HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050601_1208.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:NANCY HYLTON DATE:MAY 25, 2005 RE:PROPOSED FORMAL COMPLAINT OF GLENN RICE, JR. On May 10, 2005, the Commission received a formal complaint (Attachment A) from Mr. Glen Rice, Jr. against Idaho Power. Mr. Rice maintains that Idaho Power "should not be allowed to realize extra profit" resulting from an abbreviated billing cycle, which caused him to be billed the minimum charge of $3 .00. He requests that the Commission order Idaho Power to issue a refund of the additional amounts added to all affected customers ' bills, after prorating, to bring the bill amount up to $3.00. He also recommends that the Commission take a much closer look at Idaho Power s tariff and take action to prevent this from happening again. BACKGROUND Mr. Rice owns a second home in Shoshone. He received two successive bills in March and April 2005 for that home showing no usage. Both bills were for less than 30 days, resulting in the customer being charged the minimum customer charge of $3 rather than the normal customer charge of $3.30. Idaho Power pro-rated the charge for the number of days billed and then added an additional amount to bring the total to $3 (Attachment B). Mr. Rice objects to being billed the additional amount. It is Mr. Rice s belief that since Idaho Power changed the length of the bill for their convenience, the extra amount to bring the minimum customer charge to $3.00 should not be allowed. In his opinion, only the pro-rated amount for the days that were actually billed should be allowed. Idaho Power s response to the informal complaint Mr. Rice filed indicated that Idaho Power adjusts meter reading routes according to the area s growth to balance the meter routes and keep them efficient. Idaho Power made route adjustments over a two-month period for Gooding, DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -MAY 25 2005 Shoshone, Hailey and Ketchum areas. The shift in routes resulted in a 21-day bill in March and a 22-day bill in April for this customer. Going forward, bills should reflect the normal 27-33 days billing cycle with the $3.30 customer charge. STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION In Case No. IPC-03-, the Commission approved an increase in the minimum service charge for residential customers from $1.00 to $3.00. A customer who receives a bill for a period of less than a full regular billing cycle will have the customer charge pro-rated as described under Rule G.1 and Schedule 66.11 of the Company s tariff (Attachment C). If the dollar amount that results from the pro-rating is less than $3., Idaho Power adds an additional amount to bring the total amount billed for the customer charge up to $3.00. For example, if the customer received a bill for 21 days worth of service, the pro-rated charge would be $2.31 (21 days out of 30). Because the amount is less than $3., Idaho Power adds an additional $.69 to bring the charge to $3.00. The Commission approved the minimum service charge of $3.00 for residential customers to more fully recover the average cost for meter reading and billing. The average cost for meter reading and billing for residential customer is estimated to be about $4.20. Consequently, the Company incurs costs for every meter read and bill sent out. The Commission previously received a formal complaint from Karen Shelstad concerning the minimum charge in November 2004. In that complaint, the complainant owned an apartment complex and sometimes received more than one minimum customer charge during the same month for the same apartment. The Commission did not accept Ms. Shelstad's formal complaint. Idaho Power is following the provision of its tariff. Staff recommends that the Commission not accept Mr. Rice s formal complaint. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept Mr. Rice s formal complaint? i:udmemos/formal Rice IPC OM DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -MAY 25 2005 SUBJ ENCL ...rl.~ Di)Y'- 18 MAY 2005 GLENN Rice JR. O. BOX 152 GOODING, ID. 83330 TEL. 208-934-8193 c::; "",;. ,. '.. ".-..\ t:::::? . ; "- ~ ~:8 ;:";:. _.,;". .",:."",(j) ;: -... fi1 C) .. \..C) t:.J C) " ~ ~: :: 5t =~~ ~. (f) . (/) '. .. . C3 ~ C:.1 t~~j -"..""'- IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMMISSION SECRETARY P .0. BOX 83720 BOISE, 10. 83720..0074 FORMAL COMPLAINT lAW IDAPA 31.01.01 RULE 054 CONCERNING IRREGULAR BILLING PROCEDURf; BY IDAHO POWER COMPANY COpy OF POWER BILL OF 4/15/05 DURING THE MONTHS OF APRIL AND MAY 2005 IDAHO POWER CHANGED THEtR BILLING PERIODS FOR THEIR OWN CONVENIENCE. IN DOING SO THEY SHORTENED THEBILLtNGPERIODFROM THE NORMAL 29 TO 31 OA Y$ TO A 20 TO 22 DAY PERIOD. ASA CONSEQUENCE THEY WERE REW ARCED WITH AN AVERAGE $.55 TO $.60 PER AFFECTED CUSTOMER SERVICE CHARGE BONUS AS IS SHOWN AN THE ENCLOSED BILL COPY. UNDER IPUC #27- T ARIF'F #101 IDAHO POWER IS ALLOWED TO CHARGE A MINIMUM SERVICE CHARGE OF $3.00 FOR A FRACTIONAL PERIOD. HOWEVER SINC.e THE COMPANY INITIATED THIS CHANGE FOR THEtR OWN CONVENIENCE, NOT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CUSTOMERS, THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO AEALIZE EXTRA PROFIT FROM THE CHANGE. IDAHO POWER COULD HAVE JUST AS EASfL Y EXTEN,PED THE BILLING PERIOD AND COLLECTED THE NORMAL $.11 PER DAY FEE FOR THE EXTENDED PERIOD. FIFTY EIGHT CENTS MAY NOT SEEM SIGNIFICANT UNTIL YOU MUL TtPL Y THAT TIMES THE NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS AFFECTED. E.G. 100 000 CUSTOMERS TIMES $.58 EQUALS $58,000.00. A RA THEA NICE GAIN FOR A PAPERWORK SHUFFLE. J WOULD HOPE THAT THE IPUC WILL CAUSE IDAHO POWER TO REiMBURSE ALL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY AFFECTED BY THIS OBVIOUS SCHILL GAME AND WILL TAKE A MUCH CLOSER LOOK AT IDAHO POWE RtS TARIFF AND TAKE ACTION TO PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPE NING AGAIN. Attachment A Decision Memo 5/25/05 Page 1 of 2 IT WOULD APPEAR FROM READING THE COpy OF THE TARIFF PROVIDED TO ME THAT IDAHO POWER IS BASICALLY WRITING THEIR OWN RULES WHICH ARE MORE OR LESS BEING RUBBER STAMPED BY THE COMMISSION. I, HAVING BEEN IN BUSINESS MYSELF ,REALIZE THAT A COMPANY MUST MAKE A PROFIT TO SURVIVE, HOWEVER, MY COMPANY ACTUALLY PERFORMED SOME SERVICE TO THECUSTOME R BEFORE WE BILLED THEM FOR IT. SINCERELY \:J GLENN RICE JR. c::s--- Attachment A Decision Memo 5/25/05 Page 2 of Service Agreement No: 0837623234 Sef'v ice Location: 160 E MAGIC RD/SHOSHONE, Mete Service Period umber Reading T--- Meter Readings ,...._~' ':~: ~!'Q~~ "" -+1-- From To of Days -...!Y~~reViOUs Current ~. ~ ,. " ~~?j~1;~~~1Jt Y~ i~ 03/21/05 I 04/12105 ~.l Verit1e~ 16984 16984 . ' . :i ;:;;:~ Resid~nfial ,', Bill Normaliz,ed from 22 days to 30 days Rate Schedule Service Charge ...............,...................................................,...,........... Wi This rate has a minimum service charge of $3.00 ........... ...... ............ ...... :Conservation Program Funding Charge .................................................. Current Charges - Electric Service An IDACORP cot'npany WWV.J. idahopower .com Questions? Contact us at PO BOX 30, Boit;e, 1083721. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) or (800) 488-4151. Sa habla espanaL For faster service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m, to 6:30 p, Page 2 of 2 Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: GLENN JR & CHARLOTTE N RICE 5500747273 04/14/2005 04/15/2005 Next Read Date:05i11/2005 Meter j Constant 1 t~ kWh Used $2. $0. $0. $3:22 .. ~;"I Hr\~~' ~~~~ l~:1~t~ , .,. ," ';, , c', - +'" :2~~':':E ted1t" kWn='KitOWa~f-h6U(~CA ::P.Ewer CosrAdju5tftiertt--~~;. =:-f~6wan---oCC-=:5ci5!C Load-c-a"paciqi G'~ Generatiufr'- \~U~~~tt;t!\U~!~' " . '' ,. yo- ur 'J;I.P~l~' j1i, ~' ~ it U$e Patt~fr()~' " " ; t' "l~ ih" c( c.. , ".~u~,ttl:A~~\\"U , .~". ." ~~' : ;'!~ht;~'H~it.~ ' .~ , "0 ., .;. f;.;..P'*~"" 1I . t';~' ~.! tll ,. ~""""",. ,..* t. ~~iUi't"". ~, ; ~~t ;::~!~!tU!~Hi~~~~ i pp.~tjj.f ~:~:~;!.~\tU~~ \ r~ltlf\N~~,h~i~nl~; . '' "" ~h, ~"")"'. .' " r;r;f~':riJ ~~~1;i~1' .. ". '., ~* ;! , .t, :\,~~~~; 'Jt ' ~.~:.:,\' ~. , ':I" ,. . " "l'(J ".. .. If', . ", ' 27. 0.4 1. . Apr-O4 May-O4 Jun-Ju, 0 0,0 0. Aug-O4 Sep-04 Oct-O4 Noy.O4 Dec-Q4 Jan-OS Fab-O5 Mar-OS Apr- , ,". ..., ., ... Attachment B Decision Memo 5/25/05 Page 1 of 5 OS/24/2005 10: 55 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER 141 003 Page I of 2~IDAHO83 PCJUIIm Ql,I8stlons? Contact us at: PO BOX 30, Boise, 1083721. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Trea8lre Valley) or (800) 488-6151. Se h~bli1l ~nol. For faster service pleQSQ call Tuesday - Friday, 7~ ;).1'1\. to a~3D p. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: GLENN JR & CHARLOTTE N RiCe 5500747273 04/14/2005 04/15/2005 An IDACORP company www.idahopower.com Due Date 04/29/2005 Please Pay $3. Account Balance $3. $3.21 CR $0. $3. $3. Account Activity Previous Balance ............ .................... "",,--00. _'__n- .----.- H...... ......" .",.., ..o... Payments - Thank You ....,...,...,...,.....,.....,.... nuu n """""""""""""""""" Balance Forward n_. 00 """""""""""""""""""'" """_"00 -.- --- n """"""""""" Current Charges ...o ...o, n ,.-- 0000' - . -- ,....,... ........."."...,.. ........... ....- n -... ..........., Please Note: Any unpaId balances will be assEl$$Gd a montl'lly ~rge of one perc8I1t (1%) for Idaho c::ustom~l'$. R8turned cheeks may bfJ resubmitted electronically for payment. Checks ramalnlng unpaid will be charged a $20 fee. Please detach :and return the pal'tlcn below whh your payment. j)lease bring entire statement when paying at a Dav station, T t: II1IUIO POWER PO 60X 30 BOISE. Ie 63721 , " , ",', '" "..",..", , " " I, 'I.' ,"" , "' "" ",1 ",1,1 :,,1, ":, :,-,:,,..,.. """""" ,.." -" '...." ", : I, .' "':" 1':1 I, ::1. " .. ,',,:::' ;~CCOUNT,~NUMBER::ii i:::::::!,tDUE;:DAT,E:' :::,::~:- '::';::~:~' PJ.~E:ASEHPAV:" :::::::...."", " 'I'." ',"I, ':', ,,:, , ",1",1""""1 11':1 "" 1..1..1":, "./"" """"'1""" ..",..,' . ..",.:" ,, "11"""1"", ,, ".."",""" ""'1", ' """""""" I""""""::":1 ' 'tit.' "" ":""':""'""""':""""':' 55007.4Z2:f3"':'I"'"I"I"'U~/, u I ' ",." ".. 1, 3" 2""" : ': :':, '" " ;::1 ,, ':,,:~:.., : ", I , :,:: ':':~ ,I I: ::1: "" "'" '", "..,..:" ,,: " ,: ',.." ",',::,::' '::':;":: ::' :: ::':::, ,: "..~.."..,.. : ':: ': ;' ': :':: ' An rDACORP com!)anv (200) 3aS-2323 (Treasure Valley) or (800) 488~151 Amount Enclosed """":.""""'."'."" M.' """ I" "" ",., ,'" "" '" ,1""'1"""" "." ""~ ..... ,""""'" '.". .. . 1 . ' '"'.' , ' """, " ,,'-~ '..,' ,.,, " ,.. m, I. ' ' "' , '11"" . "...", " ::h;:~ :); \ ,!~ ii,i!! :rj :/J ,:I:~ ~:i: jii'!It'r,!;I~: ;;: ~la l!r~! ~:~ I!l III;II ~' ,:I! rIPf:i""":!I:'i ji):i J" ~! 1;,1I'~I:, ,,:::,,):,,:,: ,,~IIr""\J,':I" """'"~.. 'I"'i"' ,:,:;,:....";,,, ';I' "":":: " (""~I "~.,,,,\..... 1, t~III,.II1"'1L1 "111" '"":I':, """". IL""'" (, IIIMIll """"," ""..,;... ".!",,. \~"1hJ ~,,\,.I,"h,,11,Please write YOl,Jr ~col,lnt rll,lmber on yol,Jr check or mcnay order made payable to Idaho Power. ~f~'T. ;b~~: Project Sharo plOCigo, noted 0f1 reverse !;Ilde- ~1~!);':'~ ;L\i;':~ Address/Phone COlTldiOn. noted on reverse side. T:tQ1 OQQ1:t222 GL~NN JR & CHARLOTTE N RICE PO BOX 152 GOODING. ID 8~330-0152 11..1,"11...11...11.111..111""1 11.1...1 t 1...11 1. 