HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081219Reply Comments.pdf~~l~OUNTAIN December 19,2008 VL OVERNGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commission Secreta RECEiVE ZOOS GEe \ 9 PM 2: 28 UT,~R~f~)¿J~\~~Ä\(ŠS10¡"¡ 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Re: Case No. GNR-U-08-1, In the Matter of the Commssion's Inquiry About Energy Affordabilty Issues and Workshops. Rocky Mountain Power's Response to Staf Comments Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Response to Staf Comments in the above captioned docket. Rocky Mountain Power appreciates the opportty to provide input to the Commission on this importt issue that has far-reachig effects for Idaho ratepayers. Please contact me directly at (801)220-2963 if you have any questions concerng this filing. llT;;~1 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Reguatory Affairs Manger Danel E. Solander Senior Attorney ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER 201 South Mai, Suite 2300 SALT LAK CITY, UT 84111 (801) 220-4014 (801) 220-3299 Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power RECE\VED 20ua GEe \ 9 PM 2: 28 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMSSION'S INQmRY ABOUT ENERGY AFFORDABILITY ISSUES AND WORKHOPS ) CASE NO. GNR-U-08-1 ) REPLY COMMENTS OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) POWER COMES NOW PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mounta Power ("the Company" or "RMP"), by and through its attorney, provides the followig Reply Comments in response to Stas Comments of November 26,2008, in the above-captioned Docket. On September 29,2008, the Idaho Public Utilties Commssion ("Commssion") initiated Case No. GNR-U-08-1 to explore issue~ related to energy affordabilty in Idaho. The Commssion noted that rising energy costs were affecting public utilties in Idaho and their customers. The Commission fuer recognzed that there are a number of factors that contrbute to rising electrc and natul gas rates, and that energy affordabilty has become a central issue for utilty customers in Idaho. On November 26, 2008, Commission Staff provided comments to the Commission addressing a number of energy afordability issues. RM appreciates the extensive review and analysis of the issues by Commission Sta The Company submits the following comments for consideration by the Commission. REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - i -DECEMBER 19,2008 General Comments RMP appreciates the Commission's and Staffs efforts in addressing the many issues surounding energy affordabilty, and the opportty to paricipate in the October Energy Affordabilty Workshops in this Case. Due to a varety of reasons, there are housholds that are not able to pay for necessities such as housing, food, medicine and energy. In developing policies and progrs to assist these households, RMP believes it is importt for the Commission and the utilities to strve for a balance by recognzing that all customers will be impacted by adding or shifting the costs incurred for new programs and policies. The Company submits the following comments for consideration by the Commssion. Specific Comments on Recommendations 1. Staff believes that a LIRA program would be beneficial for Idaho low-income utility customers. Staff recommends that the Commission support legislation to allow it to consider adoption of such a program. RM does not believe that establishing a LIR program is the most effective way to reach all low income citizens in the State ofIdaho. To reach all low income citizens regardless of what entity provides gas and or electrc service, and regardless of heat source, we believe it would be more appropriate for the legislatue to implement a state energy assistace ta. Alternatively, if the Commssion determines it will encourage and support legislation to offer rate relief, RMP requests that the legislation allow the utilties to be flexible as to the tye of programs they offer, recognzing the unque circumstaces of each utilty and service area, that any legislation allow for recovery of program costs REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - 2 -DECEMBER 19,2008 through a separate rider or other mechansm on customer bils and that such programs be volunta offerigs by the utilties. RM curently offers a bil discount program in Uta and its sister utility, Pacific Power, has bil discount progrs in two state jursdictions. RM believes bil discount programs are less costly or burdensome to administer and can be designed to provide on- going reliefto low-income customers. The bil discount programs are available to income eligible customers regardless of their priar heat source. The programs have been well received by eligible customers and partering/communty agency staffs in three of our state jursdictions. In addition, the Company commissioned a Low-Income Arearage Study completed by Quatec, LLC and submitted to the Commission in March 2007, which includes positive findings related to the Company's bil discount progrs. On page 22 of ths report, Quatec states that rate discount programs lower home energy burdens by reducing the amount paid by low-income households. In the three states with rate discount progras Quatec observed the highest customer bil coverage ratio, whereas the average customer bil coverage ratios for states without a low-income rate discount are signficantly lower. The Company is required by Oregon's SBl149 to collect fuds that are forwarded to the state to be used for energy assistace payments. Bil payment assistace frm these