HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100914Notice of Exemption.pdfI'R£CtT,lr:\~;Law Department '" 1" 53 1'\0 SEP \ 4 .~. . August 30, 2010 \f),"'FlO J~i ¡ rn L çtn:: s t,AY ,- ulR-R - io-ol State Clearinghouse (oraltemate): Idaho Transportatlon Department 3311 W. State Street P.O. Box 7129 Boise, 10 83707-1129 U.S. Fish and Wildlife: U.s. Fish & Wildlife Service 1987 S. Vinnell Way, Suite 368 Boise, 10 83709 state Environmental Protection Agency; Idaho Departmentof Environmental Quality 1410 N. Hilon Boise 1083706 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: U. S, Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Waila District 201 North3Cd Avenue Walla Walla, WA 99632-1876 Head of each County: Canyon County Board of Commissioners 1115 Albany Street Caldwell, 10 83605 National Park Service: National Park Service 221 North State Street Hagerman, ID B3332 Environmental Protection Agency (Regional Offce): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 1200 sixth Avenue, Suite 900 Seatte, WA 98101 U.s. Natural Resources Conservation ServIce: Natural Resource Conservatìon Service 9173 W. Barnes Drive, Suite C Boise, 10 83709-1574 State Historic Preservation Office State Historical Society Library and Archives 2205 Old Penitentiary Road Boise, 10 83712 National Geodetic Survey: National Geodetic Survey Geodetic Services Division Information Services NOA.lUNGS12 1315 E.W Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 Re: Proposed Abandonment of the Stoddard Industrial Lead in Nampa, from MìlepostO.9 to Mi!epost 1.75, a total distance of 0.85 miles in Canyon County, Idaho; STB Docket No, ABc. 33 (Sub-No. 294X) To Whom It May Concern: Union Pacific Railroad Company plans to request authority from the Surface Transportation Board (STB) to abandon and discontinue service on the Stoddard Industrial Lead in Nampa, from Milepost 0.9 to Milepost 1.75, a total distance of 0.85 miles in Canyon County, Idaho. A map of the proposed track abandonment shown in black is attached. Pursuant to the STB's regulations at 49 C.F.R. Part 1152, and the environmental regulations at 40 C.F. R. Part 1105.7, this is to request your asslstance in identifying any potential effects of this action as indicated if) the paragraphs below. We do riotanticipateariy adverse environmental impacts. However, if you identlfyany adverse environmental impacts, describe any actions that are proposed in order to mitigate the environmental impacts. Please provide Us with a wríten response that can be included in an Environmental Report, which wit be sent tö the SrB. UNION PAciFrc IlAILIlQAIl 1400 Doiiglas Str.~t Stop I ~ao Omaha, Nt 68179-1580 fax (402) ~OL-O 127 Law Depattment LOCAL AND/OR REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCIES, State whether the proposed action is consistent with existing land use plans. Describe any Inconsistencies. U. S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVicE State the effect of the proposed action on any prime agricl.ltur¡al land. U. S. FISH AND WlLOUFE SERVICE (AndStßte GameAhd . Parks Commis$ioa If Addressed). State (1 ) whether the proposed action is likely to adversely affect endangered or threatened species or areas designated as a critical habitat, and if so, describe the effects, and, (2) whether wildlife sanctuaries or refuges, National or State parks or forests will be affected, and describe any effects. STATE VI/ATER QUALITY OFFICIALS. Stste whether the proposed action Is consistent with applicable Federal, State or local water quality standards. Oescribe any inconsistencies. U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. State (1) whether permits under Sectlon404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U,S. C. § 1344) are required for the proposed action and (2) whether any designated wetlands or 1 OO.year flood plains wll be affected. Describe the effects. U. S. ENVIRONMËNTAl PROTECTION AGENCY ANa STATE ENVL~iONMËNTAL PROTECTIQN(OR EQUIVALENT AGENCYL. (1) Identif any potential effects on the surrounding area, (2) ldentifythelocatíon of hazardous waste sítesand known hazan::lous material spìIs on the right-of-way and lìst the types of hazardous materIals involved, and (3) state Whether permits under Section 4Q2 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. C, § 1342) are required for the proposed action, Thank you for your assistance, Please send your reply to the undersigned. Sincerely, Iv tolLlL/.J:\cJ~ Colleen K Graham Paralegal Union Pacific Railroad Law Department 1400 Douglas St, Stop 1580 Omaha, NE 68179 (w) 402-544.1643 cgraham~up.com CKG! Enclosure(s) 2 llNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 14()(jDoiighs Street Stop 1580 Omaha, NE 68179.1580 fax (402) 501-0121 Legend STODDARD INDUSTRIAL LEAD abandonment.csv Events MF'Il.!I TO MP us TOTAL. OF' MSMIL.ES IN CANYON COUNTY lNIPAHO . M:.. orHER UPRR LINES PRINCIPAL HIGHWAYS UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. STODDARD INDUSTRIAL LEAD IDAHO NOTE: THEREARE NO 50+ YEAR OLD STRUCTURESo 0.51 2 Miles OTHER ROADS Q:\abandonments\ab3iNfB~¡:¿Miai'.('twd1400 Douglas Sttee Stop 15$0