HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220705Sorrells Declaration.pdf'':-',IItj=tJ ';..i;' -L Fii ?:CI -- a : t:1. ...,.:|}. . : : .. : ,-: a-l i i1 !.!. : ! -,; : ,- r , Paul B. Rippel, Esq. ISBN 2762 Austin O. Allen, Esq. ISBN 10076 HOPKINS RODEN CROCKETT HANSEN & HOOPES, PLLC 428Park Avenue ldaho Falls, lD 83402 Telephone: (208) 5234445 Email: paulriopel@hookinsroden.com a ustina I len@hopkinsroden.com Attorneys for Applicant Donald Sorrells IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DONALD SORRELLS, an individual, Applicant, vs. case No. C:,UC- tx- Lza3 DEC!.ARATION OF DONALD D. SORRELLS IN SUPPORT OF FORMAL COMPI.AINT SUNNYSIDE PARK UTILITIES, lNC., an ldaho Corporation, Respondent. !, Donald D. Sorrells, having first been duly sworn under oath, declare and testify as follows: 7. I am at over eighteen (18) years of age and am competent to testify in this matter; 2. ! am the named Applicant in this matter, and my testimony is based upon my personal knowledge unless otheruise specified; 3. I have reviewed the allegations made within the Answer provided by DECI.ARATION OF DONALD D. SORRELS IN SUPPORT OF FORMAL COMPI.AINT- 1 Respondent, Sunnyside Park Utilities, lnc. ("SPU"), and the Reply Comments of the Commission Staff in this matter. I make this affidavit to provide information and documents to support the positions made within my Formal Complaint; to refute the allegations made within SPU's answer;and to clarify matters addressed within the Reply Comments. 4. The water meter at issue in this matter was purchased by me. I purchased the water meter and paid for its installation from DDR Contractor, lnc., on July 29,2021,. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of the invoice from DDR Contractor, lnc., reflecting the sale and installation of the subject water meter. 5. For as long as I have been a customer of SPU, I have never received an invoice for water or sewer services that shows a water rate against a base unit of measurement. Specifically, all invoices I have received from SPU indicate a water rate of $22.00, but do not indicate a base unit of measurement for quantity. I am without notice of what SPU alleges my water usage was for any given month, and I do not know the base rate for a set monthly use quantity. I have attached hereto as Exhibit B a true and correct copy of a standard water and sewer service invoice from SPU. 6. For as long as I have been a customer of SPU, I recall having been charged an "excess water charge" only four times. 7 . The first time I was charged for alleged "excess water" was on October 3!,2O2!.1 was charged $2.48 for an alleged excess water usage at an unspecified rate of 0.67. The invoice did not indicate what the regular water rate was, nor what the DEC!.ARATION OF DONALD D. SORRELS lN SUPPORT OF FORMAL COMPI.AINT _ 2 unit of measurement for quantity was. The invoice merely identified two individual meter readings - !O/O1,/21at an unspecified 13500, and t!/O7/21-alan unspecified 292OO. A true and correct copy of the November 30, 2021, invoice is attached hereto as Exhibit C. 8. The second time I was charged for alleged "excess water" was on November 30,202L.1 was charged $0.44 for an alleged excess water usage at an unspecified rate of 0.66. The invoice did not indicate what the regular water rate was, nor what the unit of measurement for quantity was. A true and correct copy of the November 30,2021, invoice is attached hereto as Exhibit D. 9. The third time I was charged for alleged "excess water" was on March 31,,2022. ! was charged $8.29 for an alleged excess water usage at an unspecified rate of 0.67. Once again, the invoice did not indicate what the regular water rate was, nor what the unit of measurement for quantity was. A true and correct copy of the March 31-,2022 invoice is attached hereto as Exhibit E, with privileged attorney-client communications redacted. 