HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170320Petition for Funding.pdf"*+1-. CABLE HUSTON,,,iilCIl\,'ED i ,,l; ,',i. i0 1M 9: 31 i-'sr0ti CHAD M. SToKES cstokes@cablehuston.com March 17,2017 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise,ID 83702 Petition for Intervenor Funding of Northwest Industrial Gas Users Case No. INT-G-16-02 Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing with the Commission please find an original and seven copies of the Petition for Intervenor Funding of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. V yours, Chad M. Stokes CMS:db Enclosures cc: Service List via E-Mail Re Suite 2000, I 001 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204-1 I 36 . Phone: 503.224.3092 r Fax: 503.224.31 76 n www.cablehuston.com ; i'i:af l!/Fni.,..,\."-i, LL/ l,:il 11'11 9:31 . ' r 1,1 ''-','l-r'',ttr-rJ'i,rt Chad M. Stokes (OSB No. 004007) Tommy A. Brooks (OSB No. 076071) Cable Huston LLP 1001 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97204-1 136 Telephone: (503) 224-3092 Facsimile: (503) 224-3176 cstokes@cablehuston. com tbrooks@cablehuston. com Michael C. Creamer (ISB No. 4030) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208)-388-1200 Facsimile: (208) -388-l 300 mcc@ sivenspursley. com Attorneys for Northwest Industrial Gas Users BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO.INT-G.I6-02 PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS COMES NOW, the Northwest Industrial Gas Users ('NWIGU) pursuant to Idaho Code 61-6174. and Rules l6l-165 of the Idaho Public Utility Commission's ("Commission") Rules of Procedure with the following Petition for intervenor funding. NWIGU is an intervenor in this case pursuant to Order 33611dated September 30,2016. This Petition is timely pursuant to the Commission's instructions at the technical hearing to submit such petitions by March 20,2017. PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS Page I I.This Case Qualifies for Intervenor Funding under Idaho Code 6l-617A and Rule Intervenors may apply for intervenor funding in any case involving regulated utilities with gross Idaho intrastate annual revenues exceeding three million five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000). Idaho Code 6l-6lTAandRule Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain" or the "Company") is a regulated natural gas public utility with gross Idaho intrastate annual revenues exceeding three million five hundred thousand dollars ($3,5 00,000.00). II.NWIGU Meets the Commission's Standards for Granting Intervenor Funding Under Rule 31.01 .01.162 Pursuant to Rule l62,the Form and Contents of Petition for Intervenor Funding, NWIGU submits the following information demonstrating qualification for intervenor tunding. 1. Itemized List of Expenses. Consistent with Rule 162.01of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, an itemized list of expert witness fees incurred by NWIGU in this proceeding is attached hereto as Exhibit A. NWIGU is only asking for a portion of the expert witness fees of Mike Gorman, and is capping its request at $10,000. NWIGU is not asking for any legal fees, travel expenses or any fees associated with the testimony and participation of NWIGU's executive director Ed Finklea. Exhibit A shows a portion of the time spent by Mr. Gorman reviewing the Intermountain case and researching and drafting opening testimony on Return on Equity ("ROE") and revenue requirement issues. NWIGU is not seeking any fees for Mr. Gorman associated with rate spread or rate design issues. PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS Page2 2. Statement of Proposed Findings. The proposed findings and recommendation of NWIGU are as follows: Based on NWIGU witness Mr. Gorman's detailed analysis of several aspects of the operations of Intermountain, the Commission finds that the Company's revenue requirement is overstated by at least $4,000,000. A summary of NWIGU's proposed adjustments are as follows: o NWIGU's Adjustments to Intermountain's Proposed Revenue Requirement Catesorv of Adiustment Amount of Reduction (000) Requested Increase $10,166 Adjustments: 1. Rate of Return ("ROE") 2. Other Revenues 3 Affiliate Costs 4. Incentive Compensation 5. Bonus Depreciation 6. Total Reduction ($1,689) (206) (1,381) (704) (.228\ ($4"208) 7. Adjusted Increase $s.9s8 a The Commission finds that Mr. Gorman's recommended ROE of between 9.2 and9.4 percent is appropriate, and based on its most recent actual capital structure, the Company's corrmon equity ratio and debt ratio should be set at 48.0Yo xfi 52.0oh, respectively. PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS Page 3 a The Commission adopts the Company's rate spread which is based on a current cost of service study. Further, the Commission approves the Company's rate design proposal for T-4 customers that implements a demand charge of $0.30 per therm to more accurately reflect costs and to reduce the intra-class subsidies that exist today. The Commission approves NWIGU's Petition for Intervenor funding.o 3. Statement of Showing Costs. The costs shown on Exhibit A are reasonable in amount. This was the first Intermountain case in more than 30 years and required a significant effort from all the parties. NWIGU arnlyzed the initial filing, reviewed and submitted discovery requests and responses, filed direct and rebuttal testimony and participated in the technical hearing. The costs NWIGU is seeking recovery of relate solely to a portion of the cost of NWIGU expert Mr. Gorman associated with ROE, capital structure and revenue requirement issues that benefit all customers of Intermountain. NWIGU is not seeking recovery of any witness or attorney travel time, is not seeking recovery of any attorney time billed, and is not seeking recovery of any hours of NWIGU's executive director, Ed Finklea. NWIGU is also not seeking any recovery for any work done by Mr. Gorman on rate spread and rate design issues-including work performed on NWIGU's rebuttal testimony. NWIGU is capping it request to $10,000.00 for Mr. Gorman's work in this proceeding on ROE and revenue requirement issues. 4. Explanation of Cost Statement. NWIGU is a 501(c)(4) organization. NWIGU's Idaho members who are customers of Intermountain made voluntary contributions to support NWIGU's participation in this proceeding. Because this was the first Intermountain case in more than 30 years, and there was no settlement of any issue, the case was fully litigated with 3 days of technical hearings. This PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS Page 4 required significant effort from NWIGU, including reviewing and conducting discovery and filing technical direct and rebuttal testimony. The costs for NWIGU to meaningfully participate in this proceeding exceeded NWIGU's assessments to its impacted members. 5. Statement of Difference. There are material and substantial differences in the positions of NWIGU and the Commission Staff. While both Staff and NWIGU submitted testimony on ROE that recommended a similar range, the analysis and supporting testimony was materially different. Mr. Gorman developed his recommended ROE by researching, developing and analyzing: (a) a gas proxy group; (b) a discounted cash flow model; (c) a sustainable growth discounted cash flow model; (d) a multistage growth discounted cash flow model; (e) a risk premium model; and (f) a capital asset pricing model. NWIGU also recommended a change in the capital structure (48 percent equity and 52 percent debt) of the Company that was more favorable to customers, while still fair to the Company. This differed from Staff s position which was to adopt the 50/50 capital structure proposed by the Company. NWIGU also sponsored testimony on bonus depreciation, other revenues, affiliate costs, incentive compensation-all of which was different from the testimony sponsored by Staff. NWIGU also disagreed with Staff on how to address rate spread and design. Staff argued that rates should be set based on a cost study performed more than 30 years ago because Staff believed a load study was not performed. NWIGU believes and argued that the Company's cost study was accurate and based on the best available data and reflects the current costs to serve customers. Staff supported the implementation of a demand charge for industrial customers that more accurately captures the cost to serve customers, but at a lower level than proposed by the Company ($0.20 vs $0.30). NWIGU PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FLNDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS Page 5 disagreed with Staff and supported the $0.30 per therm demand charge proposed by the Company as it is based on the cost study in the record. 6 Statement of Recommendation. NWIGU's statement of recommendations impacts all customers of Intermountain as well as the public interest. One of NWIGU's goals in this proceeding was to ensure that the revenue requirement and resulting rates proposed by Intermountain was fair, just and reasonable. To that end, NWIGU proposed more than a $4 million dollar reduction in the revenue requirement, which benefits all customers. NWIGU also advocated for sending proper price signals to customers, which is important since rates have not be adjusted for more than 30 yeilrs. In particular, NWIGU is recommending that the Commission: o Set the Company's ROE between 9.2 arrd 9.4 percent as it reflects the current market cost of equity as provided in Mr. Gorman's direct testimony. o Set the capital structure at 48 percent equity and 52 percent debt as provided in Mr. Gorman's direct testimony. o Reduce the revenue requirement with Mr. Gorman's proposed adjustments (a) other Revenues (206); (b) Affiliate Costs (1,381); (c) Incentive Compensation (704); (d) Bonus Depreciatio n (228). . Spread any increase that the Commission determines to be fair, just and reasonable based on the Intermountain's cost of service study consistent with the Company's proposal. o Adopt Intermountain's proposal to implement a demand charge for transportation customers in the amount of $0.30 per therm based on a customer's maximum daily firm quantity (MDFQ). PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS Page 6 . Approve this request for intervenor funding. 7. Statement Showing Class of Customer. NWIGU members are industrial firm sales and transportation customers of Intermountain. Wherefore, NWIGU respectfully request the Commission grant this petition for $10,000 in intervenor funding. Dated in Portland, Oregon, this 17tr day of March2017. Respectfully submitted, Chad M. Stokes, OSB No. 004007 Tommy A. Brooks, OSB No. 076071 Cable Huston LLP 1001 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97204-1 136 Telephone: (503) 224-3092 Facsimile: (503) 224-3176E-Mail: cstokes@cablehuston.com tbrooks@cablehuston.com Of Attorneys for the Northwest Industrial Gas Users PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FTINDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS Page 7 Exhibit A Cost Statement of Northwest Industrial Gas Users Work performed by Mr. Gorman on behalf of NWIGU that benelited all customer classes. Task Review Company filing Review discovery and assist with the development of discovery Research and develop testimony on Return on Equity and Capital Structure. Research and develop testimony on rate spread and design Research and develop testimony on other revenues, affrliate costs, incentive compensation, and bonus depreciation. Review other parties testimony and develop rebuttal testimony Prepare for hearing Attend rate hearing (50 percent) 30 25 Hours l0* * l0* * N/A** N/A** 10 4** Total Hours 89 Hourly rate $250. Total 522,250. NWIGU is capping its request to $10,000. **NWIGU is not asking for any of Mr. Gorman's fees associated with rate spread or rate design issues. NWIGU is also not asking for any legal fees, travel expenses or any fees associated with the testimony and participation of NWIGU's executive director Ed Finklea. PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF NORTHWEST TNDUSTRIAL GAS USERS Page 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that I have on this March 17,2017, I served the foregoing Petition for Intervenor Funding of Northwest Industrial Gas Users upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail pursuant to the Amended Notice of Parties. Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N 27th Street Boise, ID 83702 peter@ richardsonadams. com gre g@richardsonadams.com Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays Street Boise, ID 83702 ron@williamsbradbury. com Benjamin Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N 6th Street Boise, ID 83702 botto @ idahoconservation. org Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley mcc@ givenspursley. com Michael P. McGrath Director, Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company P O Box 7608 Boise,ID 83707 Mike. mc grather@ intereas. com Scott Dale Blickenstaff Amalgamated Sugar Co LLC l95l S Saturn Way Ste 100 Boise, ID 83702 sblickenstaff@ amal sugar. com F. Diego Rivas NW Energy Coalition I l0l 8th Avenue Helena, MT 59601 diego@nwenerg),.org Andrew J. Unsicker Lanny L. Zieman Natalie A. Cepak Thomas A. Jernigan Ebony M. Payton AFLOA/JA-ULFSC 139 Barnes Drive, Suite 1 Tyndall, AFB FL 32403 Andrew. unsicker@us. af. mi I Lanny.zieman. I @us.af.mkil Natalie. cepak.2 @us. af.mi I Brad M. Purdy 2019 N 17th Street Boise, ID 93702 com Thomas j erni gan. 3 @us. af. mil Ebony.pavton. ctr@ us. af. mi I PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FLINDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE Page I Ken Miller Snake River Alliance P.O. Box l73l Boise,ID 83701 kmiller@ snakeriveralliance. or g Karl Klein Sean Costello Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Karl.klein@Fuc.idaho. gov Sean.costello@Fuc. idaho. gov Dated in Portland, Oregon, this 17ft day 2017. M. Stokes, OSB No. 004007 Tommy A. Brooks, OSB No. 076071 Cable Huston LLP 1001 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97204-1 1 36 Telephone: (503) 224-3092 Facsimile: (503) 224-3176E-Mail: cstokes@cablehuston.com tbrooks@cablehuston. com Of Attorneys for the Northwest Industrial Gas Users PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE Page2