additional fuds does not seem to favorably affect the bil coverage as well as a bil discount program. Quantec reported Oregon has bil coverage of 66 percent. The bil coverage in the states where a bil discount is in place was 92 percent in Californa, 80 REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - 3 -DECEMBER 19, 2008 percent in Uta and 75 percent in Washigton, respectively. Idaho's bil coverage was 65 percent. The Company has experience curently in three states with different approaches to bil discount programs. The program in Californa provides a 20 percent discount on all monthly bils and the Uta progr provides an $8 per month discount plus an additiona $10 per month to households with a famly member with life support equipment. Neither the Californa or Uta programs cap paricipation. The program available in Pacific Power's Washington service area was designed by an advisory group and offers a thee tiered discount with a larger discount assessed to the lowest income households. The advisory group wanted the discount to apply to heating month (November though April) as there are a large percentage of customers with electrc heat. There is a cap on the number of paricipants in Washigton in order to maintain the surcharge at a reasonable amount. RM would like the flexibilty to explore the option best suited for its customers. 2. Staff encourages all utilties to increase awareness of and funding for nonprofit fuel funds. RMP agres with Stas recommendation. RM actively strves to increase customer awareness and fuding for the Lend-A-Hand program. RMP distrbutes Lend- A-Hand donation envelopes in November, Februar and June bils. The third mailing in June was added to our distrbution process in 2008 and thus far has proved to be successfuL. Along with the envelope distrbution, RM distrbutes news releaes, includes program detals in its customer newsletter, and over the past year began placing REPLY COMMNTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - 4-DECEMBER 19, 2008 programcontrbution information on the website landing page used by customers that pay their bils electronically. Lend-A-Hand fuds are not fuel blind, these fuds are used to assist customers with their electrc bils. It is estimated that only about 30 percent of RM residential customers heat with electricity. Local agency staffhave stated they appreciate that Lend- A-Hand fuds are available specifically to help with RMP bils because without them., they would be tug people in need away. 3. Staff recommends that a dialogue be initiated with Idaho's Congressional delegation regarding increased awareness of LIHEAP's value and the critical need for additional program funding. Staff also recommends that the utilities, Commission Staff, and other interested partes partner with CAP AI to identify ways in which to further leverage existing federal LIHEAP funding. RMP will support efforts to educate and work with Idaho representatives to raise awareness of LIHEAP benefits. The Company believes the increase in LIHEAP fuding for the 2008/2009 heating season is a positive step in obtaing recogntion by the congressional delegation of the importce of the LIHEAP program. RM would propose a change in state policy that would allow income eligible residents to determine which energy bil they would like their LIHEAP fuds be applied to and/or allow LIHAP assistace be divided with a percentage going to more than one energy provider. The Idaho congressional delegation may want to paricipate in the 2009 Washington Action Day for LIHEAP in Washington D.C. On Februar 11,2009, the National Fuel Funds Network (NFFN) will hold its seventh anua Washington Action REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER - 5 -DECEMBER 19,2008 Day for LIHEAP where NFFN members will trvel to the Capital to lobby Senators and Representatives for increased LIHEAP fuding. 4. Staff recommends that additional funding for weatheriation and energy conservation education programs be addressed in future rate cases. Staff recommends that utiities develop energy conservation education programs targeted to low-income customers. Staff further recommends that utities examine their incentive programs regarding higher efficiency appliances, including consideration of no interest!low interest loans for customers to purchase higher effciency appliances and encourage the Northwest Energ Effciency Allance to include multi-family and manufactured homes in the Energy Star Home Program. RMP believes that weatherization programs are the most direct way to reduce energy costs for low-income customers. RM provides $150,000 anually to fud the Low-Income Weatherization Program though Schedule 21. Until recently agency sta has not requested rebates up to the anual maximum of $150,000. If this fuding amount is not sufcient to cover their anua expenses related to weatherization sèrvices they provide RM customers, the Company would be open to discussing a fuding increase for the agencies along with effectiveness criteria for an energy education component. RMP offers incentives for appliances through the Home Energy Savings program in Idao (and other states) and regularly reviews incentive levels for all measures, including appliances. To increase paricipation, RM provided information regarding the Idaho Offce of Energy Resources low interest loans to contractors active in the Home Energy Savings program. To fuher increase paricipation in all energy effciency REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - 6-DECEMBER 19,2008 programs, RMP requested proposals for financing in the Company's Demand Side Management Request for Proposals released on November 26, 2008. In addition to being an Energy Sta parer, RM paricipates in the Nortwest Energy Effciency Allance residential sector meetings. RMP will forward staff recommendations regarding Energy Sta ratings for multi-family and manufactued homes to our representative. 