HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130624Application.pdfACIWE tyA TE R I,lOfr,K5r I N C" 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, lD 83864 \208) 265-4270 (phone I (208) 265-5343 (fax) rvqltribob@aol.coia mnil) ,l fia*fi ?$i: Juf* ?,rt ' t#,'ii'i1,i ;l.l'I*:LiTirifi tl June I ,2013 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Aww- uJ _ t"2_ot P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Commission Secretary: This letter, along with accompanying information, is intended as an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Acme Water Works, lnc. (AWW) The water system, consisting of two wells, a 200,000 gallons storage reservoir, distribution mains and fire hydrants, services a small 260 equivalent residential units (ERU) on 107 lots located in the area of Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort, in Township 58N, Range 2W, Section 29, Bonner County, Idaho. A Certificate Application is enclosed together with the required supplemental information. No other existing water system located near the requested service area had capacity or could economically serve the area. We would request the Commission to issue a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) authorizing the company to operate as a public utility in the state of Idaho and to serve the geographical area requested. Small water company (AWW) contact information: Acme Water Works, Inc. Mr. Joel Wahlin - Owner (208) 597-0335 (phone) JL_Plus5@yahoo.com (e-mail) Mr. Bob Hansen - primary contact person Contact & mailing same as letter head IPUC CPCN Application June l' 2ol3 Page l of4 Application 1.The applicant, Acme Water Works, Inc., business organization is registered under: Corporation. The Corporation is organized in the state of Idaho. 3. The company is registered with the Idaho Secretary of State (ISOS) and is authorized to do business in Idaho. 4. Attached, please find copies of: BYLAWS OF ACME WATER WORKS, INC. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF ACME WATER WORKS, INC. 5. No, there are no affiliated companies with which the water system shares office space, employees, expenses or provides services to the water system. 6. Attached, please find the legal description for the certificated area to be served included in the copy of: PLAT OF SCHWEITZER VILLAGE (Acme Water service area) IN SECTION 29, T58N, BM, BONNER COUNTY, IDAHO Attached, please find the WATER SYSTEM OVERALL SITE PLAN, prepared by James A. Sewell and Associates L.I.C., CONSULTING ENGINEERS, showing the location of wells, reservoirs, water lines, valves etc. for the system. AWW does not compete with any public utilities, corporations, or persons. Two other water systems are located in the area of Schweitzer Mountain Resort: North of AWW Schweitzer Basin Water Company. Attached, please find the most recent Sanitary Survey, conducted by Panhandle Health District on November 18, 2011. 9. AWW has contracted with Water Systems Management, Inc. (WSM) to manage the day-to-day operations of the system. Mr. Robert Hansen with WSM is the designated responsible-charge operator with other appropriately licensed personnel available as required. DWT2-10694 - Drinking Water Treatment Class II DWD2-13440 - Drinking Water Distribution Class II BAT-530 - Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester 10. Yes, the system is approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and regulated by the local health district. The DEQ assigned Public Drinking Water System number is PWS #1090254. IPUC CPCN Application June 1,2013 2. 7. 8. Page 2 of 4 I l. Attached, please find information showing the water rights license or permit owned by AWW. 12. Basic construction was completed in 2009, including wells, Pumphouse, distribution system, reservoir, pressure regulator valves, and fire hydrants. Due to funding issues some of the distribution system and the systems communication controls have not been completed. At this time there is no scheduled completion date. The system began providing service in2009. 13. Attached, please find the estimated cost for utility construction and statement of anticipated annualmaintenance costs, included in the TECHNICAL, FINANCIAL AND MANAGERIAL REPORT FOR THE SCHWEITZER VILLAGE (AWW) WATER SYSTEM, prepared by: James A. Sewell& Associates, dated June 13, 2008. 14. The applicant proposed to finance new utility construction through new hook-up fees. Note: to be financed through the sale of real property (lots). Due to financial circumstances beyond the owner's control, real property is no longer available for this purpose. Banks have foreclosed on existing lots that were to be used to generate capital for construction. property (lots). Due to financial circumstances beyond the owner's control, real property is no longer available for this purpose. Banks have foreclosed on existing lots that were to be used to generate capital for construction. Counties, Cities, Districts, Associations, etc. raise capital for system upgrades and expansion primarily though hook-up fees, if would certainly seem appropriate that privately owned systems be afforded the same opportunity. 15. The number of customers currently connected to the system is: ,/ 16 Individual condo units,/ 4 Single family residential units NOTE: 16. The number of customers ultimately to be served by the system is: 17. Monthly water production data from all sources is not available. 18. Monthly consumption data for the various types of customers currently connected to the water system is not available. IPUC CPCN Application June l' 2013 page 3 of4 19. Attached, please find a description of proposed rates and charges, along with proposed general rules and regulations for small water utilities. 20. Attached, please find detailed financial information in the form of: 2l . Attached, please find a list of current customers and mailing addresses. 22.The customers were informed of this Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience on the June l, 2013 water invoices. Attached, please find a copy of the June 1,2013 invoice including the required notification. No changes to the existing rates, already provided to all customers, are being proposed. 23. Samples: a. Bill statement - Attached b. Reminder Notice - Reminders are issued with the next invoice mailing, included in the NOTICE section of the invoice. Termination of Service notice has not yet been developed. c. Final Notice - Termination of Service - Notices have not yet been developed. d. Annual Rules Summary - Attached, General Rules & Regulations for Small Water Utilities. e. Company Tariff - Including General Rules and Regulations - Attached. f. Company Main Extension Rules - See attached, General Rules & Regulations for Small Water Utilities. If you require additional information please contact Mr. Bob Hansen at: 67 Wild Horse Trail, Sandpoint, ID-83864 - (208) 265-4270, phone or wsmibob@aol.com, e-mail. Sincerery, ("Lt+1.0: Joel Wahlin Owner IPUC CPCN Application June 1,2013 Page 4 of4 1.1 1.2 1.3 BYLAWS of ACME WATER WORKS, [NC. ARTICLE I. IDENTTFICATION, GOVERI\iING LA\tr, AND EFFECTI-NESS Corporate Identificatiou. This corporation shall be known as Acme Water Works, Inc. (Corporation) and shall be registered with the Idaho Secr.etary of State and with the secretary of any state in which the Corporation conducts business. Governing Law. The Corporation is formed under the authority of Chapter I of Title 30 of the Idaho Codq known as the Idaho Business CorporationAct, and the provisions of these bylaws shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of Idaho. Effectiveness. These bylaws shall be effective upon adoption by the Shareholders. ARTICLE TI. OFFICES The principal office of the Corporation shall be located in the County of Bonner, Idaho. The Corporation may have zuch other offices, either within or without the state of Idaho, as the Boad of Directors may designate or as the business of the Corporation may require from time to time. ARTICLE III. SHAREEOLDERS Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Shareholders shall be held on January 15th each year, beginning with the yem 2009, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of electing Directors and for the tansaction of srich other business as may come before the meeting. If the day fixed for the annual meeting falls on a weekend or on a fedoal holiday, such meeting shall be held on the next succeeding business day. The Board of Directors may change the date of the 3.1 Corporation Bylaws Page I CPCN APPLICATION - ChecKlist, Item #4a Page l- of L4 3.2 3.3 annual meeting by notice in compliance with the notice requirements of Article XII. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Shareholders, for any purpose or pulposes, unless otherwise prescribed by statute, may be called by the President or by the Board of Directors, and shall be called by the Pre.side,nt at the request of the holders of not less than 100 percent of all the outstanding shares of the Corporation entitled to vote at the meeting. Place of Meeting. The Board of Directors may designate any place, either within or without the state of Idaho as the place of meeting for any annual meeting or for any special meeting. If no designation is made, the place of meeting shaIl be the principal office ofthe Corporation. Notice of Meeting. Written notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose or pu{poses for which ths meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than one nor more than five days before the date of the meeting, to each Shareholder of record entitled to vote at such meeting. Notice shall be delivered in compliance withArticle )flI. Closing of Tfansfer Books of Existing Record. The purpose of determining Shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of Shareholders or any adjournment thereof or Shareholders entitled to receive paynent of any dividend, or in order to make a determination of Shareholders for any other proper purpose, the Board of Directors of the Corporation may provide that the stock transfer books shall be closed for a stated period, but not to exceed in any case fifty days. If the stock transfer books shall be closed for the purpose of determining Shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of Shareholders, such books shall be closed for at least one day immediately preceding such meeting. ln lieu of closing the stock transfer books, the Board of Directors may fix in advance a date as the record date for any such detennination of Shareholders, such date in any case to be not more than one day and, in case of a meeting of Shareholders, not less than one day, prior to the date on which the particular action requiring such determination of Shareholders is to be take,n. If the stock transfer books are not closed and no record date is fixed for the determination of Shareholders entifled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of Shareholders, or Shareholders entitld to receive paynent of a dividend, the date on which the notice of the meeting is mailed or the date on which the resolution of the Board of Directors declaring such dividend is adopted, as the case may be, shall be the record date for such determination of Shareholders. When a determination of Shareholders entitled to vote at any meeting of Shareholders has been made as provided in this section, such detemination shall apply to any adjournment theroof. Voting Lists. The officer or agent having charge of the stock transfer books for shares of the Corporation shall make a complete list of the Shareholders entitled to vote al each meeting of Shareholders or any adjournment thereof, arranged in 3.4 3.5 3.6 Corporation Bylaws Page2 AIrII^l - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Item #4a Page 2 of 1,4 alphabetical order, with the address of and the number of shares held by each. Such list shall be produced and kept open at the time and place of the meeting and shall be subject to the inspection of any Shareholder during the whole time of the meeting for the purposes thereof. 3.7 Quorum. Amajority of the outstanding shares of the Corporation entitled to vote, represented in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quonun at a meeting of Shareholders. If less than a majority of the outstanding shares are represented at a meeting a majority of the shares so re,presented may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice. At such adjoumed meeting at which a quorum shall be present or representd, my business may be transacted which migfot have bee,n transacted at the meeting as originally noticed. The Shareholders present at a duly organized meeting may continue to transact business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough Shareholders to leave less than a quorum. 3.8 Proxies. At all meetings of Shareholders, a Shareholder may vote in person or by proxy executed in writing by the Shareholder or by his duly authorized at8orney- in-fact. Such proxy shall be filed with the secretary of the Corporation before or at the time of the meeting. A meeting of the Board of Directors may be had by means of a telephone conference or similar coulmunications equipment by which all persons participating in the meeting can hear one another. 3.9 Voting of Shares. Each outstanding share entitled to vote shall be entifled to one vote upon each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of Shareholders. 