11.1111111111.1111111111"1111.11.111181 1111.1.111..,, 1111 IDAHO POWER O. BOX 30 BOISE, ID 83721-0030 11..1...11.1111111 11111111 III II 8 118.11 1111111111.11 ","11. 11.11,11 11111.,111111..111 1.1111.1111..111.11.111..11111.111. PPODNQ tlOO12222 I 00020022 Attachment B 55007472730000000322 000000000 00 eCISlon emo 5/25/05 Page 2 of OS/24/2005 11: 17 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER 141 002 Page 2 of 2~IDAHO83 POWER Questions'? Contact us at: PO BOX ~O, Boise, ID 93721 Or call (20a) $8$-2323 (Trsaau~ Valley) or (800) .u..61S1. Sa habla espal'iOi. For ~8ter BSIVIce plaa&8 call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 8.m. to 6:30 D. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: GLENN JR & CHARLOTTE N RICE 5500747273 03/25/2005 03/26/2005 An IDAC:ORI=I Company www.ldahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0837623234 Service Location: 160 E MAGIC ROfSHQSHONE. ID Next Read Date: 04/20/2005 Meter Service Period Number ~adlng Meter Readings Meter kWh Number From of Days Type ~revlous Current Constant Used 002181753211 02128/05 I 03/21/05 Veriflad 16984 16984 Residential Rate Schedule 101 eill Nonnalized from 21 dayS to 3~ days Service Charga ,.. -----..... B.......... ..........................,..., ..n....... ~... .....,--..-. $2_ $0. $0. $3. This rate has a minimum service charge of $3.00 -m.m_____ .'---.',."""""", Conservation Program Funding Charge .... ~................... ............. ....... ..... Current Charges - Electric Service CR ;;:' Credit 1I;Wt1;:: Kilowatt-hour PCA ~ ~ower Cost Adjustment kW:o Kilowatt BLC;; Basic Load Capacity G;; Generation Your Electric Use Pattern .;: ~ 7 0.0 0.0 0. M~r-04 Apr..()4 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-O4 Aug-O4 Sep-O4 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-O5 Feb-O5 Mar- I!IUG If writing Information below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. I!tINER AniDACORPC'cml'anv NEW CONTACT INFORMATION: DO$$ IdahO Power !'lave your correct mailin9 address and phone number? If not, plB!;IlaEl write !;Iny changes below: Account Number. 5500747273 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE ~?;;;,... ~!i i';:~.I..J~' Please add the amount Indl~te(1 to my monthly bill. \'00 \'" "'" $2;L; :;1'"rn$6~;'I~J;!j, r~~r"'";~ f'I $10 ::~::~, Nanie III:;:~;1:: 1'1 $~;o;~~ Street AptJSulte ':. fhU ~: i:i ~::"'~': I would like to m~l(~ ~ orllHme contribution In the amount of $ City l;nl~!i:1 1:1 :~",.:: Please round-up my monthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project 5ha1~. Thank you and please remembtr co 'faCie your taX-clBductlble donations. State Zip Code Telephone Number ..satil DaDl C518 I DDD2l'1I1 Attachment B Decision Memo 5/25/05 Page 3 of .-; OS/24/2005 10: 56 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER f4I 004 Page 2 of :2 ~IDAHO POWER Quastions? COntact us at:~O aox 30, 801$$, ID 83721- Or caU (208) 388"2323 (Treasure V~lIoy) or (800) 488-6151. Se nabl~ esp~l'\ol. For faster servl~ ploase call Tue&day - Frid;)y. 7:30 a.1'I'\. ID 5:30 p. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: GLENN JR. & CHARLOnE N RICE 5500747273 04/14/2005 04/15/2005 An IDACORP Company www.ldahopower.com Service Agreement No: 0837623234 Service Location: 160 E MAGIC RD/SHOSHONE. ID Next Read Date: 05/11/2005 Meter Service period Number Reading Meter Readings Meter kWh Number From of Days Type F'revlous Current Constant Used 002161753211 03/21/05 04/12/05 Verified 16984 16984 Residential Rate Schedule 101 Bill Normalized from 22 days to 30 days Service Charge .... ............. ..n.. :. ....-- .-. u................ .......... ......... u-- --. ... $2. $0, $0. $3. This rate has a minimum service charge of $3.00 .....,............................. Conservation Program Funding Charge .....m--.."""""""""""""""""'" Current Charges - Electric Service CR !!!! Credit kWh::I Kilowatt-hour PCA.-; Power CO$t Adjustment kW - Kilowatt BLC;;: Basic Load Capacity G!!! Generation Your Electric Use Pattern CD :!;~cL 27. 4 1_7 0.0 0.0 0-0 0. Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 JIJI.Q4 Aug.(!4 $ep..04 Oct-O4 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan.O5 Fl!!b-D5 Mar-oS Apt.O5 ~_R An IDACCAP Cam~;mv NEW CONTACT INFORMATION: Doe5 Idaho Power have your CQrrect mailing addre$s and phone number'? If not, please write any changes below: If writing infcrr11ation below, please check the appropriate box on the reverse side.Account Number: 5500747273 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE ';' :;:1'.1 ~i ~I." Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. ,r":::1i:" ;~ \~ $2~7'1=".,!;~ ':'~~';::\'::~ : ! $5,;:)01::1,:;1 i~~:I!::I' ~; ; ' $10 :;' :;1.1:,,1 Name (f"' \~J:JiJ $ S~t AptJSulte T"';;' 1:' .~;!..j I would Ilks to make a one-time contribution In the amount of City ""."""\.. 1.1\la:.Ii1::J PI~$e I'Ql,ln(S.l,Ip my mollthly bill amount to the nearest dollar and contribute the difference 10 !='roJect; $h~re. Thank you and ple4tse remember Co tr:ItK your lax-dodudlble donations. State Zip COde Telephone Number PP8DNO 00012222 I OQQ2S02:S Attachment B Decision Memo 5/25/05 Page 4 of OS/24/2005 11: 17 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER I4J 001 Questions? Contact us at PO BOX 30, Boise, ID 83721. Or call (208) 388-2323 (Tre$!Jure V~lIey) or (800) 488.6151. Sa habla espana!. For ta$ter service please call Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 B.m. to 6:30 p. Page 1 of 2 An IDACDRP Company Customer Name: Account Number. Billing Date: Print Date: GLENN JR. & CHARLenE N RICE 5500747273 03/25/2005 03/26/2005www.idahopower.com Due Date 04/11/2005 Please Pay $3. Account Activity Previous Balance ...-.... uu....... ......... uu"". . ,.. ....... .u............ .u.............,...... Account Balance $3. $3.60 CR $0. $3. $3. Payments - Thank You --.., ......-. ........ u... ---- ..u......"""", .............................. Balance Forward......... ........ """"'...oo... . ....... --a uu ow,."., 'u "'" ,..,...... ............. Current Charges ,... ............ """""""'.............,.............oo.........oo! roo"" .':"'--. Please Note~ My unpaid balances will be asseaBSd a monthly charge of one percent (1 %) for Idaho customers. Returned checks l1'Iay be resubmitted electronically for paymen~. Checks remaining unpaid will be charged 8 $20 fee. Post-it'S Fax Note To M Co./Dept. Phone # 7671 Date 5"/1). From Ct.", Co. Fax# "33,/-Fax # PI9858 detach and return the portion below with your payment. Please bring entire statement when paying at a pay station. ~IDAHO PCMIER PO BOX 30 BOIS~, 10 83121 : """'":":""'" .:;.. :" i"";:,""' ""'~""""":;::::'!"'::"; ::::"""';::";:'::.;"" ;:i;:;:;:'i"':i':;ACCOUN'T'!:NUMBEll": 1::.,;I:,:D EI:J)ATEr, ,':..::'~ ~.:' ' oPl!.~$E;....~Y:!!I' :, :~:" :::l:::::;:~"' ,;, i~:,:li,:i::;:t:j;;," !!::. i:i.I:. :::::::: I::~::' ,::;::::;:'::;:,::::~:;:;::";::';::.;:.':'::':;;;""::'::";:":;::;" :i::, ::!..,. :' 55007:A!!7 ":""'" """~""' 112005 ""'" ' 1,.:"1. ,,. ",1, """""'"::,.",., ::~~I;."'f :!i ;:" ;:i, :;"::::,::.;:.::'?:, ::;k!::ii' ,',~..,!:, :i::;, An IDACORP company (208) 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) or (800) 48~-6151 Amount Enclosed 1!;I:q~(' ;~(:" NI!:...t :!~:I."" '~!" :;i ":' """;.(",-IP1:;;;;::r:7'I;:t;;'1;l'mr ""' '1'IJ;;'i\1:II" """" 'II "."" J"'"":I".I". :"'--- -r.~11.""' """""' ""n '" , " , O,t. .,., ,. 1. 1"1"" '1.111 .!',:. !~I~I;:\J t: ~!:, :,d: :I!: , ,!: lIr""olf" n~ 1111 ""1'Q' :"I'" .. . . \ 1.111 \i;; !;:~,,:;, "J': k~l : i~;i:~ :;" ,lr''d""I"'C"~ '::' ;I'""rl" ... :r.""""""III~I~n""'O.I";I1~,t:,r:;,:';OI\',i' ';""\"'!'