HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070413Application.pdf" - , DIAMOND BAR ESTATES WATER CO PO BOX 1870 HAYDEN ID 83835-1870 208 665 9200 208 665 9300 FAX i F, . i ' . ; ;: 9: ! i \ i . : ) : iL;-II_ ~;:: ,. :~)~ii.~. April 13, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ATTN Commission Secretary O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 :fA Subject: Case No. 'BBE-07- Dear Commission Secretary: Enclosed with this cover letter are an original and seven (7) copies of an Application with supporting exhibits requesting an increase in rates and charges for Diamond Bar Estates Water Company. An extra copy is also enclosed. Please date stamp this copy and return it to this Applicant for our records. :~ ,---;:: ZuGI,IJ Fh 1:07 BEFORE 'TIm IDAHO PlUlBUC C;P~ION~ iJ '' i :., Ii ' i.:. ,; C ,). '; i: ! :;:, S I. , IN TIEHE MAlTIER. OF '11IE AWlLIrCATION OF DIAMOND BAR ESTATES W A1'ER COMPANY) FOR AN ORDER AunIORmINTG JJNfCREASES IN) THE COMPANY'S RA1'E$ AND CID\JlGES FOR) W A'TJER SERVICE m TIm STA:1I1E o.FIDAHO ) CASJENO.. DiA":W-07- APPliCATION DIAMOND BAR ESTA1I1E$ WA 1'ER. roMP ANY (1tbe App1licm1t) m.nby appJies Dr am. 0rde:Ir IIDf llie Idallm Puu1bJIic U16iIiitiies ~oo (due ""Commi~ooal~.00: 1) ttIIm:: madIJf:$ ,iiIt ~1.J 11..414\.%. ABa- J!M)lII1!I11t!BDm~CID1IIIIIIpBIIDl:r$; the JDliBl!lllber CUS8:0JIJ!:JJeIS OOJmedm 00 1Ihe Wa1k.1r at YaIIr end t1briis; will produce appIDDIrirn'll11le.ly $1~71$1 reweJI1\UBe (f))Jf 93% 1IIID!DJJ!.tC 't6Imm m due b1t year~.. 'The hars JOOtt JIadl- jjJI$ 1ImBsic JaBJtes amd $im:e Order Nm. 292471 ( Cst!ie Mm.. GNR- W~-3\) ~j)f'(jj)(IJJIIl Uay 3\(!)l.1lOm 1the Compaumy $; iniiIDl IDBIIt!e;$ amd dDmiJrp amd fDJf P1mbJJic CoJD1~eore No.. 413; 1) ~:lii1DJlDl1L $200 to $Jl(Q) ,ii1t$:fi.a;:fur 1Ib:e firsft time imtmIIIIaIItiOJDl a JIJl!dIa' -m W'SID.IIIIie!; amd 3) ImpleJll!ll(fIDJJt all m eidBer ~ - $5,,5(00 aD 1IiiIme -m 1the p~ mmtt CWiUICII1Ilt Y exHst. CONNECTION RES Since 1the rime 1he Compmy" $; iImii1tiiaB1I catifiCBlte tine ~Y - and ~wad fu""hllii~appow.m1l1bD i1Lrs; ~ee aDJrea cmd! CStab1l:ii:m 3D. domestic \WIta' JIJIIIII:IIa'~1I1I:m1tiim1m fee roc 1the CompmImy" s 0Iigiiml ~oc amra.. (Case No.. UIfA- W -04-1, Or:rdker No. 19556). TIne Oommnnrniim ga:~the oortifiCBlte ~ - approved a fee of$lOO~ 1'Iaiis; fee i!; for the inQ:IIIn~all :mi:ItifIr 1kID all ~' 1kID (8l (8l lime Up to the 1Ime JIlUIid1a' box ii$ m~. 11tM:: C'~ lbdiewes; t1briis; $200 connedion fee :is; 1001 piJ' 1he ~ ' fue ~.J'\\Will. ii:tmcm -m 1I.1I1I:IBke fue requiIDed in.mIn~tlad'IDBttf: is; 1001 ma.~ thcsre :fues; to 531(0).. In $1DIppOrt of ttIlniis; ExltniilbBitt 'Hm.. 5 ii$ all of:anm invoice fun. ~ ~ Ccm.. btt 8\\W$1Ibe ~$ ~ b a 11."" JflIIleItu i3 $! 15..11.4.. CMs fur JIa!hDJr aumd (~ ((2) .IImDwm!;) b b~ m purebase 1the 1IJDdIer go m 1the ~11:11111m. Jkoxcadion, meter JId1l\nrnn 3II1t all ~ IID!$!l$..OO 1001 fue meta' caquaIs 1the $31l 0..00 ~~. 1I1Iniis; ii$ iimI 10 mooJ\mr 1Ihe ~--~" $ 0Mts; U1JIII11Iy" wriII1I. JIl1IDt IIDf1lbe - ~ iitomwre thm1t _:mmtIJf.'$ of 1tJbre ~$ aore IOOJ1t "O1e C~ ~!':Iffi1I roJII1Ily (Q)Df: (OJ( dwnriiJmg * at ~ - doa oot expodt 1t(Q) III!IIDI'e tbam IO11IIle or tWDJ sd ~(OO$ per yar m 1Ibe Jmf'JI!Ir :futwure. N* 1tJImmt DiiamIIDDdl Baor Walta' CompanmJ - mpaymD orB mwn. AJIJ! IaOOr chant~ lID! ttIlniis; are eRItlImr ffiooJmm 1I1III1tIH~Wl:I!IXh$ all IID\\WIOOd ~y. . JUmJbm' COJIIIl1lJbxe C'o1llUlJllilUlliY$ hoob; iimcJ!wrdk: pB.Jm1l ~ - emmpl~ lID! CooJipmies.. AppIIiiaumtt ii$ alm ~ng :!WID. Jme\\W :mpp.Dicabie 10 thMe ~1iDJDl$ wbt:Jre JIOOj) mmiinn ~ ' IIiUrrIe 111m 1Ibe or mdta' ii$ in p:lace.. Dewd~ iinn.1the IIJIre.BI. -mi1tlI:uiimI. m 1Ibe O1!J11nIlplB1W'~wOO area is; :fur 1- m of 5~. 'WJInen WdIIIIa' are it ii$ oo1t a dewelopus J1ODBIIIl ~ce tfm iimstaill maimt 1IiiIme. amrll K'IlWiia: li1rItes 1kID 1Ib:e JPDlIUlJP'ClIt,1limtes.. R.a.tbe.r sudD. iiumdl'JIII11:m()))DJ$ are !lOOt made lDIII1I16iJI. iimmpm~ are m. the pII:~ammd the Jknariiml lID! mlk ~ ii$~. "JI:he lID! 1tIbte5Je IlIID1ts; iis; \\Wide it is; mmt ~m effi.ciemI1t 1kID 1I.iiJmf'. 1kID JtiiJnr. 3II1t timme \Wta' IIIIDaBiim; are ii1mmUIIletl.. El!edtIrii!C SJenu ofitm is;pwJridlrOO. in 1Ibe gme 1.1r.ancl1 aI5 w.mb' lines iff the 10 the pu.~~JIfume are 1!IDXD\ faur ffiroJm the 1l~m. of immpro~allfdldiiUj(CJJmBI1I. ~ b ~,UJiip"lHaan1t ii$ iimIsumre SJD:Ire amd 111m 1tIIne QJI$ItIO11llOO':'lI:. "Jf'.be C(OtI!lIl!Glf8b1D.j'~~.mII.(Bl m:\\W bm;e c~ IIDf$1,,5OO..00 ~ ~ nnJbm's; em. ~ $3 mxoxmJDXQ) iff (8l nmd ~~.. "fhere dIIfamges; me tID! reL".())weI!:' 1the C'.m:DJpImy $ only ~ will. JOOtt 1tIIne e:!llInmii~IIDf1lb:e C~jY - wiillII..imJ.mre 1!hmtt 1hc m&I1IJfs of1lhe~f'are oo1t 1IIrae rooxB. Att..Jhveyd!1kID tIImi$ lH:~1Inii1lDii1t Nub" 6 IIDf 4 of1tbis coIlllllJedioo. fee~. 1'his; E~ is; (())f Diiamnmond Bar EDtes Wa11rf2r in. ~ - (())f~.. IOO$I!$ mCIDJlllfe exceed $1,,100..00 ti mmt &Imtlm NoM 6" Page 1l.. Bmmlt: IIaoOOr amnd tJqwplOOlall1t ~ - im,tm1lll ;mJlllDimiiml, JIme 1tmp" timre 1tIID 1the plll1JllU1t1 JIJIId:eIr bID~ JIID!dreJr~ lid and all $ foot stI1uiftHDwdt 1I.ii1m:e myCJllllii tt1Ine I!Il1lIdif:Ir 100)( all IIOOIldl are $l,5(MlOOM the m he is; m. 1Ihe $ide IIDf 1tlIne Jrmd :from 1the Coo1pmy" $ watermaii~a 1mre undeIr fue road is ~It.d 3II1t am. cmfu1IiittiiomJl. (OO$J\t of$J~ ~.. OO- GENERAL RATE IN CREASE REO UESf Exhibit Numbers 1 through 4 present the support for the Company s request to increase its water rates.. In preparing this Application, the Company s consultant bas reviewed all of the years 2003 through and including 2006 and adjusted the financial statements to reflect nonnal utility accounting practices. The consultants wOIk papers are included on a computer disc in electronic format for the Commi~on Staff" s review and should be used in lieu of the :annual repom; filed with the Commi~g,on.. Rate DaM; Exhibit No. Column (A) ofExlnOit No.1 presents the Compmys 2006 test year tate base as restated by our consultant. Plant in Service (line 1) bas increased from $3 060 as approved by the ommi~on in the year 2003 (Older No. 29241) to $16, 412.00 by the end of2006. The difference is composed of items Ordered by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ($11,253J)o), hydrant locks installed (with the consent of the fire district) to prevent water theft ($1 135.00) and legal fees to acquire and protect water rights ($1 023.00). None oftbese improvements produce additional revenue to the company. After deducting accumulated depreciation of $1 834., Net Plant in Service (Line 3) is $14 638.00. On lines 4, 5 and 6 1he Company has included its UDaIOOrbzed Rate Case expenses through the end of2006. The Company believes this is an apPJ:()priate addition to rate base for a small company with limited resourees.. The costs to process a rate case is a real cost of doing business that requires the infusion of capital that otherwise would not be required and could be invested by the owners in some other profitable manner. Exclusion of this item effectively precludes 1he owners from earning any return on these necessary investments. On line 8, a working capital allowance equal to 1I8~ of the Company s Operation, and Maintenance expenses is added to produce a Rate Base of $19 133.00 as shown on line 9. Columns (8). (C) and (D) add proforma adjustments to :rate base to recognize additional rate case expenses expected to be incurred to process this current Application, additional legal costs to complete the acquisition and perfection of the Company s water rights and to recognize additional working capital requirements resulting fiom the Company proforma Operation and Maintenance expenses presented on Exhibit No.2. The Total Rate