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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200615Supplemental Notice.pdfFmrcHER e. StpPELuc Arromrsys ar Law 29North Wacker Drive Suite 800 Chicago, Illinois 60606-3208 RormrAWnmsn (3L2)252-1504 rwimbish@fl etcher-sippel. com iiI C E IVE$ ?tI0 iuii l5 EH 9: 25 i,-, : i uiLi0 i: 1 i-l 1 ::: 1'11;1r1tssls,t'l Phone: (312)252-1500 Fax: (312) 252-2400 www. fl etcher-sippel. com Jlune9,2020 Via USPS Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 837720 Boise, D 83720-0074 Re:STB DocketNo. AVl252(Sub--No. lX) E r tL- 2-J,o-o I Eastern Idaho Railroad, L.L.C. - Abandonment Exemption -fn Bonnewille Corrnfv- fdnho SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE Dear Sir/Iv{adam: On February 24,2020, Eastem ldaho Railroad, L.L.C. (*EIRR") filed with the Surface Transportation Board ("STB"), Washington, D.C., a notice of exemption under 49 C.F.R. Part 1152, Subpart F - Exempt Abandonments and Discontinuances of Service and Trackage Rights, to permit the abandonment of an approximately 0.76-mile segment of a railroad located in Idaho Falls, Bonneville County,Idaho, extending from milepost 184.14 (immediately southeast of the grade crossing with Yellowstone Highway), to milepost 184.90 (north of the grade crossing with W. Broadway Street) (the "Line"). The Line traverses United States Postal Service ZIP Code 83402. The proceeding has been docketed as STB Docket No. AB-1252 (Sub-No. 1X). A map depicting the Line is enclosed herewith. The exemption procedures set forth at $ 1152.50 have been invoked because no local traffic has moved over the Line for at least two years, and overhead traffic (if any) can be diverted to other routes. Based on information now in the railroad's possession, it appears that the land underlying the Line consists in large part, if not entirely, of federally-granted right-of- way.l Any documentation in the railroad's possession regarding federally-granted right-of-way will be made available promptly to those requesting it. EIRR is providing this supplemental notice in accordance with a decision served by the STB in this docket on June 5,2020, in which the STB noted the discrepancy between EIRR's I In a notice previously provided to you, EIRR had stated that it did not believe that the under$ing land consisted of federally-granted right-of-way. Subsequent EIRR investigation, and input from the City of Idaho Falls has led EIRR to determine (based upon information EIRR has examined) that the Line appears to contain a considerable amount of federally-granted land. Idaho Public Utilities Commission June9,2020 Page2 original statements regarding no federally-granted rights-of-way, and a subsequent filing in which EIRR advised the STB that it appeared that the Line's righrof-way (orparts of it) had been granted to EIRR's original predecessor by the federal government. To correct that discrepancy, the STB has directed EIRR to supply you with a revised notice of abandonment, clariffing our understanding that the Line contains federally-granted rights-of-way. Contingent upon compliance with the STB's direction, and subject to EIRR's certification to the STB of its compliance with the sarne, EIRR's abandonment authoization was permitted to take effect, provisionally, as ofJune 5,2020. If you have any questions about the abandonment notice of exemption that EIRR has filed, the STB's decision of June 5,2020, or EIRR's compliance with the order set forth in that decision, please review the applicable regulations or contact me at 312-252-1504 or the Surface Transportation Board, 395 E Street SW Washington, DC 20423-0001; TEL: (202)245-0230. Sincerely, R. A. lllfud>i,*lv Robert A. Wimbish Attomey for Eastem Idaho Railroad, L.L.C. Enclosure ? pre^rlno8 s J !eaL{ ,'o ar! hr, o5cl€l-| *-,tr,{oU -9-.Fl (l)EEFmo l? Z C) t-..t-1 I'51 r-{ tr9u€flEEotE irFrclX FhCH10Et-rt ILJ rt l.{zx E6 E€tsE 6ni t aG ef€J J.s-t.f 6' .6'o q{tarn re' Ao^.gnog 5 u B on' "rr\ t"t.+ aE ar' .fo'*r, 4 ao* c..'v on, + 4t g,rn s onb %^, ,t b'oa B ry doovs "g$9lot ctt ar'.ps "n, "nt J 4' 4+IaLca =.P sra^, "ny .;'$ o'' IAilt oE.ot Ls {"riql u i)^ lrildJ jtt/:6-d-- s( o f +ao JoI D a< $ F{ $oo F{ A oq sfQ Fl Fr "ny Houlron c'l