HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040107Application.pdfMolly O'Leary (ISB NO. 4996) Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 99 East State Street, Suite 200 O. Box 1849 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 C?ECEIVED r:-iLED 1:1L!j 2DU4.JMJ ~M H" . ,,-,--, '-- ;' )r.u(~LiC U i ill lIES COt"tt'HSSION Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. TO AMEND CERTIFICATE)OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY CASE NO. !S.A (; - (,it tJ if-I! COMES NOW, EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. ("Eagle Water ), by and through undersigned counsel and, pursuant to Section 61-526, Idaho Code and Rule 112 ofthe Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule of Procedure ("IPUCRP"), applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) to amend and revise its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 278 by enlarging and extending the boundary of the area in which it is authorized to provide service. In support of this Application, Eagle Water submits the following: Eagle Water is a public utility water corporation within the meaning ofthe Idaho Public Utilities Law, is duly organized and existing under the laws ofthe State ofIdaho and engaged in conducting a general water business in and about Ada County, Idaho, having its principal office and place of business at 172-D West State Street, Eagle, Idaho, 83616. APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER TO AMEND CERTIFICATE II. Communication in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Molly O'Leary Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 99 E. State Street, Suite 200 O. Box 1849 Eagle, Idaho 83616 III. A certified copy of Applicant's Articles of Incorporation , together with all amendments to date, is on file with the Commission. IV. Applicant owns and operates an extensive integrated water system in Ada County and renders general water service within such territory and to the inhabitants thereof. The developers of the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery have requested that Eagle Water provide water service to the cemetery. See Letter from Steven Yearsley, P.E. to Eagle Water attached hereto as Exhibit A. VI. The area proposed to be served by this Application is adjacent to Bonita Hills subdivision, which Eagle Water currently serves. The cemetery is located just north of the Dry Creek Cemetery, off of old Horseshoe Bend Road. A legal description ofthe property is attached hereto in Exhibit B, attached hereto. It is Eagle Water s belief that some, if not all, of the new cemetery is located within its current service territory. APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER TO AMEND CERTIFICATE - 2 VII. Service to the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery would be provided through Eagle Water eight-inch mail line located on the east side of Old Highway 55/Horseshoe Bend Road. Extension of service to the cemetery by Eagle Water will require excavation; installation of mains, fire hydrants and service meter boxes; bedding; backfill; compaction; inspection; and testing. The estimated construction cost for this project is between $44 500.0 and $46 500. plus legal fees, all of which will be paid by the Developer pursuant to Eagle Water s standard Main Extension Contract" as provided for in its tariff on file with the Commission. In addition to construction costs, Eagle Water will incur legal fees in connection with this Application which fees have yet to be determined. Eagle Water proposes to begin construction in March, 2004 and complete construction in April 2004. The proposed expansion will add one customer to Eagle Water s customer base. The estimated monthly gross revenue per such customer is $30.00 to $50.00. There will be no affect on Eagle Water s revenue requirements. VIII. Eagle Water has an adequate source of supply to provide service to the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery in a safe and reliable manner. IX. Eagle Water submits that the extension of its facilities to serve the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery is consistent with the public convenience and necessity. APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER TO AMEND CERTIFICATE - 3 Pursuant to IPUCRP Rule 201 , Eagle Water respectfully requests that this application be processed pursuant to Modified Procedure. DATED this ~:th day of January, 2004. APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER TO AMEND CERTIFICATE - 4 ~I JI ~UU~ U J' DE:. 17. 2002 :J.:J:Jt:JLb ( 2: :35PM ~AGLE WATER CO INC NO - b4t.PAGE 02t-'. 