HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041221Petition for Exemption.pdfLLPfL -(2-- oL/-o~h/( (::-::'(Jt-l/i " CEj ED LT~ """ ; c." ,- zunI! '"' ' n. rn~ . 1'\0Lu rrt ) ,; ' .... f ' """"",":"\ ""\~(::C'!Ol~iJliLtllL.J LU ii\J.jj December 15, 2004 VIA UPS NEXT DAY AIR Mr. Vernon Williams, Secretary Surface Transportation Board 1925 ilK" Street , N., Room 504 Washington, DC 20423-0001 RE:Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.227X), Union Pacific Railroad Company Abandonment Exemption -In Carribou County, Idaho from M.P. 23.90 to P. 24.11 (Dry Valley Subdivision) Dear Mr. Williams: Pursuant to 49 U.C. 910502, Union Pacific Company submits the original and ten (10) copies of a Petition for Exemption, with Verification , to abandon the above- referenced rail line. The Certificate of Service and Publication pursuant to 49 C. 91152.60(d) and 49 C.R. 91105.12 is attached to the petition. Also enclosed is a draft Federal Reaister notice pursuant to 49 C. 91152.60(c). Three computer diskettes containing the draft Federal Register notice, as well as the Petition for Exemption and Certificate of Service and Publication is also enclosed. Please file the Petition for Exemption in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 227X). Further, enclosed is Union Pacific s voucher for $5 000 for the filing fee. Enclosures Mack H. Shumate, Jr. Senior General Attorney, Law Department O:\ABAN DON M ENTS\33-227X\STB- Pall tr .doc UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD !OI N. Wacker Dr., Rm. 1920, Chicago, IL 60606-1718 ph. (312) 777-2055 be. (312) 777-2065 , ,, ", " '~' '' . -' , .. ,.., 118 2(; 57 S21l~ .,::~()L.~0:~57Si:~ t.:gBqDO? ~). E1()II" . (' , ' PLEASE DETACH THIS. STATEMENT AND RETAIN FOR YOUR FILE \ .. ,, "' ~. . , CL 26 5 7 5 2 REMITTANCE ADVICE CORR~~ONDENCE SHOULD '~FER TO INQUIRIES: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CORRESPONDENCE BUREAU (402) 544-2729 DATE INVOICE/CREDIT MEMO rYPE DOCUMENT ID GROSS AMOUNT DISCOUNT AMOUNT NET AMOUNT 120 450 0--0. -20573239 5000 00 5000DOCKETAB-33 SUB-NO 227X)(DRY VA LLEV SUBDIVI SIO ----/'-- 68179\ fOTAL 5000 0001400 DOUGLAS ST.OMAHA,HE.5000 -------, - BEFORE THE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 227X) UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY -- ABANDONMENT EXEMPTION -- IN CARRIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO (DRY VALLEY SUBDIVISION) PETITION FOR EXEMPTION UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Mack H. Shumate , Jr. Senior General Attorney 101 North Wacker Drive Room 1920 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: 312/777-2055 Fax: 312/777-2065 Dated: December 15 2004 Filed: December 16 , 2004 BEFORE THE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 227X) UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY -- ABANDONMENT EXEMPTION -- IN CARRIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO (DRY VALLEY SUBDIVISION) PETITION FOR EXEMPTION UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Mack H. Shumate, Jr. Senior General Attorney 101 North Wacker Drive Room 1920 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: 312/777-2055 Fax: 312/777-2065 Dated: December 15 , 2004 Filed: December 16, 2004 BEFORE THE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 227X) UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY -- ABANDONMENT EXEMPTION -- IN CARRIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO (DRY VALLEY SUBDIVISION) PETITION FOR EXEMPTION INTRODUCTION Union Pacific Railroad Company ("UP") hereby petitions the Board, pursuant to 49 U.C. 910502, to grant an exemption from 49 U.C. 9910903 in order to permit abandonment and discontinuance of service over the Dry Valley Subdivision from milepost 23.90 to milepost 24., a distance of 0.21 miles in Carribou County, Idaho (the "Line There are no shippers on the Line that will be adversely affected by the proposed abandonment. The sole reason for the proposed abandonment is to facilitate the reclassification and sale of the Line to the sole shipper on the Line , Agrium. UP seeks exemption of this proposed abandonment and discontinuance of service on the Line from regulation under 49 U.C. 910903 in accordance with 49 U. 910502 and the Rules applicable thereto at 49 C.R. 91121 and 49 C.R. 91152 and the Special Rules at 49 C.R. 91152.60. II. PETITIONER'S BACKGROUND AND REPRESENTATIVE UP has rail operations in the States of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana Nebraska, Nevada New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Utah Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. The Line from milepost 23.90 to milepost 24. in Carribou County, Idaho is owned and operated by UP. The name, address and telephone number of UP's representative is listed below: Mack H. Shumate , Jr. 101 North Wacker Drive Room 1920 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: 312/777-2055 Fax: 312/777-2065 III. LINE DESCRIPTIONS, ZIP CODE INFORMATION AND MAP The proposed action involves the abandonment and discontinuance of service over the Dry Valley Subdivision from milepost 23.90 to milepost 24., a distance of 0.21 miles near Dry Valley, in Caribou County, Idaho. The sole reason for the proposed abandonment is to facilitate the reclassification and sale of the Line to the customer Agrium , so that Agrium can assemble optimally sized phosphate rock trains with its own crews, which will enhance the economic performance of this short segment and the rail line beyond. In 2002 and 2003 , the Dry Valley traffic was moved by a firm named Astaris. Astaris has since sold the Dry Valley mining operations to a firm called Agrium. Agrium is the party that desires to operate the subject Line after the proposed abandonment reclassification , and sale. It is contemplated that Agrium will commence shipping activities in 2005. The Line was constructed in 1965 by UP for EI Paso Gas Products Company. The Line was purchased by UP through its subsidiary, the Oregon Short Line Railroad in 1973. It is laid with 131-pound jointed rail. The Line traverses U.S. Postal Service Zip Code 83230. A map of the Line is attached hereto as Attachment 1 and is hereby made a part hereof. IV. SHIPPER INFORMATION The recent shipping profile for the line is as follows Agrium (Successor-In-Interest to Astaris) 13131 lake Fraser Drive S. Calgary, AB T2J 7Ea (Note: Astaris was the sole shipper on the Line in 2002 and 2003 but subsequently sold its operations served by the Line to Agrium). 2002: Phosphate Rock, STCC 1471410 1722 cars, 170 469 tons. Covered Hoppers moved on own wheels, 14 cars, 0 tons lading. Total: 1736 cars, 170,469 tons. 2003: Phosphate Rock, STCC 1471410, 1609 cars, 159,103 tons. January~September 2004, no activity. The abandonment will have no adverse effect on Agrium.Subsequent reclassification of the Line and sale of the Line by UP to Agrium will permit Agrium to build larger trains with its own personnel and permit it to maximize its rail shipping activity. Agrium will not have to utilize any transportation alternatives. UP will still provide rail service to the Agrium facility. Since the Line is at a track end , there will be no effect on overhead traffic. REASONS FOR THE ABANDONMENT There appears to be no reasonable alternative to the abandonment. The Line serves the sole function of accessing the industry tracks of Agrium. There is no other industry in the area, and none is anticipated. There is no overhead traffic The phosphate rock produced by Agrium will continue to move in dedicated unit trains over the UP. UP does not believe the property proposed for abandonment is suitable for other public purposes, including roads or highways, other forms of mass transportation conservation energy production or transmission, as the area because of its limited population base is adequately served by existing roads and utility lines. The Line contains approximately 3.992 acres of non-reversionary property. Based on information in UP' possession , the Line does not contain federally granted right-of-way. Any documentation in UP's possession will be made available to those requesting it. The UP is of the opinion that the proposed abandonment would be beneficial to the UP, the shipper Agrium and interstate commerce in general. VI. REASONABLE ALTERNATIVE: VIABILITY There appears to be no reasonable alternative to the abandonment. There will be no adverse effect on the sole shipper on the Line , Agrium, in that Agrium will continue to have rail service to the Line. That is, Agrium will continue to receive direct rail service from UP in that the Line serves the sole function of providing access to the industry tracks of Agrium. There should be no effect on regional or local transportation systems or patterns , and there will be no diversion to other modes or transportation systems. Since Agrium will be using the Line for its sole industrial purposes, the property is not suitable for other public purposes including roads or highways , other forms of mass transportation , conservation, energy production or transmission, or recreation. VII. THE EXEMPTION STANDARDS HAVE BEEN MET The abandonment requires an exemption from 49 U.C. ~1 0903 Abandonment of rail lines requires authorization and approval of the Board pursuant to 49 U.C. 910903. However, 49 U.C. 910502 requires the Board to exempt a transaction when it finds: (1) continued regulation is not necessary to carry out the Rail Transportation Policy of 49 U.C. 910101; and (2) either the transaction is of limited scope or Board regulation is not necessary to protect shippers from an abuse of market power. UP's proposal for abandonment and discontinuance of operations clearly satisfies the standards for exemption under 49 U.C. 910502. Detailed scrutiny by the Board under 49 U.C. 910903 is not necessary to carry out the Rail Transportation Policy of 49 U.C. 910101. An exemption will minimize UP'administrative expense and the cost, preparation and review associated with progressing the proposed abandonment in a full application proceeding. An exemption will expedite regulatory action and will reduce regulatory barriers to exit from the Line consistent with Sections 10101 (2) and (7). An exemption will foster sound economic conditions in the transportation industry consistent with Section 10101 (5), by permitting UP's abandonment of the Line and subsequent sale to Agrium, the cost to maintain and operate the Line will become the obligation of Agrium , the sole shipper, and will be accounted for as an industry track. The proposed abandonment is clearly a transaction of "limited scope. II The Line is only 0.21 miles long and will have no recurring local traffic except the Agrium traffic which will continue to receive direct rail service from UP through the connection to Agrium facility via the Line. In addition , regulation of this abandonment is not needed to protect shippers from an abuse of market power, since the reclassification of the Line will permit Agrium exclusive utilization of the Line for Agrium s industrial shipping requirements. VIII. LAND AREA. FEDERAL GRANT INFORMATION. AND PUBLIC USE The right-of-way is approximately 0.21 miles in length. The Line is 149 feet in width and is in a dale. The topography of the land is hilly, rocky with some gently rolling slopes and the property is generally not suitable for other public purposes including roads or highways, other forms of mass transportation, conservation, energy production or transmission or recreation as this area is adequately served by existing roads and utility lines at the present time. The Line contains approximately 3.992 acres of non-reversionary property. Based on information in UP's possession, the Line does not contain federally granted right-of-way. Any documentation in UP's possession will be made available to those requesting it. UP is agreeable to the labor protection conditions imposed in abandonment proceedings as prescribed in Oregon Short Line R. Co. - Abandonment - Goshen , 360 ICC 91 (1979). ENVIRONMENTAL AND HISTORIC REPORT. The required environmental and historic information is contained in the Combined Environmental and Historic Report (the "CEHR") which was served on November 8, 2004. A copy of the CEHR transmittal letter is attached hereto as Attachment 2 and is hereby made a part hereof. The original and ten (10) copies of the CEHR were sent to Ms. Victoria Rutson , Section of Environmental Analysis, on November , 2004, for filing. Subsequent to the filing of the combined CEHR one additional letter dated November 4, 2004 was received by UP from the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers ("Corp ). A copy of this letter is attached hereto as Attachment 3 and is hereby made a part hereof. This letter states that based on the information provided the proposed project will not require a permit from the Corp. WHEREFORE, Union Pacific Railroad Company respectfully requests that the Board issue a decision exempting the proposed abandonment from the provisions of 49 U.C. 910903 and direct that the exemption be effective on the date of the Board' decision. Dated this 15th day of December, 2004. Respectfully submitted 0: \A ban do n m ants \33- 227X\P ET ITI ON. doc ANY Ma H. Sh mate, Jr. Se ior General Attorney 101 North Wacker Drive , Room 1920 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: 312/777-2055; Fax: 312/777-2065 VERIFICATION STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ss: COUNTY OF DOUGLAS , RAYMOND E. ALLAMONG, JR., Senior Manager Rail Line Planning of Union Pacific Railroad Company, declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, that I have read the foregoing document and that its assertions are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. I further declare that I am qualified and authorized to submit this verification on behalf of Union Pacific Railroad Company. I know that willful misstatements or omissions of material facts constitute Federal criminal violations punishable under 18 U.C. 1001 by imprisonment up to five years and fines up to $10 000 for each offense. Additionally, I know that these misstatements are punishable as perjury under 18 U.C. 1621 , which provides for fines up to $2 000 or imprisonment up to five years for each offense. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska , this 9th day of November, 2004. ~NZm~~r7~' SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this fil th d y of vember, ~004. Ie! btMA Nota P blic My Commission expires: M~ ~ 2 ooR:" .... 01:1. 1 O:\ABANDONMENTS\33-178X\VerRA.wpd DRAFT FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE J49 C.R. ~ 1152.60(Qll STB No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 227X) Notice of Petition for Exemption to Abandon or to Discontinue Service On December 16, 2004, Union Pacific Railroad Company filed with the Surface Transportation Board, Washington , D.C. 20423, a petition for exemption for the abandonment and discontinuance of service over the Dry Valley Subdivision from milepost 23.90 to milepost 24.11, a distance of 0.21 miles in Caribou County, Idaho (the II Line The Line does not contain federally granted rights-of-way. Any documentation in the railroad's possession will be made available promptly to those requesting it. The interest of railroad employees will be protected as required by 49 U. 10903(b)(2). Any offer of financial assistance will be due no later than 10 days after service of a decision granting the petition for exemption. All interested persons should be aware that following abandonment of rail service and salvage of the Line, the Line may be suitable for other public use, including interim trail use. Any request for a public use condition and any request for trail use/rail banking will be due no later than 20 days after notice of the filing of the petition for exemption is published in the Federal Register Persons seeking further information concerning abandonment procedures may contact the Surface Transportation Board or refer to the full abandonment or discontinuance regulations at 49 CFR Part 1152. Questions concerning environmental issues may be directed to the Board's Section of Environmental Analysis , telephone (202) 565-1545. An environmental assessment (EA) (or environmental impact statement (EIS), if necessary), prepared by the Section of Environmental Analysis will be served upon all parties of record and upon any agencies or other persons who commented during its preparation. Any other persons who would like to obtain a copy of the EA (or EIS) may contact the Section of Environmental Analysis. EAs in these abandonment proceedings normally will be made available within 60 days of the filing of the petition. The deadline for submission of comments on the EA will generally be within 30 days of its service. O:\ABANDONMENTS\33-221 x\FR.WPD CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE AND PUBLICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Petition for Exemption in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 227X) by Union Pacific Railroad Company was served on the date indicated below by mailing a copy, first class mail postage prepaid to the following: MTMCTEA Attn: Railroads for National Defense 720 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 130 Newport News, VA 23606-2574 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 472 West Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 U. S. Department of the Interior National Park Service Recreation Resources Assistance Div. O.,Box 37127 Washington , D.C. 20013-7127 Caribou County Commissioners County Courthouse 159 S. Main Street Soda Springs, ID 83276-1427 S. Department of Agriculture Chief of the Forest Service 4th Floor NW, Auditors Building 14th Street & Independence Ave., S. Washington, D.C. 20250 The undersigned further certifies that a notice of the abandonment was published one time in the County where the rail line is located as follows: County Newspaper Date Caribou Caribou County Sun December 9, 2004 The above newspaper is generally circulated in the county where the rail line is located. The Notice as published was in the form prescribed by the Board for a Petition for Exemption at 49 CFR 1105.12. Dated this 15th day of December, 2004. Ma k H. Shumate , Jr. 0: \33-227X\33SUB227 .cOP .DOC r"" )... i --" ,-"'- // \( \,\. ., '- i' , - L___-- ..:)'........_\ ,.... /.. " T"-" -'--""-'.""' 1..-. ..-. ---)-"-'. ~~..; --\ Dry .. -. - ',,--, " \ JCON9A--.1 ~\ "'---'::'-...: \ " ,m - ,\. ~ - f-'- 1) \, \- ~, _., (, ~\~ -';). un a " _\ '\..,, fj - -... 'i , , ,' \.!j \, i..-- . ~ r--- \. ,~- \ , i .... Vj A''t_ "" \.. \ (--' ft.' r~~/"";":-f - -\. 'j ~~ i-....... - =': \ ' 1 :-"1 / .:!:. ~f:( ~~~' :;~":;__ :~7~) ' . '. .:-/' "! ' . n " / Jt / -"""" , , i \ \" ;/, " ~,--\ /~ " l' - . ../ /' \ \ -\-- 7~'. /' /'( ~-/" f \. "..,.-' \ \-.. ':::1 , \, "\ "; -/ """"-.-./ " \ i '. OTHER UPRR LINES OTHER RAILROADS PRINCIPAL HIGHWAYS OTHER ROADS 50 + YEAR OLD STRUCTURES ! - ..J r.- t"- --' I -.... j ~-""'-' ! i __._-_.~::~-_._.__.._._.....~--..- r ) r \_IDt\HO i ---CARIBfJ)U COU,NTY ~=~~~--~~:-- r:~ I " ! / "\1-'" ./1 I... ~, ....",-..... i ~ '.t;_i \i " "---". /'\.. ----' i "I " ! ~ " ..~ , \. i -u..._ - \...- \ i " Ii ~V \ \ ---' f~~\~.-I \ \\ ~ , ~ons~nt~" -' \r;'r""~i jri..;-i, . j::"' l ,. , , 10 !'fbi- IpOCA1ELlO All. - . ~~=;(." so~~~~ p ~i ~ g r 7r-~ ---..- t...--- A,. - . ~'r/r ./ ! ',- ..- i-/ ~j~:-" ~. ; \ tt ""t :.; - i ..... j.J / . -~) .1. -.-)",-....-:.-...!,.--,--_-...- , .../" ~\ .--'" " ""-'! --....--------------...--..- ---f/J, ,,:. NOTE: THERE ARE NO 50+ E' N UPRR LINES TO ATTACHMENT NO. _._..._~' ~..--"-...( " -/1 , ~,---... r\\ - '\ ' 1 / . -""'......... ' ,~._ Y9JY( - ~ ~i " , '=~--... .......-;' .,:,;:~,~- ' t.. ---'-, /\ ' ~\.s -- " j r--vVool~y Nalley " \ /' \\ ~. ." / , ,\, i ----- ..J \ !~.......--/ \..' BEGIN-ABANDONMENTP. 23. '--- ! ,"---,;, / ENDABANDONMENTP. 24. ;/ "/ ~---" ''-.......'-......~--( \... ..LvJ--c......y ) /'-_ :~~~'r-- f2AR1 BOO COUNTY 1';; .. ..""'" a " ~"'. . " ~~ " --- . " =" ~ B E ~~A~t COUNTY " ' r' r f / ~;.::_.. r----'1- ~- /1 11::1.-.--- ~- /....... ----..-.......---, .' '--../" Z\ (,-./,-./"" " ;j"-- " l._r'- """ All ... t n ", . Ii 5-, , , ~it . ,.. /, .I " "-('" ";' / .f. _..~ .".... ,.~R; i YEAR OLD STRUCTURES DRY VALLEY SUBDIVISION MP 23. 90 TO MP 24. J I TOTAL OF 0.21 MILES I N CAR I SOU COUNTY, IDAHO BE ABANDONED UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. DRY VALLEY SUBDIVISION DRY VALLEY, IDAHO INCLUDING 50 + YEAR OLD STRUCTURES SCALE MILES FILE: q:\obandonments\obO350_dry _valley.dgn DATE: 04-0ct-O4 //:07 AB-33 (Sub-No227X) ATTACHMENT NO. t~~1f November 5, 2004 VIA U.P .S. OVERNIGHT Surface Transportation Board Section of Environmental Analysis 1925 il K" St., N., Room 504 Washington, DC 20423-0001 Attention: Victoria Rutson RE:Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.227X), Union Pacific Railroad Company Abandonment Exemption -In Carribou County, Idaho from M.P. 23.90 to P. 24.11 (Dry Valley Subdivision) Dear Ms. Rutson: Enclosed for filing in the above-referenced docket is the original and ten (10) copies of a Combined Environmental and Historic Report prepared pursuant to 49 R. 51105.7 and 91105., with a Certificate of Service, and a transmittal letter pursuant to 49 C.R. 51105.11. Union Pacific anticipates filing a Petition for Exemption in this matter on or after November 29 , 2004. Enclosures 0 :\ABANDO N ENTS\33- 227X\STB-EH R. doc Mack H. Shumate. Jr. Senior General Attorney, Law Department UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 101 N, Wacker Dr., Rm. 1920, Chicago, IL 60606-1718 ph. (312) 777-2055 fie. (312) 777-2065 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE OF THE COMBINED ENVIRONMENTAL AND HISTORIC REPORT The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Combined Environmental and Historic Report in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 227X) for the Dry Valley Subdivision in Caribou County, Idaho was served by first class mail on the 5th day of November 2004 on the following: State Clearinahouse (or alternate) Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 472 West Washington St. . Boise, ID 83702 s. Armv Corps ot EnQineers S. Army Engineer District Walla Walla 201 North Third Avenue Walla Walla, W A 99362-1876 State Environmental Protection Aqencv Idaho ~ivision of Environmental Quality 1410 N. Hilton Boise, ID 83706 National Park Service National Park Service William D. Shaddox Chief, land Resources Division 1849 cn St., N. W., #MS3540 Washington, DC 20240 State Coastal Zone Manaaement Aqencv lit applicablel None Head of each County Caribou County Commissioners County Courthouse 159 S. Main Street Soda Springs, ID 83276-1427 S. Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist Natural Resource Conservation Service 9173 W. Barnes Drive, Ste. C Boise, 10 83709-1573 Environmental Protection Aaencv IReaionaIOffice) S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, W A 98101 National Geodetic Survey National Geodetic Survey Frank Maida , Chief Spatial Reference System Division NOM N/NGS23 1315 E-W Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 S. Fish and Wildlife S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 911 NE 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97232-4181 State Historic Preservation Office State Historic Preservation Officer Idaho Historical Society 1109 Main St., Suite 250 Boise, 10 83702 Shipper: Agrium 13131 lake Fraser Drive S~ Calgary, AB T2J 7E8 Dated this 5th day of November, 2004 l~r- .'" '1~1L i,=,:~11:Y f=f...'7107 TO CUCHNP P. 02/02 ATTACHMENT NO. REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WALlJ\ WALLA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS IDAHO FALLS REGULATORY OFFICE 900 NORTH SKYLINE DRIVE. SUITE A IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 83402.1718 November 4, 2004 Regulatory Division SUBJECT: N\VW No. 053300005 Mr. Charles Saylors 1J nion Pacific Railroad 1400 Douglas St- Stop' 580 Omaha, 1\!epr;l':k~ ()81 /9-1 .;gn Oer)f Mr ~(\''1()f'~. This is in response to your October 11 , 2004 letter requesting our comments for Union Pacific s proposed rail line abandonment at Dry Valley Mine from rnilepost 23.90 to 24.11. It is our understanding tllat the section of line will be abandoned in place for use by Agrium in their mine operation and that no actual work is proposed. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 C. 1344) requires a Department of the Am1Y permit be obtained fOT the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States. This includes most perennial and intermittent rivers and streams, natural and nlan-made lakes and ponds, and wetlands, as well as irrigation and drainage canals and ditches that arc tributaries to otheI waters. The Dry Valley Creek is a water regulated under Section 404. Activities regulated under Section 404 include excavation and mechanized landclearing activities, which result in the discharge of dredged material and destroy or degrade waters of the United St3tes. The term waters of the United States includes rivers, lakes, streanlS, (both perennial and intermittent)~ ponds, and \-vetlands. Based on the information provided, it appears the proposed project will not involve work in areas subject to our jurisdiction and a Department of the Anny permit will not be required. you have any ques1i.ons concerning these regulatory matters, please contact 111e at 208-522-1676 (fax 208-522-2994). ~incerely, 9~m.James M. Joyne. Regulatory Project Manager Enclosures ** TOTAL PAGE. 02 *A(