HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150702Annual Water Quality Report.pdfl og:na:tza.m Jul 02 15 03:36p Capitol Water Corp, lVater 208 375 0951 fA?'w -ts -o t 2626 EICo;"ado Boise, ldaho 83704 Telephone 375-0931 p.1 Fax Cover Sheet Date: 7' 3- A25 ro: J /ltC @r^*U 33 c/- s zd r- nE;rom: UA ^,{ _ .., @ru** (208) 375-09s1 Comments: Pages Including Cover Sheet:tZ- Jul 02 15 03:36p Capitol Water CorP'208 375 0951 P.2 C4/-il-/{-o :i :.l i. -: ri'tl:57 Capitol Water Cggtqlallpnsls, lVaIeJ, fuality Report - 2015 Capitol Water Corporation has completed a summary of last year's water quality analysis for the franchised area it serves. Included in this report are derails about where your water comes fronr,ll'hat it contains, and hor.r, it comptues to EPA and DEQ standards- We are committed to providing you n'ith this information due to the improvement in the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act. Last year, as in years past, your drinking water met all EPA and state drinking water health standards. If you would like a copy of this Water Quality Report please telephone 375-0931, or come in during office hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p,m. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS CapitolWater Corporation filed an application on June 22nd with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to reduce its Purchased Power Cost Adjustment from 4.46?6to 4-25Yo, a decrease of 0.28percentage points. The Purchased Power Cost Adjustment is applied to customer bills after all other charges for water service have been accumulated. The Company has requestd an effective date of September 1 after the Commission has had an opportunity to thoroughly review the application. The application is in response to changes in the electric rates ldaho Power charges Capitol Water Corporation for the electric power it uses to provide water service to customers. The application is subject to the approval of the Commission and is available for review at the Company's offce at2626 Eldorado St. in Boise and on the Commissions web site at www.puc.idaho.gov. Customers may make written comments to the Commission regarding the application. Custorners may subscribe to the Commissions RSS feed available at the Commissions web site to receive periodic updates on the application. Jul 02 15 03:37p Capitol Water Corp.208 375 09s1 WATER QUALITY REPORT 2015 To the Clustomers of Capitol \\iater Corporation: CAPITOI, \I/ATI]R CORPORATION WT\TER MEETS OR EXCEEDS ALL STATE AND FEDERAT- STANDARDS FOR SAFE DRINKING V,IATER. Dear Customer: -l}e 1996 Saf'e Drinking Water Act requires \4,arer utilities to provide information to their customers about the qtrality of th.eir rvater. The information contained in this report is submitted to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. This agency's fiurction is to help ensure the water you use is compietely safe for your use and consumption. If you need help in understanding any of the information contained in this report, please lbel free to call our otfice at 375-093l. "l'he lvater supplied to Capitol Whter's s)'stem cornes from deep wells. Some of the well rvater is treated with the addition of a small arnounl of food grade phosphate. The purpose of this action is to sequester some of the minerals that occur in some of our rvells. This effort should help in keeping our u'ater clear, Later in this report is a map shoning the boundaries of this u'ater system and the locations of the r,vel.ls serving this area. Ir.