HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrder Nos 18580 and 18763.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ACQUIS ITION OF THE ASSETS AND CERTIFICATED SERVICE ORDER OF HOWARD WATERWORKS, INC. BY HAYDEN PINES WATER COMPANY. CASE NOS. U-1121-29v1 1095- ORDER NO. 18580 On December 9, 1983, Hayden Pines Water Company applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for authority to acquire Howard Waterworks , Inc.Both companies are regulated utili ties operating wi thin the State of Idaho. The Application asserts that L. T. V., the parent of Howard Waterworks, Inc., wishes to sell the water utili ty Hayden Pines.The proposed purchase price is the net book value of Howard t s assets as determined for ratemaking purposes which both parties allege is $69,587 as of December 1, 1983.Hayden Pines requests that the Commission approve this amount as an authorized addition to that Company t s rate base. Hayden Pines proposes to continue existing customer and commodity charges for all Howard Waterworks t customers but apply Hayden Pines t own regulations to govern relations between the utili ty and its new customers.In particular, the cus tomers of Howard Waterworks presently pay their bills quarterly and Hayden Pines proposes to bill these customers on a monthly basis in the future.Finally, Hayden Pines proposes to install meters for Howard Waterworks t customers as soon as possible. ORDER NO. 18550 Hayden Pines alleges that it is capable of serving Howard Waterworks and that it is in the public interest that the entire area be served by a centralized system. The Commission has recently been apprised that Hayden Pines- -notwi thstanding its request that the Commission If authorize the acquisi tion by Hayden Pines of Howard Waterworks , Inc. If - -has in fact , already completed the acquisi tion.The remaining maj items in the Application concern ratemaking treatment and rate impact of the acquisi tion, which matters are not properly before the Commission at this time. The Commission is not inclined to engage in a nulli ty. The Application is therefore dismissed.Hayden Pines may use its own regulations to govern relations with Howard Waterworks customers. It may not increase rates to Howard Waterworks customers but may bill those customers monthly.It may also proceed to meter those customers if it so desires but may not bill the customers for the meter installations.All ratemaking implications of this transac- tion will be reserved for treatment during Hayden Pines t next rate case. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Application of Hayden Pines for approval of its acquisi tion of Howard Waterworks, Inc. be and the same hereby is dismissed. ORDER NO. 18550 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission at Boise , Idaho , this/O ~ay of January, 1984. () ( II r ( ;' \;'- /( /' /). . J/ ' ~ ~ ../( PRESIDENT ATTEST: ~/74 f2~SECRETARY vs2Ag ORDER NO. 18550 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS AND CERTIFICATED SERVICE ORDER OF HOWARD WATERWORKSINC. BY HAYDEN PINES WATER COMPANY. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING OF Order No. 18580 CASE NO. 1121- 1095- S TATE OF IDAHO) )ss COUNTY OF ADA I hereby certify that I am employed as a secretary in the office of the Secretary, IPUC , and that on the 10th . day of January , 19 84 , I served Order No. 18580 in the above entitled matter , pursuant to directions and instructions of the Secretary on each of the following: NAME ADDRESS Mr. Charles A. Ford 8601 N. Hayden Pines Way, Hayden Lake , ID 83835 Morgan W. Richards , Jr. Moffatt , Thomas , Barrett & Blanton P. O. Box 829 , Boise , ID 83701 Coeur d' Alene Chamber of CommerceAttn: Secretary Coeur d' Alene , ID 83814 Ci ty of Coeur d' Alene 5th & Sherman , Coeur d' Alene , ID 83814 MISC. MAILING LIST (A & E- by depositing in the United States Mail , true copy thereof for each enclosed in a sealed envelope , with postage prepaid , addressed to each of them respectively at his respective place of address , and that there is regular mail service to each of said addresses WITNESS my hand and seal of said CO1mnission at Boise , Idaho ,this 10th day January , 19 ~DD )~ ~()~ OFFIC OF SECRETA1l. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ACQUIS ITION OF THE ASSETS AND CERTIFICATED SERVICE ORDER OF HOWARD WATERWORKS, INC. BY HAYDEN PINES WATER COMPANY CASE NOS. U-1121- 1095- ORDER NO. 18763 On January 10 , 1984 , the Idaho Public Utilities Commis- sion issued Order No. 18580 dismissing an Application by Hayden Pines Water Company for authori ty to acquire Howard Waterworks, Inc.In so ruling, the Commission stated that Hayden Pines could proceed to meter those customers (of Howard Waterworks) if it so desires, but may not billthe customers for the meter installations. On January 17, 1984, Hayden Pines Water Company filed a Petition for Clarification requesting the Commission to specify that new services in the Howard Waterworks area will be subject to Hayden Pines t tari ff charges for hook-ups and meter fees. The Commission t s intent in issuing Order No. 18580 was that Hayden Pines not bill existing Howard Waterworks customers for installation of meters.The Commission agrees that new customers on the Howard Waterworks sytem will be subj ect Hayden Pines ' tari ff charges for hook-ups and meter fees. 0 R D E R IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Commission Order No. 18580 be supplemented to include the above clarification. ORDER NO. 18763 ANYONE having an interest in this Order shall have the right wi thin twenty (20) days from the service date of this Order to apply for a rehearing in regard to any matter determined here in. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission at Boise , Idaho , this~o day of March, 1984. ( l . PRES IDENT ATTEST: r--v--~ C 0 MMISSIONER ~~ fZ~fZ2L~ SECRETARY cb2Ae ORDER NO. 18763 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS AND CERTIFICATED SERVICE ORDER OF HOWARD WATERWORKS INC. BY HAYDEN PINES WATER COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF MAILING OF ORDER NO. 18763 CASE NO. U-1121-29/U-1095- STATE OF IDAHO) ) ss COUNTY OF ADA I hereby certify that I am employed as a secretary in the office of the Sec ~etary, IPUC , and that on the 20th day of Mar ch , 19 84 , I served ORDER NO. 18763 in the above entitled matter , pursuant to directions and instructions of the Secretary on each of the following: NAME ADDRESS Mr. Charles A. Ford 8601 N. Hayden Pines Way, Hayden Lake , ID 83835 Morgan. W. Richards , Jr. Moffatt , Thomas, Barrett & Blanton P. O. Box 829, Boise , ID 83701 Coeur d' Alene Chamber of CommerceAttn: Secretary Coeur d' Alene , ID 83814 City of Coeur d' Alene 5th & Sherman , Coeur d' Alene , ID 83814 by depositing in the United States Mail , true copy thereof for each enclosed in a sealed envelope , wi th postage prepaid , addressed to each of them respectively at his respective place of address , and that there is regular mail service to each of said addresses WITNESS my hand and seal of said Commission at Boise , Idaho , this 20th day March , 19 84 ~J- OFFICE OF SECRETARY