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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051027Comment.pdfJ, -- . f+Jt--- if ~J /01')-'7 0
Jean Jewell
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Ed Howell
Tuesday, October 25 2005 12:44 PM
Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark
Com ment acknowledgement
WWW Form Submission:
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
11: 44 : 02
Case: BIT-W-05-01
Name: Michael L. Mallory
Street Address: 26645 N. Ni tterroot Court
Ci ty: Athol
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83801
Home Telephone: 208.683.2856
E-Mail: mlmlkm~adelphia. net
Company: Bitterroot Watermailinglistyesno: cY€s~Comment description: I realize that upgrades to a water system means the owner incurs
addi tio al expenses. When they purchased the system I am sure they must have looked at thebusiness model and determined what a fair rate of return for their investment would be.For seven months of the year (Oct-April) there is little cost involved with running the
system. Demand is minimal during these months, which mean energy costs to run the pumps
etc. should drive revenues upwards for the owner (s) .
My Bill for the period of October through April is $20.00 per month, my average usage forthese months is between 5 and 6 thousand gallons. This is well under the 15 thousandgallons I am allowed before the additional $. 75 per thousand gallons would apply.
During the period of May through September our usage averages out to 83,858 gallons permonth with August being the worst month usage wise ~ 133,570. These figures include thefirst 15000 gallons I'm allowed before the $. 75 per thousand gallons premium kicks in.
I find it appalling for the Bitterroot Water Company to ask for a 125% increase on ourmonthly fee of $20.00 too $45.00. It will be interesting to see where they are coming up
with their figures that will explain such a request; we are only talking about 116 users.I hope they are not wasting the commission s valuable time and energy to hear frivolous
requests without basis. If so, they should reimburse the costs the commission paid to hear
their request.
I would suggest Bitterroot Water Company change their billing structure. I would like touse my last years usage and have this pro-rated over the entire year, this way I will beless susceptible to having a heart attack, or should say my wife Linda from having onewhen she opens our higher usage months bills. Also this would provide Bitterroot Water
Company revenues upfront that they typically do not receive.
One upgrade that has not been accomplished, and at least twice a year occurs, is duringthe loss of commercial power we are without ANY water. I think just from a fire fightingperspecti ve this would be unacceptable.
Thank you for reading my concerns and potential solution to Bi tterroots fiscal woes.
Michael L. Mallory
Transaction ID: 10251144.Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc