HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061027Reply comments.pdf,.. r"I"'-Rt I:, , \... Capitol lOnG OCT 26 Pl1 4: 45 Water , . i J\ U i "';e;IUi\I .:u ",:...,~';::; f.,cl UTiLiT\Et) l,Ldv,iiil:;)vi .. Corp. 2626 Eldorado Boise, Idaho 83704 Telephone 375.0931 October 26, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 87720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Attn: Commission Secretary CAP- W-06- Dear Commission Secretary: Enclosed with this cover letter is an original and seven (7) copies of the Applicants reply comments to the Commission Staff s comments in this case. Bonnie R. Price, Secretary-Treasurer Capitol Water Corporation RECEIVED 2006 OCT 26 PM 4: 45 :,;""- I-" ::' ..:.. \~ I U I" LJ~) L UTILlll ' 1 ""' -, \"Vmf',i U"::' I ';; BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CAPITOL WATER CORPORATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. CAP-O6- REPLY COMMENTS OF CAPITOL WATER CORPORATION TO COMMISSION STAFF COMMENTS Comes now Capitol Water Corporation (Applicant or Company) and submits these comments in reply to the comments of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff (Staff) filed on October 12, 2006 in this case. Staff Adjustment "A" and "B" ReclassifY Accounting Services.Company concurs. Staff Adjustment "C" and "D" ReclassifY Bank Service Charges Company concurs. Staff Adjustm,ent "E~' Post Closing Adjustment on Company s books in 2006 and " Add Phosphate expenses to chemical account Staff Adjustment "Staff is correct that this adjustment made outside the test year restates the test year results so all similar transactions are treated the same by moving this transaction out operating expenses and applying it the surcharge account. However, in its comments Staff proposes to eliminate ITom the Company s surcharge accounts expenses related to Idaho Power Company s PCA surcharges (Staff Comments Pg. 6) and the costs of purchasing phosphates for chemical treatment of the Company s wells (Staff Adjustment '~). The Company agrees with Staff that that these expenses are continuing costs the Company will realize beyond the expiration ofthe Company s current surcharge program. It is appropriate to recognize these expenses as normal continuing costs and include them in the Company s normal operating expenses. However, following this same reasoning, and to be consistent, the Company believes the ongoing costs it has and will continue to experience to inspect, service and maintain its standby generator should also be removed ITom the Company s surcharge account and be APPLICANT REPL Y COMMENTS OCTOBER 26, 2006 recognized as normal operating expenses. The Company contracts with Northwest Power Systems Inc. to perform semiannual service on the generator. During the test year the Company incurred expenses of$1 321.00 for this routine maintenance service. Removal of all of these items ITom the Company s surcharge account and recognizing them as normal operating costs provides for recovery of the costs from the Company s water rate schedules rather than ITom surcharge funds and will allow the surcharge to expire at an earlier date. Staff Adjustment "F" American Water Works Association dues Company concurs. Staff Adiustment " , " H" and "I" Regarding Vehicle Expense. The Company accepts the adjustment proposed by Staff. However, in its written comments on pages 4 and 5, Staff recommends that the Company maintain accurate log books on vehicle use for business and personal use. Staff recommends that the owners of the Company pay all operation and maintenance expense personally and reimburse themselves at the rate approved by the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes. The Company attempted to comply with previous Commission instruction to accurately account for the expenses of each vehicle by getting separate credit cards for each vehicle ITom a major oil company. As the prices of fuel escalated the Company switched ITom the major oil company to a discount fuel source to save costs. The discounted fuel source does not lend itself to separate accounts for each vehicle. The Company believes the requirement to "maintain accurate log books" is administratively burdensome and unworkable. A single trip of very few or many miles may include a business related trip to the post office, bank and hardware store as well as a personal stop at a grocery store or restaurant. The Company is willing to accept the 50%/50% split of business and personal use but does object to the requirement to somehow accurately track the actual use of each vehicle. Staff Adjustment r' Holiday Event for Employees. Company concurs. Staff Adjustments "K" and "L" Water Testing Expense Company concurs. Staff Adiustment "M" Add Phosph;1te Expense to Chemicals Company concurs. See response above for Adjustments "E" and 'G Staff Adjustment "N" Customer Revenue Adjustment. The Company s review of this adjustment indicated a problem in the calculation that could not be identified. The Company has met with and discussed the problem with Staff. Staffhas been very cooperative and the problemwas identified. Staff agreed to correct the problem and provide a corrected calculation. During the course of reviewing and correcting the calculation, Staff may have identified an error in the Company s billing program. Staff brought this possible programming error to the attention the Company. The Staff is continuing its work on the calculations but all problems and corrections have not been completed in time for the Company to respond in these reply comments. The Company understands that the Staff will file additional comments regarding this Staff adjustment. The Company will continue to work with the Staff to resolve this issue but reserves the right to file an additional reply in the unlikely event that the Staff and the Company do not agree on an equitable resolution. At the time this application was filed, the Company did not know if the Commission would accept the Company s request to proceed with this case under modified procedure. Nordid the Company know if it would be necessary to retain the services of an attorney to represent APPLICANT REPL Y COMMENTS OCTOBER 26, 2006 the Company at hearing. Therefore, the Company did not know how to estimate its costs of presenting and defending this application. The services of an attorney were not required. The Company has incurred costs of$2,287.50 through October 12, 2006 for the services ofits consultant and expects to incur an additional $1 300.00 by the time Tariffs are filed and the case is closed. Therefore the Company requests that the Commission authorize the Company to recover its rate case expenses in the amount of$3,588.00 through a three year amortization of $1,195.00 per year. Staff's comments at page 11 oppose the Company s proposal to include the month of April in the Company s SUIDItler rate period. The Company does not object to the Staff's proposal to reject this request. Staff's comments at page 12 propose the elimination of Schedule No.3 Public Fire Hydrants and shift the revenue requirement associated with this schedule to the other tariff schedules. The Company agrees that this proposal is appropriate. United Water Idaho does not charge the City of Boise for this service. Bi1ling the city for this service by the Company effectively produces a subsidy to Capitol Water Co. customers by all citizens of the City of Boise. The elimination of the revenue ftom the test year reduces the Company s test year revenue by $4,788.00 that should be recognized in the calculation ofthe Company s revenue requirement. Attached to these comments are Company rebuttal exlnbits identified as Exhtbit Nos. 12 13 and 14. Exlnbit No. 12 adjusts the Staffs proposed Income Statement for the items discussed above. Column (C) is Staff's proposal. Column (D) adjusts Staff's proposal to eliminate Staff's customer revenue Adjustment (N) pending resolution of the problems discussed above regarding the Staff calculation and the potential problem identified in the Company s billing program. This adjustment is subject to change and modification when resolved between the Company and Staff. Column (E) ofExln"bit No. 12 adds to operating expenc;es one third (l/3rd) ofthe Company s anticipated rate case expenses to amortize these expenses over a three year period. Column (F) of this exhibit recognizes the Company s standby generator inspection, service and maintenance expense as normal operating expenses rather than special expenses funded through the surcharge that will ultimately expire. Column (F) is Staff's proposal adjusted by the above items. Column (G) eliminates the revenue received ITom Schedule 3, Public Fire Hydrants. Column (H) reflects the Income Statement ofthe Company after the removal of the fire hydrant revenue. Exlnbit No. 13 adjusts the Staff's Rate Base calculation to recognize the changes the Company proposes to the Staff's Income Statement recommendation. The only change to the Staff recommendation is an increase to the working capital rate base amount shown on line 5. Exlnbit No. 14 presents a comparison of the revenue requirement and increase required as originally filed by the Company (Column A) with the Staff proposal (Column B) and the Company s reply calculations in Columns "C" and "Column "C" presents the calculation with the fire hydrant service in place. Column "D" shows the calculation with the fire hydrant revenues removed ITom the calculation. The revenue increase required with the fire hydrant revenues removed produces a required increase to the remaining service schedules of 32.92%. APPLICANT REPLY COMMENTS OCTOBER 26, 2006 The Company will continue to cooperate with Staff to resolve the remaining questions regarding the correctness of the adjustment to annualize customer revenues and the Company customer billing computer program. The Company sincerely hopes the Staff and the Company can present the Commission with a stipulated resolution acceptable to both parties and the Commission. The Company wishes to thank the Staff for its professional and cooperative approach during its investigation of this application. Respectfully S~bmitted , J. Bonnie R. Price, Secretary-Treasurer Capitol Water Corporation APPLICANT REPLY COMMENTS OCTOBER 26, 2006 Un a Ac c o u n t 48 0 48 1 . 1 48 1 . 2 48 2 46 4 48 5 48 8 40 0 Ca p i t o l W a t e r C o r p o r a t i o n Ca l e N o , C A P . W. o o . In c o m e S t a t e m e n t Fo r t h e T e s t Y e s r 2 0 0 5 Ad j u s t e d C o m m i s s i o n S t a f f p r o p o s a l De s c r i p t i o n RE V E N U E S Un m e t e r e d W a l e r R e v e n u e Ms t e r e d S a l e s . R e s i d e n t i a l Me t e r e d S a l e s . C o m m e r c i a l , I n d u s t r i a l Flr a P r o t e c t i o n R e v e n u e Ot h e r w a t e r S a l e s R e v e n u e Ir r i g a t i o n S a l a s R e v e n u e Sa l a s f o r R e s a l e Co m m i s s i o n A p p r o v e d S u r c h a r g e s C o l l e c l 8 d To t a l R e v e n u e 10 8 0 1 . 1 - 6 11 8 0 1 . 8 12 8 0 3 . 13 8 0 3 14 8 0 4 15 8 1 0 18 8 1 5 - 1 8 17 8 1 8 18 8 2 0 . 1- 6 19 8 2 0 , 7- 6 20 8 3 1 . 21 8 3 5 22 8 3 8 23 8 4 1 - 4 2 24 8 5 0 25 8 5 8 . 28 8 8 0 27 8 8 8 28 8 8 7 29 8 7 0 30 8 7 5 t% j :: r 1- ' " 1- " 32 4 0 3 33 4 0 8 34 4 0 7 35 4 0 8 . 38 4 0 8 . 37 4 0 8 . 38 4 0 8 . 41 4 0 9 . 42 4 0 9 . 43 4 1 0 . 44 4 1 0 . 45 4 1 1 48 4 1 2 49 4 1 9 51 4 2 7 , EX P E N S E S La b o r . O p e r a t i o n & M a i n t e n a n c e La b o r . C u s t o m e r A c c o u n t s La b o r . A d m i n i s t r a t i v e & G e n a r a l Sa l a r i e s , O f f i c e r s & D i r e c t o r s Em p l o y e e P e n s i o n s & B a n s f i t s Pu r d l a s e d W a 1 e r Pu r c h a s e d P o w e r & F u a l f o r P o w e r Ch e m i c a l s Ma t e r i a l s & S U p p l i e s . O p e r a t i o n & M e l n \ . Ms t e r l a l s & S u p p l i e s . A d m l n l s l r a t l v e & G e n e r a l Co n t r a c t S e r v i c e s . P r o f e s s i o n a l Co n t r a c t S e r v l c a s . W a t e r T e s t i n g Co n t r a c t S e r v i c e s . O t h e r Re n t a l s . P r o p e r t y & E q u i p m e n t Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n E x P e n s e In s u r a n c e Ad v e r t i s i n g Ra t e C a s e E x p e n s e ( A m o r t i z e t i o n ) Re g u l a t o r y C o m m - E x p , ( O t h e r e x c e p t t e x e s ) Ba d D e b t E x P e n s e Mi s c a l l a n e o u s To t a l O p e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r a c l a t l o n E x p e n s e Am o r t i z a t i o n , U t i l i t y P l a n t A c q u i s i t i o n A d j . Am o r t i z a t i o n E x P . . O t h e r Ra g u l a t o r y F a e s ( P U C ) Pr o p e r t y T a x e s Pa y r o l l T a x e s Ot h e r T a x e s ( l i s t ) DE Q F e e s ir r i g a t i o n Ve h i c l e s Fe d e r a l I n c o m e T a x e s St a t e I n c o m e T a x e s pr o v i s i o n f o r D e f e r r e d I n c o m e T a x - F e d e r a l Pr o v i s i o n f o r D e f e r r e d I n c o m e T a x . S t a l e Pr o v i s i o n f o r D e f e r r 8 d U t i l i t y I n c o m e T e x C r e d i t s In v e s t m e n t T a x C r e d i t s . U t i l i t y To t a l E x p s n s e s f r o m o p e r a t i o n s b e f o r e I n t e r e s t Ne t O p e r a t i n g I n c o m e In t e r e s t & D I v i d e n d I n c o m e Ne t I n c o m e B e f o r e I n t e r e s t C h s r g e s DE Q F e e s In t e r e s t E x p . o n L o n g . Te r m D e b t NE T I N C O M E (A ) (C ) .~ Co m p a n y R e p l y t o S t a f f Pr o p o s a l - - - - - - " ' - _ . (D ) (E ) (F ) (G ) (H ) (I ) Re v e r s e A d d 1/ 3 Ge n e r a t o r A d j u s t e d El i m i n a t e A d j u s t s d Ad j " N O R a t e C a s s In s p e c t & p r o p o l a l Hr d r a n t pr o p o s a l Yr - e n d c u e t E m Ma l n l Re v WI O Hy d r e n t s $ 3 7 5 , 97 7 48 9 $ 3 7 7 , 44 8 $ (1 , 46 9 ) 94 , 15 1 03 9 99 , 19 0 (5 , 03 9 ) 78 8 (1 5 ) 77 3 88 9 88 9 $4 ' 7 5 i O 5 49 3 $ 4 8 2 . 2 9 8 $ 1 2 5 , 48 2 $ 4 3 , 88 1 43 . 88 1 38 , 59 1 38 , 59 1 33 , 83 3 33 , 83 3 52 , 01 5 52 , 01 5 35 , 89 4 35 , 88 4 88 , 25 5 1! 8 . 25 5 14 , 79 8 14 , 87 9 19 , 45 2 (3 , 02 8 ) 18 , 4 2 8 20 , 02 8 (3 , 35 0 ) 18 , 87 8 10 , 31 4 35 0 13 , 88 4 31 3 31 3 88 8 88 8 85 3 (3 , 14 5 ) 70 8 12 , 87 3 12 , 87 3 $ 3 5 0 , 84 0 14 , 75 3 IS 3 6 5 , 39 3 75 , 93 7 (4 , 08 5 ) 71 , 85 2 58 9 58 9 29 , 12 5 29 , 12 5 12 , 82 3 12 , 82 3 78 8 -8 5 88 1 i4 7 O T O O 10 , 58 3 10 5 01 5 $ 5 , 10 5 $ 1 , 01 5 87 8 12 0 7 IS (5 7 3 ) IS ( 3 , 45 I D $ 3 7 5 . 97 7 37 5 , 97 7 94 , 15 1 94 , 15 1 78 8 $ ( 4 , 78 8 ) I S 88 9 88 9 47 5 , 80 5 $ ( 4 , 78 8 ) 47 1 , 01 7 43 , 88 1 43 , 88 1 36 , 59 1 38 , 59 1 33 , 83 3 33 , 83 3 52 , 01 5 52 , 01 5 35 . 8 8 4 35 , 88 4 88 , 25 5 88 , 25 5 14 , 87 9 14 , 87 9 32 1 17 , 74 7 17 , 74 7 18 , 87 8 18 , 87 8 13 . 88 4 13 . 88 4 31 3 31 3 88 8 88 8 70 8 70 8 12 , 87 3 12 , 87 3 19 5 19 5 19 5 10 , 08 8 10 , 08 8 36 7 , 90 9 38 7 , 90 9 71 , 85 2 71 , 85 2 58 9 58 9 29 , 12 5 29 , 12 5 12 , 82 3 12 . 82 3 88 1 88 1 "$ 4 8 3 79 9 48 3 , 79 9 (7 , 99 4 ) (1 2 , 78 2 ) (7 , 99 4 ) (1 2 , 78 2 47 1 4,4 7 1 12 , 48 5 17 , 25 3 e. t i b l t N o . Capitol Water Co. Case No. CAP-O6- Rate Base 2005 Test Year Commission Staff Proposal Adjusted by Company Reply Comments 1 Plant in Service 2 L9$s Accum Depr 3 L9$s Contributions in Aid 4 Add Accum Amort of CIAC 5 Add Working Capital Company Staff Staff Companyoposal Adjustment Proposal Reply Proposal 598,939 2,598 939 2 598 939 642,271) (1 642 271) (1 642,271) (150 065) (150 065) (150,065) 89,734 89 734 89,734 . 43 830, 1 844 45,674 45 989 6 Company Requ9$ted Rate Base 940,167 7 Staff Proposed Rate Base 942 011 $942 326 Exhibit No. 13 Capitol Water Co. Case No. CAP-W-Q6-1 Revenue Requirement For the Test Year 2005 Commission Staff Proposal 1 Rate Base 2 Required RetUrn an Rate Base 3 Required Net OperatIng Income 4 Net Operating Income Rearaed 5 Net ~ng Income Deficiency 6 Net to Gross MultIplier 7 Gross Re.tenU8 DeIicIencY 8 Revenue Billed 9 Revenue Increase percentage Required 10 Revenue RequIrement Gross-UP Factor caculation - Company11 Net DeficiencY12 PUC Fees13 Bad Debts 100.0000",," 2486% 5000% 99.251 9401% 91.3113% 13.6967% 77.6146% 128.8417% Stafe Tax (it 8% Federal Taxable Federal Tax ~ 15% Net After Tax Net to Gross Multiplier Gros&-Up Factor CaIcuIaIian - Staff20 Net DeficienCY21 PUC Fees22 Bad Debts 24- 'Zl 100.0000% 2486% 0090% 99.7424% 9794% 91.7630% 13.7644% 77.9985% 128.2075% State Tax ~ 8% Federal Taxable Federal Tax ~ 15% Net Aftg; Tax Net to Gross Multiplier (A)(8) Company Staff PI oposaI Proposal 940,161 942,011 11.48%11.48% 107.905 108,116 105 015 102.800 107,101 128..84%128.21% 132,449 137,312 475,805 482.298 'Zl.84%28.47% 608,254 619,610 Company Reply to Staff (C)(D) Adjusted Adjusted 326 W/O HydrMts 942.326 11.48%11.48% 108,152 108.152 (7.994)(12.782) 116,146 120,934 128.21%128.21% 148,908 155,047 475.805 471.017 31.30%32.92% 624.713 626,064 Bchibit No.