3.I0 Voting of Shares hy Certain Holders. Shares standing in the name of another corporation may be voted by suctr officer, agent or proxy as the bylaws of such corporation may prescribe or, in the abse,nce of such provision, as the board of Directors of such corporation may determine. Shares held by an administrator, executor, guardian or conservator may be voted by him, sith€r in person or by proxy, without a transfer of zuch shares into his name. Shares standing in the name of a trustee may be voted by him, either in person or by proxy, but no trustee shall be entitled :o vote shares held by him wi&out a transfer of such shares into his name. Shares standing in the name of a receiver may be voted by such receiver, and shares held by or under the control of a receiver may be voted by such receiver without the transfer thereof into his name, if authority so to do be contained in an appropriate order of the court by which such receiver was appointed. A Shareholder whose shares are pledged shall be entitled to vote such shares until the shares have bee,n transferred into the name of the pledgee, and thereafter the pledgee shall be entitled to vote the shares so transferred. Shares of its own stock belongng to the Corporation shall not be voted, directly or indirectly, at ury meeting, and shall not be counted in determining the total number of outstanding shares at any given time. Corporation Bylaws Page 3 Checklist Item #4aAWW - CPCN APPLICATION Page 3 of 1-4 4.7 3.11 Amending Articles of Incorporation. The right to ame,nd the Articles of Incorporation shall be reserved to the Shareholders. The Shareholders may only arnend the Articles of Incorporation by a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. An amendme,nt to the Articles of Incorporation shall require a vote of the majority of shares outstanding. 3.12 Informal Action by Shareholders. Unless otherwise provided by law, any action required to be taken at a meeting of the Shareholders, or any other action which may be taken at a meeting of the Shareholders, Day be taken without a meeting if' a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the Shareholders entifled to vote with respect to the subject mafter thereof. ARTICLE TV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS General Powers. The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by its Board of Drectors. The Board shall have the follow powers: 4.1.1, AII Authorized Acts. Apply any and all other power, authority and discretion given a corporate board under the laws of the state of ldaho, as long as zuch statutory authority is not otherwise inconsistEnt with the provisions of this instrument or theArticles of lncorporation. 4.1,.2 Appoint Agents and Attorneys. The Board may employ agents and attorneys as necessary or desirable for the proper administration of the Corporation or for any litigation, controversy or uncertainty which may arise in connection with the Corporation. 4.1.3 Business Property and Assets. Acquire, purchase, sell, convey or trade business property, real and personal, including without limitation, goodwill, contracts, and receivables 4.1.4 Develop Land. Subdivide or otherwise develop land hsld by the Corporation includir:g but not limited to the authority to obtain permits and ap,provals necessary to accomplish such development. 4.1.5 Disclaim [nterest In Property. Disclaim in whole or in pmt any interest in properfy. 4.1,.6 Endorse US Government Checks. Execute, receive, endorse and collect the proceeds of checks payable to the Corporation or the Corporation's order and drawn on the Tieasury of the United States, 4.1.7 Engage in Legal Proceedings. Prosecute, defend or participate in any legal action as principal or othenvise. This power shall include, without limitation, actions for attacbment, execution, eviction, foreclosure, Corporation Bylaws Page 4 AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Item #4a Page 4 of 14 indemnity, arrest, and any other proceeding for legal, equitable or injunctive relief. 4.1.8 Engage or Dismiss Employees. Engage and dismiss employees, all upon such terms as the Board shall think fit for the efficient administration of the Corpration 4.1.9 Insure tle Corporation. Obtain such insurance as the Board determines is necessary to protect the Corporation estate against liability with respect to third persons. 4.1.10 Lend Funds. Le,nd funds on terrns and conditions determind by the Board. 4.1.11 Make Ilistribution. Make or delay distribution of income or assets to the Shareholders. 4.1.12 Make Gifts. The Board shall have discretion to make charitable gifts. 4.1.13 Manage Financial Accounts. Open, maintain and close bank, brokerage, or similar accounts. The authority with respect to all zuch accounts shall include the authorityto make deposits, frarsfers, and withdrawals. 4.1.14 Manage Personal Property. Purchase, receive, take possession of, lease, sell, assign, endorse, exchange, release, mortgage and pledge personal propqty or any interest in personal property. 4.1.15 Manage Real Estate Transactions, Purchase, take possession of, lease, sell, convey, exchange, mortgage, release and encwnber real property or any interest in real property. 4.t.16 Manage Securities. Purchase, sell, assign, collect, redeern, transfer, or exercise any voting or other rights for stocks, bonds, mutual firnds, brokerage accounts, other securities and any kind of US government bond including Series E, Series EE, Series H and Series I bonds. 4.1.17 Pay and Settle Claims. Pay, contest or settle any claim by or against the Corporation by compromise, arbitation or otherwise and to release, in whole or in part, any claim belonging to the Corporation. 4.1.18 Pay Taxes. Perforrr any and all necessary acts with respect to federal and state taxation, This power includes, but is not limited to the following authority: (a) to prepare, execute, and file any tax retunl or document required by any federal or state governme,rt or taxing authority; (b) to represe,nt the Corporation before any office of the Intemal Revenue Service with reqpect to all Internal Revenue tax matters for any past or future tax periods, including audits, conferences and litigation; (c) to receive confidential infonnation respecting the Corporation; (d) to receive, endorse and collect checks in payment of any refund of Internal Revenue Corporation Bylaws Page 5 CPCN APPLICAT]ON - CheCKlisI ITem #4a Page 5 of 14 4.2 tax, penalties, or interest, and execute waivers (including offers of waivers) of reskictions on assessment or collection of deficiencies in tax and waivers of notice of disallowance of a claim for credit or refund; (e) to execute consents exte,nding the statutory period for assessment or collection of ta:res; (0 to execute any agreements under the Intemal Revenue Code; (g) and to delegate authority or substitute anotler representative for such tax matters; (h) to establish exempt and non- exempt sub+rusts where necessary for the purpose of minimizlng or eliminating ge,neration-skipping transfer taxes. 4.1.19 Public Entities. Make and amend applications, and represent the Company before fbderal, state and county regulatory agencies or boards including without limitation, the Idatro Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Department of Water Resources, and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 4.1.20 Rate Setting. Establish and ame,nd customer rate schedules and related fees. 4,I.21 Receive Money. Request, de,mand, recover, collect, endorse, and receive all moneys, debts, accounts, gifts, bequests, dividends, annuities, rents, and payments due the Corporation. 4.1.22 Repair Property. Make ordinary or extraordinary repairs, alterations or improvements in buildings or other Corporation properry including but not limiled to demolition. 4,1.23 Rules and Regutations. Establish and amend customer Rules and Regulations for connection and operation of the water system. 4.1.24 Sign for the Corporation. Sign, acknowledge and deliver written instnrments as may be lecessary or desirable in the exercise of the powers granted herein. Number, Tenure and Qualifications. The number of Directors of the Corporation shall be fixed by the Board of Directors, but in no eve,nt shall it be less than two unless there is only one Shareholder, in which case the Board of Directors may consist of a sole Director. Each Director shall hold office until the next annual meeting of Shareholders or until the Director's successor has have been elected and qualified, whichever last occurs. Regular Meetings. A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held without notice immediately after, and at the same location as the annual meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors may provide, by resolution, the time and place for additional regular meetings of the Board without notice other than such resolution. Corporation Bylaws Page 6 CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist ltem #4a 4.3 Page 5 of 14 4.4 4.5 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by or at the request of the President or any two Directors. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Board of Directors may fix the place for holding any special meeting of the Board of Directors called by them. Notice shall be grven in compliance with Article XII and sha1l state the purpose of the meeting. Quorum. A majority of the number of Directors fixed by Article 4.2 shall constitute a quorum for the kansaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Directors, but if less than such majority is prese,nt at a meeting, a majority of the Directors present may adjoum the meeting from time to time without further notice. 4.6 Manner of Acting. The act of the majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board ofDirectors. 4.7 Action without a Meeting. Any action that may be taken by the Board of Directors at a meeting may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so to be taken, shall be signed before such action by all of the Directors. 4.8 Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Directors &ougfo less than a quorum of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise provided by law. A Director elected to fill a vacancy shall be elested for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office. Any Directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Directors may be filled by election by the Board of Direstors for a term of office continuing only until the next election of Directors by the Shareholders. 4.9 Compensation. By resolution of the Board of Directors, each Director may be paid his expenses, if aoy, of attendance at eachmeeting of the Board of Directors, and may be paid a stated salary as Director or a fixed sum for atteadance at each meeting of the Board of Directors or both. No such payment shall preclude any Director from serving the Corporation in any other capacity and receiving compensati on therefore. 4.10 Presumption of Assent. A Director of the Corporation who is present at a' meeting of the Board of Directors at which action on any corporate matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless his dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting or unless he shall file his written dissent to such action with the person acting as the Secretary of the meeting before the adjounrment thereof, or shall forward such disse,nt by registered mail to the Secretary of the Corporation immediately after the adjournme,lrt of the meeting. Such right to disse,nt shall not apply to a Director who voted in favor of such action. Corporation Bylaws PageT CPCN APPLICATION - ChecKliST ITeM #4a Page 7 of l-4 4.ll Deadlock, Resolution by Sale. If Directors are deadlocked, the Board of Directors shall refer the matter to Shareholders at a special or annual Shareholdem meeting. If Shareholders are deadlocked, a Shareholdo(s) may attempt to resolve the matter by share purchase. A Shareholder (the offe,ror) may put his or her entire interest in the Corporation to another Shareholder (the offeree) at a stated price. Upon notice of the put, the offeree shall have three (3) options: (a) pr.rchase the shares at the pr:t price; (b) put all of his shares to the offeror at the equivalent share value of the offeror's put price plus at least $100.00; or (c) decline to purchase or sell. If the offeree declines to purchase and refi.rses to sell, then the offeree shall be deemed to have voted in accord with the offeror in the matter causing the deadlock. Likewise, if the offeror declines to purchase at the offeree's counter price and refirses to sell, then the offeror shall be deemed to have voted in accord with the offeree in the matter causing the deadlock. Aput shall be grven by written notice within 10 business days of the declaration (actual or constnrctive) of the deadlock and in accordance with the notice provisions of Article XII. Failure to timely send notice of a put shall relieve the receiving Shareholder of his or her duty to respond. A Shareholder timely receiving a put shall respond within 10 business days of notice in like manner. Where puts are exchanged, the offeror and offeree shall have 10 business days from a put notice to reqpond. Failure to timely respond shall be deemed as a refirsal to purchase or sell. ARTICLE V. O}'F'ICERS Number. The officers of the Corporation shall be a President and a Secretary/Treasurer, each of whom shall be elected by the Board of Directors. Such other officers and assistant officers as may be deemed necessary may be elected or appointed by the Board of Directors, including a Chairman of the Board. In its discretion, the Board of Directors may leave unfilled for any zuch period as it may determine any office except those of President and Secretary/Treasuror. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person, except for the offices of President and Secretary/Treasurer, which may not be held by the same person unless there is only one Director serving on the Board of Directors. Officers may be Directors or Shareholders of the Colporation. Election and Term of Office. The officers of the Corporation shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at the first meeting of the Board of Directors held after each annual meeting of the Shareholders. If the election of officers does not occur at such meeting, the electiou shall be held as soon thereafter as practicable. Each officer shall hold office until his successor shall have been duly elected and shall have qualified, or until his death, or until he shall resign or shall have bee,n removed in the manner hereinafter provided. 5.1 5.2 Corporation Bylaws Page 8 Checklist Item #4aA!