. " '"C' ;,.... ":J.. "" ."".\..:".,., :r":"".;,\"rrh,,n~1ImI'~I:,"',~J~,"':"'.1:01""""'" , """ 101,1,, 'IPlease write your aceount numbar 01'1 your check or money order made payable to Idaho Power. I'~;~:;r !:1rol:' project Share pledge. noted on rev~e ~1r;1e. rr~;;:f , ,, ~~i:l11d; Addres&lPhona Correction noted on reverse 5IcIs. 'l'2D' DDD'lD~'18GLENN JR & CHARLOTTE N RICE FlO BOX 152 GOODING, 1083330-0152 11..I...II'tl ll'I.II.II...II. I.", 11.1. ,.1 ,In, 1,11., 11.1..11111111111..11.1111..11111111.11.1.111..1111111 IDAHO POWER O. BOX 30 BOISE, 1083721-0030 11..1,1.1111,1.11.1,1.111111.11,,11.11111,11,111. 11"11.11, 11.11,,1111111,1,1111,11111.11111111.11111 111.1.1..111.11. PF'Hb DIID'D~7~ C!JD:Z17111J Attachment B55007472730000000321 000000000 OC eClSlon emo 5/25/05 Page 5 of Idaho Power Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Ori inal Sheet No. G-June 1 2004 June 1 2004 Jean D. Jewell Secretary LP.C. No. 27. Tariff No. 101 RULE G BilLINGS 1. Fractional Periods. Upon initiating or discontinuing service under Schedules 1 , 7, 9, 19 24 or 25 the Energy Charge will be calculated using actual meter readings. The Energy Charge for services provided under Schedule 40 will be determined using the daily kWh calculated on the basis of load size and number of units served multiplied by the actual number of days since the account was opened or since the previous billing, where appropriate. The proration of the applicable Demand Charge , Basic Charge, Facilities Charge , and Service Charge specified in the appropriate schedule will be calculated by dividing the charge by 30 and multiplying the result by the actual number of days since the account was opened or since the previous meter reading, where appropriate. However, the prorated Service Charge for Schedules 1 , 19 , or 25 or the Minimum Charge for Schedule 40 will be no less than the amount specified in Schedule 66. For Schedule 15, the proration of the applicable Monthly Charge will be calculated by dividing the charge by 30 and multiplying the result by the actual number of days since the account was opened or the previous billing, where appropriate; however, in no event will the charge be less than the amount specified in Schedule 66. 2. Corrected Billinqs . Whenever it is determined that a Customer was billed under an inappropriate schedule, the Customer will be rebilled under the appropriate schedule, except if the Company selected the schedule on the basis of available information and acted in good faith, the Company will not be required to rebill or adjust billings. The rebilling period will be no more than the 3- year period as provided by Idaho Code ~61-642. If the average error for any meter test exceeds :t2 percent, corrected billings will be prepared. The corrected billings will not exceed 6 months if the time when the malfunction or error began is unknown. If the time when the malfunction or error began is known , the corrected billings will be from that time, but will not exceed the 3 year period as provided by Idaho Code ~61-642. If an under billing occurs the Company will offer and enter into reasonable payment arrangements with the Customer. For any over billings, the Customer will have the choice of a refund or a credit on future bills. 3. Due Dates . The Company s practices relating to Due Dates are governed by the Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR) of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, in effect at the time the event occurred which required application of the UCRR. If the Company s Rules and Regulations on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission contain provisions which conflict with the UCRR, the provisions of the UCRR supersede those included in the Company s Rules and Regulations. 