HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150515Revised Compliance Filing.pdfAvlcta Gorp. 141 1 East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washington 992204500 Telephone 509.489{5m TollFree 8@-727-9170 YIA: Electronic Mail May 14,2015 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission P O Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Dear Ms. Jewell: Re: Case No. GNR-U-14-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista Corporation's dba Avista Utilities (*Avista or the Company") "Substitute" revised filing dated April24,2015 in compliance with Commission Order 33229 in the above referenced Case No. to the following tariffsheets, I.P.U.C. No. 28: First Revision Sheet 70-a Canceling Third Revision Sheet 70d Canceling Substitute Third Revision Sheet 70g Canceling Second Revision Sheet 70a.1 Canceling Finst Revision Sheet 70-i Canceling Original Sheet 70-a Second Revision Sheet 70d Substitute Second Revision Sheet 70-g First Revision Sheet 70-g.l Original Sheet 70-i This filing includes corrections to the above referenced pages in tariff Schedule 70 that have updated in more clarity the information required in Order 33229, as well as some housekeeping that has corrected some page lettering.A legislative copy and a clean copy of the tariffs are provided as Attachment A. The Company also provides the following update related to pre-paid service and third- party notification, compliance with the monthly Credit Tracking Report and revisions to the Company' s customer notices: Pre-Paid Service: Avista currently does not have the technology in place to offer pre-paid service to its Idaho customers. Avista has explored this option and will continue to do so as it upgrades technology in the future. Having a remote disconnect device installed does allow the ability for pre-paid service. In order to offer pre-paid service in the future it would also require collaboration between the Company, the Commission, and consumer affairs advocates to ensure that the appropriate consumer protections remain in place. Third Party Notification Rights: On page 19 of the Order, the Commission directed utilities to notiff affected customers about the new, no-knock policy and their third-party notification rights under UCRR 307. In addition, the Commission encouraged the utilities to find out who a customer's third party designee is when the customers signs up for service. When a customer signs up for service with Avista over the phone with a Customer Service Representative (CSR), the CSR is alerted if a remote disconnect device is installed at the premise where the customer is requesting service. When the CSR sees this alert, they will educate the customer about the no-knock policy. In all situations, when a customer signs up for service, the CSR will ask if the customer would like third-party designee added to their account for notification purposes. Also, Avista sends a new customer packet to new customers that sign up for service, which contains information about the customer's rights and responsibilities as well as information about third-party notification. Lastly, the Company sends an annual notice to all residential customers with their rights and responsibilitiesl, as well as information about third-party notification. t Provided as Attachment B. Credit Tracking Report: Please see Attachment C for Avista's most recent credit tracking report in compliance with Commission Order 33229. Customer Notice: The attached "revised" customer notice2 includes revisions made with input from the Commission Staff. Please direct any questions on this matter to myself at (509) 495-4975. Sincerely, Manager, Regulatory Policy Avista Utilities I inda. gervais@avistacorp.com 509-495-4975 2 Provided as Attachment D. ATTACHMENTA Schedule 70 Strike & Underline l.P.U.C. No.28 Sheet 70-a AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULAT]ONS 1. ADOPTION OF RULES OF REGULATORY AUTHORITIES: The rules regulating electric service, prescribed by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, hereinafter called the Commission, are hereby adopted and by this reference are made a part of this tariff. The following customer relations rules are not listed in detail in this tariff: Deposits, Termination/Discontinuance of Service, Master-Metering, Bills, Complaint Procedures, lnformation to Electric Customers, and Meter Reading and Billing Practices. These rules will instead be able to be found in the Commission's "Utility CustomerRelationsRuleS,',,and.,MaSterMeteringRulesfor Electric Companies". Current copies of these Rules will be avail able for Customer reference at each of the Company's business offices. 2, SCHEDULES AND CONDITIONS: The schedules and conditions specified in this tariff for electric service are subject to change in accordance with the laws of the State of ldaho or any amendment thereof. All schedules apply to electric service available on the established circuits of the Company. 3. TAXADJUSTMENT: The rates named in this tariff shall be proportionately increased to compensate for any county or municipal tax, including franchise fees, or other charges, upon or in respect of the right of the Company to operate, to use the public streets, alleys or thoroughfares, or to do business within the jurisdiction imposing the charge. 4, SUPPLY AND USE OF SERVICE: Service will be supplied only under and pursuant to these Rules, and any modifications or additions thereto laMully made, and under such applicable rate schedule or schedules as may from time to time be lavtrfully fixed. Service will be supplied only to those who secure their source of electric power exclusively from the Company, unless otherwise provided under appropriate contract. Service shall be used by the Customer only for the purposes specified in the service agreement and applicable rate schedule or schedules, and Customers shall not sell, or permit others to use such service, except when expressly authorized to do so under appropriate contract. Thomas D. Dukich ,Manager, Rates & Tariff Administration AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 6. APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE:- continued to constitute an agreement by and between the Company and the Customer for the delivery and acceptance of service under the applicable rate schedule or schedules and said Rules and Regulations. The Company will provide to its Customers at time of application for service and thereafter such information relative to its rates, rules and regulations as may from time to time be required by law or Commission rule and regulation. All service shall be fumished under an agreement for a term of one year, at the option of the Company, or longer when so provided in the applicable rate schedule. When optional rate schedules are available the Customer may not change from one rate schedule to another more frequently than once in any 12-month period. For service in large volumes or received under unusual circumstances, the Company may require the Customer to execute a special written agreement. 6.1 New Customer Turn-On Charge (After-Hours): There will be no charge for new customer turn-ons when such service connection is performed during office hours regularly maintained by the Company. For new customer turn-ons requested to be completed during other hours there will be a charge of $48.00. When a new Customer receives Company-supplied electric and gas service, a single charge of $48.00 will be required for after hours service turn-ons. 6.2 lf the new custome/s service is turned on remotely without havino to visit the custome/s premises. the charqe for connection shall be $12.00 any dav. anv time. 6.23 Return Trip Charge lf the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8, below, are not satisfied prior to the Customer's request for temporary service, a $55.00 charge, per trip, will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. When a residential Customer supplies the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, a charge of $55.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company's installation crew cannot install cable on the first appointment or subsequent appointments. 7. CUSTOMER'S SERVICE ENTRANCE AND RELATED FACILITIES: The Customer shall provide a suitable service entrance facility to the premises to be served at the point specified by the Company which facility shall meet local, state and national code requirements. The Customer shall also provide a struc{urally sound point of attachment for the Company's service connections which will permit the clearance required for safety. All wiring and other distribution facilities on the Custome/s side of the point of delivery shall be provided by the Customer and maintained and operated at his expense. The Customer shall fumish a convenient place, readily accessible without risk of bodily harm to the Company employees, free from vibration, corrosive atmosphere, and abnormal temperatures, in which to installthe metering equipment. Usually residential meters will be installed on l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Second Revision Sheet 70-d Cancelling First Revision Sheet 70-d 70-d Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonruood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 11. PAYMENTS: - continued Company employees collecting payment at the custome/s premises will not accept cash. lf the customer offers payment in cash during a field collection visit, discontinuance of service will be postponed and the customer given the opportunity to either make payment at a designated payment agency or provide an alternative form of payment acceptable to the Company. Monthly bills for services rendered and other charges are due and payable in full within 15 days from their date and if not so paid shall be in default. When a residential Customer certifies in writing that payment by the ordinary due date creates a hardship due to the particular date when the Customer receives funds, the due date shall be extended up to an additional 15 days. ln the event the Customer tenders a payment of less than the full amount of the monthly bill for services and/or other charges, the Company, unless otherwise directed by the Customer when payment is made, will apply said payment pro rata first to the charges in default and the remainder, if any, to the current monthly charges. 1 1.1 Returned Check Charge; Checks or payments remitted by Customers in payment of bills are accepted conditionally. A charge of $20.00 will be assessed the Customer for handling checks or payments upon which payment has been refused by the bank. 11.2 Lale Payment Charge; Payments not received by the next month's bill date will be considered late. A late payment charge will be applied to the delinquent amount and will be computed at the rate of 12 percent per annum or one percent per month. The late payment charge will not be applied to time-payment or equal payment accounts that are cunent. 11,3 Autemafie eheek Handling (ACH) Withdrawal Charge-When a e ustemer requests thatthe 12. DEPOSITS: See Utility Customer Relations Rules 100-109 and 601. (Nete; en April 20; 1999; an exeeptien was granteC te Rule 107,02; allewing the Cempany te eredit depesits whieh ars ne lenger required; ineluding ae€rued intereet, direetly !e euetemer ae€eunts), 13. DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE: See Utility Customer Relations Rules 300-313 and 602-605. 13.1 Field Collection Charge: A personal visit performed by a Company representative to a service address subsequent to satisf,ing the provisions regarding Discontinuance of Service shall be deemed a field collection visit. A $16.00 fee will be assessed for visits that result in the collection of past-due balances from the Customer during the visit. The fee will be waived if service is disconnected during the visit. The Customer will receive one free visit on a 12-month rolling basis. 1,I. RECONNECIENCHARGE: All applieable reeennedien eharges shall be paiC befere serviee is restered, euslemer ignated payment ageney, Substitute Second Revision Sheet 70-g Cancelling First Revision Sheet 70-g 7o-gl.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly Nonivood,Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 14. IDAHO RULES AND REGUISTIONS - continued SERVICE RECONNECTION AND REESTABLISHMENT CHARGES:--eentinued 14.1 Reconnection Charge: When service has been discontinued for failure of the Customer to comply with the Company's rules and regulations under this tariff including C€fatJt (nonpayment), a charge shall be made for reconnection. lf a visit to the customer's oremises is required to manuallv restore service, the charoe for reconnection shall be: $24.00, provided satisfactory oavment arrangement@ have been made during the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays; or $48.00 if such arrangements are made during the hours of 4:00 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. lf such arrangements are made during hours other than the above, the reconnection shall be completed on the following day except for medical emergencies or a customer disconnected in error. Any reconnection completed on a weekend or holiday will be charged $48.00. lf the custome/s service is restored remotelv without visitino the customeis oremises. the charoe for reconnection shall be: $12.00 anv dav. any time. orovided satisfactorv oayment ananqements have been made. State of ldaho Leoal Holidays include: New Years Dav. ldaho Human Riqhts Dav. Presidents Dav. Memorial Dav, lndeoendence Day. Labor Dav. Columbus Day. Veterans Dav, Thanksoivino and Christmas. 14.2 ElectricReestablishmentCharge When service has been discontinued at the Customer's request and then reestablished within a twelve-month period, the Customer shall be required to pay the monthly minimum charges that would have been billed had service not been discontinued, as well as a reestablishment charge. The charge for reestablishment shall be: $24.00, provided satisfactory Dayment arrangements @ have been made during the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays; or $48.00 if such arrangements are made during the hours of 4:00 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. lf such arrangements are made during hours other than the above, the reestablishment shall be completed on the following day except for medical emergencies or a customer disconnected in error. Any reestablishment completed on a weekend or holiday will be charged $48.00. lf the custome/s service is restored remotely without visitino the customer's oremises. the charge for reconnection shall be: $12.00 any dav. anv time. orovided satisfactorv oayment arranqements have been made. I.P.U.C. No.28 First Revision Sheet 70-9.1 Canceling Original Sheet 70-9.1 70-9.1 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonrvood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Sheet 70-li AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 15. PERSONALIZED BILLING PLANS: - continued The Company will review each Customer's CLB account on a regular basis. At the time of the review, the Company will recalculate the Custome/s Base Plan Amount by using the most recent twelve months of consumption history. !f the "recalculated" Base Plan Amount differs, by 25o/o or more from the "previous" Base Plan Amount, the customer will be given the choice of either discontinuing the CLB Plan or continuing the CLB Plan with the recalculated amount. Under normal circumstances, the company will not change the amount more than twice in any twelve (12) month period. A review will be completed at the twelfth month anniversary of the date the Customer began their CLB plan. lf the Custome/s recalculated Base Plan Amount differs by 10o/o or more from the previous Base Plan Amount, the customer will be given the choice of either continuing or discontinuing their CLB Plan. lf the Customer chooses to continue their CLB Plan, their new monthly payments will be their recalculated Base Plan Amount. This recalculated Base Plan Amount will be based on previous usage or estimated future usage. A Customer's Base Plan Amount may decrease, increase, or remain the same. Customers with a debit balance will be given the opportunity to either pay off their balance or have it included in their CLB payments. lf the customers elect to have their debit balance included in their monthly payments, their monthly payments will equaltheir Base Plan Amount plus 1l12th of their debit balance. Customers with credit balances will have the overpayment applied to their next statement(s). At the customer's request, any credit balance will be refunded in full. 16. CONTINUITY OF SERVICE: Electric service is inherently subject to interruption, suspension, curtailment, and fluctuation. The Company will endeavor at all times to provide a regular and uninterrupted supply of service, but in case the supply of service shall be interrupted or irregular or defective or fail from causes beyond its control, the Company will not be liable therefor. Circumstances exonerating the Company shall include, but not be limited to: (a) causes beyond Company's reasonable control including fire, flood, drought, winds, acts of the elements, court orders, insurrections or riots, generation failures, lack of sufficient generating capacity, breakdowns of or damage to facilities of Company or of third parties, acts of God or public enemy, strikes or other labor disputes, civil, military or governmental authority, electrical disturbances originating on or transmitted through electrical systems with which Company's system is interconnected and acts or omissions of third parties; lssued by By Avista Utilities Thomas D. Dukich ,Manager, Rates & Tariff Administration Schedule 70 CIean First Revision Sheet 70-a Canceling CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla IDAHO RULES AND REGUIATIONS 1. ADOPTION OF RULES OF REGUI.ATORY AUTHORITIES: The rules regulating electric service, prescribed by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, hereinafter called the Commission, are hereby adopted and by this reference are made a part of this tariff. The following customer relations rules are not listed in detail in this tariff: Deposits, Termination/Discontinuance of Service, Master-Metering, Bills, Complaint Procedures, lnformation to Electric Customers, and Meter Reading and Billing Practices. These rules will instead be able to be found in the Commission's "Utility Customer Relations Rules", and "Master Metering Rules for Electric Companies". Current copies of these Rules will be available for Customer reference at each of the Company's business offices. 2. SCHEDULES AND CONDITIONS: The schedules and conditions specified in this tariff for electric service are subject to change in accordance with the laws of the State of ldaho or any amendment thereof. All schedules apply to electric service available on the established circuits of the Company. 3. TAXADJUSTMENT: The rates named in this tariff shall be proportionately increased to compensate for any county or municipal tax, including franchise fees, or other charges, upon or in respect of the right of the Company to operate, to use the public streets, alleys or thoroughfares, or to do business within the jurisdiction imposing the charge. 4. SUPPLY AND USE OF SERVICE: Service will be supplied only under and pursuant to these Rules, and any modifications or additions thereto laMully made, and under such applicable rate schedule or schedules as may from time to time be laMully fixed. Service will be supplied only to those who secure their source of electric power exclusively from the Company, unless otherwise provided under appropriate contract. Service shall be used by the Customer only for the purposes specifled in the service agreement and applicable rate schedule or schedules, and Customers shall not sell, or permit others to use such service, except when expressly authorized to do so under appropriate contract. lssued May 14,2015 Effective May 29,2015 lssued by By Avista Utilities ruJ^#"Norwood,VicePresident,State&FederalRegulation No.28 Third Revision Sheet 70-d Cancelling Second Revision Sheet 70-d 70-d AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 6. APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE:- continued to constitute an agreement by and between the Company and the Customer for the delivery and acceptance of service under the applicable rate schedule or schedules and said Rules and Regulations. The Company will provide to its Customers at time of application for service and thereafter such information relative to its rates, rules and regulations as may from time to time be required by law or Commission rule and regulation. All service shall be fumished under an agreement for a term of one year, at the option of the Company, or longer when so provided in the applicable rate schedule. When optional rate schedules are available the Customer may not change from one rate schedule to another more frequently than once in any 12-month period. For service in large volumes or received under unusual circumstances, the Company may require the Customer to execute a special written agreement. 6.1 New Customer Turn-On Charge (After-Hours): There will be no charge for new customer turn-ons when such service connection is performed during office hours regularly maintained by the Company. For new customer tum-ons requested to be completed during other hours there will be a charge of $48.00. When a new Customer receives Company-supplied electric and gas service, a single charge of $48.00 will be required for after hours service turn-ons. 6.2 lf the new custome/s service is turned on remotely without having to visit the customer's premises, the charge for connection shall be $12.00 any day, any time. 6.3 Return Trip Charge lf the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8, below, are not satisfied prior to the Customer's request for temporary service, a $55.00 charge, per trip, will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. When a residential Customer supplies the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, a charge of $55.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company's installation crew cannot install cable on the first appointment or subsequent appointments. 7. CUSTOMER'S SERVICE ENTRANCE AND RELATED FACILITIES: The Customer shall provide a suitable service entrance facility to the premises to be served at the point specified by the Company which facility shall meet local, state and national code requirements. The Customer shall also provide a structurally sound point of attachment for the Company's service connections which will permit the clearance required for safe$. All wiring and other distribution facilities on the Customefs side of the point of delivery shall be provided by the Customer and maintained and operated at his expense. The Customer shall furnish a convenient place, readily accessible without risk of bodily harm to the Company employees, free from vibration, corrosive atmosphere, and abnormal temperatures, in which to installthe metering equipment. Usually residential meters will be installed on lssued May 14,2015 Effective May 29, 2015 UtilitiesBy / Kelly O. Nonivood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ry n/^,^*rJ Substitute Third Revision Substitute Second Revision Sheet 70-g Cancelling Sheet 7o-g AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities !DAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 11. PAYMENTS: - continued Company employees collecting payment at the customer's premises will not accept cash. lf the customer offers payment in cash during a field collection visit, discontinuance of service will be postponed and the customer given the opportunity to either make payment at a designated payment agency or provide an alternative form of payment acceptable to the Company. Monthly bills for services rendered and other charges are due and payable in full within 15 days from their date and if not so paid shall be in default. When a residential Customer certifies in writing that payment by the ordinary due date creates a hardship due to the particular date when the Customer receives funds, the due date shall be extended up to an additional 15 days. ln the event the Customer tenders a payment of less than the full amount of the monthly bill for services and/or other charges, the Company, unless otherwise directed by the Customer when payment is made, will apply said payment pro rata first to the charges in default and the remainder, if any, to the current monthly charges. 1 1.1 Returned Check Charge; Checks or payments remitted by Customers in payment of bills are accepted conditionally. A charge of $20.00 will be assessed the Customer for handling checks or payments upon which payment has been refused by the bank. 11.2 Lale Payment Charge; Payments not received by the next month's bill date will be considered late. A late payment charge will be applied to the delinquent amount and will be computed at the rate of 12 percent per annum or one percent per month. The late payment charge will not be applied to time-payment or equal payment accounts that are cunent. 12, DEPOSITS: See Utility Customer Relations Rules 100-109 and 601. 13. DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE: See Utility Customer Relations Rules 300-313 and 602605. 13.1 Field Collection Charge: A personal visit performed by a Company representative to a service address subsequent to satisfying the provisions regarding Discontinuance of Service shall be deemed a field collection visit. A $16.00 fee will be assessed for visits that result in the collection of past-due balances from the Customer during the visit. The fee will be waived if service is disconnected during the visit. The Customer will receive one free visit on a 12-month rolling basis. lssued May 14,2015 Effective May 29,2015 by Avista UtilitiesBy , Kelly Nonivood,ru J^,*,J Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 14. SERVICE RECONNECTION AND REESTABLISHMENT CHARGES: 14.1 Reconnection Charge: When service has been discontinued for failure of the Customer to comply with the Company's rules and regulations under this tariff including (nonpayment), a charge shall be made for reconnection. lf a visit to the custome/s premises is required to manually restore service, the charge for reconnec{ion shall be: $24.00, provided satisfactory payment arrangements have been made during the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays; or $48.00 if such arrangements are made during the hours of 4:00 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. lf such arrangements are made during hours other than the above, the reconnection shall be completed on the following day except for medical emergencies or a customer disconnected in error. Any reconnection completed on a weekend or holiday will be charged $48.00. lf the customer's service is restored remotely without visiting the custome/s premises, the charge for reconnection shall be: $12.00 any day, any time, provided satisfactory payment anangements have been made. State of ldaho Legal Holidays include: New Years Day, ldaho Human Rights Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, lndependence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 14.2 ElectricReestablishmentCharge When service has been discontinued at the Custome/s request and then reestablished within a twelve-month period, the Customer shall be required to pay the monthly minimum charges that would have been billed had service not been discnntinued, as well as a reestablishment charge. The charge for reestablishment shall be: $24.00, provided satisfactory payment anangements have been made during the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays; or $48.00 if such arrangements are made during the hours of 4:00 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. lf such arrangements are made during hours other than the above, the reestablishment shall be completed on the following day except for medical emergencies or a customer disconnected in error. Any reestablishment completed on a weekend or holiday will be charged $48.00. lf the customer's service is restored remotely without visiting the custome/s premises, the charge for reconnection shall be: $12.00 any day, any time, provided satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. lssued May 14,2015 Second Revision Sheet 70-9.1 Canceling First Revision Sheet 70-9.1 lssued by 70-g.1 By / Kelly O. Norwood,ru n/^,*rJ Vice President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 First Revision Sheet 70-i Canceling Original Sheet 70-i 70-i AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 15. PERSONALIZED BILLING PLANS: - continued The Company will review each Customer's CLB account on a regular basis. At the time of the review, the Company will recalculate the Custome/s Base Plan Amount by using the most recent twelve months of consumption history. lf the "recalculated" Base Plan Amount differs, by 25o/o or more from the "previous" Base Plan Amount, the customer will be given the choice of either discontinuing the CLB Plan or continuing the CLB Plan with the recalculated amount. Under normal circumstances, the company will not change the amount more than twice in any twelve (12) month period. A review will be completed at the twelfth month anniversary of the date the Customer began their CLB plan. lf the Custome/s recalculated Base Plan Amount differs by 10o/o or more from the previous Base Plan Amount, the customer will be given the choice of either continuing or discontinuing their CLB Plan. lf the Customer chooses to continue their CLB Plan, their new monthly payments will be their recalculated Base Plan Amount. This recalculated Base Plan Amount will be based on previous usage or estimated future usage. A Customer's Base Plan Amount may decrease, increase, or remain the same. Customers with a debit balance will be given the opportunity to either pay off their balance or have it included in their CLB payments. lf the customers elect to have their debit balance included in their monthly payments, their monthly payments will equal their Base Plan Amount plus 1l12th of their debit balance. Customers with credit balances will have the overpayment applied to their next statement(s). At the custome/s request, any credit balance will be refunded in full. 16. CONTINUITY OF SERVICE: Electric service is inherently subject to interruption, suspension, curtailment, and fluctuation. The Company will endeavor at all times to provide a regular and uninterrupted supply of service, but in case the supply of service shall be interrupted or irregular or defective or fail from causes beyond its control, the Company will not be liable therefor. Circumstances exonerating the Company shall include, but not be limited to: (a) causes beyond Company's reasonable control including fire, flood, drought, winds, acts of the elements, court orders, insurrections or riots, generation failures, lack of sufficient generating capacity, breakdowns of or damage to facilities of Company or of third parties, acts of God or public enemy, strikes or other labor disputes, civil, military or governmental authority, electrical disturbances originating on or transmitted through electrical systems with which Company's system is interconnected and acts or omissions of third parties; lssued May 14,2015 Effective May 29,2015 lssued by Avista UtilitiesBy - Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal RegulationV\ J^,^*,J ATTACHMENT B g - =E . .cb oE E=E*;gS=;ETEEEE;E Eg =5f EE ==e iAe+EeesEEEEEggEE[gEgfigEE"':EEI lF, -o() C) oq, y - =(E -o e L--o v ott sor-T(E? EorFs --hE. -o,+ (r)trluEo (a5oo\ E E-E a- iE EEE =E 6E HeH ?= SE 3tse =.9 zo E a E dE 6'= oE o = ;cE :AE =,EE.E*5 F!EB IHe 6= =N:-; =?.E +x = E€EEEFE S?; il pEa zP.s.>:9o= 6 = 6= 96 =F ==P .68;gbo,E ".agBE#: Eai::o9 =€EHEH EESEPEEgI .g;-- 69;EE9 EE3Z "aEEEE; EEE3 €=H=FE NE,E E=+eE5E Fitr!2 -6-5=c: JI N6giri N * .! g G ooo-aoU.E o o E o oeo l! oa o E.oolriet sG6\GItl (ts -oo =o S =EEEe-e*EE€g=gca€i*EetE a = i EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEiEEEESEEEEEEEEi ggEEgEg EEEEEEEg gggEEg- =EESE ggEEEg ggg Egg EgE EEgEggE g Egg EE-*gegggggE Eg giggEE gEgg gEEE rgE i:E ;Ef EEg gaE gEgfu Eg tgE, gEg tEgg iE E ggg ggg gEEEgEg EEEg gEEgEg E=ggf.. . .. . EF. . .. . C:A€E:EEEEEE*I*EEsE =EEC €i 3=i9E;a=aEEaEeEIEeEE EEEEEEIBEEEEEgEEggEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:EEEEEEE=E i EEE' = EaE lEEEg EEEEEEaEgEEg'iggE gE EEg gEiEEfuggEEE BIEEEEHIi Es =eEE = si ATTACHMENT C Avista Gredit Tracking Report - ldaho March 2015 Non-Low lncome Low-lncomer* 1. Accounts L17,959 4,259 2. Accounts with Moratoriums L.273 s23 3. Accounts with Arrears*L7.691 1,865 4. Total Arrears Amount*S 3,s04,83s S qqq,qsg 5. Past Due Notices*432 L22 6. Past Due Notice Collect Amount*s 239,660 s 81,076 7. Final Notice Letter*L24 51 8. Disconnects for Non-Pay* 9. Total Collect Amount at Disconnect*)S 10. Same Day Reconnects*0 0 11. Reconnects within 1 week*0 0 12. Total Dollars Written Off (gross)*s 13. Write Offs due to Bankruptcy s 363 s 14. Total Kwh Billed L00,577,3L4 4,598,367 15. TotalTherms Billed 5,2O4,798 104,533 * With the conversion to our new customer information and billing system in February, all customer accounts were considered current in Feb and began to age in March. Collection notices started March 16, 2015. There were not any disconnects that occurred in March. Data is gathered on approximately the first business day of the following month. Credit Tracklng Definitions Low-lncome: Accounts receiving Energy Assistance within last 12 months. Accounts: Accounts are metered service of electric and/or gas services and active at the time the data is gathered. Typically one account is associated with a specific service address, customers can have multiple accounts. Accounts with Moratorium: Accounts with an enrollment date for Moratorium within the last 12 months and are active at the time data is gathered. Accounts in Arrear: Accounts with a past due balance (Arrears Amount) and active at the time data is gathered. Comfort Level Billing (levelized pay) accounts with a past due amount are included. Reconnects within l week: Accounts where service was reconnected within 5 calendar days of disconnect excluding same day reconnects. Reconnects reported this month can be for disconnects which occurred in the last week of the last month. Total Dollars Written Off: Gross write offs. Write Offs Due to Bankruptcy: Gross write offs due to bankruptcy and reported based on the date the Company is notified of the bankruptcy filing. 2. 3. 5. 6. May 13, 2015 ATTACHMENT D ^ffittrslifr 141 1 East Mission Avenue POBo\3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Gharges for Service at: IDAHO CUSTOMER 123 N ANY CT HAYDEN, ID 83835 Final NoticeAccountNumber: 6467010000 Paystation Code: 3 Payment was due: Total Amount Due: 0413012015 119.33 Notice Date:May 5,2015 www.avistautilities.com Your energy service has been scheduled to be shut off. To avoid shut off of your energy service, we must receive your payment of $1 19.33 by 0511912015, or your service will be disconnected without further notice as early as 0512012015. lmportant: If a remote disconnecUreconnect device is installed on your electric meter, we will not notify you in person at your service address prior to shutting off your service. Otherwise, a serviceman will notify you in person at your service address prior to shutting off your service, and if they collect the total amount past due to prevent shut off, a charge may be assessed. Servicemen do not accept cash in Washington and ldaho lf your service is shut off, you will be required to pay a deposit in addition to a reconnection fee. Any reconnection of service requested during the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, will be completed the same day. Any reconnect requested after 7:00 p.m. or on a weekend or holiday will be completed the next day. Payments made at paystations take 3,4 days to post to your account. !f you have already sent your payment, please notify us. Customer Service Representatives are available to assist you Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at (800) 227-9187. You can also visit us at www.avistautilities.com. Sincerely, Avista Utilities Please read other side for important customer information. ^frlnstll 14.I1 E MISSION AVE SPoKANEWA 99252-0001 IDAHO CUSTOMER COTENANT PO BOX'l HAYDEN, ID 83835 USA Due Date: TotalAmount Past Due: Account Number: 6467010000 Paystation Code: 3 0511912015 $119.33 Amount ^Enclosed D Ir,rllil,,l,!!rl,ll,trrl,lrill,,r,Illrllrlrl,,,tlllrlrrlll,lr,!, AVISTA 1411 E MISSION AVE SPoKANE WA 99252-0001 646701 00005000001 56540000000000000001 1 9335 ^frlnstl.www.avistautilities.com Medical Emergency ln Washington: lf you have a medical emergency, we will postpone termination of service, upon notification for a grace period of five business days, during which time a written certification from a qualified medicalprofessional must be received. ln ldaho: Upon receipt of a certificate by a licensed physician or public health official, termination of your service will be postponed for 30 days. Would Any of These Service Be Helpful to You? I Special Billing Plans I lnformation on energy use and tips on how to reduce your bill. I Customer Assistance Representatives to advise customers with financial and other hardships. Gomplaints and Disputes lf you have a complaint of dispute with Avista, please contact our office at1-800-227-9187. Any complaint or dispute received by us will be promptly investigated. lf we cannot resolve your complaint, you can appeal for further review by writing or calling your state public utility commission. Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Chandler Plaza Building 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive S.W. Olympia, Washington 98504 www.wutc.wa.gov or by calling 1-800-562-6150 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Consumer Assistance P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lO 83720-0074 www.puc.idaho.gov or by calling 1-800-432-0369 Your service will not be terminated during any unresolved, open complaint with a goveming commission. We are willing to make mutually satisfactory payment arrangements. You may call our toll-free number 1-888427-3403. For paystation locations, visit www.avistautilities.com ^ffivrsrr 141'l East Mission Avenue POeox3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Past Due NoticeAccountNumber: 6992240000 Paystation Code: 2 Payment was due: Total Amount Past Due: $ 04t13t2015 469.02 Notice Date:May 5, 2015 www.avistauti I ities.com Charges for Service at: IDAHO CUSTOMER 123WANYST#lEDUPLEX RATHDRUM, ID 83858 Our records indicate your account is past due. To avoid shut off of your energy service for nonpayment of your past due balance, we must receive your payment of $469.02 by 0512112015, or your service will be disconnected without further notice as early as 0512212015. lmportant: lf a remote disconnecUreconnect device is installed on your electric meter, we will not notify you in person at your service address prior to shutting off your service. Otherwise, a serviceman will notify you in person at your service address prior to shutting off your service, and if they collect the total amount past due to prevent shut off, a charge may be assessed. Servicemen do not accept cash in Washington and ldaho. lf your service is shut off, you will be required to pay a deposit in addition to a reconnection fee. Any reconnection of service requested during the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, will be completed the same day. Any reconnect requested after 7:00 p.m. or on a weekend or holiday will be completed the next day. Payments made at paystations take 3.4 days to post to your account. lf you have already sent your payment, please notify us. Customer Service Representatives are available to assist you Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at (800) 227-9187. You can also visit us at www.avistautilities.com. Sincerely, Avista Utilities Please read other side for important customer information. ^filnstli 1411 E MISSION AVE SPoKANEWA 99252-0001 IDAHO CUSTOMER PO BOX 1 MTHDRUM, ID 83858 USA Due Date: Total Amount Past Due: Account Number: 6992240000 Paystatlon Code: 2 o5t21t2015 $469.02 Amount ^Enclosed $ lr,rl lil,,l,ilrl,ll, l ltl,lt|l1,,!, Il ltll lltl,,, lllltll ll l l,rt,t, AVISTA 1411 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE WA 99252-OOO1 699 22 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 90 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 6 1 8 4 ^&tnstr www.avistauti I ities.com Medical Emergency ln Washington: lf you have a medical emergency, we will postpone termination of service, upon notification for a grace period of five business days, during which time a written certification from a qualified medical professional must be received. ln ldaho: Upon receipt of a certificate by a licensed physician or public health official, termination of your service will be postponed for 30 days. Would Any of These Service Be Helpfulto You? I Special Billing PlansI lnformation on energy use and tips on how to reduce your bill.I Customer Assistance Representatives to advise customers with financial and other hardships. Complaints and Disputes lf you have a complaint of dispute with Avista, please contact our office at1-800-227-9187. Any complaint or dispute received by us will be promptly investigated. lf we cannot resolve your complaint, you can appeal for further review by writing or calling your state public utility commission. Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Chandler Plaza Building 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive S.W. Olympia, Washington 98504 www.wutc.wa.gov or by calling 1-800-562-6150 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Consumer Assistance P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lO 83720-0074 www.puc.idaho.gov or by calling 1-800-432-0369 Your service will not be terminated during any unresolved, open complaint with a goveming commission. We are willing to make mutually satisfactory payment anangements. You may call our toll-free number 1-888427-3403. For paystation locations, visit www.avistautilities.com