HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080822Ottens Di Support Stipulation.pdfBrad M. Pudy 1 Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2 2019 N. 17th S1. 3 Boise,ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 4 FAX: (208) 384-8511 bmpurdycmhotmail.com 5 Attorney for Petitioner Communty Action Parership 6 Association of Idaho 7 t. \_.,i '?¡ (jL'! ._i 8 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 9 IN TH MATTER OF THE APPLICATION 10 OF AVISTACOPORATIONFOR THE i'THORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES11 AND CHAGES FOR ELECTRC AN 12 NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRICAN NATUL GAS CUSTOMERS IN 13 THESTATEOFIDAHO 14 15 16 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO'S.AVU-E-08-01 AVU-G-08-01 17 COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSIDP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERIOTTENS18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 1 1 2 Q: 3 A: 4 5 Q: 6 A: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q: I. INTRODUCTION Please state your name and business address. My name is Teri Otens. I am the Policy Director of the Communty Action Parership Association ofIdao headquaered at 5400 W. Frain, Suite G, Boise, Idaho, 83705. On whose behalf are you testifying in ths proceeding? The Communty Action Parership Association of Idao ("CAP AI") Board of Directors asked me to present the views of an expert on, and advocate for, low income customers 0 A VISTA on behalf of CAP AI. CAP AI's paricipation in ths proceeding reflects our organzation's view that low income people are an importt par of AVISTA's customer base, and that these customers will be adversely impacted by the proposed changes to the Company's electc service schedules. CAP AI is an association of Idaho's six Communty Action Parerships, the Communty Council of Idaho and the Canyon County Organzation on Aging, Weatherization and Human Servces, all dedicated to promoting self-suffciency though removing the causes and conditions of povert in Idaho's communties. Communty Action Parerships ("CAPs") are private, nonprofit organzations that fight povert. Each CAP has a designated service area. Combining all CAPS, every county in Idaho is sered. CAPS design their varous programs to meet the unque needs of communties located with their respective service areas. Not every CAP provides all 0 the following services, but all work with people to promote and support increased self- suffciency. Programs provided by CAPS include: employment preparation and dispatch, education assistace child care, emergency food, senior independence and support, clothng, home weatherization, energy assistace, afordable housing, health care access, and much more. Have you testified before ths Commission in other proceedings? DIRCT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 2 1 A: 2 3 4 5 Q: 6 A: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q: 23 A. 24 25 Yes, I have testified on behalf of CAP AI in numerous cases involving PacifiCorp, Idaho Power Company, AVISTA, and United Water. CAPAI paricipated, on behalf oflow income customers, in the recent remote meterig proposal by A VISTA and in the negotiations that followed. Why has CAP AI intervened in ths paricular proceeding? CAP AI is concerned that the combined proposed increases in fees and rates will add to the already unwieldy energy cost burden that low income familes in Idao face. Ths is of signficant importce to A VISTA's low-income Idaho customers and those who must provide services to them. According to the Deparent of Commerce in the State ofIdaho, 12.6% of the State's population, when using the 2006 Census data falls withn federal povert gudelines and an additional 12.4% fall with the state gudelines set at 150% of povert levels. The 2006 Census reveals that those living in povert are categorized as 8.7% elderly, 15.1 % children, 9.8% all other famlies, 28.5% single mothers and 26.4% all others. According to the Deparment of Energy, the "affordabilty burden" for total home energy is set nationwide at 6% of gross household income and the burden for home heating is set at 2% of gross household income. Idao ras # 4 in the nation with the highest energy burdens. There is a gap of over $74.7 milion between what Idaoans can afford to pay (based on federal stadads) for energy in 2007 and what they actually paid. Curently the LIHEAP progr sends approximately $12.2 millon (for energy assistace, weatherization and administrtion) to Idaho. How do these increases proposed by A VISTA directly impact its low-income customers? Due to AVISTA's lack oflow income data trackig CAPAI canot precisely answer ths question. However we believe that ths rate increase, coming on top of past recent increases and the recent cost of living increases in food and fuel will have a signficant DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 A. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 impact upon our customers. Aleady, without ths increase, the CAP serving AVISTA terrtory has seen an approximate 25% increase in calls for assistace. The additional burden caused by an over 16% increase in utilty rates will only increase the needs of those in povert or on the edge. What does CAP AI feel could assist ths customer base? One of the programs that help low income customers to reduce their utilty bil is the highy successfu weatherization program. This program allows the CAP to provide energy effciency measures to a home that not only reduces their utilty bil but is a long term solution in keeping the utility costs under control. We believe that increasing this program to allow for weatherization of more low income homes would be highy desirable (curently only 10% of the homes receiving a LIHEAP benefit are weatherized). The proposed settlement agreement proposing an additional $100,000 for ths program incorporates this proposal. Whle this falls short of bridging the gap between need and resources it is a commendable step by A VISTA in addressing this gap. . A second program that has been tied to weatherization is the provision of energy efficient education. Curently only those homes qualifying for weatherization assistace curently receive such education. The expansion of energy effciency education to more low income homes receiving LIHEAP would help those homes to reduce their energy burden, thereby reducing their individual bil amounts. As mentioned, curently only 10% of homes receiving LIHEAP receive ths education. Consequently the company has agreed to fud a low income energy conservation education program in the amount of $25,000 anualy which CAP AI believe to be a highy effective mechansm for reducing energy demand, thereby providing system-wide benefit to all ratepayers. Finally, CAP AI believes that the low income problem is larger than the A VISTA terrtory. Consequently, CAPAI strongly urges this Commission to initiate a separate and DIRCT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 4 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 Q: 9 A: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 generic proceeding involving all utilties to address solutions in serving this vulnerable population. Are you comfortble that these issues have been addressed in the settlement agreement negotiated with A VISTA? Yes, we feel that A VISTA has responded in a positive maner to our concerns and has worked out a settlement agreement to address these. We look forward to fuher dialog concernng futue solutions. Does that conclude your testimony? Yes it does. DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERI OTTENS 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 22nd day of August, 2008, I caused to be served the foregoing COMMUITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERR OTTENS on the following via electronic transmission. Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83702 David Meyer Kelly Norwood A VISTA Corporation 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, W A 99220-0500 Conley Ward Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Banock St. Boise,ID 83702 Denns Peseau Utilty Resources, Inc. 1500 Libert Street SE Suite 250 Salem, OR 97302 8~sz-Bra M. Puy- ~ nTRPCT TF~TlMONV OP TFRRT OTTPN~