HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101027Comments.pdfRef: Idaho Public Utilties CommissionCase No. UPR-R-IO-Ol 17' iW \.nu.rr Comments submitted in support of the abandonment of the Stoddard Rail Line, October 12-13, 2010 October 13,2010, Nampa City Council Chambers iuiu OCT 26 PM 3: 4 l We would welcome the opportity to transform this underutilzed transportation corridor into a productive par of our community network of pathways and trails. I appreciate and recognize the efficiency of moving goods and services through the rail road system. However, when industr changes tae place and there is no longer a use for a line it presents a great opportunity to create something that wil continue to benefit the economic growth of a city through a different means. All of the persons who have submitted testimony here have described, in a personal way, how this change would yield economic, health, and quality of life benefits. As has been pointed out in other testimony, ths corridor is a critical piece in linking the south side of our city to the nort side, providing familes safe access to downtown, and also would provide a vital link for students in two neighborhoods to an elementary school that is adjacent to the traiL. Than you for your consideration. LaRta Schandorff, Nampa Bicycle & Pedestrian Citizens Advisory 1108 S Staford Nampa ID 83686 The number of miles of dedicated trails in this area is embarassingly low! I regularly use all of the trails in Nampa and what we have is wonderful but just not enough. Having an abundance of bicycle ¡pedestran trails enhances the quality of life wherever they are. I have friends moving here from the Portland, Oregon area and they are avid bicyclists so having more trails attacts more quality people to our area. . Bob Hathaway 35 N. Elijah Dr. Nampa, Idaho Would this continue the existing trail from Iowa (between S. Powerline and Southside...), nort to 2nd street downtown? that would be so integral to flow, and continuity. and how cool would it be to get some bike lanes from the trail off suny slope to the locust trail entrance, and fuher trails or some continuity from the Greenhurst Albertsons greenbelt to the Iowa section (to Roosevelt). one big trail loop! Lindsie and I would use it all the time! Coffee then a ride on the greenbelt to grandma and grandpas over by Greenhurst Elementar. And no near death experiences on Amity or S. Powerline...:-) Paul Greear 16 South Cobblestone Ct Nampa ID 83651 .."- I haven't used the trail in years, per se, because it's only 1.5 miles now. It's easier to just stay on surace streets and connect with Second. If the trail connected with Second, I'd use it almost every day to get to downtown Nampa for everything from shopping, meetings. stay fit etc. As a concerned citizen, I support it even more because I know what connected trails have done for other communties. Tyler WeI shimer 5320 E Lewis Lane Nampa ID 83686 I'm for abandonment. Nampa is steadily increasing it Greenbelt mileage and this continues that tradition. The more we have the greater the quality for life for alL. It encourages folks to get out, and go furher when the opportunities are there. We use many of the existing stretches now and we live almost to Ada Co. So the infrastructue has pull to bring folks into Nampa. Michael Ciscell 6625 Center Lane Nampa ID 83687 Making the rail bed a bike and walking path will help people maintain fitness, possibly get safely to work by biking and/or walking and improve health of the users. I am a retired physician and the last three years of my practice I biked to and from work at least 4 days of the week year around. I felt safe doing this because I could ride about 3/4 of the distace on the greenbelt along Wilson's creek. It seems to me it makes intuitive sense to make every effort to promote walking and biking as it promotes health, hopefully will reduce the skyrocketing obesity in our society, decrease the air pollution from excessive use of automobiles for commuting and short trps, make it safer and easier for children to walk and bike to school, and increase the desirabilty of Nampa as a place to live. I believe it is in the best interest ofthe citizens of Nampa to have all the bike and walking trails we can make. I think the more we have the more usage we will see. It is amazing to me to see the increased usage of the greenbelt along Wilson Creek and the number of people who drive from a distace to walk and ru on the greenbelt. James R. Dzur M.D. 208 Walnut Creek Way Nampa, ID 83686. .. .-.... I do use this trail curently to keep fit. We ride trails Roosevelt to Iowa, trail off Greenhurst to Suny Ridge, and have to ride to Locust to catch rail traiL. Would love to stop at downtown for a break and get coffee or cold drnk. .Curently no trails continue and that makes it tuff for those riders that are not road savv. Cyntha Reynolds Northwest Sales & Distribution, Inc. 3828 E. Flamingo Ave. Nampa, ID 83687 Than you for the opportunity to comment. I am hopeful that the abandonment of the line is allowed and that the trail for pedestrians and bikers is allowed to make use of this stretch. Curently access is via a collection of busy roads, many without shoulders and sidewalks for those wanting non-motorized access to downtown. The trail will be a safe alternative for pedestrians and bicycles to attend downtown events and go to school, Idaho Ars Charer is close to downtown near the Lakeview Park. I and my family would make frquent use of ths trail and frany very excited to the new trail becoming a reality. David Wiliams and Family 3605 E Man 0 War Ln Nampa, ID 83686 I favor as many vehicle free bike trails as we can possibly salvage, knowing that we and our children are far safer when using such trails. Their presence serves a dual purose in that it also eases the car driver's task by ridding roadways of sometimes wobbly (young and old) cyclists or walkers...no one needs the worr, guilt or pain which results from unntended collsions. Al McGlinsky 12713 Memory Lane Nampa,ID 83686 I would like to see the Nampa Rail trail extended. The addition of new Rails to Trails land is an addition to our community and to the lives of the people who use it. We use the trail for exercise and safe family bike rides. It's where my daughter first leared to ride. Please consider enriching the lives of Nampa residents and using this land for new TRAILS. David & Jennifer Clements 4601 E Brooklyn Dr Nampa, ID 83686 .c.. This note is to express my strong support of the abandonment of the Union Pacific rail line and conversion of the property to greenbelt (Nampa Rail Trail). This will extend the existing greeenbelt trail to near downtown Nampa, thus makng the trail much more useful for pedestrian and cycling commuting. I wil use the extended trail for commuting to and from work by bicycle, thus promoting physical fitness and reducing motor vehicle usage. Than you for your consideration of my comments. Sincerely, David Quimby 709 Ruth Lane Nampa 83686 We would welcome the opportunity to transform this underutilzed transportation corridor into a productive par of our community network of pathways and trails. I appreciate and recognize the effciency of moving goods and services through the rail road system. However, when industr changes take place and there is no longer a use for a line, as seems to be the case here, it presents a great opportity to create something that will continue to benefit the economic growth of a city but through a different means. All of the persons who have submitted testimony here have described, in a personal way, how this change would benefit our communty. LaRta Schandorf, Nampa Bicycle & Pedestrian Citizens Advisory 1108 S Staford Nampa ID 83686 I support the Rail Abandonment issue I find it a value to our community in matters of health and transportation. Sincerely, Kathleen Cookman 41 N. Fairview St. Nampa, Idaho 83651 ,.