HomeMy WebLinkAbout28513.docBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY AND ITS ABILITY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE WATER SERVICE (IDAHO CODE 61-302) TO THE CUSTOMERS OF EAGLE SPRINGS ESTATES SUBDIVISION AND ADJACENT CERTIFICATED AREAS. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. EAG-W-00-1 ORDER NO. 28513 BACKGROUND On July 16, 2000, the Commission in Order No. 28449 initiated a docket for investigation of Eagle Water Company and its ability to provide adequate water service to the customers of Eagle Springs Estates and adjacent areas. The Commission directed Staff to initiate an investigation and to file a status report with the Commission within 30 days. Staff filed its report as directed on August 22, 2000. SUMMARY OF STAFF’S INVESTIGATION On the afternoon of Saturday July 1, 2000, Eagle Water Company’s Well No. 4 failed causing low pressure in the water system. Pressure was particularly low in the Eagle Springs subdivision located east of Horseshoe Bend Road and south of Floating Feather Road. Numerous customers complained to the Commission stating that they had very little water pressure, and in some cases, no water at all. During the outage, Eagle Water and the subdivision developer provided bottled water to residents of the subdivision and made water from a tank truck available at a central location for other uses. Eagle Water worked to get the pump back online by installing a new variable speed control unit to replace the one that had failed. The new controller was installed and Well No. 4 was returned to service at 6:15 p.m. on July 3. The pump operated for 45 hours before the new controller also failed. Parts were obtained from the manufacturer and installed, and service was again restored at 12:30 a.m. on July 7. A new booster pump was installed by Eagle Water and put into service at 2:30 p.m. on July 11. The new booster has increased pressures in the Eagle Spring subdivision by about 20 psi. Pressures have been measured continuously in Eagle Springs and Bonita Hills since July 11. Pressures at nearly the highest point in Eagle Springs range from 35-40 psi in the early morning hours, to 60 to 70 psi during afternoon hours. These pressures satisfy the minimum pressure requirements of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. Fire flow tests were conducted at two locations in Eagle Springs. The first test conducted at the subdivision’s clubhouse showed that fire flows of 1400 could be provided. This is slightly less than the 1500 gpm required by the Eagle Fire District; however, the District recognizes that the test was conducted on a very hot summer day when the temperature was high, and that better results are probable at other times of the year. A second fire flow test conducted at a different location showed that flows well in excess of the required 1500 gpm could be provided. Eagle Water has plans to drill a new well that it believes will further help alleviate water pressure problems. It has obtained a water rights permit and is awaiting a well drilling permit. It expects to drill the well this winter and have it operational by the summer of 2001. The Company is also in the preliminary planning stages for a new storage reservoir that would be located in the foothills northeast of Eagle Springs. If the reservoir is built, it would help maintain and stabilize water pressures in the system as well as provide additional fire protection. Staff concludes that the failures of Well No. 4 cannot be attributed to any actions or inaction of Eagle Water. Staff believes the efforts taken by the Company in responding to the pump outage were appropriate. The installation of the new booster pump has significantly improved water pressure in Eagle Springs. While existing pressure meets minimum DEQ standards, Staff believes that the addition of a new supply well and the construction of a new storage reservoir will further improve service. As a result of responses by Eagle Water to the Staff's Production Request, Staff contacted Eagle Water to discuss how information is provided to customers and complaint record-keeping. Eagle Water has agreed to add a line to its billing statements informing customers of the telephone number to call for emergencies and problems that occur after hours. The information will be added the next time that customer statements are printed, which is done on an annual basis. Eagle Water also agreed to begin adding information regarding the details of customers' complaints to the Company's computerized customer accounts. That change will provide the Company and, upon request, the Commission with more detailed, customer-specific information about problems experienced by customers and how the Company addressed those problems. Staff recommends that pressure measurements continue to be recorded until the lawn irrigation season ends. Staff also recommends that the Commission require Eagle Water to provide quarterly reports describing its progress in completing a new well and in constructing a new storage reservoir. COMMISSION FINDINGS The Commission has reviewed and considered the filings of record in Case No. EAGW001, including Commission Staff’s Investigative Report and Recommendations. The Commission thanks Staff for its efforts. Being without water especially during hot summer days is a serious matter as well as an inconvenience and aggravation to customers. In this case, the Commission finds the Company’s efforts in early July to restore water service to the Eagle Springs Estates area to be both responsible and reasonable. Staff in its Report concludes: “…The failures of well No. 4 cannot be attributed to any action or inaction of Eagle Water.…The efforts taken by the Company in responding to the pump outage were appropriate…and its response was as good as could be expected under the circumstances.” We note that water service has been restored and that water pressure and flow have improved. Although it appears that the pressure problem has been remedied with installation of the booster pump, the Commission finds it reasonable to require the Company to continue monitoring water pressure measurements within Eagle Springs Estates and adjacent certificated areas until the lawn irrigation season ends. We are informed that the Company has agreed to improve its written recordkeeping regarding customer complaints. This change, we find, will facilitate the review of the Company’s complaint practices by Commission Staff. Staff’s Consumer Assistance Division will continue to monitor the situation. The Commission in conclusion, finds that the Company has complied with its service duties and obligations under Idaho Code § 61-302 and thus finds it reasonable to terminate its investigation in this case. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Commission has jurisdiction over Eagle Water Company, a water utility, and the issues raised in Case No. EAG-W-00-1 pursuant to the authority and power granted under Title 61 of the Idaho Code and the Commission’s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq. O R D E R In consideration of the foregoing and as more particularly described and qualified above, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the investigation in Case No. EAG-W-00-01 be concluded and the docket be closed. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Eagle Water Company comply with all directives explicitly described above in the Commission Findings section of this Order. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code § 61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this _______ day of September 2000. DENNIS S. HANSEN, PRESIDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary vld/O:EAG-W-00-01_sw2 ORDER NO. 28513 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date September 25, 2000