HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040714Reply Comments of United Water.pdfORIGINAL ECEiVED (3) Dean 1. Miller McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-8370 I Boise, Idaho 83702 208.343.7500 208.336.6912 (Fax) l::-LED "iO!"'H- f!. L D~A t.UUi ..11 . .. q . : 54 , iT" f . ~ - \- ! c j . !~: L ;) tILl Ilt.~ CUflf'JlSSION Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION F:A& IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION Case No.~I-O4- OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 278 REPL Y COMMENTS UNITED WATER ID AH 0 INC. COMES NOW United Water Idaho Inc., (United) and submits the following Reply Comments to the Staff Comments dated June 29 , 2004. United concurs in Staffs observation that: . . . Staff believes that further apportionment of uncertified areas surrounding Eagle is ripe for a decision. Areas around Eagle are rapidly growing and it is just a matter of time before the Commission will be required to make decisions about which company will provide service. Presumably, both utilities would benefit by knovving in advance the reasonable extent of their service areas so that nearby facilities could be planned and sized accordingly. A piecemeal approach to awarding certificated areas may not be in the best interests of the customers of either utility. (Staff Comments at pgs 3-4). United, ho\\Tever, is not optimistic about the likely success of Staffs suggestion that United and Eagle Water "try to negotiate apportionment of un certificated areas in the vicinity of Eagle." At a recent informal conference between United, Eagle Water and the Commission Staff, United presented such a suggestion. Eagle Water, however, declined the invitation at that time. Moreover, as the Commission is aware, the working relationship between United and Eagle Water is, regrettably, less than harmonious. REPL Y TO STAFF COMMENTS Page Rather, United recommends that the scope of this proceeding be expanded to include assignment of the remaining uncertified areas, including the customers requesting service in this case, to the utility best able to serve. To that end, United suggests that an intervention deadline be set, thus giving other interested parties , including the City of Eagle, the opportunity to participate. Thereafter, the Commission should quickly convene a pre-hearing conference to more precisely identify the matters at issue and develop a procedure for resolving them. In that regard, United is investigating its ability to serve the specific customers requesting service in this case. United's preliminary investigation reveals the following: United has an existing 16 inch water main in place fronting the entire area in question along the east side of Old Highway 55/Horseshoe Bend Road. This mainline fronts the two Troutner parcels in addition to the Dry Creek Cemetery Maintenance District off Old Highway 55/Horseshoe Bend Road. Service lines up to 2 inch diameter can be installed at no charge to the customer under United's Rules and Regulations. Along Hill Road, the McKay property, as well as the property currently being developed as the Northwest Bible Church, are also fronted. There is an existing 12 inch stub line located at the entrance to McKay Construction at 10512 Hill Road. Since this property is "landlocked", United presumes McKay Construction has an ingress/egress agreement for access. Service for these two properties can be provided from the 12 inch stub line or at any other point along Hill Road where the mainline fronts the property. By the time of a pre-hearing conference United will be able to provide definitive information regarding its ability to serve these potential customers. If there is some urgency of expeditiously getting service to these customers, the Commission could direct United to provide service at that time. REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS Page 2 Respectfully submitted this \\\ day of July, 2004. United Water Idaho Inc. bean J. . ler Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS Page 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on tht;.ay of July, 2004, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served, by the methodes) indicated below, upon the following: Molly O'Leary, Esq. RICHARDSON & O'LEARY 99 East State Street O. Box 1849 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Fax: 208-938-7904 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Robert Deshazo Eagle Water O. Box 455 Eagle, Idaho 83616-0455 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express 5?f~~ REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS