HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081219Comments.pdfNORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS 4113 Wolf Berry Court Lake Oswego, OR 97035-1827 Phone: (503) 636-2580 Facsimile: (503) 636-0703 Paula E. Pyron Executive Director E-mail: ppvmni?nwigu.oi'g December 19,2008 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING to: jean.jewell(apuc.idaho.gov Ms. Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, il 83702-5983 RE: Matter ofthe Commission's Inquiry about Energy Affordabilty Issues and Workshops, Comments ofthe Northwest Industrial Gas Users Dear Ms. Jewell: In response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's September 29,2008 Notice of Public Workshops and Notice of Scheduling in Order No. 30644, and as modified by Order 30685, in the above-captioned proceeding, the Northwest Industrial Gas Users ("NWIGU") respectfully submits its comments for the Commission's consideration. ..e:~c=~;:M m("\0 m -0:i...,...N NWIGU is a non-profit trade association comprised of thirty-eight end-users of natural gas with major facilities in the States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. NWIGU members include diverse industrial interests, including food processing, pulp and paper, wood products, aluminum, steel, chemicals, electronics, and aerospace. The association provides an informational service to its members and participates in various regulatory matters that affect member interests. NWIGU member companes purchase transportation services from Northwest Pipeline GP, and from TransCanada's Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation ("GTN") either directly or through capacity release from marketers, and purchase sales and transportation services from regional local distribution companies, including Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain"), that acquire service from these interstate pipelines. NWIGU appreciates this opportunity to provide comments in this proceeding and requests that communications in reference to these comments are addressed to: GNR-U-08-01 Comments of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users Page 1 of 3 Paula E. Pyron Executive Director Noithwest Industrial Gas Users 4113 Wolf Berry Court Lake Oswego, OR 97035-1827 Phone: 503.636-2580 Facsimile: 503.636-0703 E-Mail: ppyron~nwigu.org In this proceeding, the IPUC has provided a foru for the exploration of issues related to the affordabilty of energy for consumers, including bil mitigation payment plans, bil payment assistance, bil reduction (including conservation and weatherization), reduction of consumer costs, bainers to service (e.g., deposits), and case management. The Commission's express objective is to identify new programs, policies and/or legislation, procedures, and/or resources that could be implemented to address energy affordability. As a follow up to workshops held by the Commission in October, Staffhas now released its Comments outlining its recommendations to the Commission to which NWIGU wishes to respond. In its comments, the Staff identified five ways to provide new and additional funds for bil payment assistance to low-income consumers: 1) create utility programs designed to help low-income customers pay energy bils funded by all utility customers through rates (a low income rate assistance program or "LIRAP"); 2) increase voluntary contributions to non-profit fuel funds; 3) increase federal funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program ("LIHEAP"); 4) increase LIHEAP funding received by Idaho through leveraging; and, 5) create a program fuded by Idaho state tax revenue to provide financial assistance to low-income households. NWIGU applauds the Commission and its Staff for examining ways to improve energy affordabilty. In paricular, industrial customers support and partner with the utilities to make voluntary contributions to non-profit fuel funds and to assist the utilities in raising community awareness of these programs to assist those in need in our communities with support for their winter heating bils. NWIGU urges the utilties to also contribute to these voluntary programs with the utilities' shareholder dollars as well. NWIGU also believes that the Commission can play an impoitant role itself in raising additional public awareness of voluntary contribution programs. NWIGU agrees with Staffs recommendation that the Commission review increased federal fl.mding for LIHEAP in conjunction with Idaho's Congressional delegation and that the leveraging of LIHEAP funding in Idaho should be pursued. Industrial customers do not, however, support Staffs recommendation that a LIRAP program be instituted in Idaho by the Commission's advocacy for legislation to surcharge other customers for the benefit of low income customers with bil assistance. NWIGU members support voluntary contributions to non-profit fuel funds, but do not support legislation that would provide for cross subsidies in other customers' rates to support low income consumers through this Commission. NWIGU GNR-U-08-01 Comments of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users Page 2 of 3 members believe that a social program to provide financial assistance to low.income households should be considered by the legislature only iii the context. of funding by Idaho state tax revenue, just like LIHEAP at the federal level, and should not be accomplished by charges on other customer bils through this Commission. NWIGU also supports cost-effective conservation programs for a gas utility's sales customers as the sales customers collectively benefit from the. utilty's conservation efforts thrcugh reduced con.1Uiodity purchases that the utility makes 011 their behalf. NWIGU agrees with Staffs recommendation that the consideration oflow-income weatherization efforts as part ofa utilty's cost~effective conservation program for its sales customers should be considered in future rate cases. In addition to those issues identified by the workshops and Staff in this docket. NWIGC also tLrges the Commission to focus on its role in promoting energy affordability by suppoiiing natural gas resource development and infrastructure access for Idaho consumers at reasonable costs. While NWIGtJ realizes that the. focus of this proceeding is on low-income residentialconsumers, NWIGU would urge the Commission to take a $uppoitive role in proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. and other forums by providing visible support to natural gas resource development and infrastructure proposals that benefit Idaho (e.g., by intervening in support of pipeline proposals that benefit Idaho natw'aJ gas customers) or by intervening in the next round of expected natural gas pipeline rate cases that will impact Idaho consumers to help keep charges reasonable that are passed through to all Idaho consumers in their utility bils. A more active role by the Commission in these proceedings woulò benetit all energy c.onsumers, whether residential or industriaL. If additional issues are brought forward in this docket, NWIGU respectfully reserves the right to make additional comments. With the hard copy original of this filing, NWIGU is subniìtting an original and seven copies of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users' Comments for fiing in the above-referenced case. If you have any questions, please call me at 503.636-2580. Thank you for YOur assistance with this matter. Ytry truIYY.9\lJS,. .t~t.P~ Executive Director Northwest Industrial Gas Users cc Chad Stokes via e-mail tocstokes§cablehuston.com Mike McGrath via e-mail tommcgrathtiintgas.com Kris Sasser via e-iiiail to Kris.SasseræJpuc.ídaho.gov GNR-U-OB-01 Comments ofthe Northwest Industrial Gas User$ Page 3 of 3