HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140820Comments.pdfNEIL PRICE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720.0074 (208) 334-03 l4 BAR NO. 6864 Street Address for Express Mail: 472W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CAPITOL WATER CORPORATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS SCHEDULE NO.3 PURCHASED POWER ADJUSTMENT RATE. F.[CEl'i i:n ?ilrr [uG 20 Pt{ l: 59 $ rJr?moJouJi';i'n'ot' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. CAP.W.l4-OI COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Neil Price, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 33086, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On July 11,2014, Capitol Water Corp. ("Capitol'Water," the "Company") filed an Application seeking authority to change its Schedule No. 3 (power purchase cost adjustment (PPCA)) rate. See Application at l. Capitol Water seeks to recover its increased power costs above embedded base power supply costs caused by recently approved changes to Idaho Power Company's electric rate schedules. Idaho Power is Capitol Water's electric supplier. The Company asks that the proposed Schedule No. 3 changes take effect on September l, 2014. Capitol Water says its costs of purchasing electric power have increased due to recent increases STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 2O,2OI4 in Idaho Power's rates per Order Nos. 33047 (Case No. IPC-E-14-03) and 33049 (Case No. IPC- E-14-06). Capitol Water asks the Commission for permission to replace the Company's current Schedule No. 3 PPCA of 4.20% (see Case No. CAP-W-13-01) with a new PPCA of 4.53o/othat incorporates Idaho Power's curent rates and Capitol Water's costs of processing this Application. STAFF ANALYSIS Capitol Water requests an increase in the PPCA rate thai the Commission approved last year in Order No. 32858 (Case No. CAP-W-13-01). The Company calculates the PPCA using the same methodology as used in previous PPCA rate adjustments. See Order Nos. 32858, 32607, 32325, 32056, and 3088 I . Staff comments address two issues: (1) whether the Company's revenue request exceeds the revenue requirement band; and (2) the additional power costs above those currently embedded in base rates. Staff proposes corrections to both the revenue band calculations and additional power costs as discussed in greater detail below. When the Staff s proposed corrections are taken into consideration and the Commission adopted method is applied, the revenue band requirement is not met. Because the revenue band requirement is not met, Staff does not agree that an increase in the PPCA rate is appropriate at this time. Revenue Band 1n2009, Capitol Water filed an Application (Case No. CAP-W-09-01) to initially establish a tariffschedule to recover its cost ofelectricity related to the annual increase or decrease in Idaho Power's Power Cost Adjustment (PCA). In the 2009 case, the Commission ordered that "in the event that Idaho Power's PCA adjustment falls inside of Capitol Water's 0.25% revenue band, the Company will continue to recover this amount of expense in subsequent years when no application is filed with the Commission." Order No. 30881 at2-3. Staff demonstrates on Attachment A, line 14 that the current change in power supply costs falls inside Capitol Water's 0.25% revenue band. Thus, no change in tariff Schedule No. 3 is warranted at this time. In calculating the revenue band requirement, the Company used the Total Incremental Power Revenue included in Current Capitol Water Rates (Application, Exhibit No. l, line 11), STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 2O,2OI4 which does not include the rate filing costs. Staff observes that in previous cases, the Company's "Existing Expenses above Embedded Base Rates" (including both power supply and rate case costs) is compared with the "Revised Total Expenses above Embedded Base Expenses" (also including both power supply and rate case costs). See Staff Attachment A, lines 9 and 1 1. When this comparison is performed with the correct "Revised Total Expenses above Embedded Base Expenses," the percent increase in the Company's total revenue requirement is 0.245% ($1,666 incremental power cosV$679,131 current revenue x 100, see Attachment A). The 0.245% increase (even if rounded) falls inside the 0.25Yo band, or in other words, does not exceed the 0.25% threshold. Therefore, Staff asserts that it is not appropriate for the Company