HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080509Petition to Intervene.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2019 N. 17th St. Boise,ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 FAX: (208) 384-8511 bmpurdyCfhotmail.com Attorney for Petitioner Community Action Parership Association of Idaho RECEIVED -9 A~; 34 r- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF A VISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATUR GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) AN NATURA GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) ) CASE NOS. A VU-E-08-01 AVU-G-08-01 COMES NOW, Community Action Parership Association ofIdaho (hereinafter "CAPAI" or "Intervenor") and, pursuant to Rules 071-075 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, IDAPA, hereby petitions the Commission for leave to intervene in this proceeding and to appear and paricipate with full paries' rights. In support of this Petition, CAP AI states as follows: 1. The address and name of the respective Intervenor is: Community Action Parnership Association of Idaho 5400 W. Franlin Rd., Suite G Boise,ID. 83705 2. This Intervenor will be represented in this proceeding by, and pleadings and other correspondence need only be sent to: Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th St. Boise,ID. 83702 1 208-384-1299 FAX: 208-384-8511 Email: bmpurdyCfhotmail.com 3. CAP AI is a non-profit corporation consisting of six communty action agencies serving every county in Idaho and also includes, among others, the statewide Community Council of Idaho (formerly the Idaho Migrant Council) and fights the causes and conditions of poverty through building the capacity and effectiveness of its members who have a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding. These causes and conditions of povert include high utility costs for PacifiCorp's low income rate payers. Low income families pay a higher percentage of their income for utilty expenses that those in other economic categories. These conditions are often caused by living in sub-standard or older housing that is not energy efficient. Weatherization offers energy efficient retrofits for homes owned by low-income rate payers (at 150% poverty level). Curently, weatherization programs in Idaho have as much as a six year backlog of customers needing the service. 4. In this case, A VISTA requests an overall rate increase of 16% for electrc and slightly less than 7% for natual gas for residential customers. This rate of increase is not only substantial but, because of the aforementioned reasons, will have a disproportionate impact on low-income customers whose rates are not segregated into any paricular rate design class other than residentiaL. CAP AI submits that the residential class of most of Idaho's regulated electric utilities often bear their full share, if not more, of the utilty's overall revenue requirement. This fact, combined with the disproportionate impact on low-income, make substantial rate increases such as that proposed by AVISTA in this case, paricularly burdensome absent some considerations or concessions that ensure that 2 the negative effect the rate increase wil have on the poor, does not result in a negative effect for all of the utilty's customers. 5. CAPAI intends to paricipate in this proceeding as a pary and introduce testimony and exhibits, cross-examine other witnesses, engage in oral argument, file comments, and otherwise fully participate as a pary. WHEREFORE, the Community Action Parnership Association ofIdaho hereby requests that this Commission grant its Petition to Intervene in this proceeding and to fully appear and paricipate as a pary with all the attendant rights and responsibilties. . (/ tl_DATED, this iL dáyofMay, 2008. fi' 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE¡, .I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the ~ day ofd~v, 2008, I caused to be served the foregoing COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ÄSSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S PETITION TO INTERVENE on the following in the maner stated. Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83702 David Meyer 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, W A 99220-0500 ~~~------ :;. Brad M. Purdy 4