HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071025Larson Magic Farms comments.pdfFrom: Mike 2085432543 To: Idaho Public Utilities Comm.Date: 10/25/2007 Time: 9:22:38 AM Page 2 of 8 RECEI\/i- Idabo .Publie Utilities CoIBmitsioo Boi~ ldahe Oct. 23, 2007 2007 OCT 25 Ai'! 9: 29 RE: 31.21.01 CUSTOMER RELATION RULES BiOi", errors.Docket No. 31-2101-0701 As a customer ofldahoPower. with 22 accounts and annual billings ofS130 OOO I strongly in support of the commissions recommmdation of chcntging the time in which Idaho Power can go back to recover under biDing emus. Even thbugh the commission is proposingtbat Idaho Power can only go back 6 months to recover billing errors, I that they should not be able to recover any billing errors. due to the negligence & incompetence on their part. iDf\HO PU\3L1C UTiLITiES COMMISS!Or~ R-u-L '-0- aLL - 0"2- I furthennore support the Commissions recomgteOdation fur following reasons: 1 ~ CuStomens of Idaho Power, ba'le 00 control of when or if any part. device , or control is or was actually installed by IdahO Power. 2- Customers of Idaho Power. are nevec contacted about any changes to their service either on their bills, by mail. phone, EmaiI or in person. In most cases, Idaho Power may go years without notifYing the customer. due to the incompetence on the part ofIdaho Power in detecting errors that they have made. 3- Customers of Idaho Powec are never given the opportunity of ex:amioing any of the parts, pieces. devices or controls that Idaho Power may replace at the customers service points. 4- Customen of IdahO Power have no control of any billings or accounting methods used to bill customers ofIdaho Power. Heo.re.. any errors cannot be checked by customers. 5. No customer should be disaiminated against with this ruling. AU customers who have been notified of under billings errors, should come under this ruling. At a minimum, a grandfather clause of 5 years should be incorporated into this ruling. The cunent policy that Idaho Power can go b;d: 3 years for billing errors, is absolutely ridiculous. No other business in Idaho has the ability to charge customers for past errors made onthe businesses part. In conclusion, I am very displease wiih the filet that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has not made this rule change proposal readily available to the people of Idaho. No press releases of any kind bas been in the media. This ends up being a one sided comment period for Idaho Power. Michael L. Larson Larson Magic Farms 4600 N 600 E ~uhJ. Idaho Email: m1larso~safelink.net