HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150317Petition.pdfLt-t-l-\Al'15'o 1 ?[ii liirfi []t C: l+6 'ilL,,1:":l WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT THIS WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT (his "Agreement") is made and entered into this 2nd day of March, 2015 (the "E&IiE-Date"), by and between Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District, a water and sewer district organized pursuant to Chapter 32 of Title 42 of the Idaho Code, whose address is c/o Robert L. Harris, Holden, Kidwell, Hahn & Crapo, P.L.L.C., 1000 Riverwalk Dr., Ste. 200, P.O. Box 50130, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 (hereinafter "District"), an6 Country Club Hills Utilities, Inc., an [daho corporation, whose address is P.O. Box 50220, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 (hereinafter "CCHU"). District and CCHIJ are individually a "Party" and together the "Parties". RECITALS: A. CCHU is an Idaho corporation formally organized in 1994 for the purpose of owning and operating a "domestic water distribution system and a domestic sewer system." CCHU Articles of Incorporation at Article V. The water and sewer systems are generally associated with the Idaho Falls Country Club and its surrounding residential subdivisions identified on Exhibit I attached hereto. B. CCHU has entered into a certain Compliance Agreement Schedule ldaho Code $ 39-116A dated January 17, 2012 (hereinafter, "Compliance Asreement") with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("[DEO") conceming needed infrastructure improvements to CCHU'S sewer system. As explained in CCI{U's Environmental Information Document submission to IDEQ: [CCHU] has entered into a Compliance Agreement with IIDEQI to improve its wastewater facilities by January 1,2016. Currently, CCHU treats wastewater from its system in two total containment lagoons. The lagoons are undersized and are leaking by more than what is allowed in the new wastewater rules. The result of the leaking lagoons is raw wastewater percolates into the Eastem Snake River Plain Sole Source Aquifer, thereby creating a significant hazard to public health. The Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer is the sole source of drinking water for all of southeast ldaho, therefore it is essential work is complete[d] to eliminate potential contaminates such as the CCHU lagoons. Eastem Idaho Regional Wastewater Authority (EIRWA) has constructed a new wastewater treatment plant in Shelley, Idaho with the capacity to treat wastewater from Shelley, Ammon, Bingham County, and Bonneville County. In addition to the treatment plant, there is also a large diameter sewer line in close proximity to Country Club Hills with the capacity to handle the additional wastewater flow from CCHU, therefore, the Recommended Alternative is to WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT - I install two miles of l2-inch sewer line and associated appurtenances in an existing paved county road to the existing Eastern Idaho Regional Wastewater Authority infrastructure, and tum over the responsibility of treating the wastewater to the Oxbow Wastewater Treatment Plant in Shelley, Idaho. Environmentol Information Document at l-2. C. In order to complete the Recommended Alternative described in the above paragraph, CCHU has applied for and received a low-interest loan from IDEQ in the amount of $1,641,000.00 (the "Loan"). CCHU is proceeding through the remaining steps of the IDEQ process to receive the loan amounts and begin construction of the Recommended Altemative. D. However, EIRWA has requested the formation of a sewer district before it will allow connection into its system because a sewer district has taxing authority. Additionally, CCHU desires to transfer ownership of the water and sewer system to another entity for operation: As a condition of accepting and treating the wastewater from CCHU, the board of EIRWA is requiring CCHU to form a sewer district. CCHU management is currently taking steps to form the district and have hired an attorney to lead the effort. The name of the district will be the Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District (TMWSD) and once it is formed and a Board of Directors named, the EIRWA Board will issue a "Will Serve" letter to TMWSD for their existing connections. Environmental Information Document at 2. E. Therefore, District has recently been formed to (l) participate in the Recommended Alternative as a condition of connecting to the EIRWA system and complying with the Compliance Agreement, and (2) to receive the assets of CCHU and