HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040806Memorandum from Legislative Services Office.pdfLegislative Services Offic~~t ~~vm Idaho State Legislature ""'- 200ft AUG - 5 PtiJ 2: MEMORANDUM August 4, 2004 - -- -- -- -- ,.. - ----- - ii-t - - .. -. - -- .. "'; ~- :- j t. " ."~,,- ~'r ;j j I L I I j t:;) L Ut't I H jSU~rtapitol O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0054 208/334-2475; Fax 334-2125 www2.state.id.us/legislat Carl F. Bianchi Director TO:Germane Subcommittees for Rules Review of the Senate and House of Representatives State Affairs Committees FROM:Research and Legislation Staff, Nugent SUBJECT:Proposed Public Utilities Commission Rules Regarding Pipeline Safety #31.11.01 The Public Utilities Commission is propos~ng rules to update its rules regarding pipeline safety. The rules incorporate by reference a number of codes including the international fuel gas code, the international mechanical code, the transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline and transportation of natural gas by pipelines. The proposed rules make necessary date changes and name changes to be current. It appears that the proposed rules have been promulgated within the scope of the statutory authority granted to the Public Utilities Commission. cc: PUC Mike Nugent, Supervisor Research & Legislation mnugent~lso.state.idus Jeff Youtz, Supervisor Budget & Policy Analysis jyoutz~lso.state. id. us Ray Ineck, Acting Supervisor Legislative Audits rineck~lso.state.id. Glenn Harris, Supervisor Network Administration gharris(fYlso. state. id. us Serving /:taM IJ Citizen UujllJtafuro Dear Senators SORENSEN, Richardson, Stennett, and Representatives DEAL, Campbell, Jaquet: The Office of the Legislative Services, Research and Legislation, has received the enclosed rules of the PUC, IDAP A 31.11.01. Pursuant to Section 67-454, Idaho Code, a meeting on the enclosed rules may be called by the cochairmen or by two (2) or more members of the subcommittee giving oral or written notice to Research and Legislation no later than fourteen (14) days after receipt of the rules' analysis from Legislative Services. The final date to call a meeting on the enclosed rules is no later than 8/23/04. If a meeting is called, the subcommittee must hold the meeting within forty-two (42) . days of receipt of the rules' analysis from Legislative Services. The final date to hold a meeting on the enclosed rules is 9/1104. The germane j oint subcommittee may request a statement of economic impact with respect to a proposed rule by notifying Research and Legislation. There is no time limit on requesting this statement, and it may be requested whether or not a meeting on the proposed rule is called or after a meeting has been held. To notify Research and Legislation, call 334-2475, or send a written request to the address or F AX number indicated on the memorandum enclosed.