Base the Compmy is proposing of $27 545.00 is shown on line 9, Column (E) of this exhibit. ResulU of Operations, Exhibit No. ExJn"bit No.2 presents in Columns (A) through (D) comparative income statements for the years 2003 tbrough and including 2006. The exhibit also includes proforma adjustments in Columns (E) through (I) to develop an adjusted income statement in Column (1) for use in this case to detennine the Company s revenue requirement. As can be seen in Columns (A) tbrough (D). the Company has operated at a loss for each year since the Compmy s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was issued and mtes were established by the Commi~mon. The owners have continued to provide additional capital to fund the cam flow needs of the Company to meet its operating costs and comply with governmentally required improvements and repairs. The test year 2006 (Column (D)) produced a net operating loss of$5 184.00. Adjustments to the test year include: Column (E) increases expenses by $359.00 to annllali7.e an increase in the Company s electric expenses that was effective in September 2006; Column (F) increases expenses by $1 661.00 to amortize the additional costs of preparing, filing and supporting this application over a three year amortization period; Column (0) increases expenses by $511.00 to normalize the Company s water testing expenses; Column (II) increases depreciation expense by $256.00 to annualize depreciation expense on plant added in 2006; Column (I) increases expenses by $3,900.00 to annualize increases in water master and bookkeeping fees that were effective July I , 2006. The adjusted test year 2006 Net Opernting Loss of $12 482.00 shown on line 21, Column (J) is used in this Application to determine the Company s revenue requirement. Cost of Capital and Rate of Return, Exhibit No. ExIn"bit No.3 present the capital stmcture and cost of capital for Diamond Bar Estates Water Company. Even though presented here as a conventional weighted cost of capital calculation, the practical result is that all capital bas been provided by the owners and therefore should be treated as equity. The Notes payable shown on this exhibit are simply a mechanism for the owners to tmck additional equity personally invested and transferred from other business interests of the owners. The overall weighted cost of capital and rate of return used in this case is 12% as shown on line 5, Column (D). Revenue RequiremeDt7 Exhibit No. Exhibit No.4 utilizes the data shown on the first three exhibits to develop the Company revenue reqWrement, revenue deficiency and increase in rates necessary to produce the revenue reqWrement. Applying the rate of return (from Exbt"bit No.3) shown on line 2 to the rate base (from Exhibit No.1) shown on line I produces a net operating income requirement ofSJ,305.00 as shown on line 3.. This net operating income must be grossed-up to provide for the effect of taxes and fees that are sensitive to increases in revenue. The calculation of the gross-up factor is shown on lines 10 through 18, Column (A) of this exhibit. The additional revenue necessary to produce the net operating income requirement is $4,231.00 as shown on line 5 oftbis exhibit. Additionally, revenue must be increased to overeome the net opeunrog loss of $12,482.00 shown on line 6. Additional revenues received to overcome this loss do not result in taxable income therefore a separate gross-up factor (excluding taxes) is calculated on lines 10 through , Column (B). The additional revenue necessary to overcome the net operating loss is $12,513.00 as shown on line 8 of this exIn"bit. The total additional revenue the Company must realize to produce the net operating income and overcome the net operating loss is $16 151.00 as shown on line 1. Line 8 shows the actual revenues collected fiom water sales in the test