\II^I -CPCN APPLICATION Page I of 14 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Removal. Any officer or agent may be removed by the Board of Directors whe,lrever, in its judgmeirt the best interests of the Corporation will be served thereby, but such reinoval shall be without prejudice to the confract rights, if any, of the person so removed. Election or appointment of an officer or agent shall not of itself create confract rights, and such appointnent shall be termimble at will. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office becawe of death, resignation, rerroval, disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term. President The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Corporation and, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, shall in general supervise and conhol all of the business and affairs of the Corporation. He shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Shareholders and of the Board of Directors, unless there is a Chairman of the Board in which case the Chairman shall preside. He may sign, with the Secretary or any otber proper officer of the Corporation who is so authorizndby the Board of Directors, certificates for shares of the Corporation, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instuments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors or by these Bylaws to some other officer or agent of the Corporation, or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed or executed. In addition, and in general, the President shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time. Vice PresidenL In the absence of the President or in eve,nt of his death, inability or refusal to act, the Vice Preside,nt shall perfonn the duties of the President and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Vice Preident shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board of Directors. If there is more than one Vice President, each Vice President shall succeed to the duties of the President in order of rank as determined by the Board of Drectors. If no such rank has been determined, then each Vice President shall succeed to the duties of the President in order of date of election, the earliest date having the first rank. Secretary. The Secretary shall: (a) Keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Shareholders and of the Board of Directors in one or more minute books provided for that purpose; (b) See that all notice are duly glven in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law; (c) Be custodian of the corporate records and of the seal of the Corporation, if the Board of Directors authorizes the use of a corporation seal; (d) Keep a register of the post office address of each Shareholder which shall be furnished to the Secretary by such Shareholder; (e) Sien with the President Corporation Bylaws Page 9 CPCN APPLICATION - ChecKlisT IIem #4aAi^IW Page 9 of 1-4 s.8 certificates for shares of the Corporation, the issuance of which shall have bee,n authorized by resolution of the Board of Directors; (f) Have general charge of the stock transfer books of the Corporation; and (g) In general perform all duties incident to the office of the Secretary and such other duties as from time to time rnay be assigned to him by the President or by the Board of Direstors. Tteasurer. The keaswer shall: (a) Have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and sectrities of the Corporation; (b) Receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the Corporation from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such moneys in the name of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selectd in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of these Bylaws; and (c) In general perform all of the duties incident to the office of Tieasurer.and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by *re Preside,nt or by the Board of Directors. If required by the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall give a bond for the faithful discharge of his duties in such sum and with such sureties as the Board of Directors shall determine. Salaries. The salaries of the officers shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors, and no officer shall be prevented from receiving such salary by reason of the fact that he is also a Director of the Corporation. ARTICLE YI. II{DEMNITY The Corporation shall ind€mnify its Directors, officers and anployees as follows: (a) Every Director, offrcer, or employee of the Corporation shall be indemnified by the Corporation against all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred by or imposed upon him in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made apffity, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his being or having been a Director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation or any settlement thereof whether or not he is a Director, officer, ernployee or agent at the time such expenses are incurred, except in such cases wherein the Director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his duties; provided that in the event of a settlement the indemnification herein shall apply only when the Board of Directors approves such settleme,nt and reimburse,ment as being in the best interests of the Corporation. (b) The Corporation shall provide to any person who is or was a Drector, officer, employee, or agent of the Corporation or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a Director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation, partnership, joint ve,nture, trust or enterprise, the indemnity against expenses of suit, litigation or other proceedings which is specifically pennissible under applicable 1aw. (c) The Board of Directors may, in its Corporation Bylaws Page 10 CPCN APPLICATION _ ChecKlist IIem #4a 5.9 Page l-0 of l-4 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 disuetion, direct the purchase of liability insurance by way of implementing the provisions of this Article. ARTICLE VII. CITECKS, DEPOSITS, CONTRACTS, AIYD LOANS Checks. All checks, drafts or other orders for the payrr.e,lrt of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the rurme of the Corporation, shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the Corporation and in such mann€r as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors. Deposits. Al1 funds of the Corporation not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the qedit of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Board of Directors may select. Contracts. The Board of Directors may authorize ury officer or officers, age,nt or agents, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrume,nt in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Loans. No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the Corporation and no evide,lrces of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. ARTICLE VIII. CERTIIICATES F'OR SHARES, ISSUANCE, AND TITEIR TRANSF'ER Certificates for Shares. Certificates of shares shall not be required Issuance of Shares. The Board of Directors by resolution may issue shares in the Corporation not in exceeding the number of shares authorized in the Articles of lncorporation. Such issuance shall be entEred on the stock transfer books of the Corporation. Transfer of Shares. Tlansfer of shares of the Corporation shall be made only on the stock transfer books of the Corporation by the holder of record thereof or by his legal representative, who shall fumish proper evidence of authority to tansfer, or by his attorney so authorized by power of attorney duly executed and filed with the Secretary of the Corporation. The person in whose name shares stand on the books of the Corporation shall be deeaned by the Corporation to be the owner thereof for all pu{poses. Provided, however, that upon any action undertaken by the Shareholders to elect S Corporation status pursuant to Section 1362 of the Corporation Bylaws Page I 1 CPCN APPI,ICATION - ChecKllsI ITem ,#4a 8.1 8.2 8.3 Page 11 of 14 Internal Revenue Code and upon any Shareholders agreement thereto restricting the transfer of said shares so as to disqualifu said S Corporation status, said reskiction on transfer shall be made a part of the bylaws so long as said agreement is in force and eflect. ARTICLE D( FISCALYEAR The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begrn on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first dayof December each year. ARTICLE X. DTYIDENDS The Board of Directors may from time to time declare, and the Corporation may pay, dividends on its outstanding shares in the manner and upon the terrns and conditions provided by law. ARTICLE XI. CORPORATE SEAL At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the Corporation may adopt a corporate seal, circular in form and shall have inscribed thereon the name ofthe Corporation and the State of incorporation and the words, "Corporate Seal". No seal shall be necessary to make any contract or undertaking valid. ARTICLE XII. NOTICE l2.l Notice Requirements. The following are the rquirements of effective notice: '12.1.1 Written. Notice shall be written. 12.1.2 Address of Record. Notice shall be delivered to the recipient's address of record with the Company. In this regard, it is the affirmative duty of each Director (Shareholder) to provide the Company at all times with current mailing addresses (physical and enrail) and a current fax number. 12.1.3 Means of Delivery. Notice may be delivered as follows: (a) hand delivered to the intended recipieirt; (b) placed in the United States ]vlail marked 'Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested" with postage prepaid; Corporation Bylaws Page 72 CPCN APPLICATION - Checkl-ist ftem #4a Page L2 of 1"4 (c) delivered by facsimile (fa,r) transrnission; or (d) delivered by electonic mail (email). 12.1.4 Date of Delivery. Notice shall be deemed delivered when received by the recipient or hansmitted by one of the means set forth above, whichever shall first occur. 12.1.5 Effectiveness. Notice shall be deemed effective if (a) the se,nder (or agent) certifies by affidavit personal delivery upon the intended recipient; (b) as to delivery by United States Mail, the receipt is retumed as having been delivered or is marked "Refused," "Addressee Unknown," "Unable to Forward," or other similar designation or notation; (c) as to delivery by fil(, the sender can produce written proof of successful transmission showing the date and time of transmission and the recipient's fan phone number; or (d) as to delivery by email, the sender can produce written proof of transmission to the intended recipient's email address by an Internet Service Provider or by electronic acknowledgment of receipt by the recipient. 12,2 Waiver of Notice. Whenwer notice is required to be given to any Shareholder or Director, a waiver thereof in writing, signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated thereur, shall be deemed equivdent to the gving of such notice. Attendance at a meeting shall be deemed a waiver of notice of said meeting unless attendance is for the sole purpose of objecting to effective notice. ARTICLE )ilU. AME}IDMENTS These Bylaws may be altered, amended, repealed, rstated or new Bylaws adopted by resolution of the Board of Directors and adoption by a majority of the Shareholders at the annual meeting or at a duly noticed special meeting of the Shareholders. THESE BYLAWS are certified to have been adopted by the Shareholders of the Corporation on this 0-l aay "f MAY , 2008. Corporation Bylaws Page 13 CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Item #4a LeslieA. Wahlin Shareholder Page l-3 of l-4 STATE OF IDAI.IO COUNTY OF BONNER STATE OF IDAHO COUNTYOF BONNER ) ) SS. )) SS. on rhb At o"y ot MdJ , in the year ot IOOL, before me, a Notary Public tor the sbte of ldaho, personally appeared Leslle A ti/drlin, kn6vwr or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the wlthin instrlrment, executed the same. -o.N"l1'171,,,- _-SXi:r,",1fji.-- =--s fxofARY'? ==I"--I=?r.it#o."s -"'aiilr'rris$- Corporation Bylaws Page 14 Checklist Item #4a Residing at: CPCN APPLICATION Page 14 of L4 '!2fi/2008/FRI 0B:33 AliI Berg & Mclaughlin FAX l{0. 12082637557 IFEB 29 [H lCI' 36 2[tll rNc oRPoRAffi Shtt' b'i'i b o'*io. " OF ACII@ WAIER WORKS, II{C. IAe uudersipd, in ordor t9 form r oorporation under the provisions of the ldnho Brsiness'Corporation Act, Eubmits the folloving aficles of inoorporatioa to the ldaho Secretary of Stato. : ARIICLE.I. NAI!@ OFCORPORAmON Iho uaure ofthc co,rporation ahall bsAome Wafcr Works, Ino. (hereinaftcrrrefcrcoccd as "Company'). ARIICLE IT. ArrrEgRr?ED SHARES Thc Cmpay is authorized to issue one thorsmd (1,000) rhrres of stosk. Atr(UCI)E [I. BEGIS|fbRED AGEI{T The Boatd of Directors shall dcsignarc a regicterd ageut. ThD iritial rcgistered ageut shal1 be WILLIAM M. BERG, wbose addrese (rogistored officc) is c/o Becg & Mcl-aughlin, Cht4 708 Srrycrior Stucq Ste B, Sandpoint ID 83864. ANTICLE f\T. INCORPORATOR Tho iuco,rportro is JOBL K. WAIILIN whoso addmss is 742 Nancy Roa4 Saudpoint ID 83864. AKIICLE Y.. COMPAIWMAILINGAI}DRDSS Thc idtial Corrpuy mailiug adfrEss is L42 Naacy Road, Sandpoint ID 83864. 1r##{,i#qs"-,;,r: Pagc L AWW _ CPCN APPLICAT]ON - ChCCKIiSt IICM #4b Pasel""f l.tt3b1 FEV29/2808/FRI 0S:33 Al[ Bers & t{claughlin FAI No,12082637557 r, UUJ . ARIICLE YI. INITIALDIRECTORII Thc initial Direotors aro: Josl K. Wabli& 142 NancyRoad, SandpointlD 83864. Leslie A. Wabli& 142 NancyRoa4 Sandpoiut ID 83854. I ARIICI,E YII. PT RPOSE Of CORPORATION' SERVICts aud RAIES Thc Compmy is initially orgauized to sngego in the busiusss of providing domestic wat€f, to pivato usors for bencficial usc aE a "small watcr compm/' consistcnt with Rule 31.36.01, Idaho Administratioir-Procefurcs Act Li o@rection with'the provisiou of wafetr, the Company's ratos shall bo just and reasonablo aud its semice adequate and cffsimJ. Ilre Corymy sball not disctindnafie or provide prefea,eatial ratcs or ssvice oontrary to Scction 61-315, Llaho Codq aud as such pmviuoa may be ameoded from timo to timc. Ir additio& the Company msy engage in any other laqfiil business activity. ARIICI,E VIIL TPE OFCORBORAIION The Company shalt elect to oporate rs a subc;hapta S Co4poration pusrraut to $ 1362 of the llil€mal Rcveoug Code. ARTICLE Dt IVTANAGEMENT Compao3 maaagemart shall be vested in the Board of Directors. Ttro Board of Directors shall be cletd by the shareholders at tha mual meeting. Thc shsroholdorc as limited to (a) eleoting Diroctms; (b) adoetiug and nrcdi&iag the Bylaws; and (o) modifring thc Anicles of Incoqporation ARTICI,E )( BOARD OI'DIRE,CTORS The Compauy sball hsve no lcss thaa two (2) Directors unless onc hrmdred percent (10070) of tlre sharee are held by a single shareholder, in which case there may be one (1) Direotor. TheBoard shall meetno loss 6ft66tlran aaaually. Page2 AWW - CPCN APPLICATION _ ChecKlist Item #4b Page 2 of 3 FEtirS/z008/fRI 0B:33 AI{ Bere & Irlclaughlin trAX N0.12082637557 P, UtJ4 ARIICLE xr. OtrTItCERS The Boad of Directors shall elcct the Officcrs. Therc shall bc a Presidcot and c Socrotary. The Bylaws may spwify additioual officers. ARTICI,E ]ilI. INDEMNIrICATION The Cornpauy shall iDdconi$, its Officers aud Directors ftoo personal liability as fte word "tiability'' is defined Section 30-1-850(5), Idaho Code. The tcrms of iadeomification shall be corsisteot with the standards for liability sct forth in Section 30- 1-831, Idatro Code, Dir.octers strall be tisrblQ tg th9 ep-ppmy for unlaurftl distributious as set forttr in Section 30-1-833, Id"hho Code. fire Company, acting tnrougn its Bcirrl of Directors, may indmniff ernplopeg agents, tru.steee and other personael operating ftr or on b€half of the Compmy. No Offoer, Director, or d&en pcrsttlr shall benefit fi"q iudcmnifioatiou'where the actiou or failure of action constiturcd (a) au intentional in,nistion of balm on the corpordion or its shareholdas, or O) wes a, inteutional violation of criminal larv. ARflCI,E )gtr. MODItrTCATTON Iheso Articles may be araodod upon (a) a rssolution of the Board of Directors; O) adoption of the rssolution by thc Sharsholdqs at a duly called meeting of the Shaneholders; aud (o) by the \rcte of a majority of the sbares lnescul aod voting, or votpd byproxy at said duly I(. WaLIto Incorporator .Sf,ATE OF IDA}IO CoUNTY OF BCINNER )) ss. Onrtrp$f<,ay a ft$--lntheyefof.200-.!trbcfurcma,allo0*yPubllcforthcobte sfldahqpersmasy eppearfrJo.I t< Wriifn. Hlorn or EcnUEd b rp b be the psfsdt vilrose nhmc is srbsar$od b trc rryifift i#rrrncm. end adoowledgrd to mq hatft/she osrbd lhesamo. Page 3 Checklist Item #4b .Residing ah AWW _ CPCN APPLICATION -Page 3 of 3 Yilitl $ffii Nd\i^16 ',) .if \l\-t\J}Y+\\.' I-ti s* \ol+ (u ]JH ]Jo-.1r{ J1 U (.) U IzoHEr{UH FlOro] UAU IEB{ i *in"' L *. ./ ^,''1t ,,=' - ,.. s' . * tf,, """ *\l \.' :;g:pt;,1i,,'"' *'f*F*4.r\ ."' ri''"1-3' ,11..'- ... rttlil,g . i" :il ii ,"ll li * !,.L t ri,j,iitii;iii riliiii,,iiii ; iliii $ ,iiii iiiiill iiiii1., {j .tt J ,.it I i:"i, i,rih ijlii r lil ,:l ilii iii;;, ! lii[i;r "''" irl,i: l: :lil,l' I i "i,:;l .: ";. . :,: lii*$$ B i,iiiiili$ iili onv(l'}tr iltiltuSsilltHn tlolx0ls,ll{(n5 :ltllh dlZjllMSSSrNl?il^C{Jfl: Il*\:S tr 8?1V&,ErG, itrI,|qry0qFNHr$Iffirl -"-*7*t-,/L tJ$-')' i*-r{}i. qe{! Ifu*J I HCSIXEiJ r':J hmf .i 6 i'ffiF;+ r1+ t (u JJH ]Jm-r{ .l J'U 0) U I2oH Erfr H FIAA U OrU IBB{ ". 1.,ii', i i i &*;i,r *: i *tI;i i! ,: *cil .. .:. :i ,tnrlI i. ;i 1'-;,, liltillr aizi JrI; HIrIl Panhandle Health District Healthy People in Healthy Cornmunities Environmental Health 8500 N Atlas Road Hayden, Idaho 83835 Phone:208-415-5200 Far.:208-415-5201 n-*:qpkl*l-i.r&fr-rlgr:r ftrbliclleelfnPr."+nt. Pr06otc. P!dtcei, hrdrlliiE;dDrtriir November 18,201I Bob Hansen water systems Management Inc. 67 Wild llorse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 Subject: Sariitary Survey of PWS #1090254, Acme Water Works Dear Mr. Hansen: Thank you fbr taking the time to assist with the sanitary survey PHD performed on the Acme Water Works Water System on October 21, 2011. Attached, you will flnd the drinking water supply report for the water system which includes a list of the deficiencies, additional requirements and/or recommended improvements for your system. Please consult with PHD regarding the deficiencies identified in this written notification. Upon agreement between the public water system and PHD, please provide a written corrective action plan to PHD that rddresses the deficiencies. This consultation with PHD shall be completed within 30 days of receiving this w'ritten notification. This request is Pursuant to IDAPA S i gnifi cant Defi cie'nciesl. The broken electrical conduit alongside the well casing must be repaired and sealed. DeficienciesL A smooth nosed sample tap must be provided on the well discharge line the next time material modifications occur in the pump house. 2. The reservoir overflow screen must be replaced with a 24 mesh non-conodible screen. Additional Requi rements 1. The proper controls must be installed for the well pumps to provide automatic filling of the reservoir. 2. The air relief and PRV vaults must be sealed to avoid accumulation of water and debris. 3. It was not cont'irmed if an operation and maintenance manual has been completed for the water system. If not already, an operation and maintenance manual musl be completed, including daily operating instructions, operator safety procedures. location of valves and other key system features, parts list and parts order f'orm, and information tbr contacting the water system operator and other s-vstem contacts. Prior to any future modifications or expansion to the existing rvater supply system, plans and specifications must be submitted to the DEQ for review and approval. AwW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist ltem #8 If you have any questions or comments regarding this survey, please do not hesitate to contact me at (208) 415-5208. Sincerely, Jamie Barton Sr. Env ironment al He al t h Spe c ial ist Enclosures.' SurveyPhotos AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - ChecKlisI IIem #8 Panhandle Health District Drinking Water Supply Report System: Acme Water Works Date of Suney: October 21,2011 PWS#: 1090254 County: Bonner System Representative Present at Survey: Bob Hansen, DO Surveyed by: Jamie Barton, PHD Source: Groundwater Water System Type: Transient Non-Community Population/Connection st 25 / 17 The Acme Water Works water system, located on Schweitzer Mountain in Bonner County, Idaho, was constructed during the spring and summer of 2008 designed to sen'e 260 residences on 107 lots in the Schweitzer Viilage subdivision" Currently the water system serves only 17 seasonal connections and is classified as a transient, non-community public drinking water system. Schweitzer Mountain has very few year round residents, and because of its location and primary use as a recreation area, it is unlikely that the number of permanent residents will increase significantly. The resideilces are primarily vacation homes and short term rentals, with the peak occupansy during winter holiday weeks and weekends. Tlre initial sanitary survey of the water system was conducted October 21,2U l, evaluating the source, pump house, reservoir, distribution system, and the PWS file contents. Source The water system is currently served by a 6-inch cased well, well#1, drilled September 13,2002 to a total depth of 220 feet. The well is located on a designated well lot; Lot l, Block 4, within the Schweitzer Village subdivision. It appeared that surface lvvater runoff may flow in the direction of the well head and it is recommended crowning be completed around the well head. The well casing extends 2 feet above the surface, fitted with a watertight vented well cap, to 98 feet below ground surface and has a 54 foot aqua grout surface seal. The well production is estimated to be around 30 gallons per minute. At the time of the survey, the electrical conduit alongside the well casing was observed to be broken and must be repaired. A second well, well #2, was drilled August 17,20A6 to a total depth of 210 feet but at this time is not physically connected. The well is located on a designated well lot; Lot 16, Block 3. It is strongly reconunended this well be physically connected for system redundancy, however further Well #l and pump house Broken conduit Well #2 AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - ChecklisE Ttem #8 test pumping may be necessary to determine capacity. In addition, due to the small streams in close proximity to the rvell, a microscopic particulate analysis would be required to rule out the possibility of surface water influence. A third well was drilled but did not produce adequate water and will not be developed. Wells I and 2 have had the full round of initial sampling completed for IOC's, SOC's, and VOC's with the results being either non-detect or well below the maximum contaminant levels. The only result showing concern was the Langlier Index for both wells indicating the source water to be highly conosive. The water system should consider providing corrosion control. Pump House The pump house has a locking door; and adequate light, heat, ventilation, ard tloor drainage. The floor drain reportedly discharges to daylight, however the location of rvhere it daylights was not located at the time of the suft'ey. Contained in the pump house are the pump controls, tlow to waste line, Hershey flow meter, and a Well Mate pressure tank riding on the system. Water was observed to be flowing out the flow to waste line with the gate valve in the closed position. This would indicate the gate valve to be leaking. The gate valve should be replaced to avoid creating an ice dam when temperatures drop below freezing. A smooth nose sample tap is not provided on the well discharge line and must be supplied the next time material modifications occur in the pump house. Currently a source sample may be obtained from the flow to waste line. I1 is recommended the discharge line supports be painted to resist rusting. Storage A 200,000 gallon concrete reservoir, located off Highland Drive above the subdivision, provides water storage and pressure for the water system. 'I'he system is not yet automated, thereby requiring the well pump to be manually turned on to fill the tank. The proper controls must be installed for the well pumps to provide automatic filling of the reservoir. This is especiall-v important should an emergency situation occur, such as a fire flow event. The owner of the system is checking the ievels of the reservoir regularly to report to the operator when it is necessary to tum on the well pumps. The reservoir is equipped with two access manhole openings, properl-v screened vents, and an overflow. The access manholes are at least 4 inches above the reservoir roof; with a water tight, overlapping, and locking cover. The overflow discharges over a large rock bed to avoid issues AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - ChecK]-isL ITem #8 Flow to waste line and flow meter Flow to waste valve leaking with erosion. The overflow does need to be provided with a 24 mesh screen or other method acceptable 1o DEQ; a larger screen is cr"rrently in place and is collecting debris. It is recommended the reservoir be inspected annually for integrity and silt buildup, and cleaned once every five years or as necessary. Due to the seasonal use of the water system and the potential for stagnant water to become an issue, it is also recommended the water system flush the reservoir annually. Distribution The distribution system is comprised of 8-inch ductile iron, 8-inch PVC, and 4-inch PVC and is not looped. An air relief valve is located in a vault adjacent to the reservoir. Main line pressure reducing valves (PRV) are located in vaults; one at Alpine Wa,v and one at Ullr Drive, to maintain the system pressure between 40 psi and 100 psi. The air relief vault access has a signi{icant unintended opening near the surface that u,ould allow surface water and debris into the vault. This must be sealed to avoid accumulation of water and debris. The vault was not accessed during the survey; however the lid was removed and water flow could be heard that likely indicates a leak. The floor drain appears to be working as there did not appear to be any standing w'ater in the vault. An inspection conducted by Sewell and Associates in 2009 stated the vaive appeared to be non-fimctioning and leaking water. This must be inspected and corrected to ensure the air relief valve is functioning properly. In addition, the air relief valve must have a screened vent pipe extending l2-inches above ground. The Ullr Drive PRV vault was not inspected during the survey. fhe Alpine PRV vault lid was removed and pictures taken. The vault access needs to be sealed; a large unintended opening was observed which would allow surface water runoff and debris into the vault. Reservoir accessReservoir 0verflow screen Unintended opening at Alpine vault CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Item #8 It is recommended that all valves in distribirion be exercised regularly and the water mains flushed annually. Dead end water mains are required to be flushed at least semiannually. Fourteen lire hydrants are located throughout distribution that may be used in the flushing plan. As a transient system. a formal cross comection control program is not required bu1 is skongly recommended. The water system operator is trained in cross connection control. Monitoring The water system 'uvill be required to collect one routine coliform sarnple per quafier and develop a total coliform sample plan that represents the entire distribution system. A copy of the sampling plan must he subrnitted to PHD to be kept in the water system's 111e. The water system is also required to monitor for nitrate annually and nitrite once every nine years. Sarnple schedules will begin January 1 , ?012. Financial & Managerial Capacity Acme Water Works rvill eventuall.v be required to register w'ith the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Each water user pays a water fbe of $48.00 per month. The designated licensed operator tbr Acme Water Works is Bob Hansen with Water Systems Management Inc. Compliance A written corrective action plan that addresses the deficiencies and additional requirements listed below'must be subrnitted to PHD following consultation',r,ith PHD. The consultation with PHI) musi be completed u'ithin 30 days of receivins this wrirten notification. Si gnifi cant Defi ciensies 1. The broken elecrical conduit alongside the weli casing must be repaired and sealed. Deficiencies l. A smooth nosed sample tap must be provided on the rvell discharge line to facilitate drarning sanitary source water samples. 2. The reservoir overflow screen must be replaced with a 24 mesh non-conodibie screen. Additional RequirementsL The proper controls must be installed for the weil pumps to provide automatic iilling of the reservoir. 2. The air relief and PRV vaults must be sealcd to avoid accumulation of water and debris. 3. lt ,uvas not confirmed if an operation and maintenance manual has been compleled for the *'ater system. If not already, an operati<ln and maintenance manual must be completed, including daily operating instructions, operator safety procedures. location of valves and other key' system features. parts list and parts order form, and intbrmation for contacting the rvater system operator and other system contacts. CPCN APPLICATION - ChecklisE. Item #8 Recommendations Addressing the following recommendations would bring the water system into optimal compliance:l. Protect the well from unauthorized access. 2. Paint the discharge line supports in the pump house to resist rusting. 3. Replace the gate valve on the flow to waste line to eliminate leaking. 4. Inspect the reservoir annually for integrity and silt buildup, and clean once every five years. 5. Flush reservoir at least annually to avoid stagnant w'ater issues. 6, Exercise all valves in distribution regularly. 7. Flush the distribution mains at least amually, 8. Implement a cross connection conbol program. November 18^ 20l l DateJamie Barton, Sr. Environmental Heath Specialist AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklists It.em #8 Panhandle Health District Well and Pumphouse Purnp controls Pressure tank Acme Water Works PWS# 1090254 October 21,2A11 Broken conduit Pipe gallery .il(. t* 4.' -;-r...!a(.' i.ffi;.r- + Irf ."i&*l.il' -&.:S CPCN APPLICATION _ ChecKlisT It.em #8 Flow meter and flow to waste line Mk#ffi .1* "" ;ft"4 fl."tt , ,* Panhandle Health District Flow to waste valve lealiing Looking in reservoir Acme Water Works October 21,2011 ""IFu', ,, * 1$9, "ffi# ,ffi i* Well #2 - not hooked up Reservoir access .$ *.s{ : " ,,i$ $* -: r! i..:. CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Item #8 Reservoir overflow Panhandle Health District Overflow screen Vaulr access PRV vault access Acme Water Works PWS# 1090254 October 21,2011 Air relief vault Alpir:e PRV vault CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Item #8 :oRMZ,2 t?Jsg . ldent No. STATE OF IDATIO DEPARTMENT' OF WATER RESOIJRCES 8.M.,.Couniy; 4. Wabrwill be usedfor fie follorving purposas:**, -.qn,'for Municipal. (oSorac're-ftaperannum)Amount forti*offii;inn'umlAmount- for (c6 oracre.fee{ p* ernum)Arnount-for (cfr oracr€.fuel per anrurn)Amount--_;-for (cils or acr*{set per anrum)Amomt fir . . (cfsoracre*alperannum) purposesfrom Jan 1o Dec 3.1@cthd6tesinduslve) purposes fronr to (both dates lncluslve) purposes frorn b (both datas hcluslve) pnrposes ton _to_;_ (both dabs lncluslva) purposesfrom ,tp , (both dates Incluslve) purposes fronr (both datres inclusive) e6? Ioit pot anna.rrn APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To rppropdate the publb rabre of the Statq of Haho 1. l&.no of Appllcant Malllng addmss rt,Joel & ,Leslie W4b1in .- , Paorc 208-265'4L87 513 EucLid Avenue Sandpoint, ID 83864 2, Source of wabr 3uppty Groundwater whlch ls a tibutary of lil/A 3. Location of polnt of dverdon ls Tovmsnip 58N Range 2W - sec. 29 , ln ha NW Z, NE ,2., _y.,Gwl, addithnal points of diversion if any 5, Total quantlty to be appmprialed Is (a) .89 and/or (b) cubh loot p€r sgcond 6. Pmpds€d dlvertirg works:-l ". o""crfo typ. and slze of deryies used to div€rt wator tpm the source 9l{2tfdter Ltne -.':ir\.' .t,,''.li b. Height of storage Agm N/A feet actve resorvolr capadty acre,feet totd resenolrcapdty acre^feet c" Proposedwelldiane{eris 6rl iralre;proposeddepthofwafris 15O feet d. ls ground wabrwith a bmpenat * otSnot"t tran 85"F being soughf? No e.lf wallis6lreadydrllled,wnen? N/A ...,-; Drlllingfrm - - .- , : , vYell wds drllld for (well ouner); Drilllng Pennlt No. 7. Ttme raqrxred for completor of works and appllcatlon cf water to proposed b€nsfrdd ur" h 1 yea s Qntnfuum I yeafl 8. D€sirlpfim of proposed tsx (tf tnigailw't mly, go b fbm g: a, Hydropower; sfiow total'feet of head and propos€d capaclty in kW.N/A b. Sbclrwabrln$ listnumberand ldnd of llvestock Iil./d' c. Munldpal;shownamoof munknpallt!. S.htreitzer V;1Iage SubdiviSion - Irlel.Iin -,d. DomeUc; shownumbaqf 6euse646s. N/A s. Other desolbefully. t CPCN - Checklist Item +11 Page 1 of 2 .: ..t...' :.,.::t ). Descripton of Place of use: a. lf wa16r ls for lnlgatim, lndcate acr€age ln each subdMslon ln tre tabulation b€lovr. b. lf w6t€r ls used foi other purposes, place a symbol of the use (axarple: D for Domeslicl in the conrrepondlng place of usa below. Seo Insbudions for staMard symbols' TUIIP RGE sE9 NE NW svY SE TOTALS 'l!fiw 3n 3E XE re,gU al tal MY EIY tl ,G TW fl s 58N 2W 2S M M iiM fotal nurnber of acrss t6 be lnlgted - . 10. Descdbe any o$rerrrmter rights used for the same purposes ae desclibed above.N/A .r. i-r ll.a.Whooilnsthe property atthepolntofdlverclon? ,Joel & T.es1 ie Llehliri -b. Wtro orrs fts lard to be irigabd or.plaoo of use? Joel & -Les_Lie lrtahliq- - . -_ - o. lf the proper{y ls ourned by a person other than ths appllcan! descrlbe lhe anAngement enabllng he applcant to make thls filing: 12. Renrarks: i .,The LoI that the proposed vell Fite is !q be logate-4,on will -be own 13. [lAP OF PROPOSED'PROJECT REQU|RED.Attactr an8Wx11'map clear{y ld€ntfying ihe proposed polnt.of dlverslon, place of use, sectqr #, townehlp & range. (A ptrotompy d a tttGS 75 mlmb topogrrsphlc quadrangle map b pmfun€d.) BE ff KNOWN tlet the undeEignod hercby makee thls apptlcalim br permlt to appropriate lhe public watols of he Shte of ldaho as heroln set forth. tecelwd by -ee u Date=----R*",iffi--_,ubllcafon prapar€d ry_Date- .- Publlstpd ln rr.bllbation approved Dab Tlme Prelir-nlnary check by Date AUn^I - CPCN - Checklist .Item #11 Page 2 of 2 TECHNICAL, FINANCIAL AND MANAGERIAL REPORT FOR THE SCHWEITZER VILLAGE WATER SYSTEM NOW IOIOI^IN AS ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Prepared by:James A. Sewell& Associates 1205 Highway 2, Suite 101 Sandpoint, ldaho 83864 June 13,2008Date: AWW - CPCN APPI,ICATION - ChecKlisL IIem #13 Joet Wahlin -.schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-13-08 Page I oflT ffi we TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Sheet....'.....'..,..1 TableofContents .;....... ......... ..........2 lntroduction .........3 Element 1......... ............3 Element 11...... ..............5 Element 1V...... ......... ,............7 Element V1... ......,7 Element Vl'.........:...,. ,........,...8.'''.'...' Element 1X.................. ...........9 Eiement X.. . .. . ... ... ... ... ., . ..: . ... .10 Elementxl....". ......:.. ............12 Appendices...... ..........13 A - Site Ptan B - Deeds, Easements, Plat C -Water Right Application, Permit, Well Drillers Report D - Water Usage Demand Calculations E - Minimum Backflow Prevention .F -Water System Flow Schematic, WaterCAD Analysis G - USGS TopographicalMap H - Company Documents (Articles of lncorporation, Bylaws, etc) AWw - CPCN APPLICATIoN -' Checklist ltem #13 Joel Wahlin - Schweitrer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-r3-08 Page2 oflT ' \ lntroduction The purpose of this technical, financial and managerial plan is to outline the procedures and requirements to be followed to adequately operate The Schweitzer Village Water System as well as to layout the financial, technical, and managerial capacity of the system. This document is to provide additional information to the company documents. The Schweitzer Village development is to consist of t107 lots, approximately 15 miles northwest of Sandpoint, ldaho. The development site is located within T58N, R2W, Section 29 B.M. as shown on the USGS topographic map in Appendix G. Construction of the development is expected to commence in the summer of 2006. A flow schematic of the water system is presented in Appendix F. As shown on the flow schematic and on the site plan in Appendix A, the proposed water system is to consist of three groundwater wells (designated Well #1, Well #2 and Wetl #3 respectively) to pump into a 200,000 gallon water storage tank with the wells pumping on an alternating basis. The storage tank is sized to provide a 1,500 GPM fire flow to the fire hydrants within the Qevelopment for two hours, Well #1 has been constructed with 4 inch casing. Well #2 has been constructed with 6 inch casing. Well#3 is a proposed wellthat will be constructed with a 6'casing. The well pumps are to meet the Maximum Day Demand (MDD) of 60 GPM. The distribution system is to consist of 8" A\AAffA C900 PVC water mains to distrlbute potable water to the individual services. The pressure within the main is to be controlled by a main line pressure reducing valve. The pressure reducing valve will keep the system pressure in the range of min 40 psito maximum 100 psi. AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Item #13 Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-1348 Page 3 of 17 ELEMENT I . SYSTEM OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Water Svstem OYvnership The water system is owned by Acme Water Works, lnc. a for profit organization. The developer will be responsible for the construction of the system. The developer information is as follows: JoelWahlin 142 Nancy Road Sandpoint, lD 83864 {208) 2654167 ptatq A copy of the subdivision plat for the development is included in Appendix B. . Water Svstem Operator The developer will be responsible for the water system until water system construction is complete. Upon completion of construction, Acme Water Works will be responsible for appointing a water system operator to take on the responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the system. At the time that the tenth service connection is connected toI the system, an ldaho Department of Environmental Quatity (DEO) certified operator will be required to oversee the operation and maintenance of the water system. Acme ,-\ Water Works will contract with a certified operator to take over the management of the' \ system. Until this occurs, an independent licensed operator from the local area will be contracted to operate and manage the water system. Bvlaws, Covenants. etc. The Articles of lncorporation are to include the Bylaws, and the Conditions, Covenants,. and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the community. These Articles have been prepared and are included.with this report. The Articles of lncorporation will specify that the Acme Water Works is the legal owner of the water system and as such, is legally responsible for the operation of the system. ln addition, the CC&Rs are to specify that the Acme Water Works is fully responsible for the proper operation and maintenanc€ of the system as well as for compliance of the system with all. DEQ and Panhandle Health District Requirements. These requirements include the employment of a DEQ certified operator to rnaintain and operate the system after the tenth service is connected. Consolidation The development is located near the SchweiEer Mountain Ski area. There are currently two water system, Mel Bailey's Water System and the Schweitzer Mt Water System that serve the ski area. Due to topographical conditions and water storage issues, it was determined that the most feasible way to provide safe drinking water for lot owners would be through the creation of a separate water system. Organizational Function The Articles of lncorporation are to specify that the water system operator is to report to Acme Water Works during their annual meetings to discuss the operation and maintenance activities otine system during thi hst year, pending repairs and replacement items, and other aspects of the system that need to be addressed by the Association. lnterim meetings between the operator and the Acme Water Works Board Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial &Managefial Report 06-t 3-08 Page 4 of 17 AWW _ CPCN APPLICATION Checklist Item #13 are to be held as needed. Acme Water Works will work with the operator to maintain an organized system of legal, financial, and regulatory records for the water system. Ghange of Ownership As discussed, legal ownership of the water system is to be transfened from the developer to Acrne Water Works at the time water system construction completion, Acme Water Works will be formed at the time the Articles of lncorporation are recorded. The water system is being developed from out-of-pocket monies by the developer and no water system revenues currently exist. Water system revenues will not exist until Acme Water Works has taken over the water system and subdivision lots are sold. Therefore, no impact to system revenues will occur during the transfer of the system to Acme Water Works. Acme Water Works will be responsible for collecting water use fees from residents of the subdivision. A preliminary fee schedule is presented in Element 11. The water rights to the water system will be transferred with the transfer of legal ownership to Acme Water Works. Emolovee Poticies and Procedures This system is not large enough to feasibly employ more than one part-time system operator. The implementation of a formal employee plan is not feasible for this system. Attorney and Ensineer The design engineering firm for The Schweitzer Village Water System is: James A. Sewell and Associates 1205 Highway 2, Ste 101 Sandpoint, lD 83864 (208) 236-4160 Contact: Eric J. Eldenburg, P.E. & Jeff Jensen, E.l.T. The attomey is: Wlliam M. Berg 708 Superior Street, Suite B Sandpoint, ldaho 83804 Fiscal Controls A business checking account has been created for Acme Water Works, lnc and all revenues for the water system shall be incorporated into this account. Funds from within this account are not to be used for an unrelated purpose. Acme Water Works will be responsible for filing all required tax returns, performing any required audits on the system, obtaining any liability insurance, and for the management and control of all fiscal matters regarding the water system. AWW _ CPCN APPLICATION _ ChecK].ist IIem #]-3 Joel Wahlin * Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-13-08 Page 5 of 17 ELEilIENT II - SERVICE AREA AND FACILITES The site plan within Appendix A acls as a preliminary operational plan forthe system and Shorivs the location of all proposed water connections and major water system components. The boundary of the water system service area is the legal boundary of the subdivision itself. AWW - CPCN APPLICATION. - Checkl-ist Item ++l-3 . Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-r3-08 Page 6 of 17 ELEITTENT III . COMPONENT INVENTORY AND GAPITAL REPLACEMENT PI.ANNING A component inventory containing the major system components, their expected replacement cost, and the expected service life of the component is presented in Table 1 below. Total Total ExpectedAmount Amount Life (yrs) wllOo/o Expected Year of Replacement 6"Well 5 HPWell Pump WellPump Control Panel Concrete Storage Tank Pump Hanse Pump House Valves and Piping 1'Water Meters c900 PVc $12,000 $3,500 $2,000 $130,000 $15,000 $4,000 $750 $792,00 $1,155.00 $110.00 $2,942.50 $5,775.00 $1,056.00 $242.00 $s5.00 $623.33 $66.00 $0.62 $96.25 $0.90 50 10 10 3EA 3EA $36,@0 $39,600 $10,500 $11,550 $2,000 $2,200 $130,000 $143,000 $15.000 $16.500 $4,000 $80,250 $4,400 $88,275 $52,000 $7;260 $1,650 $18,700 2058 2018 2058 2068 2048 2038 2058 2058 2038 2038 2038 $9.17 $245.21 $481.2s $88.00 $20.17 $4.58 $51.94 $0.09 $2.29 $4.50 $0.82 $0.19 $0.04 $0.49 $0.08 1EA 8,750 LF 2,444 LF 22 EA 5EA i7 EA $20.00 $48,000 $300 $6,600 $300 $1,500 $1000 $17.000 $220.00 $18.33 $0,17 $2,860.00 $238.33 $2.23 $275.00 $22.92 $0.21 1EA,t EA 40 30 1EA 107 EA ,rstribution Pipe and Repairs 4',C900 PVC Transmission Line and Repairs 8" Gate Valves 4" Gate Valves Fire Hydrants Replace Pump House Roof $30.00 $262,500 $288,750 ,650 50 50 30 30 30 30$5.00 1) Year of Systern Start-Up = 2008 2) 3.0% Average Annual lnfl ation Assumed 3) lndividual Cost Based on 107 Total Users Table 1. Component lnventory and CapitalReplacement Plan The unit replacement costs in Table 1 include a 10% reserve and assume that atl1O7 -^ lots are contributing to the system revenues. An average annual inflation iate of 3.0%' \ was assumed for the calculations. AWW - CPCN APPLICATIoN - Checklist ]tem #13 Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report' 06-13-08 PageT oflT r--\ ELEMENT rv - SYSTEM WATER usAGE The forecasted residential water system demands used for the preliminary design of the water system were derived using a water system analysis performed for Schweitzer Mt in the year 2A02, based on data collected during the years 1995-2002 and with a method promulgated by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) as outlined in the DOH publication "Water System Design Manual". Using lhe 2002 water analysis, it is anticipated that the ADD forthe system will be about 84 gallons per day (GPD) per equivalent residential unit (ERU). The MDD is anticipated to be about 315 GPD/ERU and the PHD approximately 154 GPM. These values are to be checked with actual source and service meter records to be taken during the operation of the system. The futl system demand calculations are presented.in Appendix D with the results of a steady state analysis performed on the system using WaterCAD v5.0 software. The results of the steady state analysis indicate that the system will be able to provide the required ADD, PHD, and fire flow for the system with the 8 inch PVC distribution main shown on the site Plan. AWW - CPCN APPLfCATION - Checkfist Item #l-3' Joel Watrlin - Schweitzff Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-13-08 Page 8 of 17 ELEMENT V. DOCUMENTATION OF WATER RIGHT AND INITIAL OUALITY MONITO.RING An applioation for water right for the system has been submitted to the ldaho Department of Water Resources. A municipal groundwater diversion rate of 0.89 CFS (399.4 GPM) has been applied for. A copy of the water right application is included in Appendix C. The wells are to be disinfected and tested for the following constituents after installation: 1. Phase 2 and 5 SOCs, VOCs, and lOCs2. Corrosivity3. RadiochemicalContaminants -gross alpha -radiurn 228 -radium 2264. Nitrate5. Coliform Bacteria6. Lead and Manganese ln addition, the distribution system is to be disinfected and tested for coliform bac{eria. after completion of construction. AWW - CPCN APPLICATION . ChecKlist Item #13 Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-13-08 Page 9 of 17 ELEi'IENT VI . MONITORING AND COMPLIANCE PLANS A baseline monitoring program, according to the schedule in Table 2, will be implemented to ensure conformance of the water system with cunent water quality regulations. The follow up monitoring program shown below in Table 3 will be followed when contaminants are detected during baseline monitoring. Both monitoring programs are subject to revisions at the request of the DEQ. Samples are to be sent to a DEQ certified laboratory for testing with a oopy sent to the water system operator. 'r AwW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Iten #1-3 Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-13-08 Page l0ofl7 lOne Sample Within Pumphouse. One Sample Every Three Years Sample Every Three Years Sample Every Three Years I ]Every Three Years One Sample Within Contamlnant Sample Frequency Sample Location IotalColiform Contact DEQ One Sample Within Pumphouse. One Sample at Each Hydrant. Nitrates One Samole Everv Three Months Above 5 mo/l One Samole Within Pumphouse norganic Compounds One Sample Every Three Months One Sample Within Pumphouse Volatile Organic 3ompounds One Sample Every Three Months One Sample Within Pumphouse Synthetic Organic 3ompounds One Sample Every Three Months One Sample Within Pumphouse Lead & Copper Sontact DEQ ln-House Taps Radiochemical Sontaminants Oontact DEQ One Sample Within Pumphouse Monitoring ELEilENT VII . OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The purpose of the operation and maintenance plan is to identify preventative maintenance responsibilities and to keep the system within compliance of current drinking water regulations. A certified water system operator must be in place to oversee the operation and maintenance of the water system. ldaho State regulations require that the owners of a public water system have at least one DEQ certified operator who is in charge of the opeiation and maintenance activities of the system when the system serves ten or rnore residential connections. The operator is also responsible for the implementation and operation of the system's cross-connection control program. A routine maintenance schedule to be followed by the system operator is presented in Table 4 below. Table 5 presents a list of supplies which should be kept at the site for use as needed. AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Item #13 Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-t3-08 Page l1 oflT Functlon Frequency Read and Record Source Flow Meter Value Daily /erify Waterline Pressure is Within Designated Pressure Range at Pumphouse (40-100 PSI) rA/eekly Read and Record Pump Run Time Meters 6/eekly Sheck Pumphouse Piping and Walk Distribution System - Check for Sross-eonnections and Other lrregularities Every 6 Months ;lush Svstem at Extremities Everv 6 Months ixercise all System Valves \nnually )isihfect Distribution System \nnually eerform Water Quality Monitoring I Per Water Quality Monitoring iProgram and DEQ Requiremenb PVC Fittinqs and Couplers Sized for the Key for Gate Valves with 21'Operator Nut ELEMENT IIX - CRO$S.CONNECTION CONTROL A cross-connection program is to be implemented and followed by ihe water system operator.in order to prevent the intrusion of contaminants.into the water system due to a physical connection between the water system and a source containing non-potable liquids, solids, or gasses. Common non-potable sources include irrigation systems, swimming pools and auxiliary water supplies. ln order to protect the public water system from contamination through backflow events, an air gap or an approved backflow prevention device is required at the connection between the waterline and the source of potential contamination. The cross-connection control program consists of the following steps:1. Check the pumphouse piping and walk the water distribution system every 6 months to check for any cross-connections. All cross- connections must have a backflow prevention device, whose manufacturer is approved by the DEQ, installed between the potable and non-potable water system components. Any cross-connection without an approved backflow prevention device must have their service discontinued. The minimum type of backflow prevention device for various types of facilities is presented in Appendix E.2. lnstall an approved DEQ backflow prevention device at any anticipated cross-connection. All proposed cross-connections must have the . approval of the system operator before installation.3. Keep a record of the location and 'As-Built" construction of all cross- , connections on the system.: 4. Ensure that all installed backflow prevention devices are tested annually by a DEQ certified tester. It is recommended to include the cross-connection program requirements within the Acme Water Works Bylaws to provide legal recourse to Acme Water Works against customers who refuse to comply with the rules of the cross-connection control program. AWW - CPCN APPT,ICATION -. Checklist Item #13 Joel Walrlin- Schweitzer Village Technical, i'inancial & Managerial Report ' 06-1348 Page 12 ofl7 ELETUIENT IX. EITIIERGENCY REPSON$E PLAN An emergency response program is to be followed to alert system users and to provide for an orderly response to a system emergency, As part of the emergency response plan, all system customers are to be notified of the emergency by phone, or by door-to-door contact if necessary, as soon as is feasible. When someone identifies an emergency situation other than the system operator, the system operator should be immediately notified. Among the most common situations that could require the imptementation of the emergency response plan is the loss of water service or a contamination of the water system. ln either case the plan of action is to be as follows: 1. Eliminate all use of water from the public drinking water system 2. Contact a chemical.toilet vendor to supply an appropriate number of chemical toilets for use by the subdivision residents 3. Obtain bottled potable waterfor drinking purposes 4. Repairthe water system as needed ; 5. Completely disinfect the water system with 50 ppm chlorine solution and let set tor 24 hours 6. Test the water at system extremities to ensure compliance with coliform bacteria standards 7. Once properly restored, begin using the water system again System Emergency Reference ListFireiPolice/Medical... ......91 1 Panhandle Health District... .,....208-265-6384 System Design Engineer. ...:....:......... .208-263-4160 -James A. Sewelt and Associafes DEQ Engineer... ..2A8-769-14M Electric Utility... ......r.....:.... .....1-800-227-9187 -Avista Utilities System Developer. ...2A8-265-4167 -JoelWahlin Emergency Actions The following is a list of actions to be implemented during common emergency scenarios: Well Pump Failure - Proceed with the emergency response plan. Remove the failed pump and install a standby pump or order a neW pump to be installed upon arrival. Break ln Distribution Line- Proceed with the emergency response plan. Remove that section of distribution line from seruice. Expose the system failure and determine the AWW - CPCN APPLICATION _ ChecKlist ]tem #13 Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-13-08 Page 13 oflT required repair and fittings. Obtain the required parts, repair the failed component, and disinfectlhe system. Return that section to service. Electrical Problems - lf the source of the problem is not obvious, contact an electrician to deterrnine the extent of the problem. Proceed with the emergency response plan as necessary depending on the expected length of the outage: Coliform Violations - Proceed with the emergency response plan, Contact the DEQ and disinfect the water system as described previously. Bring the water system back online once satisfactory tests are obtained. AUm - CPCN APPLICArION - Checklist ltem #13 Joel Watrlin- Schweitzer Village Technical, Firiancial & Managerial Repcirt 06-r3-08 Page 14 ofl7 ELEIITENT X - SOURCE PROTEGTION PROGRAM The water system operator shall oversee the implementation of the source protection plan which consists of the following items: 1. Ensure that the community well sites remains graded to prevent the ponding of water within 50 feet of the wells, 2. Ensure that no hazardous toxins or other inappropriate chemicals are stored on the individual well lots or within 200 feet of the wells. 3. Ensure the proper implementation of the system's Cross-Connection Control Program. Aww - CPCN APPLICATIoN - Checklist Item #13 Joel Wahlin- Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-13-08 Page l5 ofIT ELEi,IENT XI . SYSTEM BUDGET As stated previously the costs of the construction of the water system are being funded by the developer. At the present time the rate at which lots will be sold, developed and hook up to the water system is unknown. For purposes of budget estimating it is assumed that a minimum of 5 lots will be sold and developed per year starting in the year 2009. Once the water system is complete Acme WaterWorks will be responsible for the operating expenses of the system. There are currently four residences that have been constructed and will begin to pay fees once the water system is completed. The estimated completion date of the water system is October 2008. The proposed fee schedule is found in Table 6 below as well as in the Company Documents found in Appendix H. Table 6. Proposed Rates and Charges AWw - CPCN APPLfCATION - Checkl-ist Item #13 Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-l 3-08 Page l6ofl7 Service Termination Fee A five year operating budget representing expected revenues and expenses for the water sygtem is presented in Table 7 below. ltem Year 2008 2009 20{0 2011 2412 Operating Revenues Mater Use Fees) $384 $4,3200 $7,776 $10,656 $13,536 Conneotion Fees $22,000 $27,500 $27,500 $27,500 $27,500 Operating Expense (Salaries, Power, Equipment, Monitoring, lnsurance. Testino) $4,000 S4,2oo $4,400 $4,6CI0 $4,800 Taxes $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 Debt Pavment $0.00 $1100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Miscellaneous (Trainino. Travel) $500.00 $500.00 $s00.00 $500.00 $500.00 Cash Operating Reserve (1/8 Line 2) $500.00 $52s.00 $550.00 $575.00 $60t) Emergency Capita Re6ilacement Reserve $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000 00 Capital Replacement Reserve $16,148 $32,566 $48,714 $64,862 $81,010 Sum Revenues/Financino $22.384.00 $31.820.00 $35.276.00 $38,156.00 $41.036.00 Sum Exoensee $23.348.00 $24.673.00 $21,798.00 $22,023.00 $22,248.00 Budoet Surplus -$964.00 $7,147.00 $13,478.00 $16,533.00 $18,788.00 Financing (From Develooer) $964.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Table 7. Prcposed Five YEar Operatini Budget The above table represents an estimated budget only and the above number should be revised or altered once actual operating costs and expenses have been determined. AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Item #13 Joel Wahlin - Schweitzer Village Technical, Financial & Managerial Report 06-13-08 PagelT oflT ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 1 Revision --- Replaces All Previous Sheets Note To all Small Water Utilities: This is meant to be a template for the company tariff and includes an approved version of the General Rules and Regulations of Small Water Utilities. ln adapting this template for your company it is important that the header have a blank space on the right side that measures three inches wide by one and one-half inches tall (3" x 1112"") for the Commission's stamp of approval. The first pages of the tariff will be the approved rate schedules and any non- recurring charges that have been approved by the Commission. Pages 2 - 4 of the template are examples of rate schedules and some of the non-recurring charges adapted by other companies. The company will identify which schedule applies to which customer if there are different rates. The company will list the rate schedules on a separate page from any approved non-recurring charges. The Genera! Rules and Regulations portion of this template shall be kept as written. Any additional rules adopted by the company and approved by the Commission shall be appended to the end of this tariff in Attachment 1; See Section 1. General -) lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, !nc. JoelWahlin, President 1 of14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 2 Revision --- Replaces All Previous Sheets RATE SCHEDULE NO. 1 AVAII-ABILITY: Service under this Rate Schedule is available for all single family residential, multi-family residential such as apartments and/or condominiums, and commercial units within the defined service area. MTES: All rates are based on equivalent residential units (ERU's). Example: A six (6) unit condominium would be six (6) ERU's..... Residential Water Usage (1 ERU) Basic Fee (includes 0-12,000 gallons) L2,001 - 30,000 gallons 30,001 + gallons Standby Fee $ 48.00/month $ 0.0O5/gallon $ 0.006/gallon $ 24.00/month TERM:. Usage fees are billed monthly and are payable within 30 days. . A late charge of 10o/o of the amount due shall be charged for any payments that are not received within 30 days of the due date. . Interest on past due amount is 1.5olo per month lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President ACME WATER WORKS, INC, Sheet 3 Revision --- Replaces All Previous Sheets Con nection Fees : Standard Residential (each residential unit - ERU) Inspection by Licensed Operator Bulk Water Usage Owner Transfer Fee Service Termination Fee Service Reconnection Fee RATE SCHEDULE NO 2 NON.RECURRING CHARGES $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,430.00 200.00/inspection 0.0 Ugallon 1 00.00 50.00 1 00.00 TERM:. Service charges will be added for operator to provide Bulk Water. lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - Acme WaterWorks, lnc. JoelWahlin, President AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - ChecK|ist Items #19 & 23 3of14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 4 Revision --- Replaces AII Previous Sheets 1. GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS FOR SMALL WATER UTILMES GENERAL 1.1 The Customer, in receiving water service, and the Company, in providing water service, shall both agree to abide by these rules and regulations. 1.2 In the event that there is a conflict between these rules and regulations and the Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR) and the Utility Customer Information Rules (UCIR), the Rules and Regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) shall take precedence unless an exception has been granted. 1.3 All recurring and non-recurring charges shall be approved in advance by the Commission. DEFINITIONS 2.L Applicant - a potential customer (person, business or government agency) applying for service to the Company and subject to the Commission's rules and regulations. 2.2 Billing Period - the period of time between bills from the Company for normal services rendered. 2.3 Commission - Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 2.4 Commoditv Charge - a recurring charge based only on the quantity of water used. 2.5 Company - the water company. 2.6 Connection or Hook-Uo Fee - a non-recurring charge paid by a Customer requesting service for paftial or full recovery of the Company's cost of providing a new service connection. 2.7 Contribution in Aid of Construction - a non-recurring charge paid by a Customer or developer to help defray the cost of system expansion. 2. lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPUCATION - Checklist ltems #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President 4of14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 5 Revision -- Replaces AII Previous Sheets 2.8 Customer - a person, business or government agency responsible for paying bills and complying with the rules and regulations of the company. 2.9 Customer Charge - a recurring fixed charge to recover a portion of the cost of meter reading and billing. 2.lO Fixed or Flat Rate - a recurring charge of a fixed amount, usually in an unmetered system. z.LL Franchise Tax - the tax imposed on a Company by a governmental entity for the privilege of doing business within its boundaries. 2.L2 Late Pavment Charge - the non-recurring charge levied against any delinquent balance. 2.L3 Minimum Charge - the minimum recurring charge for a billing period that may or may not include a specified quantity of water. 2.t4 Non-recurring Charges - the charges that are not assessed each billing period. 2.L5 Premises - the Customer's property including out buildings which are normally located on one lot or parcel of ground. z.LG Rate Schedule - the schedules of all recurring and non-recurring charges of the Company. 2.17 Reconnection Charge - the charge paid by a Customer to the Company to restore service after disconnection. 2.L8 Recurring Charges - the charges that are assessed each billing period. 2.19 Tariff - the rate schedules and the rules and regulations which govern the Company's service. 2.20 Utilitv Customer Information Rules (UCIR) - Information to Customers of Gas, Electric, and Water Public Utilities - IDAPA et seq. 2.2L Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR) - Customer Relations Rules for Gas, Electric, and Water Public Utilities Regulated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (The Utility Customer Relations Rules) - IDAPA 3L.2L.01.000 et seq. 3. SERVICE FOR NEW CUSTOMERS lssued (date) Effective (date) Acme WaterWorks, lnc. JoelWahlin, President SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc 5 of 14 AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 6 Revision --- Replaces All Previous Sheets 3.1 The Company shall furnish service to applicants within its certificated service area in accordance with rates and the rules and regulations approved by the Commission. 3.2 Applicants for water service may be required to sign a standard form of service application. 3.3 The Company shall not be obligated to provide service at a service location until any required deposit has been received by the Company in accordance with the UCRR. 3.4 Special contracts may be required where large investments in special facilities are necessary to provide the requested service. The Company may require contribution toward such investment and establish such minimum charges as are deemed necessary. All such contracts shall be subject to the approval of the Commission. The Company reserves the right to place limitations on the amount and character of water service it will supply and to refuse service if, in its opinion: a. the Company is required to refuse or limit service by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company; b, the requested service installation is of larger size than is necessary to properly serve the premises; c. the permanency of the building, structure, or institution requesting to be served is such that the Company's investment in such service is jeopardized; d. the depth of the applicant's service line is less than the minimum depth required for frost protection; e. the applicants' proposed service, main or other appurtenance does not conform to good engineering design or meet the standard specifications of the Company; or f . if the applicant refuses to agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Company. If the Company denies service to an applicant for any reason, it shall immediately provide the applicant with a written explanation of its decision in accordance with the UCRR. 3.5 4.DEPOSTTS lssued (date) Effective (date) SwC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPUCATION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, Inc. JoelWahlin, President 6of14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 7 Revision -.. Replaces AII Previous Sheets 4.L Rules and Regulations regarding deposits can be found in the UCRR. RATES 5.1 Rates charged for water service and supply shall be those published in the Company's tariff and approved by the Commission. BILLING AND PAYMENT 6.1 All Customers shall be billed on a regular basis as identified on the applicable rate schedule. 6.2 If the system is metered, the Company shall try to read the meters prior to each billing unless specified differently on the applicable rate schedule. If the Company's meter reader is unable to gain access to the premises to read the meter, or in the event the meter fails to register, the Company will estimate the Customer's water consumption for the current billing period based on known consumption for a prior similar period or average of several periods. Subsequent readings will automatically adjust for differences between estimated and actual. Bills based on estimated consumption shall be clearly marked as "estimated". 6.3 All bills shall clearly indicate the balance due, and may be due and payable no less than 15 days after the date rendered. All bills not paid by due date may be considered delinquent and service may be disconnected subject to the provisions of the UCRR. 6.4 A Late Payment Charge may be levied against any delinquent account. All payments received by the next billing date shall be applied to the Customer's account prior to calculating the Late Payment Charge. 6.5 The minimum bill or customer charge shall apply when service is provided for less than one month. 6.6 Owners of premises with one or more condominiums, buildings, stores, apartments or any other divisions of like or similar character, all of which are served from one (1) service connection are responsible for the entire water charges. If the owner desires to cease being responsible for water bills for such places and 5. 6. lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPUCATION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President 7of14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 8 Revision -- Replaces All Previous Sheets desires that the occupant of each division will be responsible for her or her respective bill, such transfer of responsibility will not be accepted or recognized by the Company until the plumbing arrangements of the building or premises are so changed by the owner or his or her agent as to permit the Company, to its satisfaction, to serve each division or occupant separately from the other occupants in the same building. Accounts shall be continued and water bills rendered regularly until the Company has been duly notified to discontinue service. 7. 6.7 7.4 METERING (If Applicable) 7.t Meters will be installed by the'Company near the Customer's property line or at any other reasonable location on the Customer's premises that is mutually agreed upon. The Company's representative shall be given access to the Customer's premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of obtaining meter readings. In the event of recurring inaccessibility the Company may, at its option and after notifying the customer, relocate its metering equipment at the Customer's expense. The Company shall be responsible for the maintenance of its metering equipment. Meters are considered to be sufficiently accurate if tests indicate that meter accuracy is within + 2 percent. When for any reason a meter fails to register within these limits of accuracy, the Customer's use of water shall be estimated on the basis of available data and charges shall be adjusted accordingly. Corrected bills shall then be sent out to the customer and additional payment or refund arrangements shall be made in accordance with the UCRR. The Company reserves the right to test and/or replace any meter. Upon deposit of a "Meter Testing Fee" by a Customer, the Company will test the Customer's meter. If the test indicates that the meter over-registers by more than 2 percent, it shall be replaced with an accurate meter at no cost to the Customer and the "Meter Testing Fee" shall be refunded and water bills shall be adjusted in accordance with the UCRR. Meter Testing Fees shall require prior approval by the Commission. 7.2 7.3 Issued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPUCATION - Checklist ltems #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President 8of14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 9 Revision --- Replaces All Previous Sheets 7.5 7.6 7.7 At the Company's discretion, un-metered Customers may be converted to metered service if such transition occurs in a planned, systematic manner without unreasonable discriminations and if the Company has an approved metered rate. The Company will have the right to set meters or other devices without notice to the Customer for the detection and prevention of fraud. In any building where the meter is to be installed in the basement, the incoming water pipe must enter the basement at least sixteen (16) inches from the riser in order that a meter can be set in a horizontal position in the basement. All pipes to the different pafts of the building or grounds must lead from the riser at least one (1) foot above the elbow. 8.CUSTOMER PLUMBING AND APPLIANCES 8.1 All plumbing, piping, fixtures and appliances on the Customer's side of the service connection will be installed and maintained under the responsibility and at the expense of the Customer or owner of the premises. 8.2 The plumbing, piping, fixtures and appliances shall be maintained in conformity with all municipal, state and federal requirements. The nature and condition of this plumbing, piping and equipment will be such as not to endanger life or property, interfere with service to other Customers or permit those with metered services to divert system water without meter registration. 8.3 A stop-and-waste valve will be installed on the Customer's plumbing in a place always accessible and so located as to permit shutting off the water for the entire premises with the least possible delay. 8.4 All persons having boilers, water tanks or other equipment supplied by direct pressure from the Company's mains should install a pressure relief valve, or other device to serve the same purpose, so as to prevent excess pressure from forcing hot water and/or steam back into the water meter and mains of the Company. All damage to the Company's propefty resulting from the failure to properly equip plumbing with a relief valve will be billed to the Customer. lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPUCAION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President 9of14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 10 Revision --- Replaces All Previous Sheets 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 The Company is not obligated to perform any service whatever in locating leaks or other trouble with the customer's piping. When the premises served by the Company are also served in any manner from another water supply of any kind, an approved backflow prevention device shall be installed at the service connection. Water service for either stand-by or other purposes will not be furnished until piping and connections are inspected and approved by a representative of the Company. Propefty owners will not be allowed to connect the water service of d ifferent properties together, All of the Customer's service pipes and fixtures must be kept in repair and protected from freezing at his or her expense. When there are leaking or defective pipes or fixtures, the water may be turned off at the option of the Company until the proper repairs are made. 9.INSTALI.ATION OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS 9.1 The service connection is the propefty of the Company and as such, the Company is responsible for its installation and maintenance. It consists of piping, curbstop and valve or meter box and a meter, if the system is metered. The service connection transmits water from the Company's water main to a valve or meter box generally located near the Customer's propefty line. All piping, valves or appliances beyond this point shall be the property and responsibility of the Customer. 9.2 The Company reserves the right to designate the size and location of the service line, curbstop, meter (if applicable) and meter or valve box and the amount of space which must be left unobstructed for the installation and future maintenance and operation thereof. Where a service connection is desired for premises on which there is no permanent structure, the Company will install a service connection to said premises only upon payment by the applicant of the estimated cost of said service connection. If within a period of five (5) years from the installation of said service connection a permanent structure is erected on the premises, the Company will refund, with interest, the difference between any approved new 9.3 lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPUCATION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President 10 of 14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 11 Revision -.. Replaces All Previous Sheets 9.4 Customer charges in effect at the time of connection, and the applicant's advance. The extra costs of any out-of-the-ordinary circumstances requiring additional equipment or special construction techniques involved in the installation of a service connection will be agreed to in advance by the Customer and the Company. 10. REPI-ACEMENT OR ENLARGEMENT OF SERVICE CONNECTION 10.1 Unless otherwise provided herein, the Company shall replace or enlarge service connections at its own expense as follows: a. whenever it is necessary to change the location of any service connection due to relocation or abandonment of the Company's mains; and, b. for commercial or industrial services where the type or volume of use has changed and the enlargement will result in sufficient increase in annual revenue to justify the enlargement. LO.2 The relocation, enlargement or reduction of service connections for the convenience of the Customer will be at the expense of the Customer. Prior to such relocation, enlargement or reduction, the Customer will deposit the estimated cost thereof with the Company. Within fifteen (15) days, a refund will be made to the Customer in the amount by which the estimated cost exceeds the actual cost. The amount by which the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost will be due and payable within fifteen (15) days after billing for such deficiency, 10.3 Enlargement of any service connection will be made only after such time as the Customer's plumbing inside his or her premises have been enlarged sufficiently to accommodate the additional capacity. 11. DISCONNECTION AND RECONNECTION OF SERVICE 11.1 When a Customer desires to discontinue service he shall give notice to the Company at least two (2) days in advance and be responsible for all water consumed for the two (2) days after the date of such notice. lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President 11 of 14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 12 Revision --- Replaces All Previous Sheets LL.2 The Company shall discontinue a Customer's service on an involuntary basis only in accordance with UCRR. 11.3 When it becomes necessary for the Company to involuntarily discontinue water service to a Customer, service shall be reconnected only after all bills for service then due have been paid or satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. tL.4 A reconnection fee may be charged each time a Customer is disconnected, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and reconnected at the same premises. The reconnection fee will be paid before service is restored. Reconnection fees shall not be charged for any situation or circumstance in which the Customer's water supply disconnected by the Company for its convenience. 11.5 The Company reserves the right at any time, upon notice, to shut off the water for maintenance or expansion and, in emergencies, may do so without notice. The Company shall at all times use reasonable diligence and care to prevent interruption of said water service. 11.6 Except in the case of an emergency, no one, except an authorized Company representative, shall turn on or turn off the water on the Company's side of the service connection. L2. EXTENSION OF WATER MAINS Lz.L The extension of system water mains for the purpose of providing new service shall be handled in accordance with the "Uniform Main Extension Rules for Small Water Companies" which is attached to these Rules and Regulations as an Appendix. 13. MISCELI-ANEOUS 13.1 No customer shall permit any person from another premises to take water from his or her water service or tap for more than (1) week without the written permission and consent of the Company. L3.2 No person acting either on his or her own behalf or an agent of any person, firm, corporation or municipality not authorized by the Company shall take any water from any fire hydrant on the Company's system except in the case of an emergency. lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President 12 of 14 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 13 Revision -- Replaces All Previous Sheets 13.3 No person shall place upon or about any hydrant, gate, box, meter, meter box or other property of the Company any building material or other substance so as to prevent free access at all times to the same. L3.4 Service will be maintained to domestic Customers on a preferential basis. Delivery of water under all schedules may be restricted, interrupted or curtailed at the discretion of the Company in case of shortage or threatened shortage of water. 13.5 No rate contract or application is assignable from one user to another, except upon agreement of all parties concerned. 13.6 The Company representative shall be given access to the premises of the Customer at all reasonable hours for obtaining meter readings, for turning on or shutting off the flow of water, for inspecting, removing, repairing or protecting from abuse or fraud any of the property of the Company installed on the premises. Access shall be granted at all times for emergency purposes. L3.7 No one shall tamper or interfere with the Company's equipment or property, nor shall repairs, connections or replacements be made without the Company authorization. 13.8 Whenever an applicant desires service of a character for which there is no available service classification, a contract may be executed in lieu of a tariff. Any such contract shall be subject to the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 13.9 Copies of the Company's rates and summary of rules and regulations shall be available at the Company's office and provided to customers upon commencement of service, and annually thereafter in accordance with the UCRR and the UCIR. lssued (date) Effective (date) Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - 13 of 14 AWW - CPCN APPUCATION - Checklist Items #19 & 23 ACME WATER WORKS, INC. Sheet 14 Revision --- Replaces All Previous Sheets L4.Special Provisions or Amendments L4.L Cross Connection Control. All new water connections shall be made in compliance with the cross connection control program and subject to review by certified cross connection control specialists. The Customer agrees to eliminate before the initiation of service all past or present cross-connections in the Customer's system which could lead to a violation of the cross connection control protocol set forth by the State of Idaho and administered by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). Ref: IDAPA 58.01.08. L4.2 Main Line Extensions. Al! extensions of distribution mains from the company's existing distribution system must be approved by the company. The company shall provide the IDEQ with engineered plans and specifications, for approval, prior to commencement of any work to extend an existing main distribution line. lssued (date) Effective (date) SWC Model Tariff 2008.doc - AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - ChecK|ist Items #19 & 23 Acme Water Works, lnc. JoelWahlin, President ACME WATER WORKS, INC. INVOICE NUMER: DATE: 6036s June 1., 2013 Sample Customer xxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx, tD xxxxx Serving "The Ridge" at Schweitrer Mountain INVOICE Please make check payable to: Acrne Water Works, lnc" Please mail payment to: Water Systems Management, lnc. 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint,lD 83864 For billing questions or water emergencies contact: Bob Hansen (WSM, lnc.), (208) 265-4270 THIS INVOICING IS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 2013 PREVIOUS TNVOTCE s PAYMENT RECEIVED CHECK NUMBER BALANCE ouE 48.00 48.00 tL79950267 0.00 THANK YOU COMMENTS Water Works, lnc. is in the process of submitting an Application for Certificate of Public venience and Necessity with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission tIPUC). The service area included in this application include the entire "Ridge" project on Schweitzer Mountain. The IPUC ay be contacted by phone at {208)334-0300 or by mail at; ldaho Public Utilities Commission, PO Box 83720, Boise, ldaho 837204074. PAYMENT DUE lN FULL BY: 6120ll?Please note invoice number on chsck CURRENT METER READING PREVIOUS METER READING TOTAL MONTHLY USAGE TOTAL MONTHLY OVERAGE MONTHLY OVERAGE FEE BASE MONTHLY FEE TOTA! PAST DUE TOTAL MONTHLY INVOICE N/n N/A SVALUE!0.00 0.00 48.00 0.00 s48.00 NOTICE AWW - CPCN APPLICATION - Checklist ltem 822