HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161216Zamora Direct.pdf1 2 Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law Bar No. 3472 2019 N. 17th St. 3 Boise, ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) 4 (208) 484-9980 (Cell) bmpurdy@hotmail.com s Attorney for Petitioner Community Action Partnership 6 Association of Idaho 7 RECEIV ED ~: i :J OE-., I 6 PM 3: 4 I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 8 9 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMP ANY'S APPLICATION TO CHANGE ITS RA TES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 IN THE STA TE OF IDAHO COMMUNITY ACTION P ARTNERSIDP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 2 5 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 1 1 2 Q: 3 A: 4 5 6 Q: 7 A: 8 9 10 11 12 Q: 13 14 A: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I. INTRODUCTION Please state your name and business address. My name is Christina Zamora. I am the Executive Director of the Community Action Partnership Association ofldaho at 3350 W. Americana Terrace, Suite 360, Boise, ID 83706. On whose behalf are you testifying in this proceeding? The Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAP Al") Board of Directors asked me to present the views of an expert on, and advocate for, the low income customers of Intermountain Gas Company (hereinafter, "Company," or ("Intermountain"). II. BACKGROUND & QUALIFICATIONS Please describe CAP AI' s organizational structure and the functions it performs, relevant to its involvement in this case. CAP AI is an association of the following private, nonprofit organizations that fight poverty in Idaho: 1) The Community Action Partnership (CAP-N & CAP-NC); 2) El Ada, Inc. (El Ada); 3) The Western Idaho Community Action Partnership (WICAP); 4) The South Central Community Action Partnership (SCCAP); 5) The Southeastern Idaho Community Action Agency, Inc. (SEICAA); 6 The Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership, Inc. (EI CAP); 7) The Community Council of Idaho, Inc. (CCI), and; 8) Metro Community Services (MCS) formerly named the Canyon County Organization on Aging, Weatherization and Human Services, Inc. The last two agencies, CCI and MCS, are designated in CAP Al's Bylaws as "special purpose agencies." These agencies are focused on providing services to migrant and senior populations, respectively. Collectively, the six Community Action Agencies (sometimes referred to as "CAPs") 2 5 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q: A: Q: A: along with CCI and MCS are referred to as "member agencies." For the purposes of the Stipulation at issue in this proceeding, there is no relevant distinction between a Community Action Agency and a special purpose agency. Each member agency has a designated service area. Combining all agencies, every county in Idaho is served. The agencies design their various programs to meet the unique needs of communities located within their respective service areas. Not every agency provides all of the following services, but all work with people to promote and support increased self-sufficiency. Programs provided by CAPS include: employment preparation and retention, education assistance, child care, emergency food, senior independence and support, clothing, home weatherization, energy assistance, affordable housing, health care access, and much more. What is the relationship between CAP AI and the member agencies? CAP AI is effectively the umbrella organization that provides a myriad of services to the members to assist them in carrying out their individual missions throughout Idaho. Such services include training and technical assistance, coordination of resources, program planning and assistance with implementation, programmatic administrative oversight, an advocacy for the low-income in Idaho, among other things. Are the individual member agencies represented on CAP AI' s Board of Directors and, if so, how? Yes they are. Each agency has an Executive Director and its own Board of Directors that establishes policy for that agency. The Executive Director manages the day to day functions of the agency. In addition, each Executive Director of each member agency sit on the CAP AI Board of Directors. Thus, there are currently 8 CAP AI Board members. 