assume operation of the water and sewer system. In order to accomplish these objections, the Parties hereby agree as follows. AGREEMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, and upon the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter provided, the Parties agree as follows: l. Compliance Asreement. District shall work with CCHU in good faith and undertake any and all actions necessary to assist and ensure CCHU's compliance with the provisions and deadlines contained in the Compliance Agreemenl to avoid any of the potential penalties outlined in paragraph I I of the Compliance Agreemenf. Nevertheless, District was not a party to the Compliance Agreement, and District assumes none of the obligations or potential penalties agreed to by CCHU in the Compliance Agreement. District does reserve the right to enter into another compliance agreement with IDEQ in its sole discretion. WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT - 2 2. Assienment of Loan and Transfer of Assets. The Parties shall undertake all necessary actions and execute all necessary documents in order to assign the Loan to the District. As part of that process, it is necessary that District own the water and sewer system (except for the sewage lagoons) in order to provide collateral to IDEQ to secure the Loan. In that regard, the Parties further agree as follows: (a) Transfer of Water and Sewer System Assets. CCHU shall sell, convey, assign, transfer, and deliver to District, and District shall purchase or otherwise acquire from CCHU, all of CCHU's right, title, and interest in and to all of CCHU's property and assets, whether real, personal, or mixed, tangible and intangible, of every kind and description, wherever located described in Exhibit 2 (collectively, the "Purchased Assets"), but excluding the Excluded Assets listed on Exhibit 3, free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances, security interests, and impairments of title of any kind or nature (collectively, "Li€o!"). To the extent any Purchased Asset by its terms cannot be sold, CCHU shall assign or otherwise transfer to District all of CCHU's rights therein, or if not assignable, sublease or sublicense such assets to District in a manner satisfactory to District. (b) Condition of Purchased Assets. The Purchased Assets have been examined by District, and District agrees to obtain the Purchased Assets "as is." (c) Purchase Price. There is no purchase price for the Purchased Assets. (d) Title lnsurance Policy. CCHU shall select a title company and shall secure a title commitment from said title company for the real property being transferred from CCHU to the District identified in Exhibit 2 (excluding Water Right No. 25-7090) which CCHU shall provide to District fourteen (14) days before Closing for District's review and objection in the event a defect in title or other issue is identified. In the event there are no objections to the title commitment, at Closing, said title company shall commit to issue to and in favor of District an ALTA Standard Owner's Policy of Title Insurance issued by the title company with respect to the real property to be transferred to District insuring fee simple title to such property in District effective on the Closing Date, subject to the standard exclusions and exceptions in such form of policy and subject to any permitted exceptions. CCHU shall pay the costs for such title insurance policy for the real property to be transferred to District, along with any escrow fees and other closing costs associated with the real property. 3. Limited Assumption of Liabilities. At Closing, District shall only assume liability for the future use of the Purchased Assets by District. District shall not assume, and therefore CCHU shall retain liability and/or responsibility, for past actions and operations of CCHU and CCHU's operation of the water and sewer system (including the sewage lagoons) either currently known or not currently known to the Parties. District shall likewise not assrune, and therefore CCHU shall retain liability and/or responsibility, for any currently pending litigation against CCHU, including, but not limited to, Bonneville County Case No. CV-2014-1849-OC (Norell v. Country Club Hills Utilities, Inc., et al.). 4. Risk of Loss. CCHU shall bear the risk of loss and repair to the Purchased Assets prior to Closing, including the cost of repair for material damage or restoration to operating condition where such damage to or cessation of operation of any of the Purchased Assets occurs WATER AI\[D SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT - 3 prior to Closing. District shall bear the risk of loss to the Purchased Assets from and after Closing. 5. Closine. (a) Date and Place. Subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the closing of the Agreement will take place at the Idaho Falls Country Club Clubhouse on March 2,2015 (the "Closing Date") unless the Parties otherwise agree. (b) Delivery of Documents. At Closing, the Panies shall deliver all necessary executed documents to transfer title and/or ownership of the Purchased Assets to District. (c) Assisnment of Assessment Accounts. At Closing, CCHU shall assign all assessment accounts to the District, and thereafter, District shall have any and all rights to such assessments, including revenue received after Closing from accounts receivable (or assessments that are otherwise in arrears). In addition, District shall assess in March for utility services rendered in February by CCHU, which is consistent with CCHU's past practice, and District shall be entitled to the revenue from such assessments. From these funds, the District shall pay the February 2015 Rocky Mountain Power bill. (d) Assessment Accounts Receivable. At Closing, CCHU shall provide an updated list of accounts receivable to CCHU incuned prior to Closing. (e) Assisnment of Accounts for Services. At or prior to Closing, CCHU shall have paid all outstanding balances incurred for services rendered for CCHU up to the Closing Date except as specified in Paragraph 5(c). At Closing, CCHU shall consent to the assignment of the accounts for such services to District's name. The District shall transfer after closing all accounts to its name. (0 Payment of Taxes. CCHU shall pay all government and property tax notices associated with the Purchased Assets up to the Closing Date. All government and property taxes incurred after the Closing Date shall be paid by District. Payment of government and property taxes shall be pro-rated if necessary. 6. Lease of Existins Lagoons. CCHU hereby leases to the District the existing sewage lagoons and the property to which it is appurtenant from the Closing Date up until the sewer lines are connected to the EIRWA system and use of the lagoons is no longer necessary. Because the District's use of the lagoons shall be the same as it has been historically used, CCHU shall assume liability for use of the lagoon during the term of the lease. As payment for lease of the lagoons, District shall pay any and all taxes or assessments associated with the sewage lagoons and the property to which they are appurtenant. District shall also be responsible for repair and maintenance of the lagoons and lift station during the term of the lease. 7. Chanse Orders for Rehabilitation of Existinglaqoons. Once the existing sewage lagoons are no longer needed, they are scheduled to be rehabilitated as part ofthe overall project funded by the Loan (the Environmental Impact Documenr has allocated five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for this work) and the District will be responsible for any work that can be completed as part of the total project within the amounts available for the Loan. CCHU shall WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT.4 pay for any change orders that may occur which are specif,rcally related to rehabilitation of the lagoons that exceed the amount available under the Loan. 8. Water Riehts. The only water right associated with the CCHU system is Water Right No. 25-7090, which was decreed on September 30, 2005 in the Snake River Basin Adjudication by the District Court for the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Idatro. The water right is more fully described in SRBA Decree attached hereto as Exhibit 5. As described in Exhibit 5, Water Right No. 25-7090 allows domestic use for only 65 lots, but there are currently an estimated 185 platted lots that are or will be serviced by the CCHU water and sewer systems. At Closing, CCHU shall pay five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to District for the anticipated costs preparing the application for water right permit, filing fees, and other costs associated with efforts by District to obtain the water right permit to cover the remaining lots (approximately 120 lots). 9. EngineeringServices. CCHU and J. Freiberg Engineering, LLC have entered into certain agreements for engineering services. Nothing herein shall either obligate or prohibit District from entering into a new contract with J. Freiberg Engineering, LLC, or another engineering firm, for engineering services to complete the Recommended Alternative. 