{ost all drinking w'ater (including bottled rvater) can contain small amounts of various contaminants. The presence of contaminates does not necessarily indicate a health risk. If you have concerns about the various contaminants that lray occur in drinking water, and the health elfects some people can experience ingesting this w'ater. please call the Environmental Proter:t i on A gency's S afe Water I-Iotli n e 1 -800 -426- 47 9 1 - Iv1any contaminants have minimum detection limits. This means present laboratory testing procedures cannot reasonabll,' detect some contaminants belorv certain Ievels. When a contaminant is listed as a non-detect (ND), it can mean trvo things: it is either non-present. or the present testing systern is incapable of detecting this malerial at this lo'*v level. Some people, becatse of certain t5,pes of health problerns. may be more susceptible to certain contaminants than the general populace. Immune-compromised persons such as persons rvith cancer undergoing chemotherapy! persons rvho have underyone organ transplants, people ,'vith IItViAids or other immune system disorders, sorne elderly, and infants can be panicularl."- at risk from inf'ections. These people should seek advice about drinking \&'ater from their health care providers. EPA/CDC (Centers for Disease Control) guidelines on appropriate rneans to lessen tlre risk of inl'ection by cr1.'ptosporidiun-r and other mic.robial contaminants are available tiom the Safe Drinking \Vater Flotline at 1-800-426-1791. Throughout the year. water tests are taken ftom all active rvells to ensure the water you use is sal'e to drink. Water samples are taken monthly liom the distribution s,vstem and the results of these tests are forrvarded to tire Idaho Departnrent of Environmentai Qualit-1, the agency that monitors and regulates drinking water quality in Idaho p.3 Capitol Water Corp.208 375 0951 p.4 Jul 02 15 03:37p - Jul 02 15 03:37p Capitol Water Corp,208 375 0951 .IMPORI'ANT DEFINITIONS USED IN THIS REPORT Actioq Lqvel: The concentration of a contaminant that has exceeded the standards set by the regulating agencies. Proper treatment or discontinuance of the water source is required. Aesthetic: Those qualities flrat aff'ect the senses (sight, taste, odor, appearance). These are now health related characteristics of water. Inorganic. Che.mic?ls: Chemicals associated ,,vith minerals and metals. N'laximum Contaminant Level Goal (.MCLG): The level of a contaminant in drinking \&,ater belon, which there is no known or expected risk to heaith. Iv{CLG's allor+'for a margin of safet,v. I\.laxirngm Contaminant Level (.M.C.L-): The highest level of a contarninant that is allou,ed in drinking water. M.C.L.'s are set as close to IvICLG's as feasible using the best available treatment technologl,. J Parts per billion (ppb): One part per billion is one gallon per one tl'rousand million 1.000,000,000 gallons. or half of an aspirin tablet in 5'0i000 gallons of rryater. -.1PH: Ameasure of how acidic orbasic a substance is on a scale of 0 (acidic) to 14 (basie). The center of the range (7) indicates the substance is neutral. Prirnarv Standards: Federal drinking water regulations for substances that are health related. \Vater suppliers must rneet alf primary drinking lvarer standards. ..., Radionuclides: Raclioactivity associatecl w'ith naturall.v odburring minerals. Secondary' I\,taxirnum Contaminant Level (SMCL): Standards estabtished for aesthsr.ic, non- healthrelatedpurpoSes'T1researerecommendedler,els,notrnandates. Secondary Standards: Federal drinking water m'easurements for substances that do not have-an impact on health. I-wo of the most comrnon substances that occur are iron and manganese. These reflect aesthetie qualities such as taste, odor. and appearance- Svr:rthetic-Orqanic !heruicals (SOC's): Nlan-made compounds including pesticides and herbicides. Volatile Organic Chemicals ) VOC's): Those organic compounds thar evaporate easily. They are associated mainly w'ith contamination of ground rvater. Examples include; industrial by- products, petroleum-based chemicals, and dry cleaning solvents- p.5 Jul 02 15 03:37p Capitol Water Corp. Cadmiunr 208 375 0951 p.6 \IATIR QUALTTY RESULTS The tables in this repoil list minimum and maxirnum ralues fbr substances detected in our wells. These ran*qes tere determined using test results from 1994 through 2009. Each of the regulated contaminants compare to a maximum contaminant level IV{.C.L. and a maximum contaminant level goal (lvlCLG), that r,vas