HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110714Petition to Intervene.pdfRECEIVED Benjamin J. Otto (ISB No 8292) 710 N 6th Street PO Box 844 Boise,lD 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idaoconservtion.org 2011 JUL 14 PM 4: 45 Attorney for Idao Conservtion leage BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBliC UTILIES COMMISSION IN TH MATfR OF A VISTA CORPORATION REQUESTIG APPROVAL TO DECREASE IT ENERGY EFFCffNCY PUBliC PURPOSE RIDER SCHEDULE 91 AND 191 ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU-E-ii-02 AVU- E-ll-03 PETION TO INRVENE COMES NOW the Idao Conservtion league (((ICL") and hereby reques leave to intervne in the above captioned matter puruat to the Idao Public Utilties Commision Rules of Procedur, IDAP A As discusd below, ICL ha direct and substantial interets in thes proceedigs, and therefore should be grted intervention. Furher, this petition is not untimely nor wil grting it unduly broden the issues, since ICL intends to focus on the direct issue in this ca the proper level for the energy efficiency rider. 1. The name and addres of this Intervenor to whom copies of all pleadigs production requests, production respnses, Commission orders and other documents should be provided is: ICL -- PETITION TO INRVENE -- 1 Benjamin J. Otto Ida Conservtion Le 710 N. 6th st. P.O. Box 844 Bois, Idao 83702 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 bott~idaoconservtion.org 2. Idao Conservtion legue clais a direct and substantia interest in thi proceedg aring from the impact to its members served by Avia and to its long-term role advoating for public vaues. As Idao's largest state-bas conservtion orgization, we have approximately 1,000 members.who are residential cusomers of Avita in Idao. In addition to representing the interest of residential cusomers, ICL ha an intere in promoting the resnsible expasion of energ efficiency in Idao. As the only potential intervenor in thi proceg advocting for spcifcay for residentia cusomers, ICL brigs a unique and vauable persctive to thi proceedig. Th intervention petition is not untimely nor wi grting intervention unduly broaden the proceedigs. In the notice for this proceedig, the Commision established a 21-daycomment period that closes on July 19, 2011. Order No. 32278. The Commision did not establih a dedle for intervention in thi order. ld. Nor did the Commission esablish a date for a heag or prehearg conferences, the benchmar for caculating a timely petition to intervene. IDAPA On July 14, 2011, the date ICL is fiing thi intervention. Avia fioo a motion to extend the comment period and effective dates ((for an unspified period" Motion/or Extension, A VU-E-ii-02/AVU-G-ll-03 (July 14. 2011). Becus the notice for thi proceedig did not establish deadine for intervention, Avita now requests an extension for a ((unspcifed period)) and ICL is ICL - PETITION TO INRVENE - 2 :t fiing this petition as son as we becae aware of this situation, ICls petition is not untimely. Furher, unles the Commission grts this petition ICL is unable to protect our interests in this matter. A vista's motion explais the Compay and the PUC staff have ((engaged in discusions" regadig this proceedig. Motion at 2. The motion doe not make clear whether these ((discusions" are in fact active settlement discusions, whch require notice to the Commission by the PUC Staff before their commencement. IDAPA Before discoverig these potential settlement discusions were underwy, ICL wa operating under the reasnable asumption that interested paries would be submitting wrtten comments. Now it appear this ca could be resolved thrugh discusions. Unless ICL attais intervnor status, the other paies to thi ca have no duty to include ICL in these discusions. Without a seat at the table ICL is unable to protect the interes of our members in ensurg Avista's DSM progrs are adequately funded and the compay is in fact puruig al cost effective energ effciency. Becaus this Commission ha diected all utilties to purue al cost effective efficiency and conservtion measurs, ICls intervntion wi not unduly broaden the issues in thi proceedig. 3. ICL intends to fuly paicipate in this matter as a pay, and if necessry, may introuce evdence, be heard in arent and ca, examine and cross- examine witness as may be relevt in this matter. The nature and quait of ICls intervntion in the proceedig is depndat upon the nature and effect of other evdence in this proeedig. ICL intends to seek intervnor fundig puruat to IDAPA - 165. ICL -- PETION TO INRVENE - 3 WHEREFORE, ICL respfuly reques the Commision grt thi petition. DATED this 14th day of July2011. ~ sumitted~.c- Benjamin J. Otto Idao Conservtion legu ICL - PETTION TO INRVENE -- 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 14th day of July, 2011, true and correct copies of the foregoing PETITION TO INTERVENE were delivered to the followig persns via the method of servce noted: Hand delivery Jean Jewell Commission Secrear (Origial and sevn copies provided) Idao Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Emai only: David J. Meyer, Es. Vice President and chief counsel For Reguatory and Government Affai A vista Corporation P.O. Box 3717 1411 E. Mision Ave. MSC-13 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 David.mey~avistacorp.com Bruce Folsom Senior Manager, Energy Effciency A vista Corpration P.O. Box 3717 1411 E. Mission Ave. MSC- 1 5 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Bruce.folsom~avistacorp.com IÅ~ Benjamin J. Otto ICL - PETION TO INRVENE - 5