HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070523press release.htm ./052307_RRhearings_files/filelist.xml IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 9.35 pt 2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. PCR-R-06-01, Order No. 30313 Case No. BGR-R-07-01, Order No. 30316 May 23, 2007 Contact: Gene Fadness (208) 334-0339 Website: http://www.puc.idaho.gov/www.puc.idaho.gov     Commission conducting hearings on two railroad matters   The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will conduct two telephonic hearings on Tuesday, May 29 regarding two railroad issues.   Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad is petitioning to abandon 0.2 miles of rail line near downtown Moscow. A previous news release from the commission gave the incorrect toll-free number interested parties can call to offer testimony or listen to the proceedings. The correct number is 1-877-232-4392. Once connected, enter participant code 263892. The hearing begins at 10 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time.   The rail line and right-of-way proposed for abandonment generally runs between College Street/8th Street and the new bridge on U.S. Highway 95, in the southern part of downtown and to the east of the University of Idaho campus. The railroad asserts the rail line is impeding commercial development in the area. It further asserts that only one car was shipped on this segment of the line during 2006 and the shipper, Moscow Idaho Seed Company, has since closed. A parallel rail line will remain active.   The commission will conduct another telephonic hearing on the same day regarding a petition by the BG&CM Railroad of its annual regulatory fee assessed by the commission. The railroad operates portions of the previous Camas Prairie Railroad’s Grangeville branch line that runs from Cottonwood to Spalding.   That hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m., PDT. Those who want to testify or listen to the proceedings may call a toll-free number at 1-888-285-4585 and enter participant code 135601.   BG&CM stated it over-reported its gross intrastate operating revenue by inadvertently including operating revenues from another railroad. The assessment utilities and railroads must pay the commission is based on gross operating revenues. The railroad claims that by over-reporting its operating revenues its assessment was $5,087.76 and should be $1,892.52.   For those who can attend the hearings, they will be conducted in the commission’s hearing room at 472 W. Washington St., Boise.