HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051128Report to Commission.pdf(' i: t \t F r--J L_ , - '-- - L Molly O'Leary Richardson & O'Leary, P.LLC. O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 Mo 11 y(fYrichardsonando leary. com Idaho State Bar No. 4996 i c- Ii , ; ~8 Pi; 1;2: 07 LiC) Ii: :T3 i1JSSIOiJ Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S REQUEST FOR A TEMPORARYSURCHARGE CASE NO. EAG-W-OS- EAGLE WATER CO MP ANY INc.'S REPORT TO COMMISSION COMES NOW, Eagle Water Company, Inc. ("Eagle Water ) and files this REPORT to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("the Commission ) in response to the Commission s Order No. 29903, dated October 27 2005. RESPONSES 1. The reasonableness of using a temporary easement for a 12-inch mainline: Eagle Water believes it was reasonable to use a temporary easement for its 12-nch mainline into the booster pump that serves the Eagle Springs subdivision because: (a) the easement allowed Eagle Water to construct the east-west mainline along the most cost-effective route for its system; EAGLE WATER REPORT TO COMMISSION - 1 (b) the easement was only temporary until the gravel in that portion of Prime Earth, Inc.s gravel pit could be mined, at which time a permanent easement was to be executed; and (c) the easement contained a 60-day notice provision to allow Eagle Water plenty of time to relocate its 12-inch mainline in the event the gravel in that portion ofthe gravel pit needed to be mined. See Exhibit A, Temporary Water Line Easement, attached. (This document was provided to Commission Staff on October 4, 2005, in response to Staffs First Production Request.) 2. Whether the easement agreement provided for adequate notification regarding gravel operations which might affect the mainline: See response 1 ( c), above. Eagle Water believes the 60-day notice provision was adequate. Unfortunately, Prime Earth received several large orders for gravel which it had to deliver quickly and needed to excavate this portion of its gravel pit sooner than expected. Consequently, Eagle Water was given four days notice instead of the required 60-days notice. The basis for the 511 in legal costs: The $2 511.00 estimate oflegal costs that was contained in Eagle Water s calculation of its out-of-pocket costs associated with replacement ofthe 8-inch mainline to the booster pump with the 12-inch line was based on 14.5 hours oflegal services provided to Eagle Water by Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC through August 18 2005. These legal services were provided to Eagle Water regarding pressure problems in the Eagle Spring subdivision area, which were addressed by Eagle Water by reconnecting the 12-inch mainline from west of the Farmer s Union Canal to the booster pump, in place of the temporary 8-inch mainline that was connected to the booster pump in the summer of 2004, when the 12-inch mainline was undermined. See Exhibit Richardson & Leary, PLLC Statement for legal services rendered through August 18, 2005, attached; see also Exhibit C, Eagle Water diagram showing temporary 8-inch mainline connection from existing mainline on Old Horseshoe Bend Road, attached. 4. Whether it has adequately explored seeking recovery of damages to the mainline from other parties: Eagle Water is in the process of completing negotiations with Prime Earth, Inc. for a permanent easement for its 12-inch mainline that runs east-west from the new Highway 55 to the booster pump that serves the Eagle Springs subdivision. Eagle Water does not believe it is prudent to consider legal action against Prime Earth until such negotiations are completed. EAGLE WATER REPORT TO COMMISSION - 2 In closing, Eagle Water wishes to apologize to the Commission for not getting this information to the Commission by November 17, 2005, as ordered by the Commission. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, this 28th day of November, 2005. Richardson & O'Leary P.LLC. EAGLE WATER REPORT TO COMMISSION - 3 EXHIBIT A - -- -----' FRON : EAGL.E I,JATEI~ CC- PrlOHE t-ID. : :1.208'33982421-F~.b, 11 2080 03: SOP,1 P0,2 - ' ROBERT L. ALDRIDGE, CHARTERED Attorney at Law 1209 North Eighth Street Boise. Idaho 83702.4297 Telephone: (208) 336-9880Fax: (208) 330-9882Stale Bar No. 1296 TEMPORARY WATER L(NE EASEMENT This AQreem~nt is made and e 0 this oat eon Prime Earth, Inc. , Box 4065.Bol$g. Idaho 83711 ("Gran ~t) an Robert V- DeShazo . p- Box 71. Eagle. Idaho 83618Grantee WHEREAS. GrC3n~or is the reCord owner- 01 certain raal properly In the Counly of Ada. S\a19 ofIdaho, hereinafter the "Servient Estate ; and, WHEREAS. Grantor has lhe unrostrict0d rIght ~o gt'~nt the 9asement herejnaHQr de~crlbad. asappurtenant to, and running with, the Servient Estate; NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable cons,derauon . the aufflc/Bncy of whIch Is harobyaCknoWledged. the pariies hereto spree a~ (ollows;; ! ~eQtlon.L. .G.mnl of EBSall1)~G1. Grantor does h""rebY grant \0 Grantee a temporary, non-exclusive easement to. over end Upon that portion of the Selvient Esta(e which It; covered by endwithin the boundaries of th& following easement properly; A portion of the Northeast y.. of the SOU1h/i!ast Yo, of Section 10 . Township 4 North, Rt:lng91 Ea~t of lhe BolGe Meridian, in Ada County, Idaho. mora partIcularly described to wit: Commencing at a found 'Va Iron pipe with the relTJ~lns of an aluminum cap monumentmarking tl1~ .southeat;l corner of Section 10, Township 4 North , Rangs 1 East of the. Bois€!Meridian; thence NOl1h 00800'00" Eas.l1608, 75 feel along the BEJel/on line betwt;ien Sect/one10 and 11 toa point; thence South 88"10'00" We$t40.11 feat (formsrjystated 8940.00 feet)to a point that Is referenced by a sat X" iron pin with a plEstlc oep which bear9 North00901'56" We5t 1.00 feel from the boLtndary cornar:-lhenca contInuing South 88"10'00"West 295.00 fee! to a set W"ron pin wIth a pl~~Uc cap; thence contInuing South 889 10'00"Was1140,49 feat !o a $et y;." Iron pin with a pl~sflc cap on the Northeasterly right of way the Far-mars Uolol'1 Canal; thanea f.llong the said Nor1hea.$terly.rlghl of way North 29"13'21"West 262.41 foal (rormerly stated a~ North 3$000' We$t 290.8 feet) 10 a found Y2" Iron pinWlthaples(iocap,ll-fE REAL POINT OF BEGINNING OFTHtS WATERLINE EASEMENt;thence along the said Northeasterly right of W?y ,south 29'"13'21" East ,29.17 faal (formerlys1ated as South 35Qoo' East) to a point: thenc~ Norlh 88~13'1 an Wast 699,46 fQat 10 e pointon the Easle(ly right of way of the naw Slate ,Highway 55; thence along the said Easterlyright of way of the new Slale HighwBY 55 Nortl1 O2O37'31 " West 25.07 feet to a point; th(JncEISouth 88"13'18" ECI$t 686.36 feel to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS WATERliNE EASEMENT DESCRIPTION. Eas.e.m~nt ProJ,)lnty Page WA TER UNE IEA$EMENT FEB-11-2G00 14:58 1 -:JC":JO":;" ,~ ,--, ,- r r.tJI I - ChULC WM I Cr", '- '.) , rnu,"c 1',U, , ~~UQ:J--':JUC"t~T r"-----D- -Lkc."""""-"""",..o""r,-, r\OJ_ IJ c I: IllI i ~; I I \.., .;. II,;,! (,dij I;;;1\I 'JJ)'j(j ,11,I!JiU)';1.",j II" ~~OUQI1 2.$QoQe emd V.IU\U2.f Easemefll A. Gramee,ll$ SUCC~!3~ors and assigns , Bnd Ita respBctly~ agentB, ind~pt!lndant contractors. guests 6I1d invitees. shall use the easement for the con5lrucUon. installation, maintenance, repair, and upgrading of an underground waler line. . Grantee, Its 8uccassors or assJgna, may no! assign this Easement. ~J-~ Rlaht of Access. GrantS!!), it9 GUCC6SBOts and as91gns, shall hav$ the right lo enter upon Hu;! Easement Property for ihe purposeo.~ sat forth in the Agreement. Grantee 'hall also have lha right to remove ally trees, shrubs or brush necessary or convenient \0 flccon1plloh the purposes of the Agreement. This insirumenl does not grant or corway to Grantee any right or 11lJe lo the surface of the soil wIthin the Easement Property. except for the purpose of oxcavallng. constructIng. Installing. maintaining, InspecUng, repairing, and upgrading lhe water line located within tha Easamant Property. ~~... Gr~nl~~ ~o'I~~ p( ~olrv,Grantafil shell provide rast1onabla notice of enlry to Grantor prior to entering upon the Eesemant Property except (or emergency.S9 easemenl granted by this Agreement may be tel'minBtad by enter upon $Ixty (aD) days writ n notice to Grantaa. In such event. GrantQ9 shall, wllhin Breasona iii after such tarmln on, remove all water IIna end other installed artifacts from the easement area an ra the easement area io its origll1al condilion. Section 6.M9~.illI2o, No amendment to or modlflcalion of lhlt Agreem&nl shall' be valid unless the same shall be if) writing. signed by the parties who are th..-m bound by the terms hereof. ~.D-l-, !;.gyjliU?l~ Relief. The parties acknowledge lhat the US0!: provided by this Agreen-mnlare uniqlleand that rnOMY dBmBg.a~ alone for breach of this Agraement are: inadequate. Any p2lr1y aygrlaved by a breach- of tha provision::; hereof may bring an action at law or B suit aquHy to obtain relief, Including specific performance. Injune;ljva relief and any other avaIlable equitable remedy. Time and strict performam;;e are of the B!UlBnce of this Agreement. Section B. A'tQ!!.W.~S Fee6 - In the event suit or aclloh la InGltllut9d for a declaration or rights har$undar or to enforce any of tha proviSions of this Agreement. the parll9& agrEl9 to pay the coal of such surn$ as the lr~aJ court mad adjudge QS aHorney feas lo be awarded thE! pre;;valllng party. If any appeal i$ taken from any judgment or decree, the parties egr&e to pa~1 fulthar aUorn9Y s faus and costs as may b~ adjudged reasonable by any :.Jppollale court and awarded the prevailing party. ~.QlQ...rU1. alndlng Effect ~nd A~sllJtJm~nt.Both the burdenB end b~meflls of this AgreE'Jrmml shall De appurtenant to and run with the land comprising the Servlaot Estate. Bnd shall b~ binding upon and Inure Lo the bemerlt of the parties herato, their resp~dive- 8ucce9sors, heirs, ancllagal reprasen(ativo~. Page 2 WATER LINE EASEMEI.,JT - -- -----' FEB-11-2000 ~: 58 1208'33'30242+95/; -, -- ---- ------- -- r1'(UI'-1 , t::f-!I.)L.~ I,JI-1 I J:::K ',roUHC 1'1U, ' J_:::")I"~'-':J"'L'-I':::T reD. 1.1 """":.it, ~J- -'. ..)l,'- ,"'... "I "I 9~Qtjon 10, !:rlpf- EaBe.1D..\Wl.aJJd-EoclJrnbrn.DJ;.ft~" This Eesem8nt Is granlad subject to all prior 9asementG Dr encumbrances of racord. if any. SB~t.iQn_.11. Prolat:tion or Rlchts or Socured :P€lr1I~. No breach of tho provisions In thIsAgre0rnenl shall defeat or render Invalid the lien of any conlrad of ~al€l. mortgage(s) or dead(g) trust now or hGreaftar ~xfJcllted upon land subject to thi& Agreement; provided, however, thellf any portion of saId property Is Gold under a foreclosure of any mortgage(s) 01' under the provision!) of any desd(s) of trust. any PUrchBserat such safe. and oils successors and assign!';, shall hold any and aU property so purchased subject to all of the provision6 of this Agreement. S69JiQn 1~. lrlClemnll:i. The parties harato and any SUb$ElqUBht owner& shall defend. Indemnify end hold thf) other owner(s) harmless from any claim. 