4. Returned Checks . Checks or payments remitted by Customers in payment of bills are accepted conditionally. A Returned Check Charge, as specified in Schedule 66 , will be assessed the Customer for handling each check or payment upon which payment has been refused by the bank. 5. late Payments. A late Payment Charge, as provided in Schedule 66 , will be levied against any delinquent account except for accounts of agencies and taxing districts of the State of Idaho as described in paragraph 6 of this schedule. All payments received by the billing date will apply to the Customer s account prior to calculating the late Payment Charge. Payments will satisfy the oldest portion of the billing first and the current portion of the billing last. IDAHO Issued Per IPUC Order Nos. 29505 and 29506 Effective - June 1 , 2004 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise. Idaho Attachment C Decision Memo 5/25/05 Page 1 of Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 66-3IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONCancels Approved Effective Ori inal Sheet No. 66-April 5, 2005 April 6, 2005 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.C. No. 27. Tariff No.1 01 SCHEDULE 66 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Continued) CHARGES (Continued) 7. Field Collection Charqe. As set forth in Rule F, the Customer will be assessed a Field Collection Charge according to the table below if bill payments or payment arrangements to prevent service termination are made during a termination visit. Schedules 1 $20. Schedules 15 , 19 $40. 8. Service Connection Charge Where service at the specified Point of Delivery is currently disconnected from the Company s system, a Service Connection Charge will be applied as defined in the table below when service is reconnected. Monday Through Friday Schedules 1 Schedules 15 , 19, 24 Company Holidays and Weekends Customer request between $20.$40. 7:30 am to 6:00 pm Customer request between $45.$65.7:30 am to 9:00 pm 6:01 pm to 9:00 pm Customer request between $80.$100.9:01 pm to 7:29 am 9:01 pm to 7:29 am 9. Returned Check Charqe. A charge of $20.00 as set forth in Rule G shall be made and collected by the Company. 10. Late Payment Charge. As set forth in Rule G, a Late Payment Charge will be levied against any delinquent account and will be computed at the rate of 12 percent per annum or one percent per month. 11. Fractional Period Minimum Billings. The prorated Service Charge for periods of less than one month will be no less than $3.00 for Schedules 1 5 and 7, no less than $5.00 for Schedules 9 and 19 Secondary Service Level, no less than $10.00 for Schedules 9 and 19 Primary and Transmission Service Levels, and no less than $3.00 for Schedules 24 and 25. The prorated Monthly Charge for Schedule 15 will be no less than $3.00. The Minimum Charge for Schedule 40 for periods of less than one month will be no less than $1.50. 12. Temporary Service Return Trip If the conditions stated in Rule Hare not satisfied prior to the Customer s request for temporary service, a $35.00 charge, per trip, will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. 13. Return Trip Charqe When a residential Customer supplies the trench , backfill , conduit and compaction for an underground service, a charge of $50.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company s installation crew cannot install cable on the first appointment or subsequent appointments.IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued - March 23, 2005 John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory AffairsEffective - April 6, 2005 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 05-03 ttac ent Decision Memo 5/25/05 Page 2 of