HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081104Residential Programs.pdf~ ~g~ê;o~OUNTAIN RESIDENTIAL PROGRAS LOW-INCOME PROGRAMS Low Income Weatherization ~ Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) parers with ç()mmpnityclgencies (Eastern Idaho Community Action Parership in Idaho Falls and SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency in Pocatello) to offer weatherization services at no cost to income eligible households. RM covers 75% of the cost of instaling;eljgiblemeasures as described in Schedule 21. RMP provides up to $150,000 anually for weatherization servces. Lend-AHand -Energy Assistace is provided through contrbutions from.customers, ~mpl()yees and RM. The fuds are admnistered though the two local agencies listed apove. ..~ distributes donation envelopes in November, Februar and Ju-iie customer pils to soJi~* donations. The company contributed over $31,000 during the 2007/2008 jpr-orar:year with customers and employees contrbuting almost $9,000 for a total contribution of $40,000. ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS Home Energy Analysis - A free self-audit is available that provides details on a home's energy use. . Home Energy Savings - Provides incentives for products and services for residential customers with new or existing homes. Incentives are available to customers who buy energy-effcient appliances, lighting, space conditioning equipment, windows, insulation and services such as duct sealing and air conditionig equipment tue-ups. Schedule 118 is the tariff outlinng customer eligibility, delivery though a program administrator, and directing customers to a dedicated program web site. The web site can be found at ww.homeenergysavings.netlidaholhome and provides incentive levels and eligible equìpment specifications. ..- See Ya Later, Refrigerator - Customers recycle their old refrigerator or freezer and receive a $30 rebate. Time of Day - Ths program provides discounted pricing for shifting energy use away from on-peak hours. 1 Rocky Mounta Power Residential Programs PAYMNT PLANS Equal Payment Plan (Level Pay Plan) - Customers with no arears have the opportity to choose to pay their mont ly bil in equal payments. The monthy payments equal 1/12 of the estimated ual biling based on curent rates and the previous year's usage history. Winter Payment Program - Allows. cu tomers who are unable to pay their utility bil in ful, the option of paying an amount equ to one':half of the Equal Payment Plan amount during the months of November though March. And, paricipants must declare the need for witer protection from disconnection Equal Time Payment Program - Cust mers are allowed to pay their past due balance over an agreed upon time period up to elve months in addition to their curent monthy biling which is based on their calculated Equal Payment Plan payment. Time Payment Program - Customers. e allowed to pay their past due balance over a period up to 12 months in addition to the curent monthly biling which is based on their actual usage. OTHER Bright Ideas Booklets - The booklet in ludes such topics as energy efficiency tips, safety information and instrctions on ho to read a meter. The booklets are available in English and Spanish. A supply is given t RM's parnerig agencies that serve low- income households. Bil Templates- To assist Spansh speak'ng customers, RM provides templates that can be placed over monthy bils. Large Print Bils ~ Customers may requ st to receive a bill in large print. Choose Due Date -Customers may choo e their due date from arange of dates. Gift Payments - Individuals are able to h lp a famly member or friend with their electrc bil by makg a gift payment. ww.rockvmountainpower.net - Info ation on a variety of topics such as payment plans, energy effciency, energy assistac , energy saving resources and safety is provided. Also, a secure login componen is coming soon which will allow customers to view their bil and usage on-line. 2