HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051201Response to staff comments.pdfBinerroot Water Co., Inc. PO Box 2306 Hayden Lake, ID 83835 Telephone: 208-683-8105 OR 208-660-2560 Fax: 208-683-4315 "~., --: "._--. .--" " November 30 , 2005 Co') . '-." ) c::; ., ;::.- (-- 5? ,f;; 5: u;~ U) c., :; !2! .., f"\) Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise , ID 83720-0074 Express Mail: 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 tA..' Re: Case No. BIT-;;r'-05- Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find attached our response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF. The Company would like to thank the Staff for all of their hard work reviewing the Company s application for rate increase. Sincerely, Susan Jacobson Accounting Department CC: Copy 1 Copy 2 Copy 3 Attached: Proposed Press Release/Customer Notice Bitterroot Water Company Case No. BIT - T -05-1 Response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION Page 2 In response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, the Company would like to respond to each of the adjustments as follows: Ad1ustment A - Salaries As the Staff stated in the COMMENTS, the Company is hard to compare to other small water companies due to the location and lot sizes of the Company. More man hours are necessary due to these factors. Ken Rickel believes that he can give his customers the best value for the lowest price by doing primarily all the operational and maintenance tasks himself that are usually given to outside contractors in small water companies where the owners are not involved. This is not to say that he shouldn t be compensated for his services simply because he is the owner. Mr. Rickel has drawn less salary in 2005 than 2004 so that a new pump could be bought when the old one failed (see Adjustment H). The Company understands the Staff's reasoning for the Administrative and General salary reduction , but would ask that the Operation labor expense be increased by the $1 176 requested due to daily chlorine testing time involved (see Adjustment G) as well as more operational labor that will be needed to institute the backflow prevention valve (see Adjustment K) and the isolation valve (see Adjustment S) implementations. At the requested rate of $16 802 (approving the final $1 176), Mr. Rickel would be paid $64.62 per day, based on a 5 day week or $17.50 per hour assuming that he works 80 hours in any given month. That includes all the operational maintenance and repairs, meter reading, collections , new customer packet delivery and being onsite while customer hookups are in progress. outside contractor would charge $25.00 per hour or much more to do the same tasks. As the owner/operator, Mr. Rickel is on call to handle emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Mr. Rickel does not keep a work log of the hours he puts in , he just does what is needed when it is needed. (Continued on next page) Bitterroot Water Company Case No. BIT - T -05-1 Response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION Page 3 Adiustment B - Purchased Water The Company will file tariffs for the commercial sale of water to Rickel Water Company as recommended by the Staff and record water purchase/sale transactions on a lower threshold (more frequent) basis. Adiustment C - Purchased Power The Company acknowledges Staff's decrease in proposed expense of $141. Adiustment D - Testina Exoenses The Company acknowledges Staff's normalized recovery level of $750 per year. Adiustment E - Chemical Exoense The Company acknowledges the Staff's recommendation of $1 600 for the purchase of chlorine. Adiustment F - Well Pumo Reolacement The Company understands that it has other avenues to recover the pump replacement cost when it occurs and will pursue them in the future. Adiustment G - Chlorination The Company agrees with the Staff that the labor portion of the testing should not be included in this cost with the chemicals needed for testing. The Company asks for the review and reclassification of time involved to Operation Labor (see Adjustment A). (Continued on next page) Bitterroot Water Company Case No. BIT - T -05-1 Response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION Page 4 Adiustment H - Booster Pumo Reolacemen~enance The Company understands that it has other avenues to recover the pump replacement cost when failure occurs and will pursue them in the future. Adiustment I - Meter Maintenance The Company understands that it has other avenues to recover meter replacement costs when incurred and will pursue them in the future. Adiustment J - Grounds Maintenance The Company is looking at several options for weed control around the pump house and water meters. The DEQ will only allow Roundup to be sprayed but Company is hesitant because the wind blows often in that area and could damage customer lawns/gardens during application. Adiustment K - Backflow Prevention Staff recommends a dedicated reserve account in the amount of $2 000 per year for 4 years or $1.24 surcharge per month per customer for 4 years for recovery of the costs involved. The Company would prefer the surcharge method as the recovery of the costs are guaranteed and not based on the unpredictability customer excess usage. The Company also would like to know why the surcharge only produces $6 963.84 ($1.24 x 12 months x 117 customers x 4 years) of cost recovery. The Company believes that a surcharge of $1.42 per month producing $7 974.72 ($1.42 x 12 months x 117 customers x 4 years) would more closely recover the total estimated cost of $8 000. The surcharge would be placed in a dedicated reserve account for tracking purposes. (Continued on next page) Bitterroot Water Company Case No. BIT - T -05-1 Response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION Page 5 Adiustment L - Backhoe The Company acknowledges Staff's exclusion of this item at this time. Adiustment M - Accountina Services In reviewing the Accounting Services adjustment (M) the Staff notes that it could not justify the additional request. The Company submits that the Staff has proposed the following: (1) Bookkeeping Expense-Basic Books Plus (2) Cathy Rickel Daily Tasks (3) Tax Preparation Fee (4) Rate Case Expense Amortization Total Annual Expense 800 per year $900 per year $550 per year $300 per year $3.550 The Company would propose a reallocation and increase as follows: (1) Bookkeeping Expense-Basic Books Plus $1,440 per year (2) Cathy Rickel Daily Tasks $2 880 per year(3) Tax Preparation Fee $550 per year (4) Rate Case Expense Amortization $300 per yearTotal Annual Expense (1)Outside bookkeeping services include monthly invoicing (create , stuffenvelopes and apply postage), monthly bank reconciliations and annualreport preparation for Public Utilities Commission and ID Tax Commission as well as tax return preparations. (2)Daily tasks include picking up payments from post office box , postingpayments to customer accounts, relaying all meter reading information and customer updates to bookkeeper for invoicing, creating deposits and making bank deposits. Mrs. Rickel also coordinates and tracks the changes of ownership, produces the new customer packets, returns customer phone calls and maintains the individual customer files. (Continued on next page) Bitterroot Water Company Case No. BIT-T-05-1 Response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION Page 6 As the co-owner, Cathy Rickel is involved to lower costs as much possible. Mrs. Rickel stopped taking payment for these tasks in 2004 as there was not enough money for her to draw a salary for her involvement as well as pay the ongoing bills of the water company. Mrs. Rickel worked for free after March of 2004 and during 2005. This cannot continue. A salary of $2 880 per year (3 hours per week (Q) $20/hour) is included and the Company believes this is reasonable compensation for her time. If no salary is approved for Mrs. Rickel's time on daily tasks, all those tasks will be turned over to the Bookkeeper at a higher cost and will have to be recovered through a future rate increase to the detriment of the customer. (3)The tax preparation fee does not change. (4)It should also be noted that the original request for this category did not include the Rate Increase Expenses as there were no estimates at the time the application was initially submitted. The Company is grateful for the Staff's attention to and aid in the handling of these expenses. Adiustment N - Outside Services The Company acknowledges Staff's reduction of this item. Adiustment 0 - Prooertv Insurance The Company acknowledges the adjustments made by the Staff in this area. Staff recommended that the Company be allowed to recover the face value of the policy ($4 439) plus the $195 finance charge on an annual basis. The finance charge would allow the Company to make the insurance payment in installments to better regulate cash flow. The amount that is shown as Property Insurance on the Results of Staff Audit detail is $4,439, which does not include the $195 finance charge as recommended by the Staff. This item needs to be added. (Continued on next page) Bitterroot Water Company Case No. BIT - T -05-1 Response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION Page 7 Adiustment P - Misc General Exoenses The Company acknowledges Staff's reduction of this item. Ad"ustment - Bank Char es Company agrees that the $35.00 fee should not be recovered from the current rate increase. However, the Company asks that the reduction be reclassified to it's proper location on the Results of Audit Staff detail report from "Other" (no expense initially exists in this category) to the "Miscellaneous General Expenses where the charge was initially recorded. Adiustment R - Taxes The Company acknowledges Staff's reduction of this item. Adiustment S - Isolation Valves The Company would prefer a surcharge method as the recovery of the costs are guaranteed and not based on the unpredictability of customer excess usage. The Company believes that a surcharge of $2.67 per month producing $29 989.44 ($2.67 x 12 months x 117 customers x 8 years) would recover the estimated total cost of $30,000 (60 valves (g) $500 each). The surcharge would be placed in a dedicated reserve account for tracking purposes. (Continued on next page) Bitterroot Water Company Case No. BIT-T-05-1 Response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION Page 8 TARIFF STRUCTURE The Company agrees with the intent of the rate increase to promote water conservation by the customers. By increasing the commodity rate this purpose may be achieved. The Company is encouraged that this will have the desired effect, but the downside could be less income to the Company for ongoing operating and maintenance costs. The Company proposes the following rates: Minimum Charge $21.00 per month per customer Surcharge-Backflow valves $1.42 per month per customer (4 years) Surcharge-Isolation valves $2.per month per customer (8 years) Total standard charge $25.09 per month per customer This charge would be reduced with the expiration of the surcharges in 4 and 8 years respectively. Commodity charge (Q) $1. 72/1000 gallons for gallons used over 15,000 The above charges were calculated using the following assumptions:Total Revenue Requirement $50,968 (per Results of Staff Audit) Adjustments: Salary Increase Accounting Labor Increase Property Insurance Increase Adjusted Total Revenue Requirement 650/0 to be recovered through standard charges $35 073. 350/0 to be recovered through commodity charges $18,885. 176 620 $195 $53.959 Stru ctu re : Minimum $21.00 X 117 customers X 12 months Surcharge #1 $1.42 X 117 customers X 12 months Surcharge #2 $2.67 X 117 customers X 12 months Commodity Chg $1.72/1000 gallons X 10 879 888 gal Projected Annual Revenue $29 484. 993. $3,748. $18,713.41 $53.959. (Continued on next page) Bitterroot Water Company Case No. BIT - T -05-1 Response to the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION Page 9 CONSUMER ISSUES As stated in the COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, a Notice to Customers of Proposed Changes in Rates was filed with the initial Application. The Staff COMMENTS state that this notice did not comply as it did not include the overall dollar amount requested or the percent of the increase. As per the attached copy of the Notice that was included with the initial filing, the proposed amount of t~e rate increase is indeed included, while the Company agrees that the percent of the increase was not initially included. The COMMENTS state also that the Company was notified of the need for the above changes and that the Company took no action. The Company was NOT notified regarding any changes needed for the Notice nor was there any direction from the PUC as to when this notice should be sent out to Customers. If the Company had been notified as stated the Company would have made immediate corrections and sent out the notice to customers as directed. The Company willing compliance and promptness in all other requests for information during the application and audit phases of this project supports this fact. miscommunication by the PUC should not be construed as the Company being out of compliance. ceo Bitterroot Water Company Requests An Increase in Rates Citing Rising Power and System Improvement Costs CONTACT: Ken Rickel , President (208) 208-683-8105 or 208-660-2560 Bitterroot Water Company has filed a request with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a rate increase in the base water rate from $20 per month to $45 per month to help offset the increasing costs associated with the operation , maintenance and capital improvements to the water system. There would be no increase in the charge for gallons used in excess of the 15 000 base amount allowed. The company last filed for a rate increase in 1998 while serving 54 customers. The system has now expanded to serve 116 customers and is considered to be at capacity based on the number and size of the lots now included in the subdivision. Further growth would be based on subdividing existing lots. In the last 12 months, the system has been systematically reviewed and upgraded to maintain compliance with increasingly tougher government standards for water quality. The increased operating expenses are largely out of the company s control. Rising power costs play the biggest role in recent operating expense increases. The rate proposal is subject to public review and will be reviewed and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. A copy of the application is available for public review at the Bitterroot Water Company Office and the office of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Bitterroot Water Company, organized in 1995, is an independent owner-operated water utility whose purpose is to supply water for domestic, commercial , industrial and fire protection purposes. The Company is subject to the regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as well as various Federal and State regulatory agencies concerning water quality standards.