HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090330Petition to Intervene.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2019N. 17th St. Boise,ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) (208) 384-8511 (Fax) bmpurdy(fhotmail.com Attorney for Petitioner Community Action Parnership Association of Idaho 2009 MAR 30 AM 9: 24 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURA GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) CASE NO. AVU-E-09..01 ) A VU -0-09-01 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) LATE FILED PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE THE COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNRSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO COMES NOW, Community Action Parnership Association of Idaho (hereinafter "CAP AI" or "Intervenor") and, pursuant to Rules 071-075 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, IDAPA, hereby petitions the Commission for leave to intervene in this proceeding and to appear and paricipate with full pary's rights. In support of this Petition, CAP AI states as follows: 1. The address and name of the Petitioner is: Community Action Parnership Association of Idaho 5400 W. Franlin Rd., Suite 0 Boise, ID. 83705 2. This Intervenor will be represented in this proceeding by, and pleadings and other correspondence need only be sent to: Brad M. Purdy Page 1CAPAI Petition for Intervention Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 208-384-1299 FAX: 208-384-8511 Email: bmpurdy(ihotmail.com 3. CAP AI is a non-profit corporation consisting of six community action agencies serving every county in Idaho and also includes, among others, the statewide Communty Council of Idaho (formerly the Idaho Migrant Council) and fights the causes and conditions of poverty through building the capacity and effectiveness of its members who have a direct and substatial interest in this proceeding. These causes and conditions of povert include high utilty costs for Idaho Power's low income rate payers. Low income familes pay a higher percentage of their income for utility expenses than those in other economic categories. These conditions are often caused by living in sub-standard or older housing that is not energy efficient. CAP AI is the only pary who typically intervenes in proceedings before the Commission; specifically representing public utilities' low-income customers. Consequently, it is fair to say that CAPAI has filled an important role that long stood vacant. CAP AI believes that it fulfills an important role in this, and similar proceedings, and without the opportunity to paricipate as a party in this proceeding, would be unable to fulfill that role. 4. CAP AI respectfully requests the right to paricipate in this proceeding as a par and introduce testimony and exhibits, cross-examine other witnesses, engage in oral argument, file comments, and otherwise fully participate as a pary. 5. Pursuant to Commission Notice, issued February 11,2009, the intervention deadline for this case was scheduled for February 25, 2009. CAPAI offers the following reasons for the untimely filing of this Petition. CAPAI Petition for Intervention Page 2 Specifically, when AVISTA fied this general rate case, CAPAI was under severe budgetar limitations that made intervention in this case impracticable if not impossible in terms of available resources, or lack thereof. As this Commission is aware, CAP AI has been substantially and continuously involved in numerous other proceedings before this Commission for at least the past year and has played a leading or key role in certain proceedings, paricularly those affecting low-income customers such as the Commission's docket initiated to address energy affordabilty (Case No. ONR-U-08-01), took a leading role in lobbying vigorously for legislative changes affecting low-income customers of public utilties, and has paricipated in general rate cases for Idaho Power, Rocky Mountain Power and AVISTA, all of which had exhausted CAP AI's available resources. It is CAP AI's policy to only paricipate in cases where it believes that its involvement wil aid the Commission in reaching evenly balanced decisions and where CAP AI's participation adds to the substantive analysis ofthe case without unduly expanding the scope ofthe proceeding. CAP AI submits that its participation in this proceeding would meet these criteria. As CAP AI has often pointed out to the Commission, its abilty to participate in proceedings before the Commission is limited by available money and other resources. Thus, CAP AI often must forego involvement in cases it would otherwise prefer to paricipate in. Since the expiration of the intervention deadline in this case, however, particularly in the past week, CAP AI has marshaled what it believes to be suffcient fuds to intervene in a maner that will materially contribute to the Commission's decision in this matter. CAP AI notes that it rarely, if ever, has sought late intervention before the Commission, and respectfully submits that its involvement in this case wil not, at this junctue, constitute unfair prejudice or disadvantage to the other paries to the proceeding. For example, the prefie CAPAI Petition for Intervention Page 3 deadline for Staff and intervenors is stil roughly two months away. Should there be any Production Requests submitted to CAP AI in this case, the latter wil diligently respond to same with promptness. WHEREFORE, the Community Action Partership Association ofIdaho hereby requests that this Commission grant its Petition to Intervene in this proceeding and to fully appear and paricipate as a pary with all the attendant rights and responsibilties. DATED, this 30th day of March, 2009. CAPAI Petition for Intervention Page 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned represents that on the 30th day of March, 2009, it has served the foregoing Petition to Intervene on the following paries via hand-delivery or overnight mail and by electronic mail (where available). A VISTA Corporation Kelly Norwood PO Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Email: Kelly.norwood(favistacorp.com David Meyer PO Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Email: david.meyer(favistacorp.com Commission Staff: Don Howell Deputy Attorney General 472 W. Washington St. Boise,Id 83702 Don.howell(fpuc.idaho.gov Idaho Forest Group, LLC: Dean 1. Miler 420 W. Banock St. Boise,ID 83702 joe(fmcdevitt -miler .com Scott Atkison 171 Highway 95 N. Grangevile, IDD 83530 scotta(fidahoforestgroup.com Clearwater Paper Corporation: Conley E. Ward 601 W. Banock St. Boise,ID 83702 cew(fgivenspursley.com Dennis E. Peseau, Ph.D. 1500 Liberty Street SE Suite 250 CAPAI Petition for Intervention Page 5 Salem, OR 97302 dpeseau(fexcite.com Idaho Conservation League: Betsy Bridge 710 N. Sixth Streeet Boise, ID 83702 bbridge(fwildidaho.org Idaho Community Action Network: Roweena Pineda 3450 Hil Road Boise,ID 83703-4715 Carie Tracy 1265 S. Main St., #305 Seattle, WA 98144 ~ ,f~~~Brad M. Purdy ~ .. CAPAI Petition for Intervention Page 6