year.. Line 9 calculates the percentage increase in water revenues necessary TariJfs, Exhibit Nos. 1 & 8 Exhi"bit No., (a :2 page exhibit) is a marked-up copy of the company s existing tariff rates showing the existing rates and proposed rates in legislative format. ExIn"'bit No., (a 2 page exhibit) is a clean copy of the company s proposed new tariff sheets for the Commi~o ' approval. Customer Noti~ Edribit No. Exhibit No.9 (a one page exln"'bit) shows both the Company s notice to its customers and a notice to be published in the Coeur d' Alene Press and Spokesman Review newspapers. The customer notice will be included with customer bills in May. The newspaper notice will be published coincident with mailing the notice directly to our customers Rate Design, Exhibit No. 10 ExlnDit No.1 0 presents the Company s calculation of the new rates required to produce the revenue reqWrem.ent. Lines 1 through 8 of this exhibit calculate the average annual consumption of customers and revenues billed.. In this calculation, the Company has annualized revenues for the number of customers connected to the system at year end 2006. As shown on line 8, 41.34% of the Company s revenues are being produced from excess water consumption and 58.66% of the revenues come from the base rate including the :first 1 500 gallons of consumption. Lines 9 through 14 calculate the rates the Company proposes to produce the required revenue. The Company proposes to increase the amount of revenue collected through the base rate (mcluding the first 1 500 gallons) from 58.66% of total revenues to 15%. This shift is necessary to level out the Company s cash flow need to meet its fixed costs during winter months. This sbift also smoothes customeIS annual water costs over the year and decreases some of the summer spike in their bills. The proposed new base rate of $50. per month and excess commodity charge of$O.52/1000 gallons is shown on line 14. Lines 15 shows the avemge annual bill that results from the new proposed rates as compared to the annual bills under present rates shown on line 1. Effective Date & Modified Procedure The company proposes an effective date for the new rates to be the first day of the month beginning 30 days after the date of filing this case. That effective date would be June 1 2007. The company requests that the ~on proceed with this case under Modified Procedure without hearing. In the event the CoIIlDlissi.on determines a hearing is ecessary, the company stands ready to prepare and file testimony in support of the attached exhibits. Contact Information Questions regarding this application should be addressed to: Robert N. Turnipseed Diamond Bar Estates Water Co. O. Box 1870 Hayden, Idaho 83835 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd. Boise, Idaho 83713 Ph: (208) 665-9200 E-mail avondalecon~verizon. net Ph: (208) 761-9501 e- mail utilitygroup~yahoo. com Please provide copies of all correspondence, notices and orders to the above individuals. Respectfully submitted President DiiImmmmIII Barr Co" calcWlidliimm iliff Bim;;e ((B)) (~)(~)) PrldwtdlhQl moxs IP\IIDfilll1U111'a fDaPltaiiizle WIm1k:jing ~1"Uea Conrededl lIddiiliimt1rii1 Capbll 2!DXOS JItdiJIaI RaIe Case 'INaIJJs:f'm~IfQte IISe ~hb IBiuD ~h1I~!1~IBarie fI- iim $erlNi1te 116.412 3"W7I 2flD,4149 1!.ss ~tIiBdt ~iattiimm 11.$34 IPIamt iim $erlNim 114,,$3$3$1171 11$.,$115 ((Case 2. 7l$5 2.7/$5 Qmnenit RaIle I!:ase &;Iemse 11153 3,,$38 !Q'/OO ~1iiIredf ~izaIfi'oo (2,~)(2,,?28) II.nrrammIDrilliimllf BaItiIrm:e ~$.D 5J!i1 Wmf1kjirTg ~lt;W1 ((11/8111 d 0idMI &jp)2,,717/6 5f!H 313 lr dill RaIe Base 119.1133 3"aD 97!71 5f!H 2U'545 EJdhiilrrit 1NIiD.. 1 DllA-W-m'-G1 Di a m o n d B a r E s t a t e . Wg t t r C o . R8 8 u l h t o f O p Q f l t i o l ' 1 8 20 0 3 , 2 0 0 4 , 2 0 0 6 " no t V l l r 2 0 0 0 (A ) (f j ) (C ) (D ) (E ) (F ) (G ) (H ) (I ) (J ) Pr o f o r m a Pr o f o r m a Pr o F o r m l Pr o f o r m a Pr o f o r m a 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 ~ 20 0 S An n u l l l z t ! Am o r t l z o An n u I U z 8 O~ p r 8 e i o t i o n An n u o l l z t Ad j u l t e d ~I o e t r l e Cu r r t n t Wi i l t e r ~X p t n ~ Wo t i r m g l t e r Pr o F o r m m po w . r Rl t t C I I I To l t i n g 20 0 6 " B o o k k c u i l p l n g In e f f i a l o ~x p C ! l n o o ex p i n o ~ Ad d i t i o n l i Ch l r g l ! l l 20 0 0 Re v r h n u e . 1 M e t e r e d S i l i e l ~ R o 8 i d e n t l a l $ 1 1 , 13 6 2 C o n t r i b u t i o n . f o r Co f l 8 t l ' Y a t l o n 3 O t t ' l t r R e v l n u f t To t l l l R t v e n U l ! ! (J p l ! l r l i l t i M O ~x p i n f i 8 1 4 L ~ b o r = O p l m ~ t i o f ! " Mi i l i n t i M E j M C 8 2 , l: i 4 D 4 , l: i 3 f j 6 , 00 0 ~ L i i l b o f A d r f l i M " Gi n M~ 40 0 um o ft P U f o h i l l i t d F ' a w o r & F u i l r e f P o w o r :' M D D 4 , 62 0 6 , 03 1 ., M i t i r i i l l " ~ u p p l i t l i ~ O p ~ r i l t i t i M " Mg i M t M" f 6 (4 0 ) 2. 1 ~ O D M i t i r i l i l l " ~ U p p l i f t l i . A d r f l i f i " Go n 00 2 BO O 36 2 0 C o n t f i i l e t ~' r v i ~ 8 c Pr o f l l i l i l i o r u t l 2 j 39 1 2 , 41 8 41 2 10 C o n t r i i l e t ~ ' r v i e t l = W t l W f T 8 8 t i n g 4l : i O M O tj ~ 1 11 C t l f l t f i i l e t ~l ! I f V i € J 8 8 = O t h l i ! f 32 12 R 8 f 1 t t 1 I ! i = F' f o P i F t y " ~ q u l p 90 0 13 C O l t o f C O f I l t r u e t l o f l 14 I n i u r i f l O O :2 0 0 0 16 To t o l O p 8 r l l t i f l ~ ~ ) ( p C ! l n f i ' " 3 , 00 0 $ 6 , 9 4 1f t 0 8 p r 8 e i i l t i € ' f I ~X P 6 " ~ 1 i ! 2~ f t 1. 1 f J O 17 R E i t i e i i J i f ! ~ j ( P Am o r t j ~ i 1 t t i t : m 1 J ~O 7 = 2 , 22 4 1 f i Rt g u l l t o r y F 6 i 8 2~ 5 19 P r o p i F t y T i J x ~ 1 20 T o t a l E x p o n 8 ' 1 30 6 7 5 21 Ne t I n c o m e ( L o l l ) (1 2 , 48 2 .. . . . t . . , ) 00 0 ~0 0 1( ) f j Of J O 24 0 42 f t 20 0 00 0 10 0 20 0 fJ , O8 e 80 0 08 1 5 09 9 24 9 42 6 12 1 5 90 0 36 0 .j I I . (j j .. . i ,fi l l i' 1 i I ' i ~ i fI f f ~ t f! fi l l If m ~I ! if l 'l l H~ l ; j i i l i i ~ I i !;: J ' ,d o ii : s ;I! ! o ij ' I .. . I . W Ex.dItuId"mmg Tams 0..2486% ID..IOOOOW.4 99..715114% 71..BJl% 91I..7l7l1t3r.4 113.. 18.. 12$..11959% DianrMJmI Biitr WaIfIeIr Co.. Re'UeIOOe 1ReqwfHremetrd: TeSt Wear 2JOO6 1 RaKe Base 2 Radle d RSwIm 3 Net 0p.eIrGdfiin'g ftm:onrre Reqpuiirenrnemt 4 Grn1ss WIp) 1fam:b' Rew!II1ItUIe Uoorease II1IeadIedf jj!D) IPtr1OO!ium ~mtmllifle 1Req.. 6 Im:onrre INIeeIIedI ILms lReafiimdl ~~~~1kmlhn~1ratf!eS) 7 T datil ~i!iiDmmil ~ ~ irell1IM!'mt ~Dne 5 +1iime $~ 8 T esIt Wear ~1IJIe 9 PeIIt:ent It1rricreiise iim ~p iFad!DIr CallaIlIaItiimrn UOOitJJld"nng T aI!\eS 10 Net Im:onrne 11 PUC Fees 12 Bad! DeIhts 13 Net 14 S1faUeT_~$% 15 Fet!Ie!raII TuabRe 16 Federal TaD: ~ 115% 11 Net After Tax 18 Neltm Gross IYlJlftipIIfter 271 545 12.00% 305 12$..11959% 237 112,,482 1tOO2G1Z% 112.,513 116.7151 1171 892 93..62% 11 00% ID..2486% ID.. 99..715114% ID..OOOiO% 99..715114% ID..OOIOOJ% 99..15114% 1100.2492% Exhibiit No.. 4 DlA-W-O1-O1 INVOICE Consolidated Supply Co. O. Box 5788 Portland, OR 97228 "'" QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228-5788 EO203X 10433 D25929892 P136767 0001:0001 ~ 11..I"III.I..I...lli.I"..III..I,..III...I".III.lli.. g: BAR CIRCLE " S" WATER INC ~ PO BOX 1870 HAYDEN LAKE ID 83835-1870 SHIP TO: BAR CIRCLE " S" WATER INC PO BOX 1870 HAYDEN LAKE ID 83835 1" 452-IIS HERSEY WTR METER US GAL ENVIROBRASSII NO-LEAD BODY CI BOTTOM SER NO: J ~ t\~ , ' '" \.,..- "', , Invoice is due by 11/30106~__MAM SUBTOTAL FREIGHT SALES TAX 174. ~ot~ 10. RdeEAT T\IWPSEED AMOUNT DUE'185. Exhibit No. DIA-W-O1-O1 age 1 of 1 0001:0001 .L","""-""&I .LV.,..... 1"" '01'..UIli2U.L....OIULGU """".L~,...~- - -. - --~-..- ** Quotation **Bid #: S4005180 Page #: Consolidated Supply Co. send pia To: CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO - CDA 155 EAST DALT?N AVE DALTON GARDENS ID 83815 Phone # : 2 08 - 762 - 2 568 Bid To:Ship To: AVONDALE CONSTRUCTION - BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER CO. INC. 1714 W. GARWOOD ROAD RATHDRUM, ID 83858 JOB: AVONDALE CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 1870 HAYDEN LAKE ID 83835 Phone # : 208-665-9200 Bid-Date-Expr -Date-Writer 10/02/06 11/01/06 Mike Davis - CDA Salesman HOUSE WW CDA Ship Via WCN WC NOW Quantity Description Net Prc Ext Prc ********* Shipping Instructions ********** * SW CORNER OF GARWOOD RD AND CIRCLE " S" * TRAIL , RATHDRUM , IDAHO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * lea ROMAC 202S-05X2"IPT 8"X2"83. 66ea 83. DBL SS STRAP SADDLE 8.63 -lea 73131B EB MIP X MIP BALL CORP 211. 33ea 211. STOP AY MCDONALD 2ea 74754-33 EB IPS PJ X FIPT CPLG 93. 36ea 186. ADAPTER AY MCDONALD 2ea 6136 IPS STIFFENER AY MCDONALD 4. 50ealea1"X36"20-436WDDD44 METER SETTER 307.16ea 307. 1" AMV X l" AMC AY MCDONALD CDA/HLID/NKWD SPEC.lea 2 "Xl" GAL CI HEX HD BUSHING 9. 08EA DOMESTIClea1" X4" GAL STEEL NI PPLE 1 . 61EAleaB37H 4'CONCRETE STANDARD METER SET 153. 34ea 153. W/HINGE LIDlea452-IIS HERSEY WTR METER US GAL 174. 66EA 174. ENVIROBRASSII NO-LEAD BODY CI BOTTOM SER NO: ---------- Bid Total Sales tax 1136. 68. ---------- Bid Amount 1204. L:L..":i.. !tJL-AUJUI1JJIU, 1I.w.uJ.. Page 1 DIA-W.ro!-()l ON-SITE EXCAVATING INC16480 N SPUR STREET RATHDRUM IO 83858-7926 QUOTATION Quote Number: 518 Quote Date: Sep 1,2006Page: Voice: 208-687-2022 Fax: 208-687-2033 BAR CIRCLE S WATER O. BOX 1870 HAYDEN LAKE , 10 83835 INSTALL 1" METER WI TAP & ROAD BORE OR CUT & ASPHALT PATCH. Subtotal Sales Tax 500. . &biJIjt No.. 6 Page 2 . DBE-W-&7l-O1 Avondale Construction Inc Estimate PO Box 1870 Hayden, ill 83835 DATE ESTIMATE NO. 10/27/2006 NAME / ADDRESS Diamond Bar Water PO Box 1870 Hayden II) 83835 PROJECT DESCRIPTION QTY COST TOTAL Waterline Hookup - Bore under road and asphalt 000.000. TOTAL 000. ExBWmin: ~.. Page 3 DIA-W-uJ-oI Avondale Construction Inc Estimate PO Box 1870 Hayden, ill 83835 DATE ESTIMATE NO. 10/26/2006 JI, NAME ADDRESS Diamond Bar Water PO Box 1870 Hayden ill 83835 PROJECT DESCRIPTION QTY COST TOTAL Water Line Hookup to Existing water system - Parts only 1,204.204. Labor, service truck approximately 12 hrsIman and truck ~$501hr 600.600. Backhoe, operator/watermaster 12 hrs ~75.900.900. TOTAL 704. ExI:DibiiIt No- 6 Page 4 DIA-W-OD'-Ol "fttri .... 1 11 sit R~ Page 11 ~ ~ ((INJ) ~Orit!Jjimiit Page 1 I ~ (QNJ)) (N ~. of ~-. ft7JdIra mrmamd Bar Wa. Co ... -. - . --".. JiiIiIC. 1'ilge. ..,.1eJl; ~~:""':~",.:, ';.- "lr~ I,.n . c , " \---...~- IIBM A2~.' .at. ........--~ ,..~~.&..~- ~'!i;---:L .. . r "'lII'---.IIlA. .""-.5 .. ---". C!J 7' ....seo ~1: Jam. '.' see gP'~or .me 1$50l-00 ~ ((N).$n ...:'& per.afi~, $lD..52 I 00 -....= - 1ti'ili&fDr MM-8e!rIriee w:i.11.. be. .a..",.8IIIIdJ.ly BPS! ad! paJ'ab"l ;t"~tW--CUI 1Iap of &:1Ie ,hi.l:1.illU" 2GG3 2083 J:.lJUled btr Br. ' ' ' nt~e ~"t , . . 8!ImiIIiit 1NIo- 7 Page 1 DHA-W-m-Q1 Ta1j.ff. .. 1i'IoIgR :I. 1-" "'"'P~ 1. ~stt = ~ ~((N~~l . .-....e .of Ut::tli~y -- W'!~- ...... -- ..' - '-11-.--.- &:so 1M .'01M PI: "~"II!Ir-. ... """"""' 111 iiIIl . ."-- vd1JlilU ag-- '$~~-l:~ ~~ -r~i"'".fee &M:- i~.i9i't;~ $:IS ./u:a.:uau.n=;Ctt DO. w:i.11 'btt- ~gmI 'b1I8i "~:fJ. ~~~~~ =~ .f~ mu:tDemJr I(N) ~ . aat apply I:.o -JIVIIIIVirI1 imst.aJ.i_,iQin. of: lEEf..pt.::iOD ~~I('JiI) 111 29!iiS6 "$8 ~ -.I:i~ ~ -.;; ~ l.....t-.11art1.~ 'IlIIIa Applicable to ... find time ser-wice connedions $311~..OO dDinrnesUiit: wsIIer me1Ier iUrnsltallll1ltt fee a selNiiI:e lime m 1Jhie and a JI1!1IeIer II1ase are alreadf iirn pace. $2.5ID!!D..OO 00II1IIf1IedIii fee wihIere a selMa! Hine m 1!ftTe ~u II1!1\eIer It1ase and IfII1Iefer Ihme lOOt been ((N) iiIrnsIIaIIIIed ami is 00 1IIhe same side tDJff 1IIhe mad! as 1Jhie Coornpall1!f'setMt;e mrnaiin.. $3uOO!l,OO tDOOI!1Iedtiimrn 1fee wmern UJtne CUISItIOmnIeIrs is 00 UJtne oppDSiIe siide tDJff 1IIhe road 1firomrn titre Compamrfs water SlelNiicle main and HIt is to trem:IhI OI!' bore aa:ross titre mad to iBms1laJDI titre seMte 1I000, me1Ier!base amillI1!1\eIer 1D UJtne properly.. 20fH tect: i 2M40 """"" by - ;~ .4. YO """'. ., . T~~~~f~" Exhibiit No.. 7 Page 2 DIA-W-l1D71-O1 Tarriff No.Page 1 1st Revised Page Canceling Original Page 1 Name of Utility Diamond Bar Estates, LLC dba Diamond Bar Estates Water Co. METERED WATER RATES MONTHLY 0 - 7 500 gallons $50. 500 gallons or more NOTE: Bills for water service will be rendered monthly and are payable within fifteen (15) days of the billing date. Per Commission Order No. Issued April 13, 2007 Effective tfb nle (Approval Stamp) per additional thousand June 1 , 2007 President/Manager Exlnoit No. Page 1 DIA-W-O1- Tarriff No.Page 1 2nd Revised page 1 Cancelina Name of Utility 1 st Revised paae 1 Diamond Bar Estates, llc dba Diamond Bar Estates Water Co.(Approval Stamp) NON-RECURRING CHARGES $500 one-time initial meter fee for irrigation meters $15 reconnection fee will be charged during business hours. $30 reconnection fee will be charged after normal business hours, weekends and holidays. Applicable to new first time service connections. $310.00 domestic water meter installation fee where a service line to the property and a meter base are already in place. $2,500.00 connection fee where a service line to the property, meter base and meter have not been installed and the property is on the same side of the road as the Companys water service main. 000.00 additional connection fee when the customers property is on the opposite side of the road from the Companys water service main and it is necessary to trench or bore accross the road to install the service line meter base and meter to the customers property. Per Commission Order No. Issued April 13, 2007 Effective June 1 , 2007 Hle PresidentlManaaer Exhibit No. Page 2 DIA-W-O1-O1 Icustomer Notice Regarding Water Rates I Diamond Bar Estates Water Company filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on April 13, 2007 for authoriization to increase its rates on June 1, 2007 to customers by approximately 81%. The Company is to inaease the base monthly charge including the first 7 500 gaKlons of water from $21.00 per month to $50.00 per month and 10 increase its charges for water delivered in excess of 7 500 gallons per month from $0.45 to SO.52 per thousand gallons. This increase is necessary so the Company can recover its operating costs. The Company has operated a loss b a number of years. The rate design proposed, that inaeases the basic charge at a rate greaIer than the increase in the excess commocfuty charge, is intended to improve the Company"s cash flow requirements in the winter months while at the same time llevelizing customers monIhty Ids 1hroughout the year. A copf of 1I!he Apprucation is en fille and availalb1le for review at the Company"s bUIsiness office located at 2953 N. Government Way in Coeur d'AJene.. A Copy is also posted on the Idaho Puk Ub1ities Commission's Web Site at puc.idaho..gov Comments or questions regarding 1his appIicaIiioo should be directed to the Company and the Idaho Public UtIlities Commission at the numbers and addresses below.. Comments and inquiries may also be addressed liD the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on its Web Site (puc.idaho.gov) by going to the "file room"' link on the home page and scrolling to the botIom of the fISt 10 "'file a comment or complaint"" Case No. DlA-W-O1-O1 should be identified in all correspondence wiIh the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Diamond Bar Estates Water Co.. O. Box 1870 Hayden, Idaho 83835 Ph (208) 665-9200 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 8372~14 PH (208) 334-0300 (800) 432-0369 Diamond Bar Estates Water Company Notice of Application for an Increase in Rates and Charges. Diamond Bar EsIaI.es Water Company filed an Application with 1he Idaho PubfiC Ublities Commission on AprIl 13, 2007 for authorization to increase its rates on June 1 , 2007 to customers by approximately 87%. The Company is proposing to increase the base monthly charge including the first 7 500 gallons of water from $21.00 per month to $50.00 per month and to increase its charges for water delivered in excess of 7 500 gallons per month from $0.45 to $0..52 per thousand gallons.. This increase is necessary so the Company can recover its operating costs. The Company has operated a loss for a number of years. The rate design proposed, that increases the basic charge at a rate greater than the increase in the excess commcxflty charge, is intended to improve the Company"s cash flow requirements in the winter months while at the same time Heveliizing aJStomeirs monthly bib 1hroughout the year. A copy of the Application is on file and available for review at the Company's business office located at 2953 N.. Government Way in Coeur d"AJene. A Copy is also posted on 1he Idaho Pulic Utilities Commission's Web Site at puc..idaho..gov Comments or questions regarding this application should be directed to the Company and the Idaho Public Ublities Commission at the numbers and addresses below.. Comments and inquiries may also be addressed 10 the Idaho Pubric Utilities Commission on its Web Site (pucJdaho.gov) by going to the "'file room'. link on the home page and scrolling to the bottom of the list to "'file a comment or complainf". Case No. DIA-W007001 should be identified in all correspondence with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Diiamood Bar Water Co.. .Q.. Box 1870 Hayden, Idaho 83835 Ph (208) 665-9200 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 PH (208) 334-0300 (800) 432-0369 Exhibit No.. 9 DIA-W-Q7 .01 0 ~ c: : r ~: : ; " I Z ~ 0 Di a m o n d B a r E s t a t e s W a t e r C o . De t e r m i n a t i o n o f R a t e s (A ) (I D (C ) (D ) (E ) 1 A v e r a g e N o . o f C u s t o m e r s Ja n - Ju l y Au g - D e c An n u a l A v g 4 T o t a l E x c e s s W a t e r M e t e r e d 0 A v e r a g e A n n u a l E x c e s s W a t e r / C u s t o m e r 6 A n n u a l i z e d E x c e l 8 f o r 4 3 c u B t o m e r s 42 . 41 8 7 16 , 74 0 , 11 0 Ga l l o n s 39 4 , 61 3 Ga l l o n s 16 , 97 0 , 93 6 Ga l l o n s An n u a l i z e d A v e r a g e EJ i I I / Cu 8 t o m e r At C u r r e n t R a t e s Pe r c e n t o f T o t a l B i l l Cu s t o m e r Co m p a n y Ex c e s s Mi n i m u m C h g To t a l A n n u a l An n u a l R e v $0 , 4 6 / 0 0 0 G a l 21 / M o . Bi l l W/ 4 3 C u s t $ 1 7 7 . 80 $ 2 6 2 . 00 4 2 9 . 60 $ 1 8 . 4 7 2 . 41 . 3 4 % 6 8 . 66 % 1 0 0 . 00 % 9 R e q u l o t s t e d R e v e n u e $ 3 4 , 84 2 . Ex c e s s Mi n i m u m C h g 10 R a t i o o f C o m m o d i t y t o M i n i m u m R e q u e s t e d . 26 % 75 % 11 R e q u e s t e d R e v e n u e D i s t r i b u t i o n $ 8 , 88 0 . 73 $ 2 6 , 98 2 . 18 $ 12 C a l c u l a t e d M l n C h g / M o . w/4 3 CU l t $ 6 0 . 13 C a l c u l a t e d R o t o P o r 0 0 0 G a l 61 1 3 14 ~t e s 0J 2 0 0 1 ir 6 O l To t a l 10 0 % 34 , 84 2 . An n u a l i z e d A v e r a g e B i l l / c u s t o m e r At P r o p o s e d R a t o s 18 P e r c e n t I n c r e a s e i n A v e r a g e A n n u a l EJ i I I 17 A v e r a g e I n c r e a s e d C o s t P e r C u s t o m e r P e r M o n t h Cu s t o m e r Co m p a n y Ex c e s s G Mi n i m u m C h g To t a l A n n u a l An n u a l R e v $0 . 62 / 0 0 0 G a l $5 0 / M o . Bi l l W/ 4 3 C u s t $ 2 0 5 . 23 $ 8 0 0 . 00 $ 80 5 . 3 $ 3 4 , 62 4 . 87 . 4 4 % 31 .