HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWC Sample Rate Case Application with Exhibit list.pdfSAMPLE SWC Sample Rate Case Application with Exhibit list.doc 1 NAME OF PRINCIPAL CONTACT TITLE OF PRINCIPAL CONTACT FIRM OR COMPANY NAME OF PRINCIPAL CONTACT STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS IDAHO STATE BAR NO. (For attorney if applicable) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF (COMPANY NAME) FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. Assigned by the Commission Secretary COMES NOW full name of the water Company, hereinafter referred to as “Applicant” or “short name for the Company” and holder of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 000 from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission hereby applies to the Commission for authorization to increase its rates and charges for water service. Applicant is a Corporation, S Corporation, Limited Liability Corporation, Partnership or Sole Proprietorship duly qualified to do business in Idaho. The Applicant provides water service to # residential and # commercial customers in or about the city of _________________ in ________________ County, Idaho. Attached to this Application is a current map of the service area showing the location of wells, reservoirs, transmission mains and distribution lines. Also attached is a written legal description defining the boundaries of the service area. Application is made to the Commission to authorize a general % increase in water rates as follows: Increase flat rate residential rates from $00.00 per month to $00.00 per month. Increase metered residential rates from $00.00 per month plus $00.00 per ccf or 000 Gal for all consumption in excess of 00 ccf or 000 Gal per month to $00.00 per month plus $00.00 per ccf or 000 Gal for all consumption in excess of 00 ccf or 000 Gal per month. Increase flat rate commercial rates from $00.00 per month to $00.00 per month. Increase metered commercial rates from $00.00 per month plus $00.00 per ccf or 000 Gal for all consumption in excess of 00 ccf or 000 Gal per SAMPLE SWC Sample Rate Case Application with Exhibit list.doc 2 month to $00.00 per month plus $00.00 per ccf or 000 Gal for all consumption in excess of 00 ccf or 000 Gal per month. Applicant requests that such changes in rates and charges be effective on Month/Day/Year. Applicant hereby certifies that it has notified its customers of the Application by inserting a notice in each customer’s bill mailed on Month/Day/Year. A similar notice has been published in name of the newspaper on Month/Day/Year. Copies of these notices are included with this Application. Based upon the test year ended Month/Day/Year Applicant believes its proposed increase in rates and charges is justified because…insert a few paragraphs explaining why it is necessary to increase the Company’s rates and charges. Included with this Application are an original and seven copies of the Application and Exhibit Nos. 1 through 9 as follows: Exhibit No. 1, Schedule A, Plant in Service Exhibit No. 1, Schedule B, Accumulated Depreciation Exhibit No. 1, Schedule C, Rate Base Summary Exhibit No. 2, Schedule A, Revenues Exhibit No. 2, Schedule B, Expenses Exhibit No. 2, Schedule C, Income Statement Exhibit No. 3, Cost of Capital and Rate of Return Exhibit No. 4, Revenue Requirement Exhibit No. 5, a marked up copy of Applicant’s existing residential tariff showing the proposed changes in rates and charges. Exhibit No. 6, a marked up copy of Applicant’s existing commercial tariff showing the proposed changes in rates and charges. Exhibit No. 7, a clean copy of Applicant’s proposed residential tariff. Exhibit No. 8, a clean copy of Applicant’s proposed commercial tariff. Exhibit No. 9, a copy of the tariff form to be used to state either existing or proposed non-recurring fees for initial hook-up and reconnection fees. Exhibit No. 10, copies of the customer’s bill notification and the published notice. Also included are two copies of the following workpapers and supplemental schedules: A monthly schedule of water use for each customer on the system. A monthly schedule of water pumped from each of the Company’s wells. A schedule showing each of the Company’s wells, the size of the motor, pumping capacity in Gallons per Minute (GPM), depth of the well and depth to water aquifer. A schedule showing each of the Company’s reservoirs showing the type of construction, means of system pressurization and capacity. Workpapers explaining and showing the development of known changes to the test year financial data shown on Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. Workpapers showing that the proposed rates will produce the revenue requirement shown on Exhibit No. 4, Column (D), line 3. SAMPLE SWC Sample Rate Case Application with Exhibit list.doc 3 A current map(s) of the water system showing wells, reservoirs, transmission mains, distribution lines, fire hydrants and customer connections. A written legal description of the boundaries of the service area. Applicant further states that it stands ready for immediate consideration of this Application. Full name of Water Company respectfully requests favorable consideration of this Application. Please direct any questions or correspondence related to the Application to the Applicant as indicated on page 1. Dated this day of Month, Year. Respectfully submitted, (Full Company Name) __________________________ (Name and Title of person signing)