HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100611Application.pdf2626 Eldorado Boise, Idaho 83704 Telephone 375-0931 Jun 11,2010 ~~ ce~--Jea D. Jewell, Secreta lda Public Utilities Commssion P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idao 83720-0074 Re: CASE NO. CAP-W-lO-Ol IN TH MATTR OF THE APPUCATION OF CAPITOL WATER CORP. TO CHAGE ITS SCHEDULE NO.3 PURCHASED POWER ADJUSTM RATE De Ms Jewell: Enclose ar an origi and seven copies of an applicaon and exhbits for approval of Caitol Watr Corpraons chage in its Schedule No.3 Pu Power Adjusent. The chage is nesita by Ida Power Compay's ret chages in the ras and chages for elecc sece to Capitol Water Corpraon. . Applicant is reuesg th the Commssion press ths applicaon under its rues of modfied prur without hea. An elecnic veron of the application, exhbits and work papers in Excel an Microsoft Word fonnt is beg trtted as e-ma atthments. SL¿ Robert Price, Prident Caitol Water Corpraon ~.. t£ Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corp. 2626 Eldorado Boise, Idaho 83704 Ph: (208) 375-0931 Fax: (208) 375-0951 E-mail: capitolwatercorp(ßahoo.com Representative for Capitol Water Corp. occr:¡''\k ~C 20m JUNfl At1 9: 08 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF CAPITOL WATER CORP. TO ) CHAGE ITS SCHEDULE NO.3) PURCHASED POWER ADJUSTMENT RATE) CASE NO. CAP-W-IO-oi APPLICATION COMES NOW Capitol Water Corpration ("Capitol, "Applicant" or "Company"), holder of Certficate of Convenience and Necessity Number 239 and fies ths Application to chage its Schedule No.3 Puchad Power Cost Adjusent rate to recover the Company's cost of electrcity related to Idaho Power Company's electrc rate schedules tht have been approved by the Idao Public Utilties Commission ("IPUC" or Commssion"). Subsequent to Applicant's last cas (CAP-W-09-01) Idaho Power Company ha been granted a number of chages in its rates and chages tht afect Applicants cost of electrc power. Applicant requests that the Commission tae offcial notice of its Order Nos. 30814 (Case No. IPC-E-09-05), 31081 (Case No. IPC-E-1O-07), 31091 (Case No. IPC-E-1O-08), 31093 (Case No. IPC-E-lO-12), and 31097 (Cae No IPC-E-I0-06), all of which increased rates and charges paid by Applicant to Idao Power Co. for electrc service. Applicat's curnt base rates were established by Order No. 30762 in Case No. CAP-W-08-02. In tht order the Commission adopted a the (3) year average of 1,454,401 KWh of electrcity consumption at an averae cost of5.i9~ to establish rates for Applicant. Together these produce a tota cost of electrc power for Applicant of $75,483.41. Recalculating Applicants average cost pe KWh at Idaho Power Company's APPLICATION CAP-W-I0-01 1 curnt rates produces an average cost of 5.52~ per KWh. This averge cost per KWh when applied to the Commssion approved average us produces an anua cost for electc power of $80,295. Ths is an increase in cost of$4,811 or 6%. Applicant expets its costs to review the Idaho Power Compay cases, determe their effect on Applicant and prepae and fie ths application to be $1,000. Applicat proposes to include these costs together with the electrc power increasd costs for recovery by replacing the Company's curently approved Schedule No.3 Purchaed Power Cost Adjustment of 1.45% with a new Puchased Power Cost Adjustment of 0.81 %. The reduction is due to the change in Applicants incrementa cost approved in Case No. CAP-W-09-01 that utilized Idaho Power Company's PCA rate of 1.4717~ pe KWh. Tht rate was recently reuced to 0.31 1 4~ per KWh. The reduction in the Idao Power PCA rate together with the increases in other Idao Power Co. rate schedules produce an incrementa cost over Commission approved electrc costs in Capitol Water Company's base rates that are less than authorized in Case CAP-W-09-0L. Enclose is one page Exhbit No. 1 that presents Applicants calculations in support of ths Application. Also enclosed As Exhbit NO.2 is a copy of the Company's curnt approved Schedule No. 3 in legislative format tht shows the proposed changes to the Puhased Power Cost Adjustment. Also enclosed is a new Schedule No.3 for the Commssion's approval with an effective date of July 1,2010. Applicant requests that the Commission process this Application under its rues of modified procedure and approve the change on less than 30 days notice on an interi basis subject to refud effective July 1, 2010 with a fina order makng the changes permanent on Augut 1,2010. Applicant was unble to file ths application in a timely maner to meet the Commission's 30 day notice requirement due to the date Commission Order Nos. 31081, 31091 and 31097 were issued on May 28, 2020. Applicant was unable to review those orders and the effect on Applicat until afer June 1,2020. Capitol Water Corpration will inform its customers of ths application though a customer notice that will be included with customer bils to be mailed July 1,2010 and by a news releas that is being sent to the Idao Statesma and the Idaho Business APPLICA nON CAP-W-IO-Ol 2 Review newspapers coincident with ths filing. Copies of