HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110927Application for Funding.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 384- 1299 Cell: (208) 484-9980 Fax: (208) 384-8511 E n~,_3 2011 S£P 27 PM~: 2' LJTlL HAND DELIVERED September 27, 2011 Jean Jewell Secreta, Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washigton St. Boise,ID 83702 Re: Case No. AVU-E-01-1 1: CAPAI Application for Intervenor Funding Dear Ms. Jewell: Included herewith is the original and seven (7) copies of Communty Action Parership Association ofIdaho's Application for Intervenor Funding in the above-referenced proceeding. Than you for your acceptace of ths filing. ,~ Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2019N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 (208) 384- 1299 (Land) (208) 384-85 11 (Fax) bmpurdycIhotmail.com Attorney for Applicant Communty Action Parership Association of Idao f:(~EI\/ () ZIH I SEP 27 PM 4: 2 , BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AN ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRC ) AND NATUL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE )STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) CASE NOS. AVU-E-11-01 A VU-G-ll-01 COMMITY ACTION PARTNRSHI ASSOCIA- TION OF IDAHO'S APPLICA- TION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING COMES NOW, Applicant Communty Action Parership Association ofIdao (CAPAI) and, pursuant to Idao Code § 61-617A and Rules 161-165 of the Commssion's Rules of Procedure, IDAP A 31.01.01, petitions ths Commssion for an award of intervenor fuding in the above-captioned proceeing. Rule 161 Requirements: AVISTA is a reguated, electrc and gas public utility with gross Idao intrstate anual revenues exceeding thee millon, five hundred thousand dollar ($3,500,000.00). Rule 162 Requirements: (01) Itemized list of Expenses Consistent with Rule 162(01) of the Commssion's Rules of Proceure, an itemized list of all expenses incured by CAPAI in ths proceding is atthed hereto as Exhbit "A." CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 1 (02) Statement of Proposed Findings The proposed fidings and recommendations of CAP AI are set fort in the comments of Teri Ottens submitted in ths matter, 1 and reflected in the settlement stipulation curently before the Commssion to which CAP AI is a signtory. CAP AI fuly parcipated in every aspect of ths case from the filing of a Petition to Intervene to the filing of this pleading, and fuly paricipated in settlement negotiations leading to the Stipulation now before the Commssion for consideration. Consistent with the settlement stipulation previously submitted to the Commssion for approval, CAP AI makes the following sumar of Ms. Ottens' comments and presents its statement of proposed findings and recommendations to the Commission.2 First, Ms. Ottens expressed concern regarding the frequency with which Idaho's three major electrc public utilities have been filing general rate case applications. A VISTA, for example, has filed applications seekig general rate increases in four of the past four year. CAP AI is concerned that A VISTA's low-income customers are already stetched beyond their means and frequent rate increases will only exacerbate ths fact. In addition, Ms. Ottens expressed concern that the effect of frequent general rate case filings, coupled with other mechansms in place to stabilize eargs for Idaho's major electrc utilities, has essentially shifted the burden and risk of curent economic conditions from utility shareholders to ratepayers. Ms. Ottens listed several aspects of the settlement stipulation that mitigates the concerns expressed above. First, A VISTA agreed to reduce its requested rate increas from 3.7% to 1.1 %. i Ms. Otens' comments were origilly submitted to the Commission in the form of pre filed diect testiony but were converted to comments thoug an informl agreement to avoid incurg undue expense in travelling to Coeur D' Alene for the techncal hearg. The substace of Ms. Otens' comments is identical to her origial testiony.2 For the sae of brevity, ths list is not an exhaustive sumation of vially every issue resolved by the settlement agreement and for which CAP AI had a position. CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 2 Though every rate increase constitutes a hardship for AVISTA's poorest customers, ths reduced amount is considerably more palatable. Incidentally, Ms. Ottens specifically challenges any notion tht the interests of low- income customers are always best served by simply keeping residential rates as low as possible. It is CAP AI's position that, depending on what other measures a utility might implement, it could be far more advantageous for low-income customers to accept a modest rate increase if it were coupled with a substatial increase in fuding to existing low-income programs, or the creation of new programs such as bil assistace which A VISTA offers to its residential customers literally miles away across the border in Washigton. Thus, while all thngs being equal, CAP AI agrees that lower residential rate increases benefit low-income customers, it isn't always the most signficant way to benefit those customers. Another component of the settlement tht somewhat ameliorates CAP AI's concern is that AVISTA has agreed to not seek any rate increase that is effective prior to April 1,2013. This helps to reduce the frequency of rate increases discussed earlier. Of all the chatable progrs, events and causes supported by A VISTA, only the Company's low-income weatherition assistace (LIWA) program and low-income education outreach program provide assistace exclusively to low-income customers. Regarding LIW A, Ms. Ottens's comments provide an explantion of why CAP AI agreed to a settlement that did not result in an increase in fuding to that program. First, CAP AI notes that A VISTA ha agreed to a number of increases to its LIW A program over the past few years briging the curent fuding level to $700,000 anually. This, Ms. Ottens notes, is higher than the fuding levels of both Idaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power when calculated on a per capita basis. To ilustrate her point, Ms. Ottens calculated the CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 3 number of residential Idaho customers for each of the thee utilities and divided that into each utilty's respective LIWA fuding leveL. This calculation reveals that AVISTA is fuding its program at a level roughy 25% higher tha Rocky Mountain and more than 200% higher than Idaho Power, the latter of which ha not increased its LIW A fuding since its 2003 general rate case. It is CAP AI's position that there ar severa guding priciples in estblishing appropriate levels of LIW A fuding, including the disparty between the need for fuding and available resources. In ths respect, all the major electrc utilties have a signficant LIW A backlog. Another importt guiding priciple, however, is that of "party" between the fudig levels of the thee utilities. CAP AI firmly believes that in order for rates to be fai, just and reasonable to utilities and ratepayers alike, it is importt tht the Commission ensure tht the respective levels of fudig for Idaho's thee major electrc utilities be relatively equal. If one utility offers substantially higher fuding than the others, as is the case with AVISTA, then that utility's low-income customers are essentially being favored over other low- income customers thoughout the state. Simlarly, customers of utilities with inappropriately low fuding are being discriminated agait. Thus, the priciple of party applies to both the utilities as well as their customers. Ms. Otens contends tht the eligibilty criteria for parcipation in the LIW A progrs of all the progrs is the same, the program design characteristics are relatively equa and, therefore, there is no reason for fuding levels to var signficantly. Furermore, the costs of LIW A, as with any conservation resource, are ultimately passed on to. other ratepayers. If one utility falls substatially behid another in terms ofLIWA fuding, such as Rocky Mounta Power and, paricularly, Idaho Power have done, then a substatial fuding increase must be ordered for those underfding utilties. The grater the disparty CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 4 between utilities, the greater the fuding increase and the greater the impact on customers' rates in order to resolve that disparty. Because there are curently pending general rate increases for the thee utilities and because AVISTA was the fist case in which settlement negotiations were conducted, it was necessar for CAP AI to weigh the priciple of addressing low-income "need" against the disparty in fuding between utilties, the priciple of party, and the priciple of avoiding the rate impact of large LIW A fuding increases. Afer weighg these principles, it seemed most compelling to CAP AI to seek increases for Idaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power before puruing additional fuding from A VISTA. Ths weighg of priciples seemed a fair and reasoned approach to settlement with AVISTA. Ms. Ottens pointed to two additional factors that entered into CAP AI's decision to agree to settle this case without an increase in A VISTA's LIW A fuding. First, regarding LIW A, AVISTA agreed to Section 13(b) of the Settlement Stipulation which provides that "(t)he Company and interested paries will meet and confer prior to the Company's next general rate case filing in order to assess the Low Income Weatherization and Low Income Energy Conservation Education Programs and discuss appropriate levels of low-income weatherization fudig in the futue." By the time that such a meetig taes place, CAP AI hopes to have eliminated the considerable disparty between the fuding levels of the thee utilities and discussions with A VISTA regarding its fuding level will not be prematue. Second, AVISTA agreed to increase fuding to its existing Outreach for:Low-Income Conservation Education Program by 25% frm a total of $40,000 to $50,000, which is in addition to the $700,000 curently fuded by the Company for LIW A. CAP AI believes that ths program has proven to be a cost-effective and helpfu tool in increasing understading and CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 5 awareness of energy conservation for AVISTA's low-income customers and the agreed increase is reasonable. In sumar, it is CAPAI's recoÍnendation that the Commission accept the proposed settlement based, in par, on the fact that the Settlement Stipulation stres a fair, just and reasonable compromise between competing interests and priciples and is in the best overall interests of all A VISTA ratepayers. Regarding A VISTA's low-income customers, a 1.1 % increase is obviously preferable to nearly 4%. furermore, the Company's increased fuding to low-income outreach and education combined with a stay-out for rates until the Sprig of2013, as well as AVISTA's agreement to discuss whether its existig levels ofLIWA fuding are adequate prior to the next rate cas are concessions by the Company that justify the settlement. (03) Statement Showing Costs CAPAI submits that the costs and fees incured in ths case, and set fort in Exhbit "A," are reasonable in amount. CAP AI has historically made a concerted effort to minie its expenses and maximize the effect tht its efforts have in proceedings before ths Commission. Though ths matter was settled, because of the broad scope of issues raised by all paries, and due to the level of CAP AI's involvement, it requied the investment of considerable time and resources by CAP AI to effectively parcipate and address issues of concern to the general body of ratepayers. CAP AI submits tht this case was conducted under what could be characterized as unprecedented circumstaces. As the Commission is well aware, genera rate proceedings were filed earlier ths year by A VISTA, Rocky Mountain Power and Idao Power at roughy the same point in time. Furermore, Rocky Mountan had previously fied a case that, from CAP AI's perspective, is one of the most signficant filings in the bettr par of the past decade as far as CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 6 low-income issues are concerned. That cas is P AC-E- 11 - 1 3 in which Rocky Mountan contends that its low-income weatherization progr is not a cost-effective DSM resource and never willbe under tritional cost-effectiveness criteria. Based on ths premise, Rocky Mounta is curently seekig Commssion authority to relieve the Company from ever evaluatig the cost-effectiveness of its progr agai. For reaons beyond the scope ofthis Application, both the natue and timg of Rocky Mountain's "11 -13" filing, if accepted by the Commission as viable, have called into question the continued existence of low-income weatherization. The 1 1-13 case was fied on April 29, 201 1. A Notice of Application was not issued until two months later. The 1 1 - 13 case is being processed under modified procedure and comments are due October 28, 201 1. The three general rate cases were fied subsequent to the 1 1 - 13 case and Staff quickly scheduled those cases for settlement negotiations staing with the A VISTA filing, though it was the last of the rate cases fied. Ths procedural and substative scenaro casts all thee utilities' low-income weatherization programs into considerable uncertty and has made attempts at settlement in the rate cases awkward for CAP AI who intended to seek LIW A fuding increases for all thee utilities. Sta has not agreed to support increased LIW A fudig in any of the genera rate cases pending a resolution of the 1 1 - 1 3 case which, though the paries canot speculate, might not be resolved by final order until the end of ths year or early 2012. Ths means that the Commssion's final resolution of the 11 - 1 3 cas, and the continued existence of LIW A, might be not be known until afer the general rate cases are resolved. Ths somewhat compromised CAP AI's settement post in the A VISTA case though CAP AI remais supportve of that CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 7 settlement. CAP AI does not intend, however, to settle either the Rocky Mounta or Idao Power rate cases due to the staemate that the 1 1 - 13 fiing has caused for LIW A fuding. The reason tht CAP AI raises these points is to explain that the amount of time and resources expended by CAP AI's legal counel and expert witness in the A VISTA case have been increased because ofthe complexity created by the unusua circumstaces curently at play. Therefore, instead of creating economies of scale for CAP AI, the unprecedented, simultaeous pendency of the .thee rate cases and the 1 1 - 1 3 filing ha had the opposite effect. CAP AI is in no way criticizing the Commssion's procedural handling of the cases just refered to, but simply wishes for the Commssion to be aware of the sensitivities and challenges of navigatig through these unusua circumstaces and the effects of they have had on the amount of costs and fees incured by CAP AI in ths case. Thus, CAP AI respectfully submits that the costs incured, and requested in Exhbit "A," are reasonable in amount. (04) Explanation of Cost Statement CAP AI is a non-profit corporation overseeing a number of agencies who fight the causes and conditions of povert throughout Idaho. CAP AI's fuding for any given effort might come from a different varety of soures, including governental. Many of those fuding sources, however, are unpredictable and impose conditions or limitations on the scope and natue of work eligible for fuding. CAP AI, therefore, has relatively little "discretionar" fuds available for all projects. Some matters before this Commssion, fuermore, do not quaify for intervenor fuding by vire of their natue. Thus, were it not for the availabilty of intervenor fuds and past awards by ths Commission, CAP AI would not be able to paricipate in cases before ths Commssion. Even with intervenor fuding, paricipation in Commssion cases constitutes a signficant finacial CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 8 hardship because CAP AI must pay its expenses as they are incured, not if and when intervenor fuding becomes available. (05) Statement of Diference Although Sta provided valuable input regarding most every issue to ths matter, CAP AI is the only par who represented the interests of AVISTA's low-income customers and proposed the conditions agreed to by A VISTA and described herein. (06) Statement of Recommendation CAP AI has long submitted tht providing assistace to a utilty's low-income customers provides system-wide benefits in numerous respects includig, but not limted to, the fact that low-income weatherization progrs constitute cost-effective, prudent energy resources and that programs designed to assist low-income customers through education and by other means reduces the percentage of those customers who might be lost to the Company's system, or more likely to be untimely in payig their bils due to their dir fiancial circumstaces resulting in associated costs to other ratepayers. Therefore, the proposas and recommendations made by CAP AI are "of concern to the general body of utilty users or consumers." (07) Statement Showing Class of Customer To the extent that CAPAI represents a specific AVISTA cusomer class, it is the residential class. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, ths 27th day of September, 2011. /~A!,\'~BmdM. Puy .~ CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY thaton the 27th day of September, 2011, I caused to be served on the individuas listed below, the foregoing document via electronic trsmission. A VISTA Corporation Kelly Norwood PO Box 3727 Spokane, VV i\ 99220.3727 Email: Kelly.norwood(favistacorp.com David Meyer POBox 3727 Spokane, VVi\ 99220-3727 Email: david.meyer(favistacorp.com Commssion Staff: Kristine Sasser Deputy Attorney General 472 W. Washington St. Boise, Id 83702 krs.sassercguc.idaho. gov Idaho Forest Group, LLC: Dean J. Miler 420 W. Banock St. Boise, ID 83702 joe(fmcdevitt -miler .com Idaho Conservation League: Benjam J. Otto 710 N. Sixth Streeet Boise,ID 83702 bbridge(fwildidaho.org Lar A. Crowley The Energy Strtegies Institute, Inc. 5549 S. Cliffsedge Ave. Boise, ID 83716 crowleyla(faol.com Peter J. Richardson Greg M. Adas 515 N. 27th St. PO Box 7218 Boise,ID 83702 CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 10 peter(irichardsonandoleary.com Don Reading 6070 Hil Rd. Boise, ID 83703 dreadingCfmindspring.com Mar LewAllen Clearater Paper Corp Marv .lewallenCfclearwaterpapercorp.com ~ ~.¿t:J:~ìturdy. .....¿; -- CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 11 EXHIBIT "A" ITEMIZED EXPENSES Costs: Photocopies/postae $45.76 Total Costs $45.76 Fees: Legal (Brad M. Purdy -78.38 hour CÐ $130.00/h.) $10,189.40 Expert Witness (Teri Ottns - 13.0 hours CÐ $50.00/h.) $650.00 Total Fees $10,839.40 Total Expenses $10,885.16 CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 12