HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221209Motion for Limited Admission.pdfJoNATHAN J. CnvnNecn ADMITTED TN IDAHO. OREGON. AND WASHINGTON 4l_ CABLE HUSTON.., iiICEIVED :;i? il[t -9 [H ll: I 5 I ':l;.J i-,USLICI I : Cijllh{lSSl0N icavanash,acablehuston.com December 9,2022 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Idaho State Bar 525 W. Jefferson Street Boise, lD 83702 Re: Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Case No. INT-G-17-07 Motion for Limited Admission Pro Hac Vice Dear Idaho State Bar: Please find enclosed a copy of the Motion for Limited Admission Pro Hac Vice regarding Chad M. Stokes that has been filed with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $325.00 to cover applicant fees and a copy of Mr Stokes's Certificate of Good Standing from the State of Oregon. Please contact me if you need the original Certificate. Further, please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, J Jonathan J. Cavanagh JJC:lms Enclosure(s) cc: Chad M. Stokes Suite 1500, 1455 SW Broadway, Podand. Oregon 97201-3412. Phone: 503.224.1092. Fax: 503.224.3176. wuvu.cablehuston con 999 I .093\4836 -2468-67 14.v I Jonathan J. Cavanagh, ISB No. 8609 Chad M. Stokes, OSB No. 004007 Cable Huston LLP 1455 SW Broadway, Suite 1500 Portland, OR 97201 Telephone : (503) 224-3092 Facsimile: (503) 224-3 17 6 jc av anagh@cab I eh uston.c om cstokes@cab lehuston.com Attorneys for Alliance of Western Energy Consumers BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ,iIt]EiVED i::i D[il -9 lrH ll: I 5 ,, i :". l'i,iSLlC, '; ilLjt,{1,1!ssl0N IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. INT-G.22.07 MOTION FOR LIMITED ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules I9 and 43.03 and Idaho Bar Commission Rule ("ICBR") 227,the undersigned counsel, Jonathan J. Cavanagh, hereby petitions the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for admission of the undersigned applying counsel, Chad M. Stokes, for purposes of the above-captioned matter and any other proceedings that Alliance of Western Energy Consumers may bring before this Commission. Chad M. Stokes certifies that he is an active member, in good standing. with the bar of the State of Oregon, that he maintains the regular practice of law at the above-noted address, and that he is not a resident of the State of Idaho or licensed to practice law in Idaho. Chad M. Stokes has previously been admitted Pro Hac to the State of ldaho on two PAGE I - MOTION FOR LIMITED ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE previous occasions: INT-G-l 6-02 and INT-G-17-07. The undersigned counsel cenifies that a copy of this Motion has been served on all other parties to the above-captioned matter and a copy of the Motion, accompanied by a $325 fee per applicant and certificate of good standing for Chad M. Stokes from the State of Oregon, has been provided to the Idaho State Bar. Counsel certifies that the above information is true to the best of their knowledge, after reasonable investigation. Jonathan J. Cavanagh acknowledges that pursuant to IBCR, his attendance shall be required at all Commission proceedings at which Chad M. Stokes will appear, unless specifically excused by the Commission. WHEREFORE, by this Motion, Jonathan J. Cavanagh respectfully requests that the Commission: Authorize Chad M. Stokes to participate in all proceedings before the Commission with respect to the above captioned matter and any other proceedings that Alliance of Western Energy Consumers may bring before the Commission. A proposed Order is attached hereto. Dated this 9th day of December 2022. Jonathan J. Cavanagh, ISB No. 8609 Cable Huston LLP 1455 SW Broadway, Suite 1500 Portland, OR 97201 Telephone: (503) 224-3092 Facsimile: (503) 224-3 17 6 jcav anagh@c ab I e husto n. c o m J PAGE 2. MOTION FOR LIMITED ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE ffiM Chad M. Stokes, OSB No. 004007 Applying Counsel Cable Huston LLP 1455 SWBroadway, Suite 1500 Portland, OR 97201 T 03)224-3092 03 224-3176 PAGE 3 - MOTION FOR LIMITED ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 9th day of December 2022I caused an original and seven (7) copies of the foregoing to be served upon: Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 by mailing via Federal Express the same to the above-named at the last known address(s) as set forth above and sending a copy via electronic mail to the email addresses below. Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 prestoncarter@sivenspurslev.com stephaniew@givenspursley.com Lori A. Blattner Director - Regulatory Affairs lntermountain Gas Company Post Office Box 7608 Boise, lD 83707 lori.blattner@intgas.com Jonathan J. Cavanagh J Form of Proposed Order IN THE MATTER OF THE II\TVESTIGATION INTO THE IMPACT OF FEDERAL TAX CODE REVISIONS ON UTILITY COSTS AND RATEMAKING BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO.INT.G.22.O7 MOTION FOR LIMITED ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE The Commission has considered this Motion for Pro Hac Vice filed on December 5,2022 and being fully advised in the premises, it is hereby ordered that Chad M. Stokes be admitted pro hac vice in this case and that Jonathan J. Cavanagh, Chad M. Stokes' partner at Cable Huston LLP, whose attendance shall be required in all court proceedings in which Chad M. Stokes appears, unless specifically excused by the Commission. DATED this the 9th day of December 2022. John R. Hammond, Jr, Commissioner John Chatburn, Comm issioner Eric Anderson, Commissioner Oregon Bar Certificate of Good Standing State of Oregon County of Washington l, Troy Wood, do hereby certify that I am Regulatory Counsel of the Oregon State Bar, and have access to the official files and records of the Oregon State Bar. The official files and records of the Oregon State Bar indicate: CHAD STOKES, BAR NO. OO4OO7 was admitted to practice law in the State of Oregon by examination and became an active member of the Oregon State Bar on October 4,2A0O. There are no grievances or disciplinary proceedings presently pending against this member. No disciplinary action has been taken against this member in the past by the Oregon Supreme Court or the Oregon Disciplinary Board. Mr. Stokes is an active member of the Oregon State Bar in good standing, licensed and entitled to practice law in all the courts of the State of Oregon. DATED this 6th day of December, 2022. ss. -2 Troy Wood Regulatory Counsel Oregon State Bar *This certificate expires 50 days from the date of issuance* 1,6037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road, PO Box 231935, Tigard, Oregon 97281,-1935 (503) 620-0222 toll-free in Oregon (800) 452-8260 fox (5031 684-1366 State ww.osbar.org