the customer notice and news release are enclosed as, Exhbit Nos. 3 and 4 respectively. CONTACT INFORMTION: Quesions regardig ths Application should be addressed to: Robert Price Capitol Water Corp. 2626 Eldorado Boise, Idaho 837704 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd. Boise, Idaho 83713 Ph: (208) 375-0931 e-mail capitolwatercorp~yahoo.com Ph: (208) 761-9501 e-mail uti1tyfgroup~yahoo.com Please provide copies of all correspondence, notices and orders. to the above individuas. Respectfly submittd, Robert Price, President Capitol Water Corporation APPLICATION CAP-W-I0-01 3 Capitol Water Corporation Calculation of Electric Power Cost Adjustment 1 Commission Ordered 3 year Electric Power Consumption per Order 30762 2 Average Cost Per KWh Per Order 30762 3 Electric Power Costs embeded in Basic Rates 4 Restated Average CoslPer KWh (g 6/1/10 IPCo Rates 5 Current Electric Power Costs Resulting From IPCo rate changes 6 Incremental Power-Cost Resulting From IPCo rate changes 7 Estimated Current Rate Case Costs 8 Incremental Revenue Requirement 9 Total Revenue Requirement from Commission Order 30762 10 Power Cost Adjustment Required 11 Test of .25% revenue Band Required by Order No. 30881 12 Base Revenue from order 30762 13 Incremental revenue from Order 30881 in CAP-W-09-01 14 Revenue per Order 30881 15 Incremental Power Costs, Per above 16 Percent Change in Power Cost Related Revenue Requirement Change exceeds 0.25% Revenue Band Requirement 17 Current Power Cost Adjustment Rate 18 Proposed new Power Cost Adjustment Rate 1.45% 0.81% 1,454,401 $0.0519 $75,483.41 $0.0552 $80,294.90 $4,811.48 500.00 $5,311.48 651,738 0.81% $651,738 9,456 661,194 5,311 0.80% $ EXHIBIT NO 1 CAP-W-10-U1 T8I No.Pa IDAHO PCBUC v lIU Ill.... . ..¡MISSAP Ef&Clve I.P.U.C.No..)OW &1.""0 C8 Na of lJCA WAtE COTI t-~.. a1S1)SC NO. 3OTERRENGAN ~ CHES Aplicle:To aU aist bil r"'-'-""-_."""~""~'-'-""""'"'---'''''''''''''''''''''.."'....._......_.._'-...............¡ r--.------..-..--..-'~.".,-"."..,._--,"IIPoCO~1 BeglnningJuly1.2010 , 10.81% I ~------_.._-!. . êütõiiïifb-. be Inc by~~ oLL___..j c Conys cots of ei por rete to Idaho Powr COpas Ra Scule- L S,,_ Lchan~~.i.___.of 80 FI' Fe cume bill wi be incse by 3' fo pant of Frais Fe asss by th ely of Bois. Dearnt of En Qu Fe: AI cutome bill WIL be lnas by $0.3 to coll th as reui by th Id Deparme of Enro Quii. Apbl:To aU cuer bill iIlne Qa: A reon char will be ass to an cu wh has bee vountarily or inntly dItt In conc wi th Idah Pu UtRtl Co's Unif Cuer- Relns Rul (UCR). Ch do no apply to cuom wh have be inunt disc fo th co of th Copa.Rene Ch The follo "Cuser Reed 5e calls" c:es also ap.CU Reie Se Call: Duri Norl Busine Hol' Oter Than Normal Busin Hol' Serv cal ch will be waed If th serv ca reul In reirto Cos equipm th no fault of th cu. Nomal Bu Ho ar 8:0 AM to 5:0 PM Mon thlJ Fri exding i.al Hoiday renize by Idho Stte Gomen Of Ie Ch Ch: In the ev a cu ch is rernd by th Cos bak fo any reon, the Cony wHI chare th custr' ac a recel.. fe of MeT.. Fe: Not Curnt In Use Pe Co Or No. 3050 Il Ju 24, 20 1.20Ef By ~..Ti $20.00 $0 $20.00 $15.00 Exhibít NO.2 CAP-W-1()01 Tarrff No.Page I.P.u.C. No. Canceling Name of Utility CAPITOL WATER CORPORATION (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE NO. 3 OTHER RECURRING AND NON-RECURRING CHARGES RECURRING CHARGES Applicable: To aU customer bils Purchased Power Cos Adjustment: Beginning July 1, 2010 all customer bils wil be increased by 0.81% for recovery of the Company's costs of electric power related to changes in Idaho Power Company's Rate Schedules City of Boise Franchise Fee: All customer bils wil be increased by 3% for payment of Franchise Fees assessed by the City of Boise. Department of Environmental Quality Fee: All customer bils wil be increased by $0.34 to collect the assessment required by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. NON-RECURRING CHARGES Applicable: To all customer bils Reconnecion Charges: A reconnection charge wil be assesed to any customer who has been voluntarily or involuntarily disconnected in compliance with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission's Uniform Customer Relations Rules (UCRR). Charges do not apply to customers who have been involuntarily disconnected for the convenience of the Company. Reconnection Charge The following "Customer Requested Service Calls" charges also apply. Customer Requested Service Calls: During Normal Business Hours Other Than Normal Business Hours Service call charges wil be waived if the service call resulted in repair to Company's equipment through no fault of the customer. Normal Business Hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday excluding Legal Holidays recognized by Idaho State Government Offices Returned Check Charge: In the event a customers check is returned by the Company's bank for any reason, the Company wil charge the customer's account a reprocessing fee of Meter Testing Fee: Not Currently in Use. Per Commission Order No. Issued June 10, 2010By ~ä:l'll July 1, 2010Effive Title President $20.00 $0.00 $20.00 $15.00