HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100909Funding Application.pdfBrad M. Pudy Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2019 N. 17th S1. Boise, ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) (208) 384-8511 (Fax) bmpurdyWlhotmail.com Attorney for Petitioner Communty Action Parership Association of Idao ,.,. C.. r'~.~..,.,.. -' 'j 20m SEP -9 PH 3: 57 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN TH MATTR OF TH APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORPORATION DBA A VISTA UTLITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRC AN NATU GAS SERVICE IN IDAHO. ) ) CASE NO. AVU-E-IO-OI ) CASE NO. AVU-G-IO-OI ) ) ) COMMTYPARTNRSHIP ) ASSOCIATION'S APPLICA- ) TIONFORINTERVENOR ) FUNING ) COMES NOW, Applicat Communty Action Parership Association ofIdaho (CAP AI) and, puruat to Idaho Code § 61 -6 1 7 A and Rules 161 - 1 65 of the Commssion's Rules of Procedur, IDAPA 31.01.01, petitions this Commission for an award of intervenor fudig in the above-captioned proceedi. Rule 161 Requirements: A VISTA is a reguated, electrc and gas public utilty with gross Idao intrstate anua revenues exceding thee millon, five hundred thousad dollar ($3,500,000.00). Rule 162 Requirments: (01) Itemized lit of Expenses CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 1 Consistent with Rule 162(01) of the Commssion's Rules of Predure, an itemied list of all expenses incured by CAPAI in ths proceeding is attached hereto as Exhbit "A." (02) Statement of Proposed Findings The proposed fidings and reommendations of CAP AI are set fort in the dirct, prefied testimony ofTeri Otens filed in ths mattr on Augu 5, 2010, and interwoven throughout the settlement stipulation to which CAP AI was a signatory. CAP AI fuly parcipated in ever aspect of the settlement negotiations conducted in ths case and, consistent with the setlement ageement previously submitted to the Commssion for approval, makes the following statement of proposed findings and recommendatons. i Firt, CAPAI submits tht the negotiated increase to AVISTA's revenue requiment of $21.25 millon, an incree of9.25%, compared to the $32 millon (14%) increase originally propose is fai and reonable resolution in light of all circumtaces. The ''rte mitigation" plan strctud by the paries reduces the impact of the rate increase by utilzig a defered investment ta credit to phase the tota increase in through thre incrementa increases, the last tag effect on October 1,2012. Afer extensive analysis and negotiations, the signatory pares agreed tht there should be additiona anysis of the Company's curent cost of servce methodology and, therefore, contend that the equa percentage increas to all customer classes, moving them parially toward "unty," is preferable until an agred upon workshop can be convened to anlyze revenue allocation in greater detal and, if and when appropriate, submit the mattr to the Commission for resolution. CAP AI, of coure, recommends a fiding tht ths is reasonable. i For the sake of brevity, this list is not an exhaustive sumation of villy ever issue resolved by the selement agreement and for which CAP AI might have had a position. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 2 CAPAI proposes tht the incre of the basic charge for electrc customers from $4.60 to $5.00, less than origily proposed, is reasonable and should be approved. CAPAI concur that the Compay's investments in energy effciency, pacularly low- income weatherition, ar prudent and should be recovered as proposed. CAPAI expressed its belief that AVISTA's existing residential tiered rate design should be more thoroughy analyzed. For llOW, the settlement proposes that the fist block of consumption be set at 600 Kwh, but CAP AI wishes to better undersd the issue. Thus, the settlement states tht there will be a workshop convened for that purse pror to fiing the next general rate ca, a resolution CAP AI recommends be found reasnable. There were a number of "customer servce-related" issues agred upon by the pares and which CAP AI proposes be accepted. Those of greatest concern to CAP AI ar: 1. CAP AI recmmends tht the Company's ageement to increae low-income weatherization fudig from $465,000.00 anualy to $700,000.00 be approved. Though CAP AI respectfly submts that this agreed upon fuding level is not adequate to fuly meet existig need and begin to reduce the backlog of eligible low-income residences that qualify for ths progr, it is an adble step in tht dition, is a cost-effective energy resource and, as such, provides system-wide benefits. 2. A VISTA believes that its conservation education ("outrach") progr has been very successfu. CAPAI agees and support AVISTA's agreement to increase fudig of that progr from $25,000.00 to $40,000.00. Thoug additiona fuding could be supported for a number of compelling reasons, CAP AI submits tht ths increase is fai and reasonable for the time being and proposes that the fuding level be re-examed in the futue. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING 3 3. Other miscellaneous but signficant customer serice issues tht CAP AI propose be adopted include the Company's agrement to review the process by which its landlord/tenant accounts ar managed, that related cost reovery be addressed, that Contat Center servce stadads be examed and tht AVSTA's residential customer deposit policies be reviewed to determne if bad debts are being mized to the greatest extent possible. 4. CAPAI proposes that the Company's proposal to conduct five Senior Energy Conservation workshops is a relatively new and reasonable objective for A VISTA in Idao. (03) Statement Showing Costs CAP AI submits tht the cost and fees incurd in ths case, and set fort in Exhbit "A," ar reasonable in amount. CAP AI has historically made a concerted effort to mize its expenses and maximie the effect th its effort have in proeeings before ths Commssion. Though ths matter was settled, because of the broad scope of issues rased by all paries, and due to the level of CAP AI's involvement, it requied the investent of considerable tie and resoures by CAP AI to effectively paricipate and address issues of concern to the general body of ratepayers. Negotiations in ths proceg took plac, inormally, over an extended peod of time and, formally, over the coure of two separte, lengty face-to-face sessions at the Commssion's offces. CAPAI's expert Teri Otens was present durg negotiations and pre-filed and presented direct testiony at the tehncal hearg conducted in ths docket. Becaus of its commtment to the issues raised by A VISTA's application, CAP AI maximd its limted resources to the greatest extent possible. Borne out of necessity, CAP AI often must employ a practice of forgoing retanig expert witnesses and consultats in highy techncal areas and, intead, adopt a reourcefu approach using what lited resources tht are at CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 4 its disposa. Thus, CAP AI respectfly submits that the costs incured, and requested in Exhbit "A," ar reasonable in amount. (04) Explanation of Cost Statement CAP AI is a non-profit corpration overseing a numbe of agencies who fight the causes and conditions of povert thoughout Idao. CAPAI's fudig for any given effort might come from a different varety of soures, including governenta. Many of those fudig sources, however, are unpredictable and impose conditions or limtation on the scope and natu of work eligible for fuding. CAP AI, therefore, has relatively little "discretiona" fuds available for all projects. Some matters before ths Commssion, fuermore, do not quaify for intervenor fuding by virte of their natue. Thus, were it not for the availabilty of intervenor fuds and past awards by ths Commssion, CAP AI would not be able to parcipate in cases before ths Commssion. Even with intervenor fuding, pacipation in Commssion caes constitutes a signficant ficial hardship becaus CAP AI must pay its expenses as they are incured, not if and when intervenor fudig becomes available. (OS) Statement of Diference Althoug Sta provided valuable input regardig most ever issue to ths matter, CAP AI is the only par who proposed an increase to low-income weatherition and conservation education fudig and raised signficant issues regarding the Company's tiere residential rate design. 06) Statement of Recommendation As explaied thoughout ths Application, CAP AI addressed issues tht are not exclusively related to low-income customers, e.g. overal revenue requiement. Furermore, CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 5 CAPAI has long submitted tht providing asistace to a utility's low~income customers provides system-wide benefits in numerous respects including, but not limited to, the fact that low-income weatherization programs constitute cost-effective energy resources and that progrs designed to assist low-income customers though education and by other means reduces the percentage of those customers who might be lost to the Company's system due to inabilty to pay their bils. Therefore, the proposas and reommendations made by CAP AI are "of concern to the general body of utilty users or consumers." (07) Statement Showin Class of Customer . To the extent that CAP AI represents a specific A VISTA customer class, it is the residential class. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTD, ths Lth day of 5 c.qfelO l(, 2010. fl'C?... )Bra M. Pudy .~. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 6 CERTIFCATE OF SERVICE Q ,,'" I, the undersigned, hereby certfy that on the -- day of 5 e. lñ 2010, I served a copy of the foregoing document on the followig by electronic fo at (where available) and U.S. mail, fist class postage. Kelly Norwood A vista Corpration PO Box 3727 Spokane, VV)\ 99220-3727 David Meyer A vista Corporation PO Box 3727 Spokae, VV)\ 99229-3727 Donald L. Howell, II Krstine A. Sasser Idao Public Utilties Commssion 472 W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83702 Served via copies rIled with Commission. Peter J. Richadson Greg M. Adams 515 N. 27th St. PO Box 7218 Boise,ID 83702 Howard Ray POBox 1126 Lewiston, ID 83501 Dean J. Miler 420 W. Banock St. Boise,ID 83702 Lar )\. Crowley 5549 S. Cliffsedge Ave. Boise, ID 83716 Rowena Pineda 3450 Hil Rd. Boise,ID 83703-4715 LeeAnHall CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 7 3518 S. Edunds St. Seattle, VV 1\ 98118 Benjamin J. Otto 710 N. Sixth St. Boise, ID 83702 Ken Miler PO Box 1731 Boise,ID 83701 Rob Pluid PO Box 571 Moyie Springs, ID 83845 Chrs Faichild PO Box 571 Moyie Sprigs, ID 83845 Electronic only: Tom Oxford Nort Idao Energy Logs, Inc. Box 571 Moyie Sprigs, ID 83845 oxford.meadowcrk.com ~~~ CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 8 EXHBIT" A" ITEMIED EXPENSES Costs: Photocpies/poste $43.50 Total Costs $43.50 Fees: Legal (Brad M. Pudy -74.5 hour (g $130.00/h.) $9,685.00 Total Fees $9,685.00 Expert Witness (Ter Ottns - 20.5 hour (g $50.00/h.) $1,025.00 Total Expenses $10,753.50 CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 9