HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtomic Water Works.pdfATOMICWATER WORKS Sheet i Revision- Replaces AII PreviousSheets RATE SCHEDULE 1-Recurring Charges RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE -$55.00 RESIDENCE/MONTH COMMERCIAL FLAT RATE-$123.00 BUSINESS/MONTH Issued October 31, 2023 Issued by Atomic Water Works Effective October 31, 2023 Vickie O'Haro Order No 35973 AA CULO IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS Sheet 2 Revision- Replaces AII Previous Sheets ' RATE SCHEDULE 2 --Non-Recurring Charges 1.Insufficient funds Charge -$20.00 2.Shut-off at Customers request $20.00 during normal working hours $40.00 outside of normal working hours 3. Re-connection Charge after disconnection for non-payment $75.00 during normal business hours and $150.00 before or after normal business hours. 4.Late Payment Charge -1%of past due balance owed at the time of the next billing. 5.Hook-up Fee -$200.00 Applies when the company must install a new service connection in order to provide water to a new customer Normal business hours are defined by the Company as: Monday through Friday 9:00 am -5:00 pm except holidays Issued October 31, 2023 Issued by Atomic Water Works Effective October 31, 2023 Vickie O'Haro Order No 35973 120 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS GENERAL RULES &REGULATIONS FOR SMALL WATER UTILITIES 1.GENERAL 1.1 The Customer,in receiving water service,and the Company,inprovidingwaterservice,shall both agree to abide by these rulesandregulations. 1.2 In the event that there is a conflict between these rules andregulationsandtheUtilityCustomerRelationsRules(UCRR),the Rules and Regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) shall take precedence unless an exception has beengranted. 1.3 All recurring and non-recurring charges shall be approved in advance by the Commission. 2.DEFINITIONS 2.1 Applicant -a potential customer (person,business or governmentagency)applying for service to the Company and subject to theCommission's rules and regulations. 2.2 Billing Period -the period of time between bills from the Companyfornormalservicesrendered. 2.3 Commission -Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 2.4 Commodity Charge -a recurring charge based only on the quantityofwaterused. 2.5 Company -the water company. 2.6 Connection or Hook-Up Fee -a non-recurring charge paid by a Customer requesting service for partial or full recovery of the Company's cost of providing a new service connection. 2.7 Contribution in Aid of Construction -a non-recurring charge paid by a Customer or developerto help defray the cost of systemexpansion. Issued Issued by:Atomic Water Works Effective Name &Title:Vickie O'Haro,OwnerlManager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS 2.8 Customer -a person,business or government agency responsibleforpayingbillsandcomplyingwith the rules and regulations of the company. 2.9 Customer Charge -a recurring fixed charge to recover a portion ofthecostofmeterreadingandbilling. 2.10 Fixed or Flat Rate -a recurring charge of a fixed amount,usually in an unmetered system. 2.11 Franchise Tax -the tax imposed on a Company by a governmentalentityfortheprivilegeofdoingbusinesswithinitsboundaries. 2.12 Late PaymentCharge -the non-recurring charge levied against anydelinquentbalance. 2.13 Minimum Charge -the minimum recurring charge for a billingperiodthatmayormaynotincludeaspecifiedquantityofwater. 2.14 Non-recurring Charges -the charges that are not assessed eachbillingperiod. 2.15 Premises -the Customer's property including out buildings which are normallylocated on one lot or parcel of ground. 2.16 Rate Schedule -the schedules of all recurring and non-recurringcharges of the Company. 2.17 Reconnection Charge --the charge paid by a Customer to the Company to restore service after disconnection. 2.18 Recurrinq Charges -the charges that are assessed each billing period. 2.19 Tariff -the rate schedules and the rules and regulations which govern the Company's service. 2.20 Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR)-Customer Relations Rules for Gas,Electric,and Water Public Utilities Regulated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (The Utility Customer Relations Rules)- IDAPA et seq. 3.SERVICE FOR NEW CUSTOMERS 3.1 The Company shall furnish service to applicants within its certificated service area in accordance with rates and the rules andregulationsapprovedbytheCommission. Issued Issued by:Atomic WaterWorks Effective Name &Title: Vickie O'Haro,Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS 3.2 Applicants for water service may be required to sign a standardformofserviceapplication. 3.3 The Company shall not be obligated to provide service at a servicelocationuntilanyrequireddeposithasbeenreceivedby the Company in accordance with the UCRR. 3.4 Special contracts may be required where large investments inspecialfacilitiesarenecessarytoprovidethe requested service.The Company may require contribution toward such investment and establish such minimum charges as are deemed necessary. AII such contracts shall be subject to the approval of the Commission. 