HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200121Abandonment Exemption Letter.pdfFrercurn o Srppr LLC RECEIVED 1020 JAN 2l Al{ 9: 55 Phoncr (l l2) Z5Z-1500 Fax: (312) 252-2400 wwwflctchcr.sippel.comON IU ISS January 15, 2020 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 837720 Boise, ID 83720-007 4 hP--k- *o-ot STB Docket No. AB-1252 (Sub-No.2X) Eastern Idaho Railroad, L.L.C. - Abandonment Exemption -In Bonneville Countv.Idaho Dear Sir/Madam: On or about January 28, 2020, Eastenl ldaho Railroad, L.L.C. ("EIRR) intends to file rvitlr dre Surface Transportation Board, Washington, DC (the "tloard"), a notice of exemption under 49 C.F.R. Part I 152, Subpart F - Exentpt Abondonnrcnts and Disconlinuunces of Service and Tracknge Rights to permit the abandonment of an approximately 0.64-mile segrnerrt of a railroad knorvn generally as the "Old Butte Main Line" located in ldaho Falls, Bonneville County, ldaho. from milepost 184.26 (near Yellorvstone Highway at the junction with Union Pacific Railroad Company), to nrilepost 184.90 (no(h of the grade crossing with W. Broadway Street) (the "Line"). The Line traverses United States Postal Service ZIP Code 83402. The proceeding will be docketed as STB Docket No. AB-1252 (Sub-No. 2X). A map depicting the Line is enclosed herewifi. The exemption procedures set forth at $ I152.50 will be invoked in this case because no local trafTic has moved over the Line for at least two years, and overhead traffic (if any) can be diverted to other routes. Based on information in our possession, the Line does not contain federally-granted rights-of-way. Any documentation in the railroad's possession regarding federrlly-granted right-of-way will be made available p,-oinFtly t,i those rcquesting it. Sincerely, R4. Robert A.Wimbish Attorney for Eastern [daho Railroad. L.L.C. Enclosure ArronNrvs AT LAw 29 North Wacker Drive Suite 800 Chicago, Illinois 60606-1208 RORERT A. WrMBrsH (112) r52-r 504 rwimbish(r ilercher-sippel.conr Re: Ifyou have any questions about the abrndonment nolice of exemption that EIRR plans soon to file, please review tlre applicable regulations or contact me at 312-252-1504 or the Surface Transpoftation Board, 395 E Street SW Washington, DC 20423-0001; TEL:. (202) 245-0230. IJn it APPENDIX A tro.(d€ sdtoU 0) RENE.o2,2f3Ta) av ^oNqEIraQONgE-= t)tidx,- F4 trl?et. 'll ()o ,:! tr AA CE E€.\daEo=ct6'$t ll, (:l \\ I i' a.rI t0 s-\ 4- \ l i a tiJ ?.t lt \ ait .SPO I J II c) )..1 lr I 1 o ... ii.zl\ ,. $Ll,/.. 7 Ii.t,ru I I 16\.ILI .)( I d)Ng et- ( ) \),llllL) \oc.l\i@ ,o & I H H v af, I' -..) o t'I l: I 1JS8o-F -t') tir i J; I