to file for a rate adjustment, but rather to continue the current PPCA rate of 4.20oh. Idaho Power Rate Adjustments When the Company filed its initial PPCA Application (Case No. CAP-W-09-01), it asked the Commission to approve a new tariff schedule that would enable the Company to recover purchased power costs directly related to Idaho Power's PCAs. Staff interprets Commission Order No. 30881, specifically the directive to "file for an adjustment of its total revenue to recognize changes in power costs," to include changes in Idaho Power's PCA costs and all other miscellaneous Idaho Power rate changes. This requirement is also incorporated in prior Commission Orders addressing this issue. See Order Nos. 32858 ,32607,32325, and 32056. In the current case, the requested Capitol Water rate adjustment includes Idaho Power rate increases due to the following: . Updated base rates (IPC-E-I3-20, Order No. 33000); o Changes to the Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) rates (IPC-E-14-03, Order No. 33047); and o Changes to the PCA rates (IPC-E-14-05, Order No. 33049). Commission Approved Methodology in Calculating PPCA The methodology used to calculate the incremental power cost increase in Capitol Water's previous five PPCA cases starts with actual2005 energy consumption and actual2008 energy cost to determine an actual 2008 cost per kWh ($0.0519 per kWh from Order No. 30762). A 2005 test year was used in Capitol Water's most recent general rate case in 2008. Because actual energy consumption in 2005 was determined to be significantly above normal (1,940,746 STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 20,2014 kwh), a three-year average was used to calculate normalized annual energy (1,454,401kwh). Normalized, base rate power supply costs of $75,483 were then determined by multiplying normalized energy and the average rate per kwh ( I ,454,401 x $0.05 19). The average cost per kWh for Capitol Water under Idaho Power's new rates was then calculated using the 2005 actual energy consumption model. Using the same methodology as employed in the previous cases and applying the new Idaho Power rates effective June 1,2014, the Company calculated the average rate of $0.0715 per kWh. This is the restated average cost per kwh. With this adjusted rate, the expected power cost is $103,937 (1,454,401x $0.0715). The power cost above what is embedded in rates due to Idaho Power's rate changes is $28,454 ($103,937 - $75,483). Including the proposed costs of $1,100 to process this Application, brings the overall expense to $29,554 above base rates. The Company is currently collecting 527,393 from the 4.20% PPCA approved last year in Order No. 32858. Because the Company uses $26,293 as its base for 2013, the incremental revenue increase is $3,261 ($29,554 - $26,293). If the 2013 base is revised to include the previously approved rate case costs, the Company's request is for an incremental revenue increase of $2,161. In reviewing the Company's input of current Idaho Power rates to the power cost model, Commission Staff discovered the following: (1) an incorrect power cost adjustment rate for Idaho Power Schedule 9S-Large General Service-Secondary; (2) an overestimate for the first 300 kWh for non-summer rates under ldaho Power Schedule 7; (3) an underestimate for the Energy Service rates under Idaho Power Schedule 9l; and (4) an underestimate for the Franchise Fee rates under Idaho Power Schedule 95. Using the corrected values and formulas, Staff recalculated the average cost per kWh to be $0.071 1. See Staffls Attachment A for a comparison of calculations between the Company and Staff. Staff notes that these are the same minor corrections proposed in the prior PPCA case, and were agreed to by the Company and accepted by the Commission. Order 32858 at2. Based on an average cost per kWh of $0.0717, Staff s revised expected power cost is 5103,442 (1,454,401x $0.0711) and the power cost above what is embedded in base rates is $27,959 ($103,442 - $75,483), or $29,059 including rate case costs. The Company is currently collecting $27,393 from the 4.20% PPCA (see Order No. 32858), for a Staff calculated incremental rate increase of $1,666. STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 2O,2OI4 To recover the additional $1,666, the PPCA would otherwise increase to 4.460/o. This increase - which the Staff does not recommend - would be reflected in the Company's Schedule 3 (Other Recurring and