HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151228Application.pdfI,[(]il;il,r :--l DIAMOND BAR ESTATES WATER CO Po Box l87o ?0[5 0EC ?8 AH llr tr6 HAyDEN rD 8383s-r870 uird?i*tlffiqi5srox 208 665 9200 208 665 9300 FAX December 18,2015 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ATTN Commission Secretary P. O. Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Subject: Case No.'DIA-W-l 5-l Dear Commission Secretary: Enclosed with this cover letter are an original and seven (7) copies of an Application with supporting exhibits requesting an increase in rates and charges for Diamond Bar Estates Water Company. An exta copy is also enclosed. Please date stamp this copy and return it to this Applicant for our records. Thank you, Mw*A President BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) DIAMOND BAR ESTATES WATER COMPANY) FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING INCREASES IN) CASE NO. DrA-W-ls-l THE COMPANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR) APPLICATION WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) DIAMOND BAR ESTATE WATER COMPANY (the Applicant or Company) hereby applies for an Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the Commission) authorizing the Applicant to: l) Increase the water rates it charges its customers by approximately 79.39%o. After normalizing the Company's revenues for the customers connected to the water system for the year ending in20l4, this increase will produce approximately $20,910 more in revenue than the prior year. The Company has not had a rate increase since Commission Order No. 30455 (Case No. DIA-W-07- I ) was issued on October 22, 2007 . 2) Increase from $310.00 to $475.00 its fees for the first time installation of a meter to serve new customers. GENERAL RATE INCREASE REQUEST Exhibit Numbers I through 3 present the support for the Company's request to increase its water rates. In preparing this Application, the Company's consultant has reviewed the 2014 base year and adjusted the financial statements to reflect normal utility accounting practices. Rate Base, Exhibit No. I Column (A) of Exhibit No. I presents the Company's 2014 test year rate base as stated in the annual report to the Commission. At this time, the Company does not propose any changes to the test year amounts, based on amounts requested later in this filing. The total rate base of $48,388 is reduced by accumulated depreciation of $ 12,669 for a total Plant In Service of $35,719. The rate case expense has been completely amortized since the last case. On line 7, a working capital allowance equal to l/8th of the Company s Operation, and Maintenance expenses is added to produce a Rate Base of $40,398 as shown on line 8. This is the proposed rate base for Diamond Bar Estates Water Company. Results of Operations, Exhibit No.2 As can be seen in Column (A,) the Company continues to operate at a loss. The Company has faced significant hardship with operations and with maintaining the water system at the required levels. In addition to the expenses shown and incurred during 2014, the Company respectfully requests the ability to include additional known and measureable expenses. These known and measureable items are listed in Columns B - F. Through Column B. the Company requests an additional $2,000 per year to pay for bookkeeping and customer-service related services. There has been no increase since the last rate case in 2007. The services are provided by a related party, but they are reasonable given the amount of time and expertise required to provide good customer service to the customers. In Column C, the Company requests an additional amount to pay for water testing, meter reading, pump service and on-call duties performed by the Company's owner, Robert Tumipseed. Since the start of the Company, Mr. Turnipseed has not taken any funds from the Company despite his substantial contributions of time and expertise. He should be allowed to take a small salary or consulting fee. Through Column D, the Company requests to recover rate case expenses relating to this current filing. The expenses are estimated to be approximately $4,418 and include the cost of a rate case consultant, travel and time for the Company and other costs that may occur. These costs can be firmed up as they occur during the case. The Company requests to recover these costs over a reasonable four years. In Column E, the Company requests an additional amount for the cost of electricity to run the pumps that charge the water system. There has been a recent increase in electricity rates, and this should be sufficient to cover that increase. In Column F, the Company requests recover of its biggest expense to date. During 2015, there have been multiple failures of the pumps that run the water system- These failures have required substantial expenses that the Company must recover. So far during 2015, the Company has paid over $23.000 to keep the system running. These costs have all been covered by the Owners and must be recovered. The Company realizes that these costs are substantial, equaling almost an entire year's worth of revenue, and therefore suggests they be recovered over four years. This is the most reasonable way to recover these costs, and the Company is in need of these funds to continue to operate. The adjusted test year 2014 Net Operating Loss of $14,660 shown on line 22, Column (C) is used in this Application to determine the Company's revenue requirement. The practical result of the Company's Cost of Capital is that all capital has been provided by the owners and therefore should be treated as equity. The Notes payable shown on the Company's Annual Report are simply a mechanism for the owners to track additional equity personally invested and transferred from other business interests of the owners. The overall weighted cost of capital and rate of retum used in this case is l2o/o. Revenue Requirement Exhibit No.3 This exhibit utilizes the data shown on the first two exhibits to develop the Company revenue requirement, revenue deficiency and increase in rates necessary to produce the revenue requirement. Applying the rate of return of lZYo shown to the rate base (from Exhibit No. I ) shown on line I produces a net operating income requirement of $4,848 as shown on line 3. This net operating income must be grossed-up to provide for the effect of taxes and fees that are sensitive to increases in revenue. The calculation of the gross-up factor is shown on Column A, lines 12 through 20 of this exhibit. The additional revenue necessary to produce the net operating income requirement is $6,213 as shown on line 5 of this exhibit. Additionally, revenue must be increased to overcome the net operating loss of $14,660 shown on line 6. Additional revenues received to overcome this loss do not result in taxable income therefore a separate gross-up factor (excluding taxes) is calculated on lines l3 through 21, Column (B). The additional revenue necessary to overcome the net operating loss is $14,697 as shown on line 8 of this exhibit. The total additional revenue the Company must realize to produce the net operating income and overcome the net operating loss is $20,910 as shown on line 9. Line l0 shows the actual revenues collected from water sales in the test year and Line 12 calculates the percentage increase in water revenues necessary. Updated Tariffs, Exhibit No. 4 Exhibit No. 4, (a 3 page exhibit) is a marked-up copy of the Company's existing tariffrates showing the existing rates and proposed rates in legislative format. The Company proposes to allocate the increase equally to the base charge and to the variable charge. If the Commission determines that some other allocation be used, the Company requests that the base charge be increased substantially to allow for a reasonable cash flow during the winter months. At this time, it is difficult for the Company to maintain operations dwing those months. The Company also wishes to increase the first-time hookup charge to compensate for an increase in meter and labor costs since the last rate case. Customer Notification, Exhibit No. 5 Exhibit No. 5, shows both the Company's notice to its customers and a notice to be published in the Coeur d'Alene Press and Spokesman Review newspapers. The customer notice will be included with customer bills in January. The newspaper notice will be published coincident with mailing the notice directly to our customers. Effective Date & Nlodified Procedure The Company proposes an effective date for the new rates to be the first day of the month beginning 30 days after the date of filing this case. That effective date would be February I 2016. The Company requests that the Commission proceed with this case under Modified Procedure without hearing. In the event the Commission determines a hearing is necessary, the Company stands ready to prepare and file testimony in support of the attached exhibits. Contact Information Questions regarding this application should be addressed to: Robert Turnipseed Alden Holm Diamond Bar Estates Water Company 9446W. Fairview Ave. P.O. Box 1870 Boise, ID 83704 Hayden, ID 83835 P: (208) 66s-9200 P: (208) 322-0720 4r,ondaleconicrtyeuzou.ngl aldentii.itreasurevzrlleycpa.ctlnl Please provide copies of all correspondence, notices and orders to the above individuals. Respectfully Submitted, Robert Turnipseed President, Diamond Bar Estates Water Company Exhibit 1, Rate Base Calculation 1 Plant ln Service 2 Less Accumulated Depreciation 3 Net Plant in Service 4 Rate Case Expense 5 Accu m ulated Amortization 5 Unamortized Balance 7 Working Capital (1/8th of O&M Expense) 8 Total Rate Base 20L4 48,388 L2,669 35,719 4,679 40,398 5,000 (5,ooo) Exhibit 2, Results of operations Diamond Bar Estates Water Company Results of Operations Revenues 1 Metered Sales - Residential 2 Contributions for Construction 3 Other Revenue Total Revenue Operating Expenses 4 Labor - Operation & Maintenance 5 Labor Admin & General 6 Purchased Power & Fuel 7 Material & Supplies - Operation & Maint. 8 Material & Supplies - Admin & General 9 Contract Services - Professional 10 Contract Services - Water Testing 11 Contract Services - Other 12 Rentals - Property & Equipment 13 Cost of Construction 14 Utilities/Bank Fees 15 lnsurance 16 Total Operating Expenses 17 Depreciation Expense 18 Rate Case Amortization 19 Regulatory Fees 20 Property Taxes 21 Total Expenses 22 Net lncome A 20\4 Actual 25,696 642 Bookkpg. Water M. Fee Fee D Rate Case Fees F Pump Repairs 5,750 Power 479 G 2014 Adjusted 25,696 542 25,338 1,084 7,325 9,990 6,078 5 456 9,737 40,998 (14,660) 26,338 1,084 5,325 2,000 9,511 328 5 456 7,737 s26 2,238 27,205 1,881 277 302 29,665 13,3271 526 2,238 17,434 1,881 1,105 217 302 2,000 1,105 Exhibit 3 Diamond Bar Estates Revenue Requirement Test Year 2014 1 Rate Base 2 Rate of Return 3 Net Operating lncome Requirement 4 Gross Up Factor 5 Revenue lncrease Needed To Produce lncome Req. 6 lncome Needed to Overcome Loss Realized 7 Gross Up Factor Not Subject To lncome Taxes) 8 Revenue lncrease Needed To Overcome Loss Realized 9 Total Additional Revenue Requirement 10 Test Year Revenue Collected 11 Total Revenue Requirement 12 Percent lncrease Required 40,398 72.OO% 4,848 728.7622Yo 6,213 14,660 100.2487% 14,697 20,gLO 26,338 47.248 79.39Yo Gross Up Factor Calculation 13 Net lncome 14 PUC Fees 15 Bad Debts 16 Net Taxable 17 State Tax at 8% 18 Federal Taxable 19 FederallaxatT5% 20 NetAfterTax 21 Net To Gross Multiplier AB lncluding Excluding Taxes Taxes 700% 0.2481% 0.0000% 100% o.248t% 0.0000% 99.7sL900% 99.7sL900% 7.96OLYo 0.0000% 9L.79t8% 99.75t9% 73.7657% 0.0000% 78.O26LYo 99.75L9% L28.1622Yo tOO.2487Yo DIloEE!.tcummEs@ffiilt Tariff No. L Page Ll"trevised Canceling Ori.qinal paqe 1 ,P'8A{W EFFEAfrE' m,26 tl7 DEg 1 - 117 b*t*l GffiEr^Br Per Order No 30455 (Approval Stamp) Name of Utility Diamond Bar Estates Water Co. UETtsRED RASR RATtsS L t. v )- Minimn charqe S29roO per month (which covers both the domestic and irrigationneters and includes the first 5500 gallons of usage) i. C@{ I ./? $=8O per 1000 gallons in excess of 5500 gallons NOTE: Bills for water service will be rendered monthly and are payable llithin fifteen (15) days of the billing date November 1, 2OO7 December 1, 2OO7Issueo !;rrecErve Issued by Diamond Bar Estates tlater Co Bv ' -; t) ) Title Or'rner tDAlo PUBL|C t ILmEs couillstroilTariff No. 1 Page 2 Cancellnq 1s revised paoe 1 APPROVED EFFECTTVE ilf!,26'07 [)EC 1, -'07 PW#Ws*g*tAk (Approval Stanp) Name of Utility Diamond Bar Estates tlater Co NOTI-RECT,RRING CEAR]GES - $15 reconnection fee will be charged durj-ng business hours $30 reconnection fee will be charged after normal business Hours and weekends (Does not apply to seasonal installation of irrigation meters) $20 NSE' check return charge rssued November 1' 2o(f Effective December 1' 2oa1 Issued by Diamond Bar Estates tfat By la-tYf,r--,)*#Title Ovrner DAHO ruBLrc UNLMES CoMTIISSOOI Tariff No. L Page 3 Cancelinq none APPROVED EFFECTIVE t{trJ 26'07 tlEC 1 - t7 rffiffieeEmnv (Approva1 Stanp) Name of Utility Diamond Bar Estates Water Co NEIT CUSTOMER CODINECTIOI CEARGES For a first time connection to the Diamond Bar Estates Water Companysystem when an existing Service line and meter baseare already in place on the property the cost is g3.lffiO- 'll( tc; If there is no service line tap to the Company,s water mains ormeter box in place on the property the cost is $2500.00 When the installation of a new servj.ce line requires the Company tobore a line under a road, all additional costs will be charged tothe customer on a time and materials basis. The new customer may,at their option, hire a Dianond Bar $Iater Company approvedindependent contractor to perform the road bore and connection. The Company will require such contractor to show proof of bonding,l-icensing and insurance and have at least five (5) years of experience at hot tapping water lines, Diamond Bar Estates llater Company's Water Master will inspect and approve all the work beingperformed to insure cornpliance with the Coupany's installation requirements. NovemberIssuect L,2OO-t Effective December L, 2OO1 fssued by Diamond Bar Estates l{ater By ://h/4/ Z-,*>l,zl Title Owner Diamond Bar Estates Water Company Notice of Application for an lncrease in Rates and Charges. Diamond Bar Estates Water Company filed an Application with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission on December 18, 2015 for authorization to increase its rates on February 1,2076 to customers by approximately 79.39%. The Company is to increase the base monthly charge including the first 5,500 gallons of water from 529.00 per month to 552.02 per month and to increase its charges for water delivered in excess of 5,500 gallons per month from 50.80 to 51.44 per thousand gallons. This increase is necessary so the Company can recover its operating costs. The Company has operated at a loss for a number of years. The rate design proposed is intended to increase both the monthly base charge as well as the variable water consumption charge. The Company is also requesting an increase in the charges associated with new customers. A copy of the Application is on file and available for review at the Company's business office located at 2953 N. Government Way in Coeur d'Alene. A copy is also posted on the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Web Site at puc.idaho.gov. Comments or questions regarding this application should be directed to the Company and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission at the numbers and addresses below. Comments and inquiries may also be addressed to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission on its Web Site (puc.idaho.gov) by going to the "file room"' link on the home page and scrolling to the bottom of the list to "'file a comment or complaint"" Case No. DIA-W-15-O1 should be identified in all correspondence with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Diamond Bar Estates Water Company P.O. Box 1870 Hayden, ldaho 83835 Phone (208) 655-9200 ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720{,074 Phone (208) 334-0300 or (800) 432-0369