HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041201Application.pdfNovember 24, 2004 VIA U.S. OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Mr. Vernon Williams, Secretary Surface Transportation Board Section of Environmental Analysis 1925 ilK" St., N., Room 504 Washington, DC 20423-0001 P~. ;.:z, ,. ;, "' '~.....~ ,.' . t'.;'-1: ": 6' ,. '~D'b" ~" .../', '-1Jt'Sh~' " ..'.':' " "f-ro, .. .II J l" ,\. . iJn~i(/) TIN: Barbara Saddler RE:Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.218X), Union Pacific Railroad Company Abandonment Exemption -In Kootenai County, Idaho from P. 2.25 to M.P. 7.50 (Coeur d Alene Industrial Lead) Dear Ms. Saddler: Pursuant to conversations with Tony Jacobik of your office, please file the attached Notice of Exemption in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X). Also .! am requesting that you retrieve from the Board's vault, Union Pacific s check in the amount of $3,000., representing the filing fee in this matter and attach to this filing. Thank you for your assistance in this regard. Pll,ltiJ NO V I Ii. 1'1t.tlVSA S'VR.~~ . ' Oi?:r4-:" (t, ..IOlt; 04/q) ::;:; ;':LI;" , , (9 ('. ,or 1:- ,..,-:;, - ,o()~' /- 0\' (5) cy. .:'.0/ "'-...~.~... ~~ ...,~ . Enclosures cc:All parties of record 0: \Abandonmetns \33- 218X\STB- N ot2 - Ltr. doc Mack H. Shumate. Jr. S.:nior General Attorney. Law Department L"NION PACIFIC RAILROAD IOI~. Wa,kerDr..Rm.1920.Chi,ago.IL60606-1718ph.1312) 777-2055 fx. (312) 777-2065 November 24, 2004 VIA U.S. OVERNIGHT DELIVERY RE: ~I\I" " ....~.;;-, . \."~ I Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.218X), Union Pacific Railroad Comp ~~y':(~ Abandonment Exemption -In Kootenai County, Idaho from ~$O-1.f~ P. 2.25 to M.P. 7.50 (Coeur d Alene Industrial Lead) '/) J:P~ """" ~" """",; ,:' . j. , t.J-- . .. . 6' , ' :/ ." q Mr. Vernon Williams, Secretary Surface Transportation Board Section of Environmental Analysis 1925 ilK" St., N.W., Room 504 Washington , DC 20423-0001 Dear Mr. Williams: Pursuant to the Board's exemption procedures for abandonment of rail lines with no local business for at least two years, (49 C.R. 1152.50), enclosed are an original and ten (10) copies of a verified Notice of Exemption, including a Certificate of Service and Publication. Please file the Notice of Exemption in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X). Enclosed is a check for $3,000.00 for the filing fee. Three (3) computer disks, in Word format, are included for the Board's use. Fll.,l!: ~ V II I; ..t. ,. , . ";,l.,' ~"':SP .. ~.,/ 1./;Enclosures L-~,.t. : ''/~ . ", '.\ . :, iQ All parties of record l (fj -6 ,0(, ~~~-'). \;: ~ 0 , ''")':..~ ~'-;.' q,,:. 1-~ t. (5)0:. ~(' cc: O:\Abandonmetns\33-218X\STB-Pet-Ltr.doc Mack H. Shumate, Jr. Senior Glneral Attornc\', Law Department UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD WI ~. \\'a,ker Dr" Rm. 1920, Chi,ago. IL 60606-1718 ph.1312) 777-2055 fx, (312) 777-2065 Dated: Filed: Before the SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X) UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY -- ABANDONMENT EXEMPTION -- IN KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO (COEUR'D ALENE INDUSTRIAL LEAD) NOTICE OF EXEMPTION UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Mack H. Shumate, Jr., Senior General Attorney 101 North Wacker Drive, Room 1920 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 777-2055 (312) 777-2065 FAX November 24 , 2004 November 29,2004 Before the SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X) UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY -- ABANDONMENT EXEMPTION -- IN KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO (COEUR'D ALENE INDUSTBIAL LEAD) NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Union Pacific Railroad Company ("UP") submits this verified Notice of Exemption pursuant to 49 ~ C.R. 1152, Subpart F -- Exempt Abandonments and Discontinuances of Service and Trackage Rights, for an exempt abandonment of the Coeur d Alene Industrial Lead from milepost 2.25 near Feeley Spur to milepost 7. near Gibbs, a distance of 5.25 miles in Kootenai County, Idaho, (the "Line Pro osed Consummation Date: 49 C.R. 1152.50 d 2 The abandonment is proposed to be consummated on or after January 18, 2005 (at least 50 days after filing the Notice of Exemption). Certification: 49 C.R. 1152.50 b UP certifies that no local traffic has moved over the Line for at least two years; and that no formal complaint filed by a user of rail service on the Line (or filed by a state or local governmental entity acting on behalf of such user) regarding cessation of service over the Line either is pending with this Board or any U.S. District Court or has been decided in favor of the complainant within the two-year period. The subject Line has not been used for freight traffic for at least two years. All overhead traffic O:\ABANDONMENTS\33-218X\NOE.doc which could travel over the Line has been shifted to an adjacent BNSF line. After abandonment, Coeur d Alene will continue to receive rail service from both UP and BNSF. Additional Information Re uired: 49 C.R. 1152.22 a 1 (a)General. (a)(1) The railroads' exact name is Union Pacific Railroad Company. (a)(2) UP is a common carrier by railroad subject to 49 U.C. Subtitle IV Chapter 105. (a)(3) UP intends to abandon the Line from milepost 2.25 near Feeley to milepost 7.50 near Gibbs, a distance of 5.25 miles. The Line is located in Kootenai County, Idaho. (a)(4) A map showing the location of the Line in conjunction with other rail lines highways and major roads in the area is attached hereto as Exhibit A and hereby made a part hereof. (a)(7) The representative to whom correspondence regarding this abandonment should be sent is: Mack H. Shumate, Jr., Senior General Attorney Union Pacific Railroad Company 101 North Wacker Drive, Room 1920 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 777-2055 (312) 777-2065 FAX (a)(8) ZIP Code The Line traverses U. S. Postal Service Zip Codes 83840. (e)(4) Rural and Community Impact.The Line was constructed by the Coeur d Alene and Pend Oreille Railway Company in 1911. The Line consists of 72- pound jointed rail. There appears to be no reasonable alternative to the abandonment. O:\ABANDONMENTS\33-218X\NOE.doc No local traffic has moved over the Line in the past two years, and all overhead traffic on the Line has been shifted to an adjacent BNSF line. After abandonment, Coeur Alene will continue to receive rail service from both BNSF and UP. A portion of the Line to be abandoned might be reclassified for use as an industrial track. Coeur d Alene is served by Interstate 90, a major east-west route, and U.S. 95, a major north-south route. Based on information in the Applicant's possession , the Line proposed for abandonment does not contain federally granted right-of-way. The title to the property in the proposed abandonment is primarily fee. There will be no effect on regional or local transportation systems and patterns and no diversion of traffic to other transportation systems or modes. Except for the minimal overhead traffic which has been shifted to an adjacent BNSF line. Any documentation so related to the Line, including real estate documentation relating to the Line in UP's possession, will be made available to those requesting it. Labor Protection The interests of railroad employees will be protected by the conditions discussed in Oreaon Short Line Railroad Co. -- Alli!!:!Qonmen~ -- Goshen , 360 ICC 91 (1979). O:\ABANDONMENTS\33-218X\NOE.doc Certifications Attached hereto as Exhibit B and hereby made a part hereof is a Certificate of SelVice and Publication pursuant to the notice requirements of 49 C. 991152.50(d)(1), 1105.11 and 1105.12. Environmental and Historic Report A copy of the Transmittal Letter of UP's Combined Environmental and Historic report containing the information required by 49 C.R. 99 1105.7 (e) and 1105., and delivered in accordance with 49 C.R. 1105., is attached hereto as Exhibit C and hereby made a part hereof. The original and ten (10) copies were sent to Ms. Victoria Rutson, Section of Environmental Analysis (SEA), on