Non-Recurring Charges) and result in an overall percent impact to annual non-metered customer bills of 0.245%. Metered commercial customers would experience the same incremental percentage increase, although the annual dollar impact will vary based on usage. Again, Staff s calculations do not support an increase in rates at this time because the revenue adjustment falls within the 0.25o/o band. Staff also notes that the $1,100 in consulting costs (10 hours at $110/hr) to identify the level of rate change and create the Company filing would not have been incurred if the incremental increase had been properly calculated. Staff estimates that only 50% of the consultant costs ($550) should have been incurred to identify the incremental increase. The resulting change in current rates would only be 0.164%. Consequently, if the Commission chooses to increase the PPCA, Staff believes it should only be increased to recover an additional $1,1l6 ($1,666 - $550) or 4.37o/o. CUSTOMER RELATIONS The Company included its customer notice with bills mailed on August 1,2014. A press release was issued on July 11,2014. Staff reviewed both documents and found two deficiencies. Rule 125 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure requires all utilities to inform customers that written comments regarding the application may be filed with the Commission, and that customers may subscribe to the Commission's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about this case. See Rule 125.01.d and l25.04,IDAPA and -125.04. The Rules of Procedure were revised recently, with changes becoming effective on February 15,2014. Staff recommends that the Company review the updated Rules of Procedure and include all required information in its customer notices and press releases in the future. As of August 19, the Commission had not received any comments from customers regarding Capitol Water's proposed increase. STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 20,2014 RECOMMENDATIONS The increase in Power Cost above Embedded Base Expenses falls inside the O.25o/oband as set out in Order No. 30881. Therefore, Staff does not recommend an increase in the PPCA at this time. Staff recommends that the Company review the updated Rules of Procedure and include all required information in its customer notices and press releases in the future. Respecttully submiued this Z0f^ day of August 2014. fur Technical Staff: Johanna Bell Kathy Stockton i:umisc/comments/capw I 3. I npjkls comments 6 Deputy Attorney STAFF COMMENTS AUGUST 2O,2OI4 Attachment A: Company and Staff Rate Component Comparison Line Rate Component Company Staff 1 Base Revenue $651,738 al $651,738 Per Order #30762 in cAP-W-08-02 2 Normalized 3 Yr Average Power Consumption (KWh) 1,454,401 1,454,401 Per Order #30762in CAP-W-o8-02 3 Average Cost per KWh 0.0519 0.0519 Per Order #30762in cAP-W-08-02 4 Power Cost Embedded in Basic Rates $75,483 $75,483 Line3XLine2 5 Restated Average Cost Per KWh @ New IPC Rates 0.0715 bt 0.0711 Calculated in Workpapers 6 Power Cost with New IPC Rates $103,937 $103,442 Line5XLine2 7 Power Cost above Embedded Base Power Supplv Costs $ 28,454 $27,959 Line6-Line4 8 Rate Case Costs $1 ,1 00 $1 ,1 00 9 Revised Total Expenses above Embedded Base Expenses $29,554 $29,059 10 Total Revenue Required with New IPC Rates $681,292 $ 680,797 Line9+Line1 11 Existing Expenses above Embedded Base Rates $26,293 $ 27,393 Per Order #32858 in CAP-W-13-01 12 Total Current Revenue $678,031 $679,1 31 Line 1 + Line 11 13 lncrease or (Decrease) in Power Costs $3,261 $1,666 Line9-Line11 14 o/o lncrease or (Decrease) in Total Revenue 0.480/o cl 0.245o/o (Line 10 - Line 12) lLine 12 15 Exceeds +l- 0.25% Revenue Band?Yes No 16 Purchased Power Cost Adjustment (PPCA) Required 4.53o/o dl 4.460/o Line9/Line1 a/ From Company Application, Exhibit 1. b/ From Company Worksheets - uncorrected. c/ Calculated % Revenue Band. d/ PPCA = lncremental Power Revenue at new IPC rates/Base revenue x 100. Attachment A Case No. CAP-W-14-01 StaffComments 08120114 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 2OTH DAY oF AUGUST 2014, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. CAP.W-14-01, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: ROBERT PzuCE PRESIDENT CAPITOL WATER CORP 2626 ELDORADO BOISE ID 83704 E-MAIL: capitolwatercorp@yahoo.com ROBERT E SMITH 2209 N BRYSON RD BOISE ID 83713 E-MAIL: utilitygrouo@yahoo.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE