HomeMy WebLinkAbout200403175th Amended Certificate.pdf! \('". i . C L;~- ! en . . ',. ' t,- Wit, MF; ':" : tv'i,I",- ,,- DIJ(C~(~-j.i1Io~m~&:m!~y; -- .' ~~': , ;;L ' '" "~::~y ~1 AT 'W ~;.m-UTrLll i\:~) Cur'lf',IS;::JIOn Molly O'Leary Tel: 208-938-7902 Fax: 208-938-7904 mollyli!? richardsonandolea ry.com O. Box 1849 99 Easr State Srreer, Eagle, Idaho 83616 March 16 2004 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise 10 83720-0074 RE: Case No.EAG-W-O4- Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find an original and seven (7) copies of the Addition to Eagle Water Company Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 278, Fifth Amended in the above case, submitted pursuant to Commission Order No. 29429. I have also enclosed an extra copy to be service-dated and returned to us for our files. Thank you. Sincerely,~CW\~) Nina Curtis Administrative Assistant encl. ADDITION TO EAGLE WATER COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 278 FIFTH AMENDED Case No. EAG-O4- Order No. 29429 Pursuant to Commission Order No. 29429, Eagle Water is certified to provide service to the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery, located on old Horseshoe Bend Road just north of the Dry Creek Cemetery, in Ada County, and more particularly described on APPENDIX A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as if set forth in full. ',mO. ...-,......, C~':I :::;:::; 1'T1 ;~ ""~.::: ---i i'T Goo c..J -5. ;' rrl :;:: ~-:-. (J) C CX) v; -- ;j 00 "., L..:.- ...".""- EAGLE WATER APPLICA nON TO AMEND CERTIFICATE NO. 278 FIFTH AMENDMENT ADDITION TO EAGLE WATER COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 278 FIFTH AMENDED Case No. EAG-O4- Order No. 29429 D~SCRIPTION FOR STATE OF rcAHO- DRY CREE~ OEMETERY DISTRICT A partel of land befng a portion of the SW1/4 of Section 11, T.4N., R.1 E., 8.M., a portion of Lot 3, Block 1 of Hidden Hollow SubdMsion as filed in Book 53 of Plats at . Page 4784 records Of Ada County, Idaho 'located In the SE1/4 of Section 11. T.4N" 1 E, 8.M., and e portion of Lots 2 and 3 of Rober=ts and Hill SubclMslon as recorded IraBook" of Plats at page 159 records of Ada County, Idaho er.d.lOcated in the NW1/4 of . the NW1/4 of Section 14 T."N" R.1 J;.. 8.M., .Ada County, Idaho, more particularlydes=tlbed as foUows: BEGINNING at an Idumlnum cap monUrr8ent marking the C 1/4 corner of said Section 11 from which an aluminum cap monument marking the W 1/4 comer of said Section 11 bears North 89"04'37" West, 2621,B4 feet; ' . thence a1ong 1he East"West centar'.ine of said Section :'11 South 89.04'27" East; 1329.28 feet (former1y deecrbid as 1329.32 feet) to an eluminLim cap monument maridng the CE1116" comer of said Section 11. said point also being the northeaet comer of Lot :5 of said Hidden Hollow Subdivision: . thence along the easterly' boundary Rne of Lot 3 of .ssld Hidden HoQow Subdivision South 18'07'34" Wast, 2768.87 feet (tormerty de$cnbed as 2769.00 feet) to 6/8" Iron pin: thence SoLl1h 15"00'31" East. 435.13 feet to 8 Sl8" iron pio; thenQ8 South 45148101" East, 72.31 feet.to a 6/Sot lron pin on the East boundary. line of Lot 2 of said Roberts and Hill Subdivi$ion: thence .Iorag $ald East bouodary line South 00012'00" Wes~ 28,76 feet to a 518t1 iron pin on the North boundary line of the Farmers Union Cenal; thence along said North boundary line North 74'30'09" V'Iest. '26.22 feet to a 5/81/ .Iron pin; EAGLE WATER APPLICA nON TO AMEND CERTIFICATE NO. 278 FIFTH AMENDMENT APPENDIX A- ADDITION TO EAGLE WATER COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 278 FIFTH AMENDED Case No. EAG-O4- Order No. 29429 . , . : thence along the easterly boundary line of that parcel of land described in that warranty deed recorded February 11 , 1941 as instrument number 204813, records of Ada County, Idaho North 34.00'51" West, 697.27 fe~t; thence South 88034'3711 East, 45.06 feet to a 518" iron pin: " theoee North 00036'07" West. 1155.64 feet; thenQa North ~32'~B" East. 81.12 fee~; thence North 07030'58" East, 209.48 feet to a 1121 Iron pinj0 0 , " thence North se8S2'19'f W_, 132.09 feet to a 5l6" Iron pin: 0 , . " thence Nor,th 69835'49" WeI$t., 124.feet to a 5,'8" iron pin: thence North 768O9'4rWeat, 141.10feetto;a 5I8H iroripjn; thence North 87'19'O5~ West.. 173.42 feet to a 518" fron prn marking a point on a non-tangent Curve to the left; , . thence along ~Id curve 193.01 feet. said curve haYing It radius of 80.94 feet. central angle of 136'37'4511 and & long chord of 150.42 feet which beam South 77D21 '27" West to a 5I8ft .roo pin; thence South 00'10'13" Easl346.11 feet to a 5/8" iron "pin; thence North 88.41~9"West.1166.05 teet to a 618" fron pin: thence North 87154'35' West, 360.88 feet to a 518" Iron pin; then~ South 89-57'02- W8$t. 307.41 feet to a 518" iron pin: . thence North 001143141'1 West. 30,01 feet to a 5I8"lron pin; thence North 89'~7'02" East. 308.14 feet Jo B' 5(a~' iron pin : .. '~ ". ' EAGLE WATER APPLICATION TO AMEND CERTIFICATE NO. 278 FIFTH AMENDMENT APPENDIX A - 2 ADDITION TO EAGLE WATER COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 278 FIFTH AMENDED Case No. EAG-04- Order No. 29429 . .' ' thence SOuth 87C1541351; E~et. sab:so feet to 'a 5181 iron p'in: ' . thence North 00'03135. West. 121.97 feet to 8 5181 Iron pin; thence North 54'46142" East. 1662.09 feet to a 5/8" Iron pin on the South boundary fine of brenson SubdMslon ,No.5 .$ filed In Book 79 of Plats at 'Page 8547.reoordG of Ada ~ounty, Idaho; . . thence along saId South boundary line the following 2 courseS: soUth Bg822'SfrI Eai~474.00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; thence North 85'43'34" ,East, 66.99 feet to the Point of Beginnlng, co~tainjng76.49 acres, more or I~. Prepared by: HUBBLE ENGINEERING INC. EAGLE WATER APPLICATION TO AMEND CERTIFICATE NO. 278 FIFTH AMENDMENT APPENDIX A - 3