10. Representations of CCHU. (a) Authoriqv. CCHU represents and warrants that it is a corporation, organized and existing under tdaho law. CCHU represents that it has the power and authority to make this Agreement and to carry out the provisions hereof. The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been duly authorized by CCFIU. (b) Compliance with Aereements. CCHU warrants that it is not in breach of any agreement relating to or associated in any way with the water and sewer system. (c) Obligations of CCHU. CCHU will execute, acknowledge and deliver to District an assignment as to any warranties and repair and maintenance agreements relating to the property and assets and other such instruments as shall be required or as may be desirable in order to effectively vest in District good, insurable, and marketable title to the assets, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, pledges, security interests and charges. I l. Representations of District. (a) Authoritv. District is duly constituted and validly existing under the law of the State of Idaho. After a majority vote of the Board of Directors of District, District has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement according to its terms. Thus, the execution and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized and approved by all necessary persons and bodies. The officer(s) executing this Agreement and all documents in connection with this Agreement are fully authorized to do so. 12. Warranties to Survive Closine. All representations and warranties made by the Parties herein are also covenants, and each Party shall take all such actions as may be required to satisfu said covenants and to cause the representations and warranties to be true on and as of theclosing. The Parties' respective obligations to close and consummate the transaction WATER AI{D SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT.5 contemplated herein are contingent upon the representations, warranties and covenants contained in this Agreement being true, valid and satisfied on and as of the closing. All such representations and warranties shall survive the closing. 13. Default. Either Party's failure to perform any material term or condition of this Agreement or a Party's breach of any of such Party's representations or warranties (in which event the non-defaulting party may pursue any available remedy, including equitable relief) shall constitute default under this Agreement. 14. Miscellaneous. (a) Attorneys' Fees. [f either party commences any legal action or proceeding to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement (or for damages by reason of an alleged breach hereof), the prevailing party therein shall be entitled to recover from the other, in addition to any other relief granted, its reasonable attorney's fees, costs and expenses incidental to such legal action. (b) Notices. Any notice under this Agreement shall be in writing and be delivered in person, by U.S. Mail, by private courier, or by facsimile. Notice shall be provided to the following: District CCHU Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer Country Club Hills Utilities, Inc.District c/o Michael Groth clo Robert L. Harris, Holden, 570 S. Yellowstone Kidwell, Hahn & Crapo, P.L.L.C. Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 1000 Riverwalk Dr., Ste. 200 P.O. Box 50130 Idaho Falls, ID 83405 District's Representative Robert L. Harris Holden, Kidwell, Hahn & Crapo, P.L.L.C. 1000 Riverwalk Dr., Ste. 200 P.O. Box 50130 Idaho Falls, ID 83405 CCHU's Representative Steven L. Taggart Maynes Taggart PLLC 525 Park Avenue, Suite 2E Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (c) Merser. This Agreement supersedes any and all other written or verbal agreements between the Parties hereto regarding the Water Right. Neither CCHU nor District shall be bound by any understanding, agreement, promise, representation or stipulation, express or implied, not specifically contained herein. (d) Remedies Cumulative. Upon any breach, any and all rights and remedies which either Party may have under this Agreement or by operation of law or equity, shall be distinct, separate and cumulative and shall not be deemed inconsistent with each other. No such right or remedy, whether exercised by said Party or not, shall be deemed to be in exclusion of WATER AI\[D SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT - 6 any other right or remedy, any two or more of all such rights and remedies may be exercised at the same time or separately as desired. (e) Further Documents. The Parties hereby agree that they shall sign such other and further documents as may be required to carry into effect the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (0 Enforceability. The validity or enforceability of any term, phrase, clause, paragraph, restriction, covenant, agreement or other provision hereof, shall in no way affect the validity or enforcement of the remaining provisions, or any part hereof. (g) Countemarts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts for all the convenience of the Parties, all of which, when taken together and after execution by all Parties hereto, shall constitute one and the same Agreement. (h) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho. (i) Successors. This Agreement is for the benefit only of the Parties hereto and shall inure to the benefit of and bind their respective heirs, agents, personal representatives, successors and assigns. CI) Essence of Time. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have duly executed this Agreement effective on the date set fonh above. *DISTRICT" TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ..CCHU" COUNTRY CLUB HILLS UTILITIES,INC. By: By: ---':7-/.'.z ' .l ,.r- o ,'/ rr''- WATER AI{D Sf,WER SYSTEM AGREEMENT. T EXHIBIT I PROPERTIES SERVED BY THE CCHU SYSTEM Holiday Hills Subdivision, Division No. 1 Holiday Hills Subdivision, Division No. 2 Holiday Hills Subdivision, Division No. 5 Holiday Hills, an ldaho Condominium Project Country Club Hills, Division No. I Country Club Hills, First Amended Division No. 2 Country Club Hills, Division No. 3 Idaho Falls Country Club (domestic water only) t home located at1759 E. 113 S., ldaho Falls, ID 83404 (as of the Effective Date, this home is owned by Ron Dickemore) I home located at 11645 S. l0th E., Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (as of the Effective Date, this home is owned by Robyn Longhurst) WATER AI{D SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT - 8 l. EXHIBIT 2 PURCHASED ASSETS All books and records of CCHU, including, but not limited to, customer information, account information, accounts receivable and meter reading entries. The following items of real or personal property: a. 2 wells b. Storage tank c. 2 pumps d. Electrical system e. Water & sewer lines to various properties f. Water keys g. Meter reader tool The real property identified in the attached warranty deed. Water Right No. 25-7090. 2. a-r. 4. WATER A}tD SEWER SYSTEM AGREf,MENT.9 EXHIBIT 3 EXCLUDED ASSETS l. Sewage lagoons, lift station and associated real property as described in the attached deed. WATER AIYD SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT. 10 l. EXHIBIT 4 ACCOUNTS RECETVABLE As contained in the CCHU ledger book given to District at Closing. WATER A}tD SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT - 11 EXHIBIT 5 SRBA DECREE FOR WATER RIGHT NO. 25-7090 rN 1t{8 DrSfRt€f courT oF ?Ba PrFm flrDtct[ DrsrRret oF tBs STATB OF IDAIIO, IX A}ID FOR IIIE COUlrT!' OF MIN FA],I,S SOURCE: ouNrt?Y: PRIOTI?Y DATE: POI!|' OP DIVEBSIOll: PI,R,POSE AND PERIOD OF USE: GROfrD XATS 1 .00 cFs ?8 .00 trY ot / !6 1L916 T0lN Rr0E 52l s2g NM M MDRASS: PI,ACS OF USE: COI,}ITR' CLUB XILI.S T'TILITIBS C/O I{IKE CROTH DRES 5?0 s YELtOllsToNE llflr rDMO F&LS. rD 83{02-190? In Re SRU Clae xo. 19576 PNTIA'J DECREE ruISUATT 10r,R.c.P. 5a{b} Fot flat.r Righr 25-0?090 sEsr SESE NEE slt}{E SENT 2005 SEP 30 PX 02:00 DIS?NIM COURT . SRBA TIIIN FALLS CO., IDAHO PILED PAGB 1 Scp-10-2005 mSnSE within Bomeville County SESilE PMMSE OF USE PEXIOD OF gSS fbiGrtlc 0r-01 TO 1a-11 &u.a!ic usG ia Eor 55 hooe6. b.eaE ic QUAYTITI I .00 cFs ?6.00 Afl xtthjn Bouncvillr Costy SHSE MNE IENB f0rN R38E 521 s23 OTEER PROVISIOTiS NBCESSARY FOR DEgINITIOII OR AIXINISTRATIOT OF TIIIS PATEN RICIf!: THIS PANTIAL DECTEE tS SEECA To SUCfi GEf,EW PROVISIOXS NSCESSTRY PON fi'B DPFI}'ITION OF TAE RIGII}S OT FOR ?'IE EFFICIEM A'IIII|tSTRITION OF TAB 9ATAR UG}TTS AS UY BE ULTIH?ELY DETERHIXED BY TIIU COURT AT I POIIE IN TIE NO LA?ER :ru $.BgilIBl O8 A FINAI UNIPIED DBCREE. I.C. SACTION {2.:'t216}. RULE 5((b) CERTTPTCATE f,irh rcrpact to lhe iatuar detcriinad by Lhc .bov6 judghldt o! older, tt i3 hrrcby.caRTIFlED, ln .ccold.nccyilh Rule Sa{b), I.R.c.E., lhat the courg bat dera!6i8cd !ha! lhara ir io juai rG.son lor dG1ay ot the ertry ol ! ltnal judsEan! and !ha! lha court ha, and doar hcrcby dircct th.t the .bove judgdent or o!al!! lhall b€ a llRal judgnanr upon yhlch execurion sey ia8ue rod.n rPPeaI ily be Erkcn aa pi@idcd by tha Iil hg Appellarc Rulra. 4*t-, |4a**\-/ ffi PlrBidlnE Judg. o! Lhc Sn.ke Rives B.sin ldjudlcatioD SRU PARTII DACRBA PURSUATI" T! I.R.C.P. 5'(b' x.ter Rlght 25-O?o90 WATER AI\[D SEWER SYSTEM AGREEMENT - 12