formulated by the EPA and the State of ldaho. DETECTED INORGANIC CHEMICALS - PRIMARY STANDARDS Source of Contaminant <. i2 ND ND ND ND Erosion of Natural Deposits Discharge from steel, plastic or fertilizer i --Egr' ---]Erosion of I Natural Deposits 0.5 1.6 Ir- ND SeleniLrrn ND ND Nickel ND Nitrite ND Ir*D ND DETECTED VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (Includes petroleum-based clremicals, industrial b-v-products, and dry'cleaning solvents) IN 20 I4 CAPITOL IYATER CORPOR{TION HAD NONE DETECTED Capitol Water Rcsults IMinimurn Maximum l Jul 02 15 03:39p Capitol Water Corp. Atrazine 208 375 095'l p,1 \trIATER QUALITY RES ULTS Non-Detected Contaminants: The follou'ing is a list of regulated contarninans Capitol \\'ater Corporation tests for at each well, but none rvere detected. The contaminants in this iist are inorganic chemicals, volatile, and synthetic organic chernicals. This list will give you an idea of the large number of contaniuants u'e regularly sample for. This effort is to ensure your ruater is S,A.FE'TO DRINK! SOC's EDB Hexachlorocycl opentadi ene 2.4 S.TP DBCP Lindane Benozo (a) pyrene Alchor Methoxychlor Di (2-ethylhexyl) adipate t_ -f- Toxaphene Simazine PCB'S Dalapon PCP lHeptachlor Epoxidel.-------Picloram Diquat voc';-l Ethylbenzene Vinyl Chloride N'[onochlorobenzene Xylenes (Totat) Stlnene Tetrachloroethylene 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene richloroethane |.1,2 - Trichlororethane TNORGANICS Nitrite Thalliunt t__---_ iBenzeneI ----Dichloromethane Carbontetrachloride _l'1?l:I4-gloroethylene j cis- 1,2-Dichloroethylene I trans- I ,2-Dichloroethylene i 0-Dichlorobenzene lqd,dry-'ry4 1.2-?:"[o19:9*f 1 ,2-Dichlrrropropane l I i Di(2-ethylhexl,l) phtalate i II Carbofuran I I Oxamyl r - -9!II"EEEndothall Toluene Antimonl' I Jul 02 15 03:39p Capitol Water Corp.208 375 0951 WATER QUALITY RESULTS LEAD AI\D COPPER SAI}IPLING AT RESIDENTIAL \4'IITER TAPS RESULTS MEET OR EXCEED STATE AND FEDERAL DRINKIN G }VATER REG ULATI ONS Capitol Water Results i Source of Contaminant EPA Standards M.C.L. 909/o of lromes tested must lrave copper levels less than 1.3 pprn. 90oZ of lromes te-sted must have lead levels less than Amount Dctected 100-o/o of the hotnes tested had copper Ievels less than 1.3 ppm l00ozi, of the hornes tested had lead levels less than <0.002 ppm Corrosion of household plumbing Copper l_ -L --l o;1,;;,, Lead and Coppcrl lnlants arrd young children are generally more susceptible to lead in the drirrking u,ater than the general population. lt is possible that lead levels at yoLrr horne ma-ybe higher than at other homes in the communitv as a result of materials used in y-our lromes plumbing. lf you are concerned about lead levels in your home's r,r,ator, infonnation rnal'be obtained frorn tlre Safe Drinking Water Flotline l-800-426- 1791. Testirrg u,as completed in 2014 to shorv the rvater meets the lead & copper levels that comply rvitlr the drinking water standards. Tesring \rras compliarrt rvith the required standards. Tests are conducted every three (3 ) -vears. Your Waler is Safe Tb Drink! Key'to the lbllolving tables. EPA LI M.C.L. MCLC ND ono5t'ts ppnr ppb SDWA SMCL TDS UR CWC VOC's SOC's PIC"L Environ nrental Protection Agency Langolier Index (method used in detection) N{axirnum contaminant lerreI N'laximurn contanrinant leve I goal None detected grains per gallon parts per million (example) I gallorr per million gallons. parts per billion Safe Drinking Water Act Second:uy maximum contatninarrt level Total d issolv'ed solids Unregulated Capitol \VaLer Corporation Volatile organic chemical s Sy'nthetic organic cl:emicals Picocurries per Iiter Jul 02 15 03:zl0p Capitol Water Corp.208 375 0951 p,3 1VATER SAIUPLING VIOLATIONS ANI} DETECTIONS No \tolations occurred in 2014. 208 375 0951Jul 02 15 03:40p Capitol Water CorP. MICROBIOLOGICAL Colitbrrn bacteria are naturally present in the environment found in the intestinal tract of bottr animals and humans. Colilbrrn bacteria alone are not pathogenic, Howevel their presence indicates that other disease causing bacteria rnay be present. Because of this, they are refbrred to as "indicator organisms". Tlvo specific types of coliform bacteria, which indicate that the rvater may be contan:inated with human or animal waste. are Fecal Coliform and Escherichia Coli (E. Coli). These bacteria can cause food-borne and water-borne outbreaks of intestinal discomfort. Capitol Yy'ater Corporation collects ten samples a month (120 per year) to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act. If any of the tests shor.v fecal coliforrn,E. Coli are present, our customers must be notified. Occasionaily this does occur and a second test is performed, This second test nrost often is not positive and no notification is required. Our system was in compliance r.r'ith the M.C.L.'s established for this monitoring in 2014. TURBIDITY Turbidify- is a measurement relating to clarity of the water, General deep rvell \r$'ater is not aftected by the conditions lhat cause turbidit,v to occur. Capitol \later Corporation has not had any problems concerning this issue. CRYPTOSPORIDIUM Cryptosporidium is a parasite that can live in tlre intesrines of humans and animals and is most con::monhi found in st{face rvaters. Drinking '"vater w,ith this parasite present can cause an illness that produces symptoms of severe intestinal distress. No cryptosporidium has been found present in Capitol S/aler Corporation's water. p.4 O9j5:12 a.m. 07-02-2015 | 5 206 (x)51 Jul 02 15 03:40p Capitol Water Corp.208 375 0951 \VA]'ER SERVI C E I MPROVEN,TENTS 1. W'e are continuing the follou,ing program: A.S.R. (Aquif'er Storage Recovery) is a project that has enabled Capirol Water to maintain adequate rvater pressLrre durirrg the lrot nronths ol'July arrd August. During the rvlrrter months rvhen the demand fbr rvater hassubstantiallylessened,waterl'rornWell#Tisinjectedinto\\iell#6. Arecordofhownranygallons lrave been injected is kept. Most generally,9094 of the rrvater put into the uell can be extracted during higli demand usage. A.S.R. Project continues to help u'ith the high u,ater usage during the nrondrs of high demand (generally July and August). We are continuing this technique. 2. Very limle, if any, grorvth in the system willoccur during 2015. 3. We continue to replace 2" galvanized mains in 2015-. 4. We will continue injecting phosphate in the u,ater al most of our rvell sites. Where the rvater requires phosphate, the wells are equipped with proper injection equripmerrt to nreer the uecessar,v arnonnl of the sequestering additive. 5. We continue to upgrade our pumping equiprnent & electronics in an effion to provide adequate & consistent rvater pressLlre. WATER QLTALITY PROBLEPIS THAT OCCUR 1. Discolored waler. generally rusry colored, occasionally occurs and is usLrally caused b;.' hydrant flushing or a break in a uater main. An1.' sudden increase in flow rate will corrtribute to this annovance. To clear this conditiorr, it is best to wait about 30 minutes then run the cold rvater tap in the bathtub. Ifthisdoesn'tclearthervatercallCapitollrVaterat3T5-0931forfurtherinstructions. 2. listed belorv. Air in the rvater/milky n ater is a condition that could occur for several reasons and are A. Cold water that is elevated in tcmperature. This allor.vs dissolved oxygen to be released and the rvater becomes milky B. Overheating of hot 'rvater systems, generally hot rvater heater. C. \tater reacts wilh the zinc that is associated with galvanized pipe (generally nerv hornes). D. Cold ryater drarvn from the lrousehold tap, when tlre water is released from a pressure environment. the dissolved oxygen is released and causes the rtater to become rnilky. E. Air orrl.v cornes frorn tlre tap. Tlris is caused by the water table at a rvcll falling belorv the pump bou'ls. Hopefully this doesn't happen very often because it rvill ru[n the n'ell pump. If this happerrs, please callCapitol \\'ater at 375-0931 and [et us know t]ris is occurring at y'our residence or business so we can adjust the pump.