1095, or lIablfily arIsing out of the connection with the ownar's failure to comply with the termg and provlslon6 of this Agraarnent. fuIctiOQ 13.AU e)(penses related to the uaa of the t)QgemBnt, and any 9xpan999 of installing, malntnlning. hooking up, ele" the water line located In the Ea6emAnl Properly. or My nature whatever (and including, but nollimltad to, survey costs, costs related to any goYBml119nlal agency of ShY nature. coatB of any applications, c:ostG related lo thfJ hookup of such line, Including any impact fef)$ or similaf fees. legal coals Incum~d. including legal cosl~ Ir1Curred by Grantee, Bnd 80 fortll). 8hall b& paid by GrMte9- DATED: February 11.2000. PrImo Earlh, Inc. STATE OF IDAHO ~~=(/f?By. Cor(J. Se.-c.(-e-"~"- COUNTY OF ADA 55, On thlt;; Febwary .2000. before me, a Notary ~1ubllo In end for lhe State of Idaho. personally appear~d oS o....t'tc ,J L . il...-#'::'I(!.J-I)'7\ ..." known to me -or identiOed to me or proved to me on lhe basla of satisfactory avldanCEI to be (he (.:/J~ p' / 5 G.L of Prime Earth. 10(:.. and to be the pereDn whosa name Is allachod to thE! foregoing instrument and acknowledged 10 me that said corporatioli eJxoculed the Bame. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto placed illY official hand and 9MI th9 day and Yt)ar In thIs Certificate first above written. Page 3 \\,.,....~,- II- Jill ~ ~. . ~~1' 3('. (/' .---/ij ~-! f~~.f'.R ~";":;.iot~;y p~c~;; laa ~~-_.- : A:)" 0 ~E!sldl"g at ;6(,d C-i ~ ,' v riy Con;mls9loli expires on c;. /;;zoP,j ---- \ \.. '" P\J~V . tJ:: # '":,, WATER LINE EASEMEf\JTJ" ...... .;.V ~.r l' .01 1:1 0 ~ .. #., ~ P 1~ "...,.,....,."- -----' FEB-11-2000 14: 58 1208';1290242+95% -"T , - "-",,, --,---- I - , _;. "... 1 ,Hi :... -.i PHmE NO. : 12089390242+ 1\i.J!;J-1\ I .-IUI"JJI,. Feb. 1 J. :'!ldldl:1 I:J,J ; ~:'!~r't-'u:;;,FRO~1 ; EAGLE URTER CO. "- J I "II , - : I _~j lJ d ACCEPTED: STATE OF IDAHO 88. COUNTY OF ADA On Chis Fabruary 11 . 2000, before me, Robert L. Aldridge , a Nolary Public in and ror said Stele per$onatly Bpp&ared Robal1 V- DeShazo, p8r~onally known (0 me , or Idantified to me. or proved to m$ On the basis of salis'factory evidence), to be the person whose name, is Eltt~ched to 1he within il1slrUrri€!nt and acknowlftdged to me (helt $2!ld person execuled the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hav() hereunto pieced my official hand and seal th9 day and year In this CertIficate first ebovB written. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at Meridian My CommissIon explms 011 7-2000 \bIlU~d~n/I11i' f;i.~ ,",ff ~'\?'~4' ,;;. ~ \... f".~..J)A ~ 4' ~.,..O'2J.""~ f1/.tJ , ".. (.) ~ iiI :t,O1 All,p. '\ yP ~ ~r:.,l)C'/' '& -.I. ~ (, J,': '/;t ~V~'\..:~ It.::; "I), ~'" (/". ~ "' oi' \)oC'()oC'~ '(" 't- tt ~"" - l'ro t'l \' d'= (~,): .....", ~IQI hHH~U\'\'\' , Page 4 WATER UNE: EASEMENT - ~- -----' FEB-1l-2000 14:58 12138'3:::,913.'242+95/. -----------+-., ." 'T , ~ " ,-, ~" -~~~-,----. - '- - ,- EXHIBIT B - - ----- RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 To: Eagle Water Company Robert, V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Date Transaction 12/31/2004 Balance forward 08/16/2005 08/16/2005 09/13/2005 16RO - DEQ/W ater Pressure- INV #2163. Due 08/16/2005. PMT #1012. from trust fund INV #2180. Due 09/13/2005. Current 31-60 Days Past Due30 Days Past Due 318. 61-90 Days Past Due atement Date 9/15/2005 Amount Due Amount Enc. 318.33 Amount Balance 265. 265. 318. 265. 318. Over 90 Days Past Due Amount Due 318.33 - - --'"-' EXHIBIT C -- ..'"-' L L i L.''i ~' "-'- , -". 1, .:1:C' .:1T:T ",-re, i CA'lLc Ii,IA i '=-1,: CU HIC AC'iE (1:" N c rz.,... t-!" . "\~:, , i' ';," ',:," , , J ' ' ,\, , .i- , ,!' , :' f J ;'~Q.'\,"( i ' I, , " -'::/:, ~ ", '::~:/',.:': ,, ;", ':" , ,; J: , :"/ Illci~ ;~I;; :~; tl;: :i: :: i;: : ;:~'\:' "" " Ii;' r : , , , ", '~, '(/ ~~i1ii~t- .'i. , . ,~:,~:;~~. cO~ ..1 . . ', ,