HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140827Comments.pdfWater F:f tlr,,.,!:,]-,: ?il|\ AUI] 27 pH Z, 37 i[Ai-r'",, I t.,tt-, - Ul I l.lT I :$ Cl' i'i ii i rl i i ;*'.'' Boise,ldaho 837042626 Eldorado Corp.Telephone 375-093'l Julyl l, 2014 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 CASE NO. CAP-W.14-01 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CAPTTOL WATER CORP. TO CHANGE ITS SCTIEDULE NO. 3 PURCHASED POWER COST ADruSTMENT RATE DearMs Jewell: Enclosed are an original and seven copies of Applicant's comments in reply to the comments of the Commission Staffin this case. The Commission Staffalready has in its' possession the appropriate workpapers in support of these comments. Re: Sincerely, &-r Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corporation Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corp. 2626 Eldorado Boise,Idaho 83704 Ph: (208) 375-0931 Fa:r: (208) 375-0951 E-mail : capitolwatercorp@yatroo.com Representative for Capitol Water Corp. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) oF CAPTTOL WATER CORP. TO ) CHANGE rTS SCHEr}I]LE NO. s ) PURCHASED POWER AI}JUSTMENT RATE) BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMTIISSION cAsE NO. CAP-W-14-01 REPLY COMMENTS TO PUC STAX'X'COMMENTS COMES NOW Capitol Water Corporation ("Capitol", "Applicanf'or "Company"), holder of Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Number 239, and files these comments in response to the Commission Statr(Statr) Comments in this case. Staffand the Company have had numenous discussions subsequent to Stafffiling its' comments. It seems both the Company and the Staffhave erred in their calculations. The confusion appears to be in the proper algebraic formulas used to prorate the Companyos electric power bills that straddle the effective dates of Idaho Power Company's winter and summer rates. StaIf and the Company have worked together to develop corrected formulas that both can now agree to. Attached to these comments is Rebuttal Exhibit No. 2 that reflects the corrected results using the agreed to proper formulas. As shown on line 14 of the exhibit, the percent increase in total revenue is .249Yothat is only l/1000tr of a percentage point less than the .ZSYoreverrue band previously established by the Commission. The Company suggests the Commission reconsider the ordered revenue band test and consider its elimination. It is incumbent on the Company each year to review all of Idatro Power Company's approved taritrs to determine rate changes and/or new tariff schedules that affect Capitol Water Company's bills and recalculate bills from the Company's 2008 test year. Elimination of the revenue band test simply insures the REPLY COMMENTS 1 CAP-W-14-01 company recover it's increased costs if Idaho Power Company tariffchanges increase the Company's electric power expeffes and passes tluough to customers any benefit of an Idaho Power Company rate reduction. Also attached to these Comments, for the Commissions' approval should it decide to eliminate the revenue band test, is a revised Capitol Water Company Tariff Schedule No. 3 that reflects the required Purchased Power Cost Adjustment of 4.460/o developed on Rebuttal Exhibit No. 2 at line 10. CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions regarding these Comments should be addressed to: Please provide copies of all correspondence, notices and orders to the above individuals. Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corp. 2626Eldorado Boise,Idaho 83704 Ph: (208) 375-0931 e-mail capitolwatercorp@yahoo.com REPLY COMMENTS CAP-W-14-01 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd. Boise,Idaho 83713 Ph: (208) 761-9s01 e-mail utilitygroup@yahoo. com Respectfully submitted, dr* /*""- Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corporation 2 Capitol Water Corporation Revised Calculation of Purchased Power Cost Adjustment 1 Base Revenue $ 651,738 2 Normalized 3 Yr Average Power Consumption (lfft/h) 1,454,401 3 Average Cost per l<Wh 0.0519 4 PowerCost Embeded in Basic Rates ffi;&- 5 Restated Average Cost Per l(Wh @ New IPC Rates $ 0.0711 6 Power Cost with New IPC Rates $ 103,444 7 Power Cost above Embeded Base Power Supply Costs $ 27,961I Rate Case Costs 1,100 9 Revised Total Expenses above Embeded Base ExpensesilEffiEl- 10 Total Revenue Required with new IPC Rates $ 680,799 11 Existing Expenses above Embeded Base Rates $ 27,373 12 TotalCunentRevenue $ 679,111 13 lncrease or (Decrease) in Power Costs $ 1,688 14 o/olncrease or (Decrease) in Total Revenue 0.249o/o 15 Exceeds +l- Q.25% Revenue Band? No 16 Purchases Power Cost Mustment (PPCA) Required 4.460/o Per Order #30762 in CAP-W-08-02 Per Order #30762 in CAP-W-08{2 Per Order #3 O7 62 in CAP-W-08-02 Line3XLine2 Calculated in Workpapers Line5XLine2 Line6-Line4 Line 1 at cunent PPCA rate ot 4.2o/o Line 1 +Line 11 Line 9 - Line 11 (Line 10 - Line 12) / Line 12 REPLY EXHIBIT NO 2 oAP-W-14-01 CapitolWater Corp. aniff No. l.P.U.C. No. WATER CORPORATION SCHEDULE NO. 3 OTHER RECURRING AND NON-RECURRING CHARGES To all customer bills Purchased Power Cost Adiustment: Beginning October 1,2014 all customer bills will be increased by 4.45% for recovery of the costs of electric power related to changes in ldaho Power Company's Rate Schedules of Bolse Franchlse Fee: customer bills will be increased by3%for payment of Franchise Fees assessed by the City of Boise. of Environmental Quality Fee: customer bills will be increased by S0.3a to collect the assessment required by the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality. To all customer bills Charges: A reconnection charge will be assesed to any customer who has voluntarily or involuntarily disconnected in compliance with the ldaho Public Utilities ion's Uniform Customer Relations Rules (UCRR). Charges do not apply to customers who have been involuntarily disconnected for the convenience of the Company. Reconnection Charge 520.00 The following "Customer Requested Service Calls" charges also apply. Customer Requested Service Calls: During Normal Business Hours SO.OO Other Than Normal Business Hours 520.00 Service call charges will be waived if the service call resulted in repair to Company's equipment through no fault of the customer. Normal Business Hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday excluding Legal Holidays recognized by ldaho State Government Offices Returned Check Charge: ln the event a customers check is returned by the Company's bank for any reason, the Company will charge the customer's account a reprocessing fee of Meter Testing Fee: Not Currently in Use. Per Commission Order No. s1s.o0 lssued September 1, 2014 Effective October 1,2014 By President