HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080910Intervenor Funding.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2019 N. 17th S1. Boise, ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 FAX: (208) 384-8511 bmpurdy(ihotmail.com Attorney for Petitioner Communty Action Parership Association of Idaho REe!IVED Z8n SEP 1 OPH ~: 05 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TI MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF AVISTACORPORATIONFOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AN ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRC ) AN NATURA GAS CUSTOMERS IN TH ) STATE OF IDAHO ) CASE NOS. A VU-li..Og-O 1 A VU-G-8-0 1 PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING COMES NOW, Petitioner Community Action Parership Assoiation ofIdaho (CAPAI) and, pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617A and Rules 161-165 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01, petitions this Commission for an award of intervenor fuding. Rule 161 Requirements A VISTA is an electrc/gas regulated, public utility with gross Idaho intrastate, annual revenues exceeding three milion, five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000.00). (01) lJemized list of Expenses CABAI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 1 Consistent with Rule 162(01) of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, an itemized list of all expenses incured by CAP AI in this proceeding is attached hereto as Exhbit "A." (02) Statement of Proposed Findings CAPAI's proposed findings and modifications to AVISTA's original application seeking approval of an increase to its electrc and natual gas rates, fied in ths case on April 2, 2008, are set forth in the pre-filed direct testimony ofTeri Ottens, filed on behalf of CAP AI, as well as additional direct testimony given at the techncal hearing in this matter conducted on August 28, 2008. They are also reflected in the proposed settlement agreement fied in this case and discussed below. As the Commission is aware, all paries to this proceeding agreed to a proposed settlement agreement attched as "Attchment I" to AVISTA's Motion for Approval of Stipulation fied with the Commission dated August 7, 2008. The issues pertinent to CAPAI's involvement are contained in Paragraphs 13 though 14(c) of the Stipulation. Specifically, CAP AI proposed the following: (l) A VISTA curently fuds its low-income weatherization program at $350,000.00 per year. CAPAI proposed, and all paries agreed, to increase fuding by $100,000.00 for weatherization measures and an additional $15,000.00 for administrative costs for a tota increase to the program of$115,000.OO for an overall fuding level of $465,000.00. A VISTA fuer agreed with CAP AI's proposal to revisit the fuding level in the Company's next general rate case. (2) CAP AI proposed, and the paries agreed, to fud $25,000.00 anually, for the purose of underwiting the dedication of agency personnel to assist in low-income CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 2 outreach and education concernng conservation. The dollars wil be fuded through AVISTA's DSM Tarff Rider (Schedules 91 and 191), and is in addition to the $465,000.00 fuding for the Company's low-income weatherization program. (3) Finally, CAPAI proposed, and the paries agreed, that AVISTA supports and will actively paricipate in any Commission-established workshops for the purose of examining issues surounding energyaffordabilty and customers' abilty to pay energy bils with respect to all jursdictional utilities. As par of ths process, A VISTA agreed to explore the feasibility of establishing a Low-Income Rate Assistace Program, or similar program, to assist low-income residential customers in Idaho. All paries who paricipated in this proceeding agreed to the foregoing provisions resulting from the negotiations leading to the settlement in ths case. (03) Statement Showing Costs CAP AI submits that the costs and fees incured in ths case, and set forth in Exhbit "A," are reasonable in amount, particularly in light of the substatial negotiations and unque provisions agreed to by all paries. Considering the extent of the work involved, as detaled above, CAP AI submits that the amount of time expended and costs incured were reasonable considering the outcome achieved, that all ratepayers have benefited from the aforementioned efforts by CAPAI. (04) Explanation of Cost Statement CAP AI is a non-profit corporation overseeing a number of agencies who fight the causes and conditions of poverty throughout Idaho. CAPAI's fuding for any given effort might come from a different varety of sources, including governental. Many of CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 3 those fuding sources, however, are unpredictable. Some contan conditions or limitations on the scope and natue of work eligible for fuding. The cost to CAP AI of paricipating in ths proceeding constitutes a signficant financial hardship. Had CAP AI not paricipated in this proceeding, it is likely that those interests would not have been fully and adequately represented. This necessitated incurng the costs sought by this Petition. Without assistace though the intervenor fuding statutes and rules, CAP AI would be much more limited not only in the extent to which it paricipates in any given case, but whether it paricipates at all due to budget constrints. Intervenor fuding helps to assure that issues of importce do not go unaddressed due to CAP AI's lack of financial resources. (05) Statement of Difference As indicated above, there were numerous issues raised and negotiated in ths case. CAP AI largely took the lead, and made proposals not mentioned by Staf, on the issues identified in subsection (6) of this Petition. Thus, CAP AI took a materially different position than Commission Sta for puroses of intervenor fuding. (06) Statement of Recommendation CAP AI's Statement of Recommendation has been previously stated in this Petition. In addition, while CAP AI's priar mandate and focus is to represent the interest of low-income individuals, it is safe to say that CAPAI's framing of the issues and advocacy was in the general interest of all ratepayers for the reasons stated below. First, no par to ths case, including AVISTA, challenged the validity oflow- income weatherization as a cost-effective resource that provides system-wide benefits. Equally unchallenged is CAP AI's position that there are tagible, financial benefits to all CAP AI PJ'PN FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 4 ratepayers when customers who are at the margin of being able to afford to pay their electrc bil, remain customers due to varous programs such as low-income weatherization and general DSM opportties. CAPAI's position that additional homes in AVISTA's service terrtory would quaify for and benefit from weatherization if additional fuding were available also went unchallenged. As a cost effective resource, fuding additional homes will aid in diminshing the energy burden that low-income customers simply canot afford to live with, especially in light of frequently increasing utilty costs and the general state of the economy at this time. CAP AI taes the sae position with respect to weatherization fuding that A VISTA has agreed to fud a low-income, educational, conservation progr, initially fuded in the amount of $25,000.00 anualy. This program will help households who would not be served durng the program year due to insuffcient weatherization fuding. Durng 2007, CAP's fuding allowed it to weatherize 351 homes, while 8,231 households received Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP). Whle all 7,880 remaing homes may not need weatherization, it is well known that a signficant majority do. This conservation and minor weatherization instrction fuding will help close the gap and allow a portion of the un-weatherized households to reduce their energy burden and better manage their energy costs. The purose of this program will be to provide those customers for whom there is inadequate low-income weatherization fuding, education as to measures or natue of their usage that they can implement at little or no cost. Needless to say, this too wil constitute a very cost-effective DSM program, though it is far from providing additional CAP AI PEJlION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 5 fuding to provide weatherization to all low-income customers in AVISTA's service terrtory. (07) Statement Showing Class of Customer To the extent that CAPAI represented a specific AVIST customer class, it is the residential class. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ths 10t day of August, 2008. /,~~,; ..) ,_...'~ ..t,/t( L ,.",\-~. ~-'V'" ').:," I BradM. Purdy t.: b, :;;f"/i..,...,.,.. CAP AI PETITION. INTERVENOR FUNDING '.,* 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the llthth day of August, 2008, I caused to be served the foregoing COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING on the following via electronic transmission and U.S. postage, first class. Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 David Meyer Kelly Norwood A VISTA Corporation 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, VV 1\ 99220-0500 Conley Ward Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Banock St. Boise,ID 83702 Denns Peseau Utility Resources, Inc. i 500 Libert Street SE Suite 250 Salem, OR 97302 .'..;. ,'.' I .. .~jif\. '. "'~/ . .'_ ~.,I",,, bi ..,~. ._,,; ./f-' /'~."'''''?a~' - -"\"""-~"-"'''Z BradM. Purdy CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 7 EXHIBIT" A" ITEMIZED EXPENSES Costs: Photocopies/postage Total Costs $40.00 $40.00 Fees: Legal (Brad M. Purdy 28 hours (l $120.00/h) $3,360.00 Total Fees $3,360.00 Total Expenses $3,400.00 CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 8