HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100423Petition to Intervene.pdfnr:r' 1 \ ~.-' ':",... Jean Jewell Secreta Idao Public Utities Commssion 472 W. Washion St. Boise, Idaho 83720 10\0 ~PR 23 AM 9: 29 Delvered VI US Ma to aforementioned address and Ema to. jean.jewell(ipuc.idaho.gov RE: Nort Idaho Ener Logs Case Number: AVU-E-10-01 A VU-G-I0-01 Dear Ms. Jewell Please fid the enclosed fig Petition to Interene on Behf of Nort Idaho Energy Logs in the above referenced matter. The origial and seven copies wi follow VI US Mai. If you could kidly retu a fie staped copy, it would be appreciated. Than you for your assistace. War Rega~. s,e- ..~~ Rob Pluid President Nort Idaho Ener Logs Inc. P.O. Box 571 Moyie Sprigs Idaho 83845 Voice 208-267-5311 Fax 208- 267-9814 robpluid(Igmail.com DKM/RP/TO/CF Enclosures ç: ~Before the Idaho Public Utilties Commssion tc' ' In th matt of the application) Case Number A VU _E-10.b~lU ~PR 23 All 9: 29 of Avista Corporation for the ) AVU-G-10-0l \\Jp,hOUT\UT\ESauthority to increase its rates ) and chars for electrc and ) natual gas servce to its electrc ) and natual gas customers in the )State of Idaho ) Petition to InreNene of Nort Idaho Energy Logs~ Inc. COMES NOW Nort Idaho Ener Logs, Inc. Puuat to RP 72-75, And petitions to intervene in the above matter, and in support thereof, respectfy shows as follows, to wit: I Nort Idao Energy Logs, Inc. is a corporation orgaed in 1986 and existig under the laws of, and authoried to conduct business in the State of Idaho. Nort Idaho Ener Logs Inc. is in the business of maufctu wood fuels from pre-consumer :rclaied materis. II Nort Idaho Energy Logs is a Gas servce transport customer of the applicant at the companes maufactg facities in Moyie Sprigs Idaho. Accordigly, Nort Idaho Energy has a diect and substatial interest in ths proceedig. III Nort Idaho Energy Logs, Inc. desires to parcipate in ths proceedi with fu rights of a par to, if necessar, introduce evidence, cross-exame and parcipate in heargs or oral arguent. The exact quatity of evidence to be introduced canot be stated at th tie, but Nort Idaho Energy Logs, partpation wi not unduly broaden the issues or cause delay. Petition to interene of Nort Idao Energ Logs, Inc. Pag 1 IV Currendy Nort Idaho Energy Logs is representig itself and al pleadings, papers, orders and notices should be served upon: Rob Pluid President Nort Idaho Energ Logs Inc P.O. BOX 571 Moyie Spri, Idao 83845 robpluid~gmai.com And Clark Faichid, Vice President Nort Idaho Energy Logs Inc P.O. BOX 571 Moyie Sprigs, Idao 83845 energylogs~gm.com And Tom Oxford, Secreta Treasurer Nort Idao Ener Logs Inc P.O. BOX 571 Moyie Sprigs, Idao 83845 oxford(fmeadowcrk.com WHREFORE, Nort Idaho Energy Logs, Inc. respectfuy requests tht ths Petition to Intervene be granted. DATED ths 21st, day of Apri 2010.-:~ Rob Pluid, President Nort Idaho Energy Logs Inc Petition to intervene of Nort Idao Energ Logs, Inc. Page 2