5. Staff encourages utilties to actively advocate for adoption and implementation of energy effcient constrction standards, including provisions for single family rental, multi-family, and manufactured homes. RM agrees with Stas recommendation. RMP's existing Nortwest Energy Effciency Alliance fudig supports energy code work including education and traing for building professionals and offcials on existing codes as well as paricipation in the state code adoption processes across the region, including Idaho. RM supports the Consortium for Energy Effciency (CEE) which helps shape and move the national stadads market. Whle CEE does not develop constrction stadads per se, an importt par of improvig energy utilization is the improved efficiency of components within a house. Finally, at a more local level, RMP energy efficiency programs support the code improvement process by providing incentives for above code measures and practices which serves to increase their penetration which in tu lowers costs and reduces other barers. As par of the interaction between energy efficiency programs and the code cycle, measures move from the program into the codes. This has been the case with REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - 7 -DECEMBER 19,2008 higher performance widows, heating equipment effciencies and duct leakage requiements. 6. Staff recommends that utilties and the Commission consider tiered rates for residential customers within the context of future rate cases. RM is concerned that tiered rates could have unexpected consequences and may or may not benefit low-income customers. A tiered rate design without the ability to inform customers on a real time basis of their usage may not send any more of a price signal than flat rates. RM offers a residential time-of-use rate in Idaho which gives customers the ability to save on monthy bils if they move usage to off-peak times. 7. Staff recommends that utilities offer more flexibilty in negotiating payment arrangements. Staff further recommends that Staff and utilities further investigate payment arrangement alternatives. RM offers flexible payment arangements to customers that contat us. Ths includes a plan allowing customers tht default on a payment argement to "catch-up" the missed installments and then complete the remainder of the arangement. The Company does not support allowing arearages to increase beyond curent levels due to the increased diffculty customers might experience in ultimately becomig curent with their bils. RMP would be interested in paricipating in fuher investigation and discussion of the benefit and risks of alternatives to existing payment arangements. At page 22 of Staff s Comments, Sta recommends a Percentage of Income Payment Plan not be pursued due to signficant obstacles such a program would present. RM supports Staffs recommendation for the same reasons stated by Staf. REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - 8 -DECEMBER 19, 2008 8. Staff recommends more investigation and discussion among all interested parties regarding how convenience fees can be eliminated or reduced. RM is interested in working with Staff and interested paries on fuer investigation and discussion of convenience fees. However, the Company believes lowerig or eliminating convenience fees assessed to low-income customers would likely be considered discriminatory and would require legislation to be enacted. 9. Staff recommends more investigation and discussion among all interested parties regarding the circumstances, if any, under which reconnection and interest charges could be eliinated. RMP acknowledges the Staffs recommendation to fuher investigate and discuss circumstaces in which reconnection and interest charges could be elimated. The Company believes that legislation would be necessar to reduce or elimate these charges for low-income customers and is concerned that the elimiation of these charges would increase the burden on customers with good payment history, and remove an incentive for makng consistent payments on their electrc bil. 10. Staff recommends further discussion of alternatives to existing deposit policies, including an increase in installment payment plan timelies. Staff also recommends that one or more of the utilities conduct a study of the effectiveness of collectig residential deposits. RM is interested in paricipating in fuer discussion related to alternatives to existing deposit policies. REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - 9-DECEMBER 19,2008 11. Staff recommends that utilties adopt new policies whereby lower risk applicants be permitted to payoff old bils in installments while receiving new service. RMP's curent policy for all customers is to obta one-half of the outstading amount upfront and one-half withi 30 days, and we are willing to work with these customers to make payment arangements. RMP does not consider any customer with an old bil to be lower risk and treats all of these customers unformly. The Company is concerned that changing ths policy could result in an increase in wrte-offs. 12. Staff recommends that all energ utilities develop arrearage forgiveness plans. RMP does not support ths recommendation. RMP believes ths would also requie legislation to be enacted. There have been such programs intiated by other utilties that were deemed to be unsuccessfu and termted. For example, in 2007 Portland General Electrc (PGE), an electric utilty in Portland, Oregon conducted a pilot arearage program. The program was open to the first 600 residential customers who were eligible for energy assistace and had either a past due balance of $1 00 or greater or at least $100 on a Time Payment agreement. The goals of the program were to help low-income customers reduce their past due balances and provide them with energy education. Only 290 customers were enrolled in the program even though they worked dilgently to obta more paricipants. Arearages would be forgiven on accounts where customers paid their curent bils on time for 12 months. Results indicated that only 39 customers (13.5 percent) completed the program. The main reason for removal from the program (89 percent) was paricipant's receiving a 15 REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER - 10-DECEMBER 19,2008 day notice. PGE waived a tota of $6,707 (an average of $ 172/customer) in arearges from the accounts of the 39 customers that completed the pilot. The cost to administer the progr was over $40,000 and the program proved to be far more labor intensive and costly than PGE anticipated as they estimated the program would cost $25,000. 13. Staff recommends that all utities implement case management programs if they have not already done so. RM does not endorse Stas recommendation for all utilities to have a formal case management progr. Whle RM does not have a specific designation of a "case mangement" program, the Company believes it has a process in place to work with individual customers on a case-by-case basis. Our contact center agents have the trainig and resources available to discuss payment options, energy assistace, energy weatherization, energy efficiency inormation and energy saving tips. In addition, subject matter experts are available to the agents to refer to for fuher assistace and an escalation process is in place for assistace with critical situations. Respectfully submitted this 19th day of December 2008. D!l~~/u; Senior Attorney Rocky Mountain Power REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER - 11 -DECEMBER 19, 2008 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 19th day of December, 2008, I caused to be served, via U.S. mail, a true and correct copy of the foregoing Rocky Mountain Power's Reply Comments in Case No. GNR-U-08-1 to the following: BETSY BRIDGE ENERGY EFFICIENCY ASSOC ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE POBOX 844 BOISE ID 83701 MICHAEL P McGRATH INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO POBOX 7608 BOISE ID 83707-1608 TERR SHOEN INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO POBOX 7608 BOISE ID 83707-1608 MIKE KINGERY INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO POBOX 7608 BOISE ID 83707-1608 MAGGIE BRILZ IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707.0070 LISA NORDSTROM IDAHO POWER COMPANY POBOX 70 BOISE ID 83707.0070 RICK GALE IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 LINDA GERVAIS A VISTA UTILITIES POBOX 3727 SPOKANE W A 99220 BRUCE FOLSOM A VISTA UTILITIES POBOX 3727 SPOKANE W A 99220 TED WESTON ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 841 1 1 BARBARA COUGHLIN PACIFICORP 825 NE MUL TNOMAH STE 800 PORTLAND OR 97232 BRADMPURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH ST BOISE ID 83702 MARY CHANT EXE DIR COMMUITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOC OF ID 5400 W FRANKLIN RD STE G BOISE ID 83705 ROWENA PINEDA EXE DIR ID COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK 3450 HILLRD BOISE ID 83703 CARRE TRACY NW FEDERATION OF COMMUN ORGANIZA TIONS 1265 S MAIN ST #305 SEATTLE WA 98144 JIM WORDELMAN AARPIDAHO 3080 E GENTRY WAY STE 100 MERIDIAN ID 83642 DEDE SHELTON AARPIDAHO 3080 E GENTRY WAY STE 100 MERIDIAN ID 83642 LYN YOUNG 2786 S DENALI PLACE MERIDIAN ID 83642 JULIA CAMPBELL SOUTHEASTERN IDAHO COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY 641 N 8TH POCATELLO ID 83201 KEN ROBINETTE EXE DIR SOUTH CENTRAL COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNER PO BOX 531 TWIN FALLS ID 83303 RICHARD STELLING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR C.C.O.A. WEA THERIZA TION 304 N KIMBALL AVE CALDWELL ID 83605 ROB CHRISTENSEN EXE DIR WESTERN IDAHO COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM 315-B S MAIN ST PAYETTE ID 83661 DICK HENRY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR EL-ADAINC 701 E 44TH ST #1 BOISE ID 83714 SENA TOR NICOLE LeF A VOUR 12lON ii TH BOISE ID 83702 REP. PHYLIS KING 2107 PALOUSE BOISE ID 83705 REP. DONNA PENCE 1960 US HWY 26 GOODING ID 83330 DEBRA HEMMERT EXE DIR SOUTHEASTERN IDAHO COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY 641 N 8TH POCA TELLO ID 83201 RONCORTA C.C.O.A. WEA THERIZA TION 304 N KIMBALL AVE CALDWELL ID 83605 RUSS SPAIN EXE DIR EASTERN IDAHO COMMUITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP 357 CONSTITUTION WAY IDAHO FALLS ID 83405 LISA STODDARD EXE DIR COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP 124 NEW 6TH STREET LEWISTON ID 83501 GENIE SUE W APPNER ID DEPT OF HEALTH & WELFARE 450 W. State St. 2nd FIr. P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0036 REP. WILLIAM KILLEN 734 S CORAL PL BOISE ID 83705 REP. ANNE PASLEY-STUART 749 HIGH POINT LANE BOISE ID 83712-6561 TERI OTTENS PO BOX 8224 BOISE ID 83707 (, Carre Meyer Coordinator, Administrativ