October 11 , 2004. This letter indicates that the proposed abandonment does not involve historic properties. Dated this 24th day of November, 2004. Respectfully submitted UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Ma H. Shu ate, Jr. Sen or General Attorney 101 North Wacker Drive, Room 1920 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 777-2055 (312) 777-2065 FAX O:\ABANDONMENTS\33-218X\NOE.doc VERIFICATION STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ss: COUNTY OF DOUGLAS , RAYMOND E. ALLAMONG, JR., Senior Manager Rail Line Planning of Union Pacific Railroad Company, declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, that I have read the foregoing document and that its assertions are true and correct to the best of my knowledge , information and belief. I further declare that I am qualified and authorized to submit this verification on behalf of Union Pacific Railroad Company. I know that willful misstatements or omissions of material facts constitute Federal criminal violations punishable under 18 U.C. 1001 by imprisonment up to five years and fines up to $10,000 for each offense. Additionally, I know that these misstatements are punishable as perjury under 18 U.C. 1621 , which provides for fines up to $2 000 or imprisonment up to five years for each offense. Dated at Omaha , Nebraska, this 9th day of November, 2004. ~r: d/-, mond E. Allamong, J SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 9th day of ovember, ~OO,. /d. CUw~~~~ Nota ublic My Commission expires: fuluA...( s: w" Y GENERAl. NOTARY . SIaI8 of NIIbrasIat MARY R. HOLEWINSIOCcnn. 0cl15 2008 O:\ABANDONMENTS\33-178X\VerRA.wpd EXHIBIT ; , j1~~ .ii(, :::;i ~t~~'::;"" D!W~" t:' -"!f~ .-, ..,..:- /"--"/ .~(~/ (/,'::~( ~.J ! / \1:- ;;;:;,:~::;:;. . -'-;'---- i"JF-- - ,,--~ h 1 /'/"'-' ~:::--...' , / i / -:;:.::--::;::;;:... .....---....., /~;;/-- ./. .:,,--,-,. ,..- , i / ,n -.. //,ir-- - -:---/ ~ _h - , " i i ( ,, -r-t.'P:.c0'O -:;/ ~f!/j)i:;:/ /~;;~~.,- .,.._-- - ..7:::';:'1""' ;:;:;.:;:;";/ ; bEG.!N-- lABANDONMENTj M.P, 2,2~I, ~-h ~--;~--, ' i l j. -' \.--: ,.,..... -. /' - 1 -.! r-- L- . ,__~.._...--j ~ 'i' , (..,, -'- ': \ :C" ENDjABtj\"NBONMENT .. '~, fD" 1.5, , I . . 'r'l ' :,~~,- O ""' ii'KOOTEN/'\/f;OU NTY - ---- , :1.. , . ' L :~',- .;/ d.'P-/ . ",-. ... :" :0" :~~: :=J" ' . .~~;~ -- '-;:;::/' .. "-7~ -:;;';/ ,/ "-., -"-', . :r ' --- i - -------;:'-::=::;~, ~' ' NOTC r'.'Hf AAI' NO srRU(",lIlRl S .50 A TorA! (~ ;;~S "'l~:; IN "vorENA! C,)IINI'(. IDAIIO ,------ UPRR LINES TO BE ABANDONED OTHER UPRR LINES OTHER RAILROADS PRINCIPAL HIGHWAYS OTHER ROADS YEAR OLD COEUR 0' ALENE INDUSTRIAL LEAD UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. COEUR Df ALENE INDUSTRIAL LEAD FEELEY SPUR TO GIBBS, IDAHO INCLUDING 50 + YEAR OLD STRUCTURES -+-+-t -+-t----i =-=------=--= 50+STRUCTURES -----_ .....!.!!.:...0..2:\(1?~yor,':n!s" '~' ~'E;!~~1~1a1nJfJ SCALE ~_'_n_--'L- --_..MILESL- -, - --.--.. ,_n,_- - - --..., -,- UJ.,!L 09'Ma(-04 08:5/ ---- - -- -.- ----------_._,---------,.-- .--'..-----......., ...----....-----,---,-.-.---..- --- A-1?~ 3 3 SUB 2 1~2C ) ----,--- ----- Exhibit B AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X) DOCKET NO. AB-33 (SUB-NO. 218X) Coeur d' Alene Industrial Lead in Kootenai County, ID CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE AND PUBLICATION 49 C. The undersigned certifies that on November 5, 2004 (at least 10 days before a Notice of Exemption is filed), written notice was given of Union Pacific s intent to use the exemption notice procedure to abandon the Coeur d' Alene Industrial Lead in Kootenai County, Idaho in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X). Inadvertently, the 10-day Notice of Exemption was served on all of the agencies listed on the Service List for the Combined Environmental and Historic Report which included: Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 472 West Washington St. Boise, I D 83706 National Park Service William D. Shaddox Chief, Land Resources Division 1849 "C" St., N., #MS3540 Washington, DC 20240 Mack H. Shumate. Jr. 5enior Ccneral Attorney, Law Departm.:nt 0: \33-21SX\33SUB21S, cOP, DOC tf"ION PACIFIC RAILROADrtn ~.\\'a,kerDr,.Rm,l920,Chkago.IL60606-1718ph, (312) 777-2055 fx, (312) 777-2065 Regretfully, the following two required agencies were not included on the Service List: S. Department of Agriculture Chief of the Forest Service 4th FIr. N.W., Auditors Bldg. 14th St. & Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20250 Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Engr. Agency Railroads for National Defense 720 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Su.130 Newport News, VA 23606-2574 These two agencies, the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Chief of the Forest Service and the Military Traffic Management Command, Transportation Engr. Agency were contacted by telephone and fax, accepted late notice and confirmed that the proposed filing was acceptable to their respective agencies. Copies of the original 10-day Notice and faxed notices to the U. S. Department of Agriculture and Military Traffic Management Command are attached hereto as Attachments 1 2 and 3, respectively. 49 C.R. 1105.11- The undersigned certifies that on October 12, 2004 (at least 20 days before a Notice of Exemption is filed), a Combined Environmental and Historic Report pursuant to 49 C.R. 99 1105.7 and 1105.8 was served in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X) for abandonment of the Coeur d' Alene Industrial Lead in Kootenai County, Idaho on the following: (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12) State Clearinghouse (or alternate) State Environmental Protection Agency State Coastal Zone Management Agency Head of each County S. Environmental Protection Agency (regional office)S. Fish and Wildlife Service S. Army Corps of Engineers National Park Service S. Natural Resources Conservation Service The National Geodetic Survey State Historic Preservation Office Other Agencies Consulted (as listed) (The Certificate of Service attached to the Combined Environmental and Historic Report lists the names and addresses of the federal , state and local agencies served; see, Attachment 4. 0: \33-21BX\33SUB21B, cOP, DOC 49 C.1105.12 - News a er Notice The undersigned further certifies that a "Notice of Intent to Abandon was published in the form prescribed by the Board for a Notice of Exemption. The notice was published one time in a major newspaper in the county in which the Line is located as follows: County Newspaper Date Kootenai Coeur d' Alene Daily Press November 15, 2004 Dated this 24th day of November, 2004. 0: \33-218X\33SUB218, cOP. DOC ATTACH!\1ENT 1 (li tlPy November 5, 2004 State Clearinahouse (or alternate) Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 472 West Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 State Environmental Protection Aqency Idaho Division of Environmental Quality 1410 N. Hilton Boise, ID 83706 State Coastal Zone Manaqement Aqency (if applicable) None Head of each County Kootenai County Supervisors County Courthouse 451 Government Way Coeur 0' Alene, 1083814-2988 Environmental Protection Aqency (Reqional Office S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 S. Army Corps of Enqineers S. Army Engineer District Walla Walla 201 North Third Avenue Walla Walla, WA 99362-1876 S. Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist Natural Resources Conservation Service 9173 W. Barnes Dr., Ste. C Boise, ID 83709-1573 National Geodetic Survey National Geodetic Survey Frank Maida - Spatial Reference System Division NOAA N/NGS23 1315 E-W Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 State Historic Preservation Office State Historic Preservation Office Idaho Historical Society 1109 Main St, Ste. 250 Boise, ID 83702 S. Fish and Wildlife S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1 911 NE 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97232-4181 National Park Service National Park Service William D. Shaddox, Chief 1849 "C" St, N.W., #MS3540 Washington, D.C. 20240 Mack H. Shumate, Jr. S~nior General Attorney. La\\' Department UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 101 N, Wacker Dr" Rm, 1920, Chicago.lL 60606-1718 ph. \312) 777-2055 fx. (312) 777-2065 RE:Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.218X), Union Pacific Railroad Company Abandonment Exemption - In Kootenai County, Idaho from M.P. 2.25 to P. 7.50 (Coeur d Alene Industrial Lead) Dear Sirs: This is notice that Union Pacific Railroad Company intends to abandon the Coeur D' Alene Industrial Lead from Milepost 2.25 near the Feeley Spur to Milepost 50 near Gibbs, a distance of 5.25 miles in Kootenasi County, Idaho, (the "Line ). The Line traverses U.S. Postal Service Zip Code 83840. The proceeding will be docketed as No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X). The Uno businessu exemption procedure will be used to abandon the Line, pursuant to the abandonment regulations of the Surface Transportation Board at 49 R. Section 1152.50. No local traffic has moved over the Line in at least two years and there is no overhead traffic on the rail Line. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the Surface Transportation Board on or after November 15, 2004. Based on information in our possession, the Line does contain federally granted rights-of-way. Any documentation in the Railroad's possession will be made available promptly to those requesting it. A map showing the Line to be abandoned is attached, for your information. Enclosures -14 A TT ACHMENT 1 T:':: 'TATIJ::, PEF'OPT '; OF t~CJ' 24 2004 10 :34 PAGE. D1 UPRP DATE T Ir'IE TO "FPCU'l 11,'24 1121: 33 757 S'?9 1560 10DE r'l I rV'SEC PCiSEC--S 1211' 1S" 0l)4 0'10" '3TATU'3183 Of":: ---- --- --- --- ------------- - -- - -- -- - - --- ---- - --------- ------------ ------ - --- ----- -- --- --- ---- UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION 111UUJJJ Law Department Chicago 101 N. Wacker Dr. Room 1920 Chicago. IL 60606 Deliver to:David Dorfman Fax:757/599-1560 From:Mack H. Shumate, Jr, Date:November 24, 2004 Co:Railroads for National Defense Tele:3121777-2055 Fax:312/777-2065 No. of Pages Transmitted - 4 -Including Cover RE:Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.218X), Union Pacific Railroad Company -~ Abandonment Exemption - In Kootenai County, Idaho from Milepost 2.25 to Milepost 7.50 (Coeur d Alene Industrial lead) Comments:Attached is a copy of the Ten-Day letter and map with regard to the captioned abandonment. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused your department in not receiving a copy of UP's notice previously sent. This abandonment almost exclusively is in the town of Coeur'd Alene and near outskirts and is not in or near a national forest. Based on our telephone conversations, it appears that your department will not have any objection with the UP going forward with the exempt abandonment at this time. If this is not the case I please call me at: 3121777-2055. Thank you. Transmitting From Fax No. 312/777-2005 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES CALL US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 312/777 -2043 This facsimile message may be a privileged and confidential communication and is intended for the use of the person to whom it was s~nt If you have tec~iv~ this message in. error. please notify us immediately at 312/777-2043. This message shouldnot be dIssemInated or copIed If you afe not the Intended recipient, but should be returned to the above address by mwl destroyed. THANK YOU. A TT A C HMEN f' November 5, 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 National Park Service William D. Shaddox Chief, Land Resources Division 1849 uC" St., N.W. #MS3540 Washington , D.C. 20240 U. S. Department of Agriculture Chief of Forest Serviceth FIr., N., Auditors Bldg. 1400 Independence Ave., S. Washington, D.C. 20250 Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Engr. Agency Railroads for National Defense 720 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 130 Newport News, VA 23606-2574 RE:Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.218X), Union Pacific Railroad Company Abandonment Exemption -In Kootenai County, Idaho from M.P. 2.25 to P. 7.50 (Coeur d Alene Industrial Lead) Dear Sirs: This is notice that Union Pacific Railroad Company intends to abandon the Coeur 0' Alene Industrial Lead from Milepost 2.25 near the Feeley Spur to Milepost 50 near Gibbs, a distance of 5.25 miles in Kootenai County, Idaho, (the "Line ). The Line traverses U.S. Postal Service Zip Code 83840. The proceeding will be docketed as No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X). The "no business" exemption procedure will be used to abandon the Line pursuant to the abandonment regulations of the Surface Transportation Board at 49 R. Section 1152.50. No local traffic has moved over the Line in at least two years and there is no overhead traffic on the rail Line. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the Surface Transportation Board on or after November 15, 2004. Mack H. Shumate, Jr. Senior General Atlorner, Law Department UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 101 N.WackerDr..Rm,1920,Chicago,IL60606,1718ph, 012) 777-2055 fx, (312) 777-2065 Based on information in our possession , the Line does contain federally granted rights-of-way. Any documentation in the Railroad's possession will be made available promptly to those requesting it. A map showing the Line to be abandoned is attached, for your information. Enclosures k "' ; ) ,;/ "~~----- ,- L.~9:,r~: ' -- ,: :' f:; / ,: -. ;~ i~~~. 'f.:-D ""',.. .-:-;' \ " I - ;J' ~, \- "---- ICrl--4 :-- Coo) ' , , I '( ~~f= ~' - -\ -\. ;--- --'---' .- l:, " "---;' ,- - - - ~-Z , )" ."""-"~ KOOT~~~I g(Ju.NTY /"o .. '.. --- ,-----""" i - "':-. -~:....~~_ i--," - .-, Nore THE~E ARE NO STAlJCnJRfS + 50 -+---j UPRR LINES TO BE ABANDONED OTHER UPRR LINES OTHER RAILROADS pnlNCIPAL HIGHWAYS OTHER ROADS 50 + YEAR OLD i --"----"'-,..-----.., A TT ACHMENT - -;--~--~""-: -.. .,-,--",----, . TOUl OF ~2S MilESIN KOOTENAI COU"I1Y, IOAHO COEUR 0' ALENE INDUSTRIAL LEAD UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. COEUR 0' ALENE INDUSTRIAL LEAD FEELEY SPUR TO GIBBS, IDAHO INCLUDING 50 + YEAR OLD STRUCTURES SCALE ---- MILES ___.., ---------- STRUCTURES FILE: q:\aDondonm nl s\o;':QJ4Qat;ujr1iHJphB.qgn -------'...._-, ..--. DAlE: 09-Mar-O4 08:51 AB-33(SUB No.21 ax) ATTACHMENT 3 *,.. r/ :::;THTUS PEF'ORT *~~6 OF HOU 24 2004 10: 3E, PRGE. 01 lIPRF~ l1iJDE f1lH/SEC PGS Cl1D~ SIRIUSDRTE T I 1'1E TIYFROn 184 Of('" 11'2~ 10: 3':, ~'J2 205 1604 EC-,,; 01' 13" 12:\84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------- UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION pa.,~lUID Law Department Chicago 101 N. Wacker Dr. Room 1920 Chicago, IL 60606 Deliver to:Cynthia Swanson Fax:202/205~ 1604 From:Mack H. Shumate, Jr. Date:November 24, 2004 Co:S. Dept. of Agriculture Tele:312/777.2055 Fax:312/777-2065 No. of Pages Transmitted - 4 . Including Cover RE:Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.218X), Union Pacific Railroad Company -- Abandonment Exemption - In Koot~nai County, Idaho from Milepost 2.25 to Milepost 7~50 (Coeur d Alene Industrial Lead) Comments:Attached is a copy of the Ten-Day letter and map with regard to the captioned abandonment. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused your department in not receiving a copy of UP's notice previously sent. This abandonment almost exclusively is in the town of Coeur'd Alene and near outskirts and is not in or near a national forest. Based on our telephone conversations, it appears that your department will not have any objection with the UP going forward with the exempt abandonment at this time. If this is not the case, please call me at: 312/777-2055. Thank you. Transmitting From Fax No. 312/777-2065 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES CALL US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 312/777 -2043 Thi$ facsimile message may be a privileged and confidential communication and is intended for the use of the person to whom it was sent If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately at 3121777-2043. This message shouldnot be disseminated or copied if you are not the intended recipienl, but should be returned to the above address by mail or destroyed. THANK YOU. A TT ACHMENT November 5, 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 National Park Service William D. Shaddox Chief, Land Resources Division 1849 "C" St., N.W. #MS3540 Washington, D.C. 20240 U. S. Department of Agriculture Chief of Forest Serviceth FIr., N.W., Auditors Bldg. 1400 Independence Ave., S. Washington, D.C. 20250 . Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Engr. Agency Railroads for National Defense 720 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 130 Newport News, VA 23606-2574 RE:Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.218X), Union Pacific Railroad Company Abandonment Exemption - In Kootenai County, Idaho from M.P. 2.25 to P. 7.50 (Coeur d Alene Industrial Lead) Dear Sirs: This is notice that Union Pacific Railroad Company intends to abandon the Coeur D' Alene Industrial Lead from Milepost 2.25 near the Feeley Spur to Milepost 50 near Gibbs, a distance of 5.25 miles in Kootenai County, Idaho, (the "Line ). The Line traverses U.S. Postal Service Zip Code 83840. The proceeding will be docketed as No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X). The "no business" exemption procedure will be used to abandon the Line pursuant to the abandonment regulations of the Surface Transportation Board at 49 R. Section 1152.50. No local traffic has moved over the Line in at least two years and there is no overhead traffic on the rail Line. A Notice of Exemption will be filed withthe Surface Transportation Board on or after November 15, 2004. I\lack H. Shumate. Jr. Senior General Attorney, La'.' Department UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 101 N. Wacker Dr., Rm, 1920, Chi(ago,IL 60606,1718ph, Dll) 777-2055 fx, (312) 777-2065 Based on information in our possession, the Line does contain federally granted rights-of-way. Any documentation in the Railroad's possession will be made available promptly to those requesting it. A map showing the Line to be abandoned is attached, for your information. Enclosures ATTACHMENT COo) -,;r:;, :'-/~/ -;::::--' t IjEGIN ----'' ABANDONMENTI MP, 2,25), ~- ~~~~-/----- ' L~ ~, ' , ~l..... "" ' '' '...' , cP~:;::f/ ' 0~~;:::" "'- ;~~/~~~~;""-...;::."'.,.....:.:;-,' '-:' -~.- ~~~! ~7rL ~-- .' r ;. i ~~~~QRt)~" '?' -"'.~- -- U. , , " :/(r ~;- " ' -,, 'E; ')~ ;"'v- ' ' On , '\ '4' "i ~; ...!", : ~ ' - -;1, \ '/,-" i '---JA.r'-' I~\, 7--' i Vr: ti H /I ;:;:;::-::-:?/ ,..../---- .-,..-:::..- ! i / ", , , i-.., " -'-,. 0 ' r-- --j --- n - ;, -" '- , KOOTENAiC6UNTY "~P~ ", / "~,-~:~,~:~~,,/=, ~c, " :.-,. j-r;.v i " ~-' :-- t;;;f - -,--'----::-...~;;.- - J' "" ;--- , NOlL THERE AAI WO 5TnllCnIAfS ,,~..mtAl.Of5?5 MILE'; IN KOOTENAI COuNT'. I()..\IIO 50 + STRUCTURES FILE: Q:\obandonmenls\o:'JOJ 40LritJJ.;jrJB1Jphd.cjgn -.-----, L-----. .-.,----,.,.----.. .----. ._ UPRR LINES TO BE ABANDONED OTHER UPRR LINES OTHER RAILROADS PRINCIPAL HIGHWAYS OTHER ROADS YEAR OLD COEUR D' ALENE INDUSTRIAL LEAD UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. COEUR D' ALENE INDUSTRIAL LEAD FEELEY SPUR TO GIBBS , IDAHO INCLUDING 50 + YEAR OLD STRUCTURES !=- ! -+---+--+-t---+--i =-=-= SCALE MILESi ----- ---------.._- DAlE: 09-Mar-04 08:5/on- -- --.----- --- ----------..-_----- AB-33(SUB No.2 18 ~l._. ... _-----------,. ATTACHMENT 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE OF TH E COMBINED ENVIRONMENTAL AND HISTORIC REPORT The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Combined Environmental and Historic Report in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X), the Coeur dO Alene Industrial Lead in Kootenai County, Idaho was served by first class mail on the 11 th day of October, 2004 on the following: State ClearinQhouse (or alternate) Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 472 West Washington St. Boise, 10 83702 S. Armv Corps of Enaineers S. Army Engineer District Walla Walla 201 North Third Avenue Walla Walla, WA 99362-1876 State Environmental Protection Aqencv Idaho Division of Environmental Quality 1410 N. Hilton Boise, 10 83706 National Park Service National Park Service William O. Shaddox Chief, land Resources Division 1849 "C" St., N. W., #MS3540 Washington, DC 20240State Coastal Zone Manaqement AQencv (if applicable) None S. Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist Natural Resource Conservation Service 9173 W. Barnes Drive, Stet C Boise, 1083709-1573 Head of each County Kootenai County Supervisors County Courthouse 451 Government Way Coeur 0' Alene, 1083814-2988 National Geodetic Survey National Geodetic Survey Edward J. McKay, Chief Spatial Reference System Division NOAA N/NGS2 1315 E-W Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 Environmental Protection AQencv (Reaional Office) S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 State Historic Preservation Office State Historic Preservation Officer Idaho Historical Society 1109 Main St., Suite 250 Boise, 10 83702 S. Fish and Wildlife S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 911 NE 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97232-4181 Dated this 11 th day of October. 2004 . . Mack. H. Shumate , Jr. O:\ABANDON\33-217X\EHR.wpd EXHIBIT C fiLE COpy October 11 , 2004 VIA U.P .S. OVERNIGHT Surface Transportation Board Section of Environmental Analysis 1925 "K" St., N., Room 504 Washington, DC 20423-0001 Attention: Victoria Rutson RE:Docket No. AB-33(Sub-No.218X), Union Pacific Railroad Company Abandonment Exemption -In Kootenai County, I~aho from M.P. 2.25 to P. 7.50 (Coeur d Alene Industrial Lead) Dear Ms. Rutson: Enclosed for filing in the above-referenced docket is the original and ten (10) copies of a Combined Environmental and Historic Report prepared pursuant to 49 R. ~11 05.7 and ~11 05., with a Certificate of Service, and a transmittal letter pursuant to 49 C.F.R. 91105.11. Union Pacific anticipates filing a Petition for Exemption in this matter on or after November 1 , 2004. SinCer~IY, ~J! J/ fi..df/ Enclosu res O:\ABANDONMENTS\33-218X\STB-EHA.doc Mack H. Shumate. Jr. Scnior General Anorner. Law Department \;-:-iION PACIFIC RAILROAD 101 N, Wacker Dr.. Rm, 1920. Chi(ago, IL 60606-1718ph. (312) 777-2055 fx, (312) 777.2065 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE OF THE COMBINED ENVIRONMENTAL AND HISTORIC REPORT The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Combined Environmental and Historic Report in Docket No. AB-33 (Sub-No. 218X), the Coeur d' Alene Industrial Lead in Kootenai County, Idaho was served by first class mail on the 11 th day of October, 2004 on the following: State Clearinqhouse (or alternate) Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 472 West Washington St. Boise, 10 83702 S. Armv Corps of Enqineers S. Army Engineer District Walla Walla 201 North Third Avenue Walla Walla, WA 99362-1876 State Environmental Protection Aqencv Idaho Division of Environmental Quality 1410 N. Hilton Boise, 10 83706 National Park Service National Park Service William D. Shaddox Chief, land Resources Division 1849 "C" St., N. W., #MS3540 Washington, DC 20240State Coastal Zone ManaQement Aqencv (if applicable) None S. Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist Natural Resource Conservation Service 9173 W. Barnes Drive, Ste. C Boise, 10 83709-1573 Head of each County Kootenai County Supervisors County Courthouse 451 Government Way Coeur D' Alene, ID 83814-2988 National Geodetic Survey National Geodetic Survey Edward J. McKay, Chief Spatial Reference System Division NOAA N/NGS2 1315 E-W Highway Silver Spring, MO 20910-3282 Environmental Protection Aqencv CReqional Office) S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 State Historic Preservation Office State Historic Preservation Officer Idaho Historical Society 1109 Main St., Suite 250 Boise, 1083702 S. Fish and Wildlife S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 911 NE 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97232-4181 Dated this 11 1h day of October, 200 Mack. H. Shumate, Jr. O:\ABANOON\33-217X\EHRwpd