10. The fourth time I was charged for alleged "excess water" was on April 30,2022.1 was charged $9.44 for an alleged excess water usage at an unspecified rate of 0.67. Once again, the invoice did not indicate what the regular water rate was, nor what the unit of measurement for quantity was. A true and correct copy of the April 30,2022 invoice is attached hereto as Exhibit F, with privileged attorney-client commu nications redacted. 11,. All invoices received from SPU for water and sewer services have been DEC1ARATION OF DONALD D. SORRELS IN SUPPORT OF FORMAL COMPI.AINT_ 3 paid. L2. An invoice of $653.49 was delivered to me on October 29,2O2!, seeking payment for inspections and attorneys fees. Such charges were not pursuant to any agreement for water or sewer services. A true and correct copy of the October 29,2O2t lnvoice is attached at Exhibit G. 13. On or about May 31, 2022,1 received an invoice seeking $7,024.24. This exorbitant amount included $5,417.50 for an alleged one hundred and ninety- seven "water meter checks" without any explanation of when the alleged meter checks occurred, what the meter readings were, and the basis for charging meter checks. Additionally, the lnvoice sought $850.00 for 10 instances of non-descript "Account management" by Doyle Beck. There is not explanation for these charges and no water use agreement has been signed which allows for the assessment of such charges. A true and correct copy of the May 31",2022lnvoice is included as Exhibit H. L4. SPU does not normally provide me written meter readings on my monthly invoices, nor have they provided me a description of total water use, the unit of measurement for such use for any given month, or a description of my monthly usage allotment. The only time I recall having received a written meter reading was the readings listed on the October 37,2O2t invoice in Exhibit C. 15. SPU's allegation that I have restricted its access to my water meter is without basis. The water meter is accessible, readable, and capable of receiving maintenance and being shut off/turned on. Further, the alleged lock described in SPU's Answer has been removed. DECI.ARATION OF DONALD D. SORRELS IN SUPPORT OF FORMAL COMPLAINT - 4 16. SPU's allegation that there is a leaking frost-free hydrant is without basis. The frost-free hydrant alleged in this matter was capped in or around March of 2022, and was subsequently repaired by DDR Contractor, lnc the same month. t7. All alleged toilet leaks have been fixed. To my knowledge, no additional leaks exist. Attached hereto as Exhibit I is a true and correct copy of the October 27, 2021, invoice from Finish Line Plumbing, lnc., for the repairs to the alleged leaking toilets. l, Donald D. Sorrells, hereby declare in accordance with ldaho Code section 9- 1406 that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Dated July 5, 2022. /s/ Donald Sorrells Donald D. Sorrells DECI.ARATION OF DONALD D. SORRELS IN SUPPORT OF FORMAL COMPI.AINT_ 5 Sunnlrsidc Utilities Inc P.O. Box 1768 Idaho Fallsr ID 83403-1768 208-529-9891 BilTo Doorld Soildlt 3:!tt N EmpcmrArc. FltcoGCA 9t737 lnvoice Dab lnvolet ztxt&z {26 P.O.1{o.Teim Plqccl Arantty O*cApm tub Arpuil WlEScrvicc SguaScrvie Bloc& { I.tl &mytidcln&rutel md htrsdod Prt r{l 22,@ 2t,m ,obv t0f TLfi 21.0 Total i{6.00 P.O. Box 1768 Idaho Fatls, ID 83403-1768 Utilities Inc 208-529-9891 grrd\ -/DGddSudk 33ll NF'lfcrcrArr. Frcoo,CA 91717 TM lnvobl ltBot:I}zt 335{ lnvoice $Q7t rT'u/6a ItD flt t P.O. ilo.Tsrm PrqFcr Rab fupmlAuiltyOccrtton Z2.Nu.w os7 TLfi 24.00 0.+l0.66 WGScYicc SGtrGr ScrvbcE(rcWlEOtrlp Blockrl Lot4 &myddo lndusuhl ad Proftsdmel Prrt Total ${6.+l StatementSunnl'side LJtilities lnc P.O. Box 1768 ldaho Falls. ID 83403- I 768 208-529-989 I To: I)onaltl Sorrclls 3.341 N l:nrpcror Are Frcsno. ('A <)37.17 Dale 5t3U2022 Amounl Due Amount Enc. $ Dale Transaclion Amount Balance 09t29t2021 ()9/.10/202 I to!t4t202t aw3ta02t n/t9/2021 I I /30/202 I l2tltt202t ot'07t2022 0 t/26/:022(llill/2021 02'l.l'2021 Ilalancc forrvard lNV H1324. l)uc 09/30/2021 --- I t2() $22.00 --- s\\,lt $24.00 --- lllock 4 l.ot 4 Sunnl'sidc lndustriul and l'xrll'ssional l'ark PMI'#605t6. INV 133{2. Duc l0B 12021. --- il2() $22.00 --- su/R $24.00 --- ll2O l:xccss. 3.7 qri $0.67 = 2.,lll -- lllock 4 Lot 4 Sunnysitlc lnrlustriul and l'rulbssiurral l'ark -- Scrvioe Crll $653.19 PMt'#60533. lNV f 136t. l)uc I l/30'202 L --- It20 $22.00 --- s\\'tt $24.00 -- I 12() lixcess. 0.66'g $0.67 " (1.44 -- Illocl ,l l.ot J Sulrrlsitlc lnduslrial iucl l'roli'ssional l'ark INV #1384. l)uc l2l.ll1202l --- il20 $22.00 --- s\\'ll $24.00 --- llkrck { l.ot 4 Sunrtl'sitlc lnrlustlial antl l'ruli'ssiottirl l'ark l,l\,1 l #(10556. t,l\,t I f 60571. lN\,' #3{05 l)uc ()liJ I t3()12. --- lt20 $22.(x) --- s\\ R $2{.(X) --- lllock d l.ot J SurrrrlsitL'lntluslriitl antl l'rol'cssirrnal l'ark l'l\'l I #(r()592. 4(r.(Xl -46.00 701.97 1(t-61 {6.4-l 4(r.(X) -.16.11 -4(r.(Xl .l (). (r( | -J6.(X) 0.00 46 00 0.(x) 71 t.97 655.30 701.14 747.71 7(t t.l0 (r-S5.10 70 I .10 655.-1t) CURRENT 1.30 DAYS PAST DUE 31.60 DAYS PAST DUE 61.90 DAYS PAST DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE Amounl Due o.(x)6.1 1.3.5()55.44 0.(,()6J5.30 $7.021 2.r Page I StatementSunnyside Utilities lnc P.O. Box 1768 Idaho Falls, ID E3403-l 768 208-s29-989r to: Donald Sorrclls 3!41 N Empcmr Avc. Itrcsno, CA 93?37 Dde 5au2022 Amount Duo AmuntEnc. 11,024.24 Date Transaction Arnount Bahnce 70r.30 6J5.30 709.59 -- lllock 4 Ld 4 Sunnl,sidc lndusriel ad ltofcssioul l'art I'MT f606t0. tNV #34a4. Dueo3Rln022. -- ll2O J22:fi) - swR9{.00.- ll2O Excc$s, 12.3t @ $t167 - E.29 - Illock 4 Lot 4 Sunnysidc lndusrial and l'ruftxsioml Pu* nnd ltolbsoional l,nrk .- Misc., l0 @ 185.00 = 850.fr) INV #3426. Dtlc02nW022. --- !r20 322.00 -- swR 32{.00 -- swR $24.00-- l{2O Exccss, 14.09 @ $0.67 - 9,44 -- swR $24.00 - H2O lixr:css S0.fi) 46.00 -5429 46.00 31.29 wn$nn2 03t25t&22 03BtDO22 MD6DOT2fl CURRENT Amount Due1-30 DAYS PAST DI..lE 31.60 DAYS PAST DUE 61-90 DAYS PAST DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST IX..IE 0.00 fl I 0.00 s7,024.24 PagB 2 Sunnyside tJtilities Inc P.O. Box 1768 Idaho Falls, lD 83403-1768 208-529-9891 BillTo Donald Sonclls 3341 N Empcror Avc. Frcsno, CA 93737 lnvoice Date lnvoice # 5BtD022 35t7 P.O. No.Terms Proiect Quantity Descriplion Rate Amount t97 t0 WATER METER CHECK $55.00 HR @50 ACCOTJNT MAI.IAGEMENT- DOYLE BECK 27.50 85.00 5,417.r0 850.00 Total s6,267.50 Sunnyside Utilities Inc P.O. Box 1768 Idaho Falls, ID 83403-1768 208-529-989t BillTo Donald Sorells 3341 N Emperor Avc. Frcsno, CA 93737 lnvoice Date lnvoice # 513tD022 3500 P.O. No.Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount 0 Water Scrvice Sener Scrvice Exccss Watcr Charge Block 4 Lot 4 Sunnyside Industrial and Profcssional Pnrk 22.00 24.00 0.6? 22.W 24,00 0.00 Total $46.00 Sunnyside Utilities lnc P.O. Box 1768 Idaho Falls, ID 83403-l 768 208-529-9891 BillTo Donald Sorrells 3341 N Emperor Ave. Fresno, CA 93737 Invoice Date lnvoice # u30n022 3463 P.O. No.Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount r4.09 Watct'Servicc Sewer Servicr Excess WaterCharge Block 4 Lot 4 Sunnysidc lndustrial and Professional Part 22.00 24.00 0.67 22.00 24.00 9.44 Total $55.44 Sunnyside Utilities Inc P.O. Box 1768 Idaho Falls, ID 83403-l 768 208-529-989t BillTo Donald Sorrclls 3341 N Emperor Ave. Fresno, CA 93737 lnvoice Date lnvoice # rcRV202t 3342 P,O. No.Terms Projed Quantity Description Rate Amount 3.7 Watcr Scrvice Scwcr Servioe Exccss Water Charge: Rcading lU0lnl 13500 I l/01/2 I 29200 Block 4 Lot 4 Sunnyside lndustrial and Professional Park Doyle Beck lnvoice l0l-21 22.00 24.00 0.67 653.49 22.W 24.N 2.48 653.19 Total $70r.97 .t f$ DDRCOMRACTORINC 4583 S Ammon Rd Idaho Falls, ID 83406 Ell To Descripton liobilizationIEtcewbr lrbor and Eormrn I 1.5 rnctcr flt and liltingl Flangoretcr 0um2 rntrc( fu*crlte + /Alsrotl 36d7 4n€elnrf Ouny zoA4d Fty'Lt-' -7A *glOu lnvoice Quantty Date TtDln2t ?00.00 1,7r0.00 22lt.ca 746.32 700.00 lJ70.oo 227E.81 746.32 lnvoice # 781 Don Sorrclls P.O. No. Duo on reccipt Terme Prolect Rab Amount Total $5,435.r5 Sunnyside Utilities Inc P.O. Box 1758 Idaho Falls, ID 83403-1768 208-529-9891 BillTo Donald Sorrclls 33{l NEmpcrorAvc. Frcsnq C,A 93737 !nvoice Date lnvolce# LOBtnml 3342 P.O. No.Terms Pmiod Quanti$Doscripflon Rate Amount 3.7 Wdor Sorvlcc Swcr Scrvlcc Ercess WaEr Chrge: Rcading rcnlnl l350A 1 lnlnl 2y2N Block 4 Lot 4 Sunnpidc lndusbial and Proftsslonal Pa* Doylo Bec.k Invoicc 101-21 n.w 24.00 0.67 6s3.19 22.W 24.00 2.48 653.49 Total $701.97 031 Sunnyside Utilities tnc P.O. Box 1768 Idalro Falls, ID 83,()3-t 768 208-529-989r BillTo DonaldSorclls 3341 N BopcmrAvc. Frc$o, CA 93737 lnvoice Dab hrcloaf 3BU2W2 3414 P.O. No.Temr PrqFd Ouantity Dsscrlption Rale Amomt Lt2.3t Wrlcr Scrvica ScurcrScrvicc Bxocss f,iocr Ctargp Block.l l"ot 4 Srmyidc IndusEid od Plofcssiood Prt t2.u @ t2.N @ Total j5129 c)oeoo TEuol-ood EoF 9 e oo =c6-o :ir" :oo o c oz ,J 2! =a Z ,a :Z = z- - - iz = =/, I (^( DATE: October29.2021 llilvolcE# 101-21 INVOIGE Doylc Bcck P.O. Box 1768 ldeho Fallc, l&ho &1103 BILL TO: Sunnyeide Park utilidee lnc. 3655 Profeaslonal Way PO Box 1768 ldaho Falls, lD 83402 2.00 ' 2.00 0.50 3.00 1.00 101261121: lnsped sswor / ffibuued manholos to fror canrce I d6tsrmin6d to be Don Sondls Properly / rctdavad sttutofi key/ shut offwatsr vdve at m*r. 1Ml6D1: lnspotilcd eauer / bllolod menhslee to fiorv cource / determined to be Don Sondls Property / determinod shn off vahe had been rcopend / aarer fov wae wklent / rsffiqrsd ehutof key ehut ofrwater vatue at mder / lnEtalled padod( IMTEI: Weril to open ard unlock wder uahre par Don Sonats Attomefs hiler / foud lod( thet had boon instdlod mlacing / Nsw locktrom otherg had boen lmtalled / Lock waa lnslallsd to keep watsr mster vaho opcn. 10l',29121: Consultwith attomeyto obtain ooop€ratbn ftom Donnald Sondls. ilhster lock 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 15.98 i,'. . i l SUBTOTAL TN( RATE SALEST$( OTHER TOTAL Total due ln 15 daya. Overduo acounts su$ecd to a saMce cfiarge d 1.5% per monh. TTIANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI HJ$tlrPfffitg [ro 'liml MIfrmy Atrpnuolffi Falb,lD @406 lrg ft ffiifineBlun*trtg1,GMmail"om [,mbe Don Eorlults @ 1$lfiilP@'r s488,16 11rutffial Not30 Guib h0,( hpy; euild ulaBr Glost flappqE a Mar! leber,,for rcplacemamof Flapporrs" arrd fuming on w#r and tssffng 1.5% - Appll€d on tlw ?€.-2@1 1.% - Applled on Dec 2€,,M1 1 I 111.90 180"00 IOrPTlg0gI Prrla L$ol Ltfr. lrhr. t 7.18 BAI.AT'ICE trUE 0.[&"f6