further information about water accounts will be provide later within this summary. The need for additional supply remains to this day. EWC needs an updated master plan to keep pace with the growth in its service area and to continue to provide cost effective , quality service to its customers. To that end, EWC is working to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate domestic water supply needs and fire flow requirements, - 2- The plan of study was to utilize computer based modeling software, calibrate the model to available existing system data, and then test various scenarios in the model to see their impact on the overall system s modeled operation. Based on system evaluations , system improvements will be identified with a prioritization and cost estimate. Generalized Description of the Existinq Conditions and Water System The certified service area of EWC, Inc. lies in portions of Sections 2 , 3, 4, 8 , 9, 10, 11 , 14 , and 16, in T, 4N., R. 1 E., B,, City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Physiographically it is on the alluvial fan of Dry Creek together with portions of the adjacent Boise Front foothills and the Boise River floodplain , all North of the North Channel of the Boise River between River Miles -42 and -46, Portions in the North and East lie on terraced alluvium left by the down cutting of the Boise River. Topographically the majority of the service area lies West of the Boise Front foothills between elevations 2650' and 2500 feet; the balance rises to the East to an elevation of 2800:1: feet. The geology, as read in the well logs, is generally coarse sand to silts and clays, with minor horizontal lenses of coarser grained materials from major storm events, as would be expected at the mouth of a major drainage. The soils in the alluvial fan areas are in the Notus-Moulton-Falk series while those on the foothills are in the Quincy-Lankbush-Brent series,2 With the exception of Dry Creek, the surface hydrology has been significantly modified by over a century of agricultural activity and by urban/suburban development. Groundwater is encountered between -2' and -40' depending on proximity to the river; well depths vary from 230' to 466 feet; and drawdown varies from 60' to 160 feet. There are no known cultural resources, prime agricultural lands, or wetlands in the service area. The Southern boundary of the service area is the North Channel of the Boise River that is in the City of Eagle s designated Scenic Corridor. Most of the area is developed and in general, the native fauna and flora have been supplanted by domestic pets, decorative plantings and grasses. One well is located planimetrically in the mapped fringe area of the Boise River floodplain; however, it is elevated above the 100-year base flood elevation as required by the City ordinance. With an estimated 2006 population of 20 130, the City of Eagle covers about 17 square miles. The Company s water distribution system lies generally within the City of Eagle and it's area of impact. In 2006 , service was provided to 2924 residential accounts, 358 commercial accounts , and 112 landscaping accounts, The supply and distribution systems, owned and operated by the Company are the subject of this study. Included are five wells (#1 , #2, #3, #4, #6, and #7) and associated pumping stations, one water storage facility for well #2 booster pump station, two booster pump stations 2 Soil Survey of Ada County, Idaho; USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1977, - 3 - (main and well #2), and approximately 54 miles of waterline , with appurtenances, of which about one mile (less than 2% of the overall system) is smaller than 6-inch. All these smaller lines serve five or fewer customers and/or short cul-de-sacs, and all are without fire hydrants and flows are acceptable, See Appendix A for system inventory, The existing water supply is pumped groundwater from the deep aquifers under the Boise River floodplain. All wells have been permitted by the Idaho Department of Water Resources and logs are on file in their offices. See Appendix B for well, logs. Water Quality/Security The water quality is good and meets the public drinking water standards. In addition to specific testing required by the IDEQ, EWC personnel perform wellhead tests monthly. There have been no known problems with water quality, All well/pump house facilities are securely locked, Each facility is inspected daily and the pumping quantities and pressures are recorded, Source Protection Plan A Source Protection Plan is on file in the EWC office, Currently the system operator monitors the provisions of the Source Protection Plan in operation of EWC's system. General source protection practices include but are not limited to the following:1, Well houses shall not be used for storage of any chemicals.2. Well house access is limited to operating staff and persons they admit. No person shall be admitted into a well house unless a member of the operating staff is present. Well sites are visited daily by maintenance personnel in the course of operation and any potential source of contamination is immediately noted and removed. According to the EWC personnel (Tom Gilbert), A Source Water Assessment Final Report was prepared by DEQ that defined the potential for water contaminates, A Brief System History Eagle Ranch Water Company was formed in 1972 to serve Eagle Ranch Subdivision, In 1974, the Company applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a ruling to establish the Eagle Ranch Water Company. In 1976, the Public Utilities Commission ruled on case No, U- 1116-1 Order No. 12621 to establish Eagle Ranch Water Company, At that time, there were 150 customers and Well No.1 was the only well in the system. As the customer base grew, Well No. 2 was drilled and integrated into the system, Eagle Hills subdivision water system was acquired and it's well designated as Well #3, Due to problems of sand production , however, Well No, 3 is generally used for backup, - 4- In the 1980', the company name was changed to Eagle Water Company, Inc (EWC), Water meters were added in 1986 and the billing rate was changed from a flat rate basis to a meter rate basis. Well No.4 was drilled and added to the system in 1992. With the expansion of the City of Eagle , Well No, 6 was drilled in 1996 in order to: ) Serve the West side of the service area , and ) Provide additional supply for the system once this well was looped to the North and connected to the existing EWC 12" mainline on Floating Feather Road, (This connection has yet to be made. The Floating Feather 12" mainline is a major line to the higher East end of the service area. WaterCAD~ Modelinq As with any computer modeling, there are often differences between data from a model and the actual workings of the system, We have compared the actual water system performance against the model results and are satisfied with the correlation, Current Modelinq Project This modeling effort was begun in the Fall of 2005 utilizing Haestad WaterCAD~ v7.0 software. The model required the following input for analysis: i. Horizontal and vertical geometry ii. Water source information iii. Pumping information iv. Consumption data Methods V. Performance criteria i.) Horizontal and vertical qeometrv was obtained from EWC and MTC Engineers, Pipe number and junction node numbers were then assigned to an AutoCAD(B) model. The model was then imported as the background layer of the WaterCAD(B) model and used as the guide for constructing the WaterCAD~ model. Node elevations were obtained from existing record drawings and topographical mapping. System demands, water sources, and other controlling hydraulic features were incorporated within the model. This established the base model. ii.) Water source for the EWC system is groundwater pumped from six wells, Information regarding the wells was obtained from the IDWR well logs , test pump records, EWC records , and MTC Engineers' records, This information includes well stratigraphy, depth, diameter, casing, screen placement, and pumping/drawdown data. 3 The service area has an elevation difference of -160 feet from its Western edge, West of Well No, 6 (elevation 2560 feet), to the East end of Big Springs Boulevard (elevation 2720 feet), This equates to a pressure difference of 70t psi. - 5 - From water consumption and production data, it was obvious that an additional water source was required and new Well #7 was drilled and constructed. The new Well #7 is located in the NE4 of the SW4 of Section 15, TAN" R.1 E., 8.M" Ada County, Idaho, Well #7 has just recently been completed and put online during the course of completing this report, Well #7 was originally tested at 1350 gpm with 130 feet of drawdown, This was because the driller and test pumping company set the test pump at 160 feet. The production pump was installed at 200 feet. The well was later test pumped with the production pump at 1800 gpm with a total drawdown of 190 feet. For modeling purposes , the maximum pumping rate was conservatively limited to 1600 gpm with a drawdown of 160 feet. It is anticipated that with additional testing and further development of the well , the capacity of the well could be increased, iii.) Pump information was obtained from the pump identification plates , manufacture catalogues, well logs , test pump records, and EWC records, Pumping curves were either obtained from the manufacture s pump performance curves or hand generated, Also provided by EWC was information on the pump controller settings for the variable speed pumps (VSP) and the fixed speed pumps with on/off pressure settings. iv.Consumption data for commercial and residential customers were provide by EWC, This data was used to assign proportional flows to each node within the model. A copy of this data is included in Appendix C. In addition to this information, EWC provided the total annual demand and the maximum day demand for the years 2003 through 2006, System Demand Year Annual Demand Maximum Day Maximum Day Demand (gallons)(god) 2003 675 334 680 7/13/03 647 000 2004 689 607 640 8/16/04 763 000 2005 624 127 005 7/17/05 180 000 2006 815 222 000 8/27/06 261 000 Annual demand data can fluctuate from one year to the other due to weather variations system improvements, and such things as a water service rate designed to encourage water conservation in high demand seasons, Typical variations can happen as can be seen by the 2005 data, The peak day demand is steadily increasing due the increase in water accounts served, To determine the maximum day demand per account and determine if it is changing with time, the maximum day demand was divided by the number accounts for the years 2003 through 2006, The results are listed in the table below, Year System Demand Maximum Day Demand Account Total 647 000 7452003 - 6 - 2004 763 000 888 2005 180 000 196 2006 261 000 261 The table shows a continual decrease with time for maximum day demand per account. In projecting future demands on the water system , it was conservatively assumed that each water account would have a maximum day demand of 1,12 gpm instead of following the downward trend, Each water account was considered a dwelling unit (D. ). Using the AutoCAD(8)/WaterCAD(8) model , each D,U. was assigned to a specific node and the maximum day dem and was applied. Calibration of the model was verified comparing modeling results with actual fire hydrant flow test data. Fire hydrant flow testing was performed in August of 2006 at three strategic locations within the system. The following table shows the results and indicates the result from the 2006 Scenario, which does not include any of the approved developments. Hydrant Flow Summary location Corresponding Field Pressure at 1500 Model Pressure at Junction gpm (psi)1500 gpm (psi) HomeDepot 960 lakeland - Whitby 437 Edgewood &116 Clubhouse A copy of the fire hydrant testing is located in Appendix D and modeling results for the 2006 Scenario is included in Appendix E, As can be seen in the Hydrant Flow Summary table above, the results from the field hydrant testing indicate the fire flow availability in the model is less than what was available in the field, This is expected because the model is using the maximum day demand , which is likely higher than the actual demand on the system when the hydrant testing was conducted, It is also evident in the results that the difference in pressure from the model and actual field tests are not consistent. This can be explained due to the current demand on the system and how it affects the production rates due to different pressures within the system, vi.) Performance criteria are listed in the general requirements fo~ all public water systems found in the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IRPDWS) and the Recommended Standards for Water Works (RSWW), Additional information supplementing the IRPDWS and RSWW were provided by Mr. Monty Marchus , P,E" IDEO-Boise Office, in his Design File Notes (DFN) titled Pressure Requirements-Public Water Systems and Design Flows- Public Water Systems, Additional correspondence with IDEO and an interpretation of rules is included in Appendix F, Specific standards utilized in this modeling were pressure related rather - 7 - than demand related, For example , fire flow during the maximum day demand requires satisfying the pressure standards of 20 psi residual and a system wide minimum of 20 psi. The system also needs to meet the system wide operational pressure standards of 100 psi maximum and an optimal minimum of 40 psi during normal operations. WaterCAD(8) Modelinq Results A computer model was setup to simulate the existing 2006 water system wi approved developments, the 2010 water system, and the 2026 water system, Each of these scenarios was run with well # 4 off and then well #6 off per the General Design Conditions (Section 501,17.a), Because the water system is considered a pumping system and is not equipped with storage, the system is required to meet fire flow conditions with the largest well out of service. Due to the nature of the water system with multiple pressure zones, the system was modeled with the largest well turned off in each pressure zone. Because Well #7 is a new well with new equipment and soon with emergency backup power, Well #4 was selected to be turned off in the lowest pressure zone. The modeling output for all scenarios is included in Appendix G. Figures of the water system are shown in Appendix H, The Fire Marshal of Eagle Fire Department has informed MTC that the minimum fire flow requirements for one and two family dwellings having area less than 3 600 square feet shall be 1 000 gpm. Correspondence with the Fire Marshall is included Appendix I. However, for insurance rate purposes only, the model was setup to determine which fire hydrants do not have a 1 500 gpm fire flow while maintaining a minimum system pressure of 20 psi. 2006 Scenario w/ Approved Developments The 2006 Scenario w/ Approved Developments includes the existing water system, Well #7 and related infrastructure along with the IDEQ approved developments the new St. Lukes Medical Center and Gladstone Subdivision, The maximum day demand for 2006 without these approved developments is 3 653, gpm. The maximum day demand flow was determined using actual 2006 data as discussed and reviewed by IDEQ. The peak day demand was increase to 3801.28 gpm to account for the additional consumptive use by the approved additions, Two improvements were made over the existing water system condition for modeling purposes. These improvements included replacement of a butterfly valve in Floating Feather Road with a pressure reducing/sustaining valve and adding a pressure reducing/sustaining valve to the Gladstone Subdivision. The addition of the pressure reducing/sustaining valve at Gladstone Subdivision is a recommendation only, Under normal operation , the valve will be completely open and would only be used to maintain the pressure in the middle pressure zone under a major line break in the lower pressure zone, - 8 - A summary of the modeling result is shown in the table below with all the wells in operation , then with Well #4 off, and then with Well #6 off. 2006 wI Approved Developments Modeling Results Scenario Minimum Minimum # of # of Minimum # of System Fire Flow Residential Residential Fire Flow Commercial Working Within the Junctions Junctions Within the Junctions Pressure Water Below Fire Below Water Below Fire (psi)System for Flow Suggested System for Flow Residential Requirement Insurance Commercial Requirement Junctions 000 gpm)Minimum Junctions 500 gpm) (gpm)500 (gpm) gpm) All 1501 2702 Improvements Well 4 Off 806 101 1160 Well 6 Off 907 , J-186 1571 The results indicate the need for an additional water source or the increase in capacity within the system, The main booster pump station is not equipped with enough capacity to utilize the combined flow from Well #4 and Well #7. 2010 Scenario Growth rates were estimated using the City of Eagle s population predictions and applied to the EWC's water accounts. Currently, EWC has three types of water accounts; Residential Commercial , and Agricultural. The following table lists the current water accounts and the anticipated water accounts for 2010 and 2026. Water Accounts Summary Year Residential Commercial Agricultural Total Water Accounts Accounts Accounts System Accounts 2006 wi Approved 924 358 112 394 Developments 2010 333 408 112 853 2026 603 530 112 245 As the table above indicates , it was assumed that growth will occur in Residential and Commercial accounts only and Agricultural accounts would remain constant. This is because of the policy of the City of Eagle that all new development must be equipped with a pressurized secondary irrigation system from existing irrigation water rights, A planning unit was assigned for both residential and commercial growth, The residential planning unit for ultimate build-out was assumed at 2.25 D,s/acre, A total of 301.6 acres were - 9- identified for potential residential growth and using population projections a total of 409 residential s were evenly distributed, The resulting density was 1.36 D,s/acre, which indicates build- out would take place after the year 2010 , closer to 2014, using the City of Eagle s population projects. The commercial development planning unit can vary upon end use. For planning purposes , a commercial development planning unit of 2.5 D.s/acre was used as ultimate build- out. For the 2010 Scenario, an additional 50 commercial D.s was estimated above the 2006 wi Approved Developments Scenario. Six commercial development parcels containing 162.2 acres were identified in the 20-year development window excluded the St. Lukes Medical Center. The model used a peak day demand of 4 241.44 gpm plus fire flow, System modifications are shown on figures included in Appendix H. Modifications to the model from the previous 2006 Scenario wi Approved Developments are listed separately below, Upgrade Main Booster Pump Station Capacity - The model indicated modification to the booster pumps in the Main Booster Pump Station is required, With the addition of Well #7 and the proposed Well #8 discussed below, the Main Booster Pump Station capacity must be increased to distribute the flow through the water system, As the modeling results shown in the previous scenario, the water sources generate more flow than the booster pump station can convey to the upper system. Additional Water Source - Additional water supply was added to the middle pressure zone and designated as Well #8. This additional source may be obtained by improvements to existing water sources like Well #4, Well #3, andlor Well #7. Upgrade Well #2 Booster Pump Station - The model indicated that modification to the booster pumps in the Well #2 Booster Pump Station is required, A summary of the modeling result is shown in the table below with all the wells in operation , then with Well #4 off, and then with Well #6 off. 2010 Modeling Results Scenario Minimum Minimum # of # of Minimum # of System Fire Flow Residential Residential Fire Flow Commercial Working Within the Junctions Junctions Within the Junctions Pressure Water Below Fire Below Water Below Fire (psi)System for Flow Suggested System for Flow Residential Requirement Insurance Commercial Requirement Junctions 000 gpm)Minimum Junctions 500 gpm) (qpm)500 gpm)(gpm) All 1501 3521 Improvements Well 4 Off 1501 2382 Well 6 Off 1084 3122 - 10 - In comparing the 2006 wi Approved Developments modeling results to the 2010 modeling results a dramatic transformation can be seen, All residential junctions are above the 1500 gpm insurance reduction requirement. The commercial fire flow availability at the junctions identified below the 2500 gpm , when well #4 is off, is acceptable due to the type of structure and being equipped with fire sprinklers, 2026 Scenario As previously stated , growth rates for projections were estimated using the City of Eagle population predictions and applied .to the EWC's water accounts, See the Water Accounts Summary Table located in the 2010 Scenario write-up. A planning unit was assigned for both residential and commercial growth. The residential planning unit for ultimate build-out was assumed at 2,25 D,s/acre, A total of 301.6 acres were identified for potential grow with an ultimate build-out of 679 residential D.s, Using the growth projections, it is anticipated build-out would occur prior to 2026 and is estimated to occur in 2014, For planning purposes , a commercial development planning unit of 2.5 D,s/acre was used as ultimate build-out. For the 2026 Scenario, an additional 172 commercial D.s were estimated above the 2006 wi Approved Development scenario. Six commercial development parcels containing 162.2 acres were identified in the 20-year development window excluding the St. Lukes Medical Center. The 2026 density is therefore 1,06 D.s/acre. Build-out is estimated well beyond the 20-year projection. The model used a peak day demand of 4 754.4 gpm plus fire flow. System modifications are shown on figures included in Appendix H. Modifications to the model from the previous 2010 Scenario are listed separately below. West Enchantment Street, West Cobblestone Way, and West Yellowstone Street Interconnect - The capacity of Well #6 is not optimized throughout the water system due to pressure restraints and head losses within the system. The original idea was to interconnect Well #6 with the main trunk line in Floating Feather Road. Due to the prevention of EWC service to the Covenant Hills Subdivision , the original idea is no longer feasible leaving this the next preferred option. As development occurs, this interconnect should be constructed as part of the infrastructure, A summary of the modeling result is shown in the table below with all the wells in operation , then with Well #4 off, and then with Well #6 off, - 11 - 2026 Modeling Results Scenario Minimum Minimum # of # of Minimum #of System Fire Flow Residential Residential Fire Flow Commercial Working Within the Junctions Junctions Within the Junctions Pressure Water Below Fire Below Water Below Fire (psi)System for Flow Suggested System for Flow Residential Requirement Insurance Commercial Requirement Junctions 000 gpm)Minimum Junctions 500 gpm) (gpm)500 gpm)(gpm) All 1501 3520 Improvements Well 4 Off 1501 2429 Well 6 Off 1473 , J-186 3302 The improvements made for the 2010 model run had a dramatic impact on the performance of the water system, The impact from the improvements can still be seen in 2026 scenario in which all the residential were above the local fire flow requirements, The commercial fire flow availability at the junctions identified below the 2500 gpm , when well #4 is off, is acceptable due to the type of structure and being equipped with fire sprinklers, Recommendations The model identified areas within the system that did not meet the suggested insurance minimum of 1 500 gpm available fire flow but did meet the 1 000 gpm International Fire Code requirements, The recommendations have been divided into planning and construction related projects, A list of planning recommendations is as follows: All new subdivisions, if possible, should be a looped system to ensure a minimum available fire flow of 1 500 gpm. Minimum 8" waterlines in residential areas and 12" waterlines in commercial areas. No booster pumps should be connected to the system unless they are owned and operated by EWC and any currently unauthorized pumps should be removed, Minimum service pressure for all future connections should not drop below 50 psi. As development occurs around existing subdivisions , it should be required , if possible, to connect to the existing subdivision and loop back into the water system. Multiple existing subdivisions are being serviced from one feed line limiting fire flow availability and a redundant water supply, - 12- All proposed developments should require a fee for a water model analysis prior to approval. It is suggested that developers are required to submit electronic copies of plans to be integrated into the water model for preliminary plat review. The following list of recommended improvement projects and the construction priority has been developed to increase the service pressure, available fire flow, and water supply within the water system. Date (2006) (2006) (2007 -2008) (2007) (2008-2009) (2008 Description Cost Estimate New Water Source - Well #7 (Constructed and Online)..,.......,.,.............. $620 000 Construct new water source and associated piping with emergency backup power supply. Well #7 Interconnect (Constructed and Online) ....,............,......,.......,.,...., $146 000 Construct new transmission piping from Well #7 to existing piping along Eagle Bypass, Upgrade Pump in the Main Booster Pump Station ...................,......,......,.. $29 360 Evaluate the pump in the Main Booster Pump Station to determine if replacement is required, Install PRSV on Floating Feather Road ,...,............,..,..................,.,............ $25 000 Replace existing throttling valve with a pressure reducinglsustaining valve station. In the water model, the upstream pressure setting was set at 72.5 psi and downstream pressure remained around 55 psi. Upgrade Pump in Booster Pump Station #2.............................,...,............, $30 500 Upgrade the pump in Booster Pump Station #2 to add additional head and determine if replacement is required, New Water Source ..............................,.........................,........,...,.,.,.......... $785 000 Contingent Drill and construct new water source or renovate existing water sources and on Permitting) equip water source with emergency backup power supply and SCAD/Telemetry, This item also includes associated piping ($35/ft at 1350 ft), PRSV ($50 000), and land ($150 000). (2008-2009)Emergency Backup Power.......................,...,..,..,..,....."......,....".,.......$160 000/site - 13 - (2009-2010) Because the water system is feed with power from two separate electrical distribution feeds coming from opposite directions, it is likely that should power be lost it would only affect part of the water system, With this in mind , it is suggested that a mobile generator be considered. The Main Booster Pump Station and any future water sources should be equipped with a stationary emergency backup power system and a mobile emergency backup power system should be available for Well #4, and Well #6. Currently, Well #7 is equipped with emergency backup power. Install SCADAlTelemetry System ......,.....,..., $23 000/site plus $25 000/master site It is recommended that all wells and booster pump stations should be controlled through a SCADAlTelemetry System to increase reliability and efficiency of the water system. (As Developed) West Enchantment Street, West Cobblestone Way, and West Yellowstone Street Interconnect ,......,.,........,....$301ft ~ 3 740 ft plus Bore & Jack $50 000, $162 200 Increase the capacity of fire flow near Well #6 when it is off line. It should be a requirement of the developer of residential parcel #2 to make the looped connection including the bore and jack under the canal. The cost should be split with the developer. (Evaluated)Water Storage ....'.............,....,..,......,......,............,.'......... $1 ,421 ,000 - $1 178 000 The concept of utilizing a tank for a supplemental source when one of the wells is out of service was studied from several angles. The recommended storage capacity of one million gallons was used for the study. To be effective the tank must supply water to the highest service connection with the required working pressure of 40 psi. This would require the minimum operating water level of the tank to be around elevation 2840 feet. This requires the tank to be outside the existing certificated area or to construct an elevated tank. There are few if any locations available for the construction of an elevated tank. Two locations outside the service area were evaluated for a tank location. See the attached drawing for a vicinity map, One of the areas is near the Skateboard Park and the other near the Northeast Corner of Sage Acres Subdivision both located on County property. To fill either of the tanks, a tank booster pump station would be required. The Skateboard Park location would require a pump station close enough to the source of supply that a single pipe could be constructed for the fill pipe. Pressure reducing valves would need to be installed on other lines in - 14 - $900 000 336 000 125 000 160 000 800 000 Sage Acres Sub, location tank piping duplex pump station with power building $900 000 168 000 125 000 000 Total 278,000 TANK No. 12" PRU three places. A location for the pump station could be a problem, An estimated cost for the tank is $900 000. Piping would be another $336 000 to $168 000 depending on location. The tank booster pump station would be equipped with duplex pumping and standby power for an estimated cost of $125 000, The building would probably cost another $60 000. (The cost for the Sage Acres location would be more than the Skateboard Park location,) The estimated total for the foregoing is $1,421 000, On the other hand , a new well and pump with backup power close to the existing 12" line is estimated less than $800 000. The additional source is the preferred alternative because of economics and additional benefits to the water system. Capacity Evaluation The capacity of the water system was evaluated for the 2006 Scenario wi Approved Developments, 2010 Scenario , and the 2026 Scenario. Each of these evaluations is discussed separately below. It is recommended that all proposed improvements be thoroughly investigated through modeling prior to approval. Current capacity of the existing 2006 Scenario wi Approved Developments is limited due to the requirement of having one well out of service while meeting the maximum day flow plus fire flow. However, additional capacity is available pending on location of proposed connection and lor modifications to pumping capacity of existing sources, Currently, the pumping capacity of Well #4 and Well #6 is limited due to the 100 psi maximum pressure requirement. By reducing the pumping pressure in these wells, greater flow is available without maximizing the pressure or the available water. Well #2 Booster Pump Station is limited due to the pump curves not supplying enough pressure to over come the system working pressure. In addition to water supply, upgrading the Main Booster Pump Station to increase the distribution capabilities within the system will provide additional capacity. All of these options would provide time to investigate if another well source is needed , what the minimum pump capacity should be, and allow time to construct the source, The 2010 Scenario , with the proposed improvements previously stated in the model write-up, has surplus capacity for an estimated additional 444 residential connections and 148 commercial connections. The 2026 Scenario, with the proposed improvements previously stated in the model write-up, has surplus capacity for complete build-out for residential connections and the estimated 260 commercial connections. Financial Plan Included in Appendix J is a Financial Plan for the proposed improvements. - 16 - APPEND IX A System Inventory Appendix One Eagle Water Company System Component Inventory Water mains are made up of PVC, Asbestos Cement and Ductile Iron pipes e Size Len Valves 872 feet 099 feet 856 feet 117 160,533 feet 452 12"74,694 feet 128 Total 284,054 feet or -54 Miles 712 Fire drants 327 Cleanouts 102 Appendix Two Well/Pump Station and Booster Inventory Well No. Located East of Eagle Road and South of Ranch Road. SW4, SW4, NW4, SEC9 T4N., R1E. Well is at a depth of 328 feet. Berkeley pump Mode18S4H- Citler-Hammer control Panel Hammer and Honeywell Pressuretrol Model 80 No. 9Ll5BCCO08 Surge Capacitor Static water level is at 38 feet. 560 G.M. Discharge at 62 Feet No auxiliary Power Well No. Located on the South side of Ranch Drive and East of Cedar Street. SE4, SW4. NW4, SEC9 T4N., R1E., BM The well is at a depth of 192 Feet One 90,000 Gallon concrete water reservoir on site. 25 HP U.S. Electric Booster Pump 2 Each 15 HP Pacific Booster Pump 20 HP Well Pump with General Electric control panel Ruff water control system panel Well Guard automatic Booster pump control panel The static water level is at 50 feet 470 G.M. discharge at 133 Feet Cat powered Auxiliary Power on this site Well No. Located West of Edgewood Lane on the North side of Eagle Hills golf course. NW4,Se4, NE4 SEC 9 T4N., R1E., BM The well is at a depth of 466 Feet 60 HP Burgess Pump Delta DP3NF Pump Control 4000 Gal. steel water reservoir Loval Model 4AG separator with controller The static water level is at 68 Feet 600 G.M. discharge at 118 feet Fine sand in this well and this well is not producing for the system. Well No. Located North of State Street and East of Edgewood Lane. NE4, NW4, NW4, Sec15 T4N.,RIE., BM The well is at a depth of 385 Feet 70 HP Fairbanks - Morse Pump Rosco Moss type Vee Wire well screen The static water level is at 2 Feet 3046 G.M. discharge at 145 Feet No auxiliary power at this site Well No. Located South of State Street and East of Payette Way. NW4, NW4, SW4, Sec8 T4N., RIE., BM The well is at a depth of440 Feet Layne pump Model HKl6L7100jDF 250 HP electric type RUA03AOI3RI44R- Balder adjustable speed drive The static water level is at 5 Feet 2600 G.M. discharge at 320 Feet Well No. Located South of State Street and West of State Highway 55. NElj4, T4N, RIE, BM Eagle Idaho. 100' by 100' site with a 20' easement to State Street for access and water lines. 24" well with 16" casing with 50' of sand screen. The well is at a depth of 400 Feet This well will be connected to the system in the near future. Booster Station between Settlers Canal and Horseshoe Bend Rd. Paco Pump 60 HP VCT5000-AQUA Series AFD 1750 RPM 230 j 460 volt 3 Phase power 1400 G. APPENDIX B Well Logs ~~~I~i~~~frl~;' ~~; i;t~" , ' ,' C 3"'1j'"..;,lflcl1eS" ,Jnches ,.'feet,fee1; ' ,," i!.: .-".':', ;" ,!."." '\",:"; ,,r ;:1';' . " 't~~cif:th~~i; ;f'g~;/;t~~"l;;~;1:tr ' 'I'c 31, ~ j ,"'"' ' ~i:' it! . ,., .I i"'. I '~J 1i5 ---"-" " ;0 ,,--~ , C " . 7'" / """\ \, ,, .-,;j,' . f-)( / ,;:;:", ~~.; ' 2::;, ' '\.....~ ", " ~ !J , " )lv\H:~Y(i~.Hd' ' ""'" II! II! (,) U') d ~ \. ~ \), .--\ \,....) \. /'....-'\ \ ("".... ... r \ \ t \/ /\. \.........:'!.,,:;~,=,~"'::'-'!== (j)\'r ;~,(/)=='(~' rf\ ..r p..... 16~S \"" I~,j! . -,"",,"""" r~' )" ~"--' c..o ""'"""'"::; O'J ~~ 8~ "' ~ '...". ~ ,,, ,, , ~~ "- '\k ~ ~~~ ~ /9 ~ ' "~ \ ... .\, 'J ~ ~ \. ,/ "-"":\-------------,,----' (5/ )/ \, l;Q \~\\ ~ \ : t'"\ \, """\~' ) ..L 0 6'~:;: 0 ~0 ai ~ 1.: ...QI 0 ~ g g' O! ....c: 0~ 0 a. co: ,;,.... ,J, ')' co:fJ) .... , I- fJ) , a.c: :;: 1ii :r: ,., 'fJ) ,.,.!!! -ci 5 :;:~ a. 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() Cap (1 Plug ~15. 2, NA rURE OF WOFIK , 8, WELL, HST DATI, :;t ~..-- -~ 'lor :J ' --.t'( .. 0 I "--J! /Ii JJJ ,;....,/2.1l' New wel' "I Dwpenl,d ,Replacemenl ump , r Baller ' , he' ,(,"'1 P, Di",h"""G,M, i D,_Down Hour' Pump"" , ~::::"::~ ~~:. ~'=.,_- --... ~:~ ~=~~~=~k=:~, ' I lJ Dom..lie hlunicipnj 0 IIIOOo'riol ~Stock 0 1'1001. 01"'0001 Dr '5'..t.J ~ ~A',,#....~--.J I"mction I 4, METHOD DRIf,.LED IW Cable \' 5. WELL CONSTRUCnON Own.Ler of hole .t..:l... inches Total depth ;)"3_DJeet Ca"ng schLodolo: qt 51001 O,!;oncmtoThickn." DID"'.'.' Fro.., V,;oo.5.binches ._, t::L..... ~nt;hOS +~ 1",,- -- ,nays indies _feetinches inches ,- feetinches inches lootinches InchllS - - feet ',11.5 a packer Dr 58al used? Y!IS )'iJ! NoPerforated? 0 Yoo Jl No . How per, ".ted? CFac\orv UKn;!. 0 Torch Sizeotp(,n,. '" ", inCh"'bv_-. in""""' ,-- - Num"", From To I \ .".____ 0""'1"1,", , -,- ,,~,t feet .,--,,-_.. perforelio, ,- -'- "--- feet ~ ---,----- perforations -- , JOt ---leet ell ",reen instailod? 9Jf Yes 0 No ----r --- Manu'laclorer , name ~,-- -- ' -=-..1::-Tvpo ___-- 7:I.." -'-_. .- -i- 0 i"",o 10' :11. Slot siz~ Set from ~eel to Lb.1--- 'aCt i---+.=-1Diameter,_. SIUlsize 5atfrorn .j l feel f!~feet Gra'/,!lpacl,.dl JfYO5 0 No Sizeof ~~_~_. --- " Placed Iro"' - -~~,,- feBI to--+UlI--_.__. .et I ~ .."", m!h .&.. Malorial .... in ...0' 0 COme"' qroul Puddlin~ clay ,VItti eul1in~. ,, ' ' ..=t ~=-~,,------_., _:$t. .-! 0 ~!IiI 0 T~ ....,- """'"'" - r..=I O,",,~(H'. ,. - .~ i~' !,iJCATlOf!j OF WeL.~ (' G ~. " 10" ~O'k started 71#1.1- Shad f'::L, ... d. If~., I Sketch map ""'atiCl~ frll,st O9r.e with written 10Gution, ~-!/ Iui.- ~"~,~,"-~-- +"I . LDt No,1--~k County --1;Ld. . . - ~11'.~~c,.L... T.::I~L US" ADDITIONAL IIHI!if.TflII' NI!Cii I!8ARY FORWARD THE WHrn COpy TO TH!! DIi1.!'ARTMIF.NT ImWJlitn1 rn.''Yfhor iw!ocify 1\'1'0)9, LiTHOLOGIC LOG rc ROIO'"0 Other M.,.Ii.1 0 Dug ..11iL1I,mt':'feetL, - .,___ Ie.! --1 --,- f..t lee, r- =1-"- ~- -tt-=-,i ' --i II. !lI'IILLER6 tgJlflCATION "" /"'I /7"7 F;rm H4.""FInn =::~~, t::-r~ ~~,,"~ ,.._._,._-..__.~.. .._UU_'"".,w"..~..... . "h "",,". ......' r ".. ...... ......r.."..~_... cf. j;C-.";:,: s;i;it~: ., , PEPARTMENT6FV;A~/;r~ESaQ;~CES:~;:%iiz:3'~~'7~Jt~:~ct1f':' f't~J:~ c;~~~ ~i ~;~!;~;~~~E~~~~~ ~g:~~~~.:~ ~~;;;~~. ~~~ i;~~~~~:"Jf, r :i ~~~I~f:f~:t~':L :;ilimO '. - . 7 i~:i~;t:f::!~~ ~~;E: :~ii~~~!f~\ \:: Owner s P,fmi ~~tYi' : Controlled by: 0 Valve '" 0 cap" $:;~:\~~; ;J;:~~~~'~~~~~~~~: &~#t: lht" ~ ,~" :' P;'I'I!:JaQdPn~9'i(q~~pribe methocj;orabilndoning) , " ',: ");,;;;~~;':::~~;;~'" " " WE L\ T :~~~~ ;:,::- !:If\~ ~a:~\I~( ~~~;:; )"" DI",h'ljJa G, 600 i", D~awdiiwi1 ~;~;~~i~~~~~~f;~~~ ~; ~~~' . ~f~~i~, I ;,j;J ,MuhicipaV'-QJ'iJndlJstri&I"fGl"~h';H:1c " i:,Jj~:, : :!':~;);~Vi'~:;:::'i::f(! ;"': ' ::::~;~X~)~~~~t~~;~~~' ~~' ~:YLi: ~JZ~i~;i~ :~T ~:~ :~~r2tF ~~;i1,Z'p \6 6 ' %., "Ij Casing' schedule, :.. !~teel"Coiicrete , . ' ' , ';, ;" '.', Ij;,:f', Ti) feet feet, feet feet "'" ';' feet feet " , PiaiJ,~ter..6Ta.SI~i:sfze2,)\Setfroni ,feet to' feet jif~1j~ ~~ ;~~;; "sea!i~gprQ(iiidur~:used~ ' ' , 0 Slurry pit, 0 Temporary slirface ' ~/' i~:" ~::" '~i ~~;;::;/" . "'II , ' 9X~~;;~~0r~;~~S~~!d~rth 6:"~O~A'TION i~.:~;:V:;;'~\;:. ~;;;:" " Sk.\1tcti map Ib~a!ipn :inust agree wii:~ wriitenl?cation:' " ' " 'I'I-' ':'""", , ~;;i~~~;~~~:,Q', ;(: woo, ,',," ", .. '.';' "~" "~j~:" :' C' .r: 'i:', ...,::. ~, 'i;;, it' . ,:" ;",;" ;:L.." , ,.,,",._, Eagl'i1 HnJ.~, :",, .....':, "",-- " C , ;:", .., ,:, ,;' ;, '," ,..," ''."""" ,,' , ~-' '- '..,, , .. .....:, - ,, ;, '--, '. ~", , ' :5 /~ i;;:" :' t;~J~ \i :Yi ~~:~,i' :.,r~/kJ;7;: , ;;':(.:; firm Name !:' ~I!:''i:~~;';r':R . Ihuisperger \'Ien;~D Farn N()/-'92 "., ""' !oR 118 Sub . , ..,; ':"'':: " Add 6065 ' Oreana' Dr . ;,',:- " ress , ''" ,;' " (?~~;~2B/18 ."'0,. Block No. , ' . . ;i" ~~.\ ~:;~i ~ ~ i;;,, ~.' " , ".. '- "" . "'" m , -, ~1f,t,(!iJ~~gq,nJ.JIIi$/kjrl'~\ \4- 1\~'12- " ,,;~,:;,;-~~~~- , Form 2 'I ; '. STATE OF IDAHO ' . ' USE TYPEWI:'!ITER /92 ' DEPARTMENT OF WATER RES~URCE ~ ," , ~:~LP 'NT PE~I~ . '. , WELL DRILLER'S REPORT :: ; ",: . ~iJz ::~'/:T.:i:" . . Slale law requIres Ihal Ihls report be flied wHh the Director , Departmenl of Waler Resource,,! iS~~~;):1li,r\~: , " within 30 days afler Ihe completIon or abandonmenl of the welL ","~f' , " .\" ";::"~' , 1. WELL owri1-~:lLE ~JRTER CO. INC. Name Address ' P. U.BOX 445 EAGLE 83b :!-.';!.:. L (LDrilling Permit ,No. Waler Right Permit No.63-1.1798 7. ::~::a~:V :~el feet belo~ lan :~f ~~:~' :~,~t,Flowing? 0 Yes 0 No , G.P.M. flowArtesian closed-in pressure i. : i. ..,,'.'.- . '. , Conlrolledby:, 0 Valve '0 Cap , 0 Plug' ;":' ' Temperature - oF, 'QualityDascnba artasianor tamparatura zonas balow. 2,' NATURE OF WORK 1\11:::\..) ~JELL 0 New well 0 Deepened 0 ReplacementWell diameter Increase Modlflcallon .0 Abandoned (describa abandonment or modirlcalion procedures such as liners, screen, malerials, plug depths, etc. in lithologiclog, section 9, , "" ., "'-" J, PROPOSED USE YJ(.nEH 'lj'r 11:"":(1' " - .. B. WELL TEST DATA 0 Pump Bailer Air Other DIscharge G. "4,Pumping Leve'Hours Pumped Domestic 0 Induslr!al Olher Irrigallon : 0 Monllor Slock 0 Waste Disposal or Injeg~9n_,(specify type) 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG ,Bore' De Dlam. From ,:!. . el ""~;\/ !:'. ' , :;" 0; "" , ';' 4. METHOD DRILLED HEIJEf~S!7- rmTAHY" G Ro"tary 0 Air 0 Auger 0 Reverse rotary---- 0 Cable 0 Mud 0 Other (backhoe, hydraulic, etc, i/:,ier/a, " ' Water , ' ' Yes ' , 35 TOPf:lO 1 L SAND GRAVEL HOCK FINE'TO CRSE SANDLITE BHN CLAy, ' ,~." FINE TO~'CR8E, SAND ;' '; ;~,, BRN S?-1NDY CLAY, ":'~!~I';" ~; ,~,,", 1 E D-CR8Et Si=-1ND" ""':~, d'l" '"X "3~ I ?-1 X " 5. WELL CONSTRUCTION ,SEE ATHH:I~ED" ::"~:,:""" ," ,;" ' Casing schedule: Steel 0 Concreie, 0 Other~'Thickness Dlemala' I:rom inches :------- inche ~, + feet ieel ,-----"-- inches inches feel leetinches inches feel ~ feelWas casing drive shoe used? . 0 Yes 'i',." b No ' . ' ,(,';:" Was a packer or sea, Used? ;,0 Yes :'~::;~1iJ No ' ~:'\':' , Perforated? ' , - ~ : ' 0- Yes :!: ~. 1iJ No ":~\-:/i~ ; 'How perforated? 0, Faclory ": 0 I(nlfe Torch :,'GunSize of perforalion?- Inche~ by ~ inches ' (;"~' i:' :;;j;:.- , NUm :rroralio :~/-; I:: FrOm;' ;l' ~;.; " )\tl~~;perforations :"'"",.., leel " "":' feet.~erforatlons feel IeetWell screen installed? .. ~ Yes ,, 0 No ::;;.-, ManufacturerRnRr:nFMORR ,Type ,,' VEF: Top Packer or Headpipe . ' Bottom of Tailpipe :r;j'i'~; ~;~);!(:': '' ,, ,:" . :" :':: ',, Diameter -,,---- Slot size Set from feel to -""",, feet.Diameler _Slol size set. from~feel to~feetaravel packed? Ell Yes 0 No ,Size of" gravel " ' :~ I :"' Placedfrom 7,A~'i ' " etI0 1HIiI feet , "' "; ;,::,,:: , ,:(' Surface seal depthLaJ?Malerial used in seal:. 0, Cemen grout' ~ Bentonite' 0, Puddling clay ,. 0 Sealing procedure Used: , ;,- " . 0 SIi.my"pii .. ' ::. '" :;,;, .. 0 Temp, surface casing " " ' gJ Overborel~ seal d~pili ::" Methcd of Joining casing: .' , ; 0 Threaded D'. Welded"Solvent Weld ' , .: , y 0 Cemenied between srrala ' :':' ":"'!"" ;Y,~lt,o,~ ":,. " ~.;,h ' ". ':,:, ;~N~" " ,," ',:. -:'"w' " ~lll\ ,,... ':", ,;~,. "\.,.. " ,:,;. ;~ ii,lj " '"""""..,,, "'., , "i; ,"", . 'i;' ~ ..;, ,~~(",:."..'. ",'- Lot No,Block No. ..', '"~,, Describe access port :=,;; ' S-t'(I:q:: " :(:'" , ~;rI( ~;~':;?! t~~?J ~~~~f::,:r ini~111 :... 6. LOCATION OF WELL , ,: , Sketch map location ' must agree with 'Written local loll, Subdivision Name ' ,I, " ' CountY -rmn , Ad~ress cf Well Site EDGEWDLlD & I-H.) lflf , ,' , . (give at least name o/ toad) ' ' ' T.~ N LJors:'I4-1'J-1-i-'- '14 See, ~: R, --l-E 'o orW d '-.. .. ........-. -d~/0.7 J)K)'::~0~'0 /~, -.--- "'--'- " t ':e: )j ~,----=-='",, , ~J" , ' 10/-\/-10 OEPAFlTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT Office Us,;; Of Inspected by ---u_..------Twp- Rge --,- . S8C 1/4 1/4 1/'1 '"---, S,.1R Use Typewriter or EJ811point Pen 0 ..Long: CJ Flowing Arlesian 1, DRiLLll'lC; PERMIT NO,63 - 94 W ()trlerIO\i"r'!:J, .____ 63-l21.J,,7 ~, OWl, ;:, latll", , .,-,i!J\UULWAJ:ER_CO_,lNL__- ':,~(;I",,::, ..., ..BOX_45J---___- :;"1., ,L,U1':', -....,..., ,-----,_._,__SIClle ID_Zip_S361.6- J, LOCr:TION OF WELL by legal description: ~:;"~IC:::I:' :.. ,L1C:ilIOfi rTlusj agree wilh wrillGnlocCiliorl, j--- ' I .J" N -- '" . ~.., i.--:--- h'Jp- __,-_._---. NOIlh 1..1 or Soulll U ,;j I B - ~.. -,-u E Rye. _ .::_--- Easl ~,:J or wes : . See, . ~,_.._-, __._ I/(1 1/4 1/4 r--'-- ~'-" "'-' f'-- Gov ! Lol __- Cou ~iY:,ADA "0:10'" 160'010'La!: Long: Address 01 'Nell Site AJ'PRmCIAOO-1O1'A'i'E--- . ... STIlEl:T-n----__--,---.----, CilY--EAGLE_- ",:""" """""""'""";r.O"""""':lnO,"'OIL",ut,,,;u,, ..,u Blk_ ____,__ Sub, N8rT1e ,____------,--.. Y. USE: , Uc)l1leslic MUNIClPAL ::: Municipal : Injection '::'1 "-'Ionitor ~.:; OI~ler CJ Irrigation ;. I,"lfl1al 5, TYPE OF WORK check alilliat apply NEW WE1~placelllent etc. i(, , , " Well :::: "-'Iodify =.! Abal1donmenl CJ Olher 0, DFiii...L rV1ETHOD RBVERBB ORCULA'110N, ' r-Iolary ': Cable :::~ "-'Iud Rolary ~~J Oiller 7. S EP,LlNc.:; PROCEDURES SEI'L'~IL TEA PAC/( AMOIJN r METHOD-__,n, ..,-- -.-, an!Socr.sor ---- ":~.:: - Poullds Bl!NTOHn:IJ~ -Jd6- -J4Q-. -JOOOfI-. PQ(JFJID I ,-llliInU!~JTI:!-- -23::1- 0- 7~QOH--, , :Jt.JRED--LFll,.1=01c-PAGY. 9 iT 6;J-iOOIt- YRE /~s dll'"2 shoe used? :-' Y 0 /II SllOe lJeplh(s) Was an. '2 slloe seal!esled? C;Y C:::N /-low? d, CASI(\jG/LINER: :;;""'""1' F,CI" To Gau" I-- 0- - !(Y"Tm- 91~ .'olori,,1 COSlllg Lillel Woldod Thr.oded STEEL 1,,:: ST1;1,EL 3 rEEL Length 01 TailpipeLe/lg!/1 vi /-Ieadpipe 9. PE~~FORATIONS/SCF!EENS ~r:;r:1IiOI1S 'Melliod ___._,_._-, 80,,'"I1S Screen Type ~ ' lu SIo' Sile l-Io"'M( Ola"'OIOI "'a'e,i,,' , - 265- '3"5- -30"1- TD'-- ,3'TEEL \-. 29 r- .- 331 j 5 -- - :m::I- TO'-- -S'r:E1~L-" J6r' n -377 y---' - jO:~- 1"0'--' :STEEL-' C".,ng L,ne, ~:-J ~ , 10, STATIC WATER LEVEL OF! ARTESIAN PfiESSURE: .. II below ground ; '~"": ;! Pl1cnlflllprpr! Artesian pressure _____IIJ, It. Descrihp 8CCP.SS lIort or 11. WELL TESTS: 0 Pump 0 Bailer Lal: oAir Yield gal.lrnill.Orawdown Pu",ping Lev.'Tulle Waler Temp, (X1I.n Bolloll1 hole lemp, --.0 Water Quality lest or comments: -GOOD..cLEAR----- Depth firs I Waler En'~(JurHered _ 12. LITHOLOGIC LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) IVai' 80" Die. From Remarks: Lilhology, Waler Quality & Temperature :z&!. -0- -1-5- -MND - - 1-'- 6- -ID.VHR..:R.C1CX..-8t-qUA.il.:rz.s.A.N-- -46- ----'8- -BRO-WN--C.A.Y-3i- I- -CO~,,-,...- (1 -(17- -BROWN-Cl.A - - 61- -+-i- -QUAR:rZ..-iANl) - - 7-4- -86- -BRGWN---CbJ\Cl. 86- -98- - ;I, -B&G~ l-O$- -1-1-1- -:UR8E--&AND H- o.J~ -BRG-WN--GbA-Y 1-'38.- -1-a9- GG\1R;88-iII:L\lYL.8AlID 1-39- ~ -BRGWU--G,i\Y- -J ~ ;:- GR:8B-8J\H.9-&--PBA-GIt,;W 160-- -! 63- -BR-9WN-GbA-Y- 163- 16-3- atBB-SAHEJ ffi- -BR8W €hI\, Y1 -81- f-8N9-&-PBA-EJRA-VEb I1jg- ~- -BR9WH-8hAY 19+- 439- ~HdH,gB-8A:Nbl.&-P:EA--eMVEL - ~ -Q ~ Q- RG ,"\Ill' -GbA --;- \H:2- -Q"~ --ffi8B-8N9-,OO;;;\VEb;~"f~- ~.I~- -;17\:)- -GR,!'IIH3.RN-~ME-PEA-.IJM.VBL--- ,- 219- -Q1-5- -rn.gNmH-GQbG~Y---- ~H-- -;11'6- jARp-GaaB-UlID 176- 8~-- , ~-I:.A-Y-BRE.Q - m- -Q9!- ,-tJRBBH-,~-GlJ1..y..MQiE;J ~J- ~1- -GG~- -- 331- ,--361- -~1 &-BRN-GbN(. .....:.-. 61- "';1.1- -Gfb3B.-~WJtTb-mID 371- ,3'79- -BIU-t-GhA-Y- 319- -407- -~-8M0+ Completed Depth U-LTEE:r--__(Measura~ ' Dale: Stalled --AJ.19t96 Completed "j/:V9:6 _,0_- --- 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION I/We ceJ'lily that all minimum well construction standards were col11plied '. IIle time Ihe riy was removed. Firm i'!ame PETE (.'OPB ~ CO., INt."..Firm No, ;"" o,r;';"D"'2.:..3'::'aile! /, " , """", ~""""""""'.:Gii1"~":J2,r;':j1ii;::s",;JiO" !"'";:,::::' ';:;::'::':'c, IDAHO DEPARTMEI\IT OF '/VATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S F1EPORT Use Typewriter or Bullpoinl Pen t~,~~~~~N ~ERMIT NO, -=-==-=-=== 1. W EST 8"'" 2. OWf\JER: Yioldg"i~ OlawdoV/n Ni1rne _____. ---- - '\(/clr') 55 '--p Cily__...._- ,------------- SIOlte Zip 3. LOCA TION OF WELL by legal description: Sketch rnClp 'ic,:nion 'lust agree wilh wriltel! local ion. II -I---L- -- ,- Twp, North CJ or South nAge. EClst Ci or West 0 E Sec, ===-, 10;;;;-,114 -:;0, ;;;;;;- 1/4 liW-;,~.I/" '------ -. -- Gov.'t Lot --- County -t_.. Lal: Long: "'ddress 01 Well Site _--____- City p- -;;::;:"-::"";~~:: :;"'" 01 ,n," . 01""", 10 Roo" .' Lo"",,, ;," Blk. __,_,_ Sub, NaI1lG ____..-.--- ,____n_- - 4, USE: -' Donh'stic ', Municipal :; Ivlonilor Theillli11 .J Injection CJ Other5, I PE OF WOR!\: check alilhal apply Iew \:all ;~ Modily ~~j AbClndonrnenl G. DRILL ,.IETHOO : I-\ir R'~~lary ~.~ Cable U Irrigation (F1epIOlcernenl etc. i':-j Olher_- := OtherU Mud Rolary 7. SEALII\IG PROCEDURES ALFIUER PACK I\MOUNT METHOD r'- ~;:" "'1 From Socks or Pounds ,.-- F1L'mR...J'. CX-----340--231---3 64-00 roURED \"/ilS clli'J8 sJI'.Je used? '::; Y c: N Shoe DepIl1(s) .'/ClS rJri'le stl1J8 sealleslecJ? ~jY ~~;N How? --------- 8. CASINc.~/LiNER: n"lor ?~ - .Q.~ MoieliDI10' 331 367 ,230 STF..EJ... to" 37i- 250 STEEL 10' 403 -11 ,250 STEEL Cosin9 Un"'Welded nuemJod i:J '-' '""gth 01 Hradpipe Lenglh 01 Tailpipe 9. PERFORATIOI'4S/SCREENS PeriorCllinllS SCree!l" ~Jlelhod Screen Type Slot Sil,I'lumoor Olomo'o ; -;:; OIOrl.1 1sln9 -:~~ ~UJ- 0- ~TO'- 3T.EEL :.._._ ~~+: P :======-- Liner 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PFjESSURE: ,..--___---- 11 ~J!!IO'N ground Arlesian pressur e -. _...., Jll. DGOll1 fIO','t ,,flcounlereu - --, '1. DescrilJe E1ccess port or . ---,.-, ,,-- ,~~, Office Use Oilly Inspected by Twp- Rge Sec 1/4 1/4 1/'1 LOll: OAir Long: (J Flowing Artesian Tim.Pumping Levol Water Temp. 'NOlter Qualily lest or comments: Bollom hole lemp. Depth first Water Encountered 12, LITHOLOGIC LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) 'l/oler Bale RemDrks: Lithology, Water Quality & TemperolureOiD,From ,.. 4.UL.U6, ....BL nAY 1.16-~2:2--BRrumLa..A Y .,j ~NnY RRN rT. -_ ..A25 ~1B..)::IInI n. :-1..J21L A?Q rH:'1P. Q,UJI1 -"29-......A3.L 'lMinY rT.AY 43L -433,LUEHlR.EEN :'1ANn --BL f--i f-A3L1---t4Q -ELI IP.CT. ... MO-f-----13Ll.lE......CLA Y ,--, , f-- 1---' .-,--- I--- 1-- r----'f-- Cornpleled Depth (t\'le;:1sur?!Jlel Dale: Started Completed ----.. , 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION I/W~ cerlily that all minimum well construction standards were col11plied ',','11~1 .. 1I1e lime the rig was removed. Firm ~,Iarne _.___..- --, Finn i'Jo, _._ Finn Olficial Dale and SulJervisor or Operalor _-------'...._----- - Dale .. ' ,...-. IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT 12610 63-YY-1 U1 Y-UUU 63-12559 Form 238, 6/02 1. WELL TAG NO. D DRILLING PERMIT NO, Water Right or Injection Well No. 2. OWNER: Name Eagle Watpr rn Tnr Address PO jinx 455 City ((1g 1 e 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: You must provide address or Lot, Blk, Sub. or Directions to well. Twp. North dX or South D Rge. East O:X or West D Sec. ~1/4 N4a.",1/4 ~1/4 Gov t Lot C'J ~"f,et\' aae d;:j acresLat: Long: Address of Well Site Hwy 55/ State St (k!e 11 #11 we:;:t.of H'I.')'g:gtyI ,... "'" """"" - DiSIanco Lt. Blk Sub. Name State -tB- Zip 83 616 1500 SolJth EaCJle 4. USE: D Domestic D Thermal ~~unicipal D Injection D Monitor DOther D Irrigation 5. TYPE OF WORK check all that apply X~ New Well D Modify D Abandonment (Replacement etc. DOther 6. DRILL METHOD: D Air Rotary d Cable D Mud Rotary DOther )l::yl::J 31:: 7. SEALING PROCEDURES Was drive shoe used? D Y D N Was drive shoe seal tested? D Y D N 8. CASING/LINER: Diameter Casing Liner Welded Threaded XJx X~ XJx X~~2' has ~.~iI~6Upl et 42' rlOll1ype LujJ. ::,wd~e fJdcker 4'6" long 9. PERFORATIONS/SCREENS PACKER TYPE 12" pipe with fig Perforation Method Screen Type & Method of Installation From Sial Size Number Diameter ~alerial Casing . '1. FILTER PACK Placemenl Melhod 11. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: -4J...tL below ground Artesian pressure _Ib, Depth now encountered _11, Describe access port or control devices: "'oAu"uO- ~_u-.. , ..",.,,~ "=" Boise, Idaho. (208) 322,0611 4f\ ""'" ~- - 12. WELL TESTS: Pump D Bailer Office Use Only Well 10 No. Inspected by Twp - Rge Sec 1/4 1/4 _1/4La!: Long: DAir D Flowing Artesian Yield gaL/min,Drawdown Pumping Level Time Water Temp. Water Qualify test or comments: Bottom hole temp. Depth first Water Encounter 13. LITHOLOGIC LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) Water Bore Dia. From Remarks: Lithology, Water Qualily & Temperature x. ' Liner 3/5 LQ.e- Completed Depth , ._-___ (Measurable) Date: Started'Completed 14. DRILLER'S CERTIFICATI l!We certify that all minimum construc on s /1.complied with at the time the rig was removed. ./ /'" """"~ Company Name St~e'J1-s/ & Son /"7~:~" ;-- Firm No, 153 " , , . Principal Driller R f" /fn :f'.~J ;':"~~/' 3/9/06and ~ Driller or Operator II nnM~'M , APPENDIX C Consumption Data Typical Commercial ConsulnptionJDemand Data Typical Commercial Consumption/Demand Data 01/10/2005 15: 27 9390257 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE 10 1))rF/;lfYY CUstonllr --,. i'!!) r - -- ~.. 610 8141 :2047 21M7 7930 7830 417 417 300 :too 4660 48ea 1188 1188 ... lid'.IIr11tM88 Academy Investors C/O Chris Pears Toml Conswnplton: 1212004 10445 W. Sultana Lane Acorn Floors 1212004 O. Box 127 Total Consumption: Addie s Comer C/O Action Managem 1212004 Total Consumption: O. Box 1177 Albertson s #182 1212004 250 Park Center Blvd. To18 ConsUlllf)Cfon: Albertson s #182 Comm Area 1212004 FI.O. Box 20 Total Consumption: Albertson s Express #182 TolIl Conswnption: 1212004 O, Box 20 Alderwood Village HOA Total Consumption: 1212004 O. Box 2193 1212004 150 E, Riverside Dr. 12/2004 7660 N. Horseshoe Bend Rd. All American Dell TOtal Consumption: All Pet Complex Tofat Consumption: Around The Town Prop. Mgmt. Tobil Con5UmPtion: 1 212004 O. Box 191006 Asin Homes 1212004 9601 W. State St, Ste. 203 Total Can~: Bagma.k.Br Total Consumption: 12120~1075 S. Ancon~ Avs. Ste. 100 Band, Jimmy & Marsha Total Consumpdon: 1212004 209 S. Eagle Rd. Bardenay Restaurant 1212004 O. Box 1558 23410 Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Pege1of14 01/10/2005 15: 27 9390257 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE IIIIIIY.11nItA... ~~_. ToIll ConsumpClon:8410 BB One Ino 1212004 250 S. Beechwood Suite 120 4160 BB One Inc 1212004 250 S. Beechwood Ste. 120 14870 ToCoII ConSl.M1lpOan:11030 Be One Inc.1212004 250 S. Beechwood Ste. 120 1620 Be One Inc.1212004 250 S. Beechwood #120 4780 Total Consumption:&UKI Bento, Zen 1212004 103 N, 10th 449 Total Consumption:-Me Berkshire HOA 1212004 O. Box 1262 Totlll Consumption: Big Horn Common Area 12f.?OO4 O. Box 44859 1$1 Consumption; Boise Pizza 1212004 2162 Broadway Ave.1147 Total ConsumprlOlt:1147 Brooks, James & Lonnie 1212004 28 Rlverview 613 Tetal ConsumptIOn;813 Butler, Mark 1212004 839 E. Winding Creek Dr. Ste 201 140 Tatal ConsUl1lfJllOn;14Q Centaur Creative Media Inc,12/2004 449 S. Fitness PI.660 TotBt ConSumption:880 Chianis, John 1212004 300 W. Sutter Or.285 Total Consumption:286 Chicago Connection 12/2004 344 W. State 2737 Total Consumption:27~7 Choice One Community C/O Leanne 121.2004 104 E. Stonewater Ct. Tot4I ConSURIpCion: City of Eagle 1212004 O. Bo)( 1520 706 Total ConStlh1ption:708 Tuesday, Janus!)' 10, 2006 Page2of14 131/10/2005 15: 27 9390257 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE MIldlY.IIr8IWIIr8I CIII Club One Three 16 1212004 172 W. State Unit F Total Consumption:iii Cohiba Condo Association 1mO04 9601 W State, #203 570 Total Con~on:170 Custom Mortgage 1212004 460 S. Fitness PI.170 Total Con.st.Rllption:170 D. Dunlap Companies, Inc.1212004 16897 Algonquin St, Suite A 630 T/QI ConsumpIIOn:ISO daVinci's of Eagle 1212004 O. Box 654 2406 Tolat Consumption:2406 Deeann 1212004 1336 E. State 677 TobIl Consumption:877 Dotty's Co LLC 1212004 O. Box 7067 480 Total Consumption:480 Doug s Burger Den 12/,2004 O. Box 605 10095 Tatal Consumption:100'5 ~agle Academy 1212004 911 Meridl~n S1 33930 Totat ConSUltlflliDn:3U30 Eagle Counseling Center 1212004 942 E. Columbary Ct. Total CansumpUon: Eagle Development ~ WillC 1212004 PO Box 1277 2000 Total Consumption:2000 Eagle Family Medicine 1212004 197 W. State SI.150 Total CollSUO1ption:1150 Eagle Fire Station 12/2004 966 E, Iron Eagle Or.1830 Tota' ConslA'npaOn:1830 Eagle Forum LLC 1212004 O, Box 4067 2430 ToCal Consumption:2aG Eagle Industrial CenterC/OThornton 1212004 250 S. 5th 2nd Floor 16463 Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Page 3 of 14 01/10/2606 15: 27 9390267 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE~..,- ItrI8W*8 JI." Total ConSlWllpllon:11483 Eagle Library 1212004 100 Stierman 460 Total ConctmpOon:480 Eagle Manor 1212004 276 Cedar Ridge 8410 Toql Con~lon:8410 Eagle Mini Storage 1212004 O. Box 545 Total Conswnption: Eagle Pavilion CfO Pete Loya 12/2004 705 Chardie Rd, Eagle Pavilion C/O Pete Loya 1212004 705 Chardie Rd 3350 Total Consumption:3310 Eagle Pediatrics, PA 1212004 125 N. Stierman Wy Suite A Total Consumption:71) Eagle Physical Therapy 1212004 457 S. Fitness Total Consumption: Eagle Plaza LLC 1212004 705 Chardle Rd.7920 Eagle Plaza LLC 1212004 705 Chardie Rd 9230 Total Consumption:17110 Eagle Post Office 1212004 141 N. Palmetto 470 T* Consumption:470 Eagle Professional Park 1212004 151 ~itierman 2323 Total Consumption:2323 Eagle Rib Shack 12/2004 O. Box 1756 1575 Total COI1sumpfio1':1571 Eagle River LLC 12/2004 3101 N. Central, Ste. 1390 240 Eagle River l.LC 1212004 3101 N. Central Ave. StB. 1390 860 Eagle Riv$r LLC 1212004 3101 N. Central Ste 1390 2499 Torll ConB~on::J'" Eagle River, LLC 1212004 3101 N. Central Ave. Ste. 1390 21804 Totel Consumption:218M Tuesday. January 10. 2006 Page4Of14 01/10/2006 15: 27 9390267 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE~,- 11rIItA--~u. Eagle River, LLC-1212004 3101 N. Central Ave. 8te. 1390 462 Totitl ConsumptIOn:482 ~a.gle Senior Village 12/2004 542 N. Eagle Rd.2420 Total ConllUfJlPtion; Eagle Sewer District 1212004 44 N. Palmetto Ave. Total ConlUllption: Eagle United Methodist Church 1212004 651 N. Eagle Rd.1074 Toial ConlUlllJ)tion:1074 Eagle Veterinary Hospital 1212004 48 Palmetto 262 Toto!! ConsumptIOn:282 Eagle Village LLC 1212004 877 W. Main Ste. 700 Total Consumpllon: Eagle Village, LLC 1212004 877 W. Main St., Suite 100 2900 Total Consumption: Eagle Water Co., Inc.1212004 O. Box 455 Total CoJ1sumptiol!l: EagleWing C/O Complete Prop. Mg 1212004 2090 S. Eagle Rd. Total Consumption: EdgewlJod Estates Comm Area #'ICI 12J2004 O. Box 502 Total Consumption: Edgewood Estates Comm Area #2 C 1212004 O. Box 602 Tal.' Consunlfl8lon: Edgewood Estates Comm Area #3 C 1212004 O. 80x 502 Total Consumption: Edgewood Estates Comm Area #4 C 12l20O4 O. Box 502 Total Conaumption: Elkridge f=)roperties, LLC 12/2004 O. 80x 298 Total Consumption: Evan s Building Center 1212004 O. 80x 159 11eO TUI!SdI5y, January 10. 2OOtI P~5of14 1211/10/21211216 15: 27 939121267 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE NIIII ....,. fJn ~.. Totll Consumption:1110 Farm City Animal Supply 12/2004 O. Box C Total Consumption: Findlay, Chris 12/2004 145 Hori:zon Dr.1215 Total Consumption:121& First American Title Co.1212004 200 SW. Market St. Ste. 350 540 Total Consumption:s.o Four Square Church 1212004 164 E. State St Total ConsumptIOn: Gayle s Loft of 8ooks, LLC 1212004 172 W. State Street Unit C Total Consumption: Gemsbok Condo Assoc.1212004 1121 E. State, Ste. 107 710 TohII Comlumplion:710 Gold Medallion 1212004 O. 80x 147 7555 Total Conlumpttan:7&&& Golf Magic 1212004 2250 E.State St Total Consumption: Goodrich, Katrina 1212004 2283 N. Edgewood Rd. Total Consumption::'2 Gothberg, Alei & Gal 1212004 1275 E. State 711 TGtIiI Cvnsumption:711 Guho. Mark 1212004 391 W. State St Total Consumption: Hallock" Jared 1212004 63 S. 2nd St.105 Talal Consumption:108 Heffner. Randy 1212004 8025 Randolph Dr.807 Totll Consumption:807 Hilton Gerden Inn 1212004 145 E. Riverside Dr.10494 Hilton Garden Inn 1212004 O. 80x 1327 15260 Tuesday. January 10, 2006 Pase8of14 01/10/2006 15: 27 9390267 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE ""Y.Itr8ItA88I Total consUlnlllIon:21754 Home Depot Sore #1809 Facility IQ 12/2004 O. 80x2440 1380 Total Conwmption:1380 Home Depot Store #1809 Facility IQ 1212004 O. Box 2440 1149 Total Consumption:1148 Idaho Banking Co.1212004 402 S. Eaglt:l Rd.330 Tota.l Consumpllan:3:10 Idaho Children s Academy 12/2004 148 N. 2nd 5t.2455 Total Consumplon:mil Idaho Veteran s Services ATTN: TAM 1212004 10101 N. Horseshoe Bend Rd.5250 Total ConsumptiGn:6210 Jensen, Dennis 1212004 5933 N. Cape Arago PI.1692 Total Consllmption:,..Z Jensen, Dennil;l & Jeanie 1212004 5933 N. C~pe Arago PI.278 Totll Consumption:278 Jeremiah Properties 1212004 O. 80x 639 350 Total Con~on:380 Jim McCauley 1212004 1345 E. State 51.482 Total Consumpllon:482 Johnson, Rodney D.1212004 280 S. Academy Ave., Suite 110 230 Tot.' COIWumpt!on: Judy Hannon 1212004 O, Box 1033 561 ToIa' Consumption: Kerstein, Chester & JoAnn 1212004 2100 S. Artesian Rd. Tolal Consumption: Kings 1212004 300 W. State 368 Total Consumption:388 Lakeside Veterinary 1212004 O. 8ox 98 Tuesday. January 10, 2000 Page 7 of 14 01/1 0/2005 15: 27 '33'30257 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE-,.. IIrIItAMWI ",l1li Total Consumption: Les Schwab 1212004 1467 E. Iran Eagle Or.660 Total Consumption:580 Lighthouse Oemsl 1212004 1177 N. Eagle Rd,2600 ToCIII ColI$umpIIon:2800 Lively, Keith 1212004 257 E. state St.420 Total Consumption:.uo McDonald'121:2004 2323 S. Vista Ave.. Suite 103 4250 Talal Consumption:42150 Mefford, Clifford 1212004 4511 N. Linda Vista 401 Total Consumption:401 Meridian School Ol$trict 1212004 911 Meridian St.1550 Meridian School District 1212004 911 Meridian St..3690 Total Con!Wlllflllon:52.tO Meridian School District No. 2 121200.4 911 Meridiilln St. rotat ConsumptIon: Merkle, JamBS/Hutt. Donald 1212004 150 Aikens Suite A 143 Total ConsumptIon:143 Mlilcourt 1212004 125 N. Stierman Wy, Ste. A Millcourt 12.12004 125 N. Stlerman Wy Ste. A Total Consumption: Moriarty, Cheryl 12J2004 2625 E. Piccadilly 664 Total ConsumptIOn:.84 M. Enterprises BidS #1 1mO04 391 W. State 81. Suite G 4590 Total Consumption:4UO M. Enterprises Bldg 'In.1212004 391 W. State St. Suite G 3360 Total Consumption:3310 N. M. Enterprises Bldg #3 1212004 391 W. State St. Suite G 1320 Total ConsumptIon:1J20 Tu-.y, Januafy 10, 2000 Page 8 of 14 01/10/2005 15: 27 93913257 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE....,. IIrIIWIfr8I l1li Namer, Robert & S1ormy 1212004 95 S. Cooksom Ave.658 TDlal Consumption:1S158 NCOEl, LLC 1212004 467 S. Rivershore Ln,1860 Total Cc1I~:1880 New Horizon Child Care 12(2004 16355 36th Ave. No, Suite 700 1170 Total Consumption:1110 North Channel Chevron 1212004 503 So. Eagle Road 11200 Total Co~:11100 North Channel Professional Condo A 1212004 483 S. Rivershore 260 Total Consumption:280 OM Corp.1212004 518 E. State St 1685 Total Consumption:1181 Our Secret Cot1age 1212004 172 W. State Unit G Total Consumption:. 17 Pacific Heights HOA 1212004 PO Box: 1573 Total ConsWY1ptlon: Pearson, Chris 1212004 7:373 N. Dadgin Ave.108 Total Conswnpt1on:10B Peggy Zurcher 1212004 O. Box 179 1453 Total COMIumption:1483 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg A 1212004 663 E. State St Apt. 102 1940 ToIiII Consumption:lINO Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg B & C 1212004 663 E. State St. Apt. 102 JUOO Total Consumption:3100 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg D 12/2004 663 E. State St. Apt. 102 3950 Total Consumption:3950 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg E 1212004 663 E. State st. Apt. 1 2940 Total Consumption:28.- Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg F & G 1212004 ' 663 E. State st. Apt, 102 5220 Tue&day. January 10, 2006 ~9of14 01/10/2006 15: 27 '33'30267 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE 1 '3 IllIG'. ........ C...lJ" Total Consumption:6220 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg H 1212004 663 E. State at. Apt. 102 3010 Total Consumption:3010 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg I 1212004 663 E. State St. ApI. 102 3570 Total ConsumpUon:3570 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg J 12/2004 663 E. State 81. Apt. 102 280 Total CDI1sumptlon:280 P8regrine Cove Apts. 8Jdg 1212004 663 E. State 8t. Apt. 102 1980 rolill Consumption:1180 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg L 1212004 663 E. State Sf. Apt. 102 2130 ToQl Consumption:2130 Petticoat Junction Owners Assoc. 1212004 271 Schmeizer Ln.751 TotIII Consumption:7&1 Pinewick Services 1212004 O. Box 669 695 Tobil CDI1sumption:881 Pioneer Federal Credit Union 1212004 250 W 3rd S.117 Totlll Cunsumption:117 Primary Health 1:212004 435 S. Eagle Rd.1060 Total Consumption:10tiO Qwest - Idaho State Admin 300000 1212004 O. Box 182575 213 ToIiIl Consumption:213 Red Loeaf Neighborhood Assoc.1212004 O. Box 2205 Total Con5Ufl1ptiun: Rembrandt's Cafre House 1212004 O. 8ox 639 2566 Total Consumption:2&88 Republic Storage of Idaho Comm Ar 1212004 210 Murray Total Consumption: Republic Storage of Idaho Office 1212004 210 Murray 514 TueGdi1y, Janullry 10. 2006 Page1Dof14 01/10/2006 15: 27 9390267 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE...,. IInItMIrM dI. Total ConSlll'llflllon:814 Research Source 1212004 531 S. Fitness PI. Total Consumption: Rick Markus 1212004 5030 N. Lena 38830 ToIIII Con5lumplion:38830 Riverside Management 1212004 6128 Fairview Ave. Suite 2A 6350 Total Consumption:83&0 Roberts, Larry 1212004 1315 N. McKinney 2~10 TobII Consumption:2:110 Rocky Mountain #22, LLC Attn: Lexie 12/2004 5744 N. Big Cedar Totlll Consumption: Rocky Mountain Fitness Center 12120Q.4 875 E. Plaza Or., Ste 101 14180 Toeal Consumption;1.180 Rocky Mtn. #19, LLC 1212004 5744 N. Big Cedar Totill Consumption: Rocky Mtn. #20, LLC 1212004 5744 N. Big Cedar Total Con5lump6on: RoCky Mtn. Pizza Hut 1212004 504 N. Phillipi 1459 Talal Consumption:1.0 Roddy Evans Construction 1212004 669 Spyglass Total Consumpllon: Rodgriguez, Armando 1212004 3549 Mira Pacific Dr. Total Consumption: Roger Family Trust 1212004 3905 Sandbar Ln.130 Total Consumption:130 Rolfe Development Co.12J2oo4 O. 80x 1183 862 Total Consumption:882 Roth Homes 1212004 O. Box 140577 Tuesday, January 10. 2006 Pgge11 af 14 01/10/2005 15: 27 '33'30257 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE .u-t-I1r8ItAdIIr8 ru.m .118 Total Consumption: Roy Coon Church of Christ Temple 1212004 3995 County Line Rd.267 Toral Conallmptlon:Z67 Schaal Inc. 1212004 316 E. Main 372 TolIIl Consumption:37i Second Avenue, Inc.1212004 222 E. State, Ste. A ToCaI COMumptiOn: Senior Citizen 1212004 312 E. State St.1540 Total Con!lumption:1640 Seventh Oay Adventist Church 1212004 O. Box 186 1187 Total Consumption:1187 Sherwin Williams Eagle L018246824 1212004 O. 8ox 182344 TGtIII Conswnplion: SHIP LLC 1212004 228 E. Plaza St. Ste, I 5940 Total Consumption:5NO Siste~ Villa 1212004 540 N. Eagle Rd.9660 Tatal Consumption:9180 Smith's Chevron Station 1212004 503 S. Eagle Rd. Tatal ConsUl'l1f)iton: Stanley Ray 1212004 333 W. State St 199 TotBI Consum,Jtion:188 Stinker Station #39 1212004 O. Box 7627 7530 Total Consumption:1530 Story, Chuck 1212004 4565 W. Quail Ridge 211 Total Consumption:211 Streamside Mortgage 12/2004 244 S. Academy Tot81 Consumption: Studio C 1212004 500 S. Fitness PI.190 Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Page 12 of 14 01/10/2006 15: 27 9390267 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE....,. IIrIIWINI CLI Total Consumption:190 Subway 1212004 1404 N. Main, Ste. #120 1128 T_I Consumption:1121 Tates Rents 1212004 O. Box 7338 652 TGtIlI COI1sumptlon:1112 The Blue MooseJM~rcy Anderson 12f2004 79 Aikens 664 Total consumption: The Land Group 1212004 462 E. Shore Dr,540 Toeal Consumption:MCI The Sellin Advisor Group 1212004 1036 E. Iron Eagle Dr. Ste 100 280 Total Consumption:210 Tibbs, Brian 1212004 O, Box 984 2618 Tlllal CCHlsumption:261. Todd Stewart Salon 12/2004 172 W. State Unit A 325 Total Consumption:3211 Tri-City Meets 1212004 1346 N. Hickory Totill Consumption: Triangle Trailer Ct.llnvestors Prop. M 1 212004 PO Box 140356 17500 Total Conll~ion:17800 DO--IT Car Wash 1212004 1510 E. State St 8570 r_1 COMumption:11&70 WA Mutual CIO ACIS 1212004 O. Box 2440 180 TDIaI Consumpllon:180 Wagers Partnership L TO Properties 1212004 4028 Del Monte Dr.233 Total Consumpt~;233 Washington Federal Savings #30 1212004 455 Pike St.140 TOtal consumption;140 Wells Fargo C/O FACILITY 10 . MS 1212004 O. Box 2440 190 Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Page 13 of 14 01/10/2006 15: 27 93913267 EAGLE WATER CO INC PAGE IIIIID'-ItnItAM8 ta. Total Cons""lan:180 Wendy 12/:2004 7609 W. Emerald 3030 Total CoMUll1ption:3030 Western Development Attn:ANNA 51 1212004 822 S. 10th Ave.1170 Togl Consumption:1170 Westmark. Credit Union/Accounting 1212004 O. eO)( ;2869 Totlll Consumption: Westminster Homes. LLC 1212004 128 S. E~gle Rd.328 Total Consumption:32. Wright BrolS,1212004 O. 80)( 637 210 Total Consumption:210 Wright, John 1212004 2372 E. State Total Consumption: Zach Eva.ns Construction 1212004 507 S. Fitness PI. Ste. 100 Total Consumption: Zamzow's 1212004 1201 Franklin Blvd,2060 Tobil Consumption:2010 Grand Total 471437 Tuesday, JanUo1ry 10, 2006 Pag814of 14 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT Nov-Dec-Jan-Jun-Jul-Aug- Node (cf/mo)(cf/mo)(cf/mo)(d/mo)(d/mo)(cf/mo) 3JC Land Company 404 Academy Investors 135 3796 2783 3885 Acorn Floors 295 5673 4068 13763 11881 9837 Addies Corner 294 58580 30650 57710 Albertson s #182 544 22490 15620 15620 13730 10140 14650 Albertson s #182 Common 544 45930 40440 51710 Albertson s Express #182 375 729 269 379 821 598 754 Alderwood Village HOA 197 All American Deli 444 All Pet Complex 592 AMI/Rick's River Comm. #1 176 12845 AMI/Rick's River Comm. #2 173 2132 3687 798 AMI/Rick's River Comm. #3 168 Around the Town Prop Mngmnt 2444 2384 1519 15305 5675 Ashley Manor 159 Asin Homes 524 80700 46660 90270 Bagmaker 621 Band, Jimmy & Marsha 369 6892 6800 6754 Bardenay Restaurant 443 429 BB One, Inc. #1 386 25880 17270 15000 38940 23280 36020 BB One, Inc. #2 386 18590 9130 8000 8420 7700 9770 Bento, Zen Berkshire HOA 281 60770 75230 31140 Big Horn Common Area 200 38650 26260 28170 BMO Properties LLC 592 Boise Pizza Brooks , James & Lonnie 179 7785 808 6996 6937 894 Butler, Mark 226 375 185 152 Centaur Creative Media Inc.395 1363 156 225 640 Chianis , John 381 323 269 309 1764 1788 2983 Chicago Connection 373 6929 3703 6999 2206 5697 Choice One Community 502 97760 53210 96040 City Hall 34678 32047 42707 City of Eagle 3405 482 358686 374176 566199 Clearwater Construction 110 670 Club One Three 16 157 Cohiba Condo Association 397 600 3670 140 Custom Mortgage 395 370 760 400 620 640 O. Dunlap Companies Inc.394 1080 2050 1730 1340 1780 Dave Evans Construction 464 de Vinci's of Eagle 5494 3200 5384 4040 6508 Deeann 223 1889 1290 1769 1265 1903 Dotty's Co. LLC 459 Doug s Burger Den 18013 10105 17585 12968 6077 E.S.460 Eagle Academy 135 19880 32360 126780 107840 100610 Eagle Counseling Center 135 128 5296 3163 7031 Eagle Development 368 Eagle Development - WLDC 593 Eagle Family Medicine 190 100 220 11140 7480 11380 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 Great Sky #6 (Common)250 12236 7843 9288 Great Sky #9 (Common)345 4525 3083 4307 Great Sky #10 (Common)345 4731 4240 7967 Guho , Mark 163 21980 18860 25750 Hallock, Jared 371 3237 1966 1580 1012 1435 Heffner, Randy 911 491 7908 3947 Hilton Garden Inn 367 967 1786 6767 Home Depot Store #1809-605 Home Depot Store #1809-607 Home Federal 397 Idaho Athletic Club 486 Idaho Banking Co.375 1120 430 2420 1750 3190 Idaho Children s Academy 3043 2280 4982 Idaho Veteran s Services 660 Jackson s Food Store #57 Jayo Construction 505 Jensen , Dennis 543 4812 3251 28722 21963 22032 Jensen , Dennis & Jeanie 543 830 557 478 319 671 Jeremiah Properties 29135 Jim McCauley 271 449 890 446 425 734 Johnson, Rodney D.135 280 1640 4570 3120 4360 Joint School District #2 9078 4425 5455 46101 60579 Judy Harmon 543 1522 1103 1500 534 929 Kerstein , Chester & JoAnn 395 Kings 158 837 397 8804 4539 7688 Lakeside Veterinary 157 255 138 291 232 173 Larbon, LLC Les Schwab 404 770 1240 1110 960 1100 Lighthouse Dental 1260 950 1630 52510 32360 36610 Lively, Keith Maracaibo Property 470 McDonald'364 12470 10580 20120 21000 31060 Mefford , Clifford 140 934 535 668 401 Meridian School District 8640 3450 8920 47670 8240 11170 Meridian School District No.11619 34939 3677 Merkle, James/Hutt, Donald 366 199 239 1812 1353 3016 Millcourt 1680 5797 3294 Moffat & Moffat 131 Moriarty, Cheryl **523 Mountain West Clinical Trial 468 M. Enterprises Bldg. #1 160 2430 2450 4960 3590 2640 4300 M. Enterprises Bldg. #2 163 3490 2850 4110 4240 2580 11380 M. Enterprises Bldg. #3 163 1360 950 3320 2640 850 1400 Namer, Robert & Stormy **523 NCDB, LLC 384 1060 850 640 430 640 New Horizons Child Care 234 3920 2120 27270 19280 17640 North Channel Chevron 283 34490 24960 24120 15630 22440 North Channel Prof Condo 283 1000 700 700 520 700 OM Corp.22340 6220 17601 12003Our Secret Cottage 157 Pacific Heights HOA 400 45330 30060 46880Pearson, Chris 224 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 Studio C 295 360 750 250 1090 140 Subway 14986 16840 6272 4402 6809 Tates Rents 1667 1038 2820 1720 3175 The Blue Moose 366 1789 1131 3211 3329 6372 The Land Group 453 The Sellin Advisor Group 402 280 520 900 310 400 Tibbs, Brian 366 2534 1267 2292 1597 2889 Todd Stewart Salon 157 Tri-City Meats 38500 29130 79830 70800 110020 Triangle Trailer Ct.752 30150 20330 89060 46160 80260 DO-IT Car Wash 225 16040 12380 14680 11270 14250 W A Mutual 279 310 240 19510 14290 22500 Wagers Partnership L 1430 616 226 646 772 803 Washington Fed. Savings #30 219 100 130 29610 29730 34680 Wells Fargo 384 440 240 38250 26270 40620 Wendy 449 Western Development 543 3620 2370 7500 1650 2750 Westmark Credit Union 476 Westminster Homes, LLC 364 746 515 525 485 644 Winding Creek BOA 549 Winding Creek HOA 549 W right Brothers 219 550 220 8740 Wright, John 219 Zach Evans Construction 395 Zamzow 378 4040 2150 58940 41930 67520 gpm/Acct. David M. Collins, P.E.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 2180 2280 1460 3420 1860 1950 1830 2360 1980 3770 16597 35448 29367 17944 2210 4960 4280 670 1730 1410 2430 6300 6280 2920 4880 4240 1120 1 0930 14850 12930 3960 2650 118810 86700 42940 990 1510 810 630 1020 3155 1365 790 770 12958 14813 8508 18754 20764 24808 16483 25061 22222 23460 21470 29090 32890 45450 55286 38914 460 700 740 38150 7430 13650 4850 33470 64870 59840 8410 12760 10120 41090 2229 320 272 105 105 208 4410 6810 5010 32090 45010 49280 3350 5910 5460 39800 120 100 120 100 408 357 338 399 293 393 268 205 12190 21770 12931 82860 62140 76570 17150 20690 17080 47720 380 470 510 23370 19220 21040 470 810 680 8770 2792 3853 3859 5409 4695 4221 2323 3516 2009 ,105 615 1136 3019 5197 3647 1575 1607 1385 5232 100 4026 180 260 320 760 3599 1420 1160 1150 190 10797 11144 14864 21804 17561 3893 18758 565 758 491 462 358 162 501 110 1800 1320 2000 2420 3170 2430 2830 4350 6250 5580 100 3250 1130 1830 1950 390 370 420 1074 650 1610 370 300 396 378 407 285 382 262 407 415 303 2640 3500 5260 210 37720 35170 31440 2900 3860 3950 531 1051 2524 1778 1174 25980 34770 22450 21360 17217 13478 17733 6589 11110 6930 7240 4960 19777 21596 21197 53920 46020 88430 45420 6631 7564 9954 4139 2844 2308 2692 2257 9780 2064 3668 161 128 360 430 530 1 0320 12480 22250 1160 350 4198 211 198 109 1483 1665 1644 1215 1895 1620 1746 740 810 690 11970 4730 10900 540 950 830 770 1470 1959 104 459 147 410 350 720 810 1000 710 1030 1070 970 1620 170 185 215 2336 1618 1717 7555 266 284 466 125 120 774 114 373 4886 5268 665 1 0395 15312 15862 711 1188 1242 5471 75200 92340 141640 61470 3878 4522 6201 2731 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 2964 3535 2588 11010 7023 7652 1453 1794 1656 4398 2320 2700 1670 1850 2440 2670 1940 2900 2520 2550 6500 7120 4070 3270 3430 5130 3800 5950 4730 3830 5940 7410 5020 5310 3980 6060 3950 6210 5570 3360 800 4950 3040 4450 3150 4440 2940 4420 3760 3570 7160 6860 3360 6920 6580 7010 5220 7220 6560 5260 3910 3300 2460 3000 2880 4100 3010 4460 4990 3460 5430 6220 4100 3940 3380 4290 3570 5180 4590 3600 4490 4020 2820 2380 2070 2410 280 5690 3260 2820 1930 2500 1600 2410 1840 2540 1980 3100 2630 2610 2300 2400 1730 250 1280 2540 2130 3910 3980 3420 841 1634 751 611 23110 23360 12360 14510 507 338 3656 1291 1294 695 721 767 209 105 147 167 9195 9794 11098 117 168 150 620 1140 780 1260 1710 7940 1060 650 2100 2700 268 895 174 855 447 676 213 329 308 3657 3287 4917 4319 2775 2566 6354 6638 1371 1482 1829 17307 463 517 346 731 692 1108 514 756 374 576 253 5979 217 28720 35770 44150 36830 60940 63870 42270 130 1800 118860 59880 110700 6350 34890 3210 5200 3200 6380 6711 6369 2310 3950 3340 4790 104 818 2674 990 18020 22370 15210 17510 13400 15890 14180 21730 23210 1112 9871 6234 7071 10136 10120 1459 6328 8100 7563 6233 4660 5754 2734 19560 31650 36920 280 120 300 240 660 1510 2600 130 200 170 2190 967 1137 1701 3829 5547 5992 862 1295 763 7320 8272 6283 6404 5375 267 403 346 5021 1890 519 788 698 5182 3207 6661 372 524 1027 1030 170 140 150 530 790 620 23030 39670 33350 15440 2210 800 10220 4146 4199 1085 947 881 1283 1187 1375 1594 587 3590 4840 6100 110 150 3120 5780 6830 4600 9640 9470 12020 5940 8940 6900 9800 1169 1860 1070 88700 100640 113980 9660 12870 10930 51690 9325 185 116 10853 6092 4488 199 282 270 1412 16539 24620 9040 19790 18760 39120 7530 12680 11290 19450 218 261 220 1090 984 1148 211 306 319 950 5459 5776 7380 110 1236 8915 9879 8393 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 Jul-Aug-Nov-Dec-Jan-Jun-Jul-Aug- (dIme)(cf/mo)(gpm)(gpm)(gpm)(gpm)(gpm)(gpm) 300 0001703 8479 0001703 6465818 0.4740351 6617414 12827 11432 0001703 9662957 6929122 3442848 0237192 6755598 7579 13950 0001703 978072 2206881 8298828 26060 0001703 8307757 6605921 6605921 3386639 7271705 2.4953697 97960 0001703 8233671 8882423 8078884 1195 0001703 1241723 0458194 064556 1398429 1018588 1284306 119170 31130 0001703 18560 0001703 4780 5220 0001703 29662 26031 0001703 1879197 839 1158 0001703 3631487 6280156 1359253 0001703 0006813 001022 0001703 0.4162924 0.4060724 2587349 6069374 9666364 0001703 73580 56320 0001703 13.745825 9477098 15.375906 1270 1200 0001703 12386 0001703 0083463 0069836 1 .1739309 1 .1582603 1 .150425 70260 0001703 0730726 71020 30000 0001703 4.4082025 9416405 554986 6327437 9653383 135373 12990 10000 0001703 1664793 5551348 1 .3626592 1.4341988 3115595 6641475 4766 0001703 35070 26570 0001703 10.3511 12.814106 3041509 32210 31270 0001703 0001703 5833473 4.4729288 7982637 3400 0001703 15844 0001703 11011 16117 0001703 1 .3260377 1376286 1916455 1 .1815959 1522772 757 0001703 0384951 0638747 0315115 006643 0258905 724 0001703 0013627 2321631 0265719 0383248 1090127 4274 6267 0001703 0550174 0458194 0526327 3004664 3045543 5081015 2329 2405 0001703 1 .1802332 6307409 1921565 3757533 9703837 44500 68610 0001703 0001703 0001703 16.651695 063387 16.358724 60799 0001703 906787 5.4586424 2743858 748864 274831 0001703 5799818 0821002 61.095847 63.734296 96.442035 0001703 0187366 1141227 0001703 2880 0001703 1021994 6251199 0238465 930 400 0001703 063023 1294526 068133 1056061 1090127 2940 0001703 183959 3491814 2946751 2282454 3031917 690 0001703 9718 0001703 9358062 5450637 9170696 6881429 1085233 2031 0001703 3217579 2197288 301318 2154705 3241426 1640 0001703 14629 0001703 0681975 7212089 9952953 2088706 03511 260 0001703 147700 0001703 3862081 5119565 21.594742 18.368646 17.137143 11215 0001703 0103903 0218025 9020804 5387614 1976071 560 0001703 418661 529964 0001703 14120 10600 0001703 0323632 0170332 0374731 8975029 2740864 1 .9383827 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 14463 12424 0001703 0841872 335917 5820473 3328 3724 0001703 7707541 5251348 7336216 6691 7990 0001703 8058426 7222094 1 .3570382 21850 23230 0001703 0001703 7439062 2124691 3860593 528 0001703 551366 3348735 2691252 1723764 244427 6694 0001703 1551728 0836332 3469886 672302 93590 0001703 0006813 00511 1647114 3042137 1526394 14010 12150 0001703 17473 15821 0001703 300 0001703 0001703 1780 0001703 1907723 0732429 0.4122044 2980817 5433604 4096 0001703 5183215 3883579 848596 2270 2910 0001703 1 01 60 21270 0001703 0001703 23635 0001703 8196395 5537506 8922872 7410105 7527634 986 0001703 1413759 0948751 . 0.0814189 054336 114293 0001703 0034066 0049396 9626345 0003407 471 461 0001703 0764792 1515958 0759683 0723913 125024 5470 0001703 0476931 2793451 7784191 5314371 7426493 1390 0001703 5462775 7537209 9291632 852494 10.318566 1271 0001703 2592459 1878766 2554986 0909575 1582388 0001703 271 3102 0001703 1425682 067622 1 .4996064 7731388 3095155 141 118 0001703 0434348 0235059 0495667 0395171 0294675 395 0001703 2170 0001703 1311559 2112122 189069 1635191 1873656 63670 53970 0001703 2146188 1618158 2776418 9441543 5119565 2358692 16110 0001703 0001703 32630 0001703 124045 8021168 3.4270879 5769804 5.2905243 535 0001703 1590905 0911278 113782 0683033 2230 0001703 1.4716719 5876468 519365 1197455 1 .403539 9026129 18451 0001703 0008517 0001703 1 .9790922 9512437 6263122 23195 0001703 0338961 0407094 3086423 2304597 5137225 4853 0001703 2861584 9874169 0119233 5610749 46732 0001703 5560 0001703 1140 0001703 15130 10760 0001703 0.4139077 0.4173144 8448487 6114933 0.4496775 7324293 4670 530 0001703 5944601 0.4854473 7000662 7222094 0.4394576 9383827 2910 1300 0001703 2316521 1618158 5655036 0.4496775 1447825 2384654 5753 4223 0001703 4490 0001703 1805523 1447825 1090127 0732429 1090127 46870 14780 0001703 667703 3611047 6449645 2840087 0046635 46220 0001703 8747645 2514967 1084175 6622954 8222591 760 0001703 1703324 1192327 1192327 0885728 1192327 26404 0001703 8052258 0594675 9980206 0444998 0001703 144130 0001703 7211677 1201919 9851829 2700 0001703 David M. Collins , P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 1420 0001703 0613197 1277493 0425831 1856623 0238465 8771 0001703 5526013 8683976 0683248 7498032 1597933 1084 993 0001703 2839441 176805 0.4803374 2929717 5408054 6066 0001703 3047247 1926459 5469373 5670366 0853581 1370 0001703 890 0001703 0476931 0885728 1532992 052803 068133 4488 0001703 0.4316223 2158112 3904019 2720208 0.4920903 451 593 0001703 001022 23767 0001703 5577974 9617828 13.597635 12.059534 18.739971 2350 251650 0001703 1355219 3.4628577 15.169804 8625436 13.670878 28510 0001703 7321317 1087151 5004796 9196461 2.4272367 32670 0001703 052803 0408798 3231851 2.43405 832479 978 753 0001703 2435753 1049248 0384951 1100347 1314966 1367769 14160 20540 0001703 0170332 0221432 0435424 0639823 9071276 34390 0001703 0749463 0408798 5152143 4.4746321 9189021 9510 0001703 4310 0001703 6166033 0.4036878 1 .277493 2810485 0.4684141 220 0001703 966 0001703 127068 0877212 0894245 0826112 1096941 114140 93150 0001703 0001703 370 380 0001703 0936828 0374731 1 .4887052 0001703 008687 0044286 0037473 0032363 0034066 212 0001703 119830 0001703 6881429 3662147 10.039392 1420375 11.500844 Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Month Avg.Month Avg.Month Avg.Month Avg.Month Avg.Month Avg. 0.4842 3293 1372 2.4441 5746 2.4411 Nov-Dec-Jan-Jun-Jul-Aug- David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 3713246 3883579 2486853 5825368 3168183 3321482 3117 0.4020 3373 8270068 0379429 0021516 0000 0000 0000 3764346 8448487 7290227 1141227 2946751 2401687 0.4139 0731 0697 8312221 7222094 1907723 8617331 5294361 2023979 0000 6745 0.4514 20.237192 14.767819 3140733 0000 0000 0000 1686291 2572019 1379692 1073094 173739 5373987 0000 2325 1346 2071672 5231338 1.4491881 1944138 536782 2256062 8076 2687 7851 6570366 9549695 6022326 7416076 9.4169971 628315 0784 1192 1260 1 .2655697 3250373 8261121 7010254 11.049463 10.192691 1 .4325 1734 7238 0000 0000 0000 0095386 0100496 0083463 3796709 0545064 0463304 0109 0179 0179 7511659 1 .1599636 8533653 5.4659667 6666613 3939807 5706 0067 9300 0001703 0136266 0204399 0170332 0119 0204 0170 0694956 0608087 0575724 0679626 0499074 0669406 0043 0031 0456 076352 7081363 2025683 14.11.3743 10.584455 13.042352 9212 5242 9093 0647263 0800562 0868695 9806682 2737887 5837937 0801 1380 1158 0.4755681 6562907 6573127 921328 7997106 7189731 3957 5989 3422 0178849 1047544 1934976 5142335 8852175 6212023 2683 2737 2359 0170332 6857582 0306598 0442864 0545064 1294526 6130 2419 1976 006132 0323632 0017033 1 .8390789 8981843 5318208 7139 9912 6631 0962378 129112 0836332 0787 0610 0276 0119233 0187366 3065983 2248388 3406648 0.4122 5400 0.4139 0102199 0136266 0153299 7409459 1 .0645775 9504548 0102 0153 0170 0000 0000 0000 1924756 3117083 3321482 0664296 063023 0715396 1829 1107 2742 0510997 0674516 0643856 0693253 0485447 065067 0446 0693 0707 0.4496775 5961634 8959484 0153299 0357698 0017 0000 0000 6.4249381 9905905 3552507 0.4940 6575 6728 0904465 0127749 0052803 1790194 0.429919 302851 0146 0097 0097 4.4252358 9224575 8239624 0000 0000 0000 9326129 2957401 0205044 0000 0000 0000 1 .892393 1 .1804035 1 .2332066 0000 0000 0000 3686639 6784985 15.062494 0000 0000 0000 184323 838697 6954887 0000 0000 0000 1 .1294741 1 .2883943 1 .6954887 0000 0000 0000 0.4844253 3931272 0.4585348 0000 0000 0000 6658509 3515661 0000 0000 0000 0274235 0163519 0109013 0148189 0127749 0106 0143 0145061319707324290902762757830412574847898959197601190596 0065 0000 0000 0359401 0337258 0185662 2526029 2836034 2800265 2070 3228 2759 126046 1379692 1175294 0388788 8056723 8566232 0920 1618 1414 2503886 3336812 0018737 0177146 0781826 0114123 0012 0034 0019 006643 0000 0000 0000 0698363 0596163 1226393 1379692 1703324 1209 1754 1823 0000 0000 0000 0289565 0315115 0366215 3978965 2755978 2924607 1 .2869 0453 0484 0124343 0212916 0146486 0204399 1318373 0160112 0146 0194 0165 0055 0022 0029 8322441 8973111 113271 1 .7706053 6081297 7018125 1211 2024 2116 12.808996 15.728494 24.125881 0000 0000 0000 660549 7702431 0562312 0000 0000 0000 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 5048652 602125 0.4408203 1 .8753597 1 .1962444 1 .3033835 2475 3056 2821 3951712 0.4598975 2844551 3151149 0.4156111 0.4547875 3304 0.4940 0.4292 1071606 2127667 6932529 5569869 5842401 8738052 6473 0135 8057 0117745 2621631 8550686 904465 677923 0322143 6728 0578 9488 1362659 8431454 5178105 7579792 5365471 7562759 5008 7529 6404 21958 1 .1684803 5723169 1 .1787002 1207872 1940301 8891 1 .2298 1174 6659997 5620969 0.4190177 5109972 0.4905573 6983628 5127 7597 8500 9249049 1 .0594675 6983628 6711097 5757235 730726 6081 8823 7818 7647925 6847362 0.4803374 0.4053911 3525881 0.4105011 0477 9692 5553 3287415 0.425831 2725318 0.4105011 3134116 0.4326443 3373 5280 0.4480 3917645 0.4087978 2946751 0425831 2180255 0.4326443 3628 6660 6779 1432495 2783231 1279 0000 1041 9363818 9789649 1053085 0000 0000 0000 003577 0863585 0575724 6227353 2198991 2204101 1184 1228 1306 0178849 0250389 0284455 1 .5662064 6682355 890349 0199 0286 0255 1056061 1941789 1328593 2146188 2912684 1 .3524393 1806 1107 3577 0456491 1524475 0296378 1456342 0761386 1151447 0363 0560 0525 5598826 8375244 7356656 0000 0002 0002 0.4371 0823 1 .1307 2335257 2524326 311538 0000 0000 0000 0788639 0880619 058935 124513 11787 1887283 0876 1288 0637 0000 0431 0184 8919465 0927899 5201755 2733 10.3801 10.8791 0000 0000 0221 20.245709 10.199504 18.855797 0816 0000 0002 546767 8857285 5450637 0867207 1431007 0848471 3935 6728 5689 0001703 0000 0165 0177 0163519 0000 0044 0000 0000 0000 0002 0693898 8103358 5907558 9825203 2824542 7065818 2.4153 7013 0000 1894096 6813511 0618522 1 .2044204 7264892 7237639 2485 0779 3797 0616818 793749 9800926 0089 0148 0145 3317017 3910205 2886722 0119 0017 0477 0204399 0510997 0408798 1124194 2572019 0.4428642 0221 0341 0290 1647114 1936679 2897354 6522028 9448338 0206317 1468 2206 1300 0000 0000 0002 0000 0000 0000 001022 0080056 0069836 0701985 0908087 9155367 0455 0686 0589 0000 0000 0000 0884025 1342219 118892 8826625 546256 1 .1345841 0634 0893 1749 00511 00511 00511 0289565 0238465 0102 0119 0119 0902762 1345626 1056061 9227552 7570863 6805855 6299 3764 1363 7061981 7152257 1848107 1613048 1500628 2185365 2022 2342 2715 0153299 0017033 0119233 6114933 8244088 0390276 0136 0187 0255 9845213 1633703 783529 6420043 6130478 0473954 0118 5228 1753 1991186 3168183 1822557 15.108484 17 .142253 19.414487 6454 1922 1 .8617 003066 5883496 0003407 0002 0002 0000 0315115 002555 0197586 8486175 1 .037665 7644518 0339 0480 0460 8171276 1935837 1 .5398049 3708782 1954358 6634035 1 .2826 1598 9231 0371325 0444568 0374731 1856623 1676071 1955416 0359 0521 0543 008176 006643 00511 9298446 9838399 1 .2570531 0068 0066 0187 0088573 0103903 0068133 5185133 6827138 1 .4295998 007154 007665 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 Jun-Jul-Aug-Winter Avg.Summer Avg.Annual Avg.Summer/Annual (gpm)(gpm)(gpm)(gpm)(gpm)(gpm)Peaking Factor 0221 0511 0000 0000 0081 0041 0000 5647 1 .4442 0000 0740 6063 3402 1 .7825 1 .8043 1849 9472 5629 8294 1961 1 .5294 2928 1 .2909 3761 0000 9928 4964 0000 2314 4.4389 0000 0809 1473 1141 0157 1780 16.6858 0000 0000 7.4939 7469 0000 0903 2035 0000 0661 1047 0854 1 .2264 20.4109 20.2985 3024 0000 0186 0093 0000 1 .2332 1614 0000 0863 0.4883 2873 1 .6996 6609 8142 8891 1785 5714 3749 5240 6669 0524 4.4339 0000 9184 4592 0000 0734 1429 1972 0000 2136 1068 0000 0002 0002 0000 0000 0002 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 2870 6137 4503 3627 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 5000 9090 12.5331 5931 0003 10.3242 1622 9999 2265 2163 2044 0193 0719 0456 5771 0.4717 1097 0000 0043 9210 4626 9908 8697 11.9676 0000 3319 7005 0162 1 .2269 6208 12.0970 1100 3192 9083 6137 1 .2806 9658 2126 1 .7033 1 .8498 1451 4975 1 .2593 4866 8118 0000 0370 0.4301 2336 8414 2177 9736 5257 0000 9607 9803 0000 1392 5.4864 3263 0000 6853 3426 0000 0000 0000 5791 0000 0643 0322 0000 0000 6987 0000 0455 3374 1914 7625 8144 8755 7452 2301 1 .3558 7930 1 .7098 0291 1289 0000 0262 0405 0334 1.2142 0494 1233 0000 1030 0440 0735 5988 1545 7280 0675 0519 8198 4359 8809 0.4791 3967 0.4096 5697 5940 5818 1 .0209 6654 5798 11.6865 0000 6830 8415 0000 8614 10.3560 0000 0000 1600 5800 0000 63.5839 127.5558 46.8126 1503 64.5948 32.3725 1 .9954 0000 0000 0000 0036 0161 0098 6346 0104 0075 0083 0041 0066 0053 1 .2425 1482 0.4906 0000 0643 2048 1346 5218 0528 1584 0681 0515 0785 0650 1 .2082 2521 5008 0000 1930 3957 2944 3443 0545 1175 0000 0021 0191 0106 1 .8036 8450 6553 0000 5020 9235 7128 2957 1722 3459 0000 1609 2290 1949 1748 1482 2793 0000 1204 0748 0976 7662 1974 2.4918 0000 1 .8616 1 .6796 7706 9486 0000 0443 0000 0000 0051 0025 0000 12.6455 25.1581 0000 8725 15.2465 10.5595 1 .4439 1104 9103 0000 0130 0292 5211 9750 0000 0000 0954 0000 4.4525 2262 0000 42.2777 71.3115 90.2700 0379 48.2080 24.1229 9984 1 .8890 2.4051 8055 0286 0879 0582 9730 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 9045 2.4635 1162 0000 1 .7060 8530 0000 5585 5669 6343 0000 8726 4363 0000 7263 1 .1397 3610 0000 1 .2466 6233 0000 5873 7218 9568 0000 1533 0766 0000 0664 0899 0000 1132 0947 1040 9112 0000 1 .1402 0000 1108 5618 3363 6707 7844 15.9414 0000 5780 3248 9514 0945 1 .8924 3864 0695 2702 0226 1464 1 .7643 9919 9762 6948 1270 1 .4852 8061 1 .8425 0000 0511 0000 0000 0057 0028 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 5000 0801 3032 0000 0674 3431 2053 6717 3308 6977 0000 2702 0.4419 3560 1 .2411 3577 3867 0.4957 3064 2065 2564 8052 4342 7306 6230 0505 7542 4024 8745 0000 0068 0000 0000 0008 0004 0000 1.2228 0258 0000 0.4251 8067 6159 1 .7369 0361 1679 0000 0718 0820 0769 0662 0002 0007 0000 0117 5525 2821 9587 0709 0802 0785 0830 0810 0820 9882 4752 9317 0000 0655 5447 3051 1 .7854 0000 2368 0000 8056 2.4962 6509 5120 1318 2165 0000 1268 1355 1312 0334 0000 0002 0000 0000 0001 0001 0000 0969 0462 5284 0664 7607 4136 1 .8394 0245 0240 0201 0240 0315 0278 1340 0000 0673 0000 0000 0075 0037 0000 4241 3696 0000 1296 2016 1656 2171 2870 10.8451 1928 3308 6087 9698 9167 9488 7441 0000 0426 7215 3820 1 .8886 0000 0153 0000 0000 0017 0009 0000 9196 5579 0000 1 .0025 3633 1829 5407 0000 0911 0000 0657 0557 0607 9171 3662 3798 0000 1 .1337 5906 8621 3912 8489 1428 0000 0005 0828 0416 1 .9995 1121 9509 0000 0283 7350 3817 9259 0000 8266 0000 0370 8532 4451 9169 0000 9600 0000 0000 8844 4422 0000 6238 9470 0000 0126 1745 0936 1 .8657 0511 1942 0000 0000 0273 0136 0000 2145 5771 8328 6085 1174 8629 1 .2949 7069 7955 0903 6107 7317 6712 0901 3185 0.4957 2214 2729 2924 2827 0345 6161 9799 7193 0125 2573 1349 9077 1925 7648 0000 2398 2279 2338 9745 3659 9835 5175 3632 6674 0153 8198 0064 8728 0000 8069 6003 2036 1 .1238 0528 1295 0000 0778 0789 0784 1 .0072 0000 4.4975 0000 8684 6830 2757 3193 0034 0026 0032 0012 0024 0018 3228 10.5896 24.5500 0000 0000 3079 1539 0000 3005 0.4599 0000 0523 2090 1306 5997 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 0698 2419 0000 0573 0748 0661 1318 7983 1 .4940 0000 9430 8480 8955 9470 1978 1846 1691 1475 2761 2118 1 .3035 0.4713 0332 0000 1509 6164 3837 6067 1124 2334 0000 0445 0519 0482 0766 2368 1516 0000 1226 1052 1139 9236 3853 7645 0000 0.4111 0.4757 4434 1 .0728 0812 0768 1010 0366 0478 0422 1 .1329 1 .9767 0483 0000 1892 8459 0175 1.4551 1 7.3569 0.4003 42.8641 3.4218 13.2303 3260 5890 2365 8562 0000 6554 3970 0262 1 .1830 0200 5648 0000 0291 1464 5878 9816 1395 1666 1283 0824 1308 1066 1 .2267 0844 2.4119 3.4986 0212 5766 2989 9908 2.4528 8577 0000 0360 0022 0191 1 .9822 9453 6199 0000 0.4319 5719 5019 1 .1395 2981 7341 0000 3030 0.4410 3720 1 .1854 0187 0375 0000 0040 0176 0108 6316 3362 1645 0000 0498 1301 0899 1.4466 12.2929 19.4417 15.8665 0000 2890 6445 0000 0051 0000 0019 0000 0008 0004 0000 0511 0630 0647 0329 2182 1256 7378 0143 0133 0145 0160 0080 0120 6656 3117 0361 0000 0053 0386 0220 7573 6.4505 20.4109 0000 0.4020 9211 6615 9138 84.7841 541.7926 313.2883 Customer Customer Customer System System System Mean Summer Month Avg Month Avg Month Avg Winter Avg.Summer Avg.Annual Avg.Peak Factor 1 .8990 8897 1 .7827 36703053 345422366 356226447 5529 Jun-Jul-Aug-Peak Factor Peak Factor 27062713 7293791 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 6896 0000 1.4142 6547 0000 8586 8651 3132 3070 0000 1600 1752 9056 1113 0.4228 0580 6939 3095 5508 6470 0.4228 7286 0196 0000 1 .3605 9178 1 .9672 0569 0702 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 9331 0775 0047 8702 1495 9155 0000 8040 0000 9878 6582 1093 0.4035 0000 0000 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 5027 9802 1 .0344 1 .0935 9542 1011 1 .0297 0293 0168 0131 9597 3071 0000 0.4390 0270 5405 5014 0001 7671 0000 7452 7944 7771 0906 0154 7246 3941 0186 0019 9636 7896 0167 0047 1224 0.4741 0001 0000 0592 0000 3413 5429 1440 1 .2347 0428 7974 1355 9898 0358 7115 2795 0182 0400 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 AN N U A L A V E R A G E C O N S U M P T I O N RE S I D E N T I A L YE A R GA L / Y R . GA L / D A Y GA L / H O U R Ga l / D a y / D . GP M / D . GP C D ( 3 . 5 C / D . 20 0 2 23 6 4 54 6 87 7 , 4 9 1 1, 4 9 8 29 4 63 4 0. 4 4 0 1 18 1 20 0 3 24 8 8 55 2 52 6 61 1 51 3 77 2 60 8 0. 4 2 2 5 17 4 20 0 4 25 9 6 53 5 88 8 54 5 1, 4 6 4 17 6 56 4 39 1 7 16 1 20 0 5 29 4 1 46 7 , 4 3 3 77 4 28 0 64 0 43 5 30 2 4 12 4 Av e r a g e 59 7 52 5 68 1 60 5 1, 4 3 9 22 1 96 8 g p h 56 0 38 9 2 16 0 GP M / D . CO M M E R C I A L YE A R Ae e t . GA L / Y R . GA L / D A Y GA L / H O U R Ga l / D a y / A e e t . GP M / A e e t . 20 0 2 23 5 11 0 67 3 66 7 30 3 21 6 29 0 89 6 0 20 0 3 25 7 12 2 80 8 13 3 33 6 , 4 6 1 30 9 90 9 2 20 0 4 29 2 15 5 60 8 72 8 42 5 16 0 1, 4 5 6 01 1 1 20 0 5 23 1 15 6 69 3 66 0 42 9 29 8 85 8 1 . 29 0 6 Av e r a g e 25 3 . 13 6 , 4 4 6 04 7 37 3 53 4 56 4 02 6 7 TO T A L ( R & C ) GA L / D A Y 81 2 75 4 53 2 g p h An n u a l a v g . ( R & C ) 25 8 . 86 6 6 g p m AN N U A L Re s i d . ( g p d ) Co m m . ( g p d ) T O T A L (g p d ) 20 0 2 49 8 29 4 30 3 21 6 80 1 51 0 20 0 3 51 3 77 2 33 6 , 4 6 1 85 0 23 3 20 0 4 1, 4 6 4 17 6 42 5 16 0 88 9 33 6 (= 1 31 2 g p m ) 20 0 5 28 0 64 0 42 9 29 8 70 9 93 8 ANNUAL CONSUMPTION RESIDENTIAL YEAR F./YR.GAL/YR.GAL/DAY Gal/Day/D.GPM/D.GPCD 2002 2364 73102191 546877491 1498294.5 633.7963179 0.440136332 181.084662 2003 2488 73857320 552526611 1513771.54 608.4290743 0.42252019 173.836878 2004 2596 71633277 535888545 1464176.35 564.0124627 0.391675321 161.146418 2005 2941 62482793 46743377 1280640.48 435.4438891 30239159 124.41254 560.420436 389180858 160.120125 Average 2597.1439220.72 554.1325309 0.384814258 USE 3891 GPM/D. COMMERCIAL YEAR F./YR.GALNR.GAL/DAY Gal/Day/D.GPM/D. 2002 235 14793967 110673667 303215.526 1290.278836 0.896026969 2003 257 16416005 122808133 336460.639 1309.185368 0.909156505 2004 292 20800525 155608728 425160.458 1456.028965 1.011131226 2005 231 20945550 156693660 429297.697 1858.43159 1 .290577493 026723048 COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL YEAR 2002 2003 2004 2005 GAL/DAY TOTAL GPO1498294 18015091513772 1850232 1464176 18893361280640 1709937 SUM GPO 7251014 AVG GPO 1812753. AVG ANNUAL GPM 1258.8566 GAL/DAY 303215 336460 425160 429297 Typical Residential ConsU111ption/Denland Data RE S I D E N T I A L NO V DE C JA N Wi n t e r A v g . JU N JU L AU G Su m m e r A v g . cf / m o cf / m o cf / m o (g p m / d ) cf / m o cf / m o cf / m o (g p m / d ) Ye a r 2 0 0 2 - 34 0 2 7 1 8 21 5 2 0 7 7 13 7 5 5 1 9 20 3 3 4 0 0 2 91 2 8 6 2 7 21 4 0 6 3 4 9 (g p m ) 5 8 9 . 77 2 6 9 5 3 7 3 . 00 6 5 9 4 23 8 . 4 1 0 4 5 5 4 0 0 . 39 6 5 8 1 3 5 2 4 . 37 0 5 6 1 5 8 2 . 21 0 1 5 3 7 1 0 . 23 4 0 3 2 9 3 8 . 93 8 2 4 8 Ye a r 2 0 0 3 - 23 9 7 9 5 1 25 4 9 5 1 1 19 2 3 8 3 6 15 4 0 0 0 7 4 15 6 6 2 5 5 9 52 1 8 4 7 5 (g p m ) 4 1 5 . 62 2 4 5 9 4 4 1 . 89 1 4 4 5 33 3 . 4 4 6 9 5 1 39 6 . 98 6 9 5 2 2 6 6 9 . 20 2 4 3 2 7 1 4 . 69 7 3 8 90 4 . 4 8 6 9 6 1 2 0 9 6 . 12 8 9 2 1 Ye a r 2 0 0 4 - 63 4 6 4 4 1 29 7 6 9 1 9 24 0 6 5 7 8 83 1 9 9 4 8 25 2 4 6 1 7 8 88 5 4 0 2 7 (g p m ) 1 0 9 9 . 99 0 5 4 5 1 5 . 97 1 5 0 9 4 1 7 . 11 7 7 2 5 6 7 7 . 69 3 2 5 8 1 4 4 2 . 04 6 6 7 4 3 7 5 . 76 8 5 6 1 5 3 4 . 61 5 3 8 24 5 0 . 81 0 2 Pe a k D a y 14 1 , 15 3 8 2 4 3y r M o n t h l y A v g . ( g p m ) 70 1 . 79 5 2 3 1 44 3 . 62 3 1 8 2 32 9 . 65 8 3 7 7 4 9 1 . 69 2 2 6 4 2 5 4 5 . 20 6 5 5 2 8 9 0 . 89 2 0 3 2 0 4 9 . 77 8 7 9 2 4 9 5 . 29 2 4 5 6 RESIDENTIAL -Summer JUN JUL AUG Summer Avg. cf/mo cf/mo cf/mo (gpm/d) Year 2003 cf/mo 20 334 002 128 627 21,406 349 (gpm)524.582.710.938. Year 2004 cf/mo 15,400 074 662 559 218,4 75 (gpm)669.714.904.49 096. Year 2005 cf/mo 319 948 246 178 854 027 (gpm)1,442.375.534.2,450. Peak Day 141. 3yr Monthly Avg. (gpm)545.890.049.2,495.29 ANNUAL CONSUMPTION RESIDENTIAL YEAR F.!YR.GALlYR. 2002 2364 73102191 546877491 2003 2488 73857320 552526611 2004 2596 71633277 535888545 2005 2941 62482793 467433774 Average 2597. GAL/DAY Gal/Day/D.U. GPM/D. 1498294.5 633.7963179 0.440136332 1513771.54 608.4290743 0.42252019 1464176.35 564.0124627 0.391675321 1280640.48 435.4438891 0.30239159 560.420436 0.389180858 1439220.72 554.1325309 0.384814258 USE 0.3891 GPM/D. GPCD 181.084662 173.836878 161.146418 124.41254 160.120125 COMMERCIAL YEAR F./YR.GALlYR.GAL/DAY GaIfDayfD.GPM/D. 2002 235 14793967 11 0673667 303215.526 1290.278836 896026969 2003 257 16416005 122808133 336460.639 1309.185368 909156505 2004 292 20800525 155608728 425160.458 1456.028965 011131226 2005 231 20945550 156693660 429297.697 1858.43159 290577493 1 .026723048 COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL YEAR 2002 2003 2004 2005 GAL/DAY TOTAL GPO 1498294 18015091513772 18502321464176 18893361280640 1709937 SUM GPO 7251014 AVG GPO 1812753. AVG ANNUAL GPM 1258.8566 GAL/DAY 303215 336460 425160 429297 AN N U A L A V E R A G E C O N S U M P T I O N RE S I D E N T I A L YE A R GA L I Y R . GA L / D A Y GA L / H O U R Ga l / D a y / D . GP M / D . GP C D ( 3 . 5 C / D . 20 0 2 23 6 4 54 6 87 7 , 4 9 1 1, 4 9 8 29 4 63 4 0. 4 4 0 1 18 1 20 0 3 24 8 8 55 2 52 6 61 1 51 3 77 2 60 8 0. 4 2 2 5 17 4 20 0 4 25 9 6 53 5 88 8 54 5 46 4 17 6 56 4 39 1 7 16 1 20 0 5 29 4 1 46 7 , 4 3 3 77 4 28 0 64 0 43 5 30 2 4 12 4 Av e r a g e 59 7 52 5 68 1 60 5 1, 4 3 9 22 1 96 8 g p h 56 0 38 9 2 16 0 GP M I D . CO M M E R C I A L YE A R Ae e t . GA L / Y R . GA L / D A Y GA L / H O U R Ga l / D a y / A e e t . GP M / A e e t . 20 0 2 2~ : 5 11 0 , 67 3 66 7 30 3 21 6 29 0 89 6 0 20 0 3 2~ i 7 12 2 80 8 13 3 33 6 , 4 6 1 30 9 90 9 2 20 0 4 29 2 15 5 60 8 72 8 42 5 16 0 1 , 4 5 6 01 1 1 20 0 5 2~ \ 1 15 6 69 3 66 0 42 9 29 8 85 8 29 0 6 Av e r a g e 25 3 . 13 6 , 4 4 6 04 7 37 3 53 4 56 4 02 6 7 TO T J \ L ( R & C ) G A L / D A Y 81 2 75 4 53 2 g p h An n u a l a v g . ( R & C ) 25 8 . 86 6 6 g p m AN N U A L Re s i d . ( g p d ) Co m m . ( g p d ) TO T A L (g p d ) 20 0 2 1, 4 9 8 29 4 30 3 21 6 80 1 51 0 20 0 3 51 3 77 2 33 6 , 4 6 1 85 0 23 3 20 0 4 1, 4 6 4 17 6 42 5 16 0 88 9 33 6 (= 31 2 g p m ) 20 0 5 28 0 64 0 42 9 29 8 70 9 93 8 -, - - , , i : . J -j \ , , r . \~ 'Nl ~ j',I " ;" 1 i ; ' -- - - f: : C' " ( ! :: : : , -, : "f ' r~ i , ) - \ ' i - I'! - ( , \ :-I ' \: : : ~ , J. , '~ J :' c ' , . , ' " ~ -1 ' -- - - - - - , - -- - -- - . ' ; , ; D~ 2 1 ~. ~ ) \\ j ,- ' 0 ' "' -f'. . - " i "'- - - . j -- - i L -- , -, - , - - (" ' :'J ,+ - , \ .. " " c \\ . . , " f\ : - 1/ " -- - - - - , - '- - - - - - - - -- ~ , ~J l i i & 1 j I ! j !! ~ g 1 -- - " " , .. J '" ' "" " \\ ) VY ; J \t J \1 ) ,. . J n_ _ _ - - " , ' - , - - ~( , - " :p . . (' - rr " ~' ~' , , ~: ' ' , ' , ' "" - - - : ; ~- , - ~, - - - \' - - "" . ' (\ ~ ~~ - - . f~ ~ ,, \ (" ( \ I \1 ) \\ j ;t \ \~ " -. . ', f . :) - ,- , t- . . Ill , \ 'J I :; 1 \ , ( 0 , .. ' " ~, j- - , I~ f" 1:: f' 0 '. 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' (J J 'it f\ \ I' \ ' 1\ ) f')i/ ) 6210812a06 15: 37 9390267 CONGUMeTION REPORT - ~/8/2006 3:C~:Og ~M STAA'I'.DATE:,~~"'lfAG~a:D2 &ND CIITE: ;;t270!51~m EAGLE WATER CO INC =:====.------~==~=-_-__M===~==Z_--.a===~-----c==--=-----=====~----~==~~---* TOiAL RESIDEiNTIilL.: ~ 3 '" 1./ ;(~(Jof"""'4 73, 102, 191 '!'oT1IL COMMERCIAL : ;2.3;5- 14,793,967 TOTAL 896,158 CONsuMPTION REPORT - 2j~/2006 3:02:23 PH !!TART DATE::;~4;Oj;,y,;2\C'4S, ~JND CArl':: :;112'l~tn'OO3 .======= e= ~_..~-ac= = ===-~.-----=== ---- x~--- -=====~----~= ====~----=== ===~ TOTAL REiSID&NTXJ\L ;...9. V C'j'~'t~ Jk~.,. ~..... 7 J. 857 320 rOTALCOMMEiRCIAL : :':),.57 I' 16,416,DOS TOTAL 90,273,325 CONSVMPTION R~PORT - 2/9/2006 3:03:22 PM STAR! PATE; lltO,1./~'END DATE: 1i.l"j:r;~:m:o:;s = = = - ---- -= = == == ~ - -- -- = = = == = ---- ---. = = =--= === ~ -- ---- -----= == == = = =---- -- -- === == === rOTA!. RES:(OENTIAt. I $)59'-. A~~ .:71,633,277'l'OTALCOMMERCIAL : ~rt:;'" 'I 20,900,$25 TOTAL -. .. ,--~-,,-- 92".4,33,,902 .--.---- 92::' ,-~:)::: i'-, PAGE Go, -:;, -4 ) --.:;- ,;;~ " . ?' ~:: ::2_, 7'0.:::; ~ Sub Division JlJonthly Totals ill) ,,' e- hl h "Ie.. ' - ::t () :J, Month Year SDCode Sub Division Consumption TotaLBill I~c Addie s Corrier Sub.939.$17. Bonita Hills 150.$402. Berkshire 727.$222. Big Hom 742.$204. Bosanka 191.$267. Brenson 153 242.044. Clear Creek Crossing 880.$9 .43 Chaumont 175.$m. Commercial 649 703.043. Edgewood 130.$32. Edgewood Estates 181 027.464. Eagle Hills 407 535.818. Eagle Knoll/Sept. Sub.929.$484. Empire Estates Sub.888.$483. Eagle Point #1-277 982.054. Eagle Ranch 472,687.$5,418. EchoHawk 704.$861. Eagle Village 219 592.484. Eagle Wing 835.$929. Great Sky 128 488.581. Kestrel Cove 856.$383. LaRue Acres 234.$445. LakeLand 962.$46. Merri! Sub/Rocky Mtn. Bus.920.$85. N. Eagle Road 588.$33. Pacific Heights/Homestead'773.$107. Eagle Point #7-266 590.$3,255. Red Leaf Heights! Tuesday Sub 434.$413. Red Leaf ManorlMonday Sub.842.$111. Rick River 661.$487. Spring Creek Sub.004.$190. South Eagle Road 931.$16. Van Engelen 159 377.003. Summary for Month Year' 12/2002 (33 detail records) Sum Grand Total 402 718. 402 718.001 $40 182. $40 182.63 Monday, February 06, 2006 Page ofl Sub Division JiJonthly Totals :J)t2..-0. ke_ ",;! -J. f.:' (.7 ';:( Month Year SDCode Sub Division Consumption TotalBill Addies Comer Sub.639.00 ' $16. Bonita Hills 764.$389. Berkshire 644.$214. Big Horn 935.$197. Bosanka 068.$248. Brenson 134 178.928. Clear Creek Crossing 36.$16. Chaumont 065.$836. Commercial 452 665.$4,143. Edgewood $8. Edgewood Estates 112 480.348.41 Eagle Hills 212 334.524. Eagle KnolVSept. Sub.278.$455. Empire Estates Sub.758.$249. Eagle Point #1-133 786.513. Eagle Ranch 278 683.841. EchoHawk 490.$859. Eagle Village 107 976.300. Eagle Wing 210.$24. Great Sky 203 208.786. Kestrel Cove 259.$371. LaRue Acres 557.$424. LakeLand 753.$16. Merril Sub/Rocky Min. Bus.320.$165. N. Eagle Road 656.$32. Piccadilly Subdivision 1.00 $8. Pacific Heights/Homestead 573.$208. Eagle Point #7-147 330.686. Red Leaf Heights! Tuesday Sub 291.$460. Red Leaf ManorlMonday Sub.851.$108. Rick River 31 ,211.$472.18 Spring Creek Sub.507.$186. South Eagle Road 548.$8. Van Engelen 23.$8. Summary for 'Month Year' 01/2003 (34 detail records) Sum Grand Total 152 077. 152,077. 001 $26 060. $26 060.01 Ivfollday, Febmary 06 2006 Page of Sub Division Monthly Totals j"v\./J ;:? tY/3 Month Year SDCode Sub Division Consumption TotaLBill Irxc Addie s Corner Sub.742.$16. Bonita Hills 595.$425. Berkshire 807.$233. Big Horn 404.$209. Bosanka 748.$271. Brenson 169 903.056. Clear Creek Crossing 466.$24. Chaumont 972.$832. Commercial 145 548.302. Edgewood 76.$16. Edgewood Estates 444.$35. Eagle Hills 172 803.922. Eagle Knoll/Sept. Sub.51 ,623.$519. Eagle Point #1-105.$20.42 Eagle Ranch 278 738.880. EchoHawk 119.$913.47 Eagle Village 169.$93. Eagle Wing 28,473.$491. Great Sky 184.$266. Kestrel Cove 927.$382. LaRue Acres 668.$413. LakeLand 458.$35. N. Eagle Road 810.$34. Piccadilly Subdivision $8. Pacific Heights/Homestead 1.00 $8. Red Leaf Heights! Tuesday Sub 778.$492. Red Leaf ManorlMonday Sub.062.$112. Rick River 135.$514. Spring Creek Sub.023.$199. Van Engelen 737.072. Summary for 'Month Year' 02/2003 (30 detail records) Sum Grand Total 375 519. 375 519.001 $15 806. $15 806.38 Monday. February lJ6, 2006 Page ofl Typical Irrigation ConsumptionlDemand Data Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts ~~;~-"" A , . / (:7 ! ::::.~; :-... Water Demand Analysis COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT Winter Avg. Summer AvglAnnual Avg.Peak Factor Node (gpm) (gpm) (gpm)Summer/ Annual 3JC Land Company 404 0000 0081 0041 0000 Academy Investors 135 0740 6063 3402 7825 I\~~-- '-1___-""'f"- ~ ~~,.,~. ~~_. 1::;?Q.1 1~~'~;~s ~~:n Albertson s #182 Albertson s #182 Common Albertson s Express #182 Alderwood Village HOA All American Deli All Pet Complex AMI/Rick's River Comm. #1 AMI/Rick's River Comm. #2 AMI/Rick's River Comm. #3 Around the Town Prop Mngmnt !Ashley Manor Asin Homes Bagmaker Band , Jimmy & Marsha Bardenay Restaurant BS One, Inc. #1 BB One, Inc. #2 Bento, Zen Berkshire HOA Big Horn Common Area BMO Properties LLC Boise Pizza Brooks, James & Lonnie Butler, Mark Centaur Creative Media Inc, Chianis , John Chicago Connection Choice One Community City Hall City of Eagle Clearwater Construction Club One Three 16 Cohiba Condo Association Custom Mortgage 0. Dunlap Companies Inc. Dave Evans Construction de Vinci's of Eagle Deeann Dotty's Co. LLC Doug s Burger Den E.S.I. Eagle Academy Eagle Counseling Center Eagle Development Eagle Development - WLDC Eagle Family Medicine David M. Collins , P.E. ~;:!.J 294544 544 375 197 444 592 176 173 168 159 524621 369 -44&-386 386 281 200 592 179 395 381 .373 50222 157 394 464 223 459 460 135 135 368593 I' ,'/ ~:~~~~I 0809 0000 0661 0000 0863 1785' 0000 0000 0000 0.2:870 0000 0003 0193 0043 3319 3192 8498 0370 0000 0000 0000 0455 2301 0262 10301 05191 5697 00001 0000 1503 0036 0041 0643 0515 1930 0021 5020 1609 1204 8616 0000 8725 0130 0000 0379 0286 tjL:14 9928 1473 7.4939 1047 0186 0.4883 5714 9184 2136 0002 6137 0000 10.3242 0719 9210 7005 9083 3. 1451 0.4301 9607 6853 0643 3374 3558 0405 0440 8198 5940 6830 1600 64.5948 0161 0066 0.2048 0785 3957 0191 9235 2290 0748 6796 0051 15.2465 0292 4.4525 48.2080 0879 ! . !:10 ! 2.4964 1141 7469 0854 0093 2873 3749 1.4592 1068 0001 0.4503 0000 1622 I 0.0456 ' ! . (3.0162 613T 2.4975 2336 9803 i 3426 0~0322 1914 0.7930 i 0334 I 0.0735 i ~::~;~ 8415 i 5800 32.3725 I 0.0098 I 0.0053 1346 I 0.0650 2944 i 0106 7128 1949 0976 7706 0025 10.5595 5211 2262 24.1229 0582 MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho 0000 0157 0000 2264 0000 6996 5240 0000 0000 0000 3627 5000 1 .9999 5771 1 .9908 2269 2806 2593 8414 0000 0000 0000 7625 7098 2142 5988 8809 0209 0000 0000 9954 6346 2425 5218 2082 3443 8036 2957 1748 7662 9486 0000 1.4439 9750 0000 9984 9730 Book 1 January 2006 Page Eagle Water Co, Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 Eagle Fire Station 385 2597 0.4936 3767 3104Eagle Forum Comm, Area ('I 372 0000 9180 9590 0000Eagle Forum LLC 372 6158 2551 0.4355 5858Eagle Hills Golf Course 9824 0188 1 .5006 3453Eagle Hills West #4 HOA 107 o. 0000,10.5776 !:; '1QQQ '1 ("I ("I ("I ("I ,,-uuu "-... 'J'-I'-I'IEagle iD Fiv1 Group 200 1788 2376 2082 1414Eagle Industrial Center 234 5562 3534 9548 1 .1349 Eagle Library 6467 8703 2585 6868Eagle Manor 170 5627 6164 0895 6930Eagle Mansion Homes, LLC 558 0000 0430 0215 0000Eagle Mini Storage 547 0083 0953 0518 8400Eagle Pavilion 376 8453 8066 8259 8248 Eagle Pediatrics, PA 0108 0131 0119 0944Eagle Physical Therapy 364 0582 0465 0524 8887Eagle Plaza LLC 371 1714 11.8311 5013 5772 Eagle Post Office 0890 9776 5333 9420Eagle Professional Park 131 5096 9591 7343 3061Eagle Rib Shack 1274 6956 0.4115 6905Eagle River, LLC 456 1434 3312 7373 0.4492Eagle River, LLC (Common) ,387 8248 7249 2749 3530Eagle River, LLC-445 0186 0693 0440 5772Eagle Senior Village 381 1552 2708 2130 2714Eagle Sewer District 218 0136 3789 6963 9804Ectgle Tire Co.589 0000 2074 1037 0000Eagle United Methodist Church 440 2069 0973 1521 6395 Eagle Veterinary Hospital 441"0545 0643 0594 0822Eagle Village LLC 441 3403 0057 1730 0328Eagle Village LLC (Common)441 2027 9270 5649 9431Eagle Water Co.157 0197 5412 2805 9298EagleWing (prop management),177 0000 5511 2756 0000Echohawk #1 Common ..;,- .,r:293 ;\;-;1 0000 6249 3124 0000Echohawk #2 Common 346 0000 1.4925 7462 0000Edgewood Estates #1 Common"446 0000 I 5.4170 7085 0000Edgewood Estates #2 Common./232.0000 1494 5747 0000Edgewood Estates #3 Common.;'232:~0000 1031 5515 0000Edgewood Estates #4 Common/'237 0000 0.4017 2009 0000Edgewood Estates #5 Common;;233 0000 6011 3006 0000Elkridge Properties, LLC 376 0094 0107 0100 0669Evans Building Center 547 0907 2487 1697 1 .9225Farm City Animal Supply 238 0007 3060 1533 9953Findlay, Chris 238 1430 1857 1644 1298First American Title Co.402 1308 6185 8747 1 .8505Four Square Church 0688 0815 0751 0845Gayles Loft of Books, LLC 157 0000 0041 0021 0000Gemsbok Condo Assn.390 0708 1053 0881 1 .1960Godzilla LLC 464 0000 3386 1693 0000Gold Medallion 1733 1776 1755 0122Golf Magic 295 0152 0309 0231 3418Goodrich, Katrina 157 0012 0203 0107 8907Gothberg, Alie & Cal 567 5467 1634 1 .3550 1 .5965Great Sky #1 (Common)240 0000 16.1657 0828 0000Great Sky #4 (Common)333 0000 7791 3896 0000 David M. Collins , P MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co, Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 Great Sky #6 (Common)250 00001 7060 8530 0000Great Sky #9 (Common)345 0000 I 8726 0-.4363 0000 00001Great Sky #10 (Common)345 2466 6233 0000 Guho , Mark 163 0000 1533 0766 0000Hallock, Jared 371 0947 1040 (\()11'l1132,v, ,"- ,., He ner, Randy 11081 5618 3363 t61uIHilton Garden Inn -- .. "' -4"4'5780 3248 / 3.514,0945Home Depot Store #1809-605 27021 0226 1464 7643Home Depot Store #1809-607 1270 I 1.4852 8061 8425Home Federal 397 00001 0057 0028 0000Idaho Athletic Club 486 0000 0000 0000 1 ,5000Idaho Banking Co.375 0674 3431 2053 6717Idaho Children s Academy 2702 0.4419 3560 2411Idaho Veteran s Services 660 3064 2065 2564 8052Jacksons Food Store #57 0505 7542 0.4024 8745Jaya Construction 505 0000 0008 0004 0000Jensen, Dennis 543 0.4251 8067 6159 7369Jensen, Dennis & Jeanie 543 0718 0820 0769 0662Jeremiah Properties 0117 5525 2821 9587Jim McCauley 271 0830 0810 0820 9882Johnson, Rodney D.135 0655 5447 3051 7854Joint School District #2 8056 2.4962 6509 5120Judy Harmon 543 1268 1355 1312 0334Kerstein, Chester & JoAnn 395 0000 0001 0001 0000Kings158066476070.4136 1 .8394 Lakeside Veterinary 157 0240 0315 0278 1 .1340Larbon, LLC 0000 0075 0037 0000Les Schwab 404 1296 2016 1656 2171Lighthouse Dental 3308 6087 9698 9167Lively, Keith 0426 7215 3820 1 .8886Maracaibo Property 470 0000 0017 0009 0000McDonald'364 00251 3633 1829 5407Mefford, Clifford 140 06571 0557 0607 9171Meridian School District 1337 5906 8621 3912Meridian School District No.00051 0828 0416 1 .9995Merkle, James/Hutt, Donald 366 0283 7350 3817 9259Millcourt037085320.4451 9169Moffat & Moffat 131 0000 8844 0.4422 0000Moriarty, Cheryl **523 0126 0:1745 0936 8657Mountain West Clinical Trial 468 0000 0273 0136 0000 M. Enterprises Bldg. #1 160 6085 1174 8629 1 .2949 M. Enterprises Bldg. #2 163 6107 7317 6712 0901M. Enterprises Bldg. #3 163 2729 2924 2827 0345Namer, Robert & Stormy **523 0125 2573 1349 1 .9077NCDB, LLC 384 2398 2279 2338 9745New Horizons Child Care 234 3632 6674 0153 8198North Channel Chevron 283 8069 6003 2036 1.1238North Channel Prof Condo 283 0778 0789 0784 1 .0072OM Corp.8684 6830 2757 3193Our Secret Cottage 157 0012 0024 0018 1 .3228Pacific Heights HOA 400 0000 3079 1539 0000Pearson, Chris 224 0523 2090 1306 5997 David M. Collins , P.E.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise , Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 Peggy Zurcher 0.41051 2228 8167 1.4973 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg A 219 0.4020 I 0.4183 0.4101 0198 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg B&C i 219 9031\8431 8731 9656 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg D 219 94081 7799 8604 9065 n__- _:_- f"'-..- "-nl.-l- '="~I"\1"\ """1",,1 1"\ CI"\C")1"\ cCC:O ~ IlM:;QIrt::It::G,IlIt::I.JUveJ-\Ul;:" Q'UU c; . , L. ::J u..;):.),,)!U::JU0 , U.UUuU ,"v-."'v Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg F&G i 219 16411 9503 0572 8989 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg H 219 6440 6070 6255 9703 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg I 219 7175!6766 6970 9707 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg J 219 5146 0.4976 5061 9832 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg K 219 0.4847 0.4722 0.4784 9869 Peregrine Cove Apts. Bldg L 219 0.4616 5004 0.4810 0403 Petticoat Junction-Owners Assn.601 02581 1421 0839 6929 Pine Ridge HOA 362;f 0000 I 3.4210 7105 0000 Pinewick Services 158 0775 2756 1765 1 .561 0 Pioneer Federal Credit Union 0262 9101 9681 9730 . Primary Health 378 1647 0.4446 3046 1 .4595 West-Id State Admin 300000 0891 0.2662 1777 1.4986 Red Leaf Neighborhood Assn. "411 0000 3324 6662 9999 Rembrandt's Coffee House 365 2944 0.4732 3838 2329 Republic Storage of Id.-commonl!252 0000 7976 3988 0000 Republic Storage of Id.Office 256 0750 1264 1007 2548 Research Source 395 1179 0135 0657 Rick Marcus 602 0592 8140 9366 2229 Rivers Edge Building LLC 469 0025 0519 0272 9094 Riverside Management 219 1202 15.4543 7872 1 .9846'i' Roberts, Larry 239 7714 3579 0647 2754 Rocky Mountain #19 395 0038 0155 0097 6059 Rocky Mountain #20 395 0005 0524 0265 9814 Rocky Mountain #22 395 0000 0194 0097 9981 Rocky Mountain Fitness Center 392 9072 1265 0169 0364 Rocky Mountain Pizza Hut 376 9490 i 1.4548 2019 2104 Roddy Evans Construction 224 0042 5026 2534 9833 Rodgriguez, Armando 405 0068 9208 1.4638 9953 Roger Family Trust 373 0363 5572 2968 8776 Rolfe Development Co.2768 8910 5839 5259 Ronald Van Auker 591 0000 2913 1456 9999 Roth Homes'192 0000 3835 1917 0000 Roy Coon/Church of Christ 238 0210 6889 3549 9408 Sage Construction 464 0000 0371 0185 0000 Schaal Inc.1584 7699 0.4641 6587 Second Avenue Inc.0072 0193 0132 1.4571 Senior Citizen 0.4417 6929 0673 8560 Seventh Day Adventist Church 177 4007 2483 3245 7653 Sherman Williams Eagle 219 0201 9170 0.4685 9572 SHIP LLC 543 1762 7741 1.4752 2026 Sisters Villa 380 7152 8388 2770 8645 Smith's Chevron Station 1769 0009 0889 0102 Stanley Ray 157 0300 6464 8382 1 .9642 Stinker Station #39 601 5462 8001 1731 2885 Story, Chuck 368 0662 0.4075 2369 7205 Streamside Mortgage 224 0086 9354 0.4720 9818 Strittmatter, Doug 100 0223 0925 5574 1 .9600 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise, Idaho January 2006 Page 1 Eagle Water Co. Records Commercial Accounts Water Demand Analysis Book 1 Studio C 295 0573 0748 0661 - 1.1318Subway9430848089559470Tales Rents 1475 2761 2118 3035The Blue Moose 366 1509 6164 3837 6067The Land Group 453 0445 0519 n nl1~,,)1 117'::'::v. v-cu"-Ut VV ---p--- 9236The Sellin AdvisOi GiOup 402 1226 1052 Tibbs, Brian 366 0.41111 0.4757 0.4434 0728Todd Stewart Salon 157 0366 0478 0422 1 ,1329Tri-City Meats 1892,8459 0175 1 .4551 Triangle Trailer Ct.752 3.4218 13.2303 3260 5890DO-IT Car Wash 225 6554 3970 0262 1830 W A Mutual 279 0291 1464 5878 9816Wagers Partnership L 0824 1308 1066 2267Washington Fed. Savings #30 219 0212 5766 2989 9908Wells Fargo 384 0360 0022 0191 1 .9822Wendy4490.4319 5719 5019 1 .1395Western Development 543 3030 0.4410 3720 1854Westmark Credit Union 476 0040 0176 0108 6316Westminster Homes, LLC 364 04981 1301 0899 1.4466- Winding Creek BOA --/ 549 0000 2890 6445 0000Winding Creek HOA 549 0000 0008 0004 0000Wright Brothers 219 0329 2182 1256 7378Wright, John 219 0160 0080 0120 6656Zach Evans Construction 395 0053 0386 0220 1.7573Zamzow3780.4020 9211 6615 9138 System Mean Winter Avg.Peak Factor 84.7841 5529 1139 David M. Collins, P.MTC Engineers Inc., Boise , Idaho January 2006 Page APPENDIX D Fire Hydrant Testing City: Date: Time: Location: Hydrant Flow RE~sult Sheet Eagle 8/16/2006 14:00 pm to 14:05 pm Home Depot Rating Rep. ResUlts: , , HydrantFlow: ~16W:~20PSI: " Pressure ~1500GPM: Witnesses: Andy C: Eagle Fire Dept. Norman R: Eagle Water Co. R~~~)Jri'pm;f;:Wt" " '::, 105psi Residual 52 psi Diarneter 41/2'inches Flowing 2481gpm ' ~ltjWih 'f""';1:~6:/p~'i~'i:;Jc ' . , m Water Supply Graph 120 100 ... 500 _lil!mll~ "1i~llim' Ii""'jl ' IrnnIi1llil".,;""~I~UlR11I1WIIi",IiIl..mli,,q "IiUmUmlllUW 'JillO"""""1 ~.n'lilllU'IU', UlIIIUIIK",. ""'"U._~~2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 ~500 6000 6500 7000 7500 Flow (GPM) City: Date: Time: Location: Hydrant Flow Result Sheet Eagle 8/31/2006 14:30 pm to 14:35 pm Lakeland - Whitby RatingRep. Results: " , , HydrantFlow': ' flow~20PSI: ,Pressure ~1500GPM:, Witnesses: Andy C: Eagle Fire Dept. Norman R: Eagle Water Co. $t'~t!$'psi Residual 74.psi Diameter 41/2 inches ' Flowing t7?5gpm Fib~Xri:'~20,Jj~(:li;':; "3 60 .... Water Supply Graph 120 100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5500 6000 Flow (GPM) City: Date: Time: Location: Hydrant Flow Result Sheet Eagle 8/31/2006 15:16 pm to 15:24 pm Edgewood & Clubhouse Rating Rep. ResUlts: Hydrant Flow: FloW~20PSI: . ' Pressure~1500GPM: Witnesses: Andy C: Eagle Fire Dept. Norman R: Eagle Water Co. WiBWihg'( . Residual 42ipsi 7 psi Diameter 4112inches 0.75 FloWing 1868gpm 2446gpl1l Water Supply Graph Q 50 e;, ~ 40 ... ~ 30 0 J 500 1000 3500 4000 4500 6000 7000 7500 Flow (GPM) APPENDIX E 2006 Scenario Scenario: 2006 Title: INITIAL RUN w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd 01/17/07 11 :40:53 m-mentley Systems, Inc.Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DMC WaterCAD v7.0 ( +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow (gpm)Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ,false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 1.36 500.501.76.587 20.958.44 . true 500.502.75.50 587 20.890. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 94.500.594.76.587 20.849. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.500.75.587 20.833. true 500.509.75.587 20.844. true 15.500.515.75.587 20.848. true 4.43 500.504.43 76.587 47.40 999.43 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false 10.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.1 ,506.76.587 20.822. true 500.501.76.587 20.820. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.505.73.587 20.815. true 500.500.74.587 20.804. true 500.507.75.587 20.807.24 false 11.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 5.44 500.505.44 76.587 20.800. true 500.500.74.587 20.803. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 14.500.514.74.587 20.807. true 12.40 500.512.40 76.587 20.815. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 11.500.511.63.587 20.817. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.503.56.587 20.818.49 false 10.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.503.57.43 587 20.817.40 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.500.63.587 46.999. true 500.509.67.587 44.41 999. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.502.60.587 20.817. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 4.43 500.504.43 45.587 20.130. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario. wed WaterCAD v7.0 ( 01/17/07 11:42:58 mllBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow(gpm)(1j)Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (1j)(psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.508.20.587 42.513.41 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.1 ,506.55.587 20.784. true 19.48 500.519.48 53.587 20.759. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.1 ,502.41.40 587 31.134. true 500.509.56.587 20.754. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.509.60.587 20.814. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 12.40 500.512.40 55.587 20.741.48 true 14.1 ,500.514.44.587 20.160. false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 26.500.526.55.587 20.744. true 21.500.521.62.587 20.764. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 17.500.517.39.20.939. false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.503.48.587 20.637. false 4.43 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 10.500.510.46.587 21.601. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 11.500.511.44,587 20.2,405.49 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.507.43.587 22.293. false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A true 500.503.31.917 20.711. false 13.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 (07,00.049.00)01/17/07 11:42:58 mJBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated Available Fire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow (gpm)Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 100 true 500.504.26.101 20.624.48 101 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 102 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 103 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 104 true 500.1 ,500.42.917 20.156. 105 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 106 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 107 false 10.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 108 true 500.507.43.587 20.278. 109 false 4.44 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 110 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 111 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 112 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 113 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 114 true 500.505.44.587 22.375. 115 true 4.43 500.1 ,504.43 66.43 587 20.759. 116 true 500.505.45.587 20.447. 117 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 118 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 119 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 120 true 500.507.45.587 20.328. 121 true 500.507.44.587 20.247. 122 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 123 true 12.40 1 ,500.512.40 31.125 20.812. 124 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 false 14.1 ,500.514.17.126 21.1,459. 126 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12~true 500.500.56.587 20.878. 128 true 500.501.34.917 20.894.46 131 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 132 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 133 false 12.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 134 false 10.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 135 false 26.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 136 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 137 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 138 false 10.500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 139 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 140 true 500.500.62,587 26.495. 141 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 142 true 500.507.67.587 20.787. 143 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 144 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 145 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 146 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 147 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 01/17/07 11 :42:58 mllBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown , CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 3 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow(gpm) (g) Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (g) (psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed 148 true 500.509.44.587 20.359. 149 true 26.500.526.42.587 22.274. 150 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 151 true 11.500.511.45.587 20.339. 152 true 12.41 500.512.44.587 20.333. 153 true 4.43 500.504.43 44.587 20.331. 154 true 12.500.512.40 66.587 22.839. 155 true 15.500.515.66.587 20.696.43 156 true 500.500.62.587 30.2,467. 157 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 158 true 22.500.1 ,522.60.587 36.48 2,436. 159 true 18.500.518.56.43 587 20.228.47 160 true 500.501.76.47 587 20.834. 161 true 12.40 500.512.51.587 20.121. 162 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 163 true 6.42 500.506.76.587 22.834. 164 true 14.500.514.74.587 20.374. 165 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 166 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 167 true 500.506.75.587 20.329.47 168 true 500.501.76.587 20.3,426. 169 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 170 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 171 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 172 true 500.506.78.587 20.817.47 173 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 17L true 1.77 500.501.66.587 31.660.49 175 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 176 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 177 false 14.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 178 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 179 false 24.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 180 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 181 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 182 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 183 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 184 true 500.503.99.360 20.533. 185 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 186 true 500.507.62.360 48.501. 187 true 500.500.96.360 42.093. 188 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 189 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 190 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 191 true 500.503.95.360 20.701. 192 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 193 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 194 true 4.43 500.504.43 93.360 20.545. 195 false 22.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 (07.00,049.00)01/17/07 11 :42:58 gJ\JBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 4 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow (gpm)(f!I Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (f!I (psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed 196 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 197 true 20.500.520.85.360 20.406. 198 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 199 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 200 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 201 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 202 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 203 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 204 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 205 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 206 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 207 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 208 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 209 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 210 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 211 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 212 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 213 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 214 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 215 false 10.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 216 true 500.507.68.587 20.803. 217 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 218 true 500.501.74.587 20.805.42 219 false 22.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 220 true 500.500.71.587 20.799. 221 true 500.500.67.587 20.793. 222 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 223 false 0.44 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 22~true 500.1 ,501 .66.587 20.789.49 225 true 500.504.67.587 20.780.40 226 true 500,1 ,508.58.41 587 27.397. 227 true 15.500.515.59.587 20.448.40 228 false 11.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 229 true 500.507.53.587 20.237. 230 true 500.509.52.587 20.206. 231 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 232 true 15.1 ,500.515.54.587 20.244. 233 true 500.507.54.587 20.224.45 234 false 11.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 235 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 236 false 12.41 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 237 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 238 true 500.1 ,500.82.982 20.952. 239 false 2.42 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 240 false 23.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 241 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 242 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 243 true 500.506.79.982 20.807.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7,0 ( 11:42:58 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 5 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow (gpm)(1j)Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (1j)(psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed 244 true 10.500.1 ,510.80.982 20.786.48 245 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 246 true 500.508.80.982 20.805. 247 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 248 true 500.507.79.982 20.788. 249 true 500.505.78.982 20.802. 250 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 251 true 500.507.77.982 20.744.40 252 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 253 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 254 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 255 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 256 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 257 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 258 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 259 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 260 true 500.502.37.587 20.43 066. 261 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 262 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 263 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 264 true 1 ,500.508.36.587 20.44 004. 265 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 266 true 15.500.515.34.267 20.926. 267 false 4.43'N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 268 true 13.500.513.39.587 20.085. 269 true 500.507.39.587 20.081. 270 true 10.1 ,500.510.38.587 20.023. 271 true 500.502.36.587 20.964. 272 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 273 true 500.507.35.587 20.974. 274 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 275 true 500.509.36.587 20.022. 276 true 13.500.513.34.587 20.947.49 277 false 12.41 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 278 true 17.500.517.34.587 22.46 992. 279 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 280 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 281 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 282 false 10.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 283 true 500.503.39.360 20.743.47 284 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 285 true 500.500.42.360 20.743.46 286 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 287 true 500.509.58.360 20.743.46 288 true 14.500.514.57.360 20.743.46 289 true 500.506.56.360 20.743.47 290 true 4.43 500.504.43 50.360 20.743. 291 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11:42:58 &lBentleySystems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 6 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow (gpm)(Q)Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (Q)(psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed 292 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 293 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 294 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 295 true 500.502.85.360 20.199. 296 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 297 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 298 true 500.500.55.360 20.780.41 299 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 300 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 301 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 302 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 303 true 500.500.56.360 20.812. 304 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 305 true 13.500.513.63.587 26.739. 306 true 14.500.514.65.44 587 20.846. 307 true 500.509.67.587 20.848. 308 true 500.509.64.587 20.833. 309 true 15.500.515.69.587 20.866. 310 true 23.500.523.68.587 20.878. 311 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 312 false 250.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 313 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 314 true 500.500.54.360 20.784. 315 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 316 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 317 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 318 true 13.500.513.65.587 20.767. 319 false 12.41 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 320 false 10.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 321 true 16.500.516.75.587 20.904. 322 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 323 true 500.507.73.981 20.536. 325 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 326 true 500.500.82.982 20.815. 327 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 328 true 4.43 500.504.52.982 38.046. 329 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 330 true 500.506.74.44 982 20.808. 331 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 332 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 333 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 33~true 500.509.74.982 20.727. 335 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 336 true 500.507.76.982 20.725. 337 true 500.507.77.47 982 20.717. 338 true 500.505.77.982 20.730. 339 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 340 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC W:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :42:58 mllBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 7 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow(gpm)Junction Pressure (gpm)Total (psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed 341 true 500.506.76.982 20.679.46 342 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 343 true 500.506.76.981 20.642.45 344 true 500.508.73.981 20.571 . 345 false 11.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 346 true 500.1 ,505.57.360 20.743.46 347 true 4.43 500.504.43 53.360 20.743. 348 false 12.41 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 349 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 350 true 500.507.53.360 20.743.46 351 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 352 false 12.500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 353 true 500.503.59.417 41.501. 354 true 11.500.511.52.417 20.813. 355 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 356 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 357 true 10.500.510.49.417 20.795. 358 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 359 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 360 true 500.500.26.359 27.43 617. 361 true 500.500.97.360 25.000. 364 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 365 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 366 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 367 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 368 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 369 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 370 true 500.500.66.982 24.740. 371 false 17.500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 372 true 500.508.74.587 20.852. 373 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 374 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 375 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 376 false 13.500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 377 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 378 false 11.500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 379 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 380 false 12.500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 381 true 500.501.53.587 25.535. 382 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 383 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 384 true 500.505.76.587 20.837. 385 true 500.500.71.587 20.800. 386 true 16.1 ,500.1 ,516.73.587 20.832. 387 false 1.58 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 388 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 389 true 500.500.73.587 20.802.48 390 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :42:58 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 8 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow (gpm) (g) Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (g) (psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed 391 true 500.500.47.587 35.969. 392 true 500.507.72.587 20.802. 393 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 394 true 500.500.72.587 20.803.49 395 true 500.500.72.587 20.805. 396 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 397 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 398 true 500.500.74.587 20.801, 399 true 16.1 ,500.1 ,516.72.587 20.798. 400 true 12.500.512.71.47 587 20.798. 401 true 500.1 ,500.70.587 20.796. 402 true 500.502.72.48 587 20.799. 403 true 500.500.72.587 20.800. 404 true 500.500.68.587 20.798. 405 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 406 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 407 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 408 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 409 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 410 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 411 true 500.506.49.587 20.684. 412 true 11.500.511.57.587 20.710. 413 true 4.43 500.504.43 59.587 20.723. 414 true 1 ,500.503.41.417 20.781. 415 true 1 ,500.507.40.417 20.781. 416 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 417 false 1 ,500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 418 true 500.509.55.587 20.160. 419 true 500.507.54.587 20.158. 420 false 11.51 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 421 true 500.506.45.587 20.038. 422 true 500.500,46.587 20.43 068.48 423 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 424 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 425 false 1 ,500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 426 false 1 ,500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 427 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 428 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 429 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 430 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 431 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 432 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 433 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 434 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 435 false 1.77 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 436 true 1 ,500.503.46.982 20.940. 437 true 500.501.43.982 24.862. 438 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario. wed WaterCAD v7.0 ( 01/17/07 11 :42:58 mIlBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 9 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvaiiableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow(gpm)IjJ)Junction Pressure (gpm)Total IjJ)(psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed 439 true 500.501.20.440 34.505. 440 true 500.500.29.439 25.625. 441 false 10.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 442 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 443 true 500.506.47.587 20.829. 444 true 500.500.74.587 20.828. 445 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 446 true 1 ,500.507.73.587 20.827. 447 true 500.500.73.587 20.825. 448 true 500.500.69.587 20.825. 449 true 500.1 ,501.68.587 20.825. 450 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 451 true 500.500.49.587 20.823. 452 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 453 true 500.500.72.587 20.823. 454 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 455 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 456 true 500.501.71.587 20.820. 457 true 500.500.71.89 587 20.818. 458 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 459 true 500.500.68.587 20.823. 460 true 500.500.40.587 20.823. 461 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 462 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 463 true 500.500.61.587 26.44 2,497. 464 true 500.500,63.45 587 21.33 591. 465 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 466 true 1 ,500.500.65.587 20.729. 467 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 468 true 500.500.58.40 587 29.346. 469 true 500.500.23.470 20.567. 470 true 500.500.59.587 27.414. 471 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 472 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 473 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 474 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 475 faise N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 476 true 500.500.64.587 24.579. 477 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 478 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 479 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 480 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 481 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 482 true 1 ,500.500.73.587 20.816. 483 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 484 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 485 true 1 ,500.500.71.587 20.816. 486 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 01/17/07 11 :42:58 g)\JBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 10 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow(gpm)!iJ!Junction Pressure (gpm) Total !iJ!(psi) Flow TotalNeededFlow (psi)Needed 487 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 488 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 489 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 490 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 491 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 492 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 493 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 494 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 495 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 496 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 497 false 33.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 498 false 11.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 499 true 500.500.55.360 20.743.47 500 true 500.508.57.360 20.743.46 501 true 10.500.510.57.360 20.743.47 502 true 14.500.514.55.360 20.743. 503 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 504 true 1 ,500.1 ,500.64.587 46.999. 505 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 506 true 1 ,500.500.65.587 45.43 999. 507 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 508 true 10.1 ,500.510.60.587 20.755. 509 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 510 true 500.507.51.587 27.2,403. 511 true 11.500.511.60.587 20.753. 512 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 513 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 514 true 500.505.57.587 20.746. 515 true 500.507.61.587 20.737. 516 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 517 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A518true500.502.56.587 20.745. 519 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 520 true 500.505.56.587 20.744. 521 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 522 true 500.1 ,506.71.96 981 20.561.43 523 true 500.502.62.981 20.561. 524 false 15.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 525 true 500.502.54.587 20.163. 527 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 528 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 529 false 11.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 530 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 531 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 532 true 500.507.62.587 20.769. 533 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 534 true 500.507.60.587 20.632. 535 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario,wCd WaterCAD v7.0 (07.00.049,00)01/17/07 11 :42:58 lWBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 11 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report Label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow (gpm)Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed 536 true 4.43 500.504.43 62.587 20.727. 537 false 14.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 538 true 500.1 ,502.63.587 20.771.41 539 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 540 true 500.505.65.587 20.771. 541 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 542 true 12.40 500.512.40 68.587 20.772. 543 true 1 ,500.505.75.587 20.856. 544 true 8.46 1 ,500.1 ,508.46 75.587 20.856. 546 true 500.507.72.587 20.856. 547 true 1 ,500.502.72.587 20.800. 548 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 549 true 500.507.69.48 587 20.797. 550 true 500.500.69.587 20.797.42 551 true 1 ,500.500.69.48 587 20.796. 552 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 553 true 22.500.1 ,522.70.587 20.797. 55L1 true 17.1 ,500.517.69.587 20.797. 555 true 500.509.68.587 20.797. 556 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 557 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 558 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 559 true 14.500.514.68.587 20.795. 560 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 561 true 500.507.70.587 20.795. 562 true 1 ,500.500.70.587 20.794. 563 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 564 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 565 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 566 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 567 true 500.503.72.48 587 20.796. 568 false 14.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 569 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 570 false 14.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 571 true 20.500.520.50.360 20.781. 572 true 11.500.511.52.360 20.781. 573 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 574 true 500.508.52.360 20.781. 575 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 576 true 11.500.511.56.360 20.784. 577 true 15.500.515.57.360 20.784. 578 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 579 true 13.500.513.57.360 20.784. J-580 false 4.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 581 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 582 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 583 true 500.1 ,503.58.360 20.784. 584 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :42:58 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 12 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow(gpm) (g) Junction Pressure (gpm)Total (g) (psi) Flow TotalNeededFlow (psi)Needed 585 true 500.500.51.360 20.784. 586 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A587true500.507.33.278 25.006. 588 true 500.500.75.982 20.894. 589 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 590 true 500.500.68.982 24.744. 591 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 592 true 500.500.65.982 28.643. 593 false 70.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A594falseN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A595falseN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 596 true 500.500.76.982 20.849.597 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 598 true 500.500.76.982 20.840.599 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 600 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 601 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 602 true 500.508.66.982 24.717.44603falseN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 604 true 500.500.59.982 32.414.605 true 500.502.76.982 20.820. 606 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A607true500.501.78.982 20.776. 608 true 500.500.73.982 20.776.609 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 610 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 611 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 612 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A613falseN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 61L false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A615falseN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 616 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 617 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A618falseN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A619falseN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 620 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 621 true 500.500.62.587 20.726. 622 true 500.500.61.587 20.650. 623 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 62.:1 true 500.500.61.587 21.682.41628false19.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 636 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A637true12.40 500.512.40 76.360 20.519. 638 false 14.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 639 true 23.500.1 ,523.64.360 43.530.640 false 15.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 650 false 20.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 651 false 11.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ATitle: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11:42:58 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 13 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Fire Flow Report label Satisfies Base Flow Needed Total Calculated Calculated Calculated AvailableFire Flow (gpm)Fire Flow Flow Residual Minimum Minimum FireConstraints?(gpm)Needed Pressure Zone Zone Flow (gpm)(?!J Junction Pressure (gpm) Total (?!J (psi) Flow Total Needed Flow (psi)Needed 653 false 15.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 654 false 19.48 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 655 false 16.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 656 false 21.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 657 false 15.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 658 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 659 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 660 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 661 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A J- 750 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 751 false 4.43 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 752 false 18.500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 753 true 500.500.61.132 20.086. 754 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 813 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 814 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 822 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 823 true 500.500.24.138 23.501. 824 true 500.500.21.150 21.45 501. 825 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 826 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 827 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 834 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 842 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A844false500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 845 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 846 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 847 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 848 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 849 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 851 true 500.500.73.982 43.501. 852 true 500.500.73.982 43.501. 853 false N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 901 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A906false500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 917 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 981 false 500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A982false1 ,500.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11:42:58 mllBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown , CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 14 of 14 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 558.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 765.89. 558.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 764.89. 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 764.89. 557.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 763.42 89. 559.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 763.88. 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.88. 557,Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 763.89. 557.Zone Demand 94.IRRIGATION 94.762.89. 555.Zone Demand 5.48 COMMERCIAL 5.48 762.89. 550.Zone Demand Composite 762.91. 554.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.90, 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89. 557.Zone Demand 15.RESIDENTIAL 15.762.89. 555.Zone Demand 4.43 Composite 4.43 763.89. 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88. 552.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.762.91. 555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89. 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 552.Zone Demand Composite 762.91. 553.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.90. 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89. 553.Zone Demand Composite 762.90.45 557.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.762.89. 553.Zone Demand 5.44 Composite 5.44 762.90. 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89. 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89. 558.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.762.88. 556.Zone Demand 12.40 RESIDENTIAL 12.40 762.89. 579.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.79, 581.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.78. 585.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.763.76. 595.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.72. 596.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.72. 597.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.763.71. 604.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.68. 601.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.44 70. 603.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.69. 591.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.74. 592.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.74. 591.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.74. 590.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.75, 581.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 763.45 78. 590.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.75. 594.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.73. 602.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.43 69. 596.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.43 72.44 593.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.43 73. 601.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.42 70. 603.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.69. 606.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.68. 609.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.66.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:15 m-mentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 605.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.68.46 604.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.68. 607.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.67. 608.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.66. 610.Zone Demand 19.48 RESIDENTIAL 19.48 763.66. 606.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.68. 618.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.62. 615.Zone Demand Composite 763.64. 604.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.68. 600.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.70. 597.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.71. 595.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.72. 595.Zone Demand 12.40 RESIDENTIAL 12.40 763.72. 604.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.763.68. 604.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.68. 603.Zone Demand 26.RESIDENTIAL 26.763.69. 585.Zone Demand 21.RESIDENTIAL 21.762.76. 587.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 2,762.76. 600.Zone Demand 17.RESIDENTIAL 17.762.70.47 602.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 762.69. 589.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.75. 617.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 606.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.67. 611.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.65. 617.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 618.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.62. 616.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 613.50 Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.64. 607.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.67. 619.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.763.42 62. 624.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.60. 626.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 764.60. 623.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.764.61. 618.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 618.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 618.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 618.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 616.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 619.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.62. 619.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.62. 618.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.62. 619.Zone Demand 13.RESIDENTIAL 13.763.62. 621.Zone Demand Composite 763.61. 615.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.64. 612.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.65. 611.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.65. 100 609.Zone Demand Composite 763.66.44 101 610.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.66. 102 615.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.64. 103 615.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.64. 104 607.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.67. 105 603.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.69. Title: INITIAL RUN w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd 01/17/0.7 11 :43: 15 m-.mentley Systems, Inc. Project Engineer: DMC WaterCAD v7.0 ( Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06.795 USA +1-203-.755-1666 Page 2 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 106 593.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.73. 107 612.Zone Demand 10.Composite 10.763.65. 108 612.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.65. 109 610.Zone Demand 4.44 RESIDENTIAL 4.44 763.66. 110 610.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.66. 111 610.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.66. 112 614.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.64.49 113 611.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.65. 114 617.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 115 564.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 762.85. 116 620.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 764.62. 117 621.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 764.61. 118 579.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 790.91. 119 623.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 765.61.47 120 624.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 765.61. 121 627.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 767.60.41 122 618.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 764.63. 123 624.Zone Demand 12.40 RESIDENTIAL 12.40 764.60.43 124 588.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 775.81. 125 623.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.764.61. 126 620.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 764.62. 127 605.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.68. 128 619.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.62. 131 553.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.90. 132 624.50 Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.60. 133 564.Zone Demand 12.40 RESIDENTIAL 12.40 762.85. 134 558.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.762.88. 135 557.50 Zone Demand 26.COMMERCIAL 26.762.88. 136 626.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 765.60. 137 553.Zone Demand 1.77 RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 138 638.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.767.55. 139 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 140 554.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.90. 141 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 142 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 143 610.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.66. 144 611 .Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.65. 145 566.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.45 84. 146 563.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.86. 147 615.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.63. 148 623.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 765.61. 149 621.Zone Demand 26.RESIDENTIAL 26.764.62. 150 620.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 765.62. 151 624.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.765.45 60. 152 625.Zone Demand 12.41 RESIDENTIAL 12.41 765.48 60. 153 626.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 4.43 765.60. 154 561.Zone Demand 12.40 RESIDENTIAL 12.765.88. 155 556.50 Zone Demand 15.RESIDENTIAL 15.765.90. 156 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 765.90.40 157 559.50 Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 766.89.43 158 562.Zone Demand 22.Composite 22.766.88. 159 561.Zone Demand 18.RESIDENTIAL 18.766.89.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario. wed WaterCAD v7.0 ( 01/17/07 11:43:15 mJBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 3 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Dernand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gprn)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 160 560.Zone Dernand Composite 766.89. 161 565.Zone Demand 12.40 RESIDENTIAL 12.40 766.87. 162 559.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 767.89. 163 558.Zone Demand 6.42 Composite 767.90. 164 556.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.767,91. 165 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 767.90. 166 555.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 767.92. 167 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 767.92. 168 553.Zone Demand Composite 768.92. 169 553.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 768.92. 170 554.Zone Demand Composite 768.92. 171 556.Zone Demand Composite 768.91. 172 555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 768.92. 173 556.Zone Demand Composite 768.91. 174 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 768.91. 175 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 768.91.46 176 559.Zone Demand IRRIGATION 768.90. 177 559.Zone Demand 14.Composite 14.767.90. 178 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 767,91. 179 559.Zone Demand 24.Composite 24.775.93. 180 553.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.96. 181 549.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.98. 182 550.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.98. 183 548.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.99. 184 548.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.99. 185 549.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.98. 186 547.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.99. 187 546.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.99. 188 551.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.97. 189 553.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.96. 190 553.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.96. 191 552.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.97. 192 552.Zone Demand Composite 777.97, 193 551.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 777.97. 194 553.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 777.96. 195 555.Zone Demand 22.Composite 22.777.96, 196 556.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 777.95. 197 551.Zone Demand 20.Composite 20.771.95. 198 553.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.96. 199 549.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.98.45 200 616.Zone Demand Composite 763.43 63. 201 617.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.43 63. 202 601.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.42 70. 203 600.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.70. 204 603.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.69.40 205 603.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.42 69. 206 603.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.42 69.40 207 603.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.69. 208 599.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.42 71. 209 577.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 80. 210 597.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 72. 211 597.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 71.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11:43:15 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 4 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 212 591.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 74. 213 592.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 74. 214 587.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 76. 215 552.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.762.91. 216 553.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 217 553.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90.46 218 554.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.90. 219 554.Zone Demand 22.IRRIGATION 22.762.47 89. 220 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88. 221 563.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.86. 222 564.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.85. 223 564.Zone Demand 0.44 COMMERCIAL 0.44 762.85. 224 561.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.86. 225 562.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.86.42 226 561.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87. 227 565.Zone Demand 15.RESIDENTIAL 15.762.85. 228 2;566.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.762.84. 229 568.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.83. 230 569.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.83. 231 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88. 232 565.Zone Demand 15.Composite 15.762.85. 233 565.Zone Demand Composite 762.85. 234 565.Zone Demand 11.COMMERCIAL 11.796.99. 235 603.Zone Demand Fixed 763.42 69.40 236 613.Zone Demand 12.41 RESIDENTIAL 12.41 763.41 65. 237 565.Zone Demand IRRIGATION 795.99. 238 568.Zone Demand Composite 790.96. 239 569.Zone Demand 2.42 RESIDENTIAL 2.42 790.95. 240 569.Zone Demand 23.IRRIGATION 23.789.95. 241 583.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 790.89. 242 570.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 788.94. 243 568.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 787.94. 244 566.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.786.95. 245 564.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 787.96. 246 569.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 787.94. 247 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 779.89. 248 571.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 786.93. 249 570.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 786.93. 250 571.Zone Demand Composite 786.93. 251 573.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 785.91. 252 570.Zone Demand IRRIGATION 786.93. 253 571.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 786.92. 254 573.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 785.91. 255 573.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 785.91. 256 577.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 785.90. 257 628.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 768.60. 258 639.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 769.56. 259 638.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 769.56. 260 635.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 769.58. 261 633.Zone Demand 1.77 RESIDENTIAL 769.59. 262 634.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 769.58. 263 625.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 769.62.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 (07.00,049.00)01/17/07 11:43:15 MlBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown , CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 5 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 264 634.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 769.58. 265 633.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 769.59. 266 635.Zone Demand 15.RESIDENTIAL 15.769.58. 267 636.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 769.57. 268 632.Zone Demand 13.RESIDENTIAL 13.769.59. 269 633.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 770.59.40 270 630.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.770.60. 271 632.Zone Demand Composite 770.59. 272 638.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 770.57. 273 634.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 770.58. 274 634.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 770.58. 275 635.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 770.58. 276 635.Zone Demand 13.RESIDENTIAL 13.770.58. 277 636.Zone Demand 12.41 RESIDENTIAL 12.41 770.58. 278 641.Zone Demand 17.RESIDENTIAL 17.770.46 56. 279 638.Zone Demand Composite 770.57. 280 639.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 770.57. 281 653.Zone Demand Composite 820.72. 282 644.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.820.76.48 283 640.Zone Demand Composite 820.78. 284 638.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 820.79. 285 636.Zone Demand Fixed 820.80. 286 635,Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 820.80.44 287 639.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 821.78. 288 637.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.821.79. 289 644.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 821.76. 290 647,Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 821.14 75. 291 643.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 821.77. 292 654.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 821.72. 293 654,Zone Demand Composite 821.31 72. 294 667.Zone Demand IRRIGATION 827.69. 295 565,Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 795.99. 296 667.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 828.69. 297 667.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 828.69. 298 665,Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.71. 299 670.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.69. 300 670.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.69. 301 664.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 831.49 72.46 302 664.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.40 71. 303 667.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 832.71. 304 670.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 832.70. 305 667.Zone Demand 13.RESIDENTIAL 13.833.72. 306 665.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14,834.73. 307'664.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 836.74. 308 670.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 836.72. 309 660.Zone Demand 15.RESIDENTIAL 15.838.77. 310 662.Zone Demand 23.RESIDENTIAL 23.839.76. 311 665.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.71. 312 655.Zone Demand 250.Composite 250.837.78. 313 652.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 838.80. 314 660.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.73. 315 645.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 842.85.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario,wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 01/17/07 11:43:15 MllBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown , CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 6 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 316 643.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 773.56. 317 631.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.57. 318 577.Zone Demand 13.RESIDENTIAL 13.763.44 80.45 319 566.Zone Demand 12.41 Composite 12.41 762.45 84. 320 563.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.762.86. 321 647.Zone Demand 16.RESIDENTIAL 16.841 .83. 322 592.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 772.78. 323 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 778.89. 325 645.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 842.85. 326 565.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 787.48 96. 327 565.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 787.95. 328 565.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 787.96. 329 565.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 787.95. 330 565.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 787.96. 331 566.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 786.95. 332 568.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 784.93. 333 569.Zone Demand Composite 784.93. 334 571.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 784.92. 335 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 784.91. 336 571.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 784.44 92. 337 571.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 784.92. 338 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 784.92. 339 573.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 784.91. 340 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 785.92. 341 571.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 782.91. 342 572.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 782.91.26 343 570.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 781.91. 344 573.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 779.89. 345 572.Zone Demand 11.Composite 11.779.89. 346 632.Zone Demand Composite 820.81. 347 630.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 820.82.40 348 630.Zone Demand 12.41 RESIDENTIAL 12.41 820.82. 349 633.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 820.81. 350 638.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 821.79. 351 640.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 821.78. 352 640.Zone Demand 12.41 RESIDENTIAL 12.41 821.78. 353 680.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 836.67. 354 695.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.836.61. 355 682.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 836.66. 356 678.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 836.68. 357 700.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.836.59. 358 699.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 827.55. 359 701.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 827.54. 360 717.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 827.48. 361 552.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.97. 364 554.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 763.90.48 365 554.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 763.90.48 366 554.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 763.90.48 367 550.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.47 91. 368 580.Zone Demand IRRIGATION 789.90. 369 550.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.91. 370 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.91.43Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11:43:15 mllBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 7 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure(ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 371 554.Zone Demand 17.COMMERCIAL 17.762.90.372 555.Zone Demand IRRIGATION 762.89.373 556.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.89.42374556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89.42375550.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.92.376 549.Zone Demand 13.COMMERCIAL 13.762.92.377 549.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.92.378 550.Zone Demand 11.COMMERCIAL 11.762.92.379 549.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.92.380 589.Zone Demand 12.COMMERCIAL 12.763.75.381 593.Zone Demand 1.48 COMMERCIAL 1.48 763.73.382 547.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.93.383 548.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.92.384 548.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.92.385 557.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.88.386 556.Zone Demand 16.COMMERCIAL 16.762.49 89.387 556.Zone Demand Composite 762.48 89.388 559.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87.389 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90.390 553.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.90.391 555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89.392 554.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.90.393 552.Zone Demand Composite 762.90.394 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88.395 558.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.88.40396560.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87.397 560.Zone Demand Composite 762.87.398 552.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90.399 554.Zone Demand 16.RESIDENTIAL 16.762.90.400 556.Zone Demand 12.Composite 12.762.89.401 559.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87.402 555.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.89.47403555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89.404 562.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.29 86.44J-405 567.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.84.49406553.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90.407 563.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.86.408 565.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.85.409 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88.410 627.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.58.411 621.Zone Demand Composite 763.61.412 602.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.763.47 69.413 599.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.45 71.414 716.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 836.52.415 718.Zone Demand Composite 836.51.41416810.Zone - 1 Demand RESIDENTIAL 836.11.417 722.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 836.49.418 559.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87.419 560.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87.420 573.Zone Demand 11.51 RESIDENTIAL 11.762.81.421 574.Zone Demand Composite 762.81.422 573.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.81.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario. wed WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11:43:15 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 8 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure(ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi)(gpm)(ft) 423 565.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 4.43 762.85.424 566.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.84.425 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 790.92.426 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 790.92.427 579.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.90.428 579.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 789.90.429 576.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.92.430 576.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.92.431 576.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 789.92.432 576.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 789.92.433 572.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 789.93.434 572.Zone Demand Composite 789.93.J-435 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.91.436 579.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.91.437 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.91.438 579.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.49 90.439 580.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.49 90.440 580.Zone Demand Composite 789.49 90.441 554.Zone Demand 10.IRRIGATION 10.762.90.442 592.50 Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.74.443 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89.444 554.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.46 90.445 554.Zone Demand IRRIGATION 762.47 90.446 555.Zone Demand IRRIGATION 762.89.447 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.45 89.448 555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.45 89.449 554.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.89.450 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.44 89.451 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.43 89.452 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.43 89.453 556.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.42 89.454 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.42 88.455 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.41 88.456 558.Zone Demand 1.68 IRRIGATION 762.41 88.457 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.40 88.458 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.41 88.44459557.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.88.460 556.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.43 89.461 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.44 89.462 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.43 89.463 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.43 88.464 557.Zone Demand IRRIGATION 762.43 88.465 556.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.44 89.466 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.43 88.467 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.43 88.468 558.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.43 88.45469557.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.43 88.470 558.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.43 88.45471554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89.472 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89.473 555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89.47474559.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.41 87.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :43: 15 m-IBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA + 1-203-755-1666 Page 9 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure(ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 475 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.40 88.43 476 553.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.45 90. 477 553.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 478 555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89.47 479 553.50 Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 480 553.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 481 555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89. 482 552.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 483 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 484 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 485 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 486 554.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 487 552.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. J-488 552.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.90. 489 561.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.86. 490 565.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.85. 491 565.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 762.85. 492 569.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 762.83. 493 570.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.83. 494 575.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.80. 495 639.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 820.78. 496 628.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 820.83. 497 628.Zone Demand 33.RESIDENTIAL 33.820.83. 498 628.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.820.83.47 499 628.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 820.83.47 500 625.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 820.84. 501 613.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.820.89. 502 612.Zone Demand 14.IRRIGATION 14.820.90. 503 616.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 820.88.44 504 587.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.49 76. 505 587.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 763.49 76. 506 584.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.46 77. 507 618.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.62. 508 592.Zone Demand 10.RESIDENTIAL 10.763.40 74. 509 588.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.75. 510 594.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.40 73. 511 594.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.51 763.73. 512 595.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.72. 513 612.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.65.46 514 601.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.70. 515 593.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 73. 516 612.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.65.45 517 589.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 75.47 518 603.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.69. 519 604.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.68. 520 604.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.68. 521 616.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.63. 522 575.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 779.42 88.44 523 578.Zone Demand Composite 779.42 87. 524 574.Zone Demand 15.IRRIGATION 15.779.88. 525 559.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87. 527 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.82.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:15 mJBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 10 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 528 590.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.49 75. 529 546.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.777.99. 530 552.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 777.97. 531 579.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.44 79. 532 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.82. 533 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.44 82. 534 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.43 82. 535 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.43 82. 536 571.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 763.43 83. 537 569.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.763.43 83. 538 571 .Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.44 83. 539 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.44 82. 540 571.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 83. 541 572.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.45 82. 542 572.Zone Demand 12.40 RESIDENTIAL 12.40 763.82. 543 553.Zone Demand Composite 762.90. 544 554.Zone Demand 8.46 Composite 762.90. 546 555.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.89. 547 558.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.88.40 548 559.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87. 549 559.50 Zone Demand IRRIGATION 762.87. 550 559.50 Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87. 551 559.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87. 552 559.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87. 553 557.Zone Demand 22.RESIDENTIAL 22.762.88. 554 557.50 Zone Demand 17.RESIDENTIAL 17.762.88. 555 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88. 556 559.Zone Demand Composite 762.87. 557 560.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87. 558 561.Zone Demand Composite 762.86. 559 559.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.762.87. 560 558.Zone Demand Composite 762.88. 561 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88. 562 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88. 563 557.50 Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88. 564 557.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88. 565 560.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.87. 566 558.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.88. 567 556.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.89. 568 615.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.820.88. 569 595.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 820.97. 570 597.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.820.96. 571 659.Zone Demand 20.RESIDENTIAL 20.830.74. 572 643.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.830.80. 573 643.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.80. 574 644.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.80. 575 643.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.80. 576 661.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.830.73. 577 649.Zone Demand 15.RESIDENTIAL 15.830.78.48 578 649.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.78.48 579 642.Zone Demand 13.RESIDENTIAL 13.830.81. 580 645.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 830.80.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11:43:15 .mJBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 11 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gpm)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 581 643.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.80. 582 643.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.80. 583 648.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.78. 584 654.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.76. 585 652.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.77. 586 650.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 830.77. 587 652.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 772.52. 588 583.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.89. 589 576.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 789.92. 590 574.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.93. 591 579.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 790.91. 592 578.Zone Demand Composite 790.91. 593 579.Zone Demand 70.IRRIGATION 70.789.90. 594 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.91. 595 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.91. 596 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.91. 597 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 789.91. 598 577.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 788.91.44 599 576.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 788.92. 600 576.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 788.92. 601 577.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 788.91. 602 577.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 788.91.44 603 575.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 788.92. 604 577.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 788.91. 605 578.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 788.90. 606 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 788.90. 607 572.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 786.92. 608 575.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 786.91. 609 575.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 786.91. 610 577.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 785,90. 611 577.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 785.90. 612 577.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 785.90. 613 577.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 785.90. 614 577.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 785.90. 615 578.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 785.89. 616 580.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 785.88. 617 562.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.86. 618 562.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.86. 619 562.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.86. 620 566.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.84. 621 566.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 762.29 84. 622 566.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.84. 623 567.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.84. 624 567.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 762.84. 628 569.Zone Demand 19.COMMERCIAL 19.795.97. 636 578.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 790.92. 637 558.Zone Demand 12.RESIDENTIAL 12.40 771.92. 638 559.Zone Demand 14.RESIDENTIAL 14.771.92. 639 556.Zone Demand 23.Composite 23.771.93.43 640 564.Zone Demand 15.RESIDENTIAL 15.766.87. 650 610.Zone Demand 20.RESIDENTIAL 20.763.48 66.40 651 553.Zone Demand 11.RESIDENTIAL 11.762.90.46Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11:43:15 .(!;NBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 12 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft)(gprn)(Calculated)Hydraulic Grade (psi) (gpm)(ft) 653 627.Zone Demand 15.RESIDENTIAL 15.765.59. 654 682.Zone Demand 19.48 RESIDENTIAL 19.48 836.66. 655 680.Zone Demand 16.RESIDENTIAL 16.836.67. 656 693.Zone Demand 21.RESIDENTIAL 21.836.62. 657 563.Zone Demand 15.RESIDENTIAL 15.762.86. 658 598.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.43 71. 659 638.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 775.59. 660 640.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 775.58. 661 641.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 775.58. 750 652.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 838.80. 751 571.Zone Demand 4.43 RESIDENTIAL 4.43 781.91. 752 567.Zone Demand 18.COMMERCIAL 18.792.97. 753 569.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.84. 754 569.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 763.84. 813 565.Zone Demand Fixed 762.85. 814 560.Zone Demand Fixed 762.05 .87. 822 615.Zone Demand Fixed 763.64. 823 636.Zone Demand Fixed 767.56. 824 621.Zone Demand Fixed 765.62. 825 609.Zone Demand Fixed 781.74. 826 579.Zone Demand Fixed 789.91. 827 579.Zone Demand Fixed 789.91. 834 585.Zone Demand Fixed 789.88.48 842 552.Zone Demand Fixed 771.94. 844 663.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 825.70. 845 664.Zone Demand Fixed 826.70. 846 665.Zone Demand Fixed 827.69. 847 661.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 825.70. 848 664.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 826.48 70. 849 665.Zone Demand RESIDENTIAL 827.69. 851 574.Zone Demand Fixed 785.91. 852 574.Zone Demand Fixed 785.91. 853 575.Zone Demand Fixed 785.91. 901 591.Zone Demand Fixed 764.74. 906 553.Zone Demand COMMERCIAL 777.96. 917 625.Zone Demand Fixed 763.59. 981 640.Zone Demand Fixed 769.55. 982 644.Zone Demand Fixed 773.55. Title: INITIAL RUN w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd 01/17/07 11 :43:15 gr.JBentley Systems, Inc. Project Engineer: DMC WaterCAD v7.0 ( Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 13 of 13 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure(ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1 OOOft)Headloss (ft) 370.PVC Open 356.765.764. 266.PVC Open 764.764. 365.PVC Open 346.764.763.42 357.PVC Open 153.763.42 763. 369.PVC Open 162.763.763. 223.PVC Open 763.763. 358.PVC Open 161.763.762. 530.PVC Open 69.0.44 762.762. 320.PVC Open 762.762. 680.PVC Open 50.762.762. 314.PVC Open 52.43 762.762. 520.PVC Open 89.762.762. 660.PVC Open 142.763.762.0.43 130,PVC Open 762.762. 770.PVC Open 35.0.40 762.762. 446.PVC Open 27.44 762.762. 380.PVC Open 51.762.762. 270,PVC Open 82.41 762.762. 440.PVC Open 102.762.762. 83.PVC Open 762.762. 72.PVC Open 80.41 762.762. 572.PVC Open 87.762.762. 195.PVC Open 20.762.762. 826.PVC Open 30.762.762. 368.PVC Open 109.762.762. 282,PVC Open 85.762.762. 228,PVC Open 99.762.762. 603.PVC Open 20.42 762.762. 340.PVC Open 21.762.762. 560.PVC Open 55.762.762. 249.PVC Open 36.762.762. 660.PVC Open 104.763.762. 400,PVC Open 763.762. 171.PVC Open 111.763.763. 375.PVC Open 107.763.763. 180.PVC Open 49.763.763.0.26 318.PVC Open 10.763.763. 310,PVC Open 63.763.763.0.41 238,PVC Open 74.763.44 763. 250.Asbesto Open 93.763.763.44 164.PVC Open 144.45 763.763.0.45 64.PVC Open 59.762.762. 80.PVC Open 288.763.763. 479,PVC Open 116.763.763. 70.PVC Open 270.763.763.1.44 61.PVC Open 143.762.762.47 451.PVC Open 122.763.763. 172.PVC Open 94.763.763. 149.PVC Open 24.763.763. 390.Asbesto Open 47.763.763. 250.Asbesto Open 68.763.763.43 0.42Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:31 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown , CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 16 label 100 101 102 103 104 length (ft) Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report Dia Material Control Hazen- Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure(in) Status Williams (gpm) (ft/s) Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe(ft) (ft) (ft/1 OOOft) Headloss (ft) 390. 261. 211. 330. 352. 330. 220. 444. 31. 83. 87. 15. 251. 334. 129. 556. 387. 131 150. 326. 570. 280. 402. 150. 700. 325. 360. 158. 985. 930. 550. 410. 660. 130. 314. 283. 910. 383. 300. 292. 372. 150. 340. 125. 158. 360. 809. 95. 620. 150. 980. 0 Asbesto. Open 0 Asbesto Open 0 Asbesto. Open 0 Asbesto Open0 pve Open0 PVC Open0 PVC Open0 PVC Open0 pve Open0 pve Open Ductile I Open0 PVC Open0 pve Open0 pve Open0 pve Open0 PVC Open0 pve Open0 pve Open0 pve Open0 pve Open0 PVC Open 0 PVC . 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Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11:43:31 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown . CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report Label Length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure (ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1 OOOft)Headloss (ft) 105 280.PVC Open 10.763.763. 106 50.PVC Open 79.763.763. 107 233.PVC Open 763.763. 108 110.PVC Open 763.763. 109 207.PVC Open 78.763.763. 110 300.PVC Open 125.1.43 763.763.1.44 0.43 111 470.PVC Open 53.763.763. 112 120.PVC Open 763.763.0.48 113 124.PVC Open 47.763.763. 114 145.PVC Open 27.763.763. 115 430.PVC Open 13.763.763. 116 316.PVC Open 763.763. 117 250.PVC Open 10.763.763. 118 190.PVC Open 763.763. 119 240.PVC Open 763.763. 120 621.PVC Open 763.763. 121 100.PVC Open 763.763. 122 280.PVC Open 763.763. 123 140.PVC Open 763.763. 124 530.PVC Open 14.763.763. 125 270.PVC Open 763.763. 126 78.PVC Open 12.40 763.763. 127 610.PVC Open 763.763. 128 430.PVC Open 10.763.763. 129 250.PVC Open 763.763. 130 480.PVC Open 763.763. 131 100.PVC Open 763.763. 132 80.PVC Open 763.763. 133 165.PVC Open 763.763. 134 270.PVC Open 763.763. 135 243.PVC Open 19.49 763.763. 136 600.PVC Open 166.763.762. 137 300.PVC Open 191.764.763. 138 194.PVC Open 88.764.764. 139 1 ,200.PVC Open 30.764.763. 140 400.PVC Open 58.764.763. 141 67.PVC Open 763.763. 142 940.PVC Open 54.763.763. 143 95.PVC Open 285.764.764. 144 700.PVC Open 319.765.764. 145 260.PVC Open 101.765.765.45 146 420.PVC Open 447.767.765. 147 656.PVC Open 29.764.764. 148 548.PVC Open 764.764. 149 112.PVC Open 764.764. 150 867.12.PVC Open 302.778.775. 151 601.PVC Open 764.764. 152 570.PVC Open 314.764.763. 154 Ductile I Open 46.611.611. 155 Ductile I Open 611.611. 156 Ductile I Open 611.611. Title: INITIAL RUN w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd 01/17/07 11:43:31 ~entley Systems, Inc. Project Engineer: DMC WaterCAD v7.0 ( Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 3 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure(ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(fVs)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(fV1 OOOft)Headloss (ft) 157 20.Ductile I Open 46.763.763. 158 15.Ductile I Open 763.763. 159 10.Ductile I Open 763.763. 160 170.pve Open 762.762. 161 575.pve Open 762.762. 162 797.pve Open 762.762. 163 505.pve Open 17.762.762. 164 420.pve Open 317.765.764. 165 150.pve Open 76.0.49 765.765. 166 507.pve Open 160.1.02 762.762.45 167 96.pve Open 558.534.534. 169 48.pve Open 558.764.763. 170 364.pve Open 762.762. 171 880.pve Open 393.768.765. 172 340.pve Open 80.762.762. 173 160.pve Open 762.762. 174 460.pve Open 762.762. 175 260.pve Open 49.763.763. 176 80.pve Open 763.763. 177 170.pve Open 35.43 762.762. 178 420.pve Open 3.46 762.762. 179 393.pve Open 16.762.762. 180 120.pve Open 762.762. 181 394.pve Open 64.0.41 762.762. 182 225.pve Open 63.0.40 762.762. 183 442.pve Open 120.762.47 762. 185 258.pve Open 144.765.45 765.0.44 186 1 ,300.pve Open 55.765.764.0.42 187 700.pve Open 78.49 765.764.0.42188800.pve Open 107.764.764. 189 158.pve Open 127.43 765.765. 190 700.pve Open 37.765.48 765.45 191 260.pve Open 66.0.43 765.765.48 192 700.pve Open 17.765.48 765.45 193 698.pve Open 765.765. 194 448.pve Open 27.765.765. 195 480.pve Open 765.765. 196 800.pve Open 765.765. 197 242.pve Open 765.765. 198 371.pve Open 388.2.48 766.765. 199 846.pve Open 22.766.766. 200 095.pve Open 46.766.766. 201 221.pve Open 413.766.766. 202 273.pve Open 274.767.766.1.48 0.40 203 523.pve Open 187.767.766. 204 573,pve Open 15.766.766. 205 257.pve Open 64.0.41 767.767. 206 616.pve Open 129.767.767. 207 173.pve Open 767.767. 208 796.pve Open 147.47 767.767.0.46209188.pve Open 767.767.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 (07,00.049.00)01/17/07 11 :43:31 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 4 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report Label Length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure(ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1 OOOft)Headloss (ft) 21 0 310.PVC Open 157.768.767. 211 158.PVC Open 4.43 768.768. 212 275.PVC Open 163.768.768. 213 272.PVC Open 768.768. 214 270.PVC Open 178.768.768. 215 438.PVC Open 768.768. 216 49.PVC Open 768.768.217 129.PVC Open 768.768.218 168.PVC Open 192.768.768. 219 462.PVC Open 767.767. 22O 225.PVC Open 339.46 767.767. 221 276.PVC Open 363.768.767. 223 460.PVC Open 630.775.771. 224 737.12.PVC Open 655.777.775. 225 309.PVC Open 52.777.777.226 502.PVC Open 777.777. 227 237.PVC Open 6.20 777.777.228 299.PVC Open 29.777.777. 229 498.PVC Open 777.777.230 317.PVC Open 777.777. 231 327.PVC Open 11.777.777.232 487.12.PVC Open 61.777.777. 233 464.PVC Open 777.777.234 494.PVC Open 777.777. 235 332.12.PVC Open 40.777.777.236 458.PVC Open 4.43 777.777. 237 298.PVC Open 777.777. 238 363.12.PVC Open 31.777.777. 239 465.PVC Open 22.777.777. 240 513.12.PVC Open 4.43 777.777. 241 654.PVC Open 19.762.48 762. 242 880.12.PVC Open 73.763.46 763.45 243 980.12.PVC Open 15.763.45 763.45 244 759.12.PVC Open 32.763.43 763.43 245 100.12.PVC Open 763.763.43 246 430.PVC Open 28.763.43 763.42247712.PVC Open 12.48 763.42 763.42 248 760.PVC Open 13.763.42 763.42 249 50.PVC Open 763.42 763.42 250 263.PVC Open 763.42 763.42 251 50.PVC Open 763.42 763.42 252 800.PVC Open 763.42 763.42 253 655.12.PVC Open 16.763.45 763.45 254 370.PVC Open 16.763.45 763. 255 1 ,670.12.PVC Open 763.45 763.45 256 40.PVC Open 763.45 763.45 257 650.12.PVC Open 763.45 763.45 258 40.PVC Open 763.45 763.45 259 020.12.PVC Open 763.45 763.45 260 480.PVC Open 147.762.45 762. 261 167.PVC Open 150.48 762.762.0.48 Title: INITIAL RUN w:\...\2006 scenario. wed 01/17/07 11 :43:31 MllBentley Systems, Inc. Project Engineer: DMC WaterCAD v7.0 ( Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 5 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report Label Length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure(ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1 OOOft)Headloss (ft) 262 395.PVC Open 83.0.53 762.762. 263 527.PVC Open 35.762.762. 264 477.PVC Open 36.762.762. 265 341.pve Open 762.762. 266 261.pve Open 31.762.762. 267 136.pve Open 35.762.762. 268 604.pve Open 13.762.762. 269 355.pve Open 18.762.762. 270 776.pve Open 51.762.762. 271 810.pve Open 13.47 762.762. 272 547.pve Open 762.762. 273 618.pve Open 32.47 762.762. 274 332.pve Open 37.762.762. 275 700.pve Open 15.762.762. 276 83.pve Open 53.762.762. 277 419.pve Open 17.762.762. 278 620.12.pve Open 762.762. 280 813.pve Open 12.41 763.42 763.41 281 287.12.pve Open 130.796.795. 282 797.12.pve Open 108.792.790. 283 320.pve Open 2.42 790.790. 284 388.12.pVe Open 1 ,105.790.789. 285 528.12.pve Open 291.789.789. 286 358.12.pve Open 372.789.788.1.47 287 419.pve Open 320.788.787. 288 341.pve Open 310.787.786. 289 193.pve Open 787.787. 290 267.12.pve Open 047.788.787.48 2.45 291 640.pve Open 178.787.786. 292 460.12.pve Open 637.787.786. 293 302.pve Open 191.1.23 786.786. 294 213.12.pve Open 821.786.786. 295 511.12.pve Open 949.786.785. 296 305.12.pve Open 131.786.786. 297 650.pve Open 786.786. 298 516.12.pve Open 580.786.785.0.41 299 19.12.pve Open 435.1.23 785.785.0.46 300 334.pve Open 144.785.785.0.45 301 241.pve Open 464.768.767. 302 911.12.pve Open 858.47 2.44 769.768. 303 156.pve Open 147.769.769.0.47 304 239.pve Open 30.42 769.769. 305 176.pve Open 10.769.769. 306 140.pve Open 4.43 769.769. 307 283.pve Open 4.43 769.769. 308 265.pve Open 43.769.769. 309 205.pve Open 769.769. 310 977.pve Open 57.769.769. 311 142.pve Open 4.43 769.769. 312 850.pve Open 77.0.49 769.769. 313 666.pve Open 123.769.769.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:31 m-mentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 6 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure(ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1 OOOft)Headloss (ft) 314 402.PVC Open 214.770.769. 315 547.PVC Open 162.770.770. 316 401 .PVC Open 59.770.770. 317 742.PVC Open 29.770.770. 318 343.PVC Open 770.770. 319 273.PVC Open 43.770.770. 320 288.PVC Open 51.770.770. 321 290.PVC Open 30.770.770. 322 133.PVC Open 12.41 770.770. 323 270.PVC Open 41.770.770. 324 472.PVC Open 770.770. 325 298.PVC Open 147.770.770.46 0.46 326 747.PVC Open 74.0.47 770.46 770. 327 154.PVC Open 55.770.46 770. 328 160,PVC Open 314.770.770. 329 094.12.PVC Open 710.770.769. 330 804.12.PVC Open 025.772.770. 331 474.PVC Open 141.820.820.0.43 332 221.PVC Open 820.820. 333 260.PVC Open 156.820.820. 334 213.PVC Open 820.820. 335 138.PVC Open 820.820. 336 267.PVC Open 164.42 821.820. 337 592.12.PVC Open 178 821.821. 338 260.12.PVC Open 352.821.821. 339 281.PVC Open 16.821.821. 340 449.12.PVC Open 375.821.821. 341 174.PVC Open 821.821. 342 286.PVC Open 821.821. 343 402.12.PVC Open 895.821.820. 344 192.12.PVC Open 1 ,276.825.821. 345 504.12.PVC Open 463.830.830. 346 261 .12.PVC Open 61.830.40 830. 347 228.PVC Open 24.830.830. 348 532.12.PVC Open 288.830.828. 349 172.12.PVC Open 866.830.830. 350 180.PVC Open 830.830. 351 641.12.PVC Open 873.2.48 831.49 830. 352 215.PVC Open 524.831 .49 830.40 353 228.12.PVC Open 1 ,406.832.47 831.49 354 388.PVC Open 832.47 832.47 355 278.12.PVC Open 1,413.833.832.1.21 356 862.PVC Open 260.834.833.1.34 357 384.12.PVC Open 166.834.833. 358 445.12.PVC Open 1,441.836.834. 359 285.12.PVC Open 116.836.836. 360 433.12.PVC Open 530.837.836. 361 110.12.PVC Open 422.830.830.0.44 362 701.12.PVC Open 036.838.836.2.40 363 278.12.PVC Open 313.839.838. 364 1 ,033.PVC Open 261.48 838.837.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario. wed WaterCAD v7.0 (07.00,049.00)01/17/07 11 :43:31 mJBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 7 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report Label Length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure (ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1000ft)Headloss (ft) 365 213.PVC Open 518.838.837. 366 15.PVC Open 838.838. 367 928.PVC Open 518.842.838. 370 40.PVC Open 12.41 762.45 762.45 371 40.PVC Open 10.762.762. 372 360.12.PVC Open 188.763.763. 373 479.PVC Open 31.762.762. 374 102.12.PVC Open 717.777.777. 375 90.12.PVC Open 769.777.777. 376 789.12.PVC Open 059.841.839. 377 321.PVC Open 276.41 841.839. 378 203.12.PVC Open 353.842.841. 379 775.12.PVC Open 302.775.772. 380 558.12.PVC Open 820.820. 381 890.12.PVC Open 302.772.769. 383 107.12.PVC Open 353.842.842.0.43 384 154.PVC Open 222.1.42 787.787. 385 378.PVC Open 4.43 787.787. 386 257.PVC Open 210.45 787.787. 387 333.PVC Open 787.787. 388 270.PVC Open 197.1.26 787.786. 389 185.PVC Open 786.786. 390 419.PVC Open 479.786.784. 391 250.PVC Open 230.1.47 784.784. 392 535.PVC Open 97.784.784. 393 113.PVC Open 784.784. 394 377.PVC Open 87.784.784.44 395 474.PVC Open 133.784.784.44 396 250.PVC Open 213.784.44 784. 397 598.PVC Open 238.784.784. 398 270.12.PVC Open 930.40 784.784. 399 202.PVC Open 784.784. 400 280.12.PVC Open 939.785.784. 401 233.PVC Open 785.785. 402 310.12.PVC Open 375.784.782. 403 377.PVC Open 4.43 782.782. 404 252.12.PVC Open 364.42 782.781. 405 213.PVC Open 4.43 781.781.90 406 535.12.PVC Open 1 ,353.781.779. 407 160.PVC Open 332.779.779.42 408 308.12.PVC Open 012.779.779. 409 PVC Open 779.779. 410 265.PVC Open 23.820.820. 411 136.PVC Open 12.41 820.820. 412 330.PVC Open 820.820. 413 942.12.PVC Open 136.821.820. 414 216.PVC Open 27.46 821.821. 415 433.PVC Open 821.821. 416 265.PVC Open 12.41 821.821. 417 392.12.PVC Open 66.836.836. 418 493.12.PVC Open 51.836.836.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario. wed WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:31 &!Bentley Systems. Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 8 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure(ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1000ft)Headloss (ft) 419 263.PVC Open 836.836. 420 336.pve Open 836.836. 421 907.pve Open 19.836.836.0.Q1 422 377.12.pye Open 43.836.836. 423 770.pye Open 20.836.836. 424 20.12.pye Open 828.828. 425 980.12.pve Open 827.827. 426 209.12.pve Open 827.827. 427 207.12.pye Open 827.827. 428 251.12.pve Open 824.787.48 787. 429 281.pve Open 11.777.777. 430 370.pye Open 191.763.42 763. 431 54.pye Open 763.763. 432 55.pye Open 763.763. 433 506.pye Open 182.763.762. 434 155.12.pve Open 55.43 762.762. 435 467.pye Open 10.762.47 762.47 436 360.pve Open 126.42 762.762. 437 760.pye Open 55.762.762. 438 348.pve Open 80.49 762.762. 439 51.12.pye Open 71.762.762. 440 18.12.pye Open 762.762. 441 642.12.pve Open 69.762.762. 442 350.12.pye Open 13.762.762. 443 336.12.pye Open 170.0.48 762.762. 444 829.12.pye Open 170.0.48 762.762. 445 120.pye Open 171.763.763. 446 470.pve Open 763.763. 447 265.12.pye Open 170.0.48 762.762. 448 337.pye Open 14.762.762. 449 39.pve Open 762.762. PA50 705.12.pve Open 165.0.47 762.762.49 451 197.12.pye Open 149.0.42 762.49 762.48 452 250.12.pye Open 762.762. 453 546.pve Open 17.762.762. 454 526.pye Open 45.762.762. 455 730.pye Open 14.762.762. 456 236.pve Open 14.762.762. 457 235.12.pye Open 762.762. PA58 311.00 12.pye Open 762.762. 459 314.12.pye Open 762.762. 460 331.pye Open 762.762. 461 399.12.pye Open 22.762.762. 462 322.12.pye Open 118.762.762. 463 711.12.pye Open 119.762.762. 464 355.12.pye Open 96.762.762. 465 158".pye Open 54.46 762.762. 466 432.pve Open 19.762.762. 467 475.pve Open 18.762.762. 468 316.pye Open 25.762.762. 469 347.12.pye Open 33.762.762.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:31 fWBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 9 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure (ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1000ft)Headloss (ft) 470 178.12.PVC Open 41.762.762. 471 660.12.PVC Open 39.762.762. 472 224.12.PVC Open 38.762.762. 473 296.12.PVC Open 762.762. 474 153.12.PVC Open 41.762.762. 476 304.PVC Open 762.762. 477 692.PVC Open 35.47 762.762. 478 13.PVC Open 762.762. 479 84.PVC Open 29.762.762. P-480 200.12.PVC Open 188.763.763. 481 550.12.PVC Open 178.763,763. 482 703.PVC Open 43.763.763.48 483 960.12.PVC Open 128.763.763.47 484 265.12.PVC Open 140.0.40 763.47 763.45 P-485 447.12.PVC Open 21.46 836.836. 486 160.12.PVC Open 17.836.836. 487 159.12.PVC Open 836.836. 488 981.PVC Open 11.836.836. 489 135.12.PVC Open 836.836. 490 338.PVC Open 18.762.762. 491 317.PVC Open 2.43 762.762. 492 010.PVC Open 11.762.762. 493 314.PVC Open 762.762. 494 159.PVC Open 762.762. 495 527.PVC Open 762.762. 496 134.12.PVC Open 113.790.790. 498 96.PVC Open 773.2,493.50 2,493. 499 356,12.PVC Open 652.790,789. 500 259.12.PVC Open 646.1.83 789.789. 501 152.12.PVC Open 11.89 789.789. 503 30.PVC Open 789.789. 504 120.PVC Open 11.37 789.789. 505 30.PVC Open 789,789. 507 27,PVC Open 789.789. 508 197,PVC Open 11.789.789. 509 785.PVC Open 789.789. 510 222.PVC Open 789.789. 511 683.PVC Open 789.49 789. 512 819,PVC Open 789.49 789.49 513 283.PVC Open 789.49 789.49 514 136.PVC Open 789.789. 515 560.PVC Open 762.762. 516 34.PVC Open 763.763. 517 96.Steel Open 142.2,419.2,419. 518 250.PVC Open 762.762. 519 673.PVC Open 158.763.763. 520 32.PVC Open 116.763.763. 521 769.PVC Open 11.763.763. 522 105.PVC Open 26.762.48 762.48 523 305.12.PVC Open 121.762.48 762.46 524 94.PVC Open 10.762.47 762.46Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 01/17/07 11 :43:31 gNBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 10 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report Label Length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure (ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(Ws)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(W1 OOOft)Headloss (ft) 525 232.12.PVC Open 131.762.762.45 526 294.12.PVC Open 90.762.45 762.45 527 248.PVC Open 762.45 762.45 528 83.PVC Open 762.45 762.45 529 115.12.PVC Open 89.762.762.44 530 384.12.PVC Open 89.762.44 762.43 531 153.12.PVC Open 89.762.43 762.43 532 216.12.PVC Open 89.762.762.42 533 169,12.PVC Open 89.762.42 762.42 534 163.12.PVC Open 89.762.42 762.41 535 222.12.PVC Open 89.762.762.41 536 395.12.PVC Open 87.762.41 762.40 537 322.PVC Open 31.762.762.40 538 574.PVC Open 31.762.42 762.41 539 315.PVC Open 31.762.43 762.42 540 306.PVC Open 32.762.44 762.43 541 359.PVC Open 32.762.762.44 542 145.PVC Open 762.762.43 543 289.PVC Open 762.43 762.43 544 387,PVC Open 762.43 762.43 545 57.12.PVC Open 762.44 762. 546 50.PVC Open 762.762. 547 329.PVC Open 762.43 762.43 548 284.PVC Open 762.43 762.43 0:00 549 284.PVC Open 762.43 762.43 550 210.PVC Open 762.43 762.43 551 171.PVC Open 762.43 2,762.43 552 269,PVC Open 762.762. 553 161.PVC Open 762.762. 554 90.PVC Open 762.41 762.41 555 63.12.PVC Open 119.43 762.40 762.40 556 252.PVC Open 762.45 2,762. 557 256.12.PVC Open 119.43 762.40 762. 558 702.12.PVC Open 119.43 762.762. 559 110.12.PVC Open 762.762. 560 275.PVC Open 762.762. 561 436.12.PVC Open 762.762. 562 79.PVC Open 762.762. 563 442.12.PVC Open 762.762. 564 68.PVC Open 762.762. 565 42.12.PVC Open 762.762. 566 86.PVC Open 762.762. 567 433.12.PVC Open 762.762. 568 64.12.PVC Open 762.762. 569 222.PVC Open 762.762. 570 307.PVC Open 20.762.762. 571 220.PVC Open 762.762. 572 247.PVC Open 12.762.762. 573 254.PVC Open 762.762. 574 400.PVC Open 762.762. 575 287.PVC Open 762.762.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario,wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:31 mI1Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 11 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure (ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1000ft)Headloss (ft) 576 606.12.PVC Open 107.820.820. 577 326.12.PVC Open 107.820.820. 578 16.PVC Open 33.820.820. 579 125.12.PVC Open 73.42 820.820. 580 48.PVC Open 820.820. 581 307.12.PVC Open 49.820.820. 582 1 ,252.PVC Open 12.820.820. 583 906.PVC Open 11.820.820. 584 151.PVC Open 14.820.820. 585 259.12.PVC Open 28.820.820, 586 471.12.PVC Open 14.820.820. 588 320.PVC Open 52.763.763. 589 481.00 PVC Open 75.0.48 763.46 763.40 590 480.PVC Open 763.763.40 591 500.PVC Open 763.40 763.40 592 334.PVC Open 51.763.40 763. 593 250.PVC Open 763.763. 594 832.PVC Open 64.0.41 763.763. 595 350.PVC Open 29.763.763. 596 325.PVC Open 763.763. 597 223.PVC Open 763.45 763.45 598 460.PVC Open 33.763.763. 599 540.12.PVC Open 57.43 763.45 763.45 600 660.PVC Open 60.763.45 763. 601 160.PVC Open 25.763.763. 602 120.PVC Open 763.763. 603 200.PVC Open 19.41 763.763. 604 375.PVC Open 92.763.763. 605 500.PVC Open 78.0.50 763.45 763, 606 466.PVC Open 779.779.42 607 121.PVC Open 324.779.42 779. 608 308.PVC Open 308.779.778. 609 198.12.PVC Open 001.779.778.0.44 610 199.PVC Open 16.46 762.762. 611 673.PVC Open 13.762.762, 612 91.PVC Open 762.762. 613 354.PVC Open 62.0.40 763.49 763.46 614 739.12.PVC Open 777.777. 615 878.12.PVC Open 777.777. 616 642.12.PVC Open 777.777. 617 35.PVC Open 795.795. 618 246.PVC Open 762.762. 619 179.PVC Open 74.46 0.48 762.762. 620 215.PVC Open 763.44 763.44 621 780.PVC Open 16.763.44 763.44 622 123.PVC Open 763.44 763. 623 286.PVC Open 763.44 763.43 624 160.PVC Open 763.43 763.43 625 660.PVC Open 763.43 763.43 626 225.PVC Open 14.763.43 763.43 627 357.PVC Open 20.763.44 763.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:31 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 12 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure (ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1000ft)Headloss (ft) 628 114.PVC Open 763.44 763.44 629 395.PVC Open 25.763.763.44 630 97.PVC Open 1.77 763.45 763.45 631 305.PVC Open 32.763.763.45 632 280.PVC Open 17.763.44 763. 633 380.PVC Open 763.42 763.42 634 316.PVC Open 63.0.41 762.762. 635 230.PVC Open 39.762.762. 636 60.PVC Open 42.762.762. 637 602.PVC Open 11.762.762. 638 650.PVC Open 18.762.762. 639 346.PVC Open 31.762.762. 640 269.PVC Open 86.762.762. 641 215.PVC Open 51.762.762. 642 245.PVC Open 30.762.762. 643 325.PVC Open 21.762.762. 644 190.PVC Open 21.42 762.762. 645 503.PVC Open 34.42 762.762. 646 268.PVC Open 26.762.762. 647 349.PVC Open 17.762.762. 648 172.PVC Open 762.762. 649 299.PVC Open 762.762. 650 355.PVC Open 762.762. 651 265.PVC Open 14.762.762. 652 260.PVC Open 13.762.762. 653 432.PVC Open 762.762. 654 153.PVC Open 762.762. 655 154.PVC Open 762.762. 656 96.PVC Open 13.762.762. 657 191 .PVC Open 762.762. 658 46.PVC Open 37.762.762. 659 352.PVC Open 28.762.762. 660 566.PVC Open 21.762.762. 661 219.PVC Open 50.762.762. 662 175.PVC Open 762.762. 663 197.PVC Open 762.762. 664 259.PVC Open 13.762.762. 665 637.PVC Open 25.830.830. 666 120.PVC Open 830.830. 667 504.PVC Open 830.830. 668 167.PVC Open 4.43 830.830. 669 251.PVC Open 10.830.830. 670 104.PVC Open 830.830. 671 231.PVC Open 14.47 830.830. 672 341.PVC Open 830.830. 673 337.PVC Open 15.830.830. 674 285.PVC Open 830.830. 675 199.PVC Open 830.830. 676 283.PVC Open 24.830.830. 677 397.PVC Open 40.830.830. 678 865.PVC Open 10.830.830.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCW:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 (07,00,049.00)01/17/07 11:43:31 m-JBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 13 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure(ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1 OOOft)Headloss (ft) 679 123.PVC Open 830.830. 680 231.PVC Open 830.830. 681 142.PVC Open 830.830. 682 166.PVC Open 830.830. 683 818.PVC Open 820.820. 684 325.12.pve Open 032.773.772. 685 51.pve Open 14.820.820. 686 53.pve Open 14.820.820. 687 22.pve Open 459.790.789.16. 688 146.12.pve Open 653.48 790.790. 689 70.12.pve Open 646.789.789. 691 524.pve Open 168.789.789. 692 113.pve Open 789.789. 693 166.pve Open 790.790. 694 689.pve Open 167.789.789.0.41 695 356.12.pve Open 563.789.789. 696 63.12.pve Open 731.2,789.789. 697 126.pve Open 789.789. 698 248.12.pve Open 731.789.788. 699 173.pve Open 14.788,788. 700 11.pve Open 788.788. 701 280.pve Open 14.788.788. 702 156.pve Open 788.788. 703 299.pve Open 788.788. 704 279.pve Open 788.788. 705 582.12.pve Open 717.788.788. 706 10.pve Open 788.788. 707 1,401.12.pve Open 714.788.786. 708 201.pve Open 786.786. 709 14.pve Open 786.786. p. 710 132.12.pve Open 713.786.786. 711 335.12.pve Open 435.785.785.0.46 712 323.12.pve Open 785.785. p- 713 228.12.pve Open 435.785.785.0.46 714 12.pve Open 785.785. 715 163.12.pve Open 435.785.785. 716 160.pve Open 785.785. 718 620.pve Open 144.785.785.0.45 719 471.12.pve Open 762.762. 720 153.12.pve Open 762.762. 721 14.12.pve Open 762.762. 722 051.12.pve Open 762.762. 723 141.12.pve Open 762.762. 724 320.12.pve Open 762.762. 725 502.12.pve Open 762.762. 726 214.12.pve Open 762.762. 727 372.pve Open 50.49 771.771. 728 156.pve Open 14.771.771. 729 708.pve Open 23.771.771.95 730 797.pve Open 12.766.766. 731 160.PVC Open 15.766.766.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMCw:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WaterCAD v7.0 ( 01/17107 11:43:31 ~entley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 14 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure (ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(fVs)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(fV1 OOOft)Headloss (ft) 732 48.12.pve Open 790.790. 733 425.pve Open 50.762.762. 735 62.12.pve Open 762.762. 736 65.12.pve Open 762.762. 737 33.pve Open 762.762. 738 136.pve Open 762.762. 739 392.12.pve Open 150.0.43 763.763.49 740 14.pve Open 763.49 763.49 741 414.12.PVC Open 149.0.42 763.49 763. 742 275.pve Open 61.43 763.763.49 743 120.pve Open 54.762.762. 744 43.12.pve Open 288.828.827. 747 566.12.pve Open 113.795.790. 749 50.96.pve Open 132.2,422.422. 751 37.pve Open 790.790. 752 42.pve Open 790.790. 753 697.pve Open 23.763.48 763.47 754 420.pve Open 762.762. 755 452.pve Open 10.765.765. 756 895.pve Open 836.836. 757 777.pve Open 836.836. 758 967.PVC Open 836.836. 759 920.pve Open 36.762.762. 760 830.12.pve Open 32.763.45 763.43 762 30.pve Open 775.775. 763 833.12.pve Open 127.795.792. 764 330.pve Open 569.775.773. 765 140.Steel Open 435.543.541.13. 766 12.pve Open 032.820.820. 767 356.pve Open 570.777.775. 768 239.12.pve Open 772.772. 769 12.pve Open 796.796. 844 254.12.PVC Open 279.826.825. 845 230.12.pve Open 280.827.826. 846 188.12.pve Open 281.827.827. 847 383.pve Open 825.825. 848 176.pve Open 826.48 826.48 849 168.pve Open 827.827. 900 587.12.pve Open 872.847.842. 901 Steel Open 558.764.764. 904 143.12.pve Open 142.796.41 796. 906 60.12.pve Open 773.777.777. 907 798.pve Open 132.835.44 795.22.49 40.44 950 171.pve Open 763.42 763.42 954 48.pve Open 763.763. 958 76.pve Open 762.762. 959 345.pve Open 34.762.762. 960 37.pve Open 30.47 762.762. 964 139.12.pve Open 435.785.785.0.46 965 21.12.pve Open 789.789. 968 673.pve Open 775.775.Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMe w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd WatereAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:31 .(WIIentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, eT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 15 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pipe Report label length Dia Material Control Hazen-Discharge Velocity Upstream Structure Downstream Structure Headloss Pressure (ft)(in)Status Williams (gpm)(ft/s)Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Grade Gradient Pipe (ft)(ft)(ft/1000ft)Headloss (ft) 971 601.pve Open 37.0.42 763.763. 972 79.PVC Open 763.763. 973 180.pve Open 39.763.763. 974 904.PVC Open 10.767.767. 975 179.pve Open 10.767.767. 976 344.pve Open 765.765. 977 178.PVC Open 765.765. 978 629.pve Open 570.781.54 777. 979 592.PVC Open 570.785.781. 980 752.pve Open 569.773.769.4.46 981 pve Open 872.11.769.768.60.0.42 982 100.12.pve Open 569.773.773. 984 126.12.pve Open 11.789.789. 985 103.PVC Open 789.789. 986 207.PVC Open 789.789. 987 32.PVC Open 772.772. 988 415.pve Open 11.789.789. 997 147.pve Open 11.789.789. 998 54.pve Open 11.789.789. 1014 443.pve Open 559.771.768. 1015 162.pve Open 559.771.771. 1029 716.12.pve Open 785.785. 1030 229.12.pve Open 785.785. 1031 211.12.pve Open 785.785. 1032 536.pve Open 1.11 763.49 763.49 Title: INITIAL RUN Project Engineer: DMC w:\...\2006 scenario. wed WatereAD v7.0 ( 11 :43:31 mJBentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 16 of 16 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Pump Report label Discharge Control Elevation Intake Pump Discharge Calculated (gpm)Status (ft)Pump Head Pump Water Grade (ft)Grade Power (ft)(ft)(Hp) PMP-558.534.534.230.764.32.47 PMP-435.543.541.71.41 612. PMP-46.610.611.152.763. PMP-Pump cannot deliver 610.611.763. PMP-Pump cannot deliver h 610.611.763. PMP-142.399.2,419.377.796.41 108. PMP-773.2,473.493.283.777.55.41 PMP-132.372.2,422.413.44 835.44 118. PMP-Boost 872.Fixed Speed Override 640.768.78.44 847.37. Title: INITIAL RUN w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd 01/17/07 11 :43:44 mJBentley Systems, Inc. Project Engineer: DMC WaterCAD v7.0 ( Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA + 1-203- 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Tank Report label Base Minimum Initial Maximum Inactive Tank Inflow Current Calculated CalculatedElevationElevationHGlElevationVolumeDiameter(gpm)Status Hydraulic Grade Percent(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(gal)(ft)(ft)Full (%) 610.610.611.618.N/A 388.Filling 611. Title: INITIAL RUN w:\...\2006 scenario.wcd 01/17/07 11 :43:57 g)lJBentley Systems, Inc. Project Engineer: DMC WaterCAD v7.0 ( Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Scenario: 2006 Fire Flow Analysis Valve Report label Elevation Diameter Control Discharge From Headloss Calculated (ft)(in)Status (gpm)HGL HGl (ft)Pressure (ft)(ft)Setting (psi) FCV-Hwy 55 602.12.Closed 820.772. FCV-5 Southhampton 652.Closed 772.820. FCV-6 GREAT SKY Wy 569.12.Inactive 789.789. TCV-Horse Shoe Bend 620.Throttling 570.777.777. PSV-1 Floating Feather 653.12.Throttling 1 ,032.820.773.47.72. TCV-State at Well 4 565.12.Closed 762.796. Title: INITIAL RUN W:\...\2006 scenario. wed 01/17/07 11 :44:11 &/Bentley Systems, Inc. Project Engineer: DMC WaterCAD v7.0 ( Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1