1,.. FORSGREN ASSOCIA ms / INC. == A COMJIMNY OF' ENG/NfiElf8 Alia tClf!NTlSTII December 16, 2003 Mr. Robert DeSharzo Jr. President Eagle Water Company Inc. O. Box 465 Eagle, ID 63616 RE:Idaho State Veterans Cemetery Water Service Dear Robert The Idaho State Veterans' Cemetery requests water S6IVice from the Eagle Water Company. A copy of t~ property legal description is enclosed. The water service will be w~ed for fire proteetlon, domestic water in the buildings, and for a proposed future water fountain. The Idaho State Veterans Cemetery is located on Old Horseshoe Bend Road North of the Dry Creek Cemetery. Please call me if you have any ~uestjon8 or commentS. SIncerely, FORSGREN ASSOCIATES Steven Yearsley, P. Project Manager Enclosures Cc:James M. Rees\MTC Consulting Engineers, Surveyors, and Planners Dan Baird\Beck and Baird Barry Miller\Jdaho DIVIsion of Public Works A COUI'ANY OF lENGIN.iRt ANr;J SCIENTIST! 1444 WESTBANNOCKI90/BE, ", iJ:J7021(2OJJ) 3~.~1~4IflAX (208) 'J83C8fS FfEX8V~G I SO/till ~YOMINI3I WENIoTOHEE I SAl.T t.AKf! CITY I SA(;;f'oAMENTO wwwfcrsgrefJ.com O:\O!'FIOI\2021 &tlCOrr\letter&\Rob~r1 DeShito 12.17..o~.dl!~ Exhibit A Lil 9/2003 09: 51 9390267 LEC. 17.2003 2:36PM EAGLE WATER CO INC N:J.646 PAGE 032/4 HUBBLE ENGINEERING, ~NC. 701 S. Allen St, Suite 102 I M.Qfjct~1 \083642 205/322-8992 . Fax 20a/37B.O~251 Project No. 0205900 Aprf112. 2002 . DE;SCRIPTION FOR STATE OF fDAHO- DRY CREEK CEMETERY DISTRICT A parcel of land being a portion of the SW1/4 of Section 11, T.4N., R.1 Eo, 8. a portion of Lot 3. Block 1 of Hidden Hol/ow Subdivision ss filed in Book 53 of Plats at . Page 4784 records of Ada County, Idaho .Iocated in the SE1/4 of Section 11. TAN" R.1 E., 8.M., and a portion of Lots 2 and 3 of Roberts and Hill Subdivision as recorded ii"l Book 4 of Plats at pags 159 records of Ada County. Idaho ar.dt6cated in the NW1/4 of .. the NW1/4 of Section 14 T.4N.. R.1 E., 8.M., Ada County, Idaho, more particularlydes::rlbed as follows: . ' BEGINNING at an ~Iuminum cap monument marking the C 1/4 eorner of said Section 11 from which an aluminum cap monument marking the W '/4 corner of said SectIon 11 beaN North 69aO4'371' West. 2621.84 feet; ' . thence along the East-West cent~r:ine of said Section 11 Sou1h 89.04'27" East;1329.28 feet (formerly described as 1329.32 feet) to an aluminum cap monument marking the CE1/16. comer of said Section 11. said point also being the northeast corner of Lot 3 of said Hidden Hollow Subdivisicn; thence along the easterly. boundary line of Lot 3 of .seld Hidden Hollow Subdivision South 18&07'34" West, 2768.87 feet (fClrmerly de~cribed as 2769.00 feet) to a 6/8" Iron pin; thence South 15~'OO'31" Eaat, 43S.131eet to 8 5/8" iron pir.: thence South 45048'01" East, 72.31 feet.to a 5'8" iron pin on th$ East boundary. line of Lot 2 of said Roberts and Hill Subdivieion; thence along said East boul'ldary lir.e South 000 12'00" West, 2S.76 feet to a 5/8"iron pin on the North boundary line of the Farmers Union Genal; thence along said North boundary line North 7411 30'0911 Vlest .26.22 feet to a 5/8" .iron pin; K:lDryCtlt'K(O2"OS~-OO)\QQcl.ltfl."t.\Oe&oTotalParc~I.(locP~ge 1 of 3 Exhibit B LL/ L ~/ L~~~ ~~: ~l '::J:::I:J026 7 EAGLE WATER CO INC DEe: - :1. 7 . ~003 2: 35PN , -. ;\' ' 1'10.646 PAGE 04 I-'-::V"-l i - . - thence along the e~sterly boundary line of that parcel of land described in that warranty deed recorded Febru&lry 11 , 1941 as instrument number 204813, records of Ada County, Idaho North 34eOO'51 'I West, 597.27 feet; thence South 88"34'37" East! 45.06 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; , thence North 00036'07" West. 1155.64 feet; thenoa North 66G32' ~ Bit East, 87 .12 fee~; thence North 07030'58" East, 209.46 feet to a 1/2 /ron pin thence North 58852'19" We$t. 132.09 feet to a 518" iron pIn: thence Nor:th 59g3S'49" West, 124.feet to a 5ifY' iron pin: thence North 76"09'47" West, 141.10 feet to ~5/e", iron pin; ' , thence North 87"19'0511 West, 173.42 feet to a 5/8" iron pin marking a point On a non-tangent CLINe to the left; thance along said curve 193.01 feet, said curve haYing a radju~ of 80.94 feet., acentral angle of 136"37'45" and Ii long chord of 150.42 feet which bears South77"21'27" West to a 5/8" iron pin; thence South 00.10'131' East. 346.11 feet to a 5/BII iron pin; thence North 88041129" West, 1166.051eet to a 5/B" iron pin; thenoe North 87154'35' West, 360.88 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; thence South 89857'02" West, 307.41 feet to a 5/8" iron pin: " th~nce North 00"43'41" West, 30.01 feet to a 51B" iron pin; thence North 89O~7'O21t East, 30~, 14 feet ,~o a" 51?,iron pin: , the."ce South 87Q54135" East, 360:50 feet to a 5/8" iran pin; , . . thence North 00003'35" West, 121.97 feet to 8 5/S. iron pin; thence North 34.4B'42J. East. 1552,09 feet to a 5/B" irort pin on the Southboundary line of Brenson Subdivision No.5 as filed in Book 79 of Plats at 'page 8547.records of Ada County. Idaho; thence along saId South boundary line the following 2 courses: K:\0tyCr"!((02.(jS9..co)\DcC:lIrnll!'bi\CIII.TOtaIPIHcel.docPag~ 2 Ii 3 1L!19!2~~3 09: 51 9390267 " DEC. 17.2003 2: 37PM EAGLE WATER CO INC 1'I-..J_b"lt:J PAGE 05r. ...., South 89.22'5611 East, 474.00 feet to a 5/8'1 iron pin; thence North 85'43'34" .East, 66.99 feet to the Point of Beginning, co~tainjn9 76.49 acres, more or less. Prepared" by: HUBBLE ENGINEERING INC. K:\DryCreek(O2-OSIiI-t10)\Ooo;U'n6f\ts\Ces-TQISIP8rQII.l:/cn::Page:1 of 3