3.5 The Company reserves the right to place limitations on the amountandcharacter of water service it will supply and to refuse service if, in its opinion: a.the Company is required to refuse or limit service byregulatoryauthoritieshavingjurisdictionovertheCompany; b.the requested service installation is of larger size than is necessary to properly serve the premises; c.the permanency of the building,structure,or institutionrequestingto be served is such that the Company's investment in such service is jeopardized; d.the depth of the applicant's service line is less than theminimumdepthrequired for frost protection; e.the applicants'proposed service,main or other appurtenance does not conform to good engineering design or meet thestandardspecifications of the Company;or f.if the applicant refuses to agree to abide by the rules andregulationsof the Company. If the Company denies service to an applicant for any reason,itshallimmediatelyprovidetheapplicantwithawrittenexplanation of its decision in accordance with the UCRR. 4.DEPOSITS 4.1 Rules and Regulations regarding deposits can be found in the UCRR. Issued Issued by:Atomic WaterWorks Effective Name &Title: Vickie O'Haro, Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS 5.RATES 5.1 Rates charged for water service and supply shall be those published in the Company's tariff and approved by the Commission. 6. BILLING AND PAYMENT 6.1 AII Customers shall be billed on a regular basis as identified on theapplicablerateschedule. 6.2 If the system is metered,the Company shall try to read the meterspriorto each billing unless specified differently on the applicable rate schedule.If the Company's meter reader is unable to gain access to the premises to read the meter,or in the event the meterfailstoregister,the Company will estimate the Customer's waterconsumptionforthecurrentbilling period based on knownconsumptionforapriorsimilar period or average of several periods.Subsequentreadings will automaticallyadjustfor differences between estimated and actual. Bills based on estimatedconsumptionshallbeclearlymarkedas"estimated". 6.3 AII bills shall clearly indicate the balance due,and may be due and payable no less than 15 days after the date rendered. All bills notpaidbyduedatemaybeconsidereddelinquentandservicemay be disconnected subject to the provisions of the UCRR. 6.4 A Late Payment Charge may be levied against any delinquent account.All payments received by the next billing date shall be applied to the Customer's account prior to calculatingthe LatePaymentCharge. 6.5 The minimum bill or customer charge shall apply when service isprovidedforlessthanonemonth. 6.6 Owners of premises with one or more condominiums, buildings, stores,apartments or any other divisions of like or similarcharacter,all of which are served from one (1)service connection are responsible for the entire water charges.If the owner desires to cease being responsible for water bills for such places and desires that the occupantof each division will be responsible for her or her respective bill,such transfer of responsibility will not be accepted or recognized by the Company until the plumbingarrangementsofthebuildingorpremisesaresochangedby the Issued Issued by:Atomic WaterWorks Effective Name &Title: Vickie O'Haro, Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS 2.8 Customer -a person, business or government agency responsible for paying bills and complying with the rules and regulations of the company. 2.9 Customer Charge -a recurring fixed charge to recover a portion of the cost of meter reading and billing. 2.10 Fixed or Flat Rate -a recurring charge of a fixed amount,usually in an unmetered system. 2.11 Franchise Tax -the tax imposed on a Company by a governmentalentityfortheprivilegeofdoingbusiness within its boundaries. 2.12 Late Payment Charge -the non-recurring charge levied against anydelinquentbalance. 2.13 Minimum Charge -the minimum recurring charge for a billingperiodthatmayormaynotincludeaspecifiedquantityofwater. 2.14 Non-recurring Charges -the charges that are not assessed each billing period. 2.15 Premises -the Customer's property including out buildings which are normally located on one lot or parcel of ground. 2.16 Rate Schedule -the schedules of all recurring and non-recurring charges of the Company. 2.17 Reconnection Charge -the charge paid by a Customer to the Company to restore service after disconnection. 2.18 Recurrinq Charges -the charges that are assessed each billing period. 7 10 Tariff -the rato echarfillac anri the rillac anri ronillakinne which IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS 3.2 App1Icants for water service may be required to sign a standard form of service application. 3.3 The Company shall not be obligated to provide service at a service location until any required deposit has been received by the Company in accordance with the UCRR. 3.4 Special contracts may be required where large investments in special facilities are necessary to provide the requested service. The Company may require contribution toward such investment and establish such minimum charges as are deemed necessary. All such contracts shall be subject to the approval of the Commission. 3.5 The Company reserves the right to place limitations on the amount and character of water service it will supply and to refuse service if, in its opinion: a.the Company is required to refuse or limit service by regulatory authorities having jurisdictionover the Company; b.the requested service installation is of larger size than is necessary to properly serve the premises; c.the permanency of the building, structure,or institution requesting to be served is such that the Company's investment in such service is jeopardized; d. the depth of the applicant's service line is less than the minimum depth required for frost protection; e.the applicants'proposed service,main or other appurtenance does not conform to good engineering design or meet the standard specifications of the Company;or f. if the applicant refuses to agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Company. If the Company denies service to an applicant for any reason,it shall immediatelyprovide the applicant with a written explanation of its decision in accordance with the UCRR. 4. DEPOSITS 4.1 Rules and Regulations regarding deposits can be found in the UCRR. Issued Issued by:Atomic WaterWorks Effective Name &Title: Vickie O'Haro,Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS 5.RATES 5.1 Rates charged for water service and supply shall be those published in the Company's tariff and approved by the Commission. 6. BILLING AND PAYMENT 6.1 AII Customers shall be billed on a regular basis as identified on the applicable rate schedule. 6.2 If the system is metered,the Company shall try to read the meterspriorto each billing unless specified differently on the applicable rate schedule.If the Company's meter reader is unable to gain access to the premises to read the meter,or in the event the meter fails to register,the Company will estimate the Customer's waterconsumptionforthe current billing period based on known consumption for a prior similar period or average of several periods.Subsequent readings will automaticallyadjustfor differences between estimated and actual.Bills based on estimatedconsumptionshallbeclearlymarkedas"estimated". 6.3 Ali bills shall clearly indicate the balance due,and may be due and payable no less than 15 days after the date rendered.All bills not paid by due date may be considered delinquentand service may be disconnected subject to the provisions of the UCRR. 6.4 A Late Payment Charge may be levied against any delinquent account.AII payments received by the next billing date shall be applied to the Customer's account prior to calculating the Late PaymentCharge. 6.5 The minimum bill or customer charge shall apply when service is provided for less than one month. 6.6 Owners of premises with one or more condominiums,buildings, stores,apartments or any other divisions of like or similar character,all of which are served from one (1)service connection are responsible for the entire water charges.If the owner desires to cease being responsible for water bills for such places and desires that the occupant of each division will be responsible for her or her respective bill,such transfer of responsibility will not be accepted or recognized by the Company until the plumbing arrangements of the building or premises are so changed by the issued Issued by:Atomic WaterWorks Effective Name &Title: Vickie O'Haro,Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATERWORKS owner or his or her agent as to permit the Company,to itssatisfaction,to serve each division or occupantseparatelyfrom the other occupantsin the same building. 6.7 Accounts shall be continued and water bills rendered regularly until the Companyhas been duly notified to discontinue service. 7. METERING (If Applicable) 7.1 Meters will be installed by the Company near the Customer'spropertylineorat any other reasonable location on the Customer'spremisesthatismutuallyagreedupon. 7.2 The Company'srepresentative shall be given access to the Customer's premisesat all reasonable hours for the purpose of obtaining meter readings.In the event of recurring inaccessibility the Companymay,at its option and after notifying the customer, relocate its metering equipment at the Customer's expense. 7.3 The Companyshall be responsiblefor the maintenance of its metering equipment.Meters are considered to be sufficiently accurate if tests indicate that meter accuracy is within ±2 percent. When for any reason a meter fails to register within these limits of accuracy,the Customer's use of water shall be estimated on the basis of available data and charges shall be adjusted accordingly. Corrected bills shall then be sent out to the customer and additional payment or refund arrangementsshall be made in accordance with the UCRR. 7.4 The Companyreserves the right to test and/or replace any meter. Upon deposit of a "Meter Testing Fee" by a Customer,the Company will test the Customer's meter. If the test indicates that the meterover-registers by more than 2 percent,it shall be replaced with an accurate meter at no cost to the Customer and the "Meter Testing Fee" shall be refunded and water bills shall be adjusted in accordance with the UCRR.Meter Testing Fees shall require priorapprovalbythe Commission. 7.5 At the Company'sdiscretion,un-metered Customers may be converted to metered service if such transition occurs in a planned, systematic manner without unreasonable discriminations and if the Companyhas an approved metered rate. Issued Issued by:Atomic Water Works Effective Name &Title:Vickie O'Haro,Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATERWORKS 7.6 The Companywill have the right to set meters or other devices without notice to the Customer for the detection and prevention of fraud. 7.7 In any building where the meter is to be installed in the basement, the incoming water pipe must enter the basement at least sixteen(16)inches from the riser in order that a meter can be set in a horizontal position in the basement. All pipes to the different parts of the building or grounds must lead from the riser at least one (1) foot above the elbow. 8. CUSTOMER PLUMBING AND APPLIANCES 8.1 All plumbing,piping,fixtures and applianceson the Customer's side of the service connection will be installed and maintained under theresponsibilityand at the expense of the Customer or owner of thepremises. 8.2 The plumbing,piping,fixtures and appliancesshall be maintained in conformity with all municipal,state and federal requirements. The nature and condition of this plumbing,piping and equipment will be such as not to endangerlife or property,interfere with service to other Customers or permit those with metered services to divert system water without meter registration. 8.3 A stop-and-waste valve will be installed on the Customer's plumbing in a place always accessible and so located as to permitshuttingoffthewaterfortheentirepremiseswiththe leastpossibledelay. 8.4 All persons having boilers,water tanks or other equipmentsupplied by direct pressure from the Company'smains should install a pressure relief valve,or other device to serve the same purpose,so as to prevent excess pressure from forcing hot water and/or steam back into the water meter and mains of the Company.All damage to the Company'sproperty resulting from the failure to properly equip plumbing with a relief valve will be billed to the Customer. 8.5 The Companyis not obligated to perform any service whatever inlocatingleaksorothertroublewith the customer's piping. 8.6 When the premisesserved by the Companyare also served in any manner from another water supply of any kind,an approved backflow prevention device shall be installed at the service issued Issued by:Atomic Water Works Effective Name &Title:Vickie O'Haro, Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATERWORKS connection.Water service for either stand-by or other purposes will not be furnished until piping and connections are inspectedandapprovedbyarepresentativeoftheCompany. 8.7 Property owners will not be allowed to connect the water service of different properties together. 8.8 All of the Customer's service pipes and fixtures must be kept inrepairandprotectedfromfreezingathisorherexpense. When there are leaking or defective pipes or fixtures,the water may be turned off at the option of the Companyuntil the proper repairs are made. 9.INSTALLATION OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS 9.1 The service connection is the property of the Company and as such, the Companyis responsiblefor its installation and maintenance.It consists of piping,curbstop and valve or meter box and a meter,if the system is metered.The service connection transmits water from the Company'swater main to a valve or meter box generally located near the Customer's property line.All piping,valves orappliancesbeyondthispointshallbe the property andresponsibilityofthe Customer. 9.2 The Companyreserves the right to designatethe size and location of the service line,curbstop,meter (if applicable)and meter or valve box and the amount of space which must be left unobstructed for the installation and future maintenance and operation thereof. 9.3 Where a service connection is desired for premiseson which there is no permanent structure,the Companywill install a service connection to said premisesonly upon payment by the applicant of the estimated cost of said service connection. If within a period of five (5)years from the installation of said service connection apermanentstructureiserectedonthepremises,the Companywill refund,with interest,the difference between any approved new Customer charges in effect at the time of connection,and theapplicant'sadvance. 9.4 The extra costs of any out-of-the-ordinary circumstances requiring additional equipment or special construction techniquesinvolved in the installation of a service connection will be agreed to in advance by the Customer and the Company. Issued Issued by:Atomic Water Works Effective Name &Title:Vickie O'Haro, Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATERWORKS 10.REPLACEMENT OR ENLARGEMENT OF SERVICE CONNECTION 10.1 Unless otherwise provided herein,the Company shall replace orenlargeserviceconnections at its own expense as follows: a.whenever it is necessary to change the location of any service connection due to relocation or abandonment of theCompany'smains;and, b.for commercial or industrial services where the type or volume of use has changed and the enlargement will result in sufficient increase in annual revenue to justify theenlargement. 10.2 The relocation,enlargementor reduction of service connections for the convenience of the Customer will be at the expense of the Customer. Prior to such relocation,enlargement or reduction,the Customer will depositthe estimated cost thereof with the Company.Within fifteen (15) days,a refund will be made to the Customer in the amount by which the estimated cost exceeds the actual cost.The amount by which the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost will be due and payablewithin fifteen (15)days after billing for such deficiency. 10.3 Enlargementof any service connection will be made only after such time as the Customer's plumbing inside his or her premiseshave been enlargedsufficiently to accommodate the additional capacity. 11.DISCONNECTION AND RECONNECTION OF SERVICE 11.1 When a Customer desires to discontinue service he shall give notice to the Companyat least two (2)days in advance and beresponsiblefor all water consumed for the two (2) days after the date of such notice. 11.2 The Companyshall discontinue a Customer's service on aninvoluntarybasisonlyinaccordancewithUCRR. 11.3 When it becomes necessary for the Company to involuntarily discontinue water service to a Customer,service shall be reconnected only after all bills for service then due have been paid or satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. Issued Issued by:Atomic Water Works Effective Name &Title:Vickie O'Haro, Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMICWATER WORKS 11.4 A reconnection fee may be charged each time a Customer is disconnected,either voluntarily or involuntarily,and reconnected at the same premises.The reconnection fee will be paid before service is restored.Reconnection fees shall not be charged for any situation or circumstance in which the Customer's water supply is disconnected by the Company for its convenience. 11.5 The Company reserves the right at any time,upon notice,to shut off the water for maintenance or expansionand,in emergencies, may do so without notice. The Companyshall at all times use reasonable diligenceand care to prevent interruption of said water service. 11.6 E×cept in the case of an emergency,no one,except an authorizedCompanyrepresentative,shall turn on or turn off the water on theCompany'sside of the service connection. 12.EXTENSION OF WATER MAINS 12.1 The extension of system water mains for the purpose of providing new service shall be handled in accordance with the "Uniform Main Extension Rules for Small Water Companies"which is attached to these Rules and Regulationsas an Appendix. 13.MISCELLANEOUS 13.1 No customer shall permit any person from another premisesto take water from his or her water service or tap for more than (1)week without the written permissionand consent of the Company. 13.2 No person acting either on his or her own behalf or an agent of any person,firm, corporation or municipality not authorized by theCompanyshalltake any water from any fire hydrant on the Company'ssystem except in the case of an emergency. 13.3 No person shall place upon or about any hydrant,gate, box,meter, meter box or other property of the Companyany building material or other substance so as to prevent free access at all times to the same. 13.4 Service will be maintained to domestic Customers on a preferential basis.Delivery of water under all schedules may be restricted, issued issued by:Atomic Water Works Effective Name &Title: Vickie O'Haro,Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS interrupted or curtailed at the discretion of the Companyin case ofshortageorthreatenedshortageofwater. 13.5 No rate contract or application is assignablefrom one user to another,except upon agreement of all parties concerned. 13.6 The Companyrepresentativeshall be given access to the premises of the Customer at all reasonable hours for obtaining meter readings,for turning on or shutting off the flow of water,for inspecting,removing, repairing or protecting from abuse or fraud any of the property of the Companyinstalled on the premises. Access shall be granted at all times for emergency purposes. 13.7 No one shall tamper or interfere with the Company'sequipment or property,nor shall repairs,connections or replacementsbe made without the Companyauthorization. 13.8 Whenever an applicant desires service of a character for which there is no available service classification,a contract may be executed in lieu of a tariff,Any such contract shall be subject to the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 13.9 Copies of the Company'srates and summary of rules andregulationsshallbeavailableattheCompany'soffice and provided to customers upon commencement of service,and annually thereafter in accordance with the UCRR. Issued Issued by:Atomic Water Works Effective Name &Title:Vickie O'Haro,Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary ATOMIC WATER WORKS 14.Special Provisions or Amendments issued Issued by:Atomic Water Works Effective Name &Title:Vickie O'Haro, Owner/Manager Order No IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary UNIFORM MAIN EXTENSIONRULE FOR WATER UTILITIES Based on Order No.7830 (Case No.U-1500-22) A.GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS 1.Applicability a.All extensions of distribution mains from the utility's e×isting distributionsystem,to serve new customers, except for those specifically excluded below shall be made under the provisions of this Rule unless specificauthorityisfirstobtained from the Commission to deviate therefrom.A main extension contract shall be executed by the utility and the applicant or applicants for the main extension before the utility commences construction work on said extension or,if constructed by applicant orapplicants, before the facilities comprising the main extension are transferred to the utility. b.Extensions solely for fire hydrant,private fire protection,resale,temporary,standby,or supplemental service shall not be made under this Rule. c.The utility may, but will not be required to,make extensions under this Rule in easements or rights-of-way where final grades have not been established,or where street grades have not been broughtto those established by public authority.If extensions are made when grades have not been established and there is a reasonable probability that the existing grade will be changed,the utility shall require that the applicant or applicants for the main extension deposit,at the time of e×ecution of the main e×tension agreement,the estimated net cost of relocating,raising,or lowering facilities upon establishment of final grades.Adjustment of any difference between the amount so deposited and the actual cost of relocating,raising,lowering facilities shall be made within ten (10)days after the utility has ascertained such actual cost. The net deposit representing actual cost is not subject to refund.The entire deposit related to the proposed relocation,raising or lowering shall berefundedwhen such displacements are determined by proper authority to be not required. 2.Definitions a.Bona Fide Customer,for the purposes of this Rule, shall be a customer(e×cluding any customer formerly served at the same location)who hasgivensatisfactoryevidencethat service will be reasonably permanentto the property which has been improved with a building of permanent nature and to which service has commenced.The provision of service to a real estate developer or builder during the construction or developmentperiodshall not establish him as a bona fide customer. b.Real Estate Developer or Builder,for purposes of this Rule, shall include any individual,association of individuals,partnership,or corporation that divides a parcel of land into two (2)or more portions, c.Adjusted Construction Cost,for the purposes of this Rule,shall bereasonableand shall not exceed the costs recorded in conformity withgenerallyaccepted water utility accounting and sound engineeringpractices,and as specifically defined in the,Uniform System of Accounts SWC Model Uniform Main Extension 2009.doc 1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary for Water Utilities prescribed by the Commission, of installing facilities,of adequate capacity for the service requested.If the utility at its option should install facilities with'a larger capacity or resulting in a greater footage of extension than required for the service,the adjusted construction cost for the purposes of this Rule shall be determined by theapplicationofanadjustmentfactorto actual construction cost of facilitiesinstalled.This factor shall be the ratio of estimated cost of requiredfacilitiestoestimatedcostofactualfacilities installed. d.Commission shall mean the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 3.Ownership,Design and Construction of Facilities a.Any facilities installed hereunder shall be the sole property of the utility. In those instances in which title to certain portions of the installation,such as fire hydrants,will be held by a political subdivision,such facilities shall not be included as a part of the main extension under this Rule. b.The size,type, quality of materials and their location shall be specified by the utility and the actual construction shall be done by the utility or by aconstructingagencyacceptabletoit. c.Where the property of an applicant is located adjacent to a right-of-way, e×ceeding 70 feet in width,for a street,highway or other public purpose,regardless of the width of the traveled way or pavement;or a freeway,waterway or railroad right-of-way,the utility may elect to install a main extension on the same side thereof as the property of the applicant and the estimated and adjusted construction costs in such case shall be based upon such an extension. d.When an extension must comply with an ordinance,regulation,orspecificationofpublicauthority,the estimated and adjusted construction costs of said extension shall be based upon the facilities required comply therewith. 4.Estimates,Plans and Specifications a.Upon request by a potential applicant for a main extension,the utility shall prepare without charge a preliminarysketch and rough estimates of the cost of installation to be advanced by said applicant. b.Any applicant for a main extension requesting the utility to prepare detailed plans,specifications and cost estimates shall be required to deposit with the utility an amount equal to the estimated cost ofpreparationof such material.The utility shall,upon request,makeavailablewithin45 days after receipt of the deposit referred to above, such plans,specifications and cost estimates of the proposed main extension.If the extension is to include oversizing of facilities to be done at the utility's expense appropriate details shall be set forth in the plans, specifications and cost estimates. c.In the event a main extension contract with the utility is executed within 180'days after the utility furnishes the detailed plans and specifications, the deposit shall become a part of the advance,and shall be refunded in accordance with the terms of the main extension contract. If such contract is not so executed the deposit to cover the cost of preparing plans,specifications and cost estimates shall be forfeited by the applicant for the main extension and the amount of the forfeited deposit shall be credited SWC Model Uniform Main Extension 2009.doc 2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary to the account or accounts to which the expense of preparing saidmaterialwascharged. d.When detailed plans,specifications and cost estimates are requested theapplicant for a main extension shall furnish a map to a suitable scaleshowingthe street and lot layouts,and when requested by the utility, contours or other indication of the relative elevation of the various parts oftheareatobedeveloped.If changes are made subsequent to the presentation of this map by the applicant,and these changes requireadditionale×penseinrevisingplans,specifications and cost estimates this additional expense shall be borne by the applicant,not subject to refund, and the additional expense thus recovered shall be credited to the account or accounts to which the additional expense was charged. 5.Timing and Adjustment of Advances a.Unless the applicant for the main extension elects to arrange for theinstallationof the extension himself as permitted by Section C.1.c.,the full amount of the required advance or an acceptable surety bond must beprovidedtotheutilityat the time of execution of the main extensionagreement. b.If the applicant for a main extension posts a surety bond in lieu of cash, such surety bond must be replaced with cash not less than ten (10)calendar days before construction is to commence;provided,however, that if special facilities are required primarily for the service requested, the applicant for the extension may be required to deposit sufficient cash to cover the cost of such special facilities before they are ordered by theutility. c.An applicant for a main extension who advances funds shall be provided with a,statement of actual construction cost and adjusted construction cost showing in reasonable detail the cost incurred for material, labor,any other direct and indirect costs ,overheads,and total costs;or unit costs or contract costs;whichever are appropriate. d.Said statement shall be submitted within sixty (60)days after the actual construction costs of the installation have been ascertained by the utility. In the event that the actual construction costs for the entire installation shall not have been determined within 120 days after completion of construction work,a preliminarydetermination of actual and adjusted construction costs shall be submitted,based upon the best availableinformationatthattime. e.Any differences between the adjusted construction costs and the amountadvancedshallbe shown as a revision of the amount of advance and shall be payable within thirty (30)days of submission of the statement. 6.Assignment of Main Extension Contracts -Any contract entered into under Sections B and C of this Rule,or under similar provisions of former rules,may be assigned after settlement of adjusted construction costs, after written notice to the utility by the holder of said contract as shown by the utility's records. Such assignment shall apply only to those refunds which become due more than thirty (30)days after the date of receipt by the utility of the noticeofassignment.The utility shall not be required to make any one refundpaymentundersuch contract to more than a single assignee. SWC Model Uniform Main Extension 2009.doc 3 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary 7.Interpretations and Deviations -In case of disagreement or dispute regarding the application of any provision of this Rule,or in circumstances where theapplicationofthisRuleappearsunreasonableto either party,the utility,applicant or applicants may refer the matter to the Commission for determination. B.EXTENSIONS TO SERVE INDIVIDUALS 1.Free-Footage Allowance -The utility shall extend its water distribution mains to serve new bona fide customers at its own expense,other than to serve subdivisions,tracts ,housing projects ,industrial developments or organized commercial districts,when the required total length of main extension from the nearest existing utility facility is not in excess of fifty (50) feet per service connection. 2.Advances -If the total length of main extension is in excess of fifty (50) feet per service connection applied for,the applicant or applicants for such service shall be required to advance to the utility,before construction is commenced, that portion of the estimated reasonable cost of such extension which exceedstheestimated reasonable cost of 50 feet of the main extension per service connection, exclusive of the cost of service pipes,meter boxes and meters. Such estimated reasonable cost shall be based upon the cost of a main not in excess of six (6)inches in diameter except where a larger main is required by the special needs of the applicant or applicants.The amount of the advance issubjecttoadjustmentinaccordance with the provisions of Section A.5.e. of this Rule. 3.Refunds -The money so advanced shall be refunded by the utility,in cash without interest,in payments equal to the adjusted construction cost of fifty (50)feet of the main e×tension for which advance was made, for each additional service connection made to said main extension exclusive of that of any customer formerly served in a reasonable manner at the same location. At the request of the applicant,refunds shall be made within 180 days after the date of first service to a bona fide customer.If no request is received from applicant the utility shall, initiate refunds on an annual basis. No refunds shall be made, after a period of ten (10)years from the date of completion of the main extension and,the total refund shall not exceed the amount advanced. 4.Exceptions -Where a group of five (5)or more individual applicants requests service from the same extension,or in unusual cases after obtaining Commission authorization,the utility,at its option,may require that the individual or individuals advance the entire cost of the main extension ashereinprovidedandtheutilityshall refund this advance as provided in Section C.2.of this Rule. C.EXTENSIONS TO SERVE SUBDIVISIONS, TRACTS,HOUSING PROJECTS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS OR ORGANIZED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1.Advances - a.Unless the procedure outlined in Section C.1.c.is followed,an applicant for a main extension to serve a new subdivision, tract, housing project orindustrialdevelopmentororganizedcommercial district shall be required to advance to the utility,before construction is commenced,the SWC Model Uniforrn Main Extension 2009.doc 4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary estimated reasonable cost of the extension to be actually installed,from the nearest utility facility at least equal in size or capacity to the main required to serve both the new customers and a reasonable estimate of the potential customers who might be served directly from the main extension without additional extension. The costs of the extension shall include necessary service stubs,or service pipes,fittings,gates and housing therefore,and meter boxes,but shall not include meters. To this shall be added the cost of fire hydrantswhen requested by the applicant for the main extension or required by public authority,whenever suchhydrantsareto become the property of the utility, b.If,for any purpose,special facilities are required primarily for the servicerequested,the cost of such special facilities may be included in the advance,subjectto refund,as hereinafter provided,along with refunds of the advance of the cost of the extension facilities described in Section C.1.a. above. c.In lieu of providing the advances in accordance with Sections C.1.a. and C.1.b.,the applicant for a main extension shall be permitted,if qualified in the judgmentof the utility,to construct and install the facilities himself,or arrange for their installation pursuantto competitive bidding procedures initiated by him and limited to qualified bidders.The cost,including the cost of inspection and supervision by the utility,shall be paid directly by applicant.The applicant shall provide the utility with a statement of actual construction cost in reasonable detail.The amount to be treated as an advance subjectto refund shall be the lesser of (1)the actual cost,or (2) the price quoted in the utility detailed cost estimate. The installation shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by the utilitypursuantto Section A.4.b. 2.Refunds a.The amount advanced under Sections C.1.a., C.1.b.;i and C.1.c.shall besubjectto refund by the utility in cash,without interest,to the party orpartiesentitled thereto as set forth,in the following two paragraphs.The total amount so refunded shall not exceed the total of the amount advanced.Except as hereinafter provided, the refunds shall be made inannual,semiannual or quarterly payments at the election of the utility, and for a period not to exceed twenty (20)years after the date of the contract. b.Whenever costs of main extensions have been advanced pursuantto Sections C.1.a.or C.1.c.,the utility shall determine the revenue receivedfromcustomersother than residential, including fire protection agencies,supplied by service pipes connected directly to the extension for which the cost was advanced.The refund shall be 22 percent of the revenue so received.For residential customers connected directly to the extension for which the cost was advanced, the utility shall refund 22 percent of the average revenue per residential customer of the entire system for the immediately preceding 12-month period.(See Section C.2.d. and B.3.) c.Whenever costs of special facilities have been advanced pursuant to Sections C.1.b.or C.1.c.,the amount so advanced shall be divided by the number of lots to be served by the special facilities. This advance per lot shall be refunded for each lot on which one or more bona fide customers are served by those facilities. SWC Model Uniform Main Extension 2009.doc 5 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary d.With respect to a contract entered into on and after the effective date of this Rule, if, at any time during the 20-year refund period specified above 80 percent of the bona fide customers for which the extension or special facilities were designed are being served therefrom,the utility shallimmediatelynotifythe contract holder of that fact,and at that time shall become obligated to pay,in cash, any balance which may remain unrefunded at the end of said 20-year period.Such balance shall be refunded in five (5)equal annual installments,payable beginning 21 years after the date of the contract. e.Where a contract has been entered into under a former main extension rule,and where 80 percent of the bona fide customers for which the extension or special facilities were designed are being served therefrom, the utility may negotiate and enter into a new and substitute contract, identical in all respects,with the original contract,including the original termination date, except that said substitute contract shall include thefollowingprovisions:"Notwithstandingany other provisions hereof,any unrefunded balance remaining at the termination date of this contract shall be paid in five (5)equal annual ,installments beginning one (1)yearafter,said termination date." 3.Termination of Main Extension Contracts a.Any contract entered into under Section C of this Rule,or under similar provisions of former rules may be purchased by the utility and terminated, after first obtaining the authorization of the Commission,at any time after the number of bona fide customers then receiving service from theextension for which the advance was made equals at least 60 percent of the total number of bona fide customers for which such extension was designed by the utility and the terms are otherwise mutually agreed to by the parties or their assignees and that,Section C.3.b.and Section C.3.c. hereof are complied with, b.The utility,in requesting authorization for such termination shall furnish to the Commission the following information in writing by an advice letter in the event the termination is to be accomplished by payment in cash,or by a formal application: (1)A copy of the main extension contract,together with data adequately describing the development for which the advance was made and the total adjusted construction cost of the extension. (2)The balance unpaid on the contract,as above defined,as of the date of termination and terms under which the obligation is requested to be terminated. (3)The name of the holder of the contract when terminated. (4)The total number of bona fide customers for which the extension was designed and the number of bona fide customers actually receiving service on said extension as of the proposed date of contract. c.Discounts obtained by the utility for contracts terminated under the provisions of this Section shall be accounted for by credits to Account 265 -Contributions in Aid of Construction. SWC Model Uniform Main Extension 2009.doc 6 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveDec. 8, 2023 Oct. 31, 2023 Per ON 36018 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary