HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101202Environmental-Historic Report.pdfupit-R -iD-DI$~~(" \rV..~ BEFORE THE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 294X) UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY - ABANDONMENT EXEMPTION -- IN CANYON COUNTY, IDAHO (STODDARD INDUSTRIAL LEAD) Combined Environmental and Historic Report UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Mack H. Shumate, Jr. Senior General Attorney 101 North Wacker Drive, #1920 Chicago, Illnois 60606 312/777-2055 (TeL.) 312/777-2065 (FAX) Dated: November 24,2010 Filed: November 24, 2010 4? t? BEFORE THE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 294X) UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY - ABANDONMENT EXEMPTION -- IN CANYON COUNTY, IDAHO (STODDARD INDUSTRIAL LEAD) Combined Environmental and Historic Report Union Pacifc Railroad Company ("UP") submits this Combined Environmental and Historic Report ("EHR") pursuant to 49 C.F.R. § 1105.7(e) and 49 C.F.R. § 1105.8(d), respectively, for an exempt abandonment of the Stoddard Industrial Lead in Nampa, from Milepost 0.9 to Milepost 1.75, a distance of 0.85 miles in Canyon County, Idaho (the "Line"). The Une traverses U.S. Postal Service Zip Code 83686. UP anticipates that it will file a Notice of Exemption to abandon the Une on or after December 14, 2010. A map of the Une (Attachment No.1), and UP's letter to federal, state and local government agencies (Attchment No.2) are attached to this EHR. Responses received thus far to UP's letters are also attached. ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 49 C.F.R. i 1105.7(e) (1) Proposed action and alternatives. Describe the proposed action, including commodities transported, the planned disposition (if any) of any rail line and other structures that may be involved, and any possible changes in current operations or maintenance practices. Also describe any reasonable alternatives to the proposed action. Include a readable, detailed map and drawings clearly delineating the project. Response: The proposed action involves an exempt abandonment of UP's Stoddard Industrial Lead. The line proposed for abandonment extends from Milepost 0.9 to Milepost 1.75 in Nampa, in Canyon County, Idaho, a total distance of 0.85 miles. A map of the Line is attached as Attchment No.1. The Line was originally constructed in 1897 by the Boise, Nampa & Owyhee Railway Company. It is currently constructed primarily with 133 pound second hand jointed rail put in place in 1969. Based upon information in UP's possession, the right-of-way is reversionary and the Line does not contain any federally granted right-ot-way. Any documentation in UP's possession wil be made available to those requesting it. This line runs through southeastern portions of Nampa. After abandonment, the rail service wil continue to be provided at Nampa by UP's Nampa and Huntington Subdivisions. The Nampa area is also served by UP lessee Boise Valley Railroad. Numerous local streets access the area served by the line and provide a route to Interstate 84 in the northern portion of Nampa. There has been no local traffic moved over the line in at least two years, and there is no overhead traffc. No complaint regarding cessation of service has been filed, is pending, or has been ruled upon in favor ot a complainant during the two year period. (2) Transporttion System. Describe the effects of the proposed action on regional or local transportation systems and patterns. Estimate the amount of traffc (passenger 2 or freight) that wil be diverted to other transportation systems or modes as a result of the proposed action. Response: Given that no traffc uses the Une, the proposed abandonment wil have no impact on area transportation systems and patterns. (3) Land Use. (i) Based on consultation with local and/or regional planning agencies and/or a review of the offcial planning documents prepared by such agencies, state whether the proposed action is consistent with existing land use plans. Describe any inconsistencies. (ii) Based on consultation with the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, state the effect of the proposed action on any prime agricultural land. (ii) If the action affects land or water uses within a designated coastal zone, include the coastal zone information required by 49 C.F.R. § 1105.9. (iv) If the proposed action is an abandonment. state whether or not the right-of-way is suitable for alternative public use under 49 U.S.C. § 10905 and explain why. Response: (i) UP is unaware of any adverse effects on local and existing land use plans. The Canyon County Board of Commissioners has been contacted. To date, UP has received no response. The Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("IPUCn) held a public hearing on October 13, 2010 to determine whether the proposed abandonment would adversely affect the area being served, impair access of Idaho shippers to goods and markets and whether the Une has a potential for profitabilty. No report by the IPUC finding that the proposed abandonment would adversely affect the area has been filed with the Board. (See Attachment No.3) (ii) The Natural Resources Conservation Service ("NRCS") has been contacted. Their response, dated September 13, 2010, states that they 3 wil provide data input. UP is of the opinion that no significant porton of Prime or Important Farm Land wil be adversely impacted in that the Line is adjacent to residential propert. UP wil coordinate with the named NRCS Idaho contact. (See Attchment No.4) (ii) Not Applicable. (iv) The right-of-way proposed for abandonment could be suitable for other public purposes, including roads or highways, other forms of mass transportation, conservation, energy production or transmission, or recreation. However, due to the limited population base in the area, there appears to be no need to use the right-of-way for any of these purposes. UP believes the highest and best use of the propert would be to dispose of UP's interests through sales to adjacent property owners. (4) Energy. (i) Describe the effect of the proposed action on transportation of energy resources. (ii) Descnbe the effect of the proposed action on recyclable commodities. (ii) State whether the proposed action wil result in an increase or decrease in overall energy effciency and explain why. (iv) If the proposed action wil cause diversions from rail to motor carriage of more than: (A) 1,000 rail carloads a year, or (B) an average of 50 rail carloads per mile per year for any part of the affected line, quantif the resulting net change in energy consumption and show the data and methodology used to arrive at the figure given. Response: (i) There are no effects on the transportation of energy resources. (ii) There are no recyclable commodities moved over the Une. 4 (ii) There wil be no change in energy consumption from the proposed action. (iv)(A)(B) UP does not anticipate that there wil be any rail-to-motor diversion. (5) Air. (i) If the proposed action wil result in either: (A) an increase in rail traffc of at least 100% (measured in gross ton miles annually) or an increase of at least eight trains a day on any segment of rail line affected by the proposal, or (B) an increase in rail yard activity of at least 100% (measured by carload activity), or (C) an average increase in truck traffic of more than 10% of the average daily traffic or 50 vehicles a day on any affected road segment, quantify the anticipated effect on air emissions. For a proposal under 49 U.S.C. §10901 (or §10505) to construct a new line or reinstitute service over a previously abandoned line, only the eight train a day provision in subsection (5)(i)(A) wil apply. Response: UP does not anticipate any such effects. (5) Air. (ii) If the proposed action affects a class 1 or nonattainment area under the Clean Air Act, and wil result in either: (A) an increase in rail traffc of at least 50% (measured in gross ton miles annually) or an increase of at least three trains a day on any segment of rail line, or (B) an increase in rail yard activity of at least 20% (measured by carload activity), or (C) an average increase in truck traffc of more than 10% of the average daily traffc or 50 vehicles a day on a given road segment, then state whether any expected increased emissions are within the parameters established by the State Implementation Plan. However, for a rail construction under 49 U.S.C. §10901 (or 49 U.S.C. §10505), or a case involving the reinstitution of service over a previously abandoned line, only the three train a day threshold in this item shall apply. 5 Response: Due to the line having no traffc, the proposed action wíl not cause any change in rail activity, or diversion to motor carrier, at a level sufcient to trigger comments and calculations about effects on energy use, air quality, or noise levels. (5) Air. (ii) If transportation of ozone depleting materials (such as nitrogen oxide and freon) is contemplated, identify: the materials and quantity; the frequency of service; safety practices (including any speed restrictions); the applicant's safety record (to the extent avaílable) on derailments, accidents and spills; contingency plans to deal with accidental spils; and the likelihood of an accidental release of ozone depleting materials in the event of a collsion or derailment. Response: The proposed action wil not affect the transportation of ozone depleting materials. (6) Noise. If any of the thresholds identified in item (5)(i) of this section are surpassed, state whether the proposed action wil cause: (i) an incremental increase in noise levels of three decibels Ldn or more or (ii) an increase to a noise level of 65 decibels Ldn or greater. If so, identify sensitive receptors (e.g., schools, libraries, hospitals, residences, retirement communities, and nursing homes) in the project area and quantify the noise increase for these receptors if the thresholds are surpassed. Response: Not applicable. (7) Safety. (i) Describe any effects of the proposed action on public health and safety (including vehicle delay time at railroad grade crossings). (ii) If hazardous materials are expected to be transported, identify: the materials and quantity; the frequency of service; whether chemicals are being transported that, if mixed, could react to form more hazardous compounds; safety practices (including any speed restrictions); the applicant's safety record (to the extent available) on derailments, accidents and hazardous spils; the contingency plans to deal with accidental spíls; and the likelihood of an accidental release of hazardous materials. (ii) If there 'are any known hazardous waste sites or sites where there have been known hazardous materials spils on the right-of-way, identif the location of those sites and the types of hazardous materials involved. 6 Response: (i) The proposed action wil have no detrimental effects on public health and safety. (ii) The proposed action wil not affect the transportation of hazardous materials. (ii) There are no known hazardous materials waste sites or sites where known hazardous material spils have occurred on or along the subject right-of-way. (8) Biological resources. (i) Based on consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, state whether the proposed action is likely to adversely affect endangered or threatened species or areas designated as a critical habitat, and if so, describe the effects. (ii) State whether wildlife sanctuaries or refuges, National or State parks or forests wil be affected, and describe any effects. Response: (i) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been contacted. To date, UP has not received a response. (ii) The National Park Service has been contacted. To date, UP has not received a response. (9) Water. (i) Based on consultation with State water quality offcials, state whether the proposed action is consistent with applicable Federal, State or local water quality standards. Describe any inconsistencies. (ii) Based on consultation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, state whether permits under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1344) are required for the proposed action and whether any designated wetlands or 1 OO-year flood plains wil be affected. Describe the effects. (íi) State whether permits under Section 402 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1342) are required for the proposed action. (Applicants should contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the state environmental protection or equivalent agency if they are unsure whether such permits are required.) 7 Response: (i) The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional Office and Idaho Departent of Environmental Quality have been contacted. To date, UP has received no response. (ii) The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has been contacted. To date, UP has not received a response. (ii) UP does not anticipate that there wil be any requirements for Section 402 permits. (10) Proposed Mitigation. Describe any actions that are proposed to mitigate adverse environmental impacts, indicating why the proposed mitigation is appropriate. Response: There are no known adverse environmental impacts. 8 HISTORIC REPORT 49 C.F.R. § 1105.8(d) (1) A U.S.G.S. topographic map (or an alternate map drawn to scale and suffciently detailed to show buildings and other structures in the vicinit of the proposed action) showing the location of the proposed action. There are no structures located on the Une. Response: See Attachment No.1. (2) A written description of the right-of-way (including approximate widths to the extent known), and the topography and urban and/or rural characteristics of the surrounding area: Response: The topography is generally leveL. The Line runs adjacent to residential propert. The real propert in the right-of-way is approximately 7.88 acres. The right- of-way width generally vanes from 66 to 99 feet, although it is wider in some locations. The National Geodetic Survey ("NGS") was contacted. The NGS responded on September 22,2010 with a finding that no geodetic survey marks would be adversely impacted by the proposed abandonment. (See Attchment No.5) (3) Good quality photographs (actual photographic prints, not photocopies) of railroad structures on the propert that are 50 years old or older and of the immediately surrounding area: Response: The Idaho State Historic Society has been provided with a map of the proposed abandonment. There are no structures on the Line, therefore there are no structures 50 years old or older. To date UP has not received a response. (4) The date(s) of construction of the structure(s), and the date(s) and extent of any major alterations to the extent such information is known: Response: Not applicable. (5) A brief narrative history of carrier operations in the area, and an explanation of what, if any, changes are contemplated as a result of the proposed action: Response: See UP's response to question (1) in the Environmental Report for a brief history and description. 9 (6) A brief summary of documents in the carrier's possession, such as engineering drawings, that might be useful in documenting a structure that is found to be historic: Response: UP does not have any relevant documentation. (7) An opinion (based on readily available information in the UP's possession) as to whether the site and/or structures meet the criteria for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (36 C.F.R. § 60.4), and whether there is a likelihood of archeological resources or any other previously unknown historic properties in the project area, and the basis for these opinions (including any consultations with the State Historic Preservation Offce, local historical societies or universities): Response: At this time, UP knows of no historic sites or structures or archeological resources on the Line or in the project area. UP is of the opinion that there is nothing in the scope of the proposed abandonment or discontinuance of service that merits historical comment and that any archeological sites within the scope of the right-of-way would have previously been disturbed during the construction and maintenance of the Line. (8) A description (based on readily available information in the railroad's possession) of any known prior subsurface ground disturbance or fiJI, environmental conditions (naturally occurring or manmade) that might affect the archeological recovery of resources (such as swampy conditions or the presence of toxic wastes), and the surrounding terrain. Response: UP does not have any such readily available information. (9) Within 30 days of receipt of the historic report, the State Historic Preservation Offcer may request the following additional information regarding specified non-railroad owned properties or groups of properties immediately adjacent to the railroad right-of- way. Photographs of specifed properties that can be readily seen from the railroad right-ot-way (or other public rights-of-way adjacent to the property) and a written description of any previously discovered archeological sites, identifying the locations and type ot the site (i.e., prehistoric or native American): Response: Not applicable. 10 Dated this 24th day of November, 2010. Respectfully submitted, 11 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Combined Environmental and Historic Report in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 294X), the Stoddard Industrial Lead in Canyon County, Idaho was served by First Class U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, on the 24th day of November, 2010, on the following parties: State Clearinghouse (or alternate): Idaho Transportation Department 3311 W. State Street P.O. Box 7129 Boise, ID 83707-1129 State Environmental Protection Agency: Idaho Department of Environmental Quality 1410 N. Hilton Boise,lD 83706 Head of each County: Canyon County Board of Commissioners 1115 Albany Street Caldwell, ID 83605 Environmental Protection Agency (Regional Office): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98101 State Historic Preservation Offce: State Historical Society Library and Archives 2205 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, ID 83712 Dated this 24th day of November, 2010. u.S. Fish and Wildlife: National Park Services 221 North State Street Hagerman, ID 83332 u.S. Army Corps of Engineers: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District 201 North 3rd Avenue Walla Walla, WA 99632 - 1876 National Park Service: Canyon County Board of Commissioners 1115 Albany Street Caldwell,ID 83605 u.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service: National Resource Conservation Service 9173 W. Barnes Drive. Suite C Boise, 10 83709 - 1574 National Geodetic Survey: National Geodetic Survey Geodetic System Division Information Services NOAANGS12 1315 E-W Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 '1..1....1' P\.~., ...\....... fi I :,1 i '!;tri.i::r;;~~ì.;""'j'::'':-:':::'::::'.:' L .. 't::r.....+..-..._...-..:::::~:-. WEst N'("-" \.~. ..,..",.1..... _.. -j _. / I'. : II., i ".:'~ /. ~:' AT-ii ACHM.EnJl T- "'NO...-,1 :f'\/i?__AiMf\AI' "" I .:: T.......'-.I'..ï....::~::.,.. J..____., I ..;,.;..!P lULl ::":., í~ ". 'l' I! I L / ( ...,..... ~ -- -....- '" L .....__._.. '_" ¡t,:..\ 1..¡S,I" ~ ~ ;,' i- i "JI-"- i . J ". J 1- . ......--"" t l;~~.Î.,..U. Ut.\) ..¿ .......,. '-.. " ¡j '., /.....~ '..... I ~ \ I ..,.):..~.I- I I 1;'. \. v¡ ~ I. "'i .- ....... . .- .' L - . ...- .x \..E i . -.L t- 'r: (0 I ~. . iN" .. . 1 1 .I J;J' i. .. \I ~ \, i"" . j' -"\ "I.,~~;,) - ,.,- J'" 0" K.' \ .,..~ .... "',.. . l'l '., -,' . 11 .-. f:'", .I ' 'r,:' 1.= .... .- JJ' ~ ".' /..~~ '..1 "'J;' r',..T" I / i. 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Vinnell Way, Suite 368 Boise, 10 83709 State Environmental Protection Agency: Idaho Department of Environmental Quality 1410 N. Hilton Boise 10 83706 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: U. S. Ary Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District 201 North 311 Avenue Walla Walla, WA 99632-1876 Head of each Count'l: Canyon County Board of Commissioners 1115 Albany Street Caldwell, 10 83605 National Park Service: National Park Service 221 North Slate Slreel Hagerman, /0 83332 EnvII'onmental Protection Agency (Regional Offce): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 Seatte, WA 98101 U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service: Natural Resource Conservation Service 9173 W. Barnes Drive, Suite C Boise, 10 83709-1574 State Historic Preservation Offce Slate Historical Society Library and Archives 2205 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, 1083712 National Geodetic Survey: National Geodetic Survey Geodetic Services Division Information Services NOAAINGS12 1315 E~W Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910~3282 Re: Proposed Abandonment of the Stoddard Industrial Lead in Nampa, from Milepost 0.9 to Milepost 1.75, a total distance of 0.85 miles in Canyon County, Idaho; STB Docket No. AB. 33 (Sub-No. 294X) To Whom It May Concern: Union Pacifc Railroad Company plans to request authority from Ihe Surface Transporlation Board (STB) to abandon and discontinue service on the Stoddard Industrial Lead in Nampa, from Milepost 0.9 to Milepost 1.75, a total distance of 0.85 miles in Canyon County, Idaho. A map of the proposed track abandonment showii in black is attached. Pursuant to the STB's regulations at 49 C.F.R. Part 1152, and the environmental regulations at 40 C.F. R. Part 1105.7, this is to request your assistance in identifying any potential effects of this action as indicated in the paragraphs below. We do not anticipate any adverse environmental impacts. However, if you identify any adverse environmental impacts, describe any actions that are proposed in order to mitgate the environmental impacts. Please provide us with a written response thaI can be included in an Environmental Report, which wil be sent to the STB. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 14UO Pouglai SIr..' Siop ¡SSIl Omnhn. NE 68179.1580 fax (~02) 501-0127 m Law Department LOCAL AND/OR REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCIES. State whether the proposed action is consistent with existing land use plans. Describe any inconsistencies. U. S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. State the effect of the proposed action on aiiy prime agncultural land. U. S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (And State Game And Parks Commission, If Addressed). State (1) whether the proposed action is likely to adversely affect endangered or threatened species or areas designated as a critical habItat, and if so, describe the effects, and, (2) whether wildlife sanctuaries or refuges, National or State parks or forests wil be affected, and describe any effects. STATE WATER QUALITY OFFICIALS. State whether the proposed action is consistent with applicable Federal, State or Local water qualiy standards. Describe any inconsistencies. U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. State (1) whether permits under SecUon 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. C. § 1344) are required for the proposed action and (2) whether any designated wetlands or 100-year flood plains wil be affected. Describe the effects. U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY AND STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (OR EQUIVALENT AGENCY). (1) Identify any potential effects on the surrounding area, (2) identify the location of hazardous waste siles and known hazardous material spils on the rlght-of.way and list the types of hazardous materials involved, and (3) state whether permits under Section 402 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1342) are required for the proposed action. Thank you for your assistance. Please send your reply to the undersigned. ëo~à~ Colleen K. Graham Paralegal Union Pacific Railroad Law Department 1400 Douglas St., Stop 1580 Omaha, NE 68179 (w) 402-544-1643 cgraham(gup.com CKGI Enclosure(s) 2 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 1400 DouglasSir..i Siap ISIIU Omaha. !'E 68179.1580 Co¡ (402) SOI-0127 Legend . t v Events& abandonmen .cs OTHER UPRR LINES · · .. PRINCIPAL HIGHWAYS OTHER ROADS 114 '. RAilROAD CO.UNION PA~I~~~USTRIAl lEAD STODDAR HO IDA . YEAR OLD STRUCTURESREARE NO 50+ 2NOTE: THE 0 0.5 1 ¡Mil.. (402) 544-H68omaha. NE 68179Siop 1580Miitcil'l¡fdI400 Douglas SlreetQ:\abandonmlints\ab3JHf8~P§C A TT ACHMENT NO. 3 Offce of the Sectar Serice Date Septeber 24. 2010 BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTITS COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF TH APPLICATION ) OF UNON PACIFC RAROAD ) CASE NO. UPR-R-10-Ol COMPAN FOR APPROVAL TO ) ABANON AN .85 MILE SECTION OF ITS ) NOTICE OF INTENT TO STODDAR INDUSTRIAL LEAD IN ) ABANDON A RA LINNAMPA, IDAHO ) ) NOTICE OF HEARG ) ) ORDER NO. 32073 On September 14, 2010. Umon Pacifc Ralrad Company ("UP" or "Company") notifie-d the Idaho Deparent of Trasportion ("lTD") tht it intends to request authority from the Surface Transportation Board ("STB") to abandòn and discontiue service frm Milepost (MP) 0.9 to MP 1.75 of the "Stoddard Industal Lead" in Nampa, Idaho. The STB is the entity of the U.S. Deparent of Traportation authorized to grt or deny rail lie abandonments. UP's action before the STB is referenced as Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 294X). NOTICE OF INTE TO ~ANDON YOU AR HEREBY NOTIFIE that UP intends to file a Petition for Exemption with the STB requestng an exemption frm the federal prior-approval requirements found in 49 U.S.C. §§ 10903-10905 to abandon a 0.85 mile section of its rail line in Canyon County, Idaho. YOU AR FURTHER NOTIFIED that UPR intends to abandon a porton of its ral line located between J. 0.9 and MP 1.75 in Nampa, Cayon County, Idaho (the c'Line"). The approximate physical location of the relevant porton of the Line UP intends to abandon begins near the intersection of 16th A venue South and Front Street and extends nearly a mile to the south near East Florida Avenue. YOU AR FUTHR NOTIIED that the exemption process allows railroads to abandon rail lines if the abandonment is of limite scope and it does not adversely afect nationa rail policy. 49 U.S.C. §§ 10502 and 1010 1. Under STB procedurs, once the exemption is filed, the STB must publish a notice in the Federal Register with 20 days. _Unless stayed, the railroad" ... . may then abandon the rail line 30 days afer the notice i~ publish~d.in the Federal Register.. ':', . YOU ARE FURTHR NOTIIED that UP is requesting assistace in identifyng potential environmental effects associated with the proposed abandonment of the Line. UP is NOTICE OF INTENT TO ABANDON NOTICE OF HEARlG ORDER NO. 32073 requied by federa law and STB reguations to submit an Environmenta Report anyzing the potetial environmental impact caused by the proposed abandoruent. NOTICE OF HEARG YOU AR FURTHR NOTIFIED that the authority to grant or deny abandonment rests with the STB and is governed by federal law. However, "the public utiities commssion shaU schedule a public hearng on the proposed abandonment." Idaho Code § 62-424(1). The pl.ose of the hearg is for the Commssion to deteme whether the abandonment would: (l) adversely affect the area being served; (2) impair the access of Idaho shippers to vital goods and markets; and (3) whether the rail line has a potential for profitabilty. Id If the Commission finds that 'the abandonment would adversely afect the area being served and the line has the potential for profitabilty, then it shall submit a report of its findings to the STB on behal of the people of the State ófIdaho. Id The Commssion "shall continue to intervene in federal suiface tranportation board abandonment proceedings when necessar to protect the state's interest." Idaho Code § 62-424(2). YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission has scheduled a publiç hearg in this matter to commence at 7:00 P.M. ON OCTOBER 13, 2010, IN THE NAMA CITY HAL BUILDING~ 411 THI STREET SOUTH, NAMPA, IDAHO. The pl.ose of the hearg is to tae public testony as to' whether UP's proposed abandoruent of an approximately 0.85 mile section of its Stoddard Industral Lead ral line in Canyon County, Idaho would be adverse to Idaho's public interest. The ralroad, any shipper, local governent leaders, and any other interested persons are encouraged to testify. YOU AR FUTHR NOTIFIED tht all hearigs wil be conducted in accordance with the Commssion's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq. YOU AR FUTIR NOTIFIED that UP's letter, with attachment, ha been filed with the Commssion and is available for public inspection durng regular business hours at the Commission offces. The letter is also available on the Commission's web site at ww.puc.idaho.govby clicking on "File Room" and then "Rail Cases." YOU AR FURTHER NOTIFIED that all proceedings in ths mater wil be held in facilties meeting the accessibilty requirements of the Americans with Disabilties Act (ADA). Persons needing the help of a sign language interpreter or other assistace in order to parcipate NOTICE OF INTENT TO ABANON NOTICE OF HEARGORDER NO. 32073 2 in or to understand testimony and arguent at a public hearng may ask the Commssion to provide a sign language interpreter or other assistance at the hearng. The request for assistace must be received at least five (5) working days before the hearng by contacting the Commission Secretary at: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0338 (Telephone) (208) 334~3762 (FAX E-Mail: secreta(ßuc.idaho.gov YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission has jursdiction over this matter .pursuant to Idaho Code § 62-424. ORDER IT is HEREBY ORDERED that the Commission shall convene a public hearing in this matter as set out above. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission at Boise, Idaho this C:'ltl day of September 20 i O. ArrEST: ~D.~Je D:weiÎ Commission Secretary O:UPR-R-iO-OI_np NOTICE OF INTENT TO ABANDON NOTICE OF HEARGORDER NO. 32073 3 ~~JI MPTOÑJ sÏì =-.... ~J~ MASHA H. SMITI, COMMISSIONER ,CO ONER ..._.,0, .'~~:\'::r\ ..;lfi~\";~\.l1.¡L:~.1i¿':\_:i':. "$..~'fi'!l'~ ,'a"" "'.-... ,...,~ .. Legend ~ abandonmeot.csv Events STODDARD INDUSTRIAL LEAD lAP o. TO lAP 1.11 TOTAL Of O.ei MILES in CtN'fQN COUNlY INIOAHO UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. STODDARD INDUSTRIAL LEAD IDAHO NOTE: THERE ARE NO 50+ YEAR OLD STRUCTURESo 0.5 1 2 Q:labandonnienrsl¡¡b3JNr8~iiwtB.itJimdHoo OODglasSlrte Siop iS~D o.s~ (~02) SH.H68 ,Miles OTHER UPRR LINES :: w:c PRINCIPAL HIGHWAYS OTHER ROADS A 'I ACHMENT ORDER NO. 32073 CASE NO. UPR-R-IO-Ol GA B R I E L S M E Y E R UN I O N P A C I F I C R A I L R O A D 14 0 0 D O U G L A S S T ST O P 1 5 8 0 OM A N E 6 8 1 7 9 - 1 5 8 0 ot J I! I 1 c: , s .. 0 fß ~ -o t . tl i i C; J ' , * s r - C : ~ ~ '. o . l ; ~ 1 : i f l J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :: ~ ' f . l ~ £ r ; ' ~ ø ' - , ~ . . . 5: - ~ ~ r C I H . t V l l C Y t " " , ~ .. " " " ' 3 " " ' " I. / : ' M ; ¡ u u . o J ' " ~ 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 9 3 5 S 1 : 1 " 2 0 : : ' 0 1 0 '. ~ M A I L E D FR O M Z I P CO D E $ 3 7 0 2 r~ : : H G S S i & 6 1 7 9 "'1 1 1 , , I i l I l l ' " 1 1 1 " J 1 ' . 1 " 1 1 1 i i ' i i 1 " 1 1 , r , I I i i P , ' ' i , l i / I ' / , ' I A TT ACHMENT NO. 4 United States Depanment of Agriculture ~NRCS Natural Resources Conservlion Servce 9173 W. Barnes Dr., Sle C BoIse, Idaho 83709 Phone: 208-378-700 Fax: 208-378-5735 September 13, 2010 Colleen K. Graham Union Pacific Railroad Law Deparent 1400 Douglas St., Stop 1580 Omaha, NE 68179 Re: Proposed Abandonment ofthe Stoddard Industrial Lead in Nampa) from Milepost 0.9 to Milepost 1.75) a total distance of 0.85 mies in Canyon County, Idaho; STB Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 294X) Ms.'Graha,m 1 . ,. ~ . .'. " . . . ",,:. .,' . ','1O . . . ". ' ". ., '. ;.'" '.. ,~ i'' 1 \ ;, .i l.. . . -,. L ;. , .1" ,.. L l' "i I ,"":' . l 'r il'" I' '¡This letter is iIi respoiise to your August 30; 2010 request for infoIIatio~ and corients., on the above' referenced project. . . . .', " . " ',' , . "'j I. The resource impacts that the Natural Resources Conservation Servce (NRCS) tyically reviews and provides comments for, if necessary, include the following: · Soil Suitabilty and Limitations · Erosion, Sediment and Dust Control · Water discharge from project area to off-site locations - Impact to water quality and irrgation systems · Effects of disruption to natural drainage pattems · Consideration for soil and water conservation management systems and measures on project and adjacent lands; and, Impacts on previously installed soil and water conservation management systems · Prie and Unique Farmand · hnpacts on Ecosystems · Impacts on other NRCS-related projects As ~iiow~d in ÇEQ'Rl?~lations lSOl,I~aho NRC,S wil provid~ inp'~t.ailore.d to the ar~a of interest aIidjurisdiètion 'of Prime aiid Important FarmlanddesÌgnåtioÍi and po'iëriHal" effects on privately owned lands. This input may include evaluation of the existing soil infomlaiion; determnation of Prime or Impoitant Faiiuland status for private lands within Helping People Help the Land' An Equi Oppoily PlOder.lI EmplOyer the impact area and potential for the proposed project to have an effect On these soil resources. Soils infònnation is readily available online at http://websoilsuey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/ HomePage.htm. Leah Juarrs, West Area Resource Soil Scientist, wil be the lead NRCS Idaho contact for this project and can provide assistance with this web application. Please coordinate with Leah for information as needed. Her contact information is: 132 S.W. 5th Ave., Suite 102; Meridian, ID 83642-2774; (208)888-1890 ext. 114; Leah.Juarros(gid. usda. gov. If you have any questions, please contact Leah Juan-os at the address above or Darin Vrem in the NRCS State Offce at 208~685-6995 or e-mail at Daiin.Vrem(ãid.usda.gov. Sincerely, (J~JEFF BURWELL State Conservationist cc: Bob TnòeJhom, Assistant State Conservationist - Operations West, NRCS, Moscow, ID Dalin Vrem, Cultural Resource Specialist/Archaeologist, NRCS, Boise, ID Rod Kyar, State Resource Soil Scientist, NRCS, Boise, ID Leah JualTos, Resource Soil Scientist, NRCS, Meridian, il Jeff Bohr, Disttict Conservationist, NRCS, Caldwell, ID UN I T E D S T A T E S D E P A R T M E N T o t ' ! A G R J G U L T - U R E NA T U R A L ~ R E S O l 1 R C E S C O N S E R V A T I O N . S E R V I C E 91 7 3 W B A R N E S ' D R s r E c A N ' c a U A L O P J ? O R r U N I T Y E m r Bo l s e . I D 8 3 7 0 9 - 1 5 7 4 . " ;) 4 9 J S 2 0 4 0 1 ! n .. Q F F . I C A L . B U S I N E S S PE N A L T Y F O R P R I V A T E U S E S 3 0 0 ). $ O O . 4 4 Q if 0 9 ! 1 5 / 2 0 1 O " Ma i l e d F r o m 8 3 7 0 9 US P O S T A G E Co l l e e n G r a h a m Un i o n P a c i f i c R a i l r o a d . . li ¡ o . , , , . . . _ ~ ~ . 9 w . n e " ' a r t í í ' T " ' õ ; ; ; - . . 14 0 0 D o u g l a s S t . . S t o p 1 5 8 0 Om a h a . . N E . . 6 & 1 7 9 I, i l l II 1 1 1 1 1 1 / ì l I I I I i i i i i I I I i i i ~. ~ ' - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . ~ _ w A TT ACHMENT NO. 5 Simon Monroe ocSimon.Monroe~noaa.gov :;To cgraham~up.com cc Jim Richardson ocim.Richardson~noaa.gov:. Sunace Transporttion Board o:sea~st.dot.gov:;. SurveyorJady~yahoo.com. Gilbert Mitchell o:Gilbert.MitcheJl(gnoaa.gov:. Simon Monroe ..Simon.Monroe(gnoaa.gov:. Subjec (NGS Response. STB Docket AB~33 (SUB NO. 294X)J t 091221201010:01 AM Thank you for sharing your railroad abandonment environmental report for Nampa, Canyon County, IDAHO. Approximately 00 geodetic survey marks may be located in the area described. If marks will be disturbed by the abandonment, (THE RAILROAD) shall consult with the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) at least 90 days prior to beginning salvage activities that will disturb, or destroy any geodeticstation marks are described on the attached file. Additional advice is providedat http://geodesy . noaa. gov/marks/railroadsl (----1------1- -1-----------1 -------------(--------------1----1 ----------- No Stations Found.