HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190620Application.pdfRECE'YED ?0,9 JUfl 20 Plt 2: 0f ,',,.|I,#LB{f*!lBgo, 2626 Eldorado Boise,ldaho 83704 Telephone 375-0931 June20,2019 Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Re:CASE NO. CAP-W-19-01 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CAPITOL WATER CORP. TO CHANGE ITS SCHEDULE NO. 3 PURCHASED POWER COST ADJUSTMENT RATE Dear Ms Hanian: Enclosed are an original and seven copies of an application and exhibits for approval of Capitol Water Corporations change in its Schedule No. 3 Purchased Power Cost Adjustment. The change is necessitated by Idaho Power Company's changes in the rates and charges for electric service to Capitol Water Corporation. Applicant is requesting that the Commission process this application under its rules of modified procedure without hearing. An electronic version of Applicant's application, exhibits and work papers is also enclosed for the Commission Staff s review. Sincerely Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corporation Capibl Corp. tu Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corp. 2626Eldorudo Boise, ldaho 83704 Ph: (208) 37s-093t Fax: (208) 375-0951 E-mail : capitolwatercorp@yahoo.com Representative for Capitol Water Corp. RECEIVED I0l9 JUfl 20 plt 2: 0S r T r Li?'ldy$tf',h | 8u,oo BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CAPITOL WATER CORP. TO CHANGE ITS SCHEDULE NO.3 PURCHASED POWER ADJUSTMENT RATE CASE NO. CAP.W.I9.Ol APPLICATION COMES NOW Capitol Water Corporation ("Capitol", "Applicant" or "Company"), holder of Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Number 239, and files this Application to change its Schedule No. 3 Purchased Power Cost Adjustment rate to recover the Company's cost of electricity related to Idaho Power Company's electric rate schedules that have been approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or Commission). Applicant's current base rates were established by Order No. 30762 in Case No. CAP-W-08- 02. In that order the Commission adopted a three (3) year average of 1,454,401 KWh of electricity consumption at an average cost of 5.19(, to establish rates for Applicant. Together these produce a total cost of electric power for Applicant of $75,483.41. Applicant's actual power costs in the calendar year 2018 were $94,571. This is a cost of $19,088 more than embedded in the Company's base rates. This additional cost requires an adjustment to customer rates of 2.93Yo as reflected in Exhibit No. 1 attached to this Application. Applicant proposes to recover these additional electric power costs by replacing the Company's currently approved Schedule No.3 Purchased Power Cost Adjustment of 2.61% with a new Purchased Power Cost Adjustment of 2.93 %. Initially when the Commission approved the PPCA for Capitol Water Corporation, it adopted a three (3) year ayeruge of power consumption, as proposed by the Staff of the Commission (Staf|, as more indicative of what to expect in the future. In case (CAP-W-l7-01) the Commission adopted, the most recent twelve months of power costs as a better more efficient method for the Company to recover its' increased electric power costs. APPLICATION 1 CAP-W-19-01 ) ) ) ) Also enclosed is a one page Exhibit No.2 that is a copy of the Company's current approved Schedule No. 3 in legislative format that shows the proposed change to the Purchased Power Cost Adjustment. A new Schedule No. 3, with the proposed power cost adiustment rate, is enclosed for the Commission's approval with an effective date of August 15, 2019. Applicant has provided a work sheet showing the detail of the Company's electric power bills used to develop the proposed power cost adjustment to the Commission's Staff for its review. Applicant requests that the Commission process this Application under its rules of modified procedure and approve the rates effective August l5th, 2019. Capitol Water Corporation will inform its customers of this application through a customer notice that will be included with customer bills to be mailed July 1,2019 and by a news release that is being sent to the Idaho Statesman and the Idaho Business Review newspapers coincident with this filing. Copies of the customer notice and news release are enclosed as Exhibit Nos. 3 and 4 respectively. CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions regarding this Application should be addressed to: Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corp. 2626Eldorado Boise, Idaho 83704 Ph: (208) 37s-0931 e-mail capitolwatercorp@yahoo. com Please provide copies of all correspondence, notices and orders to the above individual Respectfully submitted, Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corporation APPLICATION CAP-W-19-01 2 6rt"/ 4'- Capitol Water Corporation Calculation of Purchased Power Cost Adjustment Based Upon Energy Consumption in the Year 2018 1 Base Revenue 5651,738 Per Order #30762 in CAP-W-08-02 2 Actual Power Cost from 2018 3 Power Cost Embeded in Base Revenue 4 lncremental Cost 5 PPCA Required 6 Current PPCA 7 lncremental Decrease in PPCA s94,57L s75,483 From Power Bills Workpaper Calculated Per Order #30762 (CAP-W-08_02) Line 2 less Line3 Line4/Line1 From Current Tarriff S19,088 2.93% 2.61% 0.32% 8 lncremental Revenue Produced by New PPCA 9 lncremental Revenue Produced by current PPCI s19,088 s17,010 LinelXLine5 Line 1 *Line 6 Line 8 less Line 910 lncrease or (decrease)From Current Charges 52,077 EXHIBIT NO 1 cAP-W-19-01 Capitol Water Corp. !t(: o CBN=duQ (r(r@ afooo la()irorlo)(})@ €q. 3+r N)!6eo)(,rs@o €o9;:re'-.1 Ob-](Jr(,l@ €q.(f-j :tta =(,@oioolS'-l@ €q-o-B^SESOEQ@oao)o@ €9-ci!dru>(,l.rBQo)\jrO@ €oo=\ SSe6e(ooA@o@ :ori 9;3q:-r90GAo)o)raOO oxof<0)E +d(o-oa ox(fJ<O)E +6'(o-oa oxo:r<0,9+d(o-oU' oxof<tDE+d(o-o@ C)xo:r<0)E+6'(o-oo oxof<o)P +6(o-o@ oxof<o)s +6' oU' oxCf=<o)E +6(o-o(t c)xoq+ts(o-oa oxo=<0)I +d(o-oa oxo:'<O)E+6'(o-oo C)xc,J<O)E +6'(o-otn oNNco.. oNrideCD -.1 AN(,r@ oNeEsQ '.1@Jot(,@ oNe SUQ(,Nr(,(Jt@ o.(, 6)e6tNSJA(ro oo Sx3o)o)@ o-.1o:PsQ(oar--la@ o.oA:'5 t(r(oJN-.1@ o-(o leoN-.I -.1 r{r@ o (,A9ruNONr(,lso9<oNa(or@@@ NaO).. aoxr(o@r'.1@@ oNrOo(o JAJCr)J@ o(, o(,brslN(,@ os @N(o(rrcna@ o(n 5 NA@(r@ oO){ (^) {NJrA@ o-.1 '.1 (, brpl(oN@ o@ -{a 5Nr!o@ o(o '.1 N)'.lNr(o(r@ o {Nslvr{o@ (oN(r(rr5'.l o N (rorAN(,@ oN)@o|-rQ@(/)r-J-@ o-(,o!noQ@o)r--lS@ oA @9'o N(OAJa-.1@ oo,{!DoiNNAr @.@ oO) \l 5o)AJ-.tO o! 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No. ing Name of Util WATER CORPORATION EXHIBIT NO 2 cAP-W-18-01 Capitol Water Corp SCHEDULE NO. 3 OTHER RECURRING AND NON-RECURRING CHARGES plicable: To all customer bills Purchased Power Cost Adjustment: (PPCA) 15-Aug-19 2.93% Beginning *t+eqs+{5r?€{# all customer bills will be increased by*.a1G The purpose of the PPCA is to llow the company to adjust its rates when its power supply costs increase or decrease. The PPCA is ressed as a percentage, which only applies to the monthly charges for service as listed In schedule Nos.1,2 and 4. lt does not apply to the total bill amount, which includes other charges such as e DEQ fee and the City of Boise franchise fee shown below of Boise Franchise Fee: customer bills will be increased by 3o/ofor payment of Franchise Fees assessed by the City of Boise. partment of Environmental quality Fee: customer bills will be increased by SO,S+ to collect the assessment required by the ldaho partment of Environmental Quality. icable: To all customer bills Charges: A reconnection charge will be assessed to any customer who has voluntarily or involuntarily disconnected in compliance with the ldaho Public Utilities mission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR). Charges do not apply to customers who have been involuntarily disconnected for the convenience of the Company. Reconnection Charge The following "Customer Requested Service Calls" charges also apply Customer Requested Service Calls: During Normal Business Hours OtherThan Normal Business Hours Service call charges will be waived if the service call resulted in repair to Company's equipment through no fault of the customer. S2o.oo 520.00 Normal Business Hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday excluding Legal Holidays recognized by ldaho State Government Offices Returned Check Charge: ln the event a customers check is returned by the Company's bank for ny reason, the Company will charge the customer's account a reprocessing fee of s1s.oo Meter Testing Fee: Not Currently in Use June 20, 2019 08/15/19 12:00 AM 08++5++++2$€4MlssuedEffective 2 c By Title President