HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090923notice_of_public_hearing.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date September 23, 2009 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER COMPANY, INC. FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE COMPANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. BCS-09- NOTICE OF SCHEDULING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF COMMENT DEADLINE On June 19, 2009, Bar Circle "S" Water Company, Inc. (Bar Circle "; Company) filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) for authority to increase the water rates it charges its customers by approximately 119%. The Company also requests changes in certain non-recurring charges. Bar Circle "S" is a water utility that provides water service to approximately 160 residential and commercial customers on the Rathdrum Prairie approximately 15 miles northwest of Coeur d' Alenejn Kootenai County, Idaho. Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 296. The Company s principal office and place of business is located at 2953 North Government Way, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. On July 15 , 2009, the Commission issued a Notice of Application in Case No. BCS- 09-02 and suspended the Company s proposed August 1 2009, effective date. On September 2009, the Commission issued a Notice scheduling a September 30 2009 public workshop for customers in Rathdrum, Idaho. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the following additional scheduling is established in Case No. BCS-09-02: October 23 2009 Staff Report (investigative report and recommendations) filing deadline YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of taking public comment on THURSDAY. OCTOBER 29. 2009. COMMENCING AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE RATHDRUM CITY HALL. 8047 WEST MAIN STREET. RATHDRUM. IDAHO NOTICE OF SCHEDULING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF COMMENT DEADLINE YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the deadline for filing written comments in Case No. BCS-09-02 is Friday, November 6, 2009. Persons desiring to submit comments via e-mail may do so by accessing the Commission s home page located at www.puc.idaho.gov. Click the "Comments and Questions" icon and complete the comment form using the case number as it appears on the front of this document. These comments must also be e-mailed to Robert Turnipseed, Bar Circle ", at avondalecon~verizon.net and Robert E. Smith at utilitygroup~yahoo.com YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all hearings in this matter will be held in facilities meeting the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Persons needing the help of a sign language interpreter or other assistance in order to participate in or to understand testimony and argument at a public hearing may ask the Commission to provide a sign language interpreter or other assistance at the hearing. The request for assistance must be received at least five (5) working days before the hearing by contacting the Commission Secretary at: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0338 (Telephone) (208) 334-3762 (FAX) Mail: secretary(fYpuc.idaho.gov YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Company s Application in Case No. BCS-09-02 and supporting exhibits may be viewed on-line at www.puc.idaho.gov by clicking on "File Room" and then "Water Cases" or can be viewed during regular business hours at the Commission offices, 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho or at the Company s principal office and place of business located at 2953 North Government Way, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. NOTICE OF SCHEDULING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF COMMENT DEADLINE ,J.DATED at Boise, Idaho this ;J), day of September 2009. ATTEST: bls/O:BCS-09-02 sw3 NOTICE OF SCHEDULING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF COMMENT DEADLINE .d 1: D. MPT , P IDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ~, ;.~ MACK A. REDFORD, COM ISSIONER