2 5 DlRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 3 ,-------------------------------------------- 1 Q: 2 3 A: 4 5 Q: 6 A: 7 8 9 Q: 10 A: 11 12 13 14 Q: 15 A: 16 17 18 Q: 19 20 A: 21 22 23 24 Which of the eight member agencies provide low-income assistance to Intermountain's service territory? The member agencies whose service territory overlaps with the service territory of Intermountain are WICAP, CCI, MCS, El Ada, SCCAP, SEICAA and EICAP. Have you testified before this Commission in other proceedings? Yes, I have testified on behalf of CAP AI in numerous cases involving United Water, Idaho Power, AVISTA, and Rocky Mountain Power, among others. III. SUMMARY Would you please summarize your testimony in this case? My testimony addresses CAPAI's position regarding the Company's proposed increase t the fixed customer charge, Intermountain's proposal to consolidate its Residential classes into a single customer class, a need for more extensive data tracking for low income customers, and the implementation of a low income weatherization DSM program Are there any exhibits to your testimony? No. IV. CAPAl'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND PROPOSALS A. Consolidation of Residential Class. What is CAPAI's position regarding the Company's proposal to combine the residential class into a single class? CAP AI agrees that there is no rationale for separating the residential class into the two categories currently in existence: space heating only and space combined with water heating. Consequently, CAPAI has no objection to this proposal. B. Proposed Increase to Customer Charge. 2 5 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: What is CAP AI' s position with respect to Intermountain' s proposed increase to the Company's customer charge? CAP AI submitted numerous discovery requests to Intermountain seeking data regarding the Company's low income customers ranging from how many of its customers are low income based on various criteria, the average consumption habits of low income customers compared to non-low income and other data that would provide CAP AI with the ability to determine whether a higher customer charge and resulting in bills that are lower due to reduced commodity charges, but the Company has not historically tracked the data necessary to make determinations such as those presented by this question. Does the lack of data necessarily alter CAP AI' s position on the proposed increase to the customer charge? Not in this instance. Were the proposed increase significantly greater, then CAPAI might have objections to it. What would those objections be? A higher fixed customer charge obviously sends a price signal that is contrary to the objective of conservation. This is particularly problematic for low income customers who could otherwise reduce their bills by reducing discretionary consumption. On the other hand, as noted by the Company, some low income customers with gas heating consume more gas than would be expected due to non-discretionary conditions such as poorly insulated housing. Placing more of an overall rate increase on the commodity charge, as opposed to the fixed customer charge, will obviously have a negative effect on such customers. This is why CAP AI proposes that the Company begin tracking low income data ranging from the percentage of its customers who are low income to their consumption habits. 2 5 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRlSTfNA ZAMORA 5 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: C. Low Income Data Tracking What type of low income data do you propose that Intermountain track? As discussed below, I believe that question should be addressed collaboratively by an advisory group. Generally speaking, it would be of significant help to obtain a better ide of the percentage of the Company's customers who are low income and their consumption habits. This type of data would be helpful to the Commission in, among other things, understanding the true impact of certain residential rate design proposals on the Company's customers. Does the Company's lack oflow income data as you describe surprise you? Not entirely. Due to the unique level ofregulatory oversight of natural gas utilities, and the fact that Intermountain does not file general rate cases with the same frequency of Idaho's electric utilities, it is not surprising that the Company has not historically tracked this information. Consequently, it is fair to state that this is fairly new ground we are covering in this proceeding. Would you please elaborate on this point? As Intermountain notes low income customers do not fall neatly into a high or low consumption population of the residential class of customers. Some low income consumers consume relatively high levels of natural gas due to a number of factors, including housing stock that is poorly insulated, large families living in a relatively small space, and so on. Other low income customers might include senior citizens who have lived in relatively energy-efficient housing for many years, who live alone and are frugal in their use of gas consuming appliances. Consequently, their consumption might be lower than average. 2 5 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 6 1 Q: 2 3 A: 4 5 6 7 Q: 8 A: 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q: 15 16 A: 17 Q: 18 A: 19 20 21 Q: 22 A: 23 24 What effect do these factors have on CAP AI' s proposal to implement a low income weatherization program for the Company? It is essential that we begin tracking low income data for Intermountain so that we have a better understanding of the specific needs of the Company's customers in order to create a well-tailored program that provides access to energy conservation to the majority of Intermountain' s customers. How do you propose enhancing Intermountain's low income data tracking? I believe that the creation of an advisory group outside the scope of this proceeding involving the Company, CAPAI, the Commission Staff, and all other interested persons to identify areas and issues where better data would be productive would be an efficient method of identifying the data and how best to collect and track it. The outcome of this effort could, conceivably, be used with respect to other utilities. D. Low Income Weatherization Program Have you had occasion to discuss the implementation of a low income weatherization program with Intermountain? Yes, I have. What was the outcome of that discussion? Although I cannot speak for the Company, my impression is that it is willing to consider the implementation of a low income weatherization program outside of the scope of this proceeding. What is your proposal to the Commission in that regard? CAP AI' s proposal is that the Commission order the creation of an advisory group involving the Company, CAPAI, and, particularly, the Commission Staff, along with all other interested persons, to commence a discussion of how to implement a low income 2 5 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q: A: Q: A: weatherization program that is both effective in terms of helping low income customers to reduce their bills through less consumption of gas in a way that they cannot otherwise afford. A properly constructed program should be effective, conserve energy resources and help those who could not otherwise afford to reduce their non-discretionary consumption. IV. SUMMARY Would you please summarize your testimony? Yes. I would like to thank the Company for meeting with CAP Al to discuss the possibility of a low income weatherization program which CAP AI believes is highly warranted. CAP AI sees no reason to oppose the Company's proposal to consolidate its residential customers into a single class. CAPAI also does not oppose the Company's proposed customer charge increase but believes that it is essential for Intermountain to begin more enhanced data tracking so that the impact of future rate design proposals on low income customers can be fully assessed. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes it does. 2 5 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 2 3 I, the undersigned, hereby represent that on this 16th day of December, 2016, caused a true and correct copy ofthis Testimony of Christina Zamora to be served on the following both electronically and via U.S. Mail, First Class, Postage Prepaid (unless otherwise indicated). 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (HAND DELIVERY) Jean Jewell, Secretary: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 jean.jewell@puc.idaho.gov Karl Klein Sean Costello ( electronic delivery) karl.klein@puc.idaho.gov sean.costello@puc.idaho.gov INTERMOUNTAIN GAS Ron Williams Williams Bradbury PC 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 ron@williamsbradbury.com Mike McGrath P.O. Box 7608 Boise, ID 83707 Mike.mcgrath@intgas.com SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE Ken Miller 233 N. 6th St. Ste 317 Boise, ID 83 702 kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org AFLOA/JA-ULFSC 23 139 Barnes Drive, Suite 1 Tyndall AFB, FL 32403 2 4 Andrew. unsicker@us.af.mil 2 5 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 9 1 NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS Edward A. Finklea 2 545 Grandview Dr. 3 Ashland, OR 97520 efinklea@nwigu.org 4 IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE Benjamin Otto 5 710 N. 61h St. Boise, ID 83702 6 botto@idahoconservationleague.org 7 F. Diego Rivas 8 NW Energy Coalition 1101 81h Avenue 9 Helena, MT 59601 diego@nwenergy.org 10 11 Chad M. Stokes Tommy A. Brooks 12 Cable Huston LLP Portland, OR 97204-1136 13 cstokes@cablehuston.com 14 tbrooks@cablehuston.com 15 16 Clearwater Paper Corporation: c/o Peter Richardson, Esq. 17 Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th St. 18 P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83 702 19 peter@richardsonadams.com 20 Northwest Industrial Gas Users: 21 Chad Stokes Tommy Brooks 22 Cable Huston, LLP 1001 S.W. 5th, Ste 2000 23 Portland, OR 97204-1136 cstokes@cablehuston.com 24 tbrooks@cablehuston.com 25 DIRECT TESTfMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 10 1 Michael C. Creamer 2 Givens Pursley LLP mcc(a),givensgursley.com 3 4 5 DATED, this 16th day of